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出生季节对新生儿出生体重的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨出生体重和出生季节两者的关系。方法 本次研究对象为唐山市妇幼医院2002年全年出生的新生儿,原始数据经过筛选汇总后,确立4144名新生儿纳入本次研究对象,均为单胎活产儿。结果 在不考虑任何干扰因素影响的情况下,12个自然月的平均出生体重的比较发现,5月份和2月份的平均出生体重有显著性差异(P<0.05),5月份的平均出生体重比2月份的高(相差169g)。分层分析的结果发现出生体重有随着季节变化的趋势,分层分析中除了孕次未见各季节或月份平均出生体重有显著性差异,其余各层均见显著性差异;控制胎龄对出生体重的影响后,同样发现出生体重有随着季节变化的趋势,且多组存在显著性差异。结论 本次调查发现,排除各干扰因素的影响后,出生体重有一定季节变化趋势,该人群新生儿平均出生体重初春偏低,而初夏偏高。提示经历寒冷冬季的妊娠晚期的出生体重偏低,而经历较温暖的春季的妊娠晚期出生体重偏高。  相似文献   

孕妇不同体重指数及增长对新生儿出生体重的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨孕妇不同孕前、分娩前体重指数及体重指数增长对新生儿出生体重的影响.方法对995例单胎初产妇,计算体重指数(BMI),包括孕前BMI,分娩前BMI,^△BMI(孕期体重指数增长),按孕前BMI(18.5,18.5≤BMI〈23,BMI≥23;分娩前BMI<26,26≤BMI〈33, BMI≥33;^ΔBMI〈4.5,4.5≤^ΔBMI〈8,^ΔBMI≥8各分三组,分析不同孕前体重指数,分娩前体重指数,孕期体重指数增长与新生儿出生体重的关系.结果孕妇不同孕前BMI,分娩前BMI,^△BMI与新生儿出生体重有显著相关性,孕前BMI,分娩前BMI,^ΔBMI越大,新生儿出生体重越重. 结论 (1)孕前BMI,分娩前BMI,^△BMI均与新生儿出生体重有重要的影响作用.(2)利用孕妇BMI,进行个体化营养指导,进一步控制新生儿出生体重,使孕妇获得良好的妊娠结局.  相似文献   

双胎儿童智能发育的影响因素及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨出生体重及父母文化程度对双胎儿智能发育的影响及预防.方法出生体重及父母文化程度的资料采取复习病案结合随访调查所获得,对每个儿童进行绘人智能测验.结果出生体重<2500g儿童的绘人能力商明显低于出生体重≥2500g组,P<0.05.父亲文化程度的高低对子女的智力影响较小,而母亲文化程度的高低对子女的智力有一定影响.结论加强围产期保健,避免早产和降低低出生体重儿出生率,提高母亲的文化素质是预防低智能儿童的重要措施.  相似文献   

脐血瘦素水平与胎儿出生体重的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨脐血瘦素水平与胎儿出生体重的关系.方法应用特异放射免疫分析法测定91例正常分娩或剖宫产的新生儿脐血清瘦素水平.根据新生儿出生体重与胎龄的关系将研究对象分成对照组44例,大于胎龄儿(LGA)组28例和小于胎龄儿(SGA)组19例.结果91例新生儿脐血清瘦素范围为1.8-40.5ng/ml,平均为9.9±7.4.男性为1.8-35.5ng/ml,平均为5.3±5.6.女性为2-42.5ng/ml,平均为15.0±8.0.两性新生儿出生体重、体重指数比较无显著差异.脐血清瘦素男性显著低于女性(P=0.011).LGA组、SGA组脐血清瘦素水平、出生体重、体重指数分别与对照组比较差异均有显著性(P<0.01).新生儿脐血清瘦素水平与出生体重、体重指数均呈正相关.相关系数分别为r=0.59、r=0.37.结论瘦素是胎儿生长调节系统的重要因子,与胎儿出生大小有密切相关性.  相似文献   

出生体重地域性差异研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的研究遗传因素对出生体重地域性差异的影响及分布情况.方法对来自全国的外来流动人口后代出生体重进行流行病学调查.以孕满28w的新生儿为调查对象,基本排除孕母在现住地、气候、饮食、经济等方面的差异,符合条件的共32565 例,描述出生体重地域分布特征,探讨遗传因素对出生体重的影响.结果东莞市流动人口后代出生体重呈正态分布, 平均体重为(3.263±430) g, 男孩出生体重平均为(3.315±429) g, 女孩为(3.184±4.17) g, 男孩平均比女孩重131 g.在地域分布上,出生体重北方超过南方,以东北最高,西南最低,内地与沿海无明显差异;出生体重与经度、纬度呈正相关.结论出生体重地域性差异是由遗传因素地域性差异造成的,应根据不同地域制定正常出生体重标准.  相似文献   

目的:探究体重指数(body mass index,BMI)与首次新鲜周期体外受精-胚胎移植(in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer,IVF-ET)活产率之间的相关性及其对活产的预测价值.方法:回顾性收集2014年至2019年在山西医科大学第一医院生殖中心首次行IVF助孕新鲜移植的...  相似文献   

内蒙古地区新生儿出生体重监测报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
986年10月至1987年9月内蒙古地区37所旗县以上医疗保健单位对29359例住院分娩的围产儿进行监测,记录较完整的有28166例,占全部新生儿资料的95.94%。新生儿平均出生体重为3222.81±3.49g;40孕周出生的平均体重为3287.28±5.24g,蒙古族新生儿出生体重平均为3277.41±7.95g,高于本地区汉族新生儿体重。低体重儿及巨大儿的发生率分别为48.67‰、62.84‰,均高于同期全国平均水平(35.77‰、45.95‰)。  相似文献   

目的 综合评价近年来嵊泗县出生婴儿体重变化,为妇幼保健工作进一步深入提供科学依据。方法 随机抽取嵊泗列岛1998-2002年出生的856名婴儿,对其体重进行统计分析。结果 5年男、女婴平均体重分别为3393±450g和3270±450g。各年度男女婴儿体重均值均超过WHO儿童参考值。五年低出生体重儿和巨大儿发生率分为2.57%和7.69%。结论在嵊泗县孕产妇系统管理中,对孕妇的营养指导较合理。  相似文献   

目的分析IVF后一例双胎之一完全性葡萄胎(a twin pregnancy consisting of a complete mole and coexisting fe-tus,CMCF),以探讨CMCF诊断及处理方法。方法回顾性对比分析该患2006年IVF正常双胎情况及2008年异常CMCF情况。结果1例IVF后患者,妊娠92天B超发现葡萄胎与胎儿共存,行剖宫产取胎术,术后证实胎儿与葡萄胎核型均为二倍体,为CMCF。结论辅助助孕移植2~3个胚胎使CMCF发生率增加,产前发现胎儿与葡萄胎共存,首先鉴别是CM-CF还是PHM。是PHM,需立即终止妊娠;是CMCF,需根据孕周,HCG增长情况,葡萄胎体积、增长情况及有无并发症来决定是否继续妊娠。  相似文献   

低出生体重对婴儿心理行为发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解出生体重对婴儿心理行为发育的影响 ,更好地开展婴儿心理保健工作 ,我们对 2 0 0 1年 1月 1日至 12月 3 1日期间在江西省妇幼保健院儿保门诊部进行儿童系统保健的 0 -12月月龄的婴儿进行丹佛智能筛查测验 (DDST) ,同时对家长进行问卷调查 ,现将调查结果报告如下 :共收集 3 19例 ,剔除表格填写不全等 12名 ,共获有效例数 3 0 7,其中男婴170例 ,女婴 13 7例。采用 1 丹佛智能筛查测验 ,上海修订常模[1 ] 。三名测查人员均接受过专业培训 ,熟练掌握丹佛智能筛查测验(DDST)方法 ,测试者间信度达 95 %以上 ,且所测每一结果都由资深的副…  相似文献   

目的比较不同年龄小鼠体外受精胚胎发育的结局,探讨以年龄因素为背景的IVF胚胎发育的影响。方法采用相同超数排卵方案,在相同的培养条件和培养时间下,对4-8周龄和44-48周龄小鼠进行体外受精和胚胎培养,观察并记录双原核卵率、≥4细胞率、囊胚率以及孵化囊胚率。结果老龄组在受精率、卵裂率以及孵化囊胚率上与年轻组比较存在极显著性差异(P〈0.01),但在囊胚形成率上的差异无统计学意义;老龄鼠超数排卵后获卵数明显少于年轻小鼠。结论年龄对卵子数量以及IVF胚胎早期发育有较大影响。  相似文献   

目的 探讨IVF—ET中GnRH antagonist治疗多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)对血清及卵泡液中VEGF的影响。方法 将2006年4月至6月42例临床诊断为PCOS的病人随机分为两组:治疗组18人(GnRH antagonist多荆方案)和对照组24人(GnRH agonist长方案),在超促排卵周期的取卵日留取卵泡液,采用EusA方法检测血清和卵泡液内VEGF的水平,同时比较两组间的获卵数、成熟卵母细胞数、卵裂数、受精率、植入率、临床妊娠率及流产率。结果 两组hCG日血清E2、LH水平及HCG日相对采卵日血清VEGF水平差异有统计学意义(P均〈0.05),着床率和妊娠率经Х^2检验,结果差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),hCG日卵泡液VEGF水平,两组Gn的用量及用药天数,获卵数,成熟卵母细胞数,受精率,卵裂率相比较均无显著差异。结论 GnRH antagonist治疗PCOS不会改变卵泡液的VGEF水平,不会影响卵泡的发育及卵母细胞的受精率和卵裂率,而妊娠率和着床率均升高,E2水平明显降低可能是影响着床率和妊娠率的主要因素。治疗组OHSS的发生率是下降的。GnRH antagonist用药是安全和高效的。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The influence of anti-sperm (ASA), anti-phospholipid (APA), and antizonal (AZA) antibodies on in vitro fertilization (IVF) results and the need for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) were assessed. METHOD OF STUDY: Forty-four couples with infertility of immunologic origin were investigated. ASA in serum and ovulatory mucus were studied by a tray agglutination test (TAT) and indirect mixed anti-globulin reaction test (MAR) test, AZA were studied by passive hemagglutination and commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA; BioGen, Germany), and APA were tested by ELISAs in immunoglobulin isotypes IgG and IgM. RESULTS: Because of failed or very low fertilization after standard IVF in the previous cycle, ICSI had to be used in five out of 15 cases with ASA (33.3%), in 16 out of 18 couples with AZA (89.4%), and in only one case if APA were present (9%). Clinical pregnancy rate was 60% in cases with ASA, 38.5% with AZA, and 27.3% per embryo transfer (ET) if APA were detected. CONCLUSIONS: Immunologic infertility can be treated by IVF with very good results. The most important group are women with AZA, in whom IVF ICSI without any delay is recommended.  相似文献   

Chromosome preparations were made from 15 cleaved human embryosin the 2- to 12-cell stage after in-vitro fertilization. Allshowed two pronuclei before the first cleavage. Twelve had atleast one diploid metaphase, while three had interphase nucleionly. There was no evidence of partheno-genetic haploid cleavage.As expected, the frequency of metaphases increased with durationof colchicine treatment: 25 and 55% of the cells reached metaphaseafter 6–13 and 16–24 hours' treatment, respectively.Cleaved embryos with ‘ideal’ blastomere numbers(2, 4 or 8) showed a considerably higher metaphase frequencythan others. For a more detailed chromosome analysis the techniquewill have to be further improved. The asynchronous cleavageof blastomeres makes optimal treatment by mitogens difficult.  相似文献   

This study is the first report of genetic and environmental influences on birthweight using Korean twins. The sample consisted of 255 monozygotic (MZ) and 178 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs drawn from the Seoul Twin Family Study. Intraclass twin correlations were computed for the twins' birthweights obtained from parents (typically mothers) of the twins. To estimate genetic and shared and nonshared environmental influences on birthweight, standard univariate model-fitting analyses were performed using a software, Mx. For each gender, MZ twin correlations were higher than DZ twin correlations, suggesting existence of genetic influences on birthweight; however, DZ twin correlations were higher than half the MZ twin correlations, indicating that shared environmental factors are also important. For each zygosity, twin correlations were not significantly different between males and females, implicating that genes and environments that cause individual differences in birthweight may not vary between males and females. Model-fitting analyses based on the data pooled across gender yielded estimates of 17% for genetic, 60% for shared environmental, and 23% for nonshared environmental influences on birthweight.  相似文献   

A correlation between oocyte maturity, duration of preinseminationinterval (PII) and fertilization rate in vitro has been suggested.Therefore, delayed insemination is being widely practised inmany IVF centres. The purpose of this study was to investigateprospectively the effect of PII upon the fertilization ratein vitro. A total of 1474 oocytes were inseminated followingincubation for between 30 and 540 min. The duration of the PIIwas determined randomly. It was found that neither fertilizationrate (on average 46.9%) nor pregnancy rate (20.4%, calculatedper embryo transfer) were affected by PII for any given degreeof oocyte-cumulus maturity. The ability to inseminate oocytesat any time (within 9 h following egg collection) to the convenienceof the biologist further simplifies the technology of IVF.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian network model for predicting the outcome of in vitro fertilization (IVF). The problem is characterized by a particular missingness process; we propose a simple but effective averaging approach which improves parameter estimates compared to the traditional MAP estimation. We present results with generated data and the analysis of a real data set. Moreover, we assess by means of a simulation study the effectiveness of the model in supporting the selection of the embryos to be transferred.  相似文献   

The relationship between chromosomal abnormalities in the humanoocyte and fertilization in vitro was investigated by cytogeneticanalysis of an unselected population of oocytes, where failureto achieve fertilization was attributed to dysfunctional spermatozoa.The results demonstrated that 47% of such oocytes were chromosomallyabnormal. These data were used to calculate that the incidenceof chromosomal abnormalities in oocytes that do, and those thatdo not develop pronuclei following insemination in vitro is26.6% and 20.4% respectively. Statistical analysis demonstratedno relationship between chromosomal abnormality in the oocyteand its capacity to achieve fertilization in vitro.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate whether ovarian cystectomyinterferes with follicular recruitment and the number of oocytesretrieved in an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle. Patientswho had previously undergone unilateral ovarian cystectomy (n= 90) and control patients (n = 90) with no history of ovariansurgery were included in our study. The parameters comparedwere the number of follicles recruited and the number of oocytesobtained from each ovary. In patients who had undergone surgery,the normal ovaries recruited a significantly higher number offollicles (P < 0.001) and yielded a significantly highernumber of oocytes (P < 0.001) compared with the contralat-eralovaries which had undergone cystectomy. In the control patients,no significant differences were identified between the leftand right ovaries. These results demonstrate that ovarian cystectomyreduces follicle and oocyte numbers in ovulation induction cycles.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported chromosome aberrations in humanpre-embryos after in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Although thereason for these abnormalities is not clear, there is evidencethat they can arise during gametogenesis, fertilization or cleavage.The present study has examined further the incidence of chromosomeabnormalities in human pre-embryos after IVF, using oocytesrecovered from normal volunteer women and from women undergoinginfertility treatment in an embryo-replacement programme. Chromosomepreparations were performed for 75 pre-embryos. Of these 35(47%) gave at least one metaphase in which analysis was possible.The overall incidence of abnormal pre-embryos was 40% (14/35).The absolute frequency of aberrations was 9% for trisomies,3% for polyploidies, 26% for structural anomalies and 3% forhypodiploidies. Five pre-embryos were found to be mosaics, threeof which had each one trisomic metaphase. In five of the pre-embryosmultiple anomalies were found. In 13 of the 14 abnormal pre-embryosthe aberrations were found in only one metaphase. The presentstudy demonstrates that trisomic mosaicism may not be a rareevent in human pre-embryos. Further evidence is provided thatmitotic non-disjunction is important for the production of aberrationsin human pre-embryos  相似文献   

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