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The use of tissue recombinants in conjunction with steroid receptor deficient mice is described as a tool to dissect the complex paracrine pathways of sex-hormone-regulated epithelial growth and ductal morphogenesis in the mammary gland and other hormone target organs. The basic methodology involves the construction of the four possible tissue recombinants composed of epithelium (E)6 and stroma (S) from wild-type (wt) and knock-out (KO) mice: wt-S + wt-S, wt-S + KO-E, KO-S + KO-E, and KO-S + wt-E. All tissue recombinants are grown as subrenal capsule grafts in nude mice. Following appropriate hormonal challenge epithelial growth can be studied in the four types of tissue recombinants. Such studies using estrogen receptor, androgen receptor and progesterone receptor knockout mice demonstrate that epithelial steroid receptors are neither necessary nor sufficient for hormonal regulation of epithelial proliferation. Instead, hormonal regulation of epithelial proliferation is a paracrine event mediated by hormone-receptor-positive stromal cells.  相似文献   

Progesterone was identified as a mammogenichormone several years ago but until now its precise rolein mammary development has remained obscure. Recentlywith the generation of several transgenic mouse models and development of reagents for analysisof progesterone receptor expression, the role ofprogesterone signaling in mammary development isbecoming more clear. The most significant observationsto emerge from these studies are (1) progesteronereceptors (PR)4 are present in a heterogeneous manner inthe epithelial cells and undetectable in the surroundingfat pad; (2) they are essential for lobuloalveolar and not for ductal morphogenesis; (3)progesterone signaling through progesterone receptors,leading to lobuloalveolar development, is initiated inthe epithelium and may occur through paracrinemechanisms; and (4) a regulated expression of the twoisoforms of progesterone receptor is critical formaintaining appropriate responsiveness to progesteroneand hence, epithelial cell replicative homeostasis.These studies also reveal that the consequences ofprogesterone signaling through progesterone receptor maydepend on the cell context, cell-cell andcell-extracellular matrix interactions, the dynamics ofPR turnover and the fate of PR positivecells.  相似文献   

To better understand the distinct physiological roles played by progesterone and estrogen receptors (PR amd ER)4 as well as to study directly PR function in an in vivo context, a novel mutant mouse strain, the PR knockout (PRKO) mouse, was generated carrying a germline loss of function mutation at the PR locus. Mouse mammary gland development has been examined in PRKO mice using reciprocal transplantation experiments to investigate the effects of the stromal and epithelial PRs on ductal and lobuloalveolar development. The absence of PR in transplanted donor epithelium, but not in recipient stroma, prevented normal lobuloalveolar development in response to estrogen and progesterone treatment. Conversely, the presence of PR in the transplanted donor epithelium, but not in the recipient stroma, revealed that PR in the stroma may be necessary for ductal development. Stimulation of ductal development by the PR may, therefore, be mediated by an unknown secondary signaling molecule, possibly a growth factor. The continued stimulation of the stromal PR appears to be dependent on reciprocal signal(s) from the epithelium. Thus, the combination of gene knockout and reciprocal transplantation technologies has provided some new insights into the role of stromal-epithelial interactions and steroid hormones in mammary gland development.  相似文献   

The ovarian steroids estrogen and progesterone (E(2) and P) are essential for normal mammary gland growth and development; however, the mechanisms by which they influence the proliferative activity of the mammary epithelium remain unclear. Mammary epithelial cells cells expressing the receptors for E(2) and P (ER and PR respectively) are separate from, although often adjacent to, those capable of proliferating, implying that the ovarian steroids act indirectly via paracrine or juxtacrine growth factors to stimulate entry into the cell cycle. A large number of candidate factors have been identified in a variety of different experimental systems, and it appears that transforming growth factor beta may play a role in preventing proliferation of steroid receptor-containing cells. Dysregulation of the strict inverse relationship between ERalpha expression and proliferation is detectable in premalignant human breast lesions, indicating that it might be essential to the tumorigenic process. Challenges for the future include determining which of the candidates identified as being mediators of the effects of E(2) are physiologically and clinically relevant as well as finding out how ERalpha-containing cells become proliferative during tumorigenesis. Answering these questions could greatly increase our understanding of the factors controlling mammary gland development and the processes leading to cancer formation.  相似文献   

Progesterone Receptors in Mammary Gland Development and Tumorigenesis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The steroid hormone, progesterone (P), is a central coordinator of all aspects of female reproductive activity and plays a key role in pregnancy-associated mammary gland morphogenesis and mammary tumorigenesis. The effects of P on the mammary gland are mediated by two structurally and functionally distinct nuclear receptors PR-A and PR-B that arise from a single gene. Null mutation of both receptors in PR knockout (PRKO) mice has demonstrated a critical role for PRs in mediating pregnancy-associated mammary ductal branching and lobuloalveolar differentiation and in initiation of mammary tumors in response to carcinogen. Analysis of the molecular genetic pathways disrupted in PRKO mice has recently yielded important insights into the molecular mechanisms of regulation of mammary gland morphogenesis by PRs. In addition to its essential role in regulating proliferative and differentiative responses of the adult mammary gland during pregnancy, P plays a critical role in the protection against mammary tumorigenesis afforded by early parity. Thus, the effects of P on postnatal developmental plasticity of the mammary gland differ between young and adult glands. This review will summarize recent advances in our understanding of 1) the molecular mechanisms by which PRs mediate pregnancy-associated mammary gland morphogenesis, 2) the role of PRs in mediating tumorigenic responses of the adult mammary gland to carcinogen, and 3) the role of P in long-term protection of the juvenile mammary gland against tumorigenesis. In addition, we will summarize recent insights into the isoform selective contributions to some of these activities of PRs obtained from comparative analysis of P-dependent mammary gland development in PR isoform specific knockout mice lacking either the PR-A (PRAKO) or PR-B (PRBKO).  相似文献   

Although the pubertal surge of estrogen is the immediate stimulus to mammary development, the action of estrogen depends upon the presence of pituitary growth hormone and the ability of GH to stimulate production of IGF-I in the mammary gland. Growth hormone binds to its receptor in the mammary fat pad, after which production of IGF-I mRNA and IGF-I protein occurs. It is likely that IGF-I then works through paracrine means to stimulate formation of TEBs, which then form ducts by bifurcating or trifurcating and extending through the mammary fat pad. By the time pubertal development is complete a tree-like structure of branching ducts fills the rodent mammary fat pad. In addition to requiring IGF-I in order to act, estradiol also directly synergizes with IGF-I to enhance formation of TEBs and ductal morphogenesis. Together they increase IRS-1 phosphorylation and cell proliferation, and inhibit apoptosis. In fact, the entire process of ductal morphogenesis, in oophorectomized IGF-I(−/−) knockout female mice, can occur as a result of the combined actions of estradiol and IGF-I. IGF-I also permits progesterone action in the mammary gland. Together they have been shown to stimulate a form of ductal morphogenesis, which is anatomically different from the kind induced by IGF-I and estradiol. Although both progesterone and estradiol synergize with IGF-I by increasing IGF-I action parameters, there must be other, as yet unknown mechanisms that account for the anatomical differences in the different forms of ductal morphogenesis observed (hyperplasia in response to IGF-I plus estradiol and single layered ducts in response to IGF-I plus progesterone). From the Bunnie Joan Sachs Laboratory, VA Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Supported in part by grants from DOD W81XWH-07-1-0488 and the Foundation for Growth and Endocrinology  相似文献   

Prolactin and Mammary Gland Development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The four ERBB receptors and their multiple polypeptide ligands are differentially expressed during development of the mouse mammary gland. Profiles suggest that ERBB1/EGF receptor (EGFR)4 and ERBB2/Neu are required during ductal morphogenesis, whereas the Neuregulin (NRG) receptors, ERBB3 and ERBB4, are preferentially expressed through alveolar morphogenesis and lactation. Consistent with these profiles, recent gene knockouts established that EGFR and its ligand, Amphiregulin (AR), are essential for ductal morphogenesis in the adolescent mouse and likely provide the required epithelial-stromal signal. In contrast, the phenotypes of transgenic mice expressing dominant negative ERBB2 and ERBB4 proteins suggest that these receptors differentially act to promote or maintain alveolar differentiation. This view of ERBB action provides a conceptual framework for future testing using more sophisticated conditional knockout models. New or existing transgenic mice are also being used to better understand the contributions of ERBB receptors and ligands to mammary tumorigenesis, as well as to more closely mimic the human disease. Recent studies have focused on defining molecular events in neoplastic progression, and in the case of ERBB2/Neu, the requirement for ERBB heterodimerization partners as well as the relative importance of gene amplification versus gene mutation. Collectively, these recent studies establish that normal development and homeostasis of the mammary gland is critically dependent on regulated ERBB signaling. They also illustrate the value of animal models in deciphering roles for the complex ERBB network in this dynamic tissue.  相似文献   

The Sprague-Dawley rat is highly regarded for studies designed to investigate the effects of endocrine modulation on mammary carcinogenesis. In this study, we further evaluate the validity of the Sprague-Dawley rat model for the study of human breast cancer by evaluating the effects of normal 4-day estrous cycling on mammary epithelial cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptotic death. Trends in mammary gland development with stage of 4-day estrous cycle were evident. Mammary glands isolated from follicular and early luteal stages had predominantly ductal histoarchitecture, whereas glands isolated from mid-late luteal were predominantly lobuloalveolar. Quantitation of BrdU incorporation revealed that epithelial cell proliferation was eight-fold higher in metestrus and diestrus-1 than in proestrus. Expression of -casein and whey acidic protein (WAP)4 mRNA was also highly dependent on stage of estrous, with detection restricted to midcycle. Apoptotic cell death of mammary epithelium was found to be suppressed during the peak in cell proliferation. TRPM-2/clusterin mRNA was elevated when apoptosis was low and milk protein mRNA levels were high, consistent with putative roles for TRPM-2/clusterin in inhibiting cell death in regressing tissues and inducing mammary epithelial cell differentiation. Cell proliferation, differentiation, and death occurred only in a subset of epithelial cells per estrous cycle, and these cells appeared randomly distributed throughout multiple ductules and alveoli. These observations suggest that cellular response(s) to ovarian hormone-dependent signals is asynchronous. Cumulatively, these observations demonstrate that rat mammary epithelial cell proliferation, differentiation, and death are under the control of cycling ovarian hormones, similarly to the human mammary epithelium during the menstrual cycle.  相似文献   

An Atlas of Mouse Mammary Gland Development   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The mouse mammary gland is a complex tissue, which is continually undergoing changes in structure and function. Embryonically, the gland begins with invasion of the underlying fat pad by a rudimentary ductal structure. Postnatal growth occurs in two phases: ductal growth and early alveolar development during estrous cycles, and cycles of proliferation, differentiation, and death that occur with each pregnancy, lactation, and involution. The variety of epithelial structures and stromal changes throughout the life of a mammary gland makes it a challenge to study. The purpose of this histological review is to give a brief representation of the morphological changes that occur throughout the cycle of mouse mammary gland development so that developmental changes observed in mouse models of mammary development can be appreciated.  相似文献   

The inappropriate expression of growth factors, or activating mutations of their receptors, have been implicated as causative factors in mouse and human mammary cancer. For example, it has been known for some time that three members of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF)3 family behave like oncogenes in virally induced mammary cancer of mice. In normal circumstances, signaling via FGF receptors is known to mediate growth, differentiation, and patterning, during embryogenesis and fetal development. A powerful approach to dissecting the roles for these signaling pathways is to determine the developmental consequences of abrogating their function in transgenic mice. In this review, we describe the use of dominant negative FGF receptors to evaluate the contribution of specific FGF signals in normal mammary gland development. These studies have revealed that normal lobuloalveolar development requires FGF signaling to the mammary epithelium, a function that is presumably usurped by MMTV in mouse mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factors are mitogens and survival factors for normal mammary epithelialcells in vitro. Data reviewed here demonstrate that mRNAs for IGF-I and IGF-II, the IGFtype I receptor and the IGFBPs are expressed locally in mammary tissue during pubertal andpregnancy-induced growth and differentiation of murine mammary glands. IGF-I, IGF-II andthe IGF-IR were expressed in terminal end buds (TEBs) in virgin glands during ductal growth.In addition, IGF-II and IGF-IR mRNAs were expressed in ductal and alveolar epithelium inglands throughout postnatal development. Consistent with these results, IGF-I promoted ductalgrowth and proliferation in mouse mammary glands in organ culture. In addition to endogenousexpression of the IGFs and IGF-IR, the IGFBPs showed a varied pattern of expression inmammary tissue during postnatal development. For example, IGFBP-3 and -5 mRNAs wereexpressed in TEBs and ducts while IGFBP-2 and -4 mRNAs were expressed in stromal cellsimmediately surrounding the epithelium. These results support a role for the IGFs and IGFBPsas local mediators of postnatal mammary gland growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

From its embryonic origins, the mammary gland in females undergoes a course of ductal development that supports the establishment of alveolar structures during pregnancy prior to the onset of lactogenesis. This development includes multiple stages of proliferation and morphogenesis that are largely directed by concurrent alterations in key hormones and growth factors across various reproductive states. Ductal elongation is directed by estrogen, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-I, and epidermal growth factor, whereas ductal branching and alveolar budding is influenced by additional factors such as progesterone, prolactin, and thyroid hormone. The response by the ductal epithelium to various hormones and growth factors is influenced by epithelial–stromal interactions that differ between species, possibly directing species-specific morphogenesis. Evolving technologies continue to provide the opportunity to further delineate the regulation of ductal development. Defining the hormonal control of ductal development should facilitate a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying mammary gland tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that govern normal mammary gland development is crucial to the comprehension of breast cancer etiology. β-adrenergic receptors (β-AR) are targets of endogenous catecholamines such as epinephrine that have gained importance in the context of cancer biology. Differences in β2-AR expression levels may be responsible for the effects of epinephrine on tumor vs non-tumorigenic breast cell lines, the latter expressing higher levels of β2-AR. To study regulation of the breast cell phenotype by β2-AR, we over-expressed β2-AR in MCF-7 breast cancer cells and knocked-down the receptor in non-tumorigenic MCF-10A breast cells. In MCF-10A cells having knocked-down β2-AR, epinephrine increased cell proliferation and migration, similar to the response by tumor cells. In contrast, in MCF-7 cells overexpressing the β2-AR, epinephrine decreased cell proliferation and migration and increased adhesion, mimicking the response of the non-tumorigenic MCF-10A cells, thus underscoring that β2-AR expression level is a key player in cell behavior. β-adrenergic stimulation with isoproterenol induced differentiation of breast cells growing in 3-dimension cell culture, and also the branching of murine mammary epithelium in vivo. Branching induced by isoproterenol was abolished in fulvestrant or tamoxifen-treated mice, demonstrating that the effect of β-adrenergic stimulation on branching is dependent on the estrogen receptor (ER). An ER-independent effect of isoproterenol on lumen architecture was nonetheless found. Isoproterenol significantly increased the expression of ERα, Ephrine-B1 and fibroblast growth factors in the mammary glands of mice, and in MCF-10A cells. In a poorly differentiated murine ductal carcinoma, isoproterenol also decreased tumor growth and induced tumor differentiation. This study highlights that catecholamines, through β-AR activation, seem to be involved in mammary gland development, inducing mature duct formation. Additionally, this differentiating effect could be resourceful in a breast tumor context.  相似文献   

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