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A bacterial gene encoding mannitol-1-phosphate dehydrogenase, mtlD, was engineered for expression in higher plants. Gene constructions were stably incorporated into tobacco plants. The mtlD gene was expressed and translated into a functional enzyme in tobacco, resulting in the synthesis and accumulation of mannitol, which was identified by NMR and mass spectroscopy. Mannitol concentrations exceeded 6 mumol/g (fresh weight) in the leaves and in the roots of some transformants, whereas this sugar alcohol was not detected in these organs of wild-type tobacco plants or of untransformed tobacco plants that underwent the same regeneration scheme. These experiments demonstrate that branch-points in plant carbohydrate metabolism can be generated by which novel gene products can utilize endogenous substrates to divert metabolic energy into novel compounds. Additionally, the system described here allows for physiological studies in which the responses of wild-type and transgenic tobacco to various environmental stimuli can be compared directly. Such studies will facilitate our understanding of the roles of sugar alcohols (e.g., in stress tolerance) in higher plants.  相似文献   

Linoleic acid (18:2n-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential for mammalian nutrition, because mammals lack the desaturases required for synthesis of Delta12 (n-6) and n-3 fatty acids. Many plants can synthesize these fatty acids and, therefore, to examine the effects of a plant desaturase in mammals, we generated transgenic pigs that carried the fatty acid desaturation 2 gene for a Delta12 fatty acid desaturase from spinach. Levels of linoleic acid (18:2n-6) in adipocytes that had differentiated in vitro from cells derived from the transgenic pigs were approximately 10 times higher than those from wild-type pigs. In addition, the white adipose tissue of transgenic pigs contained approximately 20% more linoleic acid (18:2n-6) than that of wild-type pigs. These results demonstrate the functional expression of a plant gene for a fatty acid desaturase in mammals, opening up the possibility of modifying the fatty acid composition of products from domestic animals by transgenic technology, using plant genes for fatty acid desaturases.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis HY4 gene, required for blue-light-induced inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, encodes a 75-kDa flavoprotein (CRY1) with characteristics of a blue-light photoreceptor. To investigate the mechanism by which this photoreceptor mediates blue-light responses in vivo, we have expressed the Arabidopsis HY4 gene in transgenic tobacco. The transgenic plants exhibited a short-hypocotyl phenotype under blue, UV-A, and green light, whereas they showed no difference from the wild-type plant under red/far-red light or in the dark. This phenotype was found to cosegregate with overexpression of the HY4 transgene and to be fluence dependent. We concluded that the short-hypocotyl phenotype of transgenic tobacco plants was due to hypersensitivity to blue, UV-A, and green light, resulting from over-expression of the photoreceptor. These observations are consistent with the broad action spectrum for responses mediated by this cryptochrome in Arabidopsis and indicate that the machinery for signal, transduction required by the CRY1 protein is conserved among different plant species. Furthermore, the level of these photoresponses is seen to be determined by the cellular concentration of this photoreceptor.  相似文献   

Transgenic plants were constructed that express two foreign calmodulins (VU-1 and VU-3 calmodulins) derived from a cloned synthetic calmodulin gene. VU-1 calmodulin, similar to endogenous plant calmodulin, possesses a lysine residue at position 115 and undergoes posttranslational methylation. VU-3 calmodulin is a site-directed mutant of VU-1 calmodulin that is identical in sequence except for the substitution of an arginine at position 115 and thus is incapable of methylation. Both calmodulin genes, under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, were expressed in transgenic tobacco. Foreign calmodulin protein accumulated in plant tissues to levels equivalent to that of the endogenous calmodulin. All transformed lines of VU-1 plants were indistinguishable from untransformed controls with respect to growth and development. However, all transformed lines of VU-3 plants were characterized by decreased stem internode growth, reduced seed production, and reduced seed and pollen viability. The data suggest that these phenotypes are the result of the expression of the calmodulin mutant rather than the position of transferred DNA insertion or the overall alteration of calmodulin levels. Analyses of the activity of the purified transgenic calmodulins suggest that calmodulin-dependent NAD kinase is among the potential targets that may have altered regulation in VU-3 transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Alternatives to cell culture systems for production of recombinant proteins could make very safe vaccines at a lower cost. We have used genetically engineered plants for expression of candidate vaccine antigens with the goal of using the edible plant organs for economical delivery of oral vaccines. Transgenic tobacco and potato plants were created that express the capsid protein of Norwalk virus, a calicivirus that causes epidemic acute gastroenteritis in humans. The capsid protein could be extracted from tobacco leaves in the form of 38-nm Norwalk virus-like particles. Recombinant Norwalk virus-like particle (rNV) was previously recovered when the same gene was expressed in recombinant baculovirus-infected insect cells. The capsid protein expressed in tobacco leaves and potato tubers cosedimented in sucrose gradients with insect cell-derived rNV and appeared identical to insect cell-derived rNV on immunoblots of SDS/polyacrylamide gels. The plant-expressed rNV was orally immunogenic in mice. Extracts of tobacco leaf expressing rNV were given to CD1 mice by gavage, and the treated mice developed both serum IgG and secretory IgA specific for rNV. Furthermore, when potato tubers expressing rNV were fed directly to mice, they developed serum IgG specific for rNV. These results indicate the potential usefulness of plants for production and delivery of edible vaccines. This is an appropriate technology for developing countries where vaccines are urgently needed.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that cloned plant disease resistance genes could be transferred from resistant to susceptible plant species to control important crop plant diseases. The recently cloned N gene of tobacco confers resistance to the viral pathogen, tobacco mosaic virus. We generated transgenic tomato plants bearing the N gene and demonstrate that N confers a hypersensitive response and effectively localizes tobacco mosaic virus to sites of inoculation in transgenic tomato, as it does in tobacco. The ability to reconstruct the N-mediated resistance response to tobacco mosaic virus in tomato demonstrates the utility of using isolated resistance genes to protect crop plants from diseases, and it demonstrates that all the components necessary for N-mediated resistance are conserved in tomato.  相似文献   

A carboxyl-terminally modified firefly luciferase, encoded as a gene fusion to the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (which confers kanamycin resistance), was found to be enzymatically active for both enzymes when expressed in bacteria and in transgenic plants. A military-type starlight vision system was used to conveniently analyze the pattern of gene expression in transgenic tobacco plant leaves. Transgenic tobacco plants which expressed luciferase uniformly in all areas of the leaf, and assays for luciferin, demonstrated that luciferin rapidly penetrates all regions of a tobacco leaf in at least two dimensions. Depending on the test gene structure or, presumably, on the transferred DNA (T-DNA) insertional context, other transgenic plants were obtained that expressed luciferase with a wide range of nonuniform patterns from nominally the same cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. For instance, the veins can be dark, while only the interveinal regions of the leaf lamina glow, or only the small capillary veins glow, or only the major veins glow. Local and/or systemic induction in response to wounding was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Maize Suppressor-mutator (Spm) transposable elements have been introduced into tobacco cells and a visual assay for Spm activity has been developed using a bacterial beta-glucuronidase gene. The Spm element is mobile in tobacco and can trans-activate excision of a transposition-defective Spm (dSpm) element either from a different site on the same transforming Ti plasmid or from a second plasmid. An Spm element expressed from the stronger cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter trans-activates transposition of a dSpm element earlier after its introduction into tobacco cells than an element expressed from its own promoter.  相似文献   

For sexual communication, moths primarily use blends of fatty acid derivatives containing one or more double bonds in various positions and configurations, called sex pheromones (SPs). To study the molecular basis of novel SP component (SPC) acquisition, we used the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta), which uses a blend of mono-, di-, and uncommon triunsaturated fatty acid (3UFA) derivatives as SP. We identified pheromone-biosynthetic fatty acid desaturases (FADs) MsexD3, MsexD5, and MsexD6 abundantly expressed in the M. sexta female pheromone gland. Their functional characterization and in vivo application of FAD substrates indicated that MsexD3 and MsexD5 biosynthesize 3UFAs via E/Z14 desaturation from diunsaturated fatty acids produced by previously characterized Z11-desaturase/conjugase MsexD2. Site-directed mutagenesis of sequentially highly similar MsexD3 and MsexD2 demonstrated that swapping of a single amino acid in the fatty acyl substrate binding tunnel introduces E/Z14-desaturase specificity to mutated MsexD2. Reconstruction of FAD gene phylogeny indicates that MsexD3 was recruited for biosynthesis of 3UFA SPCs in M. sexta lineage via gene duplication and neofunctionalization, whereas MsexD5 representing an alternative 3UFA-producing FAD has been acquired via activation of a presumably inactive ancestral MsexD5. Our results demonstrate that a change as small as a single amino acid substitution in a FAD enzyme might result in the acquisition of new SP compounds.Sex pheromones (SPs) are a diverse group of chemical compounds that are central to mate-finding behavior in insects (1). Variation in SP composition between closely related species and among populations is well documented. Despite this variation, SPs are presumed to be under strong stabilizing selection, and thus the genetic mechanisms driving SP diversification represented an enigma (2). Research on SPs in moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) helped establish the hypothesis of asymmetric tracking as a major driving force in SP diversification. In this scenario, abrupt changes in female SP composition via a shift in component ratio or the inclusion or loss of a component result in a distinct SP that attracts males with more broadly or differentially tuned SP preference (3). Assortative mating, the preferential mating of females producing a novel SP with males attracted to this SP, restricts gene flow between subpopulations with differing SP compositions. This can ultimately lead to speciation and fixation of novel communication channels (4). Work in insect models such as wasps (5), fruit flies (6), and especially moths (79) is helping uncover the genetic basis of SP diversification.In the majority of moth species, females use species-specific mixtures of SP components (SPCs) consisting of volatile fatty acid (FA) derivatives to attract conspecific males at long range. These SPCs are predominantly long-chain aliphatic (C12–C18) acetates, alcohols, or aldehydes containing zero to three double bonds of various configurations at different positions along the carbon backbone (10). Pheromone biosynthesis involves modifications of fatty acyl substrates, such as chain shortening and elongation, reduction, acetylation, oxidation, and desaturation (11). SP biosynthetic enzymes [i.e., FA reductases (8), FA chain-shortening enzymes (12, 13), and particularly FA desaturases (FADs) (7, 9, 1417)] are the most commonly discovered traits underlying SP divergence in moths.Manduca sexta females attract males by releasing an SP containing in addition to mono- and diunsaturated aldehydes, which are typical structural themes in SPs of Bombycoidea moths (10), also uncommon conjugated triunsaturated aldehydes. The production of triunsaturated SPCs represents an easily traceable phenotype, thus making M. sexta a convenient yet unexploited model organism for unraveling the mechanisms of chemical communication evolution via novel SPC recruitment. In our previous attempts to decipher the desaturation pathway leading to triunsaturated SPC FA precursors (3UFAs), we identified the MsexD2 desaturase, which exhibits Z11-desaturase and conjugase (1,4-dehydrogenase) activity and participates in stepwise production of monounsaturated (1UFA) and diunsaturated (2UFA) SPC precursors. The terminal desaturation step resulting in the third conjugated double bond remained, however, elusive (18, 19).Here, we isolated and functionally characterized FAD genes abundantly and specifically expressed in the pheromone gland (PG) capable of producing 3UFA pheromone precursors and demonstrated the biosynthesis of 3UFAs from 2UFAs. We used site-directed mutagenesis of M. sexta FADs and identified a minimal structure motif leading to acquisition of new desaturase specificities. The reconstructed evolutionary relationship of moth FADs demonstrated that the 3UFA pheromone precursors in M. sexta were acquired via (i) activation of a presumably inactive ancestral FAD gene and/or (ii) duplication of an ancestral FAD gene producing 1UFA and 2UFA SPC precursors followed by functional diversification of an FAD duplicate.  相似文献   

Tobacco plants transformed with rgp1, a gene encoding a Ras-related small GTP binding protein, were previously shown to exhibit a distinct reduction in apical dominance with increased tillering. These abnormal pheno-types were later found to be associated with elevated levels of endogenous cytokinins (zeatin and zeatin riboside). Analysis of the expression of several genes known to be affected by cytokinins identified a clear increase in the mRNA levels of genes encoding acidic pathogenesis-related proteins in both transgenic plants and their progenies. This increase was directly attributable to elevated levels of the acidic pathogenesis-related protein inducers, salicylic acid (SA) and salicylic acid beta-glucoside, due to an abnormal and sensitive response of the transgenic plants to wounding. In contrast, mRNA levels of the gene for proteinase inhibitor II, which is normally induced by wounding, were generally suppressed in the same wounded plants, probably due to SA overproduction. The changes in SA and pathogenesis-related protein levels in the transgenic plants resulted in a distinct increase in their resistance to tobacco mosaic virus infection. In normal plants, the wound and pathogen-induced signal transduction pathways are considered to function independently. However, the wound induction of SA in the transgenic plants suggests that overexpression of this small GTP binding protein somehow interferes with the normal signal pathways, possibly by affecting cytokinin biosynthesis, and results in cross-signaling between these two transduction systems.  相似文献   

Ligand binding to the T-cell antigen receptor results in phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis and the resultant activation of protein kinase C, as well as the activation of a receptor-coupled protein-tyrosine kinase. As a model for tyrosine kinase activation in T cells, we used retroviral gene transfer to express the v-src oncogene in an antigen-specific murine T-cell hybridoma. Clones that expressed v-src mRNA demonstrated constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation of several cellular substrates, including the zeta chain of the T-cell receptor, and constitutive interleukin 2 production. Thus, expression of a constitutively active protein-tyrosine kinase such as pp60v-src appears to be sufficient to induce the expression of at least one gene critical to the process of T-cell activation.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco plants that express RNA sequences complementary to the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) coat protein (CP) coding sequence with or without the tRNA-like structure at the 3' end of the TMV RNA were produced. Progeny of self-pollinated plants were challenged with TMV to determine their resistance to infection. Plants that expressed RNA sequences complementary to the CP coding region and the 3' untranslated region, including the tRNA-like sequences, were protected from infection by TMV at low levels of inoculum. However, plants that expressed RNA complementary to the CP coding sequence alone were not protected from infection. These results indicate that sequences complementary to the terminal 117 nucleotides of TMV, which include a putative replicase binding site, are responsible for the protection. However, the level of protection in these plants was considerably less than in transgenic plants that expressed the TMV CP gene and accumulated CP. Since the mechanisms of protection in the two systems are different, it may be possible to increase protection by introducing both sequences into transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Expression of pathogenesis-related protein 1a (PR-1a), a protein of unknown biochemical function, is induced to high levels in tobacco in response to pathogen infection. The induction of PR-1a expression is tightly correlated with the onset of systemic acquired resistance (SAR), a defense response effective against a variety of fungal, viral, and bacterial pathogens. While PR-1a has been postulated to be involved in SAR, and is the most highly expressed of the PR proteins, evidence for its role is lacking. In this report, we demonstrate that constitutive high-level expression of PR-1a in transgenic tobacco results in tolerance to infection by two oomycete pathogens, Peronospora tabacina and Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae.  相似文献   

γ-Linolenic acid (GLA; C18:3 Δ6,9,12) is a component of the seed oils of evening primrose (Oenothera spp.), borage (Borago officinalis L.), and some other plants. It is widely used as a dietary supplement and for treatment of various medical conditions. GLA is synthesized by a Δ6-fatty acid desaturase using linoleic acid (C18:2 Δ9,12) as a substrate. To enable the production of GLA in conventional oilseeds, we have isolated a cDNA encoding the Δ6-fatty acid desaturase from developing seeds of borage and confirmed its function by expression in transgenic tobacco plants. Analysis of leaf lipids from a transformed plant demonstrated the accumulation of GLA and octadecatetraenoic acid (C18:4 Δ6,9,12,15) to levels of 13.2% and 9.6% of the total fatty acids, respectively. The borage Δ6-fatty acid desaturase differs from other desaturase enzymes, characterized from higher plants previously, by the presence of an N-terminal domain related to cytochrome b5.  相似文献   

Genes containing the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter fused to open reading frames coding for tomato proteinase inhibitor I, tomato inhibitor II, and potato inhibitor II were expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. Inhibitor I and II proteins were identified by immunoblotting and quantified by immunoradial diffusion. Both inhibitors exhibited the molecular weights found for the native proteins in their natural environments. Extracts of leaves from transformed plants contained inhibitory activities against trypsin and chymotrypsin that reflected the levels of inhibitor I or II protein present. The results demonstrate that in tobacco leaves the introns of both inhibitor I and inhibitor II genes were excised correctly and that pre and prepro inhibitor I and II proteins were correctly processed. Growth of Manduca sexta larvae (tobacco hornworms) feeding on leaves of transgenic plants containing inhibitor II, a powerful inhibitor of both trypsin and chymotrypsin, was significantly retarded, compared to growth of larvae fed untransformed leaves. Levels of inhibitor II protein as low as 50 micrograms/g of tissue moderately affected larval growth, whereas levels above 100 micrograms/g severely reduced growth. The presence of tomato inhibitor I protein, a potent inhibitor of chymotrypsin but a weak inhibitor of trypsin, in transgenic tobacco leaves had little effect on the growth of the larvae. These experiments indicated that trypsin inhibitory activity, but not chymotrypsin inhibitory activity, was mainly responsible for the inhibition of larval growth.  相似文献   

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