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Patients with frontal lobe brain damage are reportedly impaired on tasks that require plan development and execution. In this study, we examined the performance of 15 patients diagnosed with frontal lobe dementia and 14 patients with focal frontal lobe lesions on the Tower of London planning task. Patients with frontal lobe dementia committed a significantly higher number of rule violations, made more moves, and demonstrated longer solution time latencies compared to their matched controls. Patients with frontal lobe lesions demonstrated significantly delayed solution times and also made more moves compared to their matched controls. Frontal lobe lesion patient performance suggests an impairment in execution-related processes, while frontal lobe dementia patients appear to be impaired in both plan development and execution. Despite these findings, the identification of a specific cognitive impairment that induces these planning problems remains elusive.  相似文献   

Forty-six patients with single focal lesions (35 frontal, 11 nonfrontal) were administered the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) under three conditions of test administration. The three conditions varied in the amount of external support provided via specificity of instructions. The WCST, while a multifactorial test, is specifically sensitive to the effects of frontal lobe damage if deficits in language comprehension and visual-spatial search are controlled. There is also specificity of functioning within the frontal lobes: patients with inferior medial frontal lesions, unilateral or bilateral, were not impaired on the standard measures although they had increased loss of set when informed of the sorting categories. Verbal instructions may provide a probe to improve diagnosis and prognosis, assessment of the potential efficacy of treatment, and the time frame of plasticity of specific cognitive operations.  相似文献   

A case of a kleptomaniac with frontal lobe dysfunction is presented. Kleptomania is related to the obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders and the affective spectrum disorders. In obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders neuroimaging and neuropsychological tasks have revealed abnormal functioning in the frontal brain which also could be related to kleptomania. Consolidated findings from animal and human studies have implied central serotonergic transmission in the genesis of obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders and affective spectrum disorders. Altogether, these results suggest that kleptomania, like other disorders of the above mentioned spectrums, could have an abnormality in serotonergic transmission in common.  相似文献   

Episodic memory was evaluated in patients with unilateral, frontal lobe damage and matched controls using a list- method directed forgetting paradigm. Directed forgetting instructions (forget vs. remember the word), encoding instructions (learn vs. judge the word) and test format (recall vs. recognition) were manipulated in order to explore how variations in encoding and retrieval affect verbal memory. Controls demonstrated a normal directed forgetting effect in recall and less directed forgetting in recognition. Patients with left frontal (LF) damage did not show directed forgetting in either recall or recognition and patients with right frontal (RF) damage showed directed forgetting in recall, but not in recognition. Furthermore, the LF group recalled significantly more of the judge than learn words, suggesting that this group's performance improves by providing them with an encoding strategy. Conversely, the RF group's performance did not depend on encoding instructions and their recognition memory was impaired relative to the other two groups when they were instructed to judge the words. Our results suggest that (a) patients with LF damage show deficits in the rehearsal of to-be-remembered information, (b) whereas patients with RF damage show impairments in recognition memory. Furthermore, both patient groups show a lack of directed forgetting when familiarity-based processes guide performance.  相似文献   

Patients with unilateral, frontal lobe damage and matched controls performed an identity negative priming task as a measure of inhibition in selective attention. Control participants demonstrated a normal negative priming effect, as evidenced by slower reaction times when a previously to-be-ignored item became the target on a subsequent trial (distractor suppression). On the other hand, patients with left medial frontal lobe damage showed positive priming in the distractor suppression condition suggesting facilitation of distractor information. Patients with right frontal lobe damage showed an unreliable pattern of negative priming, some demonstrating an absence of negative priming and others demonstrating enhanced negative priming in the distractor suppression condition. Neither patient group nor controls demonstrated slower responses on a target-to-distractor condition included to evaluate a noninhibitory (i.e., episodic retrieval) account of negative priming. Taken together, our results suggest that (a) the negative priming effect represents active inhibition of a distractor representation, rather than a noninhibitory mismatch between retrieval episodes, and (b) that the frontal lobes, especially the left frontal lobes, contribute to this active inhibition.  相似文献   

While it is generally agreed that outcome following cerebral insult during childhood differs from that seen following similar pathology in adulthood, the specific relationship between timing of cerebral lesion and outcome, and the mechanism associated with observed neurobehavioral changes, remains controversial. Data from children with focal lesions suggests a non-linear relationship between age at injury and language function (e.g., Bates et al., 1999). With respect to executive function, animal models also demonstrate a non-linear relationship, and suggest that outcome is tightly linked to underlying neuronal changes (e.g., Kolb et al., 2000). Whether these models easily translate to humans, where brain morphology, cognitive function and environmental influences are more complex, is not clear. To date, focal lesion research in children has been restricted to individual case studies or, to samples of children with lesions to regions subsuming language function, or those who have undergone hemispherectomy for the treatment of intractable epilepsy. This study aimed to build on current knowledge, investigating executive function in 38 children with focal lesions involving prefrontal cortex. Aetiology and timing of lesions was diverse. Results are consistent with animal research suggesting a non-linear relationship between age at injury and outcome, with "critical periods" during development when the frontal lobes are particularly vulnerable to insult, and others when outcome is more optimal. Our findings indicate that children with prenatal lesions are at greatest risk of neurobehavioral deficits. Children with lesions sustained in middle childhood demonstrate least severe impairments across executive domains, possibly due to a period of peak synaptogenesis and dendritic arborization during this developmental stage, in keeping with animal models and research investigating frontal lobe development.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the correlation between damage to the basal ganglia or frontal lobe and depression status (both affective and apathetic dimensions) in 243 stroke patients. We assessed the affective dimension in post-stroke depression (PSD) using the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) and the apathetic dimension in PSD using the apathy scale (AS). We classified basal ganglia or frontal lobe damage into four groups: no damage, damage to the left side only, damage to the right side only, and damage to both sides. Affective and/or apathetic PSD was found in 126 patients (51.9%). The severity of affective depression (SDS score) was associated with left frontal lobe (but not basal ganglia) damage, and that of apathetic depression (AS score) was related to damage to the bilateral basal ganglia (but not to the frontal lobe). The anatomical correlates of PSD differ depending on the PSD dimension (affective or apathetic) and may explain interstudy differences regarding the association between lesion location and type of PSD.  相似文献   

Frontal lobe dysfunction may underlie excessively impulsive and risky behavior observed in a range of neurological disorders. We devised a gambling task to examine these behavior tendencies in a sample of patients who had sustained focal damage to the frontal lobes or nonfrontal cortical regions as well as in a matched sample of healthy control subjects. The main objectives of the study were: (1) to behaviorally dissociate impulsivity and risk-taking; (2) to examine potential associations between specific frontal lesion sites and impulsivity or risk-taking; (3) to investigate the influence of reinforcement and trial timing on both behaviors. Our results indicated that patients and controls were equally likely to perform impulsively. Risk-taking performance strategies, however, were related to left ventrolateral and orbital lesion sites. Moreover, risk-taking was also associated with blunted response alteration following a nonrewarded trial. Patients and control subjects showed identical responses to reward-timing manipulations consistent with formal decision-making theory. These findings suggest that ventrolateral and orbital lesions are related to the reward-based aspects of decision-making (risk-taking) rather than to simple response disinhibition (impulsivity). Reduced reaction to the negative consequences of one's actions may underlie this behavior pattern.  相似文献   

The proverb interpretation task (PIT) is often used in clinical settings to evaluate frontal “executive” dysfunction. However, only a relatively small number of studies have investigated the relationship between frontal lobe lesions and performance on the PIT. We compared 52 patients with unselected focal frontal lobe lesions with 52 closely matched healthy controls on a proverb interpretation task. Participants also completed a battery of neuropsychological tests, including a fluid intelligence task (Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices). Lesions were firstly analysed according to a standard left/right sub-division. Secondly, a finer-grained analysis compared the performance of patients with medial, left lateral and right lateral lesions with healthy controls. Thirdly, a contrast of specific frontal subgroups compared the performance of patients with medial lesions with patients with lateral frontal lesions. The results showed that patients with left frontal lesions were significantly impaired on the PIT, while in patients with right frontal lesions the impairments approached significance. Medial frontal patients were the only frontal subgroup impaired on the PIT, relative to healthy controls and lateral frontal patients. Interestingly, an error analysis indicated that a significantly higher number of concrete responses were found in the left lateral subgroup compared to healthy controls. We found no correlation between scores on the PIT and on the fluid intelligence task. Overall our results suggest that specific regions of the frontal lobes contribute to the performance on the PIT.  相似文献   

Perseveration in memory for figures after frontal lobe lesion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J Vilkki 《Neuropsychologia》1989,27(8):1101-1104
The aim was to determine whether recurrent perseveration, i.e. the tendency to incorrectly repeat previous responses, is related to the site of cerebral lesion. Sixty-seven brain-damaged patients and 35 control subjects were studied with a modified Benton Visual Retention Test. Patients with anterior lesions made a higher number of recurrent perseverations than patients with posterior lesions. The results was in disagreement with the hypothesis that recurrent perseveration is associated with left posterior lesions.  相似文献   

A location-based ('select-what, respond-where') priming task was used to examine three measures of selective attention (interference (INT), negative priming (NP), and inhibition of return (IOR)) as a function of focal brain pathology and the complexity of target selection. Control subjects showed different patterns of performance for the three attentional measures as a function of complexity, suggesting some independence among INT, NP, and IOR. Brain-damaged subjects showed significant response slowing, as well as a number of lesion-specific attentional abnormalities. Right frontal (including bifrontal) damage resulted in proportionally increased interference related to task complexity. Left posterior damage increased IOR in the most complex task, while left frontal damage reversed the control pattern of IOR as a function of complexity. Right hemisphere (right posterior and right frontal damage) pathology resulted in a virtual loss of negative priming at all levels of task complexity; left and bifrontal damage resulted in diminished NP only related to increases in the complexity of selection. INT, NP, and IOR are mediated by different brain regions and their expression can be modulated by the complexity of the selection task.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological performance in frontal lobe epilepsy.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The search for a special neuropsychological profile of frontal lobe epilepsy subjects (FLE) has so far led to inconclusive results. In this paper we compared the preoperative neuropsychological performance of FLE and temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) subjects. We further investigated whether frontal lobe lesions of epileptogenic cause produce the same type of cognitive dysfunction as do tumours of the frontal lobe. Sixteen FLE subjects were compared to 16 TLE subjects as well as to a group of 10 subjects after the removal of frontal lobe tumors (TUM) and a healthy control group. A set of neuropsychological test measures routinely used for presurgical evaluation, an emotional conceptualization task and two associative learning tasks were administered. We found that subjects with frontal lobe damage were significantly impaired relative to controls on a wide range of cognitive functions independent of neurological cause. FLE subjects could hardly be discriminated from TLE subjects as both groups showed a similarly reduced level of neuropsychological performance. Our results demonstrate the devastating effect that frontal lobe epilepsy can have on cognitive functioning. Routinely used neuropsychological test measures lack the specificity to distinguish between frontal and temporal lobe epilepsy. Highly specialized measures are necessary to reveal differences.  相似文献   

Dichotic listening performance and frontal lobe function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the present paper we report on speech perception in left (n=16) and right (n=10) frontal lobe nonaphasic patients compared with healthy controls (n=26). The patients were inpatients of the University Clinic of Neurology, Innsbruck, Austria, who participated in a prospective neuropsychological study dealing with several aspects of lateralized functioning. The patients were tested with dichotic presentations of consonant-vowel syllables, which allows for specific probing of speech perception in the left and right hemisphere, respectively. The task was to report which syllable they heard best on each trial, emphasizing single answers on each trial. There were 36 dichotic trials with pairs of CV syllables made up of the six stop consonants /p/, /t/, /k/, /b/, /d/, /g/, all paired with the vowel /a/. There were always two different syllables presented on each trial, one in each ear. The results showed significant differences between the left and right lesioned patients in their performance on the dichotic listening test. While the right lesioned patients and the control subjects had a normal and expected right ear advantage, the left lesioned patients performed almost at random with regard to the right and left ear stimulus. The right lesioned patients and the control group showed a right ear advantage of the same magnitude, although the overall performance was somewhat impaired in the right lesioned group compared to the healthy control group. The left lesioned patients showed no ear advantage at all, and particularly their right ear scores were impaired compared to both the control group and the right lesioned patient group. The results are discussed in terms of the role played by the left frontal cortex in speech perception and language asymmetry.  相似文献   

Three well-matched groups of non-surgical, pharmacologically controlled epileptic patients with unilateral seizure foci in either the left temporal lobe, the right temporal lobe or a frontal lobe, and a normal control group were compared on several verbal and non-verbal memory tasks. Results revealed significant impairment of verbal memory in left temporal epileptic subjects, and significant impairment of non-verbal, visual memory in right temporal epileptic subjects. Seizure patients with unilateral frontal lobe foci did not differ from the control sample on any measure. Results support previous research which emphasizes the importance of temporal lobe systems in memory function. The findings are discussed with regard to the nature and specificity of the observed deficits.  相似文献   

A 34-year-old man with a 10-year history of persistent auditory hallucinations and passivity delusions had failed to respond to a variety of conventional antipsychotic medications. He had a history of head trauma 8 years before the onset of psychiatric symptoms. Recent investigations revealed a post-traumatic infarct, situated in the left frontal lobe, on a magnetic resonance imaging scan. Treatment with clozapine for more than 2 years resulted in a marked improvement in his psychotic symptoms. The localization of the brain lesion may be related to the etiology of his symptoms and to the clinical response to clozapine.  相似文献   

Problem-solving ability was investigated in 25 DSM-IIIR schizophrenic (SC) patients using the Tower of Hanoi (TOH) task. Their performance was compared to that of: (1) 22 patients with neurosurgical unilateral prefrontal lesions, 11 left (LF) and 10 right hemisphere (RF); (2) 38 patients with unilateral temporal lobectomies, 19 left (LT) and 19 right (RT); and (3) 44 matched control subjects. Like the RT and LF group, the schizophrenics were significantly impaired on the TOH. The deficit shown by the schizophrenic group was equivalent whether or not the problems to be solved included goal-subgoal conflicts, unlike the LF group who were impaired specifically on these problems. The nature of the SC deficit was also distinct from that of the RT group, in that the problem-solving deficit remained after controlling for the effects of spatial memory performance. This study indicates, therefore, that neither focal frontal nor temporal lobe damage sustained in adult life is a sufficient explanation for the problem-solving deficits found in patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Lesions to prefrontal cortex (PFC) in humans can severely disrupt everyday decision-making, with concomitant effects on social and occupational functioning. Forty-six patients with unilateral lesions to prefrontal cortex and 21 healthy control subjects were administered three neuropsychological measures of decision-making: the Iowa Gambling Task, the Cambridge Gamble Task, and the Risk Task. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans were acquired from 40 patients, with region of interest (ROI) mapping of prefrontal subregions. The frontal patients showed only limited damage in medial and orbital prefrontal cortex, but greater damage in lateral prefrontal regions of interest. Patients with right frontal lesions preferred the risky decks on the Iowa Gambling Task, and differed significantly from left frontal and control subjects. Within the right frontal group, the preference for the risky decks was correlated with the total lesion volume and the volume of damage outside of the ventromedial prefrontal region. Right and left frontal groups did not differ significantly on the Cambridge Gamble Task or the Risk Task, and performance was not associated with lesion volume. The results indicate a laterality effect on the Iowa Gambling Task, and the contribution of prefrontal regions outside the ventromedial region to task performance. The Cambridge Gamble Task and Risk Task were less sensitive to the effects of unilateral frontal lobe lesions, and may be more selectively associated with ventral prefrontal damage.  相似文献   

Patients with focal frontal, temporal lobe, or diencephalic lesions were investigated on measures of temporal (recency) and spatial (position) context memory, after manipulating exposure times to match recognition memory for targets (pictorial stimuli) as closely as possible. Patients with diencephalic lesions from an alcoholic Korsak off syndrome showed significant impairment on the temporal context (recency) task, as did patients with frontal lesions penetrating the dorsolateral frontal cortex, according to MRI (and PET) evidence. Patients with temporal lobe lesions showed only a moderate (non-significant) impairment on this task, and patients with medial frontal lesions, or large frontal lesions not penetrating the dorsolateral cortical margins, performed as well as healthy controls at this task. On the spatial context memory task, patients with lesions in the temporal lobes showed significant impairment, and patients with right temporal lesions performed significantly worse than patients with left temporal lesions. Patients with diencephalic lesions showed only a modest (non-significant) impairment on this task, and the frontal lobe group performed normally. When a group of patients with temporal lobe lesions resulting from herpes encephalitis were examined separately, an identical pattern of results was obtained, the herpes group being significantly impaired on spatial memory and showing a trend towards impairment for temporal context memory. There were strong correlations between anterograde memory quotients and context memory performance (despite the use of an exposure time titration procedure) and a weak association with one frontal/executive task (card-sorting perseverations). It is predicted that correlations between temporal context memory and frontal/executive tasks will be greater in samples of patients all of whom have frontal lesions invading the dorsolateral cortical margin.  相似文献   

Background: A number of studies have suggested that temporal cortex is critical for the ability to generate exemplars belonging to a particular semantic category (i.e., category fluency), while frontal cortex is critical for generating words beginning with a particular letter (i.e., letter or phonemic fluency). However, previous studies have often focused on relative, quantitative differences in performance across groups of patients and primarily in the oral domain.

Aims: The current study analysed verbal fluency data from two individuals with chronic aphasia, one with a large left temporal lobe lesion and a severe Wernicke's aphasia, and a second individual with a large left frontal lobe lesion and a moderately severe non-fluent aphasia. The goal of the study was to do both qualitative and quantitative analyses of letter and category fluency performance in these two individuals across oral and written fluency domains.

Methods & Procedures: Participants were administered both oral and written versions of letter fluency (FAS) and category fluency conditions (fruits, animals, and supermarket items). Participants were given 90 seconds to generate as many items as possible, and their responses were scored for both overall output, as well as qualitative structure using a clustering analysis.

Outcomes & Results: The individual with an extensive temporal lobe lesion generated a large number of exemplars on the letter fluency task. Some of these items were neologisms (e.g., frest, anth, and swink), but remarkably all adhered to the phonological constraints of the task. However, this individual was very poor at generating items belonging to semantic categories. In contrast, the individual with a large frontal lesion generated many exemplars on the category fluency task but only two items on the letter fluency task. The same pattern was replicated in the written domain in both individuals, and results from the clustering analysis paralleled these quantitative findings.

Conclusions: This report describes two individuals with aphasia who exhibited a double dissociation between letter and category fluency performance in both oral and written domains. The current findings provide further evidence for the notion that left frontal cortex is critical for word retrieval based on phonology, while left temporal cortex is critical for word retrieval based on semantics. The findings have implications for the types of strategies that may be most effective in individuals with lesions to these brain regions critical for word retrieval.  相似文献   

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