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PURPOSE: To investigate the diffusion tensor properties of the human optic nerve in vivo using a non-Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) fast spin echo (FSE) sequence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This non-CPMG FSE sequence, which is based on a quadratic phase modulation of the refocusing pulses, allows diffusion measures to be acquired with full signal and without artifacts from geometric distortions due to magnetic field inhomogeneities, which are among the main problems encountered in the orbital area. RESULTS: Good-quality images were obtained at a resolution of 0.94 x 0.94 x 3 mm. The mean diffusivity (MD) and fractional anisotropy (FA) were respectively 1.1 +/- 0.2 x 10(-3) mm(2)/second and 0.49 +/- 0.06, reflecting the optic nerve anisotropy. CONCLUSION: This non-CPMG-FSE sequence provides reliable diffusion-weighted images of the human optic nerve. This approach could potentially improve the diagnosis and management of optic nerve diseases or compression, such as optic neuritis, orbit tumors, and muscle hypertrophy.  相似文献   

A new pulse sequence for fast multislice T1 mapping is presented. This method is based on calculating T1 from spin echo (SE) and stimulated echo (STE) images obtained with different degrees of T1 weighting, and uses the interleaved acquisition scheme of the fast phase acquisition of composite echoes (FastPACE) technique. In contrast to the FastPACE technique, the two echoes are sampled separately. Experimental comparisons confirm that the new sequence layout overcomes most of the FastPACE restrictions, such as its motion sensitivity and the need for a fully complex data set. Moreover, this method offers a higher precision for long T1 values and a further reduction of acquisition time.  相似文献   

It is shown that a repetitive pulse sequence consisting of two 90° pulses and gradients in a 1:2 ratio around the second 90° pulse generates interscan shifted stimulated echoes (SSTEs) and intrascan multiple spin echoes (MSEs). Separation of these two types of signals is accomplished using specific gradient crusher schemes. The intensity of the SSTEs is an order of magnitude larger than that of the MSEs and determines the signal contrast if both effects are selected simultaneously. The SSTE sequence generates improved contrast between gray and white matter, even at high field, which is explained in terms of increased inverse T1-weighting for the interscan echo. The MSE image has low signal to noise and no detectable contrast. The effect of interscan diffusion weighting is also discussed.  相似文献   

The strong sensitivity of Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) fast spin-echo (FSE) sequences, such as rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE), to the phase of the prepared transverse magnetization means that artifact-free single-shot diffusion-weighted images can currently only be obtained with a 30-50% reduction in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). However, this phase sensitivity and signal loss can be addressed in FSE sequences that use quadratic phase modulation of the radiofrequency (RF) refocusing pulses to generate a sustained train of stable echoes. Here the first application of such a non-CPMG single-shot FSE (ssFSE) sequence to diffusion tensor MR imaging (DT-MRI) of the human brain is described. This approach provides high SNR diffusion-weighted images that have little or no susceptibility to poor B(0) magnetic field homogeneity and the strong eddy currents typically present in DT-MRI experiments.  相似文献   

This work presents a new imaging sequence in which multiple slices are simultaneously excited and refocused in a spin‐echo train. The multiple spin‐echo trains are interleaved in such a manner that (i) the Carr‐Purcell‐Meiboom‐Gill conditions are fulfilled at all times, and (ii) the signals from slices can be separated, preventing aliasing. This paper also demonstrates how the sequence may be used in a novel fat‐water Dixon method that enables fast volume coverage. The technique is demonstrated in phantoms and in vivo. Magn Reson Med, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A new fast sequence type, called COSESS/INSESS, is described. The steady state for COSESS is coherent but incoherent for INSESS. COSESS/INSESS combine the contrast behavior of fast imaging with steady-state free precession (FISP) and fast low angle shot (FLASH), respectively, to the robustness of spin-echo (SE) sequences with regard to susceptibility and field inhomogeneities. In contrast to other fast sequences such as rapid spin-echo excitation (RASEE), fast low angle spin echo with short echo time (FATE) or the missing pulse sequence, which also uses a spin echo, COSESS/INSESS can additionally handle time-dependent disturbances arising from eddy currents, hysteresis or Bo instability. The acquisition time is 2 to 3 times longer than with gradientbased steady-state sequences. The principle of echo generation is evaluated and shows a superposition of several subechoes in the spin echo. Different solutions were elaborated to attain a coherent superposition of sub-echo signals for COSESS. Signal and contrast behavior were investigated both by simulations and experiments and demonstrate the performance of COSESS/INSESS.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To optimize the accuracy and precision of T2 measurements using the standard Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence. T2 values obtained with this technique are normally sensitive to imperfect refocusing due to the formation of unwanted stimulated echoes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Modifications are made to the refocusing slice selection width and the interleaving scheme. A widened refocusing slice improves the uniformity of the refocusing flip angle across the slice. A slow spin echo acquisition provided "gold standard" T2 values. Repeated T2 measurements in phantom and human studies are used to compare the accuracy and precision of the optimized and non-optimized CPMG implementations. RESULTS: The required slice thickness ratio between refocusing and excitation slice widths is found to be 3:1 for typical optimized radiofrequency pulses. T2 values obtained using this optimized implementation more closely correspond to "gold standard" values. Repeated T2 measurements indicate significantly improved correspondence between data and model. A reduction in the fitting error of approximately 70% is demonstrated for phantoms. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate that a relatively simple change to the CPMG relaxometry sequence parameters from the default setup yields significant improvements in the accuracy and precision of T2 measurements.  相似文献   

To extend the signal longevity of magnetically excited spins in flowing fluids while in a state of global coherent free precession (GCFP), a refocusing radiofrequency (RF) pulse and bipolar gradient waveforms were combined with the GCFP sequence. The data demonstrate that RF refocusing in the presence of flowing blood is possible, but the improvement in signal amplitude depends on the static magnetic field homogeneity along the direction of motion and the displacement of the spins between the excitation and the RF refocusing pulse, as well as displacement during subsequent RF refocusing pulses. The least amount of phase dispersion and thus the longest lasting signal is obtained with the shortest echo spacing where only one line of data is recorded between two RF refocusing pulses. This approach was successfully used in a phantom and in vivo to image fast and slow blood flow. Depending on the experimental conditions, signal persistence is improved significantly compared to playing the same sequence without RF refocusing, but the improvement is limited by the product of blood flow velocity and the time between RF refocusing pulses.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation tool was developed to calculate the echo amplitudes of J-coupled resonances within a series of radiofrequency (RF) refocused echoes. The signal modulation due to J-coupling in rapid acquisition with relaxation enhancement (RARE) is suppressed only when the inverse of the pulse interval (tau) is large compared to both the chemical shift (CS) difference (Deltadelta) of the coupled spins and the coupling constant. In contrast, the echo amplitudes in ultrafast low-flip-angle RARE (U-FLARE) oscillate around a quasi-steady-state value that is greater than zero (neglecting relaxation and diffusion) even when Deltadelta > 1/tau. The flip-angle distribution over the measured slice caused by the use of Gaussian-shape slice-selective refocusing pulses further reduces the echo oscillations. When the pulse interval falls short of the fast pulse rate regime, spectroscopic U-FLARE provides an improved spatial impulse response in the phase-encoding (PE) direction compared to spectroscopic RARE.  相似文献   

High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging is emerging as a powerful tool for phenotyping mice in biologic studies of genetic expression, development, and disease progression. In several applications, notably random mutagenesis trials, large cohorts of mice must be examined for abnormalities that may occur in any part of the body. In the aim of establishing a protocol for imaging multiple mice simultaneously in a standardized high-throughput fashion, this study investigates variations of a three-dimensional fast spin-echo sequence that implements driven equilibrium, modified refocusing, and partial excitation pulses. Sequence variations are compared by simulated and experimental measurements in phantoms and mice. Results indicate that when using a short repetition time (TR相似文献   

PURPOSE: To propose a modified fast spin echo (FSE) magnetic resonance imaging sequence for MR thermometry, employing the proton resonance frequency (PRF) shift by means of MR phase maps. Despite their obvious advantages of speed and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), FSE sequences have not until now been used for this purpose due to the restraints imposed by the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) conditions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The new FSE combines a new phase modulation scheme that maintains magnetization that ordinarily is destroyed under CPMG conditions, while employing conventional FSE gradient waveforms. The echoes are read in a single shot using 128 readouts in 650 msec, with a phase sensitive preparation using an optional time shift tau before the start of the refocusing gradient waveforms. This feature allows the quantification of temperature dependent phase shifts. We tested the sequence by imaging a heated agar gel phantom while cooling, using different values for tau. RESULTS: There was good correlation between FSE and fiberoptic-based temperature measurements in the phantom(r(2) >or= 0.95). Temperature sensitivity could be adjusted by varying the tau value. CONCLUSION: With the proposed non-CPMG FSE sequence it is feasible to quantify temperature changes by means of the PRF shift.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging is sensitive to signal fluctuations due to physiological motion and system instability. In this paper, motion-related signal fluctuations are studied, and a method that uses navigator echoes to monitor and compensate for signal fluctuations in a gradient-echo sequence is described. The technique acquires a “navigator” signal before the application of the phase-encoding and readout gradients and corrects the phase of the subsequently acquired imaging data. This technique was implemented on a 4 Tesla whole body system and validated on normal volunteers. With this technique, temporal fluctuations in image intensity were substantially reduced and improved functional activation maps were obtained.  相似文献   

This paper presents a fast spin echo (FSE) imaging method that employs circular sampling of Jr-space. The technique has been implemented on a 2 Tesla imaging system and validated on both phantoms and living animals. Experimental studies have shown that circular sampling can produce artifact-free FSE images without the need of phase correction. Although not fully explored, preliminary results also show that circular sampling may have advantages over the conventional rectilinear FSE in signal-to-noise ratio and imaging efficiency. A major disadvantage is the increased sensitivity to off-resonance effects. The authors expect that the FSE technique with circular sampling will find its applications in magnetic resonance microscopy, neuro-functional imaging, and real-time dynamic studies.  相似文献   

Each k‐space segment in multishot diffusion‐weighted MRI is affected by a different spatially varying phase which is caused by unavoidable motions and amplified by the diffusion‐encoding gradients. A proper image reconstruction therefore requires phase maps for each segment. Such maps are commonly derived from two‐dimensional navigators at relatively low resolution but do not offer robust solutions. For example, phase variations in diffusion‐weighted MRI of the brain are often characterized by high spatial frequencies. To overcome this problem, an inverse reconstruction method for segmented multishot diffusion‐weighted MRI is described that takes advantage of the full k‐space data acquired from multiple receiver coils. First, the individual coil sensitivities are determined from the non–diffusion‐weighted acquisitions by regularized nonlinear inversion. These coil sensitivities are then used to estimate accurate motion‐associated phase maps for each segment by iterative linear inversion. Finally, the coil sensitivities and phase maps serve to reconstruct artifact‐free images of the object by iterative linear inversion, taking advantage of the data of all segments. The efficiency of the new method is demonstrated for segmented diffusion‐weighted stimulated echo acquisition mode MRI of the human brain. Magn Reson Med, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Previously published fast spin-echo (FSE) implementations of a Dixon method for water and fat separation all require multiple scans and thus a relatively long scan time. Further, the minimum echo spacing (esp), a time critical for FSE image quality and scan efficiency, often needs to be increased in order to bring about the required phase shift between the water and fat signals. This work proposes and implements a novel FSE triple-echo Dixon (fTED) technique that can address these limitations. In the new technique, three raw images are acquired in a single FSE scan by replacing each frequency-encoding gradient in a conventional FSE with three consecutive gradients of alternating polarity. The timing of the three gradients is adjusted by selecting an appropriate receiver bandwidth (RBW) so that the water and fat signals for the three corresponding echoes have a relative phase shift of -180 degrees , 0 degrees , and 180 degrees , respectively. A fully automated postprocessing algorithm is then used to generate separate water-only and fat-only images for each slice. The technique was implemented with and without parallel imaging. We demonstrate that the new fTED technique enables both uniform water/fat separation and fast scanning with uncompromised scan parameters, including applications such as T(2)-weighted separate water and fat imaging of the abdomen during breath-holding.  相似文献   

This work describes an interleaved echo planar imaging (EPI) method for use on a standard whole body scanner. The data acquisition is divided into two to eight repetitions rather than one to two, as implemented by dedicated EPI systems. Interleaving allows the use of a lower sampling bandwidth with a significant increase in signal-to-noise. The method also has the advantages of relative ease of implementation, no need for postprocessing to remove image distortion, and no need for shimming on a case-by-case basis. The interleaved EPI method was applied to two applications ideally suited to EPI: breathhold T2-weighted abdominal imaging and functional imaging. In vivo liver-lesion contrast as measured in a 35-patient study showed increased contrast for the Interleaved EPI by an average factor of 1.21 (± 0.34) over conventional spin-echo imaging. CNR measurements showed the EPI to be comparable with conventional spin echo with a relative factor of 1.00 (± 0.36). Functional imaging with an eight-shot interleaved EPI sequence provided 128 × 128 images of cerebral activation during bilateral finger tapping.  相似文献   

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