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Rice, the primary source of dietary calories for half of humanity, is the first crop plant for which a high-quality reference genome sequence from a single variety was produced. We used resequencing microarrays to interrogate 100 Mb of the unique fraction of the reference genome for 20 diverse varieties and landraces that capture the impressive genotypic and phenotypic diversity of domesticated rice. Here, we report the distribution of 160,000 nonredundant SNPs. Introgression patterns of shared SNPs revealed the breeding history and relationships among the 20 varieties; some introgressed regions are associated with agronomic traits that mark major milestones in rice improvement. These comprehensive SNP data provide a foundation for deep exploration of rice diversity and gene–trait relationships and their use for future rice improvement.  相似文献   

Mammalian Ether-a-go-go related gene (Erg) family voltage-gated K+ channels possess an unusual gating phenotype that specializes them for a role in delayed repolarization. Mammalian Erg currents rectify during depolarization due to rapid, voltage-dependent inactivation, but rebound during repolarization due to a combination of rapid recovery from inactivation and slow deactivation. This is exemplified by the mammalian Erg1 channel, which is responsible for IKr, a current that repolarizes cardiac action potential plateaus. The Drosophila Erg channel does not inactivate and closes rapidly upon repolarization. The dramatically different properties observed in mammalian and Drosophila Erg homologs bring into question the evolutionary origins of distinct Erg K+ channel functions. Erg channels are highly conserved in eumetazoans and first evolved in a common ancestor of the placozoans, cnidarians, and bilaterians. To address the ancestral function of Erg channels, we identified and characterized Erg channel paralogs in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. N. vectensis Erg1 (NvErg1) is highly conserved with respect to bilaterian homologs and shares the IKr-like gating phenotype with mammalian Erg channels. Thus, the IKr phenotype predates the divergence of cnidarians and bilaterians. NvErg4 and Caenorhabditis elegans Erg (unc-103) share the divergent Drosophila Erg gating phenotype. Phylogenetic and sequence analysis surprisingly indicates that this alternate gating phenotype arose independently in protosomes and cnidarians. Conversion from an ancestral IKr-like gating phenotype to a Drosophila Erg-like phenotype correlates with loss of the cytoplasmic Ether-a-go-go domain. This domain is required for slow deactivation in mammalian Erg1 channels, and thus its loss may partially explain the change in gating phenotype.Voltage-gated ion channel families are highly conserved across the Eumetazoa (cnidarians and bilaterians) (1, 2). Vertebrates recently expanded the number of ion channel genes within each of the conserved families because of vertebrate-specific gene duplications. Additionally, phylogenetically restricted duplications of ion channel genes appear common throughout the Eumetazoa (1, 35). Thus, there is little 1:1 gene orthology between the eumetazoan phyla (1). However, numerous studies show extremely high functional conservation, including family-specific gating properties. For example, Shaker-related voltage-gated K+ channels first cloned in Drosophila show a high fidelity of gating phenotype to their mammalian counterparts (6). Subsequent studies have shown this functional conservation extends to cnidarians (4, 710), which separated from bilaterians near the base of the eumetazoan tree over 500 Mya (11). One exception to this pattern of high conservation is the Ether-a-go-go related gene (Erg) family (or Kv11) of voltage-gated K+ channels. The three mammalian Erg orthologs show striking gating differences compared with Drosophila Erg (seizure, DmErg).The mammalian Erg gating phenotype is typified by human Erg1 (HsErg1), which underlies IKr, a K+ current that repolarizes the late plateau phase of ventricular action potentials (12, 13). HsErg1 loss-of-function mutations prolong the QT interval in ECG recordings, indicating impaired action potential repolarization (14). Several key gating features adapt Erg1 for ventricular action potential plateau repolarization. First, Erg1 channels inactivate rapidly in response to depolarization (Fig. 1 A–C). Second, recovery from inactivation through the open state is extremely rapid (Fig. 1B), whereas channel deactivation is slow (Fig. 1D); the combination produces a jump in Erg1 current in response to repolarization (15). The net effect is that peak Erg1 current flow is delayed and specifically accelerates cardiac action potential plateau repolarization (15), and the length of the plateau is dependent on Erg1 current density (16). The physiological role of mammalian Erg2 and Erg3 channels has not been extensively characterized, but they share an IKr-like gating phenotype (17).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Comparison of HsErg1 and DmErg gating phenotypes. (A) Families of outward currents recorded from Xenopus oocytes expressing HsErg1 (Left) and DmErg + DAO (Right) in response to depolarizations (Inset). Scale bars indicate time and current amplitude. Currents elicited by a step to +60 mV are highlighted, and arrows indicate (1) rectification of HsErg1 during depolarization by inactivation, (2) rebound in HsErg1 current in response to repolarization due to rapid recovery and slow deactivation, and (3) rapid DmErg deactivation. (B) Comparison of HsErg1 (black) and DmErg (red) currents during a protocol in which channels were first activated by a 1 s step to +60 mV, returned to –100 mV for 10 ms, and then returned to +60 mV. Currents are normalized in peak amplitude for comparison. HsErg1 is inactivated at the end of the first depolarization, recovers to the open state at −100 mV, and inactivates rapidly from a high peak during the second pulse. DmErg1 remains active throughout the first +60 mV pulse, closes at –100 mV, and reactivates during the second +60 mV pulse. (C) Peak HsErg1 current during an initial depolarization (* in B) normalized to peak current after recovery from inactivation (# in B): inactivation reduces the HsErg1 current >20-fold during the first step. Data show mean ± SEM, n = 6 cells. (D) Time constant of deactivation (TauDEACT) measured from tail currents recorded at the indicated voltages for HsErg1 (black) and DmErg (red). Data show mean ± SEM, n = 6–7 cells. (E) Normalized GV curves for HsErg1 and DmErg fit with a single Boltzmann distribution (parameters in SI Methods. Scale bar indicates that time and current amplitudes have been normalized.In contrast, DmErg does not inactivate during depolarization (Fig. 1 A and B) and deactivates rapidly upon repolarization (Fig. 1D) (18). The voltage-activation curve (GV) of DmErg is shifted to hyperpolarized potentials, suggesting influence on subthreshold excitability (Fig. 1E). Modeled HsErg1 and DmErg responses to a crude plateau action potential waveform (Fig. 1F and Fig. S1) point to distinct physiological roles. HsErg1 current is attenuated during the plateau by inactivation and rebounds sharply as the plateau decays. These features allow HsErg1 to accelerate late repolarization without blocking the plateau itself (15). Peak DmErg current flows during the plateau, and the current decays rapidly during repolarization. DmErg would therefore directly combat plateau formation. Loss of HsErg1 inactivation in humans indeed leads to a shortened QT interval based on premature action potential repolarization (16). The specific contribution of DmErg to firing patterns in native cells is unknown, but its gating features are consistent with regulation of subthreshold excitability or rapid action potential repolarization. Temperature-sensitive mutations in the seizure locus that encodes DmErg cause bursts of uncoordinated motor output (19) suggestive of changes in subthreshold excitability. The Caenorhabditis elegans Erg ortholog (CeErg, encoded by unc-103) has not been functionally expressed, but genetic analysis demonstrates that it regulates the excitation threshold of vulva muscles in females and protractor muscles in males (2023).The Erg, Ether-a-go-go (Eag), and Elk gene families comprise the EAG superfamily of voltage-gated K+ channels. These gene families are highly conserved in eumetazoan genomes, and Eag channels display a high functional conservation in the bilaterians. Given the distinct gating phenotypes of the Erg genes in Drosophila and mammals, we decided to explore the functional evolution of the Erg gene family to determine the origins of the distinct IKr-like and DmErg gating phenotypes in the Erg gene family. We functionally characterized CeErg and Erg paralogs from the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. We examined CeErg to determine whether the DmErg gating phenotype was present in multiple protostome invertebrate phyla. We reasoned that comparison of bilaterian and Nematostella Erg channels would provide insight into ancestral Erg gating phenotypes present before the cnidarian/bilaterian divergence. Functional and phylogenetic analysis presented here supports an IKr-like phenotype as the ancestral gating pattern. An alternate DmErg-like gating phenotype has emerged independently at least twice during metazoan evolution (once in cnidarians and at least once in protostomes) and correlates with loss of the cytoplasmic eag gating domain.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of the most important cereal grains in the world today and serves as a staple food source for more than half of the world’s population. Research into when, where, and how rice was brought into cultivation and eventually domesticated, along with its development into a staple food source, is thus essential. These questions have been a point of nearly continuous research in both archaeology and genetics, and new information has continually come to light as theory, data acquisition, and analytical techniques have advanced over time. Here, we review the broad history of our scientific understanding of the rice domestication process from both an archaeological and genetic perspective and examine in detail the information that has come to light in both of these fields in the last 10 y. Current findings from genetics and archaeology are consistent with the domestication of O. sativa japonica in the Yangtze River valley of southern China. Interestingly, although it appears rice was cultivated in the area by as early 8000 BP, the key domestication trait of nonshattering was not fixed for another 1,000 y or perhaps longer. Rice was also cultivated in India as early as 5000 BP, but the domesticated indica subspecies currently appears to be a product of the introgression of favorable alleles from japonica. These findings are reshaping our understanding of rice domestication and also have implications for understanding the complex evolutionary process of plant domestication.  相似文献   

Grain yield in many cereal crops is largely determined by grain size. Here we report the genetic and molecular characterization of GS3, a major quantitative trait locus for grain size. It functions as a negative regulator of grain size and organ size. The wild-type isoform is composed of four putative domains: a plant-specific organ size regulation (OSR) domain in the N terminus, a transmembrane domain, a tumor necrosis factor receptor/nerve growth factor receptor (TNFR/NGFR) family cysteine-rich domain, and a von Willebrand factor type C (VWFC) in the C terminus. These domains function differentially in grain size regulation. The OSR domain is both necessary and sufficient for functioning as a negative regulator. The wild-type allele corresponds to medium grain. Loss of function of OSR results in long grain. The C-terminal TNFR/NGFR and VWFC domains show an inhibitory effect on the OSR function; loss-of-function mutations of these domains produced very short grain. This study linked the functional domains of the GS3 protein to natural variation of grain size in rice.  相似文献   

The early diversification of angiosperms in diverse ecological niches is poorly understood. Some have proposed an origin in a darkened forest habitat and others an open aquatic or near aquatic habitat. The research presented here centers on Montsechia vidalii, first recovered from lithographic limestone deposits in the Pyrenees of Spain more than 100 y ago. This fossil material has been poorly understood and misinterpreted in the past. Now, based upon the study of more than 1,000 carefully prepared specimens, a detailed analysis of Montsechia is presented. The morphology and anatomy of the plant, including aspects of its reproduction, suggest that Montsechia is sister to Ceratophyllum (whenever cladistic analyses are made with or without a backbone). Montsechia was an aquatic angiosperm living and reproducing below the surface of the water, similar to Ceratophyllum. Montsechia is Barremian in age, raising questions about the very early divergence of the Ceratophyllum clade compared with its position as sister to eudicots in many cladistic analyses. Lower Cretaceous aquatic angiosperms, such as Archaefructus and Montsechia, open the possibility that aquatic plants were locally common at a very early stage of angiosperm evolution and that aquatic habitats may have played a major role in the diversification of some early angiosperm lineages.When did early angiosperms begin to diversify ecologically? This question is currently unanswered. Age estimates of the divergence of crown-group angiosperms using molecular clock data vary considerably, although it is in the range of (max. 210–) often accepted, 150–140 (min. 130) million years (17). Parsimony reconstruction of early angiosperm habit suggests that they may have been shrubs living in “damp, dark, and disturbed” habitats (8). In contrast, many living aquatic angiosperms are basal in angiosperm phylogenies [e.g., Nymphaeales in Amborella, Nymphaeales and Illiciales, Trimeniaceae-Austrobaileya (ANITA) or Ceratophyllales with the eudicots as commonly understood]. In the fossil record, we have found an aquatic angiosperm, Montsechia vidalii (Zeiller) Teixeira, which is an atypical plant fossil found in the Barremian (130–125 million years ago) freshwater limestone in the Pyrenees and Iberian Range in Spain. Montsechia (Fig. 1) lacks roots (no proximal or adventitious roots were found in more than 1,000 shoots examined) and shows flexible axes and two types of phyllotaxy and leaf morphology. The cuticle is very thin with rare stomata. The fruit is closed with a pore near the distal tip, indehiscent, and contains one unitegmic seed developed from an orthotropous and pendent ovule (Figs. 2 and and3).3). Cladistic analysis of these characters places Montsechia on the stem lineage basal to extant Ceratophyllum or a clade formed by Ceratophyllum and Chloranthaceae (Fig. 4) suggesting that mesangiosperms (non-ANITA angiosperms) existed 125 million years ago, as indicated by the tricolpate pollen record. Montsechia is well-adapted to a submerged aquatic habit. Montsechia is contemporaneous with another aquatic plant fossil, Archaefructus, indicating that some of the earliest angiosperms were fully aquatic very early in their ecological diversification.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Long- and short-leaved forms of Montsechia vidalii. (A) The long-leaved specimen shows very flexuous branches and opposite, long leaves. LH02556. (Scale bar, 10 mm.) (B) The short-leaved specimen shows regularly developed lateral branches and tiny leaf rosettes. LH07198. (Scale bar, 10 mm.)Open in a separate windowFig. 2.Fruit and seed of Montsechia vidalii. The fruit shows a small apical pore (po). The funicle (f) of the single, upside-down seed (orthotropous pendent) is attached from the hilum (h) to the placenta (pl). (Scale bar, 500 µm.)Open in a separate windowFig. 3.Reconstructions of Montsechia vidalii. (A) The long-leaved form shows the opposite leaves and branches. (B) The short-leaved form shows the alternate phyllotaxy of leaves and branches bearing pairs of ascidiate, nonornamented fruits. (C and D) The fruit shows a small apical pore and a single seed developed from an orthotropous pendent ovule. The funicle arises from the placenta (near the micropyle) to the hilum (near the pollination pore). (C) Lateral view. (D) Front view. Diagram by O. Sanisidro, B.G., and V.D.-G.Open in a separate windowFig. 4.Most parsimonious position of Montsechia in a simplified tree derived from the matrix by Endress and Doyle (26) using the J & M backbone. Taxa in blue are considered ancestrally water-related (27). Diagram by C.C. and B.G.  相似文献   

The growing world population and shrinkage of arable land demand yield improvement of rice, one of the most important staple crops. To elucidate the genetic basis of yield and uncover its associated loci in rice, we resequenced the core recombinant inbred lines of Liang–You–Pei–Jiu, the widely cultivated super hybrid rice, and constructed a high-resolution linkage map. We detected 43 yield-associated quantitative trait loci, of which 20 are unique. Based on the high-density physical map, the genome sequences of paternal variety 93–11 and maternal cultivar PA64s of Liang–You–Pei–Jiu were significantly improved. The large recombinant inbred line population combined with plentiful high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms and insertions/deletions between parental genomes allowed us to fine-map two quantitative trait loci, qSN8 and qSPB1, and to identify days to heading8 and lax panicle1 as candidate genes, respectively. The quantitative trait locus qSN8 was further confirmed to be days to heading8 by a complementation test. Our study provided an ideal platform for molecular breeding by targeting and dissecting yield-associated loci in rice.Rice is one of the most important staple crops in the world and serves as a model for monocots (1). Currently, rice breeding faces the challenge of overcoming the yield plateau. All important agronomic traits would ultimately need to consider their impacts on the yield, which is linked to various growth and developmental components, such as tiller number, seed number and set, and grain weight, to name a few. A number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) have been reported to control these components, including those revealed by map-based cloning studies, such as IPA1/WFP for tiller and spikelet numbers (2, 3); days to heading8 (DTH8)/Ghd8 and Ghd7 for heading date, plant height, and spikelet number (4, 5); Gn1 for spikelet number (6); GIF1 for seed set (7); and grain size3 (GS3) and GW5 for grain size and weight (8, 9). Although a series of QTLs for yield components have been cloned, elucidation of the genetic mechanisms underlying the inheritance of superior yield in super hybrid rice still has a long way to go.Hybrid rice has a notable contribution to yield improvement. Various commercialized hybrids are derived by crossing different varieties within or between two subspecies, Oryza sativa ssp. indica and ssp. japonica (10, 11). As a pioneer super hybrid rice, Liang–You–Pei–Jiu (LYP9) realized the target of 10.5 tons/ha in 2000 (12). LYP9 was developed by a cross of the paternal 93–11, an indica variety widely grown in China (13), and the maternal PA64s cultivar with a mixed genetic background of indica and javanica. To date, it has been widely cultivated for commercial production in China. Such a feature was thought to make LYP9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) ideal materials for exploring molecular mechanisms underlying rice yield.Here, we constructed a high-density linkage map by resequencing the parents of LYP9 and 132 core RILs. As a result, we finished the chromosome-scale genome sequence of PA64s and updated the 93–11 genome sequence by anchoring to chromosomes, filling up gaps, and correcting single-base errors. Twenty-five unique QTLs related to rice production were identified. One QTL, qSN8 for spikelet number, was fine-mapped with a large RIL population and confirmed as DTH8 by a complementation test.  相似文献   

Genetic structure and isolation by distance in a landrace of Thai rice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rice is among the 3 most important crops worldwide. While much of the world''s rice harvest is based on modern high-yield varieties, traditional varieties of rice grown by indigenous groups have great importance as a resource for future crop improvement. These local landraces represent an intermediate stage of domestication between a wild ancestor and modern varieties and they serve as reservoirs of genetic variation. Such genetic variation is influenced both by natural processes such as selection and drift, and by the agriculture practices of local farmers. How these processes interact to shape and change the population genetics of landrace rice is unknown. Here, we determine the population genetic structure of a single variety of landrace rice, Bue Chomee, cultivated by Karen people of Thailand. Microsatellite markers reveal high level of genetic variation despite predominant inbreeding in the crop. Bue Chomee rice shows slight but significant genetic differentiation among Karen villages. Moreover, genetically determined traits such as flowering time can vary significantly among villages. An unanticipated result was the overall pattern of genetic differentiation across villages which conforms to an isolation by distance model of differentiation. Isolation by distance is observed in natural plant species where the likelihood of gene flow is inversely related to distance. In Karen rice, gene flow is the result of farmers'' seed sharing networks. Taken together, these data suggest that landrace rice is a dynamic genetic system that responds to evolutionary forces, both natural and those imposed by humans.  相似文献   

Grain size and shape are important components determining rice grain yield, and they are controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Here, we report the cloning and functional characterization of a major grain length QTL, qGL3, which encodes a putative protein phosphatase with Kelch-like repeat domain (OsPPKL1). We found a rare allele qgl3 that leads to a long grain phenotype by an aspartate-to-glutamate transition in a conserved AVLDT motif of the second Kelch domain in OsPPKL1. The rice genome has other two OsPPKL1 homologs, OsPPKL2 and OsPPKL3. Transgenic studies showed that OsPPKL1 and OsPPKL3 function as negative regulators of grain length, whereas OsPPKL2 as a positive regulator. The Kelch domains are essential for the OsPPKL1 biological function. Field trials showed that the application of the qgl3 allele could significantly increase grain yield in both inbred and hybrid rice varieties, due to its favorable effect on grain length, filling, and weight.  相似文献   

Conflict/reconciliation between mitochondria and nuclei in plants is manifested by the fate of pollen (viable or nonviable) in the cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS)/fertility restoration (Rf) system. Through positional cloning, we identified a nuclear candidate gene, RETROGRADE-REGULATED MALE STERILITY (RMS) for Rf17, a fertility restorer gene for Chinese wild rice (CW)-type CMS in rice (Oryza sativa L.). RNA interference-mediated gene silencing of RMS restored fertility to a CMS plant, whereas its overexpression in the fertility restorer line induced pollen abortion. The mRNA expression level of RMS in mature anthers depended on cytoplasmic genotype, suggesting that RMS is a candidate gene to be regulated via retrograde signaling. We found that a reduced-expression allele of the RMS gene restored fertility in haploid pollen, whereas a normal-expression allele caused pollen to die in the CW-type CMS. RMS encodes a mitochondrial protein, 178 aa in length, of unknown function, unlike the majority of other Rf genes cloned thus far, which encode pentatricopeptide repeat proteins. The unique features of RMS provide novel insights into retrograde signaling and CMS.  相似文献   

Hydrothermal vent ecosystems support diverse life forms, many of which rely on symbiotic associations to perform functions integral to survival in these extreme physicochemical environments. Epsilonproteobacteria, found free-living and in intimate associations with vent invertebrates, are the predominant vent-associated microorganisms. The vent-associated polychaete worm, Alvinella pompejana, is host to a visibly dense fleece of episymbionts on its dorsal surface. The episymbionts are a multispecies consortium of Epsilonproteobacteria present as a biofilm. We unraveled details of these enigmatic, uncultivated episymbionts using environmental genome sequencing. They harbor wide-ranging adaptive traits that include high levels of strain variability analogous to Epsilonproteobacteria pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori, metabolic diversity of free-living bacteria, and numerous orthologs of proteins that we hypothesize are each optimally adapted to specific temperature ranges within the 10–65 °C fluctuations characteristic of the A. pompejana habitat. This strategic combination enables the consortium to thrive under diverse thermal and chemical regimes. The episymbionts are metabolically tuned for growth in hydrothermal vent ecosystems with genes encoding the complete rTCA cycle, sulfur oxidation, and denitrification; in addition, the episymbiont metagenome also encodes capacity for heterotrophic and aerobic metabolisms. Analysis of the environmental genome suggests that A. pompejana may benefit from the episymbionts serving as a stable source of food and vitamins. The success of Epsilonproteobacteria as episymbionts in hydrothermal vent ecosystems is a product of adaptive capabilities, broad metabolic capacity, strain variance, and virulent traits in common with pathogens.  相似文献   

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