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目的 探讨甲状腺手术中常规显露喉返神经(RLN)对保护神经的作用.方法 回顾性分析2009年至2010年间连续实施的232例甲状腺切除手术患者的资料.手术均由同一组医师实施,方式为甲状腺腺叶切除或全切除术,术中常规显露喉返神经.结果 共行腺叶切除181例,甲状腺全切除51例.术中解剖喉返神经280根(98.9%).术后10例患者(3.6%)出现声音嘶哑,其中7例术中证实了喉返神经的完整性,但声带检查出现患侧运动障碍,均在术后2个月内发音恢复正常.另外3例为术中离断性神经损伤并行即刻吻合者,在术后4个月内声音均恢复正常.结论 甲状腺手术中常规显露喉返神经是预防喉返神经永久性损伤的有效方法.  相似文献   

显露喉返神经在甲状腺手术中预防喉返神经损伤的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨甲状腺手术中显露喉返神经对预防喉返神经损伤的作用。方法回顾分析372例甲状腺手术病例资料,显露喉返神经组215例,未显露喉返神经组157例。结果显露组喉返神经损伤1例,发生在甲状腺癌颈淋巴结清扫术;未显露组损伤6例,主要发生在甲状腺次全切除和腺叶切除术。显露组发生喉返神经损伤的几率显著低于未显露组(P〈0.05)。结论甲状腺次全切除、腺叶切除术和甲状腺癌根治术术中常规显露喉返神经能预防喉返神经损伤。  相似文献   

目的 分析甲状腺手术中喉返神经的显露对预防喉返神经损伤的效果.方法 150例甲状腺疾病患者采用解剖显露喉返神经方法行甲状腺腺叶切除或次全切除,解剖显露喉返神经270条.结果 术中发现喉不返神经6例,其中喉返神经损伤2条,术后恢复良好,顺利出院.结论 在甲状腺良恶性疾病手术中,熟悉喉返神经正常解剖及变异,常规解剖和显露可大大降低并发症,减少喉返神经的损伤.  相似文献   

我院自 1997年 1月至 2 0 0 0年 12月对 382例甲状腺一侧腺叶切除手术方法作了一些改进 ,效果满意 ,报告如下。1.术式选择 :对甲状腺乳头状腺癌包膜内型或微小癌 ,行一侧腺叶完整切除 (或称一侧腺叶全切除术 ) ,避免了作肿瘤挖出或腺体部分切除术后需再次行残留腺体切除之第 2次手术 ,减少病人痛苦和经济负担 ,符合肿瘤整块切除治疗原则。2 .喉返神经保护 :对喉返神经的显露问题目前各派学者仍有不同观点 ,我们认为对一侧腺叶全切除手术必需显露喉返神经 ,显露是保护神经的最有效手段。我们对 382例腺叶全切除常规显露后无一例发生喉返神经…  相似文献   

目的:探讨甲状腺腺叶切除中喉返神经显露技术。方法:对382例甲状腺腺叶切除病例进行喉返神经显露,观察术后发音情况。结果:382例中出现暂时性声音嘶哑18例(4.7%)。结论:甲状腺腺叶切除时行喉返神经显露可以有效预防喉返神经的损伤。  相似文献   

目的 探讨腔镜下甲状腺切除术中喉返神经显露的技巧及预防其损伤的方法.方法 2012年4~12月我院行胸乳晕入路腔镜下甲状腺切除术35例,术中充分利用气管食管沟、甲状腺下动脉及甲状软骨下角等解剖标志常规显露喉返神经.结果 35例腔镜甲状腺手术均顺利完成,无中转开放手术,术中共显露喉返神经40条.行单侧腺叶大部切除10例,单侧腺叶切除20例,双侧腺叶大部切除5例.手术时间(45.4±10.1)min,出血量(25.1±5.1)ml;术后无声音嘶哑、呼吸困难等并发症发生.30例术后随访1~9个月,(4.5±0.9)月,1例出现甲状腺功能减退,无肿瘤复发.结论 术中要充分利用气管食管沟、甲状腺下动脉及甲状软骨下角等解剖标志寻找喉返神经.扎实的开放甲状腺手术解剖喉返神经的基础和娴熟的腔镜甲状腺手术技能是显露喉返神经的关键.  相似文献   

目的:探讨在咽下缩肌入路甲状腺手术中,通过实时神经监测技术避免喉上神经外支损伤的可行性.方法:2010年3月-2011年4月18例甲状腺手术患者,术中以喉上神经外支受电流刺激后可产生环甲肌收缩活动作为阳性反应,定位喉上神经外支与咽下缩肌的关系后,切断咽下缩肌,经其后方显露喉返神经行程,行甲状腺腺叶切除8例,甲状腺腺叶切除加对侧次全切除8例,甲状腺全切2例.手术前后喉镜监测喉上、喉返神经功能.结果:患者均顺利游离显露咽下缩肌后方喉返神经,术后1例(5.6%)出现短暂性发音低沉,随访6个月后完全缓解.余患者无明显咳呛、发音低沉、失声等神经损伤表现.结论:经咽下缩肌入路甲状腺手术中,实时神经监测技术有利于保护喉上神经功能.  相似文献   

喉不返神经(nonrecurrent laryngeal nerve,NRLN)是喉返神经罕见的解剖变异.本研究回顾性分析南京医科大学第一附属医院1986年1月至2009年12月间手术方式为甲状腺叶切除或甲状腺全切、术中常规显露喉返神经的2246例患者中4例喉不返神经的临床资料,现总结报道如下.  相似文献   

腔镜下甲状腺切除术中喉返神经的显露与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨腔镜下甲状腺切除术中显露和保护喉返神经的方法。方法 施行经胸入路腔镜下甲状腺腺叶切除术时,常规显露并保护喉返神经。结果 8例经胸入路腔镜下甲状腺腺叶切除术。均清楚显露并有效保护了喉返神经。结论 熟练掌握甲状腺游离和切除的顺序及精湛的手术技巧是清楚显露并有效保护喉返神经的关键。  相似文献   

甲状腺手术中喉返神经的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过分析甲状腺手术引起喉返神经损伤的原因,探讨手术中保护喉返神经的措施。方法:回顾性分析手术治疗的189例甲状腺肿瘤患者的临床资料,对于甲状腺单纯肿瘤剜除或甲状腺部分切除,术中不显露喉返神经;对于甲状腺腺叶切除、甲状腺癌根治术或甲状腺再次手术,术中均显露喉返神经,于环甲关节后下方约0.5cm处(即喉返神经入喉处)寻找喉返神经。结果:5例患者术后出现单侧的喉返神经损伤,其中暂时性损伤1例;长期性损伤4例,其中3例术中未显露喉返神经,1例术中显露喉返神经颈段全程。4例长期性损伤患者继续随访3~6个月,有3例患者声带功能逐渐恢复,1例术中未显露喉返神经患者声带仍然固定。结论:甲状腺手术中是否显露喉返神经应以肿瘤大小及手术方式而异,但不强求全程显露喉返神经。于环甲关节后下方约0.5cm处较易找到喉返神经,视野清晰,手术更安全可靠。  相似文献   

甲状腺手术中喉返神经损伤的预防及处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨避免喉返神经损伤及损伤后的处理办法。方法:回顾分析539例甲状腺手术,比较甲状腺全切除和次全切除术、暴露与非暴露神经的损伤率,探讨神经断离一期修复的疗效。结果:共发生喉返神经损伤19例,在甲状腺全切除术(单侧或双侧)中,暴露与非暴露神经的损伤率分别为3.5%和19.3%,有显著差异。甲状腺全切除时神经损伤率高于次全切除术。另外,损伤神经行一期修复者其声带恢复效果较为肯定。结论:对于甲状腺全切除手术,常规暴露喉返神经利大于弊,能及时发现神经断离并作一期修复,术后能尽早恢复功能。  相似文献   

Chiang FY  Wang LF  Huang YF  Lee KW  Kuo WR 《Surgery》2005,137(3):342-347
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to assess the risk of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (RLNP) after thyroidectomy with routine identification of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) during the operation. METHODS: The present study was confined to 521 patients, 348 total lobectomies and 178 total thyroidectomies, treated by the same surgeon. Temporary and permanent RLNP rates were analyzed for patient groups with stratification of primary operation for benign thyroid disease, thyroid cancer, Graves' disease, and reoperation. Measurement of the RLNP rate was based on the number of nerves at risk. Twenty-six RLNs in 20 thyroid cancer patients with intentional sacrifice were excluded from analysis. RESULTS: Forty RLNs (40 patients) developed postoperative RLNP. Complete recovery of RLN function was documented for 35 of the 37 patients (94.6%) whose RLN integrity had been ensured intraoperatively. Recovery from temporary RLNP ranged from 3 days to 4 months (mean, 30.7 days). Overall incidence of temporary and permanent RLNP was 5.1% and 0.9%, respectively. The rates of temporary/permanent RLNP were 4.0/0.2%, 2.0/0.7%, 12.0/1.1%, and 10.8/8.1% for groups classified according to benign thyroid disease, thyroid cancer, Graves' disease, and reoperation, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Operations for thyroid cancer, Graves' disease, and recurrent goiter demonstrated significantly higher RLNP rates. Invasion of RLN was identified in 19.4% of patients with thyroid cancer. Postoperatively, the RLN recovered in most of the patients without documented nerve damage during the operation. Total lobectomy with routine RLN identification is recommended as a basic procedure in thyroid operations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Monitoring of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) has been claimed in some studies to reduce rates of nerve injury during thyroid surgery compared with anatomical dissection and visual identification of the RLN alone, whereas other studies have found no benefit. Continuous monitoring with endotracheal electrodes is expensive whereas discontinuous monitoring by laryngeal palpation with nerve stimulation is a simple and inexpensive technique. This study aimed to assess the value of nerve stimulation with laryngeal palpation as a means of identifying and assessing the function of the RLN and external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (EBSLN) during thyroid surgery. METHODS: This was a prospective case series comprising 50 consecutive patients undergoing total thyroidectomy providing 100 RLN and 100 EBSLN for examination. All patients underwent preoperative and postoperative vocal cord and voice assessment by an independent ear, nose and throat surgeon, laryngeal examination at extubation and all were asked to complete a postoperative dysphagia score sheet. Dysphagia scores in the study group were compared with a control group (n = 20) undergoing total thyroidectomy without nerve stimulation. RESULTS: One hundred of 100 (100%) RLN were located without the use of the nerve stimulator. A negative twitch response occurred in seven (7%) RLN stimulated (two bilateral, three unilateral). Postoperative testing, however, only showed one true unilateral RLN palsy postoperatively (1%), which recovered in 7 weeks giving six false-positive and one true-positive results. Eighty-six of 100 (86%) EBSLN were located without the nerve stimulator. Thirteen of 100 (13%) EBSLN could not be identified and 1 of 100 (1%) was located with the use of the nerve stimulator. Fourteen per cent of EBSLN showed no cricothyroid twitch on EBSLN stimulation. Postoperative vocal function in these patients was normal. There were no instances of equipment malfunction. Dysphagia scores did not differ significantly between the study and control groups. CONCLUSION: Use of a nerve stimulator did not aid in anatomical dissection of the RLN and was useful in identifying only one EBSLN. Discontinuous nerve monitoring by stimulation during total thyroidectomy confers no obvious benefit for the experienced surgeon in nerve identification, functional testing or injury prevention.  相似文献   

The major complication of thyroid surgery, occurring in 1% to 6% of cases, is injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN). A simple method to identify the RLN during thyroid surgery is described by the authors. It consists in palpation of the nerve caudally to the inferior pole of the thyroid, after the nerve has been made taut by the upward and medial traction of the thyroid gland. This method was used on 47 human cadavers and 45 patients with benign thyroid diseases. It made it possible to identify the RLN in all of the cadavers and 52 of the 55 identifications during 45 thyroidectomies (in 10 total thyroidectomies the identification was bilateral). Laryngeal motility was normal in all patients at postoperative laryngoscopy. Using the palpation before dissection in the region of the inferior thyroid artery, the traditional viewing method became easier and safer, reducing the risk of injury where it is most likely to occur to the nerve.  相似文献   

《Cirugía espa?ola》2023,101(7):466-471
BackgroundThe continuous intraoperative neuromonitoring (C-IONM) of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) could help reducing the incidence of nerve paralysis after thyroid surgery, in comparison with the mere anatomical visualization of the RLN. The objective is to assess the efficacy and utility of C-IONM as a predictive test for recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis after thyroidectomy.MethodsA prospective observational study was performed in 248 patients who underwent thyroid surgery where C-IONM was applied, between September 2018 and December 2019, in a high-volume center. A previous and later laryngoscopy was performed, which allowed to evaluate the reliability of the C-IONM as a predictive test for recurrent paralysis. Sensitivity (SE), specificity (SP), positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) were studied.ResultsA total number of 171 thyroidectomies, 62 hemithyroidectomies, 15 totalization thyroidectomies and 27 thyroidectomy with cervical dissections were performed. Postoperative laryngoscopy was altered in 40 patients (16.12%). The SE, SP, PPV and NPV values ​​were 65%, 94.7%, 70.2% and 93.4% respectively.ConclusionsC-IONM is a safe technique that provides real-time information about anatomical and functional integrity of the RLN and can improve the results of thyroid surgery.  相似文献   

Chan WF  Lang BH  Lo CY 《Surgery》2006,140(6):866-72; discussion 872-3
BACKGROUND: The role of intraoperative neuromonitoring of recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) during thyroidectomy has not been well established. The present study evaluates whether RLN injury can be reduced by the application of this technique during thyroidectomy in a single center. METHODS: Of 1000 RLNs that were at risk of injury in 639 consecutive patients who underwent thyroidectomy, the outcome of 501 RLNs with the use of neuromonitoring was compared with that of 499 nerves that were operated by routine identification only. The incidences of RLN paralysis were compared between the 2 groups and the assigned risk subgroups. RESULTS: Postoperative palsy was identified in 47 RLNs (4.7%), with complete recovery in 37 of 44 RLNs (84%) without documented injury. The overall incidence of postoperative RLN paralysis was significantly higher during thyroidectomy for malignancy (P = .025) and secondary thyroidectomy (P = .017). There was no significant difference in postoperative, transient, and permanent paralysis rates between the neuromonitoring and control groups. In subgroup analysis, the postoperative RLN palsy rate was higher during reoperative thyroidectomy (19% vs 4.6%; P = .019) in the control group but not in the neuromonitoring group (7.8% vs 3.8%; P > .05). CONCLUSION: Neuromonitoring of the RLN during thyroid surgery could not be demonstrated to reduce RLN injury significantly, compared with the adoption of routine RLN identification. However, its application can be considered for selected high-risk thyroidectomies.  相似文献   

目的探讨甲状腺手术中显露喉返神经(RLN)对预防RLN损伤的临床意义。方法回顾性分析2006年9月至2011年8月期间我院行甲状腺全切除术和次全切除术1 723例患者的临床资料,其中行显露RLN术式914例,共显露RLN 1 203条;行不显露RLN术式809例,共行1 013侧甲状腺腺叶切除手术。比较术后RLN损伤情况及术后6个月声带恢复情况。结果显露组与不显露组RLN损伤发生率分别为0.91%(11/1 203)和2.07%(21/1 013),2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后随访6个月,显露组与不显露组分别有0例和13例(61.9%,13/21)永久性RLN损伤,2组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论在甲状腺全切除和次全切除术中,显露并注意保护RLN能最大程度地避免RLN损伤,尤其是永久性RLN损伤。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Voice changes following thyroidectomy is a rare form of morbidity not infrequently encountered. Injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve or external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve is the most well-known cause of post-thyroidectomy voice disturbances. However, voice dysfunction is a more complex entity. The aim of the current study was to assess the possible factors that influence voice changes after thyroidectomy. METHODS: Forty-eight consecutive patients who had undergone thyroidectomy were studied. The acoustic voice analysis (mean vocal fundamental frequency [Fo], mean percentage vocal jitter and shimmer, and noise-to-harmonic ratio) and videolaryngostroboscopic examination of these patients were performed preoperatively, on the second postoperative day, and 3 months after the operation. The presence of subjective voice changes was recorded prospectively based on a symptom scale. RESULTS: No major complications occurred perioperatively or in the postoperative period. Videolaryngostroboscopic examinations were normal in all patients before and after thyroidectomy. Eighteen (37.5%) patients complained of subjective voice changes in the early postoperative period and 7 (14.6%) of these were still uncomfortable after 3 months. Although the difference was significant by means of all acoustic voice parameters measured in the early postoperative period, Fo is the only parameter that continues to be significant after 3 months. CONCLUSIONS: Irrespective from recurrent laryngeal nerve and/or injuries to the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve, voice may temporarily be affected by thyroidectomy. Most of the subjective complaints and acoustic voice parameters return to normal in a few months after surgery.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyse morbidity after completion total thyroidectomy compared with primary total thyroidectomy in a specialist thyroid surgery centre. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: Tertiary referral hospital, India. PATIENTS: Medical records of 143 patients who had total thyroidectomy between January 1990 and December 1999. 95 had primary thyroidectomies and 48 were completion thyroidectomies. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Complication rate in both groups. RESULTS: The groups were comparable in respect of clinicopathological variables. Residual tumour was found in 19/48 (40%). After completion thyroidectomy, transient hypoparathyroidism and transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy were recorded in 8/48 (17%) and 2/48 (4%), respectively. No permanent hypoparathyroidism or permanent recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy was recorded in the completion thyroidectomy group. CONCLUSIONS: Completion thyroidectomy can be done with acceptable morbidity in a specialist thyroid surgery centre. Fear of increased morbidity after the procedure should not deter surgeon from doing this operation or referring the patients to a specialist centre.  相似文献   

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