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Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) that reside in the intestinal epithelium are known to exhibit phenotypic and functional characteristics that are distinct from other T cells. We have recently shown that peripheral T cells exclusively express an isoform of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) encoded by the mdr1a gene, but do not require mdr1a expression for normal proliferative, cytokine, or cytotoxic responses. In the present study, we have used mdr1-type knockout (KO) mice to demonstrate that IEL also utilize mdr1a, but only preferentially, in that the mdr1b isoform can be expressed in the absence of mdr1a expression. We also report that a high level of P-gp activity appears to be necessary for the normal development of certain IEL subpopulations. In specific, while the total number of IEL was relatively unaffected by the absence of mdr1a expression, the proportions of CD8β and TCRβ+ IEL increased significantly in mdr1a and mdr1a/b KO mice at the expense of CD8 and TCRγδ+ IEL, respectively. Moreover, these subset alterations also appeared to have functional consequences, in that proliferative, IL-2, and IFN-γ responses of IEL from KO mice were distinct from those of normal IEL. In summary, our data suggest that mdr1a expression is required for the development of certain IEL subpopulations, most notably TCRγδ+ cells, and thereby indirectly influences the balance of T cell subsets in the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Overwhelming evidence suggests that the majority of murine small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) are extrathymically derived. These IEL include those with T cell receptor (TCR) γδ and someTCR αβ (CD8αα and Thy-1?). In contrast, congenitally athymic nude mice have low numbers of γδ TCR IEL as well as very few αβ TCR IEL, far less than that would be expected if one assumes that γδ TCR IEL and αβ TCR (CD8αα and Thy-1?) IEL in euthymic mice are extrathymically derived. To examine this discrepancy, we followed extrathymic IEL differentiation in IEL of day 3-thymectomized (NTX) mice as another athymic mouse model and found that γδ TCRIEL and extrathymically derived αβ TCR IEL in NTX mice are markedly reduced, almost to the level of nude mice. We further show that it is probably the absence of a thymic stroma that is responsible for the lower amounts of extrathymically derived IEL in nude mice, as the low amounts can be corrected to euthymic levels by syngeneic fetal thymus grafting but not by direct injection of F1 thymocytes. Lastly, unlike TCR/CD3+ extrathymically derived IEL, we noted a large proportion of extrathymic CD3?CD8? and CD3?CD8+ IEL; they were threefold more frequent in nude and NTX than in euthymic mice. This suggests that the thymus influences extrathymically derived IEL in its development from CD3? to CD3+ at the small intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) that reside in the intestinal epithelium are known to exhibit phenotypic and functional characteristics that are distinct from other T cells. We have recently shown that peripheral T cells exclusively express an isoform of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) encoded by the mdr1a gene, but do not require mdr1a expression for normal proliferative, cytokine, or cytotoxic responses. In the present study, we have used mdr1-type knockout (KO) mice to demonstrate that IEL also utilize mdr1a, but only preferentially, in that the mdr1b isoform can be expressed in the absence of mdr1a expression. We also report that a high level of P-gp activity appears to be necessary for the normal development of certain IEL subpopulations. In specific, while the total number of IEL was relatively unaffected by the absence of mdr1a expression, the proportions of CD8αβ and TCRαβ+ IEL increased significantly in mdr1a and mdr1a/b KO mice at the expense of CD8αα and TCRγδ+ IEL, respectively. Moreover, these subset alterations also appeared to have functional consequences, in that proliferative, IL-2, and IFN-γ responses of IEL from KO mice were distinct from those of normal IEL. In summary, our data suggest that mdr1a expression is required for the development of certain IEL subpopulations, most notably TCRγδ+ cells, and thereby indirectly influences the balance of T cell subsets in the intestinal epithelium.  相似文献   

Highly enriched preparations of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) containing a large subpopulation of granulated cells were isolated from the murine small intestinal mucosa. We cultured IEL in media containing interleukin 2 (growth media conditioned with 20% concanavalin A supernatant; Con A CM) or mast cell growth factor(s) (growth media conditioned with 40% WEHI-3 supernatant; WEHI CM) and compared the physical and functional properties of the cultured cells to freshly isolated IEL. IEL cultured in Con A CM developed enhanced cytotoxicity against YAC-1, compared to freshly isolated IEL, and spontaneous cytotoxicity for P815 targets. Most of these cultured cells were Thy-1+ Lyt-1- Lyt-2+, and contained cytoplasmic granules similar to those seen in electron photomicrographs of other cytotoxic cell populations. IEL cultured in WEHI CM gave rise to cells that morphologically resembled mast cells. Unlike freshly isolated IEL, the cells stained metachromatically, contained 200-450 ng of histamine/10(6) cells and expressed high-affinity receptors for IgE. Our data clearly show that, although IEL do not themselves have physical characteristics of mast cells, they do contain mast cell precursors. In addition, IEL grown in the presence of T cell growth factors give rise to an activated cytotoxic cell population which is mostly granulated and Thy-1+ Lyt-1- Lyt-2+.  相似文献   

Although isolated intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) have been shown to have specific and non-specific cytolytic functions, their ability to proliferate in response to T-cell mitogens or alloantigens is controversial. Here we show that IEL from mouse small intestine do not respond to mitogens such as concanavalin A and phytohaemagglutinin A or in mixed lymphocyte reactions unless an accessory spleen cell is also present. Adherent spleen cells possess the most potent helper function, but a dividing accessory cell may also be required. Supernatants from stimulated lymphocytes also assist IEL to proliferate in vitro, particularly in the presence of adherent accessory cells. IEL could not mediate lethal graft-versus-host disease in irradiated hosts, but could produce popliteal lymph node hypertrophy or splenomegaly in unirradiated hosts. Thus, IEL have the potential for proliferative activities characteristic of T cells, but they require accessory cells and/or factors such as interleukin-2 for their function in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

A large proportion of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) comprises alpha beta and gamma delta T-cell receptor (TcR)-bearing T cells. The numbers of alpha beta and gamma delta IEL are reported to be very different between germ-free and conventional microbial conditions. In this study, we investigated the kinetics of both types of TcR-bearing cells after microbial colonization in germ-free mice and the influence of thymus deprivation on IEL populations during the microbial association process. Immediately after association with microbes in germ-free animals, the number of alpha beta TcR-bearing IEL gradually increased. Fourteen days after microbial association the number of alpha beta IEL equalled that of gamma delta TcR-bearing IEL. Approximately 1 month after microbial association, the number of alpha beta IEL was several times greater than that of gamma delta IEL, having almost reached the level in conventional mice reared in a conventional animal room after birth. On the other hand the number of gamma delta IEL hardly changed throughout this microbial association process. Two-colour analysis involving anti-alpha beta TcR and anti-Lyt-2 or Lyt-3 antibodies showed that the major fraction of IEL that increased after microbial association comprised alpha beta TcR-bearing T cells expressing CD8 antigen composed of a homodimer of alpha-chains, which was not detected in other gut associated-lymphoid tissues (GALT) such as Peyer's patch, mesenteric lymph node and lamina propria tissue. The number of alpha beta T cells in these GALT increased within 1 week more quickly than that of IEL. The increase in alpha beta IEL after microbial association was not prevented by thymectomy. These results strongly suggest that the progenitors of alpha beta TcR-bearing IEL expand outside the thymus in response to microbial colonization in germ-free mice.  相似文献   

肠上皮淋巴细胞(iIEL)定位于消化道黏膜上皮细胞间,与肠上皮细胞紧密接触并相互作用,介导黏膜局部免疫防御和维持肠黏膜组织稳定性。iIEL通过其细胞毒活性及所分泌的细胞因子调节肠上皮细胞的凋亡及再生,在炎症性肠病的发生及发展中起一定作用。  相似文献   

b型肠上皮内淋巴细胞(iIEL)是富集于肠道黏膜免疫系统的特殊淋巴细胞亚群,在粘膜免疫应答过程中发挥着重要作用。然而对其确切的发育分化部位的研究尚存争议。有研究表明,与普通T细胞不同,这群细胞是在胸腺外肠道隐窝斑(CP)发育成熟的。现有报道显示,体内存在胸腺内和胸腺外两种发育途径。在正常情况下,b型ilEL全部来源于胸腺,只是在严重淋巴细胞耗竭的情况下,胸腺外发育途径才能发挥其功能。  相似文献   

This article reviews the multiple uses of flow cytometry in the diagnosis, monitoring and research of celiac disease, the most prevalent chronic autoimmune gastrointestinal disease. The phenotyping of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) is of clinical relevance in the diagnosis of the disease given the characteristic features of elevated CD3+ IELs (αβ and γδ TcR) and the decrease in CD3− IELs. IEL biomarkers are also useful in the assessment of the response to the gluten-free diet and, importantly, in the diagnosis of the severe complications of celiac disease: refractory celiac disease and enteropathy-associated T-cell lymphoma. Novel applications of flow cytometry for the detection of anti-transglutaminase antibodies (a validated biomarker of celiac disease) and of gluten (the triggering antigen of the autoimmune process) are also discussed. The assessment of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers by flow cytometry in celiac disease is performed routinely in a growing number of centers and it is an example of the versatility of this technique and its applicability to the research and clinical study of solid tissues.  相似文献   

A panel of CD4 T-cell clones was isolated from synovial fluid by single cell flow cytometry from a patient with treatment-resistant Lyme arthritis using a DRB1*0401 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II tetramer covalently loaded with outer surface protein A (OspA) peptide164-175, an immunodominant epitope of Borrelia burgdorferi. Sequencing of the T-cell receptors of the OspA reactive clones showed significant skewing of the T-cell receptor repertoire. Of the 101 T-cell clones sequenced, 81 possessed TCR beta chains that were present in at least one other clone isolated. Complete sequencing of both alpha and beta chains of a subset of clones showed that at least two distinct T-cell clones were expanded in vivo. Binding studies using a panel of Ala-substituted peptide ligands were performed to determine potential MHC binding sites of the OspAp164-175 to DRB1*0401. In addition, T-cell clones were tested functionally for their reactivity to the wild-type peptide as well as to altered peptide ligands (APLs) and peptide libraries based on the OspA epitope in order to determine the TCR contact residues and the stringency in T cell recognition. We are among the first to define the characteristics of TCR usage of T cells isolated from an inflamed immune compartment in an individual with an autoimmune disease potentially triggered by a microbial antigen.  相似文献   

Despite extended international efforts, the mechanisms governing T-cell receptor repertoire selection and kinetics in response to foreign or tumour antigens remain poorly characterized. A central goal of current research is to develop improved, reliable, immunological monitoring methods that measure and combine such parameters as the frequency of antigen-specific T cells and their functional capacities, as well as their clonal expansion during immune responses. Detecting and tracking defined anti-viral- and anti-tumour-specific T-cell responses ex vivo should lead to improvements in therapeutic strategies against viral infection or cancer in the future. During the past few years, highly sensitive tools have been developed to enable the molecular dissection and tracking of clonal T-cell expansion in animal models as well as in humans.  相似文献   

The magnitude of CD8 T-cell responses against intracellular pathogens is thought to primarily depend on the expansion capacity of naïve T cells, given that their recruitment is considered optimal. In the current issue of the European Journal of Immunology [Eur. J. Immunol. 2023. 53: 000-000], Leube et al. challenge these concepts and show that the recruitment of naïve T-cell clones into primary responses can be far from complete. The failure to efficiently recruit T-cell clones occurs more frequently in case of low-affinity interactions of the T-cell receptor with cognate antigen of the pathogen. Using single-cell fate-mapping in the Lm-OVA model, the authors demonstrate that naïve T-cell clones of low affinity in contrast to those of high affinity often do not expand after pathogen encounter. These low-affinity clones are maintained as naïve CD8 T cells that can robustly respond upon secondary encounter with the same pathogen, in particular when the reencountered pathogen contains modifications resulting in improved recognition. Thus, this study indicates that the regulation of the response size of CD8 T cells is yet more elaborate than anticipated and involves control at the level of recruitment and expansion of naïve CD8 T cells.  相似文献   

了解消化道溃疡机体的免疫功能变化。方法应用生物学测定法检测了水浸限制刺激诱发的C57BL/6小鼠消化道溃疡动物模型肠上皮淋巴细胞和脾淋巴细胞的细胞活性的变经。结论肠上皮淋巴细胞活性在消化道溃疡发生后的一定期间内有升高,这一升高可能对肠道的功能具有保护作用。  相似文献   

A pre-TCR-CD3 signal is required for the efficient maturation of CD4- CD8- thymocytes to the CD4+ CD8+ stage. This study addressed whether a similar signal is required for maturation of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) that may develop extrathymically. We have shown previously that IEL from mice deficient for CD3- associated zeta chains include an immature population of CD3- CD8alphaalpha+ cells expressing cytoplasmic TCR beta chains but lacking detectable surface TCRalphabeta, CD16 and B220. Here we stimulated the appearance of such IEL in epsilon+/- zeta-/- mice by expression of an activated Lck transgene or in vivo treatment with anti-CD3epsilon. Anti-CD3epsilon treatment of RAG-deficient animals also yielded CD16- B220- IEL. In contrast, expression of a TCRbeta transgene in rag-1(-/-) mice did not stimulate the appearance of CD3- CD8alphaalpha+ CD16- B220- cells. Taken together these data indicate that although anti-CD3epsilon treatment and LckF505 assist in catalyzing a CD16+ B220+ --> CD16- B220- transition, these manipulations are not equivalent to a pre-TCR signal in IEL lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Nonantigen specific CD8+ suppressor T lymphocytes (CD8+ Ts) inhibit T-cell proliferation of antigen-specific T lymphocytes. The impossibility to generate in vitro these cells has been correlated with the appearance of relapses in patients affected by autoimmune diseases, suggesting the involvement of these cells in immune regulation. This study was aimed to identify circulating precursors and to characterize the phenotype and mechanism of action of CD8+ Ts. We found that CD8+ Ts can be generated in vitro from CD8+CD28- T lymphocytes, but not from CD8+CD28+ T cells. A key role in their generation is played by monocytes that secrete interleukin-10 (IL-10) after granulocyte macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) stimulation. Cell-to-cell direct interaction between CD8+CD28- T cells and monocytes does not play a role in the generation of CD8+ Ts. CD8+ Ts have a CD45RA+, CD27-, CCR7-, IL-10Ralpha+ phenotype and a TCR Vbeta chain repertoire overlapping that of autologous circulating CD8+ T cells. This phenotype is typical of T lymphocytes previously expanded due to antigen stimulation. Their suppressive effect on T-cell proliferation targets both antigen presenting cells, such as dendritic cells, and antigen-specific T lymphocytes, and is mediated by IL-10. CD8+ Ts suppress also the antigen-specific cytotoxic activity of CTL decreasing the expression of HLA class I molecules on target cells through IL-10 secretion. These findings can be helpful for the better understanding of immune regulatory circuits and for the definition of new pathogenic aspects in autoimmunity and tumor immunology.  相似文献   

In conventional terms, when T cells encounter appropriate stimuli, they are induced to undergo molecular and physical changes that confer upon them a state of activation. Once initiated, activation generally results in a state of full T-cell responsiveness in an all-or-none manner. Uniquely, however, the intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) bear features that are decidedly different from those of T cells located throughout other immunological compartments in that they exhibit some but not all properties of activated T cells, yet they can be induced to move further into activation provided appropriate costimulatory signals have been received. IEL costimulatory molecules—some of which are constitutively expressed, whereas others are upregulated following T-cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 stimulation—appear to hold the key to determining the nature and magnitude of the activational process. A system of activation such as this in the intestine would be expected to have great immunological protective value for the host because it would provide an untrammeled process of T-cell activation at a barrier site where the level of antigen exposure is consistently high. Clearly, however, mechanisms must be in place to insure that the IEL activation process is not inadvertently breached. These and other issues central to the operational workings of the intestinal immune system are elaborated in this article, and a model is presented in which IEL activation can be viewed as a layered, three-stage activational process.  相似文献   

Between 10 and 20% of the peripheral gammadelta T cells express cytoplasmic TCR-beta proteins, but whether such TCR-beta chains can partake in alphabeta T-cell development has never been systematically investigated. Therefore, we reconstituted the T-cell compartment of CD3epsilon-deficient mice with Pax5-TCR-beta deficient proB cells expressing, via a retroviral vector, TCR-beta chains from either peripheral gammadelta or alphabeta T cells. Recipient thymi reconstituted with proB cells containing empty vector were small (<15x10(6) cells), contained few gammadelta T but no alphabeta T cells. In contrast, thymi from mice receiving proB cells containing gammadelta or alphabeta T-cell-derived TCR-beta chains contained 80-130x10(6) cells, and showed a normal CD4, CD8 and alphabeta TCR expression pattern. However, regardless of the source of TCR-beta chain, reconstituted mice rapidly showed signs of autoimmunity dying 5-15 wk following reconstitution. Autoimmune disease induction could be prevented by co-transfer of Treg cells thereby allowing the functionality of the generated T cells to be assessed. Results obtained show that TCR-beta chains from gammadelta T cells can efficiently take part in alphabeta T-cell development. The implications of these findings for gammadelta T-cell development will be discussed.  相似文献   

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