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The objectives of this study were to (1) measure health insurance coverage and continuity across generational subgroups of Latino children, and (2) determine if participation in public benefit programs is associated with increased health insurance coverage and continuity. We analyzed data on 25,388 children income-eligible for public insurance from the 2003 to 2004 National Survey of Children’s Health and stratified Latinos by generational status. First- and second-generation Latino children were more likely to be uninsured (58 and 19%, respectively) than third-generation children (9.5%). Second-generation Latino children were similarly likely to be currently insured by public insurance as third-generation children (61 and 62%, respectively), but less likely to have private insurance (19 and 29%, respectively). Second-generation Latino children were slightly more likely than third-generation children to have discontinuous insurance during the year (19 and 15%, respectively). Compared with children in families where English was the primary home language, children in families where English was not the primary home language had higher odds of being uninsured versus having continuous insurance coverage (OR: 2.19; 95% CI [1.33–3.62]). Among second-generation Latino children, participation in the Food Stamp (OR 0.26; 95% CI [0.14–0.48]) or Women, Infants, and Children (OR 0.40; 95% CI [0.25–0.66]) programs was associated with reduced odds of being uninsured. Insurance disparities are concentrated among first- and second-generation Latino children. For second-generation Latino children, connection to other public benefit programs may promote enrollment in public insurance.  相似文献   

Parent’s insurance coverage is associated with children’s insurance status, but little is known about whether a parent’s coverage continuity affects a child’s coverage. This study assesses the association between an adult’s insurance continuity and the coverage status of their children. We used data from a subgroup of participants in the Oregon Health Care Survey, a three-wave, 30-month prospective cohort study (n = 559). We examined the relationship between the length of time an adult had health insurance coverage and whether or not all children in the same household were insured at the end of the study. We used a series of univariate and multivariate logistic regression models to identify significant associations and the rho correlation coefficient to assess collinearity. A dose response relationship was observed between continuity of adult coverage and the odds that all children in the household were insured. Among adults with continuous coverage, 91.4% reported that all children were insured at the end of the study period, compared to 83.7% of adults insured for 19–27 months, 74.3% of adults insured for 10–18 months, and 70.8% of adults insured for fewer than 9 months. This stepwise pattern persisted in logistic regression models: adults with the fewest months of coverage, as compared to those continuously insured, reported the highest odds of having uninsured children (adjusted odds ratio 7.26, 95% confidence interval 2.75, 19.17). Parental health insurance continuity is integral to maintaining children’s insurance coverage. Policies to promote continuous coverage for adults will indirectly benefit children.  相似文献   

Context: Health disparities on the basis of geographic location, social economic factors and education levels are well documented. However, even when health care services are available, there is no guarantee that all persons will take preventive health measures. Understanding the cultural beliefs, practices, and lifestyle choices that determine utilization of health services is an important factor in combating chronic diseases. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate personal, cultural, and external barriers that interfered with participating in a community-based preventive outreach program that included health screening for obesity, diabetes, heart diseases, and hypertension when cost and transportation factors were addressed. Methods: Six focus groups were conducted in a rural community of Louisiana. Focus groups were divided into 2 categories: participants and nonparticipants. Three focus groups were completed with Dubach Health Outreach Project (DUHOP) participants and 3 were completed with nonparticipants. The focus group interviews were moderated by a researcher experienced in focus group interviews; a graduate student assisted with recording and note-taking during the sessions. Findings: Four main themes associated with barriers to participation in preventive services emerged from the discussions: (1) time, (2) low priority, (3) fear of the unknown, and (4) lack of companionship or support. Health concerns, free services, enjoyment, and free food were identified as motivators for participation. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicated that the resulting synergy between low-income status and a lack of motivation regarding health care prevention created a complicated practice of health care procrastination, which resulted in unnecessary emergency care and disease progression. To change this practice to proactive disease prevention and self care, a concerted effort will need to be implemented by policy makers, funding agents, health care providers, and community leaders and members.  相似文献   

The authors in this cross-sectional study examined mental health and family environmental factors related to a sedentary lifestyle, including lack of leisure-time physical activity and high levels of television viewing, among low-income mothers/female guardians of preschool-aged children. A self-administered questionnaire was completed by 131 mothers in 2010. Primary outcome measures included television viewing time (minutes/day) and leisure-time physical activity (<150 versus ≥150 minutes per week). Independent variables included depressive symptoms, perceived stress, and family functioning. Demographic factors (age, marriage, work status, education, number of children in the household, and race/ethnicity) were examined as potential covariates. Participating women watched television on average 186.1 minutes/day (i.e., >3 hours). Additionally, 36% of women engaged in less than the recommended 150-minute leisure-time physical activity per week. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated that greater depressive symptoms (B = 76.4, p < 0.01) and lower family functioning (B = 33.0, p < 0.05) were independently related to greater television viewing when controlling for other variables. No independent factors were identified for lack of leisure-time physical activity when controlling for other covariates. Findings suggest that health promotion efforts to promote an active lifestyle among low-income women with young children should address mental health and family functioning factors, especially depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore Vietnamese American mothers’ perceptions and experiences with postpartum traditions, postpartum depression (PPD), and mental health help-seeking behavior. Participants were 15 Vietnamese mothers who had given birth to at least one live infant within the previous year. A screening tool revealed that a third of the mothers had probable PPD. More than half reported having recent/current postpartum “sadness” during the interviews. Postpartum traditions played important roles in their well-being and maintaining strong cultural values. However, some reported feelings of isolation and the desire to be able to carry out postpartum traditions more frequently. Many who had reported sadness said that they would not seek professional help; all had felt that their condition was not “severe” enough to warrant help-seeking. Future PPD interventions should consider the importance of postpartum cultural traditions and address help-seeking barriers as ways to prevent the adverse effects of untreated PPD.  相似文献   

Objectives. We used population-based data to evaluate whether caring for a child with health problems had implications for caregiver health after we controlled for relevant covariates.Methods. We used data on 9401 children and their caregivers from a population-based Canadian study. We performed analyses to compare 3633 healthy children with 2485 children with health problems. Caregiver health outcomes included chronic conditions, activity limitations, self-reported general health, depressive symptoms, social support, family functioning, and marital satisfaction. Covariates included family (single-parent status, number of children, income adequacy), caregiver (gender, age, education, smoking status, biological relationship to child), and child (age, gender) characteristics.Results. Logistic regression showed that caregivers of children with health problems had more than twice the odds of reporting chronic conditions, activity limitations, and elevated depressive symptoms, and had greater odds of reporting poorer general health than did caregivers of healthy children.Conclusions. Caregivers of children with health problems had substantially greater odds of health problems than did caregivers of healthy children. The findings are consistent with the movement toward family-centered services recognizing the link between caregivers'' health and health of the children for whom they care.Caring for a child with health problems can entail greater than average time demands,1,2 medical costs,3,4 employment constraints,5,6 and childcare challenges.68 These demands may affect the health of caregivers, a notion supported by a variety of small-scale observational studies that have shown increased levels of stress, distress, emotional problems, and depression among caregivers of children with health problems.1,2,5,912Whether these problems are caused by the additional demands of caring for children with health problems or by confounding variables is difficult to answer definitively. The literature reports the identification of a variety of factors purported to be associated with caregiver health, including contextual factors such as socioeconomic status1317; child factors such as level of disability,1,11,13,1821 presence of behavior problems,2225 and overall child adjustment26; and caregiver-related characteristics such as coping strategies11,22,27 and support from friends and family.15,17,28,29 In general, this work has been based on small clinic-based samples9,30 or specific child populations (e.g., cerebral palsy,5,25 attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder31,32), and typically has been hampered by limited generalizability and a lack of careful, multivariate analysis. Furthermore, most studies have focused on caregivers'' psychological health,1,2,5,912 although physical health effects may also exist among caregivers.5,19,25,33One of the few studies to involve large-scale, population-based data compared the health of 468 caregivers of children with cerebral palsy to the health of a population-based sample of Canadian parents.5 The study showed that caregivers of children with cerebral palsy had poorer health on a variety of physical and psychological health measures. Furthermore, the data were consistent with a stress process model,5,25 which proposes that additional stresses associated with caring for a child with cerebral palsy directly contribute to poorer caregiver health. However, these findings were based on a specific subpopulation of caregivers and univariate comparisons that could not control for potentially important confounders such as variation in caregiver education, income, and other demographic factors.We used population-based data to test the hypothesis that the health of caregivers of children with health problems would be significantly poorer than that of caregivers of healthy children, even after we controlled for relevant covariates. Our approach of using large-scale, population-based data representing a broad spectrum of childhood health problems34 makes 4 key contributions to the current literature. First, our use of population-based data rather than small-scale, clinic-based studies yielded results that are potentially generalizable to a wide group of caregivers caring for children with health problems. Second, our examination of children with and without health problems allowed us to examine caregiver health effects across a wide variety of caregiving situations. Third, consideration of physical health outcomes (in addition to more regularly studied psychological outcomes) increased our knowledge of the breadth of caregiver health issues. Finally, controlling for relevant covariates allowed us to rule out a number of alternative explanations for caregiver health effects.  相似文献   



To evaluate the impact of a vegetable-focused cooking skills and nutrition program on parent and child psychosocial measures, vegetable liking, variety, and home availability.


Baseline and postcourse surveys collected 1-week after the course.


Low-income communities in Minneapolis–St Paul.


Parent–child dyads (n?=?89; one third each Hispanic, African American, and white) with complete pre-post course data; flyer and e-mail recruitment.


Six 2-hour-weekly sessions including demonstration, food preparation, nutrition education lessons, and a meal.

Main Outcome Measures

Parental cooking confidence and barriers, food preparation/resource management, child self-efficacy and cooking attitudes, vegetable liking, vegetable variety, and vegetable home availability.


Pre-post changes analyzed with paired t test or Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. Results were significant at P?<?.05.


Increased parental cooking confidence (4.0 to 4.4/5.0), healthy food preparation (3.6 to 3.9/5.0), child self-efficacy (14.8 to 12.4; lower score?=?greater self-efficacy), vegetable variety (30 to 32/37 for parent, 22 to 24/37 for child), and home vegetable availability (16 to 18/35) (all P?<?.05).

Conclusions and Implications

A short-term evaluation of a vegetable-focused cooking and nutrition program for parents and children showed improvements in psychosocial factors, variety, and home availability.  相似文献   



To carry out a pilot study to determine whether a supermarket double-dollar fruit and vegetable (F&V) incentive increases F&V purchases among low-income families.


Randomized controlled design. Purchases were tracked using a loyalty card that provided participants with a 5% discount on all purchases during a 3-month baseline period followed by the 4-month intervention.


A supermarket in a low-income rural Maine community.


A total of 401 low-income and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) supermarket customers.


Same-day coupon at checkout for half-off eligible fresh, frozen, or canned F&V over 4 months.

Main Outcome Measure

Weekly spending in dollars on eligible F&V.


A linear model with random intercepts accounted for repeated transactions by individuals to estimate change in F&V spending per week from baseline to intervention. Secondary analyses examined changes among SNAP-eligible participants.


Coupons were redeemed among 53% of eligible baskets. Total weekly F&V spending increased in the intervention arm compared with control ($1.83; 95% confidence interval [CI], $0.29 to $3.88). The largest increase was for fresh F&V ($1.97; 95% CI, $0.49 to $3.44). Secondary analyses revealed greater increases in F&V spending among SNAP-eligible participants who redeemed coupons ($5.14; 95% CI, $1.93 to $8.34) than among non–SNAP eligible participants who redeemed coupons ($3.88; 95% CI, $1.67 to $6.08).

Conclusions and Implications

A double-dollar pricing incentive increased F&V spending in a low-income community despite the moderate uptake of the coupon redemption. Customers who were eligible for SNAP saw the greatest F&V spending increases. Financial incentives for F&V are an effective strategy for food assistance programs to increase healthy purchases and improve dietary intake in low-income families.  相似文献   

我国医保制度改革正在向全民医保的最终目标迈进.随着改革的不断深入,党中央、国务院为了解决广大人民群众的医疗保障问题,不断完善着医疗保障制度.  相似文献   

This study examines the discrepancies in health insurance coverage and type across Asian American ethnic groups and the potential factors that may explain why these differences exist. Asian Americans are often considered as a homogeneous population and consequently, remain largely “invisible” in the current research literature. Recent data have highlighted discrepancies in the health insurance coverage between different Asian American ethnic groups—particularly the high uninsurance rates among Korean and Vietnamese Americans. For this study, the 2003 and 2005 California Health Interview Surveys were pooled to obtain a sample of 6,610 Asian American adults aged 18–64, including those of Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, South Asian, and Vietnamese ethnicity. Binomial and multinomial logistic regression models were used to examine the likelihood of current health coverage and insurance type (employer-based vs. private vs. public), respectively. The results showed that ethnic differences in uninsurance and insurance type were partially explained by socioeconomic and immigration-related characteristics—particularly for Vietnamese Americans and to a lesser extent, for Chinese and Korean Americans. There were also key differences in the extent to which specific ethnic groups purchased private insurance or relied on public programs (e.g., Medicaid) to offset the lack of employer-based coverage. This study reaffirms the tremendous heterogeneity in the Asian American population and the need for more targeted policy approaches. With the lack of adequate national data, more localized studies may help to improve our understanding of the health issues affecting specific Asian ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the reliability and construct validity of a prenatal care satisfaction scale. Method: A prenatal care satisfaction scale that included six dimensions of care based on the literature was tested during a telephone interview with 101 first-time African-American and Mexican-American mothers 18 and over who receive Medicaid. Results: The scale exhibited high reliability (Cronbach's alpha = 0.95), as well as good construct validity. The correlation between the scale and rating of the quality of care overall was 0.74 (p < 0.001); the correlation between the scale and whether the women would recommend this provider to a friend was 0.67 (p < 0.001). Results from correlation and factor analysis suggested a different set of dimensions than those described in the literature. Conclusion: The 22-question satisfaction with prenatal care scale has excellent reliability and construct validity and taps six established dimensions of satisfaction, including the art of care, technical quality, access, physical environment, availability, and efficacy. The multidimensional scale allows for alternative groupings of the domains of satisfaction as our understanding of prenatal care satisfaction increases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND:  Injuries are the leading cause of death among Canadian children and are responsible for a substantial proportion of hospitalizations and emergency department visits. This investigation sought to identify the factors associated with the likelihood of sustaining an injury at school among Ottawa-area children.
METHODS:  Children presenting to Ottawa-area hospitals and urgent care clinics from January to December 2002 (n = 24,074) were included for analysis. The frequency of school injuries by sex, age group, type of injury, and hospitalization was analyzed. Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess the factors associated with sustaining an injury at school. The school activities most associated with injury and the most frequent types of school injuries were assessed.
RESULTS:  A total of 4287 Ottawa-area children were injured at school in 2002, representing 18% of all injuries. Children aged 5-9 years and 10-14 years were more likely to have school injuries than older children (aged 15-19 years) (OR = 3.07, 95% CI = 2.77-3.40 and OR = 3.10, 95% CI = 2.83-3.37, respectively). The most frequently encountered school injuries were fractures (n = 1132) and musculoskeletal injury (n = 907). The most frequent mechanisms of school injuries were "playing" (n = 1004) and "informal sports" (n = 1503).
CONCLUSIONS:  Many children get hurt at school, particularly during informal recreation activities. Environmental modification and increased supervision are strategies that may reduce school injuries.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Adolescence is critical for the development of adult health habits. Disparities between rural and urban adolescents and between minority and white youth can have life-long consequences. PURPOSE: To compare health insurance coverage and ambulatory care contacts between rural minority adolescents and white and urban adolescents. METHODS: Cross-sectional design using data from the 1999-2000 National Health Interview Survey, a nationally representative sample of US households. Analysis was restricted to white, black, and Hispanic children aged 12 through 17 (8,503 observations). Outcome measures included health insurance, ambulatory visit within past year, usual source of care (USOC), and well visit within past year. Independent variables included race, residence, demographics, facilitating/enabling characteristics, and need. RESULTS: Across races, rural adolescents were as likely to have insurance (86.8% vs 87.7%) but less likely to report a preventive visit (60.1% vs 65.5%) than urban children; residence did not affect the likelihood of a visit or a USOC. Minority rural adolescents were less likely than whites to be insured, report a visit, or have a USOC. Most race-based differences were not significant in multivariate analysis holding constant living situation, caretaker education, income, and insurance. Low caretaker English fluency, limited almost exclusively to Hispanics, was an impediment to all outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Most barriers to care among rural and minority youth are attributable to factors originating outside the health care system, such as language, living situation, caretaker education, and income. A combination of outreach activities and programs to enhance rural schools and economic opportunities will be needed to improve coverage and utilization among adolescents.  相似文献   

To describe the state variation, demographic and family characteristics of children eligible for public health insurance but uninsured. Using data from the National Survey of Children’s Health we selected a subset of children living in households with incomes <200 % of the federal poverty level, who are generally eligible for Medicaid or CHIP. We used multiple logistic regression to examine associations between insurance status among this group of eligible children and certain demographic factors, family characteristics, and state of residence. In adjusted models children aged 6–11 and 12–17 years were more likely to be eligible but uninsured compared to those aged 0–5 years (AOR 1.57; 95 % CI 1.15–2.16 and AOR 1.93; 95 % CI 1.41–2.64). Children who received school lunch (AOR 0.67; 95 % CI 0.52–0.86) and SNAP (AOR 0.33; 95 % CI 0.24–0.46) were less likely to be eligible but uninsured compared to those children not receiving those needs based services; however, a majority (58.7 %) of eligible uninsured children were enrolled in the school lunch program. Five states (Texas, California, Florida, Georgia, New York) accounted for 46 % of the eligible uninsured children. Vermont had the lowest adjusted estimate of eligible uninsured children (3.6 %) and Nevada had the highest adjusted estimate (35.5 %). Using nationally representative data we have identified specific state differences, demographic and household characteristics that could help guide federal and local initiatives to improve public health insurance enrollment for children who are eligible but uninsured.  相似文献   

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