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Urban outbreaks of Q fever have occurred after exposure to slaughterhouses or parturient cats. We detected an outbreak of Q fever in a homeless shelter in Marseilles. Investigations showed that the main factors exposing persons to Coxiella burnetii were an abandoned slaughterhouse, used for an annual Muslim sheep feast, and wind.  相似文献   

We describe a case of Q fever endocarditis in an HIV-infected patient. The case was treated successfully with valvular replacement and a combination of doxycycline and hydroxychloroquine. We review the current literature on Q fever endocarditis, with an emphasis on the co-infection of HIV and Coxiella burnetii.  相似文献   

In spring 1996, an outbreak of Q fever occurred among residents of a rural town (population: 300) in Germany. A retrospective cohort study was conducted to ascertain the extent of the outbreak and to assess potential risk factors for illness. In July 1996, all residents years received a self-administered questionnaire and were offered Coxiella burnetii antibody testing. Residents were considered to have probable Q fever if they had a positive result for IgM C. burnetii antibodies by ELISA or possible Q fever if they had fever 39 °C lasting >2 days and 3 symptoms (chills, sweats, severe headache, cough, aching muscles/joints, back pain, fatigue, or feeling ill) after 1 January 1996. Two hundred (84%) of the 239 residents aged 15 years either completed the questionnaire or submitted blood for antibody testing. Forty-five (23%) of these 200 met the probable or possible case definitions. Onsets of illness occurred in January–June 1996. Cases were geographically distributed throughout the town. Persons reporting contact with sheep (32% vs 18%, RR: 1.8, 95% CI: 1.1–2.9) and walking near a large sheep farm located next the town (34% vs 8%, RR: 4.5, 95% CI: 1.7–12.2) were more likely to have met the case definition than those without these exposures. Fifteen of 20 samples from the large sheep flock were positive for C. burnetii antibodies. The sheep had lambed outdoors in December 1995–January 1996 while the weather was extremely dry. The timing of the outbreak after lambing, the uniform distribution of cases thoughout the town and the absence of risk factors among most case-persons suggest airborne transmission of C. burnetii from the large sheep farm.  相似文献   

Q fever in The Netherlands: the role of local environmental conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Netherlands is facing a Q fever epidemic in which dairy goats are implicated. People living close to an affected farm have an increased risk. However, no human cases were reported around a number of farms with serious Q fever problems. To assess the role of local environmental conditions which may add to the transmission or risk of Q fever, we gathered datasets on vegetation, land use, soil characteristics, and weather conditions in 5 km areas around infected farms. Areas without transmission had a higher vegetation density and relatively shallow groundwater conditions. Vegetation and soil moisture are relevant factors in the transmission of Coxiella burnetii from infected farms to humans, by reducing the amount of dust available for dispersion of the bacteria. The findings suggest that intensive goat and sheep husbandry should be avoided in areas that are characterized by a combination of arable land with deep groundwater and little vegetation.  相似文献   

We analyzed the Q fever epidemic in the Netherlands on a national scale from a spatial point of view. Data on dairy goat farms and Dutch population, whether or not infected, were geo-referenced. Human cases were counted in GIS at different distance classes for all dairy goat farms, farms with Q fever based on BTM analysis, and farms with clinical symptoms. In all selections, human incidence decreased with increasing distances from dairy goat farms. Incidence was highest around farms with clinical symptoms. Depending on the acceptable incidence value, a dairy goat-free zone around residential areas could be defined. Cluster analyses were performed to identify local clusters of both infected farms and human cases and to identify focused clusters of human cases. Focused clusters were detected for only 14 out of 29 farms with clinical symptoms, giving rise to a new hypothesis on the transmission of Q fever.  相似文献   

An outbreak of Q fever occurred in South Wales, United Kingdom, from July 15 through September 30, 2002. To investigate the outbreak a cohort and nested case-control study of persons who had worked at a cardboard manufacturing plant was conducted. The cohort included 282 employees and subcontractors, of whom 253 (90%) provided blood samples and 214 (76%) completed questionnaires. Ninety-five cases of acute Q fever were identified. The epidemic curve and other data suggested an outbreak source likely occurred August 5-9, 2002. Employees in the factory's offices were at greatest risk for infection (odds ratio 3.46; 95% confidence interval 1.38-9.06). The offices were undergoing renovation work around the time of likely exposure and contained straw board that had repeatedly been drilled. The outbreak may have been caused by aerosolization of Coxiella burnetii spore-like forms during drilling into contaminated straw board.  相似文献   

We report a patient with Q fever endocarditis in a settlement in eastern Greenland (Isortoq, Ammassalik area). Likely animal sources include sled dogs and seals. Q fever may be underdiagnosed in Arctic areas but may also represent an emerging infection.  相似文献   

We report a patient in China with fever of unknown origin who visited 3 hospitals in 3 weeks and was finally given a diagnosis of acute Q fever, determined by metagenomics next-generation sequencing. Our results indicate that physicians are unfamiliar with Q fever and the disease is neglected in China.  相似文献   

To assess Q fever in France, we analyzed data for 1985-2009 from the French National Reference Center. A total of 179,794 serum samples were analyzed; 3,723 patients (one third female patients) had acute Q fever. Yearly distribution of acute Q fever showed a continuous increase. Periodic variations were observed in monthly distribution during January 2000-December 2009; cases peaked during April-September. Q fever was diagnosed more often in patients in southeastern France, where our laboratory is situated, than in other areas. Reevaluation of the current positive predictive value of serologic analysis for endocarditis was performed. We propose a change in the phase I (virulent bacteria) immunoglobulin G cutoff titer to ≥1,600. Annual incidences of acute Q fever and endocarditis were 2.5/100,000 persons and 0.1/100,000 persons, respectively. Cases and outbreaks of Q fever have increased in France.  相似文献   

 Q热是由贝纳柯克斯体感染引起的人畜共患疾病,临床表现可引起肺炎、肝炎、心肌炎、心内膜炎等,但合并横纹肌溶解病例相对少见。贝纳柯克斯体感染诊断相对困难,而高通量测序,包括纳米孔三代测序(ONT)在内,可作为诊断Q热较为敏感的检测方法,早期诊断和及时治疗,一般Q热预后良好。本文报告1例经ONT检测确诊为急性Q热合并横纹肌溶解的病例,该病例经治疗后病情好转出院。  相似文献   

Cardiac involvement in acute Q fever is rare. We report 2 cases of an advanced atrioventricular block in young adult patients in Israel who sought care for acute Q fever without evidence of myocarditis. Q fever should be suspected in unexplained conduction abnormalities, especially in febrile young patients residing in disease-endemic areas.  相似文献   

Recently, the domestic cat has been implicated in numerous outbreaks of Q fever in humans. To determine if cats in southern Africa are infected with the agent of Q fever we tested sera from cats in South Africa and Zimbabwe by indirect fluorescence for antibodies reactive with phase II Coxiella burnetii antigen (Nine Mile strain). Reactive antibodies were detected at titres of 1/40 in sera from cats in South Africa (1/52, 2%) and Zimbabwe (15/119, 13%). Our results indicate that cats in southern Africa are infected with C. burnetii and should be considered as sources of infection for humans.  相似文献   

Acute Q fever and scrub typhus are zoonoses endemic to southern Taiwan. Among the 137 patients with acute Q fever (89, 65.0%) or scrub typhus (43, 31.4%), we identified 5 patients (3.6%) who were co-infected with Coxiella burnetii and Orientia tsutsugamushi.  相似文献   

Since 2007, the Netherlands has experienced a large Q fever outbreak. To identify and quantify risk factors for development of chronic Q fever after Coxiella burnetii infection, we performed a case-control study. Comorbidity, cardiovascular risk factors, medications, and demographic characteristics from 105 patients with proven (n = 44), probable (n = 28), or possible (n = 33) chronic Q fever were compared with 201 patients who had acute Q fever in 2009 but in whom chronic Q fever did not develop (controls). Independent risk factors for development of proven chronic Q fever were valvular surgery, vascular prosthesis, aneurysm, renal insufficiency, and older age.  相似文献   

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