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目的 研究上消化道结核的发生及超声内镜(EUS)的诊断价值.方法 收集患者病史资料,采用超声内镜引导下细针穿刺抽吸术(EUS-FNA)、手术、深挖活检的方法采集标本,进行病理学诊断,并给予抗结核治疗.结果 3例患者均有邻近部位结核或结核病史,临床分别主要表现为食道梗阻和腹部疼痛.胃镜检查显示食管或胃窦病变部位呈局部隆起,黏膜破渍或光滑;EUS见病变累及食管或胃壁全层,为不均匀的低回声;病理学可见结核结节及中央少量干酪样坏死病变,有结核肉芽肿;抗结核治疗有效.结论 结核分枝杆菌可累及上消化道,以继发性多见;深挖活检和EUS-FNA可提高上消化道结核的诊断.  相似文献   

食管结核消化内镜下特点和临床分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:通过对食管结核的消化内镜下表现和其他临床资料的分析,提高消化内镜对此病的诊断率.方法:回顾分析南昌大学第一附属医院2004年1月~2009年7月确诊的12例食管结核患者,并复习国内文献.结果:患者主要临床表现为吞咽困难6例,胸骨后烧灼痛4例,上腹部不适2例,低热盗汗3例.病变位于食管中段10例,下段2例.以溃疡为主要表现者7例,隆起性病变为主要表现者5例.超声内镜6例患者中,4例病变深迭肌层,2例全层结构破坏.内镜下行电子染色及卢戈染色2例,均着色.11例经内镜下活检病理确诊,1倒手术确诊.结论:食管结核好发于中青年,病变部位主要位于食管中下段,电子胃镜下主要表现为隆起型和溃疡型,易误诊为食管癌和黏膜下肿瘤.通过电子胃镜下活检及染色,结合超声内镜能明显提高该痛的诊断率.  相似文献   

目的通过探讨食管结核临床特点、消化内镜下表现及诊治经过,提高该病的诊断率。方法回顾性分析该科2009年~2012年收治的4例食管结核患者,复习国内外文献。结果表现为吞咽疼痛2例,哽咽感2例,伴有盗汗症状1例,4例均为隆起型病变,2例表面合并溃疡,3例反复内镜下活检确诊,1例EMR活检确诊,均予以抗结核治疗12个月,全部缓解治愈,随访10个月~3年,均无吞咽困难或结核病灶复发。结论食管结核临床主要表现为吞咽不适。注重病史,联合辅助检查,特别是消化内镜检查结果,有助于诊断。抗结核治疗可取得良好的效果。  相似文献   

内镜超声(EUS)对后纵隔病变的定位、定性诊断有特殊意义.EUS引导下细针穿刺活检术(EUS-FNA)能直接取得病理学诊断依据,明确邻近食管周围纵隔占位病变、肿大淋巴结等的性质.本研究应用EUS-FNA诊断2例性质不明的后纵隔占位病变,报告如下.  相似文献   

重视消化道恶性淋巴瘤特别是粘膜相关淋巴组织淋巴瘤(MALT Lymphoma)的研究十分必要。该文对三十年间在该院经病理检查证实为消化道恶性淋巴瘤50名患者临床和内镜资料进行了总结分析,其中3例诊断为MALT Lymphoma。主要临床表现为腹痛、消瘦、腹部包块、消化道出血等。病变分布为单纯累及胃60%、小肠22%、回盲部6%、食管及结肠其它部位各占2%、多灶性分布为8%。病理学检查有19例为B淋巴细胞源性低度恶性淋巴瘤。35例术前内镜检查所见巨大溃疡型40%、结节隆起型20%、弥漫浸润型20%、混合表现型20%。内镜下拟诊本病者均获病理支持,内镜活检确诊率为57%。3例MALT Lymphoma患者均为男性,主要内镜表现1例呈粘膜多发点片状糜烂,病变累及食管、胃底、十二指肠、全部小肠及结直肠;1例食管、末段回肠及结肠多发纵行大溃疡;1例呈胃多发溃疡伴出血,皱壁粗大。总结认为本病在内镜下有一定特征表现,内镜下多点活检或配合粘膜剥脱术有助于提高本病的早期确诊率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨上消化道异位胰腺内镜及内镜超声检查(EUS)所见及治疗效果.方法:回顾性分析在我院行胃镜检查并经术后病理证实的上消化道异位胰腺35例(其中26例同时行Eus)的临床资料.结果:胃镜显示病变位于胃窦29例,胃体1例,十二指肠球部3例,十二指肠降部2例.外形呈单纯黏膜隆起21例,隆起伴脐样开口12例,隆起伴表面溃疡2例.EUS表现为高回声2例,混杂回声13例,低回声11例,其中4例内部出现特征性管状结构样回声;24例边界清晰,2例边界不清;位于黏膜层1例,黏膜下层23例,固有肌层2例.内镜下高频电凝电切治疗29例,均无出血、穿孔等并发症.结论:异位胰腺的镜下表现缺乏特异性,EUS对异位胰腺有重要的诊断价值,内镜下高频电凝电切是安全有效的治疗手段.  相似文献   

目的探讨超声内镜(EUS)引导下细针穿刺术(EUS-FNA)对EUS误诊的非上消化道黏膜下肿物(SMT)病变的诊断价值,分析误诊原因。方法回顾性分析在我院就诊,并经常规胃镜初筛和EUS诊断为SMT,最后通过EUS-FNA取得病理组织确诊为非SMT的15例患者,比较EUS特征和最终诊断,分析误诊原因。结果 15例患者中肺腺癌2例、肺鳞癌2例、小细胞癌2例、恶性淋巴瘤1例、炎性团块1例、非特异度淋巴结炎2例、巨淋巴结增生病(Castleman病)1例、结核4例。所有患者均成功实施EUS-FNA并获取满意病理学标本,未发生穿孔及出血等并发症。结论 EUS下某些病变内部回声不均匀、上消化道层次不清晰、周围结构显示不清,易导致误诊,EUS-FNA能安全有效地鉴别肿物性质,从而避免误诊,指导治疗,具有较好的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨超声内镜(EUS)在结直肠黏膜下病变诊断和治疗中的作用。方法对结直肠黏膜下病变进行EUS检查。根据黏膜下病灶的起源层次,部分患者接受深挖活检、超声内镜引导下细针穿刺吸取活检术(EUS-FNA)、内镜下治疗或外科手术。回顾性分析EUS诊断结果与临床病理的相关性。结果 EUS检查的74例患者中,诊断神经内分泌肿瘤28例(均位于直肠);脂肪瘤15例(其中位于回盲部4例、横结肠1例、升结肠8例、乙状结肠2例);直肠间质瘤2例(固有肌层和黏膜肌层各1例);外压性改变14例(卵巢肿瘤9例,淋巴结2例,盆腔肿瘤3例);囊肿5例(横结肠4例、升结肠1例);气囊肿1例;乙状结肠子宫内膜异位3例;直肠周边恶性肿瘤侵犯4例;肠道淋巴瘤2例。所有病灶均接受深挖活检、EUS-FNA、内镜下治疗或外科手术。最终病理和EUS诊断符合率为68/74(91.9%),其中2例EUS考虑直肠类癌最后病理确诊为黏膜肌层来源的平滑肌瘤。1例考虑脂肪瘤最终确诊为肠道淋巴瘤。2例考虑直肠周边恶性肿瘤最终为炎性包块,1例考虑子宫内膜异位症最终诊断为直肠癌。结论 EUS能清晰地显示消化道各层结构,能清楚显示结直肠黏膜下病变的大小、起源及其与相邻结构的关系,并且能较精确地判断各种病变的性质,进而指导结直肠黏膜下病变的治疗。  相似文献   

目的探讨内镜超声引导下细针穿刺活检在上消化道病变中的诊断价值。方法在超声内镜引导下对37例上消化道隆起性病变进行细针穿刺活检。结果发现在胃和食管隆起性病变中,最多发的为纵隔肿物,胃肠间质瘤。结论内镜超声引导下细针穿刺活检可以判断上消化道黏膜隆起型病变的性质.为黏膜下肿物治疗方式的选择提供依据。  相似文献   

超声内镜引导下针吸活检诊断肺部实质性及纵隔病变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨超声内镜引导下的针吸活检术(EUS-FNA)诊断肺部实质性及纵隔病变的可行性及安全性。方法用上部消化道奥林巴斯超声电子内镜EU-C2000,FNA细针,对10例毗邻食管的肺实质性及纵隔病变患者行EUS-FNA。结果7例患者均一次即获得足够标本,2例患者经再次活检而获得足够标本供病理学检查,1例因拒绝再次活检而失败。病理诊断为结核瘤3例,肺腺癌2例,小细胞癌1例,肺炎性假瘤2例,淋巴结核1例。除了自行停止的少许咯血和自行吸收的气胸外,未出现其他严重的与穿刺相关的并发症。结论EUS-FNA是诊断纵隔及肺部实质性病变的直接、安全、实用的检查方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨胃肠神经内分泌肿瘤(GI-NETs)内镜诊治特点,减少误诊。方法收集2012年1月-2014年11月该院内镜诊断的84例神经内分泌肿瘤(NET),回顾性分析其白光内镜、超声内镜(EUS)、组织病理学及治疗后情况等特点,总结其中误诊病例特点。结果经内镜诊断NET 84例,最终经病理证实为NET 72例,12例内镜误诊为NET,误诊率达14.3%,12例分别为慢性炎症5例,异位胰腺2例,布氏腺增生1例,大肠增生性息肉1例,大肠静脉型血管瘤1例,大肠平滑肌瘤1例,转移性鳞癌1例。8例行EUS检查,均提示病灶来源黏膜下层,6例为低回声,1例偏高回声(布氏腺增生),1例混合回声(静脉型血管瘤)。结论 GI-NETs在内镜下有一定的特征性,但有部分病例表现可类似,经过更为细致的观察和必要的活检可增加诊断的准确率。  相似文献   

目的研究智能分光电子染色(FICE)内镜联合小探头超声内镜(EUS)在诊断食管浅表性病变中的临床价值。方法选取2013年1月-2016年6月该院消化内镜中心行普通白光胃镜检查可疑食管黏膜病变患者为研究对象,共292例,将患者按随机数字法分为观察组和对照组,各146例,对照组采用普通白光放大内镜进行检查,观察组在对照组检查基础上应用FICE放大内镜及小探头EUS,观察病变处食管上皮乳头内毛细血管袢(IPCL)的改变及病变深度,并推测病理类型,将两组内镜诊断结果与病理组织学诊断结果进行对比分析。结果 FICE放大内镜可清晰观察食管IPCL形态并分型,FICE内镜对食管炎性病变诊断的符合率为82.69%,轻中度不典型增生符合率为82.22%,重度不典型增生符合率为86.96%,食管癌符合率为100.00%。观察组与对照组准确率分别为91.78%和76.02%;灵敏度分别为85.71%和44.44%,前者明显优于后者。FICE内镜发现5处白光内镜漏诊的平坦型病变。结论 FICE模式与普通白光内镜相比,可增强病变的可识别性,能清楚显示病变轮廓和形态,能有效提高活检的准确性,操作方便。FICE联合小探头EUS在食管浅表性病变诊断治疗方面有一定的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

We report a case of a gastric bronchogenic cyst diagnosed via endosonographically guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) biopsy. A 60-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for an endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) examination because of a gastric subepithelial lesion detected by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. EUS examination revealed a lesion that appeared to originate from the gastric submucosa but seemed to extend beyond the gastric wall. The latter finding raised concerns that the lesion might represent a cystic neoplasm rather than a simple cyst. Subsequently, EUS-FNA was performed to establish a definitive diagnosis and to guide further management. Cytologic evaluation of aspirated material revealed the presence of benign-appearing ciliated columnar epithelial cells within a mucinous background. Based on imaging and EUS-FNA findings, a diagnosis of gastric bronchogenic cyst was made and surgical resection was avoided.  相似文献   

Han XM  Yang JM  Xu LH  Nie LM  Zhao ZS 《Endoscopy》2008,40(8):701-702
Esophageal tuberculosis is so rarely seen that it is difficult to identify by conventional endoscopy and computed tomography (CT), and is frequently misdiagnosed and inappropriately treated. To date, endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) in the context of esophageal tuberculosis has only been sketchily described in a few case reports. In the present report we summarize and analyze four cases with regard to the EUS features of the lesions of esophageal tuberculosis. These features included heterogeneous or homogeneous hypoechoic masses in the esophageal wall, incrassation, interruption of esophageal adventitia, and mediastinal lymphadenitis. Most of the masses in the esophageal wall had hyperechoic spots and strips in the parenchyma. The esophageal lesions usually involved or had conglutinated with the enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes.  相似文献   

This article is part of a combined publication that expresses the current view of the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) about endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided sampling in gastroenterology, including EUS-guided fine needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) and EUS-guided trucut biopsy (EUS-TCB), of submucosal tumors, diffuse esophageal/gastric wall thickening, pancreatic solid masses and cystic-appearing lesions, mediastinal lesions unrelated to lung or esophageal cancer, cancer of the esophagus, stomach, and rectum, lymph nodes of unknown origin, adrenal gland masses, and focal liver lesions. False-positive cytopathological results and needle tract seeding are also discussed. The present Clinical Guideline describes the results of EUS-guided sampling in the different clinical settings, considers the role of this technique in patient management, and makes recommendations on circumstances that warrant its use. A two-page executive summary of evidence statements and recommendations is provided. A separate Technical Guideline describes the general technique of EUS-guided sampling, particular techniques to maximize the diagnostic yield depending on the nature of the target lesion, and sample processing. The target readership for the Clinical Guideline mostly includes gastroenterologists, oncologists, internists, and surgeons while the Technical Guideline should be most useful to endoscopists who perform EUS-guided sampling.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) is a minimally invasive and highly accurate method of detecting mediastinal lymph-node metastases in gastrointestinal and lung cancer. Little information is available regarding the use of EUS-FNA to stage tumors in the head and neck region. This study reports experience with EUS in the diagnosis and staging of these tumors and their mediastinal spread. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The records of patients who underwent EUS for diagnosis and/or staging of head and neck tumors were reviewed. Referral criteria were suspected invasion of the esophagus by a lower-neck mass on cervical computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or mediastinal lymphadenopathy > 10 mm on a chest CT. RESULTS: Thirty-two patients (23 men, nine women; mean age 65 years, range 44 - 80) were referred and underwent 35 EUS examinations. In one patient, EUS was not possible due to a benign esophageal stricture. In 17 patients with suspected esophageal invasion on CT scans, EUS demonstrated invasion of the esophagus in four cases and of the pleura in one; 12 tumors showed no visible invasion of adjacent structures. The other 17 examinations were carried out for suspected mediastinal metastatic disease. In eight cases, EUS-FNA confirmed metastatic disease, whereas only benign changes were shown in the other nine cases. EUS-FNA also provided the first tissue diagnosis in two primary tumors and identified malignancy in one patient with no CT suspicion of positive mediastinal lymph nodes. EUS avoided the need for more invasive investigations in all patients with mediastinal lymphadenopathy, and it changed the management in 12 of the 17 patients (71 %) with suspected esophageal invasion and in eight of the 17 patients (47 %) with suspected mediastinal disease. CONCLUSIONS: EUS with FNA provides a viable approach to the diagnosis and staging of tumors in the head and neck region when there is a suggestion of esophageal invasion on CT or MRI, or enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes. EUS with FNA may avoid the need for mediastinoscopy or other more invasive techniques for staging of these neoplasms.  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声内镜对食管隆起性病变的诊断价值。方法 对161例食管隆起性病变患者行内镜超声检查。结果 发现黏膜下肿瘤92例,其中肌原性肿瘤86例,脂肪瘤4例,囊肿2例,息肉14例,静脉瘤(静脉曲张)34例;外压性改变21例,其中胸主动脉外压18例,纵隔肿瘤3例。结论 内镜超声检查能较清楚地显示食管壁的5层结构,比较准确地判断隆起性病变与食管壁的关系,对食管隆起性病变的诊断、鉴别诊断和指导治疗均有很大价值。  相似文献   

Endoluminal operations for reflux are currently limited by the inability to visualise and manipulate structures outside the wall of the gut. This may be possible using endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). The aim of this study was to define EUS‐anatomy of structures outside the gut which influence reflux; to place stitches in the median arcuate ligament (MAL); to perform posterior gastropexy (Hill procedure) and test the feasibility of crural repair under EUS control in pigs. In survival experiments in 14 pigs, using linear array echo‐endoscopes the MAL and part of the right crus were identified and punctured with a needle, which served as a carrier for a tag and thread. These were anchored into the muscle. An endoscopic sewing device was used allowing stitches to be placed through a 2.8?mm accessory channel to any predetermined depth. New methods allowed knot‐tying and thread‐cutting through the 2.8?mm channel of the echo‐endoscope. Stitches were placed through the gastric wall into the MAL and one just beyond the wall of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). They were tied together and locked against the gastric wall. Preoperative manometry showed a median LES pressure of 11mm/Hg and 21?mm/Hg after stitch placement (p = 0.0028). The length of the LES increased from median 2.8?cm pre‐procedure to 3.5?cm post‐procedure. At post mortem, the force to pull the tags out of the MAL was 2.8?kg median. This study shows that transgastric gastro‐esophageal reflux surgery using stitching under EUS control can significantly increase the lower oesophageal sphincter pressure in pigs.  相似文献   

目的探讨窄带谱成像放大内镜(NBI-ME)观察下食道病变上皮乳头内血管袢(IPCL)分型对早期食管癌(EEC)及癌前病变诊断的临床价值。方法回顾该院内镜诊治中心2013年7月-2016年12月发现的食管黏膜表面异常的102例(共132处病变)患者内镜表现和临床病理资料,分析IPCL分型对食道病变性质及浸润深度的预判作用。结果 IPCL为A型的病变中95.0%(38/40)病理诊断为食管炎,IPCL为B型的病变中96.7%(89/92)病理诊断为EEC及癌前病变;NBI-ME观察后,术前活检病理与术后完整病理一致性尚可(Kappa=0.4850.4,P 0.01);B1、B2、B3型IPCL预判食道病变浸润深度的准确率分别为68.0%(34/50)、73.3%(11/15)及100.0%(4/4)。结论 NBI-ME观察下对食道病变的IPCL进行AB分型,有助于对食管病变性质及浸润深度的预判,同时结合病理结果及超声内镜(EUS)等技术,可实现对病变病情的综合评估,从而可以为患者制定最佳的治疗策略。  相似文献   

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