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OBJECTIVE: To test the diagnostic constructs implied by DSM-IV Axis-II personality disorders by examining relationships between different combinations of DSM-IV criteria. METHOD: Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the borderline, schizotypal, avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder constructs in a large treatment-seeking sample (N= 668) from a multisite study. A model based on the three DSM-IV Axis II clusters was also tested. Both models were tested against a unitary 'generic' model constructed from four criteria sets combined. RESULTS: Goodness-of-fit for both the three-cluster and four disorder models was significantly better than the unidimensional model, and the four-disorder model was significantly better than the three-cluster model. Results were replicated using data from 2-year follow-up obtained by interviewers blind to original Axis II diagnoses at baseline. CONCLUSION: Support is provided for the DSM-IV disorder-level classification for schizotypal, borderline, avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders in a treatment-seeking sample.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There exists no empirical literature documenting the long-term longitudinal stability of personality pathology comparable to that available for normal personality. A number of test-retest studies have usefully established the short-term reliability of Axis II measures. However, the test-retest design is methodologically inadequate for resolving issues related to the long-term stability of personality disorder (PD). This prospective longitudinal study evaluated the stability of PD features in multiwave perspective. METHODS: Subjects (N = 250) drawn from a nonclinical university population were examined for PD features at 3 different time points using the International Personality Disorders Examination (IPDE) and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory II (MCMI-II) during a study period of 4 years. RESULTS: Features of PD displayed considerable evidence of stability for individual differences and group means, at the dimensional level of analysis, on both the IPDE and the MCMI-II. Both measures revealed modest declines in PD features over time; however, the observed changes were associated with relatively small effect sizes. CONCLUSION: Features of PD, viewed from a dimensional perspective, seem to be relatively stable in terms of individual differences and group means based on both clinical interview and self-administered PD assessments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of subtypes and particular clinical features of mood disorders to co-occurrence with specific personality disorders. Five hundred and seventy-one subjects recruited for the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study (CLPS) were assessed with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) and the Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders (DIPD-IV). Percent co-occurrence rates for current and lifetime mood disorders with personality disorders were calculated. Logistic regression analyses examined the effects of clinical characteristics of depressive disorders (e.g., age at onset, recurrence, symptom severity, double depression, and atypical features) on personality disorder co-occurrence. In comparison with other DSM-IV personality disorders, avoidant, borderline, and dependent personality disorders (PDs) were most specifically associated with mood disorders, particularly depressive disorders. Severity and recurrence of major depressive disorder and comorbid dysthymic disorder predicted co-occurrence with borderline and to a lesser extent research criteria depressive personality disorders. The results are consistent with the view that a mood disorder with an insidious onset and recurrence, chronicity, and progression in severity leads to a personality disorder diagnosis in young adults.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging studies of impulsive-aggressive subjects with borderline personality disorder (BPD) demonstrate hypometabolism in areas of prefrontal and frontal cortex, and a blunted cortical metabolic response to challenge with serotonergic agonists. Neuroendocrine responses to serotonergic challenge are known to vary greatly by gender, and may be related to sex differences in expression of impulsive aggression. We conducted single-blind, placebo-controlled fenfluramine-activated positron emission tomography (PET) studies in impulsive male and female subjects with BPD to look for gender differences in cortical response. The sample comprised 22 BPD (15 female, 7 male) and 24 control subjects (10 female, 14 male) who received placebo on Day 1 and d,l-fenfluramine on Day 2 before PET neuroimaging. In response to placebo, female, but not male, controls had areas of increased uptake of fluorodeoxyglucose-F18 in prefrontal cortex compared with BPD subjects, with greatest uptake in the medial orbital frontal cortex, bilaterally. Male, but not female, BPD subjects, showed areas of increased glucose utilization compared with controls in large areas of parietal and occipital cortex, bilaterally. In response to fenfluramine (relative to placebo), significant decreases in glucose uptake were found in male, but not female, BPD subjects, centered in the left temporal lobe. Female, but not male, control subjects showed significantly decreased uptake in areas of right frontal and temporal cortex. Covarying for impulsive-aggression rendered nonsignificant the gender differences in responses to placebo or fenfluramine. Gender differences in serotonergic function may mediate differences in behavioral expression of impulsive aggression in subjects with BPD.  相似文献   

Affective instability, defined as repeated, rapid, and abrupt shifts in mood, is considered the core pathology in borderline personality disorder. The temporal pattern of affective instability can be best captured with the experience sampling method-longitudinal assessment of people’s affective states as they occur in real time and in their natural environment. A review of the experience sampling studies published to date for borderline personality disorder suggests the following mood variability pattern: intense negative mood, more frequent and abrupt mood changes than healthy controls and patients with major depression, and partial triggering of affect by external events. The method also has great potential to investigate the links between affective instability and other psychological and behavioral correlates of the disorder, such as suicide, lack of self-esteem, and erratic behaviors. However, the method requires systematic study to determine best data collection designs and mathematical models of mood variability.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated a higher prevalence of panic disorder in women than in men. This study explored whether the prevalence of specific panic symptoms differs by gender. METHOD: National Comorbidity Survey data from 609 respondents who met DSM-III-R criteria for panic disorder or panic attacks were analyzed to test for gender differences across 18 panic symptoms. RESULTS: Among National Comorbidity Survey respondents with panic disorder or panic attacks, female respondents were more likely than male respondents to experience respiration-related difficulties during panic attacks. CONCLUSIONS: Specific symptoms occurring during panic attacks differ by gender. The pathophysiology of these symptom differences may involve gender differences in sensitivity to CO(2) and in the threshold for panic attacks during hypoxic and hypercapnic states.  相似文献   

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is associated with behavioral and emotional dysregulation, particularly in social contexts; however, the underlying pathophysiology at the level of brain function is not well understood. Previous studies found abnormalities in frontal cortical and limbic areas suggestive of poor frontal regulation of downstream brain regions. However, the striatum, which is closely connected with the medial frontal cortices and plays an important role in motivated behaviors and processing of rewarding stimuli, has been understudied in BPD. Here we hypothesized that, in addition to frontal dysfunction, BPD patients may show abnormal striatal function. In this study, 38 BPD patients with intermittent explosive disorder (BPD-IED) and 36 healthy controls (HC) participated in the Point Subtraction Aggression Paradigm (PSAP), a computer game played with a fictitious other player. (18)Fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) measured relative glucose metabolism (rGMR) within caudate and putamen in response to aggression-provoking and non-provoking versions of the PSAP. Male BPD-IED patients had significantly lower striatal rGMR than all other groups during both conditions, although male and female BPD-IED patients did not differ in clinical or behavioral measures. These sex differences suggest differential involvement of frontal-striatal circuits in BPD-IED, and are discussed in relation to striatal involvement in affective learning and social decision-making.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study tested the factor structure of the DSM-IV criteria for borderline personality disorder by using confirmatory methods for the analysis of covariance structures in a large group from a multisite study. METHOD: A total of 668 primarily treatment-seeking subjects were reliably assessed for personality disorders by using the Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders. Associations among criteria for borderline personality disorder were examined. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to test diagnosis as a unitary construct and to test an earlier-reported three-factor model comprising disturbed relatedness, behavioral dysregulation, and affective dysregulation. The three-factor model was subsequently tested by using a subset (N=498) of the study group that was reassessed 2 years later by independent evaluators who were blind to original diagnoses. RESULTS: Internal consistency of the borderline personality disorder diagnosis was adequate for both baseline and follow-up assessments. A confirmatory factor analysis model testing the borderline personality disorder diagnosis as a unitary construct provided good fit, and the three-factor model offered a significantly better fit for the baseline assessment. The three-factor model was replicated with the 2-year follow-up data. CONCLUSIONS: The diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder appear to reflect a statistically coherent construct. Three homogeneous components were supported empirically, lending conceptual clarity to different classes of the criteria for borderline personality disorder.  相似文献   

EEG in borderline personality disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Neuroimaging has become one of the most important methods in the investigation of the neurobiological underpinnings of borderline personality disorder. Structural and functional imaging studies have revealed dysfunction in different brain regions which seem to contribute to borderline symptomatology. This review presents relevant studies using different methodologies: volumetry of limbic and prefrontal regions, investigations of brain metabolism under resting conditions, studies of serotonergic neurotransmission, and challenge studies using emotional, stressful, and sensory stimuli. Dysfunction in a frontolimbic network is suggested to mediate much, if not all of the borderline symptomatology.  相似文献   


1. 1. Twelve patients with borderline personality disorder and not suffering a major depression were treated with fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, in an open label trial. All of the patients improved, and 75% were rated as much or very much improved.

2. 2. Treatment was generally very well tolerated, but careful dosage titration was important in some patients, especially to manage agitation.

3. 3. Improvement has been maintained with continued treatment throughout the follow-up period which ranged up to six months.

4. 4. Incidental findings suggest fluoxetine may also be of use in treating substance abuse, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, late luteal phase dysphoria disorder, dysthymic and cyclothymic disorders, and seasonal pattern depression.

5. 5. These preliminary results support the hypothesis that borderline personality disorder may be related to a central scrotonergic deficit.

Author Keywords: borderline personality; fluoxetine; pharmacotherapy; serotonin reuptake inhibitor  相似文献   

Clinical observations suggest that depressive experiences in patients with borderline personality disorder have a specific quality. These experiences are characterized by emptiness and anger ("angry depression") and are associated with primitive forms of object relations. In this study, this observation was tested empirically. A sample of borderline inpatients (N=30) was compared with a sample of inpatients with higher levels of personality organization suffering from neurotic disorders (N=30). Depression and other affects were assessed by the Affective Dictionary Ulm (Dahl, H?lzer, & Berry, 1992). The quality of object relations was assessed by a scale developed by Urist (1977), which was applied to responses in the Holtzman Inkblot Technique (Holtzman, Thorpe, Swartz, & Herron, 1961). Correlations were assessed between depression, on the one hand, and anger, anxiety, and the quality of object relations, on the other hand. The clinical observations were confirmed: In the patients with borderline personality disorder, depression showed significant correlations with the affects of anger, anxiety, and fear, and with primitive forms of object relations. In the patients with higher levels of personality organization, no such correlations were found. The results are discussed with regard to the understanding of borderline disorders, diagnosis, and therapy.  相似文献   

The P300 response to an auditory two-tone discrimination task has previously been reported to have prolonged latency and reduced amplitude in schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder. In this study, P300 was recorded from 23 subjects with borderline personality disorder, 12 subjects fulfilling criteria for both borderline and schizotypal personality, and 11 subjects with schizotypal personality. The mean P300 latency was similar in each of these groups and was significantly longer than in 32 patients with neuroses and other personality disorders and 74 nonpatient controls. These findings suggest that borderline and schizotypal patients share a similar abnormality in auditory stimulus evaluation and question whether or not these disorders are separate.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is known as a serious psychiatric disorder with high prevalence rates in clinical psychiatric populations. BPD is often very difficult to treat and is linked with conflicts among therapists and treatment teams. Over the last decades, in particular, neurobiological findings and psychotherapeutic research have led to a better understanding and treatment outcomes in BPD. The therapy of choice is psychotherapy. In the following review four efficient disorder-specific treatments for BPS are presented, two of which are cognitive-behaviourally oriented (dialectical behavioural therapy, DBT; scheme-focused therapy, SFT), and the other two are psychodynamically oriented (transference focused psychotherapy, TFP; mentalisation-based treatment, MBT). In this review, the similarities and differences of the methods are elaborated and discussed. After the current considerable progress in disorder-specific treatments for BPS, the development of differential indication criteria for the various treatments could lead to an additional improvement of BPD therapy in the future.  相似文献   

Different domains of executive function such as working memory and response inhibition were investigated together with elementary cognitive processes in borderline personality disorder (BPD). Patients with BPD (N=28) were compared to nonpatient controls (NP, N=28) on eight tasks (e.g. n-back, Go/NoGo, CPT-AX). In order to separate impairments in different cognitive domains and to assess the influence of more elementary cognitive processes on executive functioning, tasks were embedded in a reaction-time-decomposition approach. BPD patients solved tasks with accuracies comparable to those of nonpatients. The only exception was the n-back task, for which working memory is required: here, error rates were higher and increased more prominently in BPD patients depending on working memory load. In most tasks, movement times were shorter for BPD patients than for nonpatients, while the quality of task-solving was comparable. The faster processing in the BPD group was observable starting with the simplest task, i.e. a simple reaction-time task. These findings suggest that domains of executive functioning are differentially affected in BPD. In contrast to load-dependent deficits in working memory, response inhibition processes were unimpaired. Faster action-related processes could be observed in BPD patients in a variety of tasks; however, these did not influence executive functioning.  相似文献   

A case series of 10 patients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD) presenting with auditory hallucinosis is examined. In this series, the hallucinations were persistent, longstanding, and a significant source of distress and disability. Extrapolating from this series to our sample of 171 patients with BPD suggests that a form of auditory hallucinosis may occur in almost 30% of this population. The failure to emphasize this phenomenon in current systems of classification risks misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment. Use of terms such as pseudohallucination or quasi hallucination dismisses the phenomenon as unimportant or as "not real." There is an emerging literature on the frequency of hallucinosis among nonpatients. A basis for understanding different forms of hallucination is discussed with reference to the concept of "normativity." We propose a nomenclature for hallucinosis that is expressed in positive terms, reflecting the clinical significance of the phenomenon in different contexts: (1) normative hallucinosis, (2) traumatic-intrusive hallucinosis (as in our series), (3) psychotic hallucinosis, and (4) organic hallucinosis.  相似文献   

Childhood trauma in borderline personality disorder   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Subjects with borderline personality disorder (N = 21) or borderline traits (N = 11) and nonborderline subjects with closely related diagnoses (N = 23) were interviewed in depth regarding experiences of major childhood trauma. Significantly more borderline subjects (81%) gave histories of such trauma, including physical abuse (71%), sexual abuse (68%), and witnessing serious domestic violence (62%); abuse histories were less common in those with borderline traits and least common in the subjects with no borderline diagnosis. These results demonstrate a strong association between a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and a history of abuse in childhood.  相似文献   

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