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杨梨  王曦影 《中国学校卫生》2018,39(11):1756-1760
家庭性教育对青少年的性行为和性态度有着重要影响.有效的家庭性教育能推迟青少年发生性行为和减少青少年的不安全性行为,甚至可以对同伴压力导致的性行为起到调节作用,还能够预防未成年怀孕[1-3].中国父母很少开展家庭性教育,即便开展了性教育,涉及的内容也比较狭窄[4-7].中国急需相关研究明确阻碍家庭性教育开展的因素,但目前国内性教育研究还处于起步阶段,主要关注影响家庭性教育频率的因素[8-10],缺乏对家庭性教育内容与方式的影响因素研究.  相似文献   

中学生家长对家庭性教育的看法及影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 考察中学生家长对家庭性教育的态度与看法及其影响因素以及家庭性教育开展状况,为改善家庭性教育提供依据。方法 采用横断面调查的方法于2003年9月~2003年11月对上海市区2所高中和4所初中全部一年级学生的家长1312名进行了匿名自填式问卷调查。结果 大部分家长对自身所担负的性教育责任认识不足。虽然81%的家长认为有必要开展家庭性教育。但只有约60%的家长进行过积极的尝试,且内容集中于青春期发育或异性交往。家长们表示教育过程中最缺乏的是与孩子沟通的技巧(73%)和青春期生理/心理知识(41%)。结论 应进一步加强对家长的教育和指导,提高其教育责任意识和教育能力。  相似文献   

青少年时期是生理、心理发育的关键阶段,也是人生观定型重要的时期,然而许多研究表明,中学生的生殖健康行为状况不容乐观,关注中学生的心理健康和生殖健康问题刻不容缓。许多重视青少年性教育的学者和教师都认为性教育除了青少年本人,还需要老师和家长的共同配合。与学校教育相比,  相似文献   

目的 了解芜湖市学龄前儿童家庭性教育状况及其影响因素,为儿童家庭性教育提供科学依据.方法 于2020年7-8月,采用随机整群抽样的方法在芜湖市5所幼儿园共抽取481名儿童的父母进行问卷调查,分析儿童的家庭性教育状况及其影响因素.结果 对儿童进行过家庭性教育的父母有285(59.25%)人,未进行过家庭性教育的有196(...  相似文献   

性教育,根据其主体和客体的不同可分为社会性教育、学校性教育和家庭性教育。社会性教育是指社区、非政府组织、媒体、网络等对大众的性教育;学校性教育是指学校内老师对学生的性教育;家庭性教育是指家庭内父母对子女的性教育。在中国,性教育水平相对于社会经济的发展来说是不相适应的,而家庭性教育尤其如此。  相似文献   

深圳市家庭青春期性教育的现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹金花 《中国校医》2007,21(4):486-487
目的了解中学生家长对青春期性教育的态度现状,为科学开展家庭性教育提供科学依据。方法选择深圳市4所中学的330名家长,对青春期性教育的态度进行问卷调查。结果大部分家长意识到青春期性教育的必要性,家庭性教育严重不足,家长与中学生在性教育内容需求上存在明显差异。结论家庭应与学校合作进行性教育,开设家长学校,提高家庭性教育水平,家长应将性教育当成是一种爱的教育。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市流动青少年的性与生殖健康的知、信、行状况及其家庭支持状况,为制定流动青少年的性与生殖健康教育策略提供依据。方法采用问卷调查,对400名青少年及其父母进行知、信、行及家庭支持状况进行调查。其中,有效的青少年问卷396份,有效的家长问卷398份。同时进行10例个案访谈以了解深入情况。结果流动青少年对性与生殖健康知识的平均得分为57分,青少年父母的平均得分为70分,1/3的父母得分在60分以下,青少年和父母的知识题得分显著相关(r=0.472,P0.01)。近一半的青少年认为早恋行为"很正常"或"无所谓",46.5%的调查对象认为同龄人中"大多数"或"大约一半"有早恋行为。青少年的生殖健康知识来源选择最多的是学校老师,有62.37%。流动青少年家庭经济收入较低、家庭居住环境较差、居住地经常变化,父母对流动青少年的生殖健康教育重视与认识不够,环境支持力度不足。结论上海市流动青少年生殖健康的知识、态度和行为存在明显的弱质性。为满足流动青少年的生殖健康需要,学校和社会要帮助家庭促进他们的健康成长。  相似文献   

目的:了解上海市核心家庭中父母与子女的性与生殖健康(SRH)相关问题交流状况,并探讨其对青少年SRH知识的影响。方法:采用多阶段整群抽样的方法,在上海市徐汇区两个街道57个居委会中抽取符合条件的536户核心家庭,并就核心家庭中的青少年与父母交流SRH相关问题的情况及其相关的知识等进行问卷调查。结果:回答父母曾主动与之谈及SRH问题的青少年占51.31%,女孩(67.97%)多于男孩(36.07%)(P<0.05);回答父亲与之主动交流SRH问题的比例(19.48%)低于母亲主动交流的比例(44.03%)(P<0.05)。主动向父母询问SRH问题的青少年占37.69%,其中主动向父亲询问者(11.19%)低于向母亲询问者(33.58%)(P<0.05)。青少年基本生殖健康知识答对率较低(平均42.30分)。应用多因素线性模型分析,在调整父母的基本人口学特征,如年龄、职业、学历及其收入后可见,子女年龄越大,其SRH相关的生殖健康知识得分越高;父母与子女谈论与交流过SRH问题,子女的生殖健康知识得分高于未交流者近15分(P<0.05)。结论:上海市区核心家庭中父母与青少年子女SRH相关问题的交流沟通能明显提高其生殖健康知识水平。但青少年的基本生殖健康知识仍缺乏,家长SRH知识以及与子女沟通交流技巧有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

The way families have used the media has substantially changed over the past decade. Within the framework of family systems theory, this paper examines the relations between family media use and family connection in a sample of 453 adolescents (mean age of child = 14.32 years, SD = 0.98, 52% female) and their parents. Results revealed that cell phone use and watching television or movies were the most common mediums used in families. Analyses also revealed that greater amounts of family cell phone use, coviewing of TV and movies, and coplaying of video games were associated with higher levels of family connection. Conversely, engagement over social networking sites was related to lower levels of family connection, at least from the adolescent's perspective. Implications for practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred ten Mexican American adolescents (12–17 years) who provide infant care for their older sisters were studied to determine the effects of family caregiving responsibilities on adolescents' adjustment. Controlling for prior adjustment and family context factors, providing many hours of caregiving predicted an increase in youths' school absences and disciplinary problems. Frequent conflict surrounding caregiving was associated with increased stress and depression and lower school grades. Older girls appear to select into caregiving and experience the most problematic outcomes. Strong family obligations were not protective against caregiving stress but, rather, further compromised youths' well‐being for those who were highly involved in their family'scare.  相似文献   

As a fundamental aspect of the human experience, sexuality is experienced at every stage in the life span. Sexual values, behaviors, and health are important components of individual and family well-being. Educating about such a fundamental aspect of life is both obvious and crucial. In this article, we consider the potential of sexuality education in the field and profession of family life education (FLE). We critique sexuality education in the United States and the marginal place of human sexuality in the FLE field. We then offer recommendations for incorporating life span, socioecological, family systems, and intersectionality perspectives into sexuality education, and recommendations for FLE and sexuality education research and practice. We argue that educating about sexuality in the context of FLE—and activating the profession of FLE for sexuality education—will strategically advance sexuality education, sexual health, and the field of FLE.  相似文献   

Medical sex education courses throughout the United States are quite variable in design, strategy, format, and goals. This article reviews the findings of the published studies, and examines the effect of medical sex education on both students' sexual attitudes toward self and others and students' attitudes toward women. This study used a simple pre- and postcourse measuring design with a matched sampling technique. Data derived from 41 matched subjects support the effectiveness of the medical sex education course in altering students' attitudes by increasing their tolerance of others' sexual behavior and fantasy, as well as influencing their own tolerance of their own sexual fantasies. Little to no effect on students' own sexual behavior was noted. The data replicate the attitudinal effects of a medical sex education course conducted with a markedly different regional population and a different course format. A most striking finding is that following a medical sex education course, students are noted to be less dogmatic in nonsexual opinion, as measured by the Rokeach Dogmatism Scale.This study was supported by NIMH Grant MN13825.  相似文献   

目的探索家长参与青少年控烟积极性的影响因素。方法设计自填式问卷对初中生及其家长进行横断面调查,Ordinal回归法筛选家长参与的影响因素。结果2617套有效问卷中,家长参与程度Ⅰ~Ⅴ级的构成比分别为1.9%、4.9%、13.4%和33.4%和46.4%,母亲的参与程度显著高于父亲(P<0.05)。筛选出10个有统计学意义的影响家长参与的变量,其中8个为促进因素(按OR值排序)较高的家长文化程度>尝试过戒烟>对“吸烟的形象与心理作用”的正确态度>“吸烟引起的呼吸系统疾病和癌症”的认知水平>对“禁烟相关的措施”的正确态度>学生为男性>对“吸烟与人际交往”的正确态度>对“吸烟对健康的危害”的正确态度;而2个阻碍因素为家长现在吸烟>家长年龄。结论文化程度低、年龄较大的、女生的以及现在吸烟的家长参与学生控烟的积极性较差,健康促进家庭可提高其参与积极性,从而预防和控制青少年吸烟。  相似文献   

目的了解四川省西昌市社区商业性女性性服务者(FSW)近1年艾滋病病毒(HIV)检测情况及其影响因素。方法对西昌市社区404名FSW进行一对一问卷调查,调查其社会人口学、高危行为特征,并进行HIV和梅毒抗体检测。结果调查对象HIV和梅毒感染率分别为1.5%(6/404)和12.1%(49/404)。有35.2%(142/404)的调查对象近1年参加过HIV检测。多因素logistic回归分析显示,从事性服务工作时间长(OR=3.0,95%CI为1.9~4.7)、与性消费者交易1次收费高(OR=2.1,95%CI为1.6~3.9)、近1个月新性伴数少(OR=1.65,95%CI为1.05~2.59)、知道哪里可以检测HIV(OR=2.69,95%CI为1.69~4.28)是FSW近1年参加过HIV检测的影响因素。结论该地区FSW HIV检测率较低,应对其加大宣传教育力度,强化该人群的危险意识,以提高其HIV检测的接受利用程度。  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the views of young people, parents and teachers concerning sex education in Lesotho. It was conducted at a time when the national government was considering the introduction of Population and Family Life Education, which includes sex education, into the national school curriculum. Forty‐six focus group discussions were held with young people (10), parents (30) and teachers (6) to identify current sources of sex education and views of the proposed introduction of school‐based sex education in Lesotho. Findings show the limited and problematic sources of sex education for adolescents in Lesotho. They also highlight broad support for the introduction of sex education in the national school curriculum among young people, parents and teachers. Of key importance for the development of a sex education curriculum is the balance between providing young people with information and developing their skills in sexual empowerment and negotiating sexual pressure. The use of pupil‐centred interactive pedagogies was seen as essential. Teachers, however, highlighted the need for training in the delivery of sex education, which includes instruction on course materials, teaching methodologies and developing sensitivity to teaching sexual issues to young people.  相似文献   

目的 对上海市男男性行为者(men who have sex with men,MSM)HIV暴露前预防(pre-exposure prophylaxis,PrEP)认知、接受意愿及影响因素进行评估.方法 采用横断面研究设计,使用滚雪球抽样通过上海某自愿咨询检测门诊及网络社群招募研究对象进行问卷调查.结果 共获得有效问...  相似文献   

Controversies exist regarding the effects of sex education in the schools and informal sex education obtained from parents, peers, the mass media, and other sources. Similarly, there is widespread interest in premarital sexual behavior, especially its determinants. This study presents several issues reflecting these concerns which have been the subject of much speculation but which have received little attention by researchers. The purpose of this study was to investigate — through the use of respondent reports — how formal and informal sex education influences premarital sexual behavior during college. A national probability sample of 1177 college students was studied using face-to-face interviews with approximately equal numbers of males and females. These interviews, which were conducted for the Institute for Sex Research, included questions about past and present sexual involvement and other attitudinal, behavioral, and background variables. Accordingly, the data about sexual behavior and attitudes are based on the interviewees' self-reports. Indices were created which operationalized independent variables such as familial sexual conservatism, exposure to eroticism, perceived sex knowledge, and sexual exposure and assault during childhood and adolescence. Individual items reflecting childhood sex play, masturbation, current religiosity, religiosity while growing up, social class, sources of sex information, sex education in classrooms, and high school and college dating were used. The dependent variable, premarital sociosexual involvement, is a composite measure of incidence and prevalence of premarital heterosexual involvement which meets Guttman scaling criteria. An Automatic Interaction Detector analysis was used to determine the relative influences of reported sexualization variables on premarital sexual behavior. Major findings can be summarized as follows: Heterosexual behavior progresses in stepwise fashion from elementary to advanced levels of involvement, with each level representing a threshold. Reports of current influences and pressures explain more variance in premarital sexual behavior than reports of past informal sexualization influences, which, in turn, explain more variance than reported formal sex-educating experiences. Limited success was reported with the use of a four-stage AID analysis which attempted to ascertain whether variables represented in later stages of the sexualization process mask the effects of variables in earlier stages and whether a developmental process can be identified. It may be concluded that these data do not support the belief that exposure to sexuality through formalsex education influences premarital sexual behavior. Informalsex education has significantly more impact on premarital sexual behavior, but there are indications that pressures and experiences confronting young people in a given dating or peer group situation take precedence over all past sexual socialization influences. The original study was funded by NICHD Grant PHS RO1 HD 02257. The secondary analysis for this article was supported by a grant from the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.  相似文献   

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