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Simultaneous video-fluoroscopic and neck muscle EMG data were recorded from one cat performing ±15° sinusoidal (0.25 Hz) head-tracking movements in the sagittal plane in a standing body posture with two initial neck orientations and four inertial loads. Radio-opaque markers were inserted into the anterior/posterior and lateral aspects of the occipital ridge and C1-C7 to measure vertebral displacement. Kinematic data were analyzed, and a computer model was applied to the data to characterize the limits of movement in the cervical spine and to estimate the moment arms of the neck muscles at different orientations of head-neck movement. For each initial neck orientation, the cat utilized a distinct set of vertebral alignments, relative joint movements, and muscle-activation patterns to achieve the same movement outcome. As inertial load increased, vertebral alignments and relative joint movements were constant with a vertically oriented neck but differed when the neck was more horizontally oriented. Different muscle-activation patterns were used to maintain the same kinematic pattern with increased inertial loads. Some muscle EMG response gains (rectus capitis major and splenius capitis) increased with increasing mass, while others (biventer cervicis and occipitoscapularis) demonstrated an initial increase and then a plateau. EMG phases were not affected by changing the mass of the system but were affected by changing neck orientation. The model predicted that muscle moment arms would vary little for the different vertebral alignments, suggesting a robust biomechanical system minimally compensates for small changes in task geometry. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary Anatomical texts describe the neck musculature without measurements of muscle locations or quantitative estimates of pulling actions (torques). This study is based on measurements in stereotaxic coordinates of cat neck muscle origins and insertions, and neck intervertebral rotation axes. Torque vectors in three dimensions were calculated for 14 pairs of dorsal and ventral muscles that insert on the skull or first cervical vertebra. Predicted torque vectors were in general agreement with qualitative statements in the literature. Biventer cervicis and the rectus capitis major, medius, and minor muscles act mainly to raise the head, and longus capitis acts almost exclusively to lower the head. Longissimus capitis, sternomastoid, and cleidomastoid act mainly to roll the head. Complexus acts about equally to raise the head and roll it. Splenius and occipitoscapularis have torque in all three coordinate directions. Torques were altered by changing the pitch of the head with respect to the neck. The calculated neck muscle torques did not correspond to previously reported directions of neck muscle excitation during the vestibulocollic reflex. The neck musculature appears to be a complex, multidimensional system that presents interesting problems in motor control.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of trunk extensor muscles in the thoracic and lumbar regions during postural adjustments in the freely standing cat. The epaxial extensor muscles participate in the rapid postural responses evoked by horizontal translation of the support surface. The muscles segregate into two regional groups separated by a short transition zone, according to the spatial pattern of the electromyographic (EMG) responses. The upper thoracic muscles (T5-9) respond best to posteriorly directed translations, whereas the lumbar muscles (T13 to L7) respond best to anterior translations. The transition group muscles (T10-12) respond to almost all translations. Muscles group according to vertebral level rather than muscle species. The upper thoracic muscles change little in their response with changes in stance distance (fore-hindpaw separation) and may act to stabilize the intervertebral angles of the thoracic curvature. Activity in the lumbar muscles increases along with upward rotation of the pelvis (iliac crest) as stance distance decreases. Lumbar muscles appear to stabilize the pelvis with respect to the lumbar vertebrae (L7-sacral joint). The transition zone muscles display a change in spatial tuning with stance distance, responding to many directions of translation at short distances and focusing to respond best to contralateral translations at the long stance distance. Received: 2 January 1997 / Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

Cutaneous facial inputs influencing head movement were examined in the conscious and anaesthetised cat. EMG recordings were made in neck muscles of conscious, unrestrained cats in which an unexpected light cutaneous stimulus was applied to the glabrous skin of the planum nasale (PN). These observations established that head aversion movements were associated with synchronised activation of both deep and superficial dorsal neck muscles. In anaesthetised cats in which activity in the motoneurons of the large dorsal neck muscles was examined, mechanical stimulation of the PN or electrical stimulation of the infraorbital nerve (ION) produced a short latency, reflex activation. The reflex could be elicited by excitation of low threshold, rapidly conducting fibres in the ION. Intracellular recording from neck motoneurons showed that there is a short latency, probably disynaptic, excitatory pathway from low threshold nerves in the ION to neck motoneurons, but discharge of neck motoneurons occurred several milliseconds later, presumably as a result of activity in a longer multisynaptic pathway.  相似文献   

 For an understanding of how various degrees of altered use (training, disuse) affect the properties of skeletal muscles, it is important to know how much they are used normally. The main aim of the present project was to produce such background knowledge for hindlimb muscles of the cat. In four adult female cats, each one being studied in several experimental sessions, ankle muscles were chronically implanted with electrodes for electromyographic (EMG) recording. The muscles recorded from were: extensor digitorum longus (EDL), peroneus longus (PL), tibialis anterior (TA), lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and soleus (SOL). For PL, TA and LG, there were anterior as well as posterior recording sites. During 24-h experimental sessions, the studied animal stayed, together with another cat, in a box large enough for playing and walking around. Using telemetric techniques, samples of EMG signals were recorded on tape for 4 min every 30 min. In an off-line analysis, measurements were made of the total accumulated duration of activity from each one of the studied muscle regions. These ”duty times” were expressed as a percentage of total sampling duration. When averaged over the whole 24-h experimental period, the mean duty times per muscle region varied from 1.9% for EDL up to about 13.9% for SOL. Also, among predominantly fast muscles of mixed-fibre composition (i.e. all studied muscles except SOL), marked and statistically significant differences in duty time were found, mean values varying fivefold from 1.9% (EDL) to 9.5% (PL, posterior site). For all three muscles with simultaneous recordings from different sites, consistent and statistically significant differences in daily duty time were found between anterior and posterior regions (anterior less than posterior for TA and PL; anterior more than posterior for LG). We also measured the extent to which each 4-min sampling period was filled with activity (if any). As compared to muscles with a low mean 24-h duty time, those with high duty times were not active during more sampling periods per day, but, whenever being used, their activity lasted relatively longer. Such results were consistent with the view that differences in mean 24-h duty time might largely reflect differences in the extent to which the various muscles and muscle regions were used for long-lasting stabilizing contractions. Received: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 29 November 1996  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in neck muscle and eye movement responses during the early stages of vestibular compensation (first 3 weeks after unilateral vestibular neurectomy, UVN). Electromyographic (EMG) activity from antagonist neck extensor (splenius capitis) and flexor (longus capitis) muscles and eye movements were recorded during sinusoidal visual and/or otolith vertical linear stimulations in the 0.05–1 Hz frequency range (corresponding acceleration range 0.003–1.16 g) in the head-fixed alert cat. Preoperative EMG activity from the splenius and longus capitis muscles showed a pattern of alternate activation of the antagonist neck muscles in all the cats. After UVN, two motor strategies were observed. For three of the seven cats, the temporal activation of the individual neck muscles was the same as that recorded before UVN. For the other four cats, UVN resulted in a pattern of coactivation of the flexor and extensor neck muscles because of a phase change of the splenius capitis. In both subgroups, the response patterns of the antagonist neck muscles were consistent for each cat independently of the experimental conditions, throughout the 3 weeks of testing. Cats displaying alternate activation of antagonist neck muscles showed an enhanced gain of the visually induced neck responses, particularly in the high range of stimulus frequency, and a gain decrease in the otolith-induced neck responses at the lowest frequency (0.25 Hz) only. By contrast, for cats with neck muscle coactivation, the gain of the visually induced neck responses was basically unaffected relative to preoperative values, whereas otolith-induced neck responses were considerably decreased in the whole range of stimulation. As concerns oculomotor responses, results in the two subgroups of cats were similar. The optokinetic responses were not affected by the vestibular lesion. On the contrary, otolith-induced eye responses showed a gain reduction and a phase lead. Deficits and short-term changes after UVN of otolith- and semicircular canal-evoked collic and ocular responses are compared. Received: 15 April 1997 / Accepted: 29 December 1997  相似文献   

Summary 452 single neurons from the superior colliculus were recorded in awake and non-paralysed cats. 75 neurons were obtained from cats with unrestrained horizontal head movements.228 neurons remained unaffected by saccadic eye movements. Eye movement related discharge followed the onset of saccades in 156 neurons either only in the presence of a visual pattern (92 neurons) or in darkness, too (64 neurons). The latter reaction type probably depends on eye muscle afferents.In 48 neurons eye movement related activity preceded the onset of eye movements. 12 neurons fired in synchrony with eye movements of any direction (type I). 30 neurons were excited during contralaterally directed eye versions within or into the contralateral head related hemifield. They were inhibited when the eyes moved within or into the ipsilateral head related hemifield (type II). 6 neurons with constant maintained activity during fixation were inhibited by ipsilaterally directed saccades, but remained unaffected by contralateral eye movements.Head movement related discharge followed the onset of head movements in 20 neurons only in presence of a visual pattern and also in darkness in 6 neurons. Ipsilateral head movements or postures strongly suppressed maintained activity and visual responsiveness of some neurons.15 neurons discharged in synchrony with and prior to contralateral head movements. Ipsilateral head movements inhibited these neurons. Activation or inhibition were usually related to movement and to posture, exceptionally to movement or to posture.Electrical stimulation of recording sites of these neurons through the recording microelectrode elicits contralateral head movements.  相似文献   

Summary Modulation of vestibulo-spinal reflexes by gaze is a model system for studying interactions between voluntary and reflex motor activity. In the alert cat, the EMG of Splenius and Obliquus capitis muscles increases with ipsilateral gaze eccentricity during spontaneous eye movements. Labyrinth stimulation by current pulses evokes EMGs with latencies consistent with a three neuron vestibulocollic pathway. The amplitude of evoked activity increases with eye position. The directions in which eye movements increase EMG was usually the same for both spontaneous and induced EMG activity, namely, horizontal and ipsilateral. However, sometimes the increase in spontaneous EMG occurred with horizontal eye position, whereas the induced EMG changed with vertical eye position. Spontaneous and evoked EMG are then modulated by different eye position signals. Command signals reflecting eye position probably reach two different types of neurons in the vestibulo-collic pathway, most likely secondary vestibular neurons and neck muscle motoneurons.V.J. Wilson's participation was made possible in part by NIH grant NS02619 and in part by a fellowship from I. N. S. E. R. M.  相似文献   

The focus of these experiments was to determine the relationships between head movement, neck muscle activation patterns, and the positions and movements of the cervical vertebrae. One standing cat and one prone cat were trained to produce voluntary sinusoidal movements of the head in the sagittal plane. Video-opaque markers were placed on the cervical vertebrae, and intramuscular patch electrodes implanted in four muscles of the head and neck. Cinefluoroscopic images of cervical vertebral motion and electromyographic responses were simultaneously recorded. Analysis of the spinal movement revealed that the two cats used different strategies to keep their heads aligned with the tracker. In the standing cat, vertebral motion described a more circular arc, compared to a forward diagonal in the prone cat. Intervertebral motion was limited, but more acute angles appeared between the vertebrae of the prone lying than of the standing animal. Data revealed that the central nervous system could control several axes of motion to keep the cervical spine matched to the moving stimulus. Phase relations between the sinusoidal motion of the vertebral column, peak activation of the neck muscles, and that of the stimulus were examined, and several different control strategies were observed both between and within animals. The results suggest that the central nervous system engages in multiple strategies of musculo-skeletal coordination to achieve a single movement outcome.  相似文献   

This study examined (1) how changes in head position affect postural orientation variables during stance and (2) whether changes in head position affect the rapid postural response to linear translation of the support surface in the horizontal plane. Cats were trained to stand quietly on a moveable platform and to maintain five different head positions: center, left, right, up, and down. For each head position, stance was perturbed by translating the support surface linearly in 16 different directions in the horizontal plane. Postural equilibrium responses were quantified in terms of the ground reaction forces, kinematics, dynamics (net joint torques), body center of mass, and electromyographic (EMG) responses of selected limb and trunk muscles. A change in head position involved rotation of not only the neck but also the scapulae and anterior trunk. Tonic EMG levels were modulated in several forelimb and scapular muscles but not hindlimb muscles. Finally, large changes in head orientation in both horizontal and vertical planes did not hamper the ability of cats to maintain postural equilibrium during linear translation of the support surface. The trajectory of the body’s center of mass was the same, regardless of head position. The main change was observed in joint torques at the forelimbs evoked by the perturbation. Evoked EMG responses of forelimb and scapular muscles were modulated in terms of magnitude but not spatial tuning. Hindlimb responses were unchanged. Thus, the spatial and temporal pattern of the automatic postural response was unchanged and only amplitudes of evoked activity were modulated by head position. Received: 14 October 1997 / Accepted: 22 April 1998  相似文献   

Functional connections of single reticulospinal neurons (RSNs) in the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (NRG) with ipsilateral dorsal neck motoneurons were examined with the spike-triggered averaging technique. Extracellular spikes of single NRG-RSNs activated antidromically from the C6, but not from the L1 segment (C-RSNs) were used as the trigger. These neurons were monosynaptically activated from the superior colliculus and the cerebral peduncle. Single-RSN PSPs were recorded in 43 dorsal neck motoneurons [biventer cervicis and complexus (BCC) and splenius (SPL)] for 21 NRG-RSNs and 135 motoneurons tested. All synaptic potentials were EPSPs, and most of their latencies, measured from the triggering spikes, were 0.8–1.5 ms, which is in a monosynaptic range. The amplitudes of single-RSN EPSPs were 10–360 μV. Spike-triggered averaging revealed single-RSN EPSPs in multiple motoneurons of the same species (SPL or BCC), their locations extending up to nearly 1 mm rostrocaudally. Synaptic connections of single RSNs with both SPL and BCC motoneurons were also found with some predominance for one of them. The results provide direct evidence that NRG-RSNs make monosynaptic excitatory connections with SPL and BCC motoneurons. It appears that some NRG-RSNs connect predominantly with SPL motoneurons and others with BCC motoneurons. Received: 23 March 1999 / Accepted: 17 May 1999  相似文献   

Summary 1. We analysed the synaptic actions produced by Forel's field H (FFH) neurones on dorsal neck motoneurones and the pathways mediating the effects. 2. Stimulation of ipsilateral FFH induced negative field potentials of several hundred microvolts with the latency of about 1.1 ms in the medial ponto-medullary reticular formation, being largest in the ventral part of the nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis (NRPC), and in the dorsal part of the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis (NRG). 3. Stimulation of ipsilateral FFH induced excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in 90% (47/52) and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in 19% (10/52) of the reticulospinal neurones (RSNs) in the NRPC and the NRG. Latencies of the EPSPs and IPSPs were 0.7–3.0 ms, the majority of which were in the monosynaptic range. The monosynaptic connexions were confirmed by spike triggered averarging technique both in excitatory (n=4) and inhibitory (n=2) pathways. 4. Single stimulation of FFH induced EPSPs at the segmental latencies of 0.3–1.0 ms in neck motoneurones, which were clearly in the monosynaptic range. Repetitive stimulation of FFH produced marked temporal facilitation of EPSPs in neck motoneurones. The facilitated components of the EPSPs had a little longer latencies and their amplitude reached several times as large as that evoked by single stimulation in all the tested motoneurones. These facilitated excitations are assumed to be mediated by RSNs in the NRPC and NRG, since RSNs were mono- and polysynaptically fired by stimulation of FFH and they were previously shown to directly project to neck moteneurones. 5. EPSPs were induced in 91% (82/91) of motoneurones supplying m. biventer cervicis and complexus (BCC; head elevator), 10% (3/29) of motoneurones supplying m. splenius (SPL; lateral head flexor). Eikewise, stimulation of FFH produced EMG responses in BCC muscles, while not in SPL muscle. Thus FFH neurones produce excitations preferentially in BCC motoneurones. 6. Systematic tracking in and around FFH revealed that the effective sites for evoking above effects were in FFH and extended caudally along their efferent axonal course. 7. These results suggested that FFH neurones connect with neck motoneurones (chiefly BCC, head elevator) mono-, diand/or polysynaptically and are mainly concerned with the control of vertical head movements.  相似文献   

Summary When the head rotates, vestibulocollic reflexes counteract the rotation by causing contraction of the neck muscles that pull against the imposed motion. With voluntary head rotations, these same muscles contract and assist the movement of the head. The purpose of this study was to determine if an infinite variety of muscle activation patterns are available to generate a particular head movement, or if the CNS selects a consistent and unique muscle pattern for the same head movement whether performed in a voluntary or reflex mode. The relationship of neck muscle activity to reflex and voluntary head movements was examined by recording intramuscular EMG activity from six neck muscles in three alert cats during sinusoidal head rotations about 24 vertical and horizontal axes. The cats were trained to voluntarily follow a water spout with their heads. Vestibulocollic reflex (VCR) responses were recorded in the same cats by rotating them in an equivalent set of planes with the head stabilized to the trunk so that only the vestibular labyrinths were stimulated. Gain and phase of the EMG responses were calculated, and data analyzed to determine the directions of rotation for which specific muscles produced their greatest EMG output. Each muscle exhibited preferential activation for a unique direction of rotation, and weak responses during rotations orthogonal to that preferred direction. The direction of maximal activation could differ for reflex and voluntary responses. Also, the best excitation of the muscle was not always in the direction that would produce a maximum mechanical advantage for the muscle based on its line of pull. The results of this study suggest that a unique pattern of activity is selected for VCR and tracking responses in any one animal. Patterns for the two behaviors differ, indicating that the CNS can generate movements in the same direction using different muscle patterns.  相似文献   

Summary The otolith contribution and otolith-visual interaction in eye and head stabilization were investigated in alert cats submitted to sinusoidal linear accelerations in three defined directions of space: up-down (Z motion), left-right (Y motion), and forward-back (X motion). Otolith stimulation alone was performed in total darkness with stimulus frequency varying from 0.05 to 1.39 Hz at a constant half peak-to-peak amplitude of 0.145 m (corresponding acceleration range 0.0014–1.13 g) Optokinetic stimuli were provided by sinusoidally moving a pseudorandom visual pattern in the Z and Y directions, using a similar half peak-to-peak amplitude (0.145 m, i.e., 16.1°) in the 0.025–1.39 Hz frequency domain (corresponding velocity range 2.5°–141°/s). Congruent otolith-visual interaction (costimulation, CS) was produced by moving the cat in front of the earth-stationary visual pattern, while conflicting interaction was obtained by suppressing all visual motion cues during linear motion (visual stabilization method, VS, with cat and visual pattern moving together, in phase). Electromyographic (EMG) activity of antagonist neck extensor (splenius capitis) and flexor (longus capitis) muscles as well as horizontal and vertical eye movements (electrooculography, EOG) were recorded in these different experimental conditions. Results showed that otolith-neck (ONR) and otolith-ocular (OOR) responses were produced during pure otolith stimulation with relatively weak stimuli (0.036 g) in all directions tested. Both EMG and EOG response gain slightly increased, while response phase lead decreased (with respect to stimulus velocity) as stimulus frequency increased in the range 0.25–1.39 Hz. Otolith contribution to compensatory eye and neck responses increased with stimulus frequency, leading to EMG and EOG responses, which oppose the imposed displacement more and more. But the otolith system alone remained unable to produce perfect compensatory responses, even at the highest frequency tested. In contrast, optokinetic stimuli in the Z and Y directions evoked consistent and compensatory eye movement responses (OKR) in a lower frequency range (0.025–0.25 Hz). Increasing stimulus frequency induced strong gain reduction and phase lag. Oculo-neck coupling or eye-head synergy was found during optokinetic stimulation in the Z and Y directions. It was characterized by bilateral activation of neck extensors and flexors during upward and downward eye movements, respectively, and by ipsilateral activation of neck muscles during horizontal eye movements. These visually-induced neck responses seemed related to eye velocity signals. Dynamic properties of neck and eye responses were significantly improved when both inputs were combined (CS). Near perfect compensatory eye movement and neck muscle responses closely related to stimulus velocity were observed over all frequencies tested, in the three directions defined. The present study indicates that eye-head coordination processes during linear motion are mainly dependent on the visual system at low frequencies (below 0.25 Hz), with close functional coupling of OKR and eye-head synergy. The otolith system basically works at higher stimulus frequencies and triggers Synergist OOR and ONR. However, both sensorimotor subsystems combine their dynamic properties to provide better eyehead coordination in an extended frequency range and, as evidenced under VS condition, visual and otolith inputs also contribute to eye and neck responses at high and low frequency, respectively. These general laws on functional coupling of the eye and head stabilizing reflexes during linear motion are valid in the three directions tested, even though the relative weight of visual and otolith inputs may vary according to motion direction and/or kinematics.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of neck muscles was recorded in the alert, head-fixed cat together with the horizontal and vertical components of eye movements. Electromyographic activity of obliquus capitis cranialis and caudalis, and longissimus capitis, is closely related to horizontal eye position in the orbit both during spontaneous eye movements and vestibular nystagmus. The activity of splenius also shows this relationship but the coupling is less tight, probably because of the postural function of this muscle.Supported by INSERM PRC grant no. 50-7723  相似文献   

Trigeminal excitation of dorsal neck motoneurones in the cat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Excitation of dorsal neck motoneurones evoked by electrical stimulation of primary trigeminal afferents in the Gasserian ganglion has been investigated with intracellular recording from -motoneurones in the cat. Single stimulation in the Gasserian ganglion ipsi-and contralateral to the recording side evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in motoneurones innervating the lateral head flexor muscle splenius (SPL) and the head elevator muscles biventer cervicis and complexus (BCC). The gasserian EPSPs were composed of early and late components which gave the EPSPs a hump-like shape. A short train of stimuli, consisting of two to three volleys, evoked temporal facilitation of both the early and late EPSP components. The latencies of the gasserian EPSPs ranged from 1.6 to 3.6 ms in SPL motoneurones and from 1.6 to 5.8 ms among BCC motoneurones. A rather similar latency distribution between 1.6 and 2.4 ms was found for ipsi- and contralateral EPSPs in SPL and BCC motoneurones, which is compatible with a minimal disynaptic linkage between primary trigeminal afferents and neck motoneurones. Systematic transections of the ipsi- and contralateral trigeminal tracts were performed in the brain stem between 3 and 12 mm rostral to the level of obex. The results demonstrate that both the ipsi- and contralateral disynaptic and late gasserian EPSPs can be mediated via trigeminospinal neurones which take their origin in the nucleus trigeminalis spinalis oralis. Transection of the midline showed that the contralateral trigeminospinal neurones cross in the brain stem. Systematic tracking in and around the ipsilateral trigeminal nuclei demonstrated that the axons of ipsilateral trigeminospinal neurones descend just medial to and/or in the medial part of the nucleus. Spinal cord lesions revealed a location of the axons of the ipsilateral trigeminospinal neurones in the lateral and ventral funiculi. Interaction between the ipsi- and contralateral gasserian EPSPs showed complete summation of the disynaptic EPSP component, while the late components were occluded by about 45%. These results show that the disynaptic EPSPs are mediated by separate trigeminospinal neurones from the ipsi- and contralateral side, while about half of the late EPSPs are mediated by common neurones which receive strong bilateral excitation from commissural neurones in the trigeminal nuclei. Spatial facilitation was found in the late gasserian EPSP but not in the disynaptic gasserian EPSP by conditioning stimulation of cortico- and tectofugal fibres. Disynaptic pyramidal and tectal EPSPs, which are mediated by reticulospinal neurones, were facilitated by a single stimulation in the gasserian ganglion at an optimal interval of 2 ms. It is suggested that primary trigeminal afferents can excite the reticulospinal neurones via a disynaptic trigeminoreticular pathway.  相似文献   

 The central cervical nucleus (CCN) of the cat receives input from upper cervical muscle afferents, particularly primary spindle afferents. Its axons cross in the spinal cord, and while in the contralateral restiform body give off collaterals to the vestibular nuclei. In order to study the connections between CCN axons and vestibular neurons, we stimulated the area of the CCN in decerebrate cats while recording intra- or extracellularly from neurons in the contralateral vestibular nuclei. CCN stimulation evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) or extracellularly recorded firing in the lateral, medial and descending vestibular nuclei. The latency of EPSPs (mean 1.6 ms) was on average 0.4 ms longer than the latency of antidromic spikes evoked in the CCN by stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nuclei (mean 1.2 ms), demonstrating that the excitation was typically monosynaptic. The results provide further evidence that the CCN is an important excitatory relay between upper cervical muscle afferents and neurons in the contralateral vestibular nuclei. Received: 1 August 1996 / Accepted: 16 December 1996  相似文献   

Summary Natural head movements in alert, unrestrained cats were studied using video-filming, videofluoroscopy and electromyographic (EMG) recording methods. In each cat, up to sixteen neck muscles or neck-muscle compartments were implanted with recording electrodes. Patterns of muscle recruitment were examined during systematically-selected behavioral epochs in which the cat held a range of stationary postures, and when it performed volitional and exploratory behaviors such as flexion-extension or turning, grooming, eating, or headshaking. Patterns of muscular activity were interpreted with reference to simultaneous video images of head and neck movements. In separate, videofluoroscopic analysis, flexion-extension movements were examined to gain insight into the underlying movements of the skull and cervical vertebrae. These and other movements were found commonly to depend upon changes in joint angles between lower as well as upper cervical joints. Stationary postures in which the neck was held vertically were consistently associated with tonic EMG activity in only two long dorsal muscles, biventer cervicis and occipitoscapularis. Less consistent activity was also present in dorsal intervertebral muscles crossing lower cervical joints. When the neck was held horizontally, the long dorsal muscles increased their EMG activity and moderate activity was also recorded in deeper intervertebral and suboccipital muscles. When flexion-extension occurred around upper cervical joints, greatest activity was recorded in rectus capitis posterior and complexus, but when it involved the lower cervical joints, large changes in EMG activity could also be detected in biventer cervicis, occipitoscapularis, and the intervertebral muscles crossing lower cervical joints. During specialized, sagittal-plane movements such as grooming, well-defined patterns of synergy could be recognized that varied according to the degree of involvement of upper and lower cervical joint-sets. Movements in the horizontal plane were associated with EMG activity in a largely different subset of neck muscles including splenius, longissimus capitis and obliquus capitis inferior. The levels of EMG activity during flexion-extension or turning movements were much lower than those observed during other more vigorous behaviors, such as head shaking. Some neck muscles, such as clavotrapezius and sternomastoideus, could only be recruited during forceful or ballistic head movements. Results showed that the patterns of muscular activation were linked not only to the speed and trajectory of the movements of the skull, but also to the kinematics of the motion occurring across different parts of the cervical column.  相似文献   

Selective electromyography of dorsal neck muscles in humans   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The patterns of activation of splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis, transversospinalis, and levator scapulae muscles were studied during various head-neck positions, movements, and isometric tests in 19 healthy human subjects. Myoelectric activities were recorded with intramuscular bipolar wire electrodes. Cervical computerized tomography of each subject was performed before the electromyography session in order to guide electrode insertion. Head motion was recorded using an electromechanical device. This report demonstrates that head motion results from a complex interaction of active muscular forces, passive ligamentous forces, and gravity. Splenius capitis has two main functions, i.e., cervical extension and ipsilateral rotation. Semi spinalis capitis and the transversospinalis are mainly extensors, and levator scapilae acts primarily on the shoulder girdle. Splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis, and transversospinalis play a subordinate part in ipsilateral tilting. In addition, most subjects' semispinalis capitis were gradually recruited during ipsilateral rotation. No signal was detected from the transversospinalis during rotation tests.  相似文献   

 Neurophysiological studies of the blink reflex to supraorbital nerve stimulation were conducted in eight alert, adult male cats. The cat, like other mammals, shows both short-latency (R1) and long-latency (R2) orbicularis oculi electromyographic (OOemg) components. Measures of OOemg latency, duration, integrated area, and maximum amplitude (MA) were obtained at a stimulus magnitude of 1.5×R2 threshold. The mean (±SE) minimal latencies for R1 and R2 were 8.26±0.85 and 22.97±1.53 ms, respectively. On average, R1 MA was larger than R2 MA. R1 and R2 area measures were similar. Three stimulus paradigms were tested. In a paired-stimulus paradigm, the interstimulus interval (ISI) was randomly varied from 100 to 1200 ms. Ratios were constructed for the OOemg area and MA by dividing the test response by the conditioning response. In this paradigm, although a significant linear relationship was observed only between ISI and R2 MA, conditioning effects were noted on both R1 and R2 area and MA test responses at several ISIs. In a habituation paradigm, both R2 and R1 showed habituation at stimulus frequencies from 0.5 to 2 Hz. In a stimulus-response paradigm, stimulus magnitude was randomly varied between threshold and 2×threshold. In this paradigm, OOemg area and MA of both R1 and R2 were linearly related to stimulus magnitude. Neither the systemically administered centrally acting α2-adrenergic antagonist yohimbine nor agonist clonidine had significant effects on blink reflex parameters, habituation, or the paired-stimulus paradigm. Overall, these results suggest that there are important similarities in the control and modulation of the R1 and R2 components of the blink reflex to supraorbital nerve stimulation in cats. Received: 18 June 1996 / Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   

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