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Rates of neural tube defects have decreased since folic acid fortification of the food supply in the United States. The authors' objective was to evaluate the associations between neural tube defects and maternal folic acid intake among pregnancies conceived after fortification. This is a multicenter, case-control study that uses data from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study, 1998-2003. Logistic regression was used to compute crude and adjusted odds ratios between cases and controls assessing maternal periconceptional use of folic acid and intake of dietary folic acid. Among 180 anencephalic cases, 385 spina bifida cases, and 3, 963 controls, 21.1%, 25.2%, and 26.1%, respectively, reported periconceptional use of folic acid supplements. Periconceptional supplement use did not reduce the risk of having a pregnancy affected by a neural tube defect. Maternal intake of dietary folate was not significantly associated with neural tube defects. In this study conducted among pregnancies conceived after mandatory folic acid fortification, the authors found little evidence of an association between neural tube defects and maternal folic acid intake. A possible explanation is that folic acid fortification reduced the occurrence of folic acid-sensitive neural tube defects. Further investigation is warranted to possibly identify women who remain at increased risk of preventable neural tube defects.  相似文献   

Folate has received international attention regarding its role in the risk-reduction of birth defects, specifically neural tube defects (NTDs). In 1998, health officials in Canada, like the United States, mandated the addition of folic acid to white flour and select grain products to increase the folate intake of reproductive-aged women. Subsequent to this initiative there has been an increase in blood folate concentrations in Canada and a 50% reduction in NTDs. Many countries, including Korea, have not mandated folic acid fortification of their food supply. Reasons vary but often include concern over the masking of vitamin B12 deficiency, a belief that folate intakes among womenare adequate, low priority relative to other domestic issues, and the philosophy that individuals have the right not to consume supplemental folic acid if they so choose. Prior to folic acid fortification of the food supply in Canada, the folate intakes of women were low, and their blood folate concentrations while not sufficiently low to produce overt signs of folate deficiency (eg. anemia) were inconsistent with a level known to reduce the risk of an NTD-affected pregnancy. The purpose of this article is to describe the role of folate during the periconceptional period, pregnancy, and during lactation. The rationale for, and history of recommending folic acid-containing supplements during the periconceptional period and pregnancy is described as is folic acid fortification of the food supply. The impact of folic acid fortification in Canada is discussed, and unresolved issues associated with this policy described. While the incidence of NTDs in Canada pre-folic acid fortification were seemingly higherthan that of Korea today, blood folate levels of Korean women are strikingly similar. We will briefly explore these parallels in an attempt to understand whether folic acid fortification of the food supply in Korea might be worth consideration  相似文献   

Since the publication of randomised trials showing firm evidence of prevention of neural tube defects with periconceptional folic acid, there have been population health promotion programmes to encourage women to take folic acid supplements, and the introduction of voluntary fortification of some foods with folic acid in Australia. In order to evaluate these two strategies, we collected data by self-administered questionnaire from a random sample of recently pregnant women in Western Australia between September 1997 and March 2000. Response to health promotion was measured in three ways: (1) knowledge of the association between periconceptional folate and prevention of spina bifida (the 'correct message'); (2) use of periconceptional vitamin supplements of folic acid daily in the periconceptional period; and (3) daily folate intake from fortified foods in the 6 months before pregnancy. We examined the relationship of maternal demographic and behavioural characteristics with these three measures. Overall, 62.3% of women were aware of the correct message before pregnancy, 28.5% reported taking 200 microg or more of folic acid from supplements daily in the periconceptional period and 56.6% of women obtained 100 microg or more of folic acid from fortified foods. Women who first became aware of the correct message during pregnancy or who were unaware of the correct message before or during pregnancy were more likely than women aware before pregnancy to be younger, having their first pregnancy, be single or in a de facto relationship, have no tertiary education, and be a public patient. Similar associations were seen for women taking either no folic acid or < 200 microg of folic acid in supplements daily in the periconceptional period. There were no significant associations between these demographic variables and amount of folate obtained from fortified foods. Women who were unaware of the correct message and did not take folic acid supplements were more likely to have smoked, not to have engaged in exercise, and not to have planned their pregnancy, whereas there was no association with these behavioural characteristics and intake of folate from fortified foods. These results indicate that health promotion strategies have not reached all segments of the target population equally, but there is no such disparity with folate-fortified foods, and they suggest that mandatory fortification of a staple food is likely to reach all women regardless of demographic and behavioural characteristics, and hence provide improved opportunity for prevention of neural tube defects in Australia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the proportion of women who took folate supplementation prior to conception and in the first three months of pregnancy and/or increased folate dietary intake; to determine how folate supplementation varied with socio-demographic factors; and to describe the ways women had seen or heard about folate prior to pregnancy. METHODS: Two population-based surveys were used: the Victorian Survey of Recent Mothers 2000 and the 2001 NSW Child Health Survey. RESULTS: Thirty-six per cent of women in Victoria reported taking periconceptional folate supplements compared with 46% in NSW. In Victoria, 8%, and in NSW, 28% of women had increased dietary folate intake. In both surveys younger women, women with less education, less income, of non-English speaking background and women who were not married were less likely to take folate supplements in the recommended period. In Victoria, multiparous women were significantly less likely to take supplements. In NSW, women with an unplanned pregnancy and those living in rural areas were significantly less likely to take periconceptional folate supplements. Fifty-three per cent of women cited a general practitioner or obstetrician as a source of folate information and 45% cited family or friends; both of these sources were significantly associated with periconceptional folate supplementation. CONCLUSIONS: Less than 50% of women took periconceptional folate supplements. Among socially disadvantaged groups, the proportion was significantly lower. IMPLICATIONS: Since women are unlikely to achieve adequate folate intake periconceptionally without deliberate action, there remains the need for a multifaceted approach to providing women with information about folate. Future surveys are needed to monitor usage and knowledge.  相似文献   

To reduce the risk of neural tube defects, the New Zealand Ministry of Health recommends women take supplemental folic acid from at least one month preconception until the end of the twelfth week of pregnancy, as well as consume folate-rich foods. A postpartum survey was conducted to describe folate knowledge and consumer behaviour among pregnant New Zealand women prior to the potential implementation of mandatory folic acid fortification of bread in May 2012. Increasing knowledge of folic acid recommendations was associated with higher supplement uptake among women who planned their pregnancies (p=0.001 for linear trend). Folic acid information failed to adequately reach some socio-demographic subgroups before conception, even when pregnancy was planned, including: indigenous Maori, Pacific and Asian women, younger women, women with large families, and women with lower educational attainment and income. Only half of all women surveyed knew some bread contained added folic acid, and among these women, less than 2% consistently chose voluntarily fortified bread during the periconceptional period by inspecting labels. Sixty-one percent of women indicated they were either in favour of mandatory fortification, or held no opinion on the matter, while 4% were opposed to the addition of folic acid to bread. Approximately one-third (35%) of women agreed with voluntary fortification. Future health promotion initiatives should be tailored toward women who are younger, less educated, with lower income, multiparous or of minority ethnicity status. Nonetheless, mandatory folic acid fortification may be required to attain the desired degree of equity.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate whether dietary folate or multivitamin folic acid taken 3 months before conception and during the first 3 months of pregnancy reduces the risk of isolated occurrent neural tube defect (NTD)-affected pregnancies. METHODS: This population-based case control study conducted between 1992 and 1997 included 179 women with NTD-affected pregnancies and 288 randomly selected controls. Women completed a food frequency questionnaire and were interviewed about lifestyle behaviors, pregnancy histories and use of multivitamins. RESULTS: Use of 0.4 mg or more of multivitamin folic acid at least 3 times per week during the periconceptional period showed no statistically significant reduction in NTD risk [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 0.55, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 025, 1.22]. After adjusting for covariates, protective effects for NTDs were observed at the highest quartiles of dietary folate and total folate (daily dietary folate plus daily multivitamin folic acid); the respective odds ratios were 0.40 (95% CI = 0.19, 0.84) and 0.35 (95% CI = 0.17, 0.72). CONCLUSIONS: This study illustrates some of the difficulties in determining effects of folic acid and dietary folate in a population where the consumption of foods rich in folate and the use of multivitamins are increasing and the rate of NTDs is declining. Studies are needed to monitor future changes in folate levels and their effect on health.  相似文献   

It is well known that periconceptional folic acid supplementation decreases the risk of neural tube defects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the attitudes and practices of women with planned pregnancies regarding periconceptional folic acid intake and to identify factors associated with the use of this supplement. During 2 years of observation, we surveyed women with planned pregnancies who called our Teratology Information Service. A total of 500 women were surveyed: 217 (43.4 %) took folic acid before becoming pregnant, and 283 (56.6 %) did not take it. The women who took folic acid before becoming pregnant had a high education level and received preconception counselling. Our results suggest that less than half of Italian women took folic acid before they became pregnant although they were trying to conceive. Knowledge about the benefits of this vitamin is inadequate also among women who planned the pregnancy and the level of information received from their physicians.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This 5 year (1992-1997) population-based case control study was conducted to determine if supplemental or dietary folate taken during the periconceptional period reduces the risk of occurrent neural tube defect (NTD) affected pregnancies in a high risk population.METHODS: Cases were all NTD pregnancies including elective terminations, fetal deaths and live births in South Carolina. Only isolated, occurrent NTD affected pregnancies were included (N = 179). Controls (N = 288) were randomly selected from each hospital in proportion to the hospital's contribution to the total live births in the state for the previous year. All mothers were interviewed in person using a modified Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Birth Defect Risk Factor Surveillance Mother's Questionnaire and the Harvard Food Frequency Questionnaire.RESULTS: Women who used a vitamin with 0.4 mg or more of folate at least 3 times per week during the 3 months before and 3 months after conception had a lower risk of having an NTD affected pregnancy than women who took no folate supplementation at any time during pregnancy [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 0.42; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.19-0.94]; women who used a vitamin with 0.4 mg or more of folic acid for less than 3 times per week or in partial months during the 6 month periconceptional period also had a slightly lower risk of having an NTD affected pregnancy relative to women who used no folate supplementation at any time during pregnancy [AOR =.72; 95% CI = 0.41-1.30]. The risk of NTD affected pregnancy was also lower for women who daily consumed foods containing higher levels of folate: AORs were 0.36 (95% CI = 0.18-0.73), 0.72 (95% CI = 0.42-1.22), and 0.61 (95% CI 0.36-1.04) from the highest to lowest quartile of dietary folate which were 0.457-3.12 mg, 0.322-0.457 mg, and 0.236-0.322 mg respectively.CONCLUSIONS: A reduction in occurrent NTD risk associated with folate supplementation and dietary intake was observed.  相似文献   

Many women are advised to consume a folic acid-containing prenatal supplement for the duration of pregnancy and lactation. Whether this remains necessary after folic acid fortification of the food supply in North America has yet to be determined. Our objective was to assess the dietary folate intake of a sample of pregnant and lactating women at mandated and predicted folic acid-fortification levels and determine the prevalence of inadequate and excessive intakes. Weighed food records (for 3 d) were collected from predominantly university-educated women (32 +/- 4 y of age) at 36 wk of pregnancy (n = 61) and at 4 and 16 wk of lactation (n = 60). Dietary folate intakes during pregnancy and lactation, assuming fortification at mandated levels (140-150 micro g/100 g), were 562 +/- 106 and 498 +/- 99 micro g/d dietary folate equivalents (DFE), respectively. The prevalence of inadequacy for folate, or the proportion of individuals with usual folate intakes less than their nutrient requirement, was 36% for women during pregnancy (estimated average requirement of 520 micro g/d DFE), and 32% during lactation (estimated average requirement of 450 micro g/d DFE). Assuming fortification at twice the mandated level, mean dietary intakes during pregnancy and lactation were 786 +/- 132 and 716 +/- 150 micro g/d DFE, respectively, producing only a 3% prevalence of folate inadequacy. Grains contributed approximately 41% of total folate intake followed by fruits and vegetables (approximately 21%). To conclude, at mandated levels of fortification many pregnant and lactating women are unlikely to meet their folate requirements from dietary sources alone; however, the actual level of inadequacy cannot be determined until the level of folic acid in the food supply is known with greater precision.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Since January 1998, the Federal Drug Administration has required folic acid fortification of all enriched cereal-grain products in the U.S. This program intended to increase folic acid intake among women of childbearing age in order to decrease their risk of pregnancies affected by neural tube defects. The aim of this study was to explore the changes in serum and erythrocyte folate status of the adult U.S. population following folic acid fortification of enriched cereal-grain products and to explore accompanying changes in food sources and dietary total folate intake. METHODS: We compared data from two National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES): NHANES III, conducted during 1988 to 1994, reflecting the time prior to folate fortification, and NHANES 1999-2000, reflecting the time period after fortification. RESULTS: Mandatory folic acid fortification led to significant increases in both serum and erythrocyte folate concentrations in all sex and age groups. In the overall study population the mean serum folate concentration increased more than two-fold (136%), from 11.4 nmol/L to 26.9 nmol/L, and the mean erythrocyte folate concentration increased by 57 percent, from 375 nmol/L to 590 nmol/L. Less than 10% of women of childbearing age reached the recommended erythrocyte folate concentration of greater than 906 nmol/L that has been shown to be associated with a significant reduction in neural tube defect (NTD) risk. After fortification, the category "bread, rolls, and crackers" became the single largest contributor of total folate to the American diet, contributing 15.6% of total intake, surpassing vegetables, which were the number one folate food source prior to fortification. Dietary intake of total folate increased significantly in almost all sex and age groups, except in females over 60 years of age. The mean dietary total folate intake of the study population increased by 76 microg/d (28%), from 275 microg/d to 351 microg/d. CONCLUSIONS: The fortification of enriched cereal-grain products with folic acid led to a significant improvement of blood folate status of the overall adult, non-supplement using, US population. However, women of childbearing age may take folic acid supplements to reach erythrocyte folate levels that have been associated with decreased risk of NTDs.  相似文献   

Objective: Since January 1998, the Federal Drug Administration has required folic acid fortification of all enriched cereal-grain products in the U.S. This program intended to increase folic acid intake among women of childbearing age in order to decrease their risk of pregnancies affected by neural tube defects. The aim of this study was to explore the changes in serum and erythrocyte folate status of the adult U.S. population following folic acid fortification of enriched cereal-grain products and to explore accompanying changes in food sources and dietary total folate intake.

Methods: We compared data from two National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES): NHANES III, conducted during 1988 to 1994, reflecting the time prior to folate fortification, and NHANES 1999–2000, reflecting the time period after fortification.

Results: Mandatory folic acid fortification led to significant increases in both serum and erythrocyte folate concentrations in all sex and age groups. In the overall study population the mean serum folate concentration increased more than two-fold (136%), from 11.4 nmol/L to 26.9 nmol/L, and the mean erythrocyte folate concentration increased by 57 percent, from 375 nmol/L to 590 nmol/L. Less than 10% of women of childbearing age reached the recommended erythrocyte folate concentration of greater than 906 nmol/L that has been shown to be associated with a significant reduction in neural tube defect (NTD) risk. After fortification, the category “bread, rolls, and crackers” became the single largest contributor of total folate to the American diet, contributing 15.6% of total intake, surpassing vegetables, which were the number one folate food source prior to fortification. Dietary intake of total folate increased significantly in almost all sex and age groups, except in females over 60 years of age. The mean dietary total folate intake of the study population increased by 76 μg/d (28%), from 275 μg/d to 351 μg/d.

Conclusions: The fortification of enriched cereal-grain products with folic acid lead to a significant improvement of blood folate status of the overall adult, non-supplement using, US population. However, women of childbearing age may take folic acid supplements to reach erythrocyte folate levels that have been associated with decreased risk of NTDs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We investigated periconceptional awareness and the use of folic acid tablets 3 years after the 1995 campaign in the northern Netherlands. We studied whether the socioeconomic differences we found in 1996 with respect to awareness and use of folic acid remained in 1998. METHODS: The present study took place in 1998. Pregnant women were asked to complete a questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 452 women completed the questionnaire in 1998. Sixty percent of the women with a lower level of education and 85% of the women with a higher level of education had heard of folic acid before pregnancy. Newspapers and magazines were the most often cited sources of information. Fifty percent of the women with a lower educational level used folic acid, while this figure was 80% for the group with higher education. CONCLUSION: Awareness and use of folic acid increased after the 1995 campaign. However, socioeconomic differences with respect to awareness of folic acid remained and even increased with respect to knowledge of the advised period. Use of folic acid is also associated with level of education more strongly than in 1996. Therefore, fortification of staple foods is an attractive option.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are serious birth defects of the spine (spina bifida) and brain (anencephaly), affecting approximately 3,000 pregnancies each year in the United States. Daily periconceptional consumption of 400 mug of folic acid, as recommended by the Public Health Service (PHS) since 1992, reduces the occurrence of NTDs by 50%-70%. The Food and Drug Administration ordered mandatory fortification with folic acid of U.S. cereal grain products, beginning in 1998. However, despite a 26% reduction in NTDs, not all women of childbearing age receive adequate levels of folic acid from their diets. Therefore, increasing the number of women who take dietary supplements containing 400 mug of folic acid daily remains an important component of NTD prevention. This report summarizes results from the 2005 March of Dimes Gallup survey, which determined a decrease in the proportion of childbearing-aged women who reported taking folic acid in dietary supplements daily, from 40% in 2004 to 33% in 2005, returning to a level consistent with that reported during 1995-2003. These results emphasize the need for innovative programs to increase folic acid consumption to further reduce NTDs.  相似文献   

Abstract: To assess changes in knowledge and use of folic acid supplements in relation to a statewide health promotion project for the prevention of neural tube defects, we surveyed general practitioners, pharmacists, women of child–bearing age and pregnant women in Western Australia. We also collected data on wholesale sales of folic acid supplements. By the end of the project, 56.5 per cent of general practitioner respondents knew that the recommended dose of folic acid was 0.5 mg and 70 per cent offered folic acid supplements to women planning pregnancy, 82.5 per cent of responding pharmacists knew the recommended dose, and 87.5 per cent reported an increase in sales of 0.5 mg folic acid. Wholesale sales of 0.5 mg folic acid increased markedly in Western Australia compared with other states. From shopping centre surveys of women of child–bearing age we estimated that their knowledge of the association between folate and spina bifida increased from 8.2 per cent before the project to 67.5 per cent 2.5 years later, and doctors were a major source of information for women. In a 1995 survey of a sample of pregnant women, 43.1 per cent with planned pregnancies had taken folic acid supplements periconceptionally, compared with 19.1 per cent in a similar survey in 1993. ( Aust N Z J Public Health 1997; 21: 716–21)  相似文献   

In September 1992, the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) recommended that women of childbearing age (i.e., aged 15-44 years) who are capable of becoming pregnant should consume 400 microg of the B-vitamin folic acid to reduce the number of cases of spina bifida and anencephaly (neural tube defects [NTDs]). Since then, an ongoing national effort has encouraged women to consume dietary supplements containing folic acid. In 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required the fortification of enriched cereal grain products with folic acid, and manufacturers have voluntarily added more folic acid to many ready-to-eat breakfast cereals (CDC, unpublished data, 2002). To assess temporal changes in serum and red blood cell (RBC) folate concentrations among childbearing-aged women, CDC compared folate concentrations for childbearing-aged women who participated during 1988-1994 and 1999-2000 in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). This report outlines the results of this comparison and describes serum and RBC folate levels by race/ethnicity. The results indicate that over the period studied, the median serum folate concentration for women aged 15-44 years increased approximately threefold, and the median RBC folate concentration increased approximately twofold. These findings indicate that the national health objective for 2010 to increase the median RBC folate level among women of childbearing age to 220 ng/mL RBC (objective 16.16b) has been met for Mexican-American and non-Hispanic white women but not for non-Hispanic black women. To reduce the number of pregnancies affected by NTDs further, all women of childbearing age capable of becoming pregnant should consume the PHS-recommended level of folic acid daily.  相似文献   

Adequate intake of folic acid by women during very early pregnancy can markedly reduce risk of the development of neural-tube defects (NTD). The effectiveness of advice to women to take folic acid supplements is limited, mainly because 50% of pregnancies are unplanned. However, mandatory folic acid food fortification programmes in North America have been very successful in reducing NTD rates. In Ireland higher rates of pregnancies are affected by NTD and the option of termination is illegal. Consequently, the much higher burden of disease makes primary prevention of NTD an important public health issue in Ireland. During 2006 a decision was taken in Ireland to initiate mandatory folic acid fortification of most bread to prevent NTD. Priority work was immediately undertaken to establish reliable and comprehensive baseline information on factors that will be affected by fortification. This information included data on: the national prevalence of pregnancies affected by NTD; the current extent of voluntary folic acid fortification of food on the Irish market and how it affects folic acid intakes; blood folate status indicators assessed for various subgroups of the Irish population. In addition, scientific developments that have arisen since 2006 relating to the risks and benefits of folic acid intake are under ongoing review. The present paper summarises the rationale for mandatory folic acid food fortification in Ireland and recent scientific developments relating to risks and benefits of folic acid intake. In this context, preliminary findings of baseline monitoring investigations in Ireland are considered.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: African American women and socioeconomically challenged women are at risk of compromised folate status and, thus, of folate-related birth defects. Data are limited on circulating folate concentrations in pregnant African American women after folic acid fortification of the food supply was implemented. OBJECTIVE: The objective was to determine the influence of smoking and alcohol consumption on plasma 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5-MTHFA) concentrations in pregnant African American women. DESIGN: Alcohol consumption, smoking exposure, and other characteristics of pregnant African American women reporting to an inner-city antenatal clinic were assessed. At 24 wk of gestation, blood samples and food-frequency intake data were collected. Plasma 5-MTHFA concentrations were determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for 116 subjects and examined in a correlational study design. RESULTS: Dietary folate and markers of alcohol consumption were positively associated, whereas exposure to smoke was negatively associated with plasma 5-MTHFA. More than one-half of the participants in this population failed to meet the recommended dietary allowance for dietary folate equivalents of 600 microg/d during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: Most inner-city African American women are not meeting the recommended dietary allowance for dietary folate during pregnancy, and smoking may further compromise their folate status. Programs to reduce smoking and raise awareness about the importance of folate and multivitamin supplementation during pregnancy need to target this population.  相似文献   

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are serious birth defects of the spine (e.g., spina bifida) and the brain (e.g., anencephaly) that occur during early pregnancy, often before a woman knows she is pregnant; 50%-70% of these defects can be prevented if a woman consumes sufficient folic acid daily before conception and throughout the first trimester of her pregnancy. In 1992, to reduce the number of cases of spina bifida and other NTDs, the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) recommended that all women capable of becoming pregnant consume 400 microg of folic acid daily. Three approaches to increase folic acid consumption were cited: 1) improve dietary habits, 2) fortify foods with folic acid, and 3) use dietary supplements containing folic acid. Mandatory fortification of cereal grain products went into effect in January 1998; during October 1998-December 1999, the reported prevalence of spina bifida declined 31%, and the prevalence of anencephaly declined 16%. Other studies have indicated similar trends. To update the estimated numbers of NTD-affected pregnancies and births, CDC recently analyzed data from 23 population-based surveillance systems that include prenatal ascertainment of these birth defects. This report summarizes the results of that analysis, which indicate that the estimated number of NTD-affected pregnancies in the United States declined from 4,000 in 1995-1996 to 3,000 in 1999-2000. This decline in NTD-affected pregnancies highlights the partial success of the U.S. folic acid fortification program as a public health strategy. To reduce further the number of NTD-affected pregnancies, all women capable of becoming pregnant should follow the USPHS recommendation and consume 400 microg of folic acid every day.  相似文献   

Women of childbearing age are advised to consume folic acid–containing supplements. Whether this remains necessary after folic acid fortification of the food supply in North America has yet to be determined. The objectives of this study were to assess folate intakes and the contribution of folic acid to the diets of women of childbearing age in the post–folic acid fortification era. Using a cross-sectional study design, fasting blood samples were obtained from 95 women (aged 18 to 25 years), and the samples were analyzed for serum and red blood cell folate, as well for total homocysteine. Dietary and supplemental folate intakes were assessed. The biochemical evidence showed that no women were folate deficient, but only 14% reached red blood cell folate concentrations associated with significant reductions in neural tube defect risk. Mean dietary intake of food folic acid was 96±64 μg/day, supplemental folic acid was 94±189 μg/day, natural folate was 314±134 μg/day, and the total intake, as dietary folate equivalents, was 646±368 μg dietary folate equivalents/day. Therefore, intakes of folic acid from fortified foods are within the level originally predicted for the fortification efforts; however, only 17% of participants met the special recommendation for women capable of becoming pregnant (400 μg folic acid daily from supplements, fortified foods, or both in addition to consuming food folate from a varied diet). These data suggest that women of childbearing age are achieving positive folate status in the postfortification era, but it may not be sufficient to achieve red blood cell folate concentrations associated with a significant reduction in neural tube defect risk. Even with food fortification, women of childbearing age should be advised to take a folic acid–containing supplement on a daily basis.  相似文献   

目的 了解神经管畸形高发区与低发区农村孕早期妇女血液叶酸状况。方法 采用现况调查方法对2003年神经管畸形高发与低发两个地区共688名农村孕早期妇女的血浆叶酸与红细胞叶酸水平进行研究。结果 高发区农村孕早期妇女血浆叶酸浓度(10.53nmol/L)与红细胞叶酸浓度(389.2nmol/L)中位数明显低于低发区妇女(血浆叶酸30.39nmol/L,红细胞叶酸926.0nmol/L),差异有统计学意义;高发区妇女血浆叶酸缺乏率约为50%,红细胞叶酸缺乏率约为43%,远高于低发区妇女(血浆叶酸6%,红细胞叶酸4%),差异有统计学意义;高、低发区服用叶酸组妇女血浆叶酸水平约为不服用组的2倍,红细胞叶酸水平是不服用组的1.4倍,差异有统计学意义;高、低发区服用叶酸组孕早期妇女的血浆缺乏率均低于不服用组,相对危险度(RR)值分别为0.60(95%CI:0.36~1.01)与0.16(95%CI:0.06~0.44),差异均有统计学意义;高、低发区服用叶酸组与不服用组红细胞叶酸缺乏率之间的RR值分别为0.64(95%CI:0.36~1.13)与0.39(95%CI:0.13~1.13),差异无统计学意义;服用叶酸的孕早期妇女中,低发区血浆叶酸水平约为高发区的1.7~1.9倍,红细胞叶酸水平约为高发区的2倍,差异有统计学意义;服用叶酸的孕早期妇女中,高发区血浆叶酸与红细胞叶酸缺乏率约为低发区的10~14倍,差异有统计学意义。结论 神经管畸形高发区农村孕早期妇女血液叶酸水平很低,增补叶酸可有效提高妇女血液叶酸水平、降低妇女叶酸缺乏率,高发区育龄妇女怀孕前后每日服用0.4mg叶酸的剂量可能不足,建议增加服用剂量。  相似文献   

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