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目的探讨慢性硬膜下血肿钻孔引流术的手术技巧与术后常见并发症的防治。方法对我院10年来手术治疗的46例慢性硬膜下血肿病例进行回顾性分析。结果原手术治疗的26例中,术后多量颅内积气及硬膜下积液11例,血肿复发2例,脑梗塞2例,脑实质损伤术后死亡1例。术式改良后20例中,术后少量颅内积气积液4例,均短期内吸收。结论如果慢性硬膜下血肿引流术手术技巧的改良能正确应用,它将有利于防止或减少术后的并发症的发生。  相似文献   

Objective. Burr-hole craniostomy with closed-system drainage (BCD) is the most frequently used neurosurgical treatment of chronic subdural hematomas (cSDH).The surgical and medical complications of BCD have seldom been investigated systematically. The objective of this study was to define the frequency of surgical and medical complications following BCD for cSDH. Methods. The medical records of 376 patients managed by BCD were reviewed with respect to complications during the hospital stay. Results. Seventy-seven surgical complications (20.5%) were encountered . The most frequent minor complication after surgery was seizures (n 51, 13.6%). The most frequent major surgical complications were intracerebral hemorrhage and subdural empyema (n 8, 2.1% each). Four patients with intracerebral hemorrhage died, accounting for a surgical mortality rate of 1.1%. Fifty-nine medical complications (15.7%) occurred during the hospital stay. Pneumonia was the most frequent medical complication (n 29, 7.7%). Medical complications were fatal in 24 patients, accounting for a mortality rate of 6.4%. In 22 patients (5.8%), death was not related to a complication, but to the initial brain damage. The overall mortality rate was 13.3%. Conclusion. The rate of complications in patients with cSDH who underwent the BCD is high. The clinical relevance of medical complications has to be emphasized because of their substantial contribution to overall mortality. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Despite a number of studies on infiltration of eosinophilic granulocytes into the outer membrane of chronic subdural hematomas, the significance of this phenomenon is not clear. We investigated histologically the membranes of 40 patients with chronic subdural encapsulated hematoma. Infiltrations with eosinophilic leucocytes were found in the granulation tissue of the inner layer of the outer membrane, either diffuse and sporadic (12 cases) or as massive agglomerations (28 cases). Fifty percent of the patients with marked infiltrations were between 61 and 80 years old. In 5 cases Charcot-Leyden crystals were identified. The numerous functions of the eosinophils play a more important role in repair than in maintenance of fluidity of hematomas.  相似文献   


This case illustrates that although percutaneous subdural tapping for patients with chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) is successful and minimally invasive, it can be complicated by acute epidural hematoma.


A 62-year-old woman presented with headache two months after minor head trauma. Computed tomography (CT) scanning revealed CSDH with mixed density on the right side. Prior to percutaneous subdural tapping, twist-drill craniostomy was performed at the parietal tuber. When the drill-needle reached the dura mater, the patient began to complain of headache, which was followed by altered consciousness. CT scanning disclosed acute epidural hematoma abutting the CSDH; both hematomas were evacuated by emergency craniotomy. At surgery, no definite bleeding source was identified apart from oozing on the dura mater.


Hemorrhagic complications after percutaneous subdural tapping are rare. The formation of acute epidural hematoma during twist-drill craniostomy has not been reported in the literature. This complication can occur when the blunt tip of the drill-needle remains on the dura mater without penetrating into the subdural hematoma cavity.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe authors aim to focus on lumbosacral subdural hematoma (SDH) associated with cranial subdural hematoma and craniocerebral surgery, which has been rarely reported.Material and MethodsThey present 3 cases of lumbosacral SDH, including 2 associated with cranial chronic SDH and 1 following craniotomy for neck clipping of cerebral aneurysm. Using a PubMed search, they also provide a systemic literature review to summarize pathogenesis, treatment and outcome.ResultsAll cases presented with bilateral radiating leg pain, and recovered completely by conservative managements. Predisposing factors were trauma, anticoagulant therapy and brain atrophy. Literature review revealed 54 such cases, in which 28 cases associated with cranial SDH and 26 cases associated with craniocerebral surgery. In both group, main symptoms were low back and radiating leg pain, and sensorimotor deficits. Regardless of treatments, conservatively or surgically, outcome was favorable. Migration of cranial hematoma is most supported pathogenesis, while intracranial hypotension due to cerebrospinal fluid overdrainage procedures may also be a contributing factor for cases associated with craniocerebral surgery.ConclusionsLumbosacral SDH should be considered in patients present with unexpected low back and radiating leg pains associated with cranial SDH and craniocerebral surgery. Conservative treatment would be reasonable for cases with mild symptoms as the first treatment of choice.  相似文献   

Summary Background. We developed a new simple therapeutic method for the treatment of chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH) without irrigation and drainage. This method is characterized by replacement of the hematoma with oxygen. Methods. Seventy patients (seventy-eight sides) with CSDH were treated with this method from May 1994 to October 2002. For the complete replacement of the hematoma with oxygen, subdural tapping site was changed from the thickest area of the hematoma to the parietal tuber. Irrigation and drainage were not used in all patients. Results. Neurological recovery after the treatment was satisfactory in all 70 patients. An average amount of replaced hematoma was 96.1 ml, ranging from 5 to 280 ml. An initial hematoma pressure ranged from 0 to 200 mm H2O (average: 92.1 mm H2O). During the follow up periods, clinical recurrence was noted in 7 patients (10%) and 7 sides (9.0%). Conclusion. The replacement of the hematoma with oxygen via percutaneous subdural tapping without irrigation and drainage is useful and less invasive method for the treatment of CSDH.  相似文献   

手锥锥颅、CO2气体置换治疗慢性硬膜下血肿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨手锥单孔锥颅冲洗、CO2气体置换慢性硬膜下血肿(Chronic subdural hematoma,CSDH)的手术疗效。方法 使用微创手锥单孔锥颅,经双腔导管冲洗引流、注入CO2气体置换血肿,不放置引流管治疗41例慢性硬膜下血肿。结果 41例CO2气体术后24小时吸收,症状体征消失,1例2周后再出血复发。随访1月至2年,无颅内感染、张力性气颅、继发性颅内血肿、癫痫等并发症。结论 微创手锥锥颅、CO2气体置换CSDH是一种手术简便、创伤小、不置引流管、血肿腔可迅速闭合、复发率低的有效手术方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨反复复发、两次或两次手术以上难治性慢性硬膜下血肿(chronic subdural hematoma, CSDH)的原因及治疗方法。方法 总结分析21例患者的临床资料,结合有关文献进行相关分析。结果 21例难治性CSDH患者中,血肿钻孔引流手术史2次者15例,3次者4例,4次者2例。治疗前CT/MRI扫描发现明显脑萎缩12例,血肿包膜形成8例,血肿分隔多房5例,血肿机化3例。对5例无血肿分房分隔、包膜明显强化及血肿机化的患者仅再行血肿穿刺冲洗引流术,余16例行骨瓣开颅血肿清除+包膜切除术。术后均给予1~2疗程高压氧治疗。随访3~6个月,症状明显改善或消失,无围手术期死亡。术后3个月CT或MRI检查,5例呈硬膜下积液表现,其中2例有占位效应再次行钻孔引流+高压氧治疗;术后6个月,4例有少量硬膜下积液,较前好转,无新复发病例。结论 高龄脑萎缩、包膜形成、血肿分隔多房、血肿机化为难治性CSDH的主要原因;根据不同原因采用开颅血肿和包膜切除或钻孔冲洗引流术+高压氧等治疗可提高治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的:应用神经内镜行钻孔引流术治疗慢性硬膜下血肿(CSDH),防止颅内积气及血肿复发。方法全身麻醉后,根据 CT 片定好钻孔位,横行作长约3~4 cm 皮肤切口,钻孔并扩大骨孔至直径1.5 cm,切开硬膜及血肿包膜,并悬吊于骨窗四周给予电凝止血。应用神经内镜通过钻孔处进入血肿腔,一边清除血肿一边观察,处理血肿腔的纤维分隔和出血点等问题,最后在内镜直视下置入引流管于血肿最前端作外引流。结果本组63例 CSDH 均在神经内镜下钻孔引流,全部治愈。术中见11例血肿腔内有絮状物和血块,给予清除,术后复查 CT 未见1例血肿腔内积气,8例有少量积液,随访3个月无血肿复发。结论在神经内镜下行 CSDH 钻孔引流术,安全可靠,侵袭性小,可以达到血肿引流充分和防止颅内积气及血肿复发的目的。  相似文献   

Introduction  The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome of endovascular coiling of ruptured anterior communicating artery (AcomA) aneurysms followed by intracerebral hematoma (ICH) evacuation with burr hole trephination and catheterization. Methods  Twelve patients treated by coiling with subsequent ICH drainage with burr hole trephination and catheterization were recruited from 290 patients with ruptured AcomA aneurysm in our hospital between January 2001 and June 2007. The clinical and radiographic characteristics and outcomes of the 12 patients were retrospectively analyzed. Results  All 12 patients were male, aged from 29 to 62 years, and had ICHs with 16-ml to 45-ml volumes; nine (75%) of them had frontal ICHs on the opposite side of the dominant A1. Admission Hunt-Hess (HH) grade was 4 in eight patients, 3 in two, and 5 in two. The treatment outcomes in 8 of the 12 patients were good recovery or moderately disabled (Glasgow Outcome Scale; GOS 5 or 4), and functionally dependent (GOS 3 or 2) in the other 4 patients at the 6-month clinical follow-up. There was no rebleeding during the follow-up (mean, 22.9 months; range, 7 to 68 months). Conclusion  The result of our series suggests that coiling with subsequent evacuation of the ICH with burr hole trephination and catheterization may be an alternative treatment option for ruptured AcomA aneurysm with an ICH requiring evacuation on the opposite side of the dominant A1.  相似文献   

老年重症慢性硬膜下血肿的微创治疗   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 探讨微创手术方法在老年重症慢性硬膜下血肿的应用价值。方法 1997年2月-2001年2月对34例老年重症慢性硬膜下血肿(Chronic subdural hematoma,CSDH)采用经皮颅内血肿前(上)部穿刺、浅置管、注入尿激酶液化血肿、辅以促进受压脑组织复位等措施进行回顾性分析。结果 术前血肿量平均97ml;术后血肿清除或基本清除。受压脑组织复位时间24h-96h,平均42h。均痊愈出院。29例术后随访3月-48月,平均19月,Barthel指数评分正常22例,生活自理7例;CT随访21例,正常14例,脑萎缩5例,轻度局限性硬膜下积液2例。结论 微创血肿清除术尤其适合老年CSDH的治疗,疗效满意,复发率低。  相似文献   

We describe a drain that is implanted at operation for a chronic subdural hematoma. The drain provides access to the subdural space and can therefore be used for percutaneous aspiration of reaccumulation of subdural effusions.  相似文献   

微创穿刺引流治疗慢性硬膜下血肿   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
目的探讨颅内血肿穿刺引流治疗慢性硬膜下血肿并发症的预防和治疗方法. 方法回顾性分析颅内血肿穿刺引流治疗210例慢性硬膜下血肿的临床资料. 结果治愈率97.1%(204/210),复发率7.1%(15/210),并发症发生率14.3%(30/210),病死率0.95%(2/210). 结论颅内血肿穿刺引流治疗慢性硬膜下血肿是一种安全、简单、有效的方法.对其出现的并发症及时、正确处理,仍能获得较好的疗效.  相似文献   

Introduction and importanceSpontaneous hemorrhage of the arachnoid cyst was rare, especially associated with chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH). In this paper, we reported successful surgical management of arachnoid cyst with spontaneous hemorrhage and associated subdural hematoma.Case presentationA 33-year-old female with no medical history was presented with a headache for one month prior to admission. Head computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed a left hypodense middle cranial fossa arachnoid cyst and ipsilateral CSDH. The multiple-slice computed tomography with contrast showed no vascular abnormality. The patient was indicated for surgical hematoma evacuation, membranectomy, and fenestration of the arachnoid cyst. At the one postoperative month, the computed tomography showed a middle fossa arachnoid cyst with no hemorrhage. Until a postoperative year, the patient had no headache and no neurological deficits. She returned to daily activities and her work.Clinical discussionThis event's pathogenesis was thought of as a result of tearing of the outer wall of an arachnoid cyst. The most common cause was mild head trauma; however, spontaneous rupture of the cyst wall also occurred. Surgery was the most common and effective treatment. Evacuation of CSDH was mandatory, but the strategies treatment for arachnoid cysts varied. Surgical options for arachnoid cyst included endoscopic/microsurgical fenestration, membranectomy, and even the cysto-peritoneal shunting.ConclusionArachnoid cyst with spontaneous intracystic hemorrhage accompanying CSDH was an uncommon condition. Surgery was the most common and effective treatment. Besides evacuation of CSDH, endoscopic/microsurgical fenestration or membranectomy was recommended to prevent the recurrence.  相似文献   

A case is reported in which progressive paraparesis occurred as the initial symptom of bilateral chronic subdural hematoma in an 80-year-old woman  相似文献   

ObjectivesIt was reported that the XYZ/2 technique (using length, width and height of hematoma) is a simple and reliable method of estimation of chronic subdural hematoma volume. Two subtypes of techniques enable to adequately estimate, it is unclear which is more accurate. Computer-assisted volumetric analysis is widely considered the gold standard for CSDH volumetric analysis. It is important to consider the stability of analyses between examiners, because individual, decision-making differences may be relevant to the analysis, as hematoma margin and length are hand-operated. In this study, we investigated potential measurement biases of three neurosurgeons and analyzed the validity of the XYZ/2 technique by comparing it to the gold standard method.MethodWe retrospectively analyzed CT scans that indicated the need for an operation in 50 patients with CSDH in our department. Three neurosurgeons measured and calculated CSDH volumes independent of one another. We investigated potential measurement biases of three neurosurgeons and analyzed the validity of the XYZ/2 technique by comparing it to the gold standard method. The XYZ/2 technique includes the “maximal method” that uses the maximum length and maximum width of a slice to determine volume, and the “central method” that uses only the central slice to measure length and width.ResultsICCs for the gold standard, central method, and maximal method were 0.945, 0.916, and 0.844, respectively, all of which indicated excellent reliability. For all examiners, the differences in calculation from gold standard and central method were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). The estimations of CSDH volume calculated by the maximal method were significantly greater than the estimates calculated by the gold standard (P < 0.05).ConclusionsThis study proves that the XYZ/2 technique is a simple and reliable method of estimating CSDH volume. The “central method” in particular yielded similar results to that of the gold standard method.  相似文献   

【摘要】〓目的〓探讨慢性硬膜下血肿钻单孔置双管外引流术的疗效。方法〓回顾性分析我院2011年6月~2014年3月收治69例慢性硬膜下血肿患者行钻单孔置双管引流手术治疗后的情况。结果〓58例临床症状体征消失,11例改善,无症状加重及死亡病例。经术后1~7天复查CT提示,69例血肿均大部份减少或基本消失,10例并发颅内血肿腔少量积气、积液,随访3个月全部恢复,无复发病例。结论〓慢性硬膜下血肿选择钻单孔置双管外引流效果良好,并发症较少。  相似文献   

Capsules of chronic subdural hematoma were immunohistochemically stained with monoclonal antibody against tissue-type plasminogen activator. Endothelial cells of sinusoids and capillaries in the outer membrane showed strong immunostaining. Endothelial cells of veins and arteries in the dura mater showed moderate and weak staining. No cells other than the endothelial cells were stained. In the inner membrane, tissue-type plasminogen activator immunoreactivity was not seen. The mean concentration of tissue-type plasminogen activator in the hematoma content was higher than that in the plasma. The more the sinusoids in the outer membrane were developed, the higher the concentration of tissue-type plasminogen activator contained in the hematoma fluid. In chronic subdural hematoma, overproduction and oversecretion of tissue-type plasminogen activator from the sinusoidal and capillary endothelial cells in the outer membrane cause increased fibrinolysis, which in turn impairs hemostasis, and hemorrhage from the capillaries recurs, resulting in enlargement of the chronic subdural hematoma.  相似文献   

BackgroundA registry of chronic subdural hematoma does not exist in France yet.ObjectiveTo present a monocentric pilot project of a French registry of surgical management of chronic subdural hematoma.MethodA monocentric pseudonymized formal database was created. From May 2020 to May 2021, all patients undergoing surgical evacuation of chronic subdural hematoma were entered into the database.ResultsOne hundred and twenty four surgeries from 113 patients were entered in the database. Patients’ demographic and surgical data as well as follow-up are described.ConclusionA local database is easy to implement. We propose a national registry of chronic subdural hematoma management.  相似文献   

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