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目的探讨骨折儿童多发伤的诊断和治疗方法。方法回顾性分析本院2003年1月至2009年1月收治的285例骨折合并多发伤患儿的临床资料。结果285例骨折患儿351处骨折,172处予手术治疗。合并腹部损伤263例,包括肝损伤95例,其中8例行剖腹探查术;脾损伤94例,其中脾切除1例;胃肠道损伤46例,其中13例手术探查;胰腺损伤28例,其中4例手术治疗。泌尿系损伤25例,包括输尿管损伤10例,8例膀胱损伤均行急诊手术修补;尿道损伤25例,其中18例手术。结论①儿童肝、脾损伤输液输血超过40mL/kg,血压仍不能稳定在正常范围或出现胆汁性腹膜炎时应手术探查。巨脾出现脾损伤时应手术切除。②胃肠道损伤合并气腹或腹膜炎持续加重,尤其早期患儿体温明显增高时应手术探查。③胰腺损伤可保守治疗。④肾脏损伤应尽早行静脉肾盂造影(IVP),合并。肾蒂损伤及先天性畸形者应手术治疗。⑤输尿管损伤易延迟诊断应引起重视。⑥膀胱损伤应急诊修补。⑦完全性尿道断裂应行尿道端端吻合、膀胱造瘘术。⑧对开放性骨折应急诊手术,病情不稳定者可先闭合伤口。对长骨干骨折、不稳定型骨盆骨折多选用单臂外固定架固定。  相似文献   

腹部闭合伤致儿童胰腺外伤的诊治探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨儿童腹部闭合性损伤导致胰腺外伤的病因及诊断和治疗方法.方法 回顾性分析我院1999年1月至2008年5月间收治14例闭合性腹部损伤导致胰腺外伤患儿的临床资料.结果 男11例,女3例,男∶女=3.7∶1.致伤原因依次为自行车把致伤5例、交通事故4例、踢伤或殴伤3例、跌伤2例.临床表现有腹痛、腹部压痛、白细胞及血清淀粉酶升高和发热.实验室检查14例均有不同程度白细胞升高.10例(71.5%)血清淀粉酶升高,二者升高水平与胰腺损伤程度无关;重复血清淀粉酶值测定对胰腺外伤具有诊断意义.11例(78.6%)CT检查发现胰腺损伤6例(54.5%),5例CT检查正常但剖腹探查胰腺外伤2例;12例B超检查发现胰腺损伤8例;内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)检查1例.保守治疗成功9例,包括轻微损伤6例,远端胰管损伤1例,入院时有胰管损伤但未发现2例.剖腹探查及胰腺外引流术5例.胰腺假性囊肿形成后手术4例.结论 胰腺外伤在儿童腹部闭合性损伤中并不常见.诊断以血清淀粉酶升高、CT及B超检查为主,少数需剖腹探查.白细胞及血清淀粉酶升高水平与胰腺损伤程度无关.重复血清淀粉酶测定及CT检查对胰腺外伤具有诊断意义.大多数胰腺创伤包括胰管近端损伤儿童可以先保守治疗而不是冒风险手术干预,如果形成假性囊肿再后期引流.胰管远端损伤(Ⅲ级)最好选择保脾胰尾切除术.剖腹探查术中发现轻微胰腺损伤而采用腹部闭式引流措施意义不大.  相似文献   

目的初步探讨儿童闭合性胰腺损伤的诊疗思路。方法回顾性分析本院2008年1月至2016年12月收治的42例闭合性胰腺损伤患儿的临床资料,总结其临床特点、治疗经验及预后。结果 42例中,男33例,女9例,年龄1.6~14岁,低级别胰腺损伤(Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级)25例,高级别胰腺损伤(Ⅲ级、Ⅳ级、Ⅴ级)17例。低级别胰腺损伤患儿中,1例死于多发伤导致的多脏器功能衰竭,24例经保守治疗痊愈;高级别胰腺损伤患儿中,1例死于合并肝挫裂伤和下腔静脉撕裂所致的失血性休克后DIC;1例急诊行胰头端胰腺结扎+胰体尾部空肠Roux-Y吻合术,术后出现假性胰腺囊肿,经保守治疗后痊愈;其余15例早期给予保守治疗,对并发顽固假性胰腺囊肿的患儿选取合适的引流手术,效果良好。结论 (1)儿童闭合性胰腺损伤发病率低,症状隐匿,不合并其它组织脏器损伤的单纯性胰腺损伤往往损伤级别较高,更容易延误诊治,腹部超声是良好的筛查手段;(2)单纯的胰腺损伤通常不会危及生命,早期保守治疗,后期针对并发顽固假性胰腺囊肿的患儿,个性化选择合适的引流手术是安全和有效的。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童高级别胰腺外伤的治疗方法。方法回顾性分析2018年1月至2022年1月湖南省儿童医院普外一科收治的12例Ⅲ级及以上胰腺外伤患儿临床资料,观察并总结患儿病程、临床表现、血及尿淀粉酶变化、影像学检查结果、治疗方法及预后情况。结果12例中男7例,女5例;年龄2岁5个月至11岁7个月;于伤后5 h至15 d入院,11例血及尿淀粉酶不同程度升高,9例合并腹腔其他脏器损伤。胰腺外伤分级为Ⅲ级8例,Ⅳ级4例。8例Ⅲ级胰腺外伤中,3例行远端胰腺切除术(其中2例为保留脾脏手术,1例为远端胰腺切除加脾脏切除术);5例予保守治疗,均形成巨大假性囊肿,行穿刺加外引流术。3例Ⅲ级胰腺外伤行远端胰腺切除术患儿禁食时间及住院时间分别为(6.3±1.15)d、(15.6±6.03)d;保守治疗患儿禁食时间及住院时间分别为(30±13.2)d、(51.8±4.49)d。4例Ⅳ级胰腺外伤患儿无一例发生危及生命的严重并发症,1例行损伤控制性引流手术,3例先予保守治疗,待形成巨大胰腺假性囊肿后行内引流术;行损伤控制性引流手术患儿禁食时间及住院时间分别为43 d、56 d;保守治疗患儿禁食时间及住院时间分别为(45.3±7.1 d)、(57.3±4.4 d)。12例均痊愈出院。结论Ⅲ级胰腺外伤行远端胰腺切除术较保守治疗能有效缩短禁食时间及住院时间,手术首选远端胰腺切除术,尽量保留脾脏。Ⅳ级胰腺外伤通常不引起危及生命的严重并发症,且引流手术较保守治疗无明显优势,建议保守治疗;若因腹腔其他脏器损伤需伤后早期手术治疗,则建议行损伤控制性引流手术。  相似文献   

目的 气腹常常是空腔脏器穿孔的结果,需要急诊剖腹手术.但大约10%的成人气腹能保守治疗.本研究的目的是探讨儿童气腹保守治疗的指征.方法 回顾性分析2009年1月至2010年12月我院儿童外科收治的5例没有腹膜炎体征气腹患儿的临床资料.结果 5例患儿,平均年龄5.4岁,均在外院诊断为消化道穿孔.5例患儿入院查体均无腹膜炎体征;4例行麦氏点腹腔穿刺,结果为阴性.1例急诊剖腹手术探查,术中未发现消化道穿孔;4例经保守治疗好转,腹腔的游离气体在3~9 d被完全吸收.经过至少2年的随访未发现气腹复发的迹象及其他并发症.结论 气腹并不是儿童急诊手术的指征,没有腹膜炎体征的气腹患儿能保守治疗.  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿十二指肠损伤的临床特点、早期诊断及治疗方法。方法回顾性分析本院近10年来收治的9例十二指肠损伤患儿的临床资料。结果9例确诊为十二指肠损伤,均急诊行剖腹探查术,术中证实5例为十二指肠破裂;2例为严重十二指肠断裂:2例为严重十二指肠粉粹性断裂合并胰腺挫裂伤。4例单纯行十二指肠修补术,3例行十二指肠部分切除,端端吻合术,2例行胰头十二指肠切除、胰十二指肠空肠Roux—en—Y吻合术。术后予十二指肠减压、胰腺引流等治疗,均痊愈出院。结论早期诊断,早期手术探查,选择正确的手术方案是提高治愈率和降低死亡率的关健。  相似文献   

目的 探讨在儿童不同年龄阶段,对于幽门以下消化道异物处理及预防办法.方法 回顾我院2011年6月到2014年6月间因吞食异物,异物位于幽门管或以下消化道且内镜治疗无效,外科经保守或手术治疗好转的16例患儿(11男5女).结果 16例患儿平均年龄66月龄;手术治疗9例(56%),保守治疗7例(44%);有意吞食异物(年龄>1岁)为31%(5/16);异物类型包括胃石3例、钢针4例,磁铁2例,温度计碎裂2例,坚果类3例,刀片1例等;腹部X平片及CT阳性率81% (13/16);病史中可问诊到异物吞食史为75% (12/16);因消化道穿孔需要急诊手术的5例,穿孔部位以回盲部为主(磁石类引起两处以上穿孔),其中直接入PICU的1例;平均住院时间9.13d.结论 (1)对于磁石类型异物,一旦确诊为双极磁石,建议手术干预为主,已经穿孔的患者,其穿孔数目及肠段应反复探查全肠段后再确定,穿孔部位往往呈跳跃性,无规律性.(2)误食钢针等尖锐异物,除按时评估患儿体征变化外,应间隔6~8h复查腹部平片等检查,及时更改治疗策略.建议<1岁儿童,不建议喂食坚果核仁类食物.建议使用电子体温计,玻璃水银体温计使用需谨慎.(3)加强儿童心理治疗,特别青春期前的心理健康应注意.  相似文献   

目的 虽然美国创伤外科学会在1994年制定脾脏挫裂伤的影像学分级,且已经被广泛应用,但在国内很少有中心对儿童脾挫裂伤进行分级.本文通过回顾性分析儿童创伤性脾破裂伤影像学分级与临床诊治特点,探讨儿童脾挫裂伤影像学分级在临床治疗中的作用,及保守治疗过程中的难点.方法 收集2008年8月至2014年12月复旦大学附属儿科医院收治的急性创伤性脾破裂伤患儿的临床资料,根据影像学资料进行回顾性影像学损伤分级,同时对患儿临床治疗过程中的禁食、抗生素使用、卧床休息等情况进行分析.结果 本组病例共纳入59例,占同期腹部损伤患儿的29.3%(59/201);男41例,女18例;年龄中位数9.5岁(3个月~16岁);跌倒/坠落伤23例,交通伤27例,其他类型损伤9例.影像学分级Ⅰ级5例,Ⅱ级26例,Ⅲ级21例,Ⅳ~Ⅴ级6例,不明确1例.其中25例合并其他脏器损伤.临床治疗包括禁食、绝对卧床、抗生素预防感染等.治疗和随访过程中有49例患儿行2次以上CT检查.59例均行保守治疗,1例中转手术,术后无相应并发症,余58例均保守治疗成功.结论 在严格掌握适应证和密切观察伤情变化的条件下,对儿童创伤性脾损伤行保守治疗较为安全.发病早期行影像学分级可能有助于临床判断病情,减少患儿放射性暴露.  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿胰腺假性囊肿的治疗体会。方法回顾性分析本院1999年1月至2012年12月收治的17例胰腺假性囊肿患儿临床资料,男8例,女9例,年龄2-16岁,平均年龄8.4岁,其中13例行保守治疗;1例行超声引导下经皮穿刺引流;3例手术治疗(1例行囊肿外引流术,1例行囊肿胃吻合术,1例行胰腺囊肿切除术)。结果13例保守治疗病例中,10例治疗有效;3例失败其中1例经皮穿刺引流病例好转出院。3例手术病例均治愈出院。17例中,1例复发,其余治愈及好转病例随访半年至1年均无复发及相关并发症出现。结论胰腺假性囊肿无论大小,大多数经早期保守治疗,可获好转或痊愈;出现手术适应证时应及时手术,手术治愈率高,囊肿吸收快,并发症少。  相似文献   

目的探讨按照美国创伤外科协会(AAST)胰腺创伤分级为Ⅲ~Ⅳ级的儿童闭合性胰腺损伤的最佳治疗方案。方法回顾性分析2008年9月至2012年10月我们收治的12例Ⅲ~Ⅳ级闭合性胰腺损伤患儿临床资料,对其治疗方法进行分析,比较不同方法的临床疗效。结果12例患儿中,2例子保守治疗,5例行开腹外引流手术,5例行ERCP诊断及胰管支架置人,随访3~51个月,均预后良好,无死亡及胰腺内外分泌不足的表现。手术组及ERCP组治疗后血淀粉酶下降及恢复经口喂养时间无明显差异,但优于保守治疗组。2例保守治疗患儿伴〉8cm的胰腺假性囊肿,于半年后自行吸收。2例外引流无效者经ERCP治疗成功,ERCP在血流动力学稳定伴主胰管破裂患儿中应用安全,显著缩短了病程。结论儿童Ⅲ-Ⅳ级胰腺闭合性损伤患儿可以不行胰腺切除术或胰腺胃肠吻合术获痊愈,部分可保守治疗痊愈。当保守治疗或外引流术不能控制病情时,ERCP可作为首选。远期预后需大量样本进一步随访。  相似文献   

Laparoscopic diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluates the safety and role of laparoscopy in the diagnosis of blunt abdominal trauma in children. Laparoscopy was performed in five patients aged 3 to 13 years because of persistent abdominal pain after blunt trauma. A laparotomy was not indicated from the physical examination, laboratory data, or radiologic findings. With the patient under general anesthesia, a 10-mm trocar was inserted through the umbilical fossa and the intra-abdominal organs were observed for 10–60 min under an insufflation pressure of 10–12 mmHg. The patients remained hemodynamically stable without pneumothorax development. Three patients underwent laparatomies: one, who had blood in the omental sac, had a duodenal injury with hemorrhagic necrosis and underwent a resection; one with ascites and high amylase levels had an injury of the main pancreatic duct and underwent resection of the pancreatic tail; and one who had fresh blood in the upper abdomen and Douglas' pouch had a splenic hemorrhage and underwent hemostasis. The other two had serous or serosanguinous ascites and recovered without surgery. In patient 1, the same amount of information might have been obtained from a barium study. In patient 2, the pancreatic transection might have been diagnosed from ascites shown on serial computed tomograms. Patient 3 might also have been treated successfully non-surgically. It hus appears that laparoscopy may be a safe diagnostic method for blunt abdominal trauma in children, however, this small series has yielded insufficient information to assess its usefulness in making the diagnosis and the decision for laparotomy. Further studies are required to ascertain whether it will make any significant difference in the form of management.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In developed countries, the availability of advanced imaging techniques has reduced the necessity for laparotomy following blunt abdominal trauma in children. Laparotomy rates still remain high in developing countries where these advanced imaging techniques are lacking. A simple management protocol to identify patients who require laparotomy could reduce the laparotomy rate in children with blunt abdominal trauma in these countries. PATIENTS/METHODS: This is a review of children aged 15 years or below managed in our institution over a 5 1/2-year period for blunt abdominal trauma. The children were divided into two groups. Group A consisted of children managed from January 1999 - December 2000. During this period, there was no protocol. Group B consisted of children managed from January 2001 - June 2004. During this period, a simple management protocol was introduced. The laparotomy rates in the two groups were analysed using a simple chi-square. RESULTS: A total of 48 children, representing 63 % of children with abdominal trauma during the study period, were examined (Group A 17; Group B 31). Their ages ranged from 1.5 years - 15 years (median 9 years). Thirty-four were boys, 14 were girls (M:F = 2.4:1). Road traffic accidents accounted for 38 (79.1 %) and falls from heights for 9 cases (18.75 %), and one boy with a hydronephrotic kidney fell off the staircase at home. The diagnosis was clinical, supported by abdominal ultrasound scan (USS) and plain abdominal film. Twenty-eight (58.3 %) children had laparotomy (15 in Group A; 13 in Group B). There was a statistically significant difference in the laparotomy rates between Group A and B (p < 0.01). Nineteen children were managed nonoperatively (2 in Group A; 17 in Group B); one child died before an operation could be performed. There were 59 abdominal organ injuries in 45 children. In 2 children, ultrasound could not diagnose any organ injury. There were 33 splenic injuries; 15 children had splenic conservation, 7 underwent a splenectomy, while 10 were managed nonoperatively. One child with splenic injury died before operation. Of 7 liver injuries, 4 required suturing of lacerations, 1 subcapsular haematoma was left undisturbed at laparotomy, while 2 were managed nonoperatively. There were 4 pancreatic injuries. Three were managed nonoperatively, while 1 associated with duodenal injury had a laparotomy. All 6 gastrointestinal injuries had laparotomy. There were 5 renal injuries: 3 had laparotomy with suturing, while 2 were managed nonoperatively. There were 4 bladder injuries: 2 had laparotomy with suprapubic catheter insertion, while 2 were managed nonoperatively. There were 7 retroperitoneal haematomas in association with other organ injuries. Associated injuries included head injury in 2, long bone fracture in 2, spinal injury and chest trauma in 1 each. There were 4 deaths, 1 before surgery could be performed. CONCLUSION: Blunt abdominal trauma in children resulted mainly from road traffic accidents. The use of a simple protocol supported by ultrasound scan could reduce the laparotomy rate in countries with limited facilities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiological and therapeutic management of blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) in children, with retrospective data. POPULATION AND METHODS: During 6 years (Nov 1995-Oct 2001), 92 children were hospitalised for BAT (mean age 9.5 years; 61.9% boys). Falls (45.6%) and motor vehicle accidents (43.5%) were the most frequent causes. The initial management included abdominal plain film X-ray and ultrasonography, and sometimes computed tomography (CT). The non-operative treatment was used, unless the patient was hemodynamically unstable or had hollow visceral injury, diaphragmatic rupture or renal artery rupture. RESULTS: Among 92 BAT, 52 were minor traumas and 40 were associated with one or several abdominal injuries. The sensitivity of ultrasonography to find hemoperitoneum and/or abdominal injuries was 80.3%, but the initial diagnosis of such lesions was accurate in 21 cases (52.5%) and delayed in 19 cases (47.5%), ranging from 1 to 7 days. In the delayed cases, the diagnosis was possible in nine cases with ultrasonography, in five cases with CT, but also with transaminase, amylase or lipase assays in two cases, and surgery in three cases. Twenty-nine children had a non-operative treatment and stayed in hospital about 12 days on average. Three children had surgery in emergency (two bowel perforations and one splenic rupture) and eight with delay (four renal ruptures, one associated splenic nodes, one pancreatic pseudocyst and one duodenal perforation). Only seven children (17.5%) required blood transfusion and no death occurred. CONCLUSION: In a trauma centre, the management of abdominal injuries is possible with ultrasonography and its sensitivity is correct without increasing of morbidity and mortality. But, if in doubt, a CT must be performed because its sensitivity is better. Most of the time, the children can benefit from non-operative treatment.  相似文献   

We present our experience with a management of seat-belt syndrome in three children and draw particular attention to the severity of two-point fixation seat-belt injuries after a motor vehicle accident with 5 passengers whose vehicle was struck head-on by an oncoming vehicle. The parents were sitting in front, Adeline had a 2-point lap seat-belt, the 2 other children had 3-point seat-belts. The parents both had humerus fractures. The 4-year-old brother suffered a cervical and abdominal trauma with renal and splenic contusions and intestinal perforations. Adeline suffered multiple injuries, notably to the head, spine and abdominal viscera with erosions at the site of lap-seat-belt contact. The spinal injury was an L2 angular Chance fracture associated with paraplegia on the 7th day. Operative findings included a transverse tear of the left rectus abdominus muscle, an incomplete transection of the stomach and perforation of the ileum. The injuries were ultimately fatal. Given associated abdominal pain, skin erosions at the site of seatbelt contact, spinal fracture, and rectal muscle disruption apparent on emergency laparotomy, early diagnosis is important for better prognosis.  相似文献   

Four children are presented with Class II pancreas injury as a result of a motor vehicle accident. The first child was taken to the operating room promptly due to concomitant perforation of the hollow viscus (gastric rupture) and underwent successful spleen-sparing distal pancreatectomy with preservation of the splenic artery and vein. The next three cases with isolated abdominal symptoms of pancreatic injury generally experienced a delay of one day before the onset of abdominal symptoms and positive diagnostic investigation results and were managed non-operatively (NOM) on admission; they were then treated surgically due to developing peritonitis after 24, 36, and 38 hours, respectively. The same type of operation, even though delayed and technically much more demanding, was performed, but this was not an obstacle to our efforts to preserve the spleen and its full circulation, in order to provide full immunological and haematological support during the expected prolonged postoperative course. We did not lose any of the children. A reintervention was needed in two children due to the retention of necrotic tissue and intraabdominal abscess. The serum amylase level in all cases remained above normal. We believe that a spleen-preserving distal pancreatectomy with splenic vessel conservation can be safely performed, even in delayed operations, and should be indicated for the surgical management.  相似文献   

Trauma is the leading cause of death in children in developed countries. In tropical Africa, it is only beginning to assume importance as infections and malnutrition are controlled. In developed countries, the availability of advanced imaging modalities has now reduced the necessity for laparotomy to less than 10% following blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) in children. This report reviews the epidemiology, management, and unnecessary laparotomies for pediatric BAT in a developing country in a retrospective review of 57 children aged 15 years or less at the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, Nigeria over 12 years. The average age was 9 years and the male-female ratio 3.8:1. Seventy-four percent (74%) of abdominal injuries in children were due to blunt trauma. The commonest causes of injury were road traffic accidents (RTA) (57%), 88% in pedestrians and 59% in children aged 5–9 years. Falls were the cause of trauma in 36%, 60% of them aged 10–15 years. Other causes of injury were sports in 5% and animals in 2%. Diagnosis was clinical, supported by diagnostic peritoneal lavage or paracentesis. Two patients had ultrasonography, and none had computed tomography. Fifty-three patients had a laparotomy, 2 died before surgery, 1 was managed nonoperatively, and in 1 surgery was declined. There were 34 splenic injuries, 20 treated by splenic preservation, splenectomy in 13, and non-operative in 1. Fourteen gastrointestinal injuries were treated in 12 patients. Of 9 hepatic injuries, 4 were minor and were left untreated, 3 were repaired, 1 was packed to arrest hemorhage, and a lacerated accesory liver was excised. Four injuries to the urinary tract (bladder contusion 2, bladder rupture 1, ruptured hydronephrotic kidney 1) were treated accordingly. There were 4 retroperitoneal hematomas associated with other intra-abdominal injuries and 2 pancreatic contusions. One lacerated gallbladder was treated by cholecystectomy and a ruptured left hemidiaphragm was repaired transperitoneally. In retrospect, 27 (51%) patients could have been managed by observation (splenic injury 20, liver injury 5, bladder contusion 2) using advanced imaging modalities. One patient developed an intra-abdominal abscess following splenorrhaphy. The average hospital stay was 17 days. Mortality was 8 (14.5%) from gastric perforation (3), liver injury (2), splenic injury (1), and 2 patients died before surgery. BAT in this population results predominantly from RTA in pedestrians. Laparotomy may be avoided in 51% of cases if advanced imaging modalities are readily available. Accepted: 28 October 1999  相似文献   

Diagnosis of duodenal and pancreatic injuries is frequently delayed, and optimal treatment is often controversial. Fourteen children with duodenal and/or pancreatic injuries secondary to blunt trauma were treated between 1980 and 1997. The pancreas was injured in all but 1 child. An associated duodenal injury was present in 4. The preoperative diagnosis was suspected in only 6 patients based on clinical signs and ultrasonography. One patient was treated successfully conservatively; all the others required surgical management. At operation, three procedures were used: peripancreatic drainage, suture of the gland or duodenum with drainage, and primary distal pancreatic resection without splenectomy. A duodenal resection with reconstruction by duodeno-duodenostomy was performed in 1 case. The overall complication rate was 14%: 1 fistula and 1 pseudocyst. Pancreatic ductal transection was recognized 3 days after the initial laparotomy by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). The mortality was 7%; 1 patient died from septic and neurologic complications. When the diagnosis of pancreatic ductal injuries is a major problem, ERCP may be a useful diagnostic procedure. Pancreatic injuries without a transected duct may often be treated conservatively. The surgical or conservative management of duodenal hematomas is still controversial; other duodenal injuries often need surgical treatment. Accepted: 26 April 1999  相似文献   

Objective: A recent article suggested that routine follow-up imaging is still frequently used in the conservative management of splenic trauma in children. The purpose of this study was to use decision analysis to assess the value of routine imaging as part of the long-term follow-up of splenic injury in children managed nonoperatively. Methods: A literature review (1970–1999) on the management of blunt splenic trauma in children was performed. Data, including the use of follow-up imaging and the occurrence of delayed splenic rupture and death, on those patients managed nonoperatively were collected. The data were used to construct a decision tree. A Poisson distribution was used to determine the risk of delayed splenic rupture. Results: Information was extracted from 26 cohort studies. Nineteen of these studies were retrospective and six were prospective. One study had both retrospective and prospective arms. The study population consisted of 1,083 children. Of these patients, 920 (85 %) underwent routine follow-up imaging (US, CT, or scintigraphy). Follow-up imaging was either not performed or selectively performed in 163 patients (15 %). No cases of post-discharge splenic rupture or death were encountered in any of these groups. The maximum risk of delayed splenic rupture in the entire group was 0.3 % (0–3.7 cases). Conclusion: . The risk of delayed splenic rupture following blunt injury in children is very low, and is apparently unaffected by imaging protocols. No deaths, even in cases of delayed presentation, were identified in our study. These findings do not support the use of routine follow-up imaging of children with blunt splenic trauma. Received: 17 November 2000/Accepted: 25 July 2001  相似文献   

Pediatric abdominal trauma: evaluation by computed tomography   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
When indications for immediate laparotomy are not present, CT of the abdomen and pelvis can be used to evaluate pediatric blunt abdominal trauma. During 2-year period, the medical records and abdominal/pelvic CT scans of 100 consecutive pediatric patients who were evaluated for blunt abdominal trauma were retrospectively reviewed. The scans appeared normal for 73 children. Of these children, 30 had severe head injuries and a depressed sensorium. A total of 27 abdominal/pelvic CT scans were interpreted as abnormal. Findings included nine splenic fractures, six renal contusions, nine hepatic lacerations, one duodenal hematoma, one traumatic pancreatitis, four bony injuries, six miscellaneous abnormalities, and one intraperitoneal bleed. Only two of these 27 patients required abdominal surgery. The remaining 25 patients were treated conservatively based upon a stable clinical state and CT delineation of the extent of injury. No mortality resulted. CT is the radiographic examination of choice for hemodynamically stable pediatric patients with blunt abdominal trauma. CT provided a reliable adjunct examination technique when a physical examination could not be performed and a complete history could not be obtained. The extent of abdominal/pelvic injuries is well delineated and can often be followed by diagnostic imaging, usually allowing for conservative therapy.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Major or complicated pancreatic trauma in children is uncommon and management strategies remain controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate our experience with both early and delayed surgery in these pediatric cases. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective analysis of data of pediatric patients with major or complicated pancreatic injury operated on between January 1994 and December 2005 in our pediatric trauma center. RESULTS: Thirteen children (9 boys and 4 girls) with a mean age of 8.5 years (range 3 - 16 years) were operated for major or complicated pancreatic injury. The extent of injury was: grade II (major contusion without duct injury or tissue loss) in 4 children; grade III (distal transection) in 5 children and grade IV injury (proximal transection) in four patients. Pseudocyst developed in 8 children: 4 with grade II injury, 2 with grade III injury and 2 with grade IV injury (one with abdominal pseudocyst and one with an abdominal and a mediastinal pseudocyst). Early diagnosis and operation was achieved in 5 cases, while delayed diagnosis and operation occurred in 8. Three children underwent cystogastrostomy; 6 had a spleen-sparing distal pancreatectomy and 4 had resection with Roux-en-Y jejunostomy drainage. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography (ERCP) was the most useful diagnostic tool in assessing ductal injury. There were no deaths or long-term morbidity in our group of patients. CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the view that early operation is important in ductal pancreatic injury. We recommend transferring children with a suspected ductal injury to a tertiary center with experience in both pediatric ERCP and pancreatic surgery.  相似文献   

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