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"落枕"的治疗体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“落枕”是对颈肩部突然发生疼痛、功能障碍的常用通俗名称,也是颈肩痛的常见原因之一。长期以来缺乏规范的诊断名称及标准,容易造成诊断定位不清,影响治疗的效果;作者自1994年以来,收治该病180例,经手法治疗,取得了满意的效果,现总结如下:  相似文献   

五一节前夕,一个朋友到江浙考察美容化妆品市场,回来小聚闲聊,他特别提到的一个城市让我颇有感触——义乌。  相似文献   

“不变革,就死亡”的理念已成为大多数企业管理者的共识。但是实施变革的企业很多,而成功者却寥寥无几。特别是当外聘经理人实施变革时,结局往往更惨。本文讲述的这家民营企业变革的故事,令人掩卷沉思……  相似文献   

民间有一句“眉头一皱,计上心来”的话句,是描述人们遇到困难或碰到问题无策略时,只要动一动脑筋,想一想办法,对策及方法就会应由而生,这就是“灵感”,从而使困难及问题得到解决。手外科医师在临床实践中,常常不知不觉地经历和产生着这种“灵感”。所谓“灵感”,它不是具体的、有形的;而是无形的、抽象的。然而,它的的确确、实实在在地涌现在我们的日常生活工作中。由于“灵感”的出现而产生新的思路,新的方法而获得出乎意料的效果,从而使社会、使科学,使医学获得新发展、新进步。  相似文献   

梁平 《中华创伤骨科杂志》2007,9(12):I0010-I0010
(1)总结老年人胫骨平台骨折手术治疗的临床经验。 To sum up (review) the clinical experience of operative management of tibia plateau fractures in senile patients,(experience可用为不可数名词,侧重来源于实践的知识和技能以及获得经验的过程。)  相似文献   

2005年1月份,嘉娜宝上海公司总经理李某突被召回总部并解职,日方称其有不规范行为,并由此引发一系列风波。这很容易让人联想到自去年以来发生的几起跨国企业解雇中国区高管的事件。  相似文献   

浅谈"以人为本"的健康教育程序   总被引:36,自引:12,他引:24  
介绍“以人为本”的健康教育程序,包括重视病人感受,确定学习需求,切合实际制定计划,把握病人身心状态,因人而异实施教育,注重实效的评价,以体现“以病人为中心”的工作原则。  相似文献   

许多区域经理好不容易才勉强完成了1年的任务,却没想到新年度的任务又上涨了50%,甚至100%以上。其实,只要方法得当,思想不滑坡,看似不可能完成的任务都可以轻松应对。  相似文献   

“美容是天大的事”,似乎在一夜之间,上海甚至全国的人民都知道了天大整形医院的存在。  相似文献   

在商场如战场的今天,企业任何一个进退的动作,都充满了周密的算计和战略部署。然而,我们耳闻目染了太多商业扩张成功的例子,无论是国际企业还是国内企业,却很少有“以退为进”获得成功的案例。[编者按]  相似文献   

We repeated some of our own previous experiments, as well as some of Torzilli's recent experiments (11) on which he bases his conclusions relating to a nonexchangeable "trapped water" in cartilage. We are unable to confirm Torzilli's findings. We observed partition coefficients for 3H.HO very close to unity. That both the extrafibrillar and most of the intrafibrillar water is freely exchangeable and behaves as available water towards small solutes has been independently shown (3) for other collagenous tissues. All the different permutations of partition experiments have yielded results that are fully consistent with our original picture of the very major fraction of cartilage water being free.  相似文献   

Editor—It is a common misconception that turning off thevaporizer while leaving the fresh gas flow (FGF) on, during  相似文献   

Without any proof, a governmental agency has decreed that Corticotulle was not enough efficient to be reimbursed by National Health Security. Dealing with treatment of basal cell carcinoma, another governmental agency has published recommendations which even do not follow basic rules of logic. This paper points out that economical and political methods are not scientific or medical ones.  相似文献   

Many sports medicine practitioners believe "custom-fit" functional braces are superior in performance to "off-the-shelf" braces for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)-deficient knees. However, this is not well substantiated. This study compares a Donjoy custom-fit ACL brace (CE 2000), Donjoy off-the-shelf brace (Goldpoint), and an athletic taping technique to determine their role in our clinical practice. Five patients (3 men and 2 women) with isolated, unilateral, chronic ACL tears with an average age of 27 years (range: 19-35 years) were used to evaluate these three restraint systems. Anterior tibial laxity, quadriceps and hamstrings strength, endurance, standing long jump, brace migration with exercise, and pattern of muscle response to forced anterior tibial displacement were studied. Each patient was tested without a brace and then in each of the three test conditions (custom brace, off-the-shelf brace, and tape), with the order of testing randomized. The Donjoy custom-fit ACL functional brace did not reduce anterior laxity or improve standing long jump, muscle strength, endurance, or muscle response times significantly more than the off-the-shelf ACL brace. Both braces improved anterior stability over knee taping when the knee muscles were contracted under the low forces used in this study. After 1 hour of exercise, brace migration was significantly greater (P=.03) for the CE-2000 custom brace (18.6 mm) than for the Goldpoint off-the-shelf brace (4.5 mm). There appears to be no advantage to the more expensive custom-fit knee brace over the off-the-shelf brace.  相似文献   

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