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Murine monoclonal antibodies (mAb) of the immunoglobulin M class specific for the K2 capsular polysaccharide (CPS) of Klebsiella were isolated. One such mAb, termed III/5-1, was selected for further study. This mAb promoted the uptake and killing of Klebsiella pneumoniae K2 strains by human granulocytes and activated complement after contact with the bacteria. The efficiency of mAb-mediated phagocytosis and complement activation was inversely related to the amount of capsular material produced by the test strain. MAb III/5-1 was found to be effective at preventing fatal experimental K. pneumoniae K2 sepsis when administered prophylactically, the degree of protection being dependent upon the amount of CPS produced by the challenge strain.  相似文献   

The ability of serospecific anti-capsular polysaccharide (CPS) antibody to prevent fatal Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia was evaluated in a rat lung model. Rats were immunized intramuscularly with 100 micrograms of purified serotype 2 CPS and challenged intrabronchially 14 days later with a serotype 2 strain of K. pneumoniae. Vaccination engendered high levels of serum anti-CPS antibody which afforded significant protection (P less than 0.01) against fatal pneumonia. Immunization promoted clearance of the challenge bacteria from the lungs and prevented bacteremia. Histological examination of lung tissue from infected control animals showed pronounced inflammatory cellular infiltrate in the alveolar spaces, intra- and peribronchial inflammation, and tissue necrosis. In contrast, pathological changes noted in lungs from immunized animals were restricted to infrequent intra- and peribronchial involvement.  相似文献   

The immunoprotective activity of Klebsiella pneumoniae K2 cell surface preparations and purified capsular polysaccharide was tested in mice. The 50% protective dose (PD50), expressed as capsular polysaccharide content, was 2 ng for cell surface preparations and 50 ng for purified capsular polysaccharide. Both preparations lost their immunoprotective activity after alkali treatment. Immune sera were raised in rabbits immunized with cell surface preparations. The precipitating and hemagglutinating capacity of these antisera was tested against either purified capsular polysaccharide or alkali-treated capsular polysaccharide. No difference was observed between the reactivity of the antisera against each antigen. The protective activity of these sera was tested on mice in passive transfer experiments, before and after absorption with either purified capsular polysaccharide or alkali-treated capsular polysaccharide. The sera lost their protective activity after absorption with purified capsular polysaccharide and after absorption with alkali-treated capsular polysaccharide. These experiments show that the difference in immunoprotective activity of cell surface preparations, purified capsular polysaccharide, and alkali-treated capsular polysaccharide is not due to a difference in their antigenic determinants. Cell surface preparations and purified capsular polysaccharide were fractionated by gel filtration on Sepharose 4B and by ultracentrifugation on cesium chloride density gradients. Three forms of capsular polysaccharide have been characterized. (i) A form of capsular polysaccharide with a very high protective activity (PD50 = 2 ng) that copurified with protein and lipopolysaccharide and was characterized by a low coefficient of distribution (Kd = 0.20) and a low density (1.5 to 1.6 g/cm3). (ii) A form of capsular polysaccharide with an intermediate protective activity (PD50 = 50 ng), contamined by less than 3% protein and 1% lipopolysaccharide, with a Kd of 0.35, and a density of 1.7 to 1.8 g/cm3. (iii) A nonimmunoprotective capsular polysaccharide obtained after alkali treatment of either cell surface preparations or purified capsular polysaccharide. The Kd of these fractions varied from 0.20 to 0.90 and their density from 1.7 to 1.8 g/cm3.  相似文献   

I. Nakashima  T. Kojima    N. Kato 《Immunology》1976,30(2):229-240
Comparative studies were made of the increase in the numbers of plaque-forming cells (PFC), rosette-forming cells (RFC) and haemolytic foci for erythrocyte antigens in the spleens of mice given a non-specific stimulus (the capsular polysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPS-K)) and an antigenic stimulus (sheep red blood cells (SRBC)). The number of direct PFC for SRBC was increased by injection of CPS-K to as high a level as that obtained by injection of SRBC. In contrast, by injection of CPS-K the numbers of indirect PFC, RFC (probably the antibody-forming cell precursors) and haemolytic foci were not increased significantly, whereas all of them were increased markedly by injection of SRBC. The maximal number of PFC in mice injected with CPS-K was approximated to the number of background RFC of the same mice. Injection of CPS-K generated 25–130 times more direct PFC for each of three kinds of erythrocyte antigens, SRBC, rabbit red blood cells and chick red blood cells, than background PFC, whereas the total number of spleen cells was not increased significantly or increased very slightly. Repeated injections of CPS-K were not significantly more effective for increase in the number of direct PFC than a single injection of CPS-K. Injection of CPS-K could generate many direct PFC in mice which had been thymectomized, irradiated and reconstituted with foetal liver cells. In mice injected with CPS-K, increase in (or maintenance of) the numbers of direct PFC and RFC were inhibited by injection of a mitogen inhibitor, vinblastine sulphate, but their sensitivities to the drug were less than those found in mice immunized with SRBC. It has been concluded from these results that in mice injected with CPS-K a large number of antibody-forming cell precursors are differentiated to direct PFC through one division or a few divisions of the individual cells, and that the inability of CPS-K to induce sufficient cell divisions of the individual precursor cells is the cause of the lack of increase in the number of indirect PFC and in immunological memory for secondary PFC responses in mice injected with CPS-K.  相似文献   

Heavily encapsulated Klebsiella pneumoniae (serotypes 1 and 2) was cultured in the presence of sodium salicylate. The addition of salicylate (2 to 30 micrograms/ml) progressively decreased the amount of capsular polysaccharide produced by all strains without significantly inhibiting cell growth. Further addition of salicylate (50 to 200 micrograms/ml) was progressively inhibitory to cell growth and decreased the production of polysaccharide only slightly. The optimal concentration of salicylate that could reduce the polysaccharide production of heavily encapsulated, virulent strains by 50% or more was 30 micrograms/ml. Mutants of these bacteria that produced less capsule were affected by salicylate to a lesser degree. All concentrations of salicylate tested were physiologically achievable in humans and within the therapeutic range of aspirin. The addition of calcium and magnesium partially reversed the effects of salicylate on polysaccharide production. Chelating agents, particularly EGTA [ethylene-bis(oxyethylenenitrile)tetraacetic acid], reduce capsule production as salicylate did. Thus, the chelation of calcium and magnesium by salicylate could account, at least in part, for the reduction of capsule. Optical density measurements allowed for rapid monitoring of capsule production in various culture media because a large part of culture turbidity was apparently due to the capsule. Decreased production of the primary K. pneumoniae virulence factor with salicylate may have therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

The role of Klebsiella pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide in relation to virulence in a murine burn wound sepsis model was investigated. Burn trauma markedly predisposed mice to lethal K. pneumoniae sepsis. A highly encapsulated variant (KP1-O) derived from K. pneumoniae KP1 was found to be extremely virulent for burned mice (50% lethal dose less than 10 organisms), whereas another variant (KP1-T), which possessed a much smaller capsule, was comparatively nonvirulent (50% lethal dose greater than 10(6) organisms). Production of large quantities of capsular material by KP1-O allowed for its rapid growth in vivo and persistence in the blood and liver. These traits were not demonstrated by KP1-T, which was effectively cleared after challenge.  相似文献   

The capsular polysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPS-K) type 1, Kasuya strain, induces interferon production in the blood of mice when injected intravenously. CPS-K resembles bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) in the time pattern of interferon production, with peak levels 2h after injection. CPS-K on a weight basis exhibits a more potent interferon-inducing effect than lipopolysaccharide. The active substance responsible for the interferon-inducing activity of CPS-K is the neutral CPS-K antigen which is antigenically distinct from the O antigen and from acidic CPS-K (the type-specific capsular antigen). Neutral CPS-K from the Kasuya strain has been already found to exhibit a strong adjuvant effect on antibody responses to various antigens in mice. Preparations of neutral CPS-K from other strains of K. pneumoniae, of which adjuvant action is only very weak, exhibit interferon-inducing activity similar to the preparation from the Kasuya strain. Heterologous and homologous tolerance to re-induction of interferon is produced by a prior injection (one each) of LPS, neutral CPS-K, and acidic CPS-K. No simple correlation exists between the inducing and tolerogenic capabilities of these substances.  相似文献   

Vi is a linear homopolymer of 1,4 N-acetyl galactosaminuronic acid. It is present in S. typhi and some other members of Enterobacteriaceae. Vi antigen of S. typhi has been associated with the virulence of the organism and a vaccine based upon this antigen has been found to confer immunity against typhoid. In this paper, we report production and characterization of four hybrid cell clones secreting monoclonal antibodies against Vi capsular polysaccharide. Binding analysis using different derivatives of Vi showed that three monoclonal antibodies reacted with the antigenic determinant constituted by O-acetyl group and one recognised the epitope constituted by N-acetyl and carboxyl groups together. All the antibodies bound to Vi positive strains of S. typhi and did not show any significant reactivity with Vi negative strains of S. typhi, S. paratyphi A, S. paratyphi B and E. coli. Besides their utility in studying the sub-specificity of antibodies produced after vaccination with Vi, these antibodies would be helpful in the diagnosis of typhoid fever.  相似文献   

I. Nakashima  N. Kato 《Immunology》1974,27(2):179-193
Intramuscular injection of a non-immunogenic dose (1 mg) of the capsular polysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPS-K) into mice caused a marked and prolonged increase in the amount of the serum IgM and IgG. The increase of IgM after this injection was over 100 times greater than that of antigen-specific IgM antibodies produced by injection of an immunogenic dose of CPS-K (5 μg) or sheep red blood cells (SRBC) (2 X 108). The increase in the amount of immunoglobulins was not related to induction of immunological paralysis to the major subcomponent of CPS-K (acidic CPS-K) by a large dose of antigen, but was induced by non-antigenic stimulation by the minor subcomponent of CPS-K (neutral CPS-K), which was non-immunogenic at any dose. In mice injected with a non-immunogenic dose of CPS-K, antibody levels in the serum to three kinds of non-cross-reacting antigens, SRBC, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and a possibly autochthonous IgG (IgM—IgG mixed type cryoglobulin) were also increased. The number of plaque-forming cells (PFC) for SRBC in the spleens of mice was also markedly increased after CPS-K injection. These antibodies to SRBC and BSA and PFC for SRBC were exclusively of IgM type and increased to as high levels as those found after specific antigenic stimulation. This marked increase in IgM antibody was neither followed by an increase in IgG antibody nor by immunological memory for a secondary IgG response.  相似文献   

Two peaks were obtained by cesium chloride density gradient ultracentrifugation of Klebsiella pneumoniae ribosomal preparations. Peak I contained capsular polysaccharide, lipopolysaccharide, protein, and less than 0.5% ribonucleic acid. Peak II consisted mainly of ribonucleic acid, with low amounts of protein and capsular polysaccharide. Expressed as capsular polysaccharide content, the 50% protective dose of peak I and of nonfractionated ribosomal preparations was nearly constant (2.6 and 1.2 ng, respectively). Since peak I contained less than 0.5% ribonucleic acid, these results provide evidence that ribosomal ribonucleic acid is not required for protection of mice by K. pneumoniae capsular polysaccharide which contaminates ribosomal preparations.  相似文献   

Community-acquired pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae is an emerging infectious disease. We explored the capsular polysaccharide synthesis (cps) regions of three non-K1, non-K2 K. pneumoniae strains, A1142, A7754, and A1517, from Taiwanese patients experiencing pyogenic liver abscess. Two of the strains, A1142 and A7754, belonged to capsular serotype K57, while the third belonged to a new capsular serotype, different from the previously reported 77 serotypes. Deletion and complementation experiments suggested that a unique K57 gene, a homologue of wzy, was essential for K57 capsular synthesis and confirmed that this gene cluster was a genetic coding region for K57. Compared to K1 and K2 strains, the three strains were all serum sensitive, suggesting that host factors might also be involved in the three patients. PCR using primers from specific genes for K57 was more sensitive and specific than traditional serotyping. The remaining strain, A1517, did not react to the antisera from any of the 77 serotypes, and none of the 77 reference strains reacted to the serum against this strain. Moreover, PCR analyses using various primer pairs from the serotype-specific open reading frames did not reveal cross-reactivity to any of the 77 reference strains, suggesting that this strain likely represents a new capsular type. We conclude that sequences from these two cps regions are very useful in detecting K57 and the new cps genotype.  相似文献   

Previous work has demonstrated the capsular serotypic specificity of the protection conferred on mice by Klebsiella pneumoniae ribosomal preparations. The data in these studies support the hypothesis that capsular polysaccharide plays at least some role in the specificity of the protection conferred by ribosomal preparations. In this investigation, the presence of capsular polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide in K. pneumoniae ribosomal preparations was demonstrated by using immunodiffusion tests. Lipopolysaccharide content was determined for mice treated with actinomycin D. The serotype of O antigen did not play a role in the orientation of the specificity of the protection. The possibility that lipopolysaccharide might act as an adjuvant was not unlikely since the ribosomal preparations which contained the greatest amounts of lipopolysaccharide appeared to be the most immunoprotective preparations. Ribosomal preparations extracted from a noncapsulated mutant of K. pneumoniae did not protect mice. This finding suggested that capsular polysaccharide might play a role in the immunoprotective activity of ribosomes. This hypothesis was tested by using K. pneumoniae K2 bacteriophage-associated-glycanase, which specifically hydrolyzed K. pneumoniae K2 capsular polysaccharide and thereby suppressed the immunoprotective activity of K. pneumoniae K2 ribosomal preparations. In contrast, the K2 bacteriophage-associated glycanase did not interfere with the immunoprotective activity of K. pneumoniae K1 ribosomal preparations. These results clearly demonstrate that capsular polysaccharide, which is an extraribosomal antigen, is involved in the immunoprotective activity of K. pneumoniae ribosomal preparations.  相似文献   

The airway epithelium represents a primary site for the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the lungs. It has been suggested for many respiratory pathogens, including Klebsiella pneumoniae, that adhesion and invasion of the lung epithelial cells is an early stage of the pneumonia process. We observed that poorly encapsulated K. pneumoniae clinical isolates and an isogenic unencapsulated mutant invaded lung epithelial cells more efficiently than highly encapsulated strains independent of the K type. By contrast, the unencapsulated mutant was completely avirulent in a mouse model of pneumonia, unlike the wild-type strain, which produced pneumonia and systemic infection. Furthermore, the unencapsulated mutant bound more epithelially produced complement component C3 than the wild-type strain. Our results show that lung epithelial cells play a key role as a host defense mechanism against K. pneumoniae pneumonia, using two different strategies: (i) ingestion and control of the microorganisms and (ii) opsonization of the microorganisms. Capsular polysaccharide avoids both mechanisms and enhances the virulence of K. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

目的:探讨表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)在肺炎克雷伯杆菌(KP)荚膜多糖(CPS)诱导人正常支气管上皮BEAS-2B细胞分泌炎性细胞因子中的作用。方法:体外培养KP并提取CPS,用不同浓度的CPS刺激BEAS-2B细胞,通过ELISA检测细胞上清中肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)和白细胞介素8(IL-8)的水平,并于刺激后不同时点通过Western blot检测EGFR的磷酸化水平;EGFR抑制剂AG1478预处理BEAS-2B细胞后,Western blot检测ERK磷酸化水平,间接免疫荧光染色检测p65的核转位,并观察细胞上清中TNF-α和IL-8的变化情况;最后经ERK抑制剂PD98059和NF-κB抑制剂PDTC分别预处理后用CPS刺激细胞,ELISA检测细胞上清中TNF-α和IL-8的水平。结果:10 mg/L CPS刺激BEAS-2B细胞12 h能够显著诱导其分泌TNF-α和IL-8;Western blot和间接免疫荧光染色检测结果显示,CPS刺激可显著诱导BEAS-2B细胞中EGFR和ERK的磷酸化及p65的核转位。经EGFR抑制剂AG1478预处理细胞后,ERK的磷酸化水平...  相似文献   

The structural characteristics and biological activity of human antibodies that are reactive with the capsular polysaccharides of most serotypes of Streptococcus pneumoniae, including serotype 8, are unknown. This paper describes the generation, molecular structure, and protective efficacy of a human monoclonal antibody (MAb) reactive with the capsular polysaccharide of serotype 8 Streptococcus pneumoniae. We generated the immunoglobulin M(kappa) [IgM(kappa)] MAb D11 by Epstein-Barr virus transformation of peripheral lymphocytes from a Pneumovax recipient. Nucleic acid sequence analysis revealed that MAb D11 uses V3-15/V(H)3 and A20/V(kappa) gene segments with evidence of somatic mutation. In vitro studies revealed MAb D11-dependent complement deposition on the capsule of serotype 8 organisms via either the classical or the alternative complement pathway. In vivo, MAb D11 prolonged the survival of both normal and C4-deficient mice with lethal serotype 8 S. pneumoniae infection. Our findings demonstrate that a serotype-specific human IgM with certain structural and functional characteristics was protective in mice lacking a functional classical complement pathway and show that alternative complement pathway activation is an important determinant of pneumococcal protection.  相似文献   

Pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide (PPS) vaccines are less immunogenic in immunocompromised than immunocompetent individuals. However, neither the efficacy of PPS vaccines in immunocompromised individuals nor the host cellular subsets required for vaccine efficacy against pneumococcal disease have been directly investigated. In this study, we vaccinated CD4-deficient (CD4(-/-)), CD8-deficient (CD8(-/-)), and secretory immunoglobulin M-deficient (sIgM(-/-)) mice and wild-type C57BL/6 (Wt) mice with a conjugate of PPS of serotype 3 and tetanus toxoid (PPS3-TT) and determined the antibody response and efficacy of vaccination against systemic and pulmonary challenge with serotype 3 pneumococcus in immunized and control mice. Our results showed that the isotype and predominant IgG subclass of the PPS3 response differed between immunodeficient mouse strains and between immunodeficient and Wt mice, with CD8(-/-) mice having the most robust response. Vaccination protected Wt, CD4(-/-), and sIgM(-/-) mice from death resulting from both systemic and pulmonary challenge, whereas CD8(-/-) mice were protected only from systemic and not from pulmonary challenge. Passive vaccination with PPS3-TT-induced sera from Wt, CD4(-/-), CD8(-/-), and sIgM(-/-) mice protected na?ve Wt mice from death due to pulmonary challenge; however, CD8(-/-) mice were not protected by sera from Wt or CD8(-/-) mice. Our findings suggest that PPS-based vaccines can be effective in the setting of CD4 T-cell deficiency but that CD8 T cells could be required for vaccine-mediated protection against pulmonary challenge with serotype 3 pneumococcus.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody based ELISAs for cryptococcal polysaccharide.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb)-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) have been developed to detect Cryptococcus neoformans capsular polysaccharide from the four serotypes A, B, C and D. The ELISAs avoid the problem of unreliable polysaccharide binding to polystyrene plates by using MAbs to capture and immobilize the polysaccharide antigen. The presence of polysaccharide is detected using MAbs of a different isotype from that of the capture MAb. The capturing MAbs are themselves immobilized on the plates using commercial goat anti-mouse polyclonal sera. The MAbs bind to the glucuronoxylomannan component of cryptococcal polysaccharide. The ELISAs can be used to measure the concentration of polysaccharide in biological fluids and are potentially useful tools for basic research and clinical studies.  相似文献   

To prepare monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against the core-lipid A fractions of smooth lipopoly-saccharide (LPS) from Klebsiella pneumoniae O1:K2, we immunized BALB/c mice with the LPS-associated proteins plus LPS. This preparation exposed the core-lipid A moiety, which is normally hidden in the micellar structure of classical LPS preparations. Among 10 MAbs selected for their reactivity with LPS-associated proteins plus LPS from K. pneumoniae O1:K2, 6 (3A3, 3C2, 3C4, 7D2, 11C3, and 12B6) were directed against the core fraction and 2 (6C5 and 10A5) were directed against the lipid A fraction. Only one (2A4) recognized the O antigen, and one (6D5) had an undefined specificity. When injected before challenge with K. pneumoniae O1:K2 LPS in galactosamine-sensitized mice, five of the MAbs (3C4, 6D5, 7D2, 11C3, and 12B6) provided protection in this model of lethal endotoxemia. MAb 7D2 was also protective in an experimental infection with capsulated K. pneumoniae O1:K2.  相似文献   

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