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Childhood DNA testing, prenatal diagnosis (PND) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) are available for familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). However, the use of PND and PGD is controversial. The purpose of this study was to investigate attitudes toward, and experiences with, childhood DNA testing, PND and PGD among members of families at high risk for FAP. In this nationwide, cross-sectional study, questionnaires were sent to individuals from families at high risk for FAP assessing attitudes toward and experiences with childhood testing, PND and PGD, as well as several sociodemographic, clinical and psychosocial variables. Of the individuals from FAP families invited to participate in the study, 525 members participated (response rate=64%). Most parents who had children who were minors (n=93) (82%) were satisfied with the DNA testing procedure. One-third of all individuals wanted DNA testing for their children before age 12. Forty percent of FAP patients indicated that the disease influenced their desire to have children. Only 15% considered termination of pregnancy for FAP acceptable. Approximately 30% of individuals with a FAP diagnosis and their partners considered PND and PGD as acceptable for themselves. A positive attitude was associated with higher levels of guilt and a positive attitude toward termination of pregnancy. Importantly, of those with FAP at childbearing age, 84% had had no previous information at all about either PND or PGD. Future efforts should be aimed at educating FAP family members about reproductive options, allowing them to make an informed choice about family planning. Routine discussion of all reproductive options with a medical specialist should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Among the many educational materials produced by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) are guidelines. ESHRE guidelines may be developed for many reasons but their intent is always to promote best quality practices in reproductive medicine. In an era in which preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has become a reality, we must strive to maintain its efficacy and credibility by offering the safest and most effective treatment available. The dominant motivators for the development of current comprehensive guidelines for best PGD practice were (i) the absence of guidelines and/or regulation for PGD in many countries and (ii) the observation that no consensus exists on many of the clinical and technical aspects of PGD. As a consequence, the ESHRE PGD Consortium undertook to draw up guidelines aimed at giving information, support and guidance to potential, fledgling and established PGD centres. The success of a PGD treatment cycle is the result of great attention to detail. We have strived to provide a similar level of detail in this document and hope that it will assist staff in achieving the best clinical outcome for their patients.  相似文献   

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) of single gene disorders relies on PCR-based tests performed on single cells (polar bodies or blastomeres). Despite the use of increasingly robust protocols, allele drop-out (ADO; the failure to amplify one of the two alleles in a heterozygous cell) remains a significant problem for diagnosis using single cell PCR. In extreme cases ADO can affect >40% of amplifications and has already caused several PGD misdiagnoses. We suggest that an improved understanding of the origins of ADO will allow development of more reliable PCR assays. In this study we carefully varied reaction conditions in >3000 single cell amplifications, allowing factors influencing ADO rates to be identified. ADO was found to be affected by amplicon size, amount of DNA degradation, freezing and thawing, the PCR programme, and the number of cells simultaneously amplified. Factors found to have little or no affect on ADO were local DNA sequence, denaturing temperature (94 or 96 degrees C) and cell type. Consideration of the causal factors identified during this study should permit the design of PGD protocols that experience little ADO, thus improving the accuracy of PGD for single gene disorders.  相似文献   

Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) has been associated with the deletion of an integral number of 3.3 kb units of the polymorphic D4Z4 repeat array at 4q35. The prenatal identification of this defect can be carried out on chorionic villi or amniocytes, whereas preimplantation genetic testing for monogenic disorders (PGT-M) requires molecular markers linked to the D4Z4 allele of reduced size. In this context the reliability of this association is crucial. To test the informativeness of the nearby polymorphic markers we investigated recombination at 4q35 using the polymorphic markers D4S1523, D4S163 and D4S139 positioned at 0.55, 0.5 and 0.21 Mb proximal to the D4Z4 array respectively. We determined the probability of recombination events to occur in the D4Z4-D4S1523 interval considering 86 subjects belonging to 12 FSHD families and found a recombination frequency of 14% between D4Z4 and D4S1523. Our study also revealed the occurrence of de novo variants and germline mosaicism. These findings highlight the recombinogenic nature of the 4q subtelomere and indicate that caution should be taken when interpreting PGT-M results. It is advisable that a woman who underwent a PGT-M cycle undertakes a prenatal DNA analysis to confirm the size of the D4Z4 alleles carried by the fetus.  相似文献   

Prenatal diagnosis for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) was introduced in the Netherlands in 1984. We have investigated the impact of 26 years (1984–2009) of prenatal testing. Of the 635 prenatal diagnoses, 51% were males; nearly half (46%) of these were affected or had an increased risk of DMD. As a result 145 male fetuses were aborted and 174 unaffected boys were born. The vast majority (78%) of females, now 16 years or older, who were identified prenatally have not been tested for carrier status. Their average risk of being a carrier is 28%. We compared the incidences of DMD in the periods 1961–1974 and 1993–2002. The incidence of DMD did not decline but the percentage of first affected boys increased from 62 to 88%. We conclude that a high proportion of families with de novo mutations in the DMD gene cannot make use of prenatal diagnosis, partly because the older affected boys are not diagnosed before the age of five. Current policy, widely accepted in the genetic community, dictates that female fetuses are not tested for carrier status. These females remain untested as adults and risk having affected offspring as well as progressive cardiac disease. We see an urgent need for a change in policy to improve the chances of prevention of DMD. The first step would be to introduce neonatal screening of males. The next is to test females for carrier status if requested, prenatally if fetal DNA is available or postnatally even before adulthood.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In Germany, preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is currently not legal, but there is still a controversial debate about legalization. Studies about the attitudes of infertile couples towards PGD are rare. METHODS: A survey was conducted with 265 German infertile couples about knowledge, attitudes and prospective use of PGD. The influence of independent variables associated with approval of PGD is analysed by binary logistic regression. RESULTS: Sixty percent of respondents have heard about PGD. Eighty-seven percent support a general legalization of PGD in Germany for severe, early-onset genetic diseases. Seventy-four percent consider PGD morally acceptable. Sixty percent supported legalizing PGD for HLA-matching. But only a minority approved PGD to test for non-health-related traits. Respondents with a higher education level were the least supportive to all uses of PGD. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that German infertile couples are as liberal towards PGD for health-related uses as in other western countries. They would legalize and use PGD to raise the rates to get pregnant and to avoid severe diseases of the offspring. Taking the opinions of German infertile couples into consideration could help redefine and reframe the public debate towards legalization of PGD and the moral status of the embryo in Germany.  相似文献   

An increasing number of private companies are now offering direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic testing services. Although a lot of attention has been devoted to the regulatory framework of DTC genetic testing services in the USA, only limited information about the regulatory framework in Europe is available. We will report on the situation with regard to the national legislation on DTC genetic testing in seven European countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Portugal, France, Germany, the United Kingdom). The paper will address whether these countries have legislation that specifically address the issue of DTC genetic testing or have relevant laws that is pertinent to the regulatory control of these services in their countries. The findings show that France, Germany, Portugal and Switzerland have specific legislation that defines that genetic tests can only be carried out by a medical doctor after the provision of sufficient information concerning the nature, meaning and consequences of the genetic test and after the consent of the person concerned. In the Netherlands, some DTC genetic tests could fall under legislation that provides the Minister the right to refuse to provide a license to operate if a test is scientifically unsound, not in accordance with the professional medical practice standards or if the expected benefit is not in balance with the (potential) health risks. Belgium and the United Kingdom allow the provision of DTC genetic tests.  相似文献   

Assisted reproduction practice in Europe: legal and ethical aspects   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This report describes the ethical and legal aspects of assistedreproductive technologies (ART) that have been instituted inEuropean countries. The data were collected from questionnairescirculated to fertility centres in 39 countries in Europe. Ninetysix ART centres were located in 30 of these countries. Ninecountries do not offer ART services. According to the survey,there are approximately 516 centres in Europe, which representapproximately 60% of the world ART centres. The survey includedinformation regarding regulation of ART services, access tothese services, attitude toward genetic material donation, cryopreservationof pre-embryos, surrogacy, manipulation of gametes and pre-embryos,research on pre-embryos and multiple fetal pregnancy reduction.At present, the majority of countries in Europe do not haveestablished legislation pertaining to the various aspects ofART practice. The study reviews the ethical and legal aspectsof ART practice in Europe.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis or screening (PGD, PGS) involves embryo biopsy on Day 3. Opting for one- or two-cell biopsy is a balance between the lowest risk for misdiagnosis on the one hand and the highest chance for a pregnancy on the other hand. METHODS: A prospective controlled trial was designed and 592 ICSI cycles were randomly assigned to the one-cell (group I) or the two-cell group (group II). Primary outcomes were diagnostic efficiency and embryonic development to delivery with live birth (analysed by cycle). The false-positive rate for the PCR cycles is presented as a secondary outcome (analysed by embryo). RESULTS: A strong significant correlation was observed between embryonic developmental stage on Day 3 and post-biopsy in vitro development on Day 5 (P < 0.0001). The influence of the intervention on Day 3 was less significant (P = 0.007): the biopsy of one cell is less invasive than the biopsy of two cells. PCR diagnostic efficiency was 88.6% in group I and 96.4% in group II (P = 0.008). For the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) PGD cycles no significant difference in efficiency was obtained (98.2 and 97.5% in group I and II, respectively). Similar delivery rates with live birth per started cycle were obtained [58/287 or 20.2% in group I versus 52/303 or 17.2% in group II, P = 0.358; the absolute risk reduction = 3.05%; 95% confidence interval (CI): -3.24, 9.34]. Post-PGD PCR reanalysis showed six false positives in 97 embryos (6.2%) in group II and none in group I (91 embryos reanalysed). No false negatives were found. CONCLUSIONS: While removal of two blastomeres decreases the likelihood of blastocyst formation, compared with removal of one blastomere, Day 3 in vitro developmental stage is a stronger predictor for Day 5 developmental potential than the removal of one or two cells. The biopsy of only one cell significantly lowers the efficiency of a PCR-based diagnosis, whereas the efficiency of the FISH PGD procedure remains similar whether one or two cells are removed. Delivery rates with live birth per started cycle were not significantly different.  相似文献   

The number of prenatal genetic tests that are being offered to women is constantly increasing. However, there is little national data as to who is performing the tests and the reasons for doing or not doing so. The aim of the study was to evaluate the proportion of Israeli Moslem women who perform the various prenatal genetic tests and the factors affecting the performance of these tests. A 2-day survey was conducted in all the maternity departments in Israel based on a structured interview. Of the 242 women interviewed, 74.2% underwent the triple test (TT), 15.8% of the women older than 35 years who were eligible to take the test free of charge underwent amniocentesis and only 1.5% underwent fragile-X (FX) carrier testing which costs 100 dollars privately. In the stepwise regression analysis, having fewer children and having had a higher education affected the performance of the TT. None of the sociodemographic factors were associated with the performance of amniocentesis or FX carrier testing, but the sample sizes were small. The main reason reported by the women for not performing the TT and FX carrier testing was not being referred for testing. The main reason for not performing amniocentesis was that they chose not to perform the test (the majority of these women were religious or ultrareligious). Consideration should be given to providing first-trimester prenatal diagnosis when termination of pregnancy in the Moslem population is more acceptable. In addition, consideration should be given to including state-subsidized FX testing as there is a low rate of FX testing partly due to the cost. Primary care givers should be educated about the importance of prenatal genetic testing.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In May 2006, the UK Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) approved use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for lower penetrance, late onset cancer susceptibility syndromes such as hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC). This is the first report on views of BRCA gene mutation carriers on use of PGD for HBOC. METHODS: Between December 2005 and February 2006, a postal survey of BRCA mutation carriers attending a Familial Cancer Clinic was undertaken. RESULTS: Of 102 women sent questionnaires, 52 (51%) responded. Thirty-nine (75%) felt it was acceptable to offer PGD for HBOC. Fifteen (37.5%) of 40 who had completed their families would personally have considered PGD if it had been available. Only one of seven (14%) contemplating a future pregnancy would consider PGD. Eighteen (35%) wrote extensively about their concerns including increasing availability of effective treatment and good quality of life. CONCLUSIONS: The majority of BRCA gene mutation carriers are supportive of offering PGD to others, thus endorsing the HFEA decision. However, most women would not consider it personally. Concerns raised highlight the need for regular HFEA reviews of the licensing criteria, as HBOC may cease to be a "serious life threatening illness" in the future.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for aneuploidy is recommended to couples at risk of generating chromosomally abnormal embryos. The aim of this study was to demonstrate that PGD for aneuploidy has an important role in the prognosis of subsequent treatments. METHODS: A total of 389 couples underwent their first PGD for aneuploidy due to either female age >or=38 years (n = 266) or >or=3 previous unsuccessful cycles (n = 123). After the first PGD followed by an unsuccessful treatment cycle, 141 couples underwent 175 subsequent PGD cycles. These patients were divided into three groups depending on the number of euploid embryos available for transfer in their first PGD cycle: group A included patients where no euploid embryos were diagnosed; group B included patients who had only one euploid embryo; and group C included patients with at least two normal embryos resulting from chromosomal analysis. RESULTS: In subsequent cycles, group A patients underwent significantly fewer transfers (45%) compared with group B (69%, P < 0.05) and group C patients (85%, P < 0.001). The pregnancy rate per transfer was significantly decreased in group A (15%) compared with group B (36%; P < 0.02) and group C (30%; P < 0.03). Accordingly, the live birth rate per patient was significantly lower in group A compared with group C (8.5% versus 30%; P < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: The outcome of the first PGD for aneuploidy may have a predictive role for subsequent attempts.  相似文献   

With an incidence of approximately 1 in 500 male newborns, the 47,XXY genotype is one the most common sex chromosome anomalies. It is also the most frequent genetic cause of human infertility. Some non-mosaic 47,XXY patients have sperm production which allows infertility treatment to be offered by ICSI. Therefore, the risk of transmitting a chromosome anomaly to the next generation is an important problem in reproductive genetic counselling of these patients. Here, we report on a twin pregnancy where two karyotypically normal neonates 46,XX and 46,XY were born after the use of ICSI in assisted reproduction of a patient with a non-mosaic 47,XXY syndrome. To date, only 38 evolving pregnancies including the present cases, have been reported after ICSI using sperm from non-mosaic 47,XXY patients. Although these data are scarce, they suggest that the risk of chromosome anomaly in the offspring of these patients is low; hence, their reproductive genetic counselling can be reassuring, and management of the pregnancy can proceed with caution.  相似文献   

In 1997, the ESHRE PGD Consortium was formed as part of the ESHRE Special Interest Group on Reproductive Genetics, in order to undertake a long-term study of the efficacy and clinical outcome of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). In December 1999, the first PGD Consortium report was published discussing referrals of 323 couples, 392 PGD cycles and 82 pregnancies and 79 children born. In the second round of data collection, contributing centres were asked to send in data from their PGD activities before January 1997, as well as from 1st October 1998 until 1st May 2000, in order to have as complete as possible an overview of PGD practices in these centres. A further 563 referrals were sent in as well as 926 PGD cycles, and data on 89 pregnancies (including seven pregnancies ongoing from the previous group) and 83 children were collected. This has led to a considerable amount of cumulative data being acquired: over a period of 7 years (the oldest PGD cycle reported dates from 1994), referral data on 886 couples, cycle data on 1318 PGD cycles and data on 163 pregnancies and 162 babies were collected. In all, these data are encouraging: they show first, that the practice of PGD is becoming more and more established, and an increasing number of different applications is emerging; and second, that collecting these data is worthwhile, as they will be a valuable source of information for all those involved, e.g. in counselling patients and interacting with governmental bodies.  相似文献   

Genomic array detects more pathogenic chromosome aberrations than conventional karyotyping (CK), including genetic variants associated with a susceptibility for neurodevelopmental disorders; susceptibility loci (SL). Consensus regarding the scope of invasive prenatal diagnosis (PND) pregnant couples should be offered is lacking. This study examined pregnant couples' preferences, doubts and satisfaction regarding the scope of invasive PND. Eighty‐two couples choosing prenatal screening (PNS) and 59 couples choosing invasive PND were offered a choice between 5 (comparable to CK) and 0.5 Mb resolution array analysis outcomes, the latter with or without reporting SL. A pre‐test self‐report questionnaire and post‐test telephone interview assessed their choices in‐depth. Actual (PND) and hypothetical (PNS) choices differed significantly (p < 0.001). Ninety‐five percent of the couples in the PND group chose 0.5 Mb array, vs 69% in the PNS group. Seven percent of the PND group wished not to be informed of SL. Ninety percent was satisfied with their choice and wished to decide about the scope themselves. Pregnant couples wish to make their own choices regarding the scope of invasive PND. It therefore seems justified to offer them a choice in both the resolution of array and disclosure of SL.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of genetic disease in preimplantation embryosis discussed. The typing of spermatozoa may be feasible forfactors such as the presence of an X and Y chromosome. Embryosmight be typed by non-invasive methods, by assessing their uptakeof metabolites although the widest opportunities may arise bythe use of invasive methods which involve the removal of oneor a small number of cells. The methods of diagnosis are discussed,including enzyme assays and the use of DNA probes, preliminaryresults with human embryos are presented and the difficultiesrelated to these techniques are debated. The low rate of implantationof replaced embryos will mean that many embryos will have tobe diagnosed, and certain embryological factors such as thehigh incidence of chromosomal imbalance and the problems of‘imprinting’ might obscure certain diagnoses. Theadvantages and disadvantages of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prenatal testing was offered in all pregnancies obtained after ICSI with ejaculated or non-ejaculated sperm as part of the evaluation of the safety of ICSI. METHODS: Between 1990 and 2001, a chorionic villus sampling (CVS) or amniocentesis was offered for multiple or singleton pregnancies respectively during a genetic counselling session for all couples applying for ICSI. ICSI was carried out using ejaculated, epididymal or testicular sperm. RESULTS: In total, 1586 ICSI fetuses obtained after fresh embryo transfer were tested by CVS (n = 698) or by amniocentesis (n = 888). Abnormal fetal karyotypes were found in 47 samples [3.0%; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.2-3.9%]; 25 anomalies (1.6%; 95% CI 1.0-2.3%) were de novo. These were 10 sex chromosomal anomalies and 15 autosomal anomalies [either numerical (n = 8) or structural (n = 7)], and 22 inherited abnormalities (1.4%; 95% CI 0.9-2.1%) (21 balanced, one unbalanced). In 17/22 inherited cases the chromosomal structural defect was inherited from the father. A significantly higher percentage of 2.1% de-novo prenatal chromosomal anomalies was observed for sperm concentrations of <20x10(6) sperm per ml, as compared with 0.24% if the sperm concentration was vertical line 20x10(6) sperm per ml (Fisher's exact test, P = 0.006). No statistical difference in frequency of chromosomal anomalies was observed for lower threshold values of sperm concentration (<1x10(6), <5x10(6), <10x10(6) and <15x10(6)). A statistical difference was observed for motility criteria, but not morphology. Three chromosomal anomalies were found prenatally after use of epididymal or testicular sperm in a total of 94 samples; two (of 83 tested) were from patients with obstructive and one (of nine tested) was from a patient with non-obstructive azoospermia. CONCLUSIONS: A significantly higher rate of de-novo chromosomal anomalies (1.6 versus 0.5% in amniocentesis for a mean maternal age of 33.5 years; P < 0.007) was observed in ICSI offspring, relating mainly to a higher number of sex chromosomal anomalies and partly to a higher number of autosomal structural anomalies. This finding was related to sperm concentration and motility. The significantly higher rate of observed inherited anomalies (1.4 versus 0.3-0.4% in prenatal tests in the general population; P < 0.001) was related to a higher rate of constitutional chromosomal anomalies, mainly in the fathers. The hypothesis of a higher risk of post-zygotic events as a consequence of the ICSI procedure leading to a higher proportion of chromosomal mosaicism was not confirmed in this study. Couples should be informed of the risks of an abnormal result related to sperm quality, and of the risk linked to a prenatal procedure as well as about the relatively benign character of some chromosomal anomalies such as de-novo structural anomalies or sex chromosomal anomalies in order to be able to make a choice for prenatal testing, or not.  相似文献   

We have developed a mathematical model to explore accuracy of preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) using single cell polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The model encompasses both extrinsic technical errors and intrinsic errors related to nuclear and chromosomal abnormalities. Using estimates for these errors, we have calculated the probability of a serious error (affected embryo diagnosed as unaffected) using a variety of strategies designed to increase the accuracy of PGD. Additional information from genotyping a linked marker or a second biopsied cell reduces the probability of replacing an affected embryo, while ensuring that sufficient unaffected embryos can be replaced. For a recessive disease, two genotypes are required to ensure a low probability of replacing an affected embryo (<1%) with a high proportion of unaffected embryos eligible for replacement (68%). These genotypes may be from a single cell with linked marker, or disease genotypes from two cells. PGD of a dominant disease is more difficult, as it relies on the amplification of a single copy of the mutation. Genotypes from two biopsied cells are required to ensure that a high proportion of unaffected embryos are eligible for replacement. This model can be used as a clinical tool to prioritize embryos for transfer in a PGD cycle.  相似文献   

Caulfield T. DTC genetic testing: pendulum swings and policy paradoxes. After decades of optimistic portrayals, there has been a shift in the way that the popular press represents genomic research. A skeptical view has become more common. The central reason for this pendulum swing away from popular support is the harsh truth that most genetic risk information just isn't that predictive. This reality has created a fascinating policy paradox. If, as many in the scientific community are now saying, genetic information is not the oracle of our future health as we were once led to believe, and if access does not, for most, cause harm, why regulate the area? Why worry about shoddy direct‐to‐consumer (DTC) genetic testing companies? One primary justification, and one endorsed by the recent Canadian College of Medical Geneticists (CCMG) Policy Statement on DTC Genetics Testing, is that information that is conveyed to the public about genetics via marketing and to those who access DTC tests should, at a minimum, be accurate.  相似文献   

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