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本文用ELISA法对271例儿童的红细胞内转铁蛋白(RBC·Tf)、红细胞内铁蛋白(RBC·F)和血清转铁蛋白(Tf)进行了检测,同时检测相应的血红蛋白(Hb)。根据Hbt度将271例儿童分为两组,正常组:RBC·Tf范围为203~1828ag/cell,X±S为467±350ag/cell(n=223),Hb偏低组中RBC·Tf范围为73~465ag/cell,X±S为204±97ag/cell(n=48),两组间差别有显著性意义(P<0.001).RBC·Tf与Tf间几无相关性r=-0.0419,P>0.5(n=247);而RBC·Tf与RBC·F问呈正相关r=0.157,P<0.02(n=247).  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白是一种存在于哺乳动物乳汁、其他内分泌腺及中性粒细胞颗粒中的铁结合蛋白.多项研究表明,乳铁蛋白具有抗感染、免疫调节、抗氧化、抗炎等多种生物活性,并且在婴儿的宿主免疫中起到重要作用.有研究证实口服乳铁蛋白对于人类和动物的健康有多种益处,使乳铁蛋白作为食品添加剂的应用更加肯定.近年来,牛乳铁蛋白及重组人乳铁蛋白的生产和临床应用也有了更大的进展.  相似文献   

坏死性小肠结肠炎是早产儿常见主要并发症之一,具有较高的病死率和发病率,可以导致多种远期并发症,如短肠综合征、全身感染、眼部疾病、营养不良和神经系统发育障碍等.乳铁蛋白是母乳中的一种成分,具有抗细菌、抗病毒、抗真菌、增强免疫力等多种作用.新近许多研究评估了乳铁蛋白防治坏死性小肠结肠炎的效果和安全性.应用乳铁蛋白预防和治疗坏死性小肠结肠炎对于提高早产儿的预后具有很重要作用.  相似文献   

目的 了解添加强化乳铁蛋白(LF)配方奶粉对婴儿生长发育和铁代谢的影响。方法 本研究为前瞻性多中心非随机对照试验,生后以人乳喂养的4~6月龄健康足月儿自愿添加配方奶粉者纳入本研究,按门诊顺序分别纳入强化组(LF 38 mg·100 g-1 ,铁元素4 mg·100 g-1)和对照组(LF 0,铁元素4.2 mg·100 g-1,其余成分与强化组相同)。两组干预时间均为3个月。两组婴儿在干预前后分别测定身长、体重、头围、Hb、血清铁蛋白(SF)、血清转铁蛋白受体(sTfR);同时计算TFR-F指数、机体总铁含量(TBIC)、年龄别身高Z评分(HAZ)、年龄别体重Z评分(WAZ)、身高别体重Z评分(WHZ),比较上述指标的干预前后和组间差异。结果 213名婴儿完成了研究,强化组115名,对照组98名。强化组和对照组婴儿人均日摄入配方奶粉量(94.3±9.8) vs (88.2±8.7) g, P>0.05;人均日铁剂摄入量(3.8±0.4) vs (3.7±0.6) mg, P>0.05。强化组人均日LF摄入量为(35.8±3.7) mg。强化组与对照组干预后各指标改变值比较,体重:(2 213±82) vs (2 033±77) g, WAZ: (0.82±0.22) vs (-0.05±0.01), WHZ: (0.74±0.32) vs (0.20±0.06), Hb: (13.9±4.1) vs (7.2±1.8) g·L-1, SF: (1.37±0.08) vs (0.55±0.04) μg·L-1, TFR-F指数:(0.86±0.11) vs (0.39±0.05),TBIC: (19.4±8.8) vs (9.1±3.4) mg·kg-1, P均<0.05。同时干预后强化组贫血、铁缺乏和缺铁性贫血检出率均显著低于对照组,贫血: 4.1% vs 7.5%,铁缺乏:13.9% vs 24.4%,缺铁性贫血:1.7% vs 8.2%,P均<0.05。结论 添加强化LF配方奶粉干预可以显著改善人乳喂养婴儿生长发育以及铁营养状况  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白治疗反复呼吸道感染患儿的疗效   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨乳铁蛋白对反复呼吸道感染(RRI)患儿免疫功能的影响.方法 RRI患儿98例随机分为2组.对照组48例予常规治疗;观察组50例在常规治疗基础上予乳铁蛋白治疗2~3个月.治疗前后分别测定患儿T细胞亚群、免疫球蛋白及补体等指标,观察其变化情况.结果 2组总有效率分别为86%和22.9%,差异有非常显著性(P<0.005).治疗后观察组免疫学指标CD3、CD4、CD4/CD8、IgG、IgA及IgM均明显升高(Pa<0.01,0.05),CD8较治疗前明显降低(P<0.05).结论 乳铁蛋白能增强RRI患儿的免疫功能.  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白对机体免疫功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
乳铁蛋白(1actoferrin,IS)是一种非血红素铁结合性糖蛋白,在乳腺分泌物中含量丰富.最初发现它具有转运体内铁以及通过调节机体免疫起到广谱抗菌抗病毒作用.近年研究进一步发现,乳铁蛋白作为免疫佐剂可辅佐卡介苗刺激机体巨噬细胞产生白介素-12等加强迟发型变态反应从而提高卡介苗接种效率;通过调节T淋巴细胞等细胞免疫功能参与肿瘤免疫.此外,乳铁蛋白具有对免疫修复的正向调节作用.文章就乳铁蛋白对机体黏膜免疫、肿瘤免疫、变态反应以及免疫修复方面的影响作一综述.随着对乳铁蛋白免疫调节机制的进一步深入研究,其作为免疫调节制剂将越来越广泛地应用于临床.  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白(1actoferrin,Lf)是一种天然的铁结合糖蛋白,在动物和人体内分布较广。Lf具有多种生理功能,现已证明其具有抗病毒作用,包括抗人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)、抗巨细胞病毒(CMV)、抗疱疹病毒(HSV)和抗轮状病毒等,本研究主要从其抗病毒的角度来阐明Lf对小儿先天性病毒感染的防治作用。  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白是一种具有多种生物学功能的蛋白质,它不仅参与铁的转运,对儿童消化系统有重要意义,而且具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗氧化、抑制肿瘤细胞、调节免疫系统等功能。近年来乳铁蛋白在国内外已经得到广泛研究和多领域应用,乳铁蛋白的功能和作用也得到更多临床医务人员与研究人员的认可。怡朋(乳清乳铁蛋白)是江苏四环生物股份  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白是一种具有多种生物学功能的蛋白质,它不仅参与铁的转运,对儿童消化系统有重要意义,而且具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗氧化、抑制肿瘤细胞、调节免疫系统等功能。近年来乳铁蛋白在国内外已经得到广泛研究和多领域应用,乳铁蛋白的功能和作用也得到更多临床医务人员与研究人员的认可。怡朋(乳清乳铁蛋白)是江苏四环生物股份  相似文献   

乳铁蛋白是一种具有多种生物学功能的蛋白质,它不仅参与铁的转运,对儿童消化系统有重要意义,而且具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗氧化、抑制肿瘤细胞、调节免疫系统等功能。近年来乳铁蛋白在国内外已经得到广泛研  相似文献   

The bovine IgG concentration in human breast milk was measured using three different methods: competition radioimmunoassay (RIA), competition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and sandwich ELISA. In 36 samples of human breast milk taken from mothers on diets including cow's milk, the concentration of bovine IgG was significantly higher when measured by either competition RIA or ELISA (mean 324.9 ± 97.4 ng/ml and 396.7 ± 58.7 ng/ml, respectively) than by sandwich ELISA (3.44 ± 0.48 ng/ml). In 7 samples of human breast milk taken from mothers on cow's-milk-free diets of more than one month, the concentration of bovine IgG was still within a detectable range (112.3±41.4 ng/ml) using competition ELISA, whereas it was not detected when using sandwich ELISA, suggesting that competition ELISA might measure some unknown substances in addition to bovine IgG. Gel filtration of pooled human breast milk revealed three large fractions. The concentration of bovine IgG in every fraction was significantly higher using competition compared with sandwich ELISA, suggesting that the difference between these assays does not result from measuring different quantities of bovine IgG, or of fragments of this protein. The time course of the bovine IgG level was different between each human breast milk sample after taking cow's milk. We showed that human breast milk contains bovine IgG at a concentration of approximately 3 ng/ml when analysed using sandwich ELISA. This level is comparable to the quantity of either casein or of 8-lactoglobulin in human breast milk. Bovine IgG might be an important allergen in cow's milk allergy due to the quantity in human breast milk.  相似文献   

The effect of lactoferrin and prostaglandins E and F on the growth of rotavirus and respiratory syncytial virus in cell culture was investigated. Lactoferrin inhibited the growth of respiratory syncytial virus at a concentration tenfold lower than that normally present in human milk. The prostaglandins had no effect on either virus growth, even at a concentration of 100-fold more than that found in human milk. Lactoferrin may have some antiviral properties in human milk in addition to its known antibacterial functions.  相似文献   

The biology of human drip breast milk   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The milk which drips from the opposite breast during breast feeding is used in some centres for feeding premature babies, yet there is little scientific information on the biology of this secretion. Drip breast milk (DBM) differs from expressed breast milk (EBM), both in its contents and in the change in its composition over the period of lactation. The fat concentration and energy value of DBM are low, compared with levels reported for EBM: protein, fat, sodium and energy value in DBM fall with the duration of lactation, whereas magnesium and calcium rise, and lactose, potassium osmolality and lysozyme remain constant. The milk fat content of DBM produced by individual donors is linearly related to the daily volume of DBM produced. Studies on 477 women admitted to the Oxford General Practice Obstetric Unit over 1 yr showed that, of the 75% who were lactating successfully 2 wk after delivery, 19% were producing DBM by 2--4 wk. Women who produced DBM did not differ in age or parity from those lactating women who did not, and their babies did not differ in birthweight, gestation, centile or sex. The suitability of DBM as a food for premature infants is discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of lactoferrin on DNA synthesis in neonatal rat hepatocytes in primary culture to determine if this agent acts as a mitogen in human milk. Thymidine incorporation into the DNA of cultured hepatocytes stimulated by lactoferrin in the presence of insulin and human epidermal growth factor was examined. Iron-saturated lactoferrin increased DNA synthesis of neonatal hepatocytes by 1.5 times and this potency was the same as that of insulin. It significantly enhanced the stimulatory effect of human epidermal growth factor plus insulin; DNA synthesis under these conditions was seven times that of control. Iron-free lactoferrin did not affect DNA synthesis, nor did the exogenous addition of ferric ions. The enhancement of DNA synthesis by iron-saturated lactoferrin was significant for neonatal hepatocytes, but not for adult hepatocytes. These results suggest that iron-saturated lactoferrin, which itself had low mitogenic activity, is a co-mitogenic substance for neonatal hepatocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of lactoferrin on DNA synthesis in neonatal rat hepatocytes in primary culture to determine if this agent acts as a mitogen in human milk. Thymidine incorporation into the DNA of cultured hepatocytes stimulated by lactoferrin in the presence of insulin and human epidermal growth factor was examined. Iron-saturated lactoferrin increased DNA synthesis of neonatal hepatocytes by 1.5 times and this potency was the same as that of insulin. It significantly enhanced the stimulatory effect of human epidermal growth factor plus insulin; DNA synthesis under these conditions was seven times that of control. Iron-free lactoferrin did not affect DNA synthesis, nor did the exogenous addition of ferric ions. The enhancement of DNA synthesis by iron-saturated lactoferrin was significant for neonatal hepatocytes, but not for adult hepatocytes. These results suggest that iron-saturated lactoferrin, which itself had low mitogenic activity, is a co-mitogenic substance for neonatal hepatocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

目的 建立检测人微小病毒B19的间接酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)法,评价其临床应用价值.方法 采用原保存的XA-B19 VP1独特区蛋白包被ELISA板,优化该方法检测B19抗体的最佳实验条件.与聚合酶链反应(PCR)、parvovirus B19 ELISA方法进行比较,评价其一致性.结果 最佳包被量为25 ng/孔,标本血清最佳稀释倍数为1:200.建立的间接ELISA检测体系与腺病毒、呼吸道合胞病毒、流感病毒、副流感病毒、疱疹病毒抗体阳性血清无交叉反应.其检测B19 IgM敏感性为88.37%,特异性为96.15%,与PCR方法一致性好(kappa值>0.75,P>0.05);与parvovirus B19 IgM ELISA方法符合性好,符合率为96.8%.与parvovirus B19IgG ELISA方法比较kappa值>0.75,P>0.05,两种检测方法一致性好.结论 建立的间接ELISA检测B19抗体的方法具有灵敏度高、特异性强、经济、快速、方便等优点,适合于流行病学调查和临床标本检测.  相似文献   

"Drip breast milk" is that milk which spontaneously drips from the contralateral breask during the suckling of an infant. Biochemically and immunologically, pooled drip milk resembled pooled mature expressed breast milk, although it has a lower fat concentration. About 15% of lactating women are capable of producing drip milk; volumes produced are up to 188 ml/donor/day. A milk bank is described which processes 1400 liters of drip milk/yr. Heat treatment of this milk with a semi-automated holder pasteurizer caused a 21% reduction in IgA concentration and a 36% reduction in lysozyme activity, as well as a decrease in the ability of the milk to inhibit the growth of E. coli. In comparison with boiling, pasteurization was as effective in reducing total bacterial content provided the milk initially contained fewer than 10(6) bacteria/ml.  相似文献   

The metabolic changes that occur during the postnatal weaning period appear to be particularly important for future health, and human breast milk is considered to provide the optimal source of nutrition for infants. Our previous studies examined the effect of feeding type on antioxidative properties, glucose and insulin metabolism, the lipid profile, metabolomics, and prostaglandin (PG) metabolism in term and preterm infants. A urinary marker of oxidative DNA damage (8‐hydroxy‐2′‐deoxyguanosine) was significantly lower in breast‐fed term and preterm infants than in formula‐fed infants. Markers of insulin sensitivity were significantly lower and atherosclerotic indices were significantly higher in breast‐fed preterm infants than in mixed‐fed infants at discharge. On urinary metabolomics analysis, choline, choline metabolites, and lactic acid were significantly lower in breast‐fed term infants than in formula‐fed infants. Urinary PGD2 metabolite level in breast‐fed term infants was also significantly lower than in formula‐fed term infants. This indicates that human breast milk affects biological metabolism in early infancy.  相似文献   

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