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Zusammenfassung Nicht nur therapeutische Belange, sondern auch die oft geforderte Klärung des ursächlichen Unfallzusammenhanges machen eine möglichst exakte Differenzierung der Kapselbandschäden am Außenknöchel notwendig. Neben frischen Verletzungen, die von einfachen Distorsionen bis zu vollständigen Bandzerreißungen reichen, sind Folgezustände früherer Rupturen und habituelle Bandlockerungen zu unterscheiden. Die Symptomatik und die Diagnostik dieser Schäden werden dargelegt. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchungen steht die Prüfung der Gelenkfestigkeit, von der Therapie und Prognose abhängen. Nur die Röntgenuntersuchung in gehaltener Supination vermag eine Instabilität mit Sicherheit auszuschließen. Daraus folgt, daß jede Fußgelenksdistorsion in Supination geröntgt werden muß, wenn kein Bänderriß übersehen werden soll. Um diese Forderung ohne großen Aufwand an Zeit und Filmmaterial erfüllen zu können, wird empfohlen, die Durchleuchtung mit dem Röntgenbildwandler routinemäßig in die Diagnostik der Kapselbandschäden miteinzubeziehen. Es wird ein Untersuchungsschema angegeben, das sich in der Praxis als zuverlässig und rationell bewährt hat.
Summary Not only the therapy but also the often demanded clarification of the accident's causal connexion make necessary, as much as is possible, an exact differentiation of the injury of the ligaments at the melleolus lateralis.In addition to new injuries which extend from simple distorsions to complete rupture of the ligaments, results of prior ruptures and habitual loosening of the ligaments are to be distinguished.The symptoms and the diagnosis of those defects are demonstrated. The center of this research is the test of the stability of the joints on which the therapy and the prognosis depend. Only the X-ray examination in fixed supination makes it possible to exclude with certainty an instability. Hence we may infer that every distorsion of the articulatio has to be X-rayed in supination if no rupture of the ligaments is to be omitted.To fullfill this demand without a big display of time and film-material, it is recommended to include in routine into the diagnosis of the injury of the ligaments the radioscopy.An examination-scheme is given which has been proved in practise as being reliable and expedient.

Résumé Non seulement la thérapeutique, mais aussi l'éclaircissement souvent demandé des causes de l'accident rendent nécessaire une diffèrenciation exacte des dommages des ligaments du malleolus lateralis. A part des blessures fraîches, qui vont de simples distorsions jusqu'á la rupture complête des ligaments, il faut déterminer les conséquences de ruptures antérieures et les relâchements habituels de tendons. Les symptômes, ainsi que le diagnostique de ces dommages sonst exposés. La chose la plus importante est l'examen de la solidité des articulations. Seul l'examen aux rayons X en supination tenue permet d'exclure avec sûreté la probabilité d'une instabilité. Il en suit que toute distorsion de l'articulation de pied doit être passée en supination aux rayons X afin qu'aucune déchirure de ligaments ne reste non détectée. Afin de pouvoir remplir cette exigence sans grande dépense de temps et de matériel à filmer, il est recommandé d'inclure routinièrement la soumission aux rayons X dans le diagnostique des dommages des ligaments. On indiquera un schéma d'examen qui dans la pratique s'est prouvé être sûr et rationel.

Report about twelve patients with ruptures of the lateral ligament of the ankle joint, who were treated surgically. Before surgery positioned x-rays in anterior-posterior and lateral view were done. After anesthesia had been given, x-rays in a.p.-view were repeated, while it was attempted to “open up” the joint. In eight patients the a. p. and lateral x-rays, which were done before anesthesia, showed a lesion of the lateral ligament. In the remaining four patients the a. p. x-rays prior to anesthesia revealed nothing abnormal. In these patients pictures were taken with the same technic under anesthesia. It could be demonstrated, that the joint opened up. Strikingly the lateral x-rays in these patients confirmed a lesion of the lateral ligament even without anesthesia. On the basis of our study we prefer x-rays taken in lateral view, if a lesion of the lateral ligament of the ankle joint is suspected.  相似文献   

During a retrospective study we especially examined the late outcome in therapy of injuries of the lateral capsula ligament-lesions in 210 patients. In addition we scrutinized the literature on this subject within the last 60 years, concerning the results of different therapy methods were checked. 203 collective writings on this subject, 23279 patients and our own results achieved in the BG Accident Hospital in Murnau (Germany) all added up to 23389 patients. We did not only observe the subjective opinion regarding the outcome of the therapy but also the socio-economic factors, such as the duration of incapability to work and do sports. Emphasis was laid on the remaining complaints: reduction of movement, swelling, pain during stress and instability (in the sense of recurring injuries). The results of this thesis show the dependence of the therapy in respect to the age of the patient. So we have developed a different therapy-concept for those under age of 30 and for those over the age of 30 years.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn Professor Dr. med. Dr. med. h. c. G. Hohmann zum 85. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Arthroscopy of the ankle joint meanwhile enjoys widespread use in those departments that perform arthroscopy so that the application of arthroscopic techniques can be considered a standard procedure also for the talocrural articulation. Various indications have become generally accepted and further areas of application will emerge. As is the case for the knee joint, arthroscopy of the ankle joint solely for diagnostic purposes has become obsolete and due to improved preoperative methods for diagnosis is no longer necessary as the sole procedure. The diagnostic work-up is normally followed by arthroscopic or open treatment. The multitude of clinical examinations and imaging techniques currently available enables noninvasive clarification of pathological conditions in the ankle joint to the greatest possible extent, making detailed preoperative planning possible in most cases. The present article describes the technique, indications, complications, and perspectives for arthroscopy of the talocrural articulation.  相似文献   

Upper ankle injuries are the most common reason for presentation in emergency departments. The initial treatment is often left in the hands of young clinical professionals. While the mechanism of injury might appear banal, insufficient diagnosis and treatment can lead to long periods of disability and functional impairment of the joint. Therefore, it is the aim of this work to provide a thorough understanding of the anatomy, biomechanics, mechanism of injury, diagnostic and operative procedures of ankle joint fractures.  相似文献   

European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery - Von 355 frischen fibularen Bandrupturen, welche in sieben Jahren operativ versorgt wurden—bei insgesamt 3413...  相似文献   

Arthroscopy of the ankle joint meanwhile enjoys widespread use in those departments that perform arthroscopy so that the application of arthroscopic techniques can be considered a standard procedure also for the talocrural articulation.Various indications have become generally accepted and further areas of application will emerge.As is the case for the knee joint, arthroscopy of the ankle joint solely for diagnostic purposes has become obsolete and due to improved preoperative methods for diagnosis is no longer necessary as the sole procedure.The diagnostic work-up is normally followed by arthroscopic or open treatment.The multitude of clinical examinations and imaging techniques currently available enables noninvasive clarification of pathological conditions in the ankle joint to the greatest possible extent, making detailed preoperative planning possible in most cases.The present article describes the technique, indications, complications, and perspectives for arthroscopy of the talocrural articulation.  相似文献   

Ankle sprains are the most commonly encountered injuries in the daily practice. The lateral structures of the ankle joint are predominantly affected with injuries of the lateral ligaments in the majority of the cases. Due to the close proximity, fractures of the lateral tubercle of the talus or injuries of the peroneal tendons and syndesmosis are sometimes hard to distinguish from ligamentous injuries because of a similar clinical presentation; therefore, an accurate and detailed clinical examination is necessary to identify high grade injuries which are associated with a poor prognosis when overlooked. This article reviews the current treatment strategies for these injuries.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die differenzierte Biomechanik des OSG verlangt eine exakte anatomische Rekonstruktion um ein Maximum an Funktion zu erreichen. Von 471 an der unteren Extremität operierten Frakturen gehörten 80 dem OSG an. über die Ergebnisse der Nachuntersuchungen wird berichtet. Die schlechtesten Ergebnisse waren bei den Frakturen des Pilon tibial zu verzeichnen. Stationärer Aufenthalt und Arbeitsunfähigkeit waren hier besonders lang, postoperative Infektion besonders häufig. Die röntgenologisch faßbare Arthrosehäufigkeit lag bei 42%. 27% der Patienten verließ den Operationssaal bereits mit Repositionsfehlern.  相似文献   

This paper shall prove that with the chronic unstable ankle-joint the unit of both joints is to be taken into account. This unit consists anatomically as well as biomechanically and neuromuscularily. The practicable diagnostic of the instability in the lower ankle-joint ist presented. Then the known therapy methods are analysed. In our clinic some treatment methods for the single decompensat instabilities have proved success. The results of 119 operated decompensat ankle-joints are satisfied.  相似文献   

On the basis of history and clinical findings it is attempted to stage a trauma of the ankle joint according to the genetic classification of Lauge-Hansen. This procedure is understood as a prophylactic measure against overlooking combined ligamentous lesions. Tears of the lateral collateral ligaments of the ankle are proven by stress roentgenograms taken in varus tilt position; they are performed by a specially developed method. Additionally stress roentgenograms are taken, when the talus is moved forwards (“anterior drawer sign”). Lesions of the deltoid ligament are shown by talar tilt in valgus position. Isolated tears of the anterior tibiofibular ligament can be visualized only by arthrography. If stress roentgenograms cannot confirm the clinical diagnosis, an arthrography is necessary.  相似文献   

Jerosch J 《Der Orthop?de》2005,34(12):1198-1208
Zusammenfassung Die arthroskopisch assistierte Arthrodese (AAA) des oberen Sprunggelenkes ist für die fortgeschrittene Arthrose ein etabliertes Therapieverfahren. Ziel des vorliegenden Beitrages ist es, die Operationstechnik sowie die eigenen Erfahrungen darzustellen. Die arthroskopische In-situ-Arthrodese beginnt mit der Entfernung des Restknorpels sowie von sonstigem intraartikulärem Detritus. Hierbei wird routinemäßig ein posterolateraler Zugang verwendet. Beim Anfrischen der Gelenkpartner ist darauf zu achten, dass die Knochensubstanz erhalten bleibt. Hierzu hat sich insbesondere ein kleiner Meißel als nützlich erwiesen. Die Fixation erfolgt mit 2 Spongiosaschrauben, die von dorsal jeweils medial und lateral eingebracht werden. Von 35 derart behandelten Patienten kamen 31 zu einer knöchernen Fusion. Die AAA des OSG sollte nur bei Patienten ohne manifeste Fehlstellung oder Substanzdefekt der Gelenkpartner in Betracht gezogen werden. Es handelt sich somit vom Grundsatz her um eine In-situ-Fixation der zerstörten Gelenkpartner. Patienten mit neurogenen Arthropathien sollten von diesem Verfahren ausgeschlossen werden. Das Vorliegen einer sekundären Arthrose aufgrund einer PCP stellt keine Kontraindikation dar.  相似文献   

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