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The sensory neurons of the nodose ganglion are the classic example of a population of peripheral nervous system neurons that do not require nerve growth factor (NGF) for survival during development but are dependent on other neurotrophins. We have re-examined this assertion by studying the development of the nodose ganglion of mice that have a null mutation in the NGF gene. Compared with wild-type embryos, the number of neurons undergoing apoptosis was elevated in NGF -/- mice, resulting in a significant reduction in the total number of neurons in the ganglion by the end of embryonic development. TrkA, the NGF receptor tyrosine kinase, was expressed in the nodose ganglion throughout development and there was a marked decrease in TrkA mRNA expression in the nodose ganglion of NGF -/- embryos. Although the in vitro survival of the majority of nodose neurons was promoted by brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a minor proportion was supported by NGF in cultures established over a range of embryonic stages. These results clearly demonstrate that a subset of nodose ganglion neurons depends on NGF for survival during development. The finding that the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA was unaffected in the nodose ganglia of NGF-deficient embryos indicates that this NGF-dependent subset is distinct from the subset of catacholaminergic neurons in the nodose ganglion.  相似文献   

Staining for nerve growth factor receptor was observed in the ferret's retinal ganglion cell layer, optic nerve and tract, and in the lateral geniculate nucleus and superficial layers of the superior colliculus in the prenatal period, but had disappeared by birth. Thus the incidence of this transient staining does not correspond with the ganglion cell death that is known to occur in the ferret retina during the first postnatal week.  相似文献   

The afferent vagus nerve has been suggested to be an important component for transmitting peripheral immune signals to the brain. However, there is inconsistent evidence showing that subdiaphragmatic vagotomy did not inhibit the brain mediated behavioral and neural effects induced by the peripheral application of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). LPS triggers innate immune cells through Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). In the present study, we found that TLR4 mRNA and protein was expressed in the rat nodose ganglion. Thus, it is suggested that LPS could activate afferent vagus nerve at the level of nodose ganglion, which exists centrally from the subdiaphragmatic level of vagus nerve. The results could provide evidence for the novel pathway of LPS-induced afferent vagus nerve activation.  相似文献   

We studied the temporal and spatial localization of the low-affinity nerve growth factor receptor (LNGF-R) during the early postnatal period in rat brain in order to understand better the relationship between nerve growth factor (NGF)-like responsiveness and the development of specific central neuronal populations. Four different developmental patterns of LNGF-R mRNA hybridization were found in this study. First, some neurons contain high levels of LNGF-R mRNA from postnatal time points into adulthood, as exemplified by neurons of the cholinergic basal forebrain and mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. Second, several cell groups exhibit robust hybridization during the early postnatal period but contain much reduced levels of LNGF-R mRNA in the adult brain. These include striatal neurons, Purkinje cells of the cerebellum, and several medullary nuclei. A third group of cells produces the LNGF-R transiently during development, including cranial nerve nuclei of the brainstem, the periolivary nuclei complex, the reticular formation, and the deep cerebellar nuclei. Finally, cell populations which may exist only transiently during central nervous system (CNS) development, such as subplate neurons of the cerebral cortex, appear to express the LNGF-R during only a brief period. These results show that the LNGF-R gene is differentially regulated in a cell type-specific manner during development, and suggests that diverse neuronal populations require only transient growth factor sensitivity, while others exhibit NGF-like responsitivity into maturity.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor (NGF), a classic neurotropic factor, promotes neuronal survival, maintenance, regeneration and differentiation in the peripheral nervous system and parts of the central nervous system. NGF activity is mediated by cell surface bound receptors including the low affinity NGF receptor (LNGFr) which is expressed by some peripheral and central neurons and is present on peripheral nerve Schwann cells during development and regeneration. The olfactory system is a useful model for the study of the role of LNGFr in neuronal development and regeneration. The growth of olfactory axons into the brain begins in the embryo and continue through the first few postnatal weeks. In mature animals there is persistent turnover and generation of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and continuous growth of new axons into the oflfactory bulb. These new axons grow along the preexisting olfactory pathway. In the mature olfactory system, LNGFr has been observed in the glomerular layer of the olfactory bulb, the target of ORNs. However, neither the cellular localization nor the development expression of LNGFr has been characterized. Her, we tested the hypothesis that LNGFr expression is developmentally regulated in the olfactory nerve and is reinduced following injury to the mature olfactory nerve. LNGFr-immunoreactivity (IR) was first observed in the olfactory mucosa at embryonic day (E)13 and in the olfactory nerve at E14. LNGFr-IR increased in the nerve during embryonic development, began to decrease at around postnatal day (P)5 and was scarcely detectable in normal adults. The staining patterns suggests that LNGFr is located on the olfactory nerve Schwann cells. Streaks of LNGFr-IR were present in the adult olfactory nerve. We reasoned that these streaks might represent transient reexpression of LNGFr associated with normal olfactory neurons turnover and replacement. Consistent with this hypothesis, LNGFr was robustly reexpressed in the adult olfactory nerve following lesion of the olfactory epithelium. Starting late in development (E21) and in the adult, LNGFr-IR was also observed on fibres in deep layers of the olfactory bulb. LNGFr-IR was also observed in neurons of the nucleus of the diagonal band (NDB) in the basal forebrain. NDB is the sole source of cholingeric afferents of the olfactory bulb. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that LNGFr in the deep layers of the olfactory bulb is located on NDB axons by making lesions of NDB. Following the lesion, LNGFr-IR disappeared in the deep layers of the olfactory bulb but remained in the glomerular layer. We conclude that LNGFr-IR is associated with several distinct populations of cells in the olfactory system. This suggests that LNGFr-IR plays several distinct functional roles in the olfactory system, including support of olfactory axon growth and regeneration and maintenance of cholinergic innervation of the olfactory bulb. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The survival of retinal ganglion cells and the dendritic development were investigated a) in normal chick embryos, b) in embryos whose primordial optic lobes and adjacent areas were removed (target reduced embryos), and c) in embryos whose optic nerves were transected (target deprived embryos) in order to study the influences of central targets on developing ganglion cells. The ganglion cells were stained postmortem with the carbocyanine dye DiI. Cell body and dendritic field diameters were measured in whole-mounted retinae before and after the period of cell death at embryonic day 10 (E10) and E16. The cell densities within the ganglion cell layer were counted in cresyl violet/thionine stained retinae. The central retinal projection in target reduced embryos was studied with the anterogradely transported fluorescent marker rhodamine-B-isothiocyanate (RITC). In normal embryos, the earliest dendritic processes were observed at E6 in the central retina, whereas at E10 elaborate dendritic branching was found across the retina. Different morphological types of ganglion cells could be identified at E16. In both, target reduced embryos and target deprived embryos, the initial dendritic growth and pattern of ramification were indistinguishable from those of normal embryos up to E10. Cell body diameters, dendritic tree diameters, and cell densities were not significantly different. At the end of the naturally occurring cell death period (E16), the ganglion cell density was strongly reduced in both experimental groups compared to controls. In particular, when the optic nerve was transected, it resulted in the almost complete degeneration of ganglion cells. In target reduced embryos, a small population (about 5% of the normal number) of ganglion cells survived. The proportion of large cells was increased within the total population compared to normal retinae. Displaced ganglion cells were not affected by partial target removal but strongly affected by transection of the optic nerve. Anterograde labelling from the retina revealed that in target reduced embryos the remaining ganglion cells innervated non-tectal primary visual nuclei. The present results suggest the following: a) Before the onset of the cell death period, the growth and ramification of ganglion cell dendrites occur independently of central visual targets. b) In target reduced embryos, a small population of ganglion cells survives, namely, those cells that project to remaining central areas. Complete disconnection from central targets by transecting the optic nerve leads to the degeneration of almost all ganglion cells. c) The surviving ganglion cell population consists mainly of large ganglion cells.  相似文献   

NGF is a neurotrophic factor for basal forebrain cholinergic neurons and may serve to counteract the cholinergic deficits that are observed in Alzheimer's disease. Prior to the introduction of clinical trials, it is essential that recombinant human NGF (rhNGF) be produced and that its actions on target cells in the CNS be demonstrated. We prepared rhNGF and examined its actions on fetal rat brain neurons in culture including, in particular, the cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain. rhNGF was more potent in increasing choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity in septal cultures than NGF purified from mouse salivary glands (mNGF). ED50s of the beta-NGF dimers were 4.9 pM for rhNGF and 12.4 pM for mNGF. The maximal ChAT activity response was achieved at approximately 35 pM with both NGFs and their efficacies were not significantly different. The two NGFs were not additive in effect. Identical to the results with mNGF, rhNGF strongly enhanced the intensity of ChAT immunostaining in septal cultures. Neither rhNGF nor mNGF affected the appearance of the cultures under phase-contrast illumination. Survival of cells at very low plating density on polyornithine/laminin-coated culture dishes was not affected by rhNGF or mNGF. Protein content and the uptake of GABA were also unaffected. At concentrations of up to 10 micrograms/ml, rhNGF did not significantly increase uptake of dopamine into cultures of ventral mesencephalon. We conclude that rhNGF produces potent and selective actions on cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain as previously shown for mNGF.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins and neurotrophin receptors play an important role in survival and growth of injured peripheral nerves. To study the injury-mediated neurotrophic response in autonomic nerves, we investigated changes in mRNA expression of neurotrophins and their receptors in the transected vagus nerve and nodose ganglion. Studies using in situ hybridization histochemistry showed that axotomy of the cervical vagus nerve resulted in increased expression of mRNAs for nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), and for TrkA, TrkB, and TrkC receptors in non-neuronal cells at both the proximal and distal segments of the transected cervical vagus nerve. Moreover, NGF protein was increased in the distal end, and NT-3 protein was increased in both the proximal and the distal ends of the transected nerve 3 days after axotomy. No change of p75(NTR) mRNA was detected in the transected vagus nerve. The induction of each neurotrophin and Trk receptor mRNA was apparent within 1 day after the axotomy and was sustained at least 14 days. By 45 days after the axotomy, a time when axonal reconnection with target tissue is made (integrity of the nerve-target connection was confirmed by the retrograde transport of FluoroGold from the stomach to vagal cell bodies), the levels of neurotrophin and Trk mRNAs in the vagus nerve declined to pre-axotomy levels. TrkA, TrkC, and p75(NTR) mRNA-containing vagal sensory neurons in the nodose ganglion were reduced in number after cervical vagotomy. Neurotrophin-mRNA-containing neurons were not found in the nodose ganglia from either intact or vagotomized rats. The axotomy-induced up-regulation of neurotrophins and Trk receptors mainly in the non-neuronal cells at or near the site of transection suggests that neurotrophins are involved in the survival and regeneration process of the vagus nerve after injury.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that administration of antisera against NGF (anti-NGF) can have profound effects on developing primary afferents (Ritter et al., 1991). Chronic administration of anti-NGF to rats beginning on the day of birth results in a severe depletion of cutaneous A delta high-threshold mechanoreceptors (HTMRs) from the sural nerve. Here we have carried out further experiments in order to define the period of time over which this change in the cutaneous afferent population can be produced, and to investigate a possible mechanism for the change. Treatment with anti-NGF from postnatal day (PND) 0-14 resulted in a depletion of cutaneous A delta HTMRs from the sural nerve and also a 20% loss of sensory neurons. However, treatment from PND 2-14 produced an identical deficit of HTMRs without any accompanying cell death. Thus, the depletion of cutaneous A delta HTMRs can be achieved in the absence of cell death induced by anti-NGF treatment. It was also found that a 7 d treatment from PND 4-11 was sufficient to reproduce this effect, but that 7 d treatments earlier (PND 2-9) or later (PND 7-14) within the first 2 weeks were much less effective. This critical period, PND 4-11, corresponds to a period of anatomical change in the innervation of the skin, from epidermal innervation to primarily dermal innervation (Fitzgerald, 1967; Reynolds et al., 1991). In every case where anti-NGF treatment reduced the proportion of HTMRs, there was a reciprocal increase in the proportion of sensitive A delta hair follicle (D-hair) afferents. We hypothesize that in the absence of NGF, developing cutaneous A delta HTMRs do not die but innervate novel targets in the dermis and become D-hair afferents instead.  相似文献   

During early embryonic (E12) development almost all dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons express the neuronal isoform of nitric oxide synthase (nNOS). At this stage, the axons of these neurons are rudimentary and have not made contact with peripheral tissue targets. As their axons establish contact with peripheral targets such as the skin, the number of neurons expressing nNOS decrease that correspond to increased immunoreactivity for nerve growth factor (NGF) in the skin, and its high affinity receptor, tyrosine kinase A (trkA) in both skin and DRG neurons. During late postnatal development, very few DRG neurons express nNOS; however, axotomy or NGF deprivation of cultured DRG neurons induce nNOS and NOS blockade causes neuronal death. In contrast, NGF-deprived embryonic and neonatal DRG neurons die by apoptosis, while NOS blockade has no effect. Overall, these observations suggest that NGF and nitric oxide (NO) interact during embryonic and postnatal development to facilitate neuronal selection and survival. The roles of NO, NGF and its receptor trkA in DRG neurons during different stages of development are discussed.  相似文献   

Myelin in the central nervous system (CNS) is hypothesized to help guide the growth of developing axons by inhibiting sprouting of aberrant neurites. Previous studies using animal models lacking CNS myelin have reported that increasing capacity for sprouting axons is negatively correlated with the degree of myelination. In the present study, we investigated the optic nerves of the recently identified Long Evans Shaker (LES) rat with prolonged dysmyelination of adult axons to determine whether the lack of myelin basic protein (MBP) in adult LES rats could manifest as increases in the population of CNS axons. We observed numerous small, unmyelinated axon profiles (<0.3 microm in diameter) clustered in bundles alongside normal caliber axons in dysmyelinated LES rats but not in normal myelinated Long Evans (LE) rats. These putative axon profiles resembled sprouting axons previously described in the CNS. Moreover, the high number of small putative axon profiles could not be accounted for by any significant increases in the number of ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells in the ganglion cell layer when compared with normal rats as evaluated by using a variety of techniques. This finding suggests that the observed clusters of putative axon profiles were not due to developmental abnormalities in the retina but to the lack of myelin in the optic nerves of LES rats. The adult LES rat, therefore, may serve as a useful model to study the role of myelin in regulating axon development or axon regeneration after CNS injury in the adult mammalian system.  相似文献   

Distribution of neuronal receptors for nerve growth factor in the rat   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
To survey the distribution of neuronal receptors for NGF, sections of the rat brain, spinal cord, and peripheral ganglia were incubated in vitro with radioiodinated NGF and examined by autoradiography. NGF binds selectively with high affinity to most sympathetic neurons and many primary sensory neurons together with their intraspinal or intramedullary axons. In autoradiographs of the brain, labeled neuronal perikarya are seen in the basal forebrain, the caudate-putamen, the medulla oblongata, the ventral cochlear nucleus, and the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. The distribution of neurons binding NGF resembles the distribution of cholinergic neurons in the forebrain, but these 2 systems overlap very little in the brain stem. In extracts of the brain or spinal cord enriched for plasma membranes, avid binding sites are regionally manifest with properties similar to those of fetal peripheral neurons. The localization of neurons expressing the high-affinity receptor for NGF defies simple correlation with neurotransmitter function or embryogenesis.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether chronic nerve growth factor (NGF) depletion affects the development of transmedian collateral reinnervation by C-fibres. Using a dye-labelled plasma extravasation technique in rats, the extent of transmedian innervation of the skin by C-fibres in the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) was determined 8-10 weeks after sectioning and preventing regeneration of the contralateral IAN. Another group of animals were immunised against NGF prior to the nerve section and a third group acted as unoperated controls. A small but significant transmedian collateral reinnervation by C-fibres developed after contralateral denervation alone, but was not found in the animals also immunised against NGF. These results suggest that NGF is essential for the development of collateral reinnervation from cutaneous C-fibres.  相似文献   

M E Eichler  K M Rich 《Brain research》1989,482(2):340-346
The time course of dependence on nerve growth factor (NGF) for survival in sensory neurons in vitro was examined with microscopic and biochemical methods. Primary dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cultures from embryonic-day-15 (E-15) and day-19 (E-19) rats were maintained with standard dissociated cell culture techniques in the absence of most non-neuronal cells. After various times in culture, neurons were acutely deprived of neurotrophic support by changing to NGF-free medium and adding NGF antiserum to eliminate any residual NGF. Neuronal cultures were examined with phase microscopy; and, their metabolic activity was measured with a protein assay at various time points after NGF deprivation. E-15 neurons grown in culture for 5 days were exquisitely sensitive to acute NGF deprivation. By 12 h after NGF deprivation, neuronal morphology was severely disrupted and the majority of neurons appeared dead. E-15 neurons grown in culture for 8 or 11 days showed progressively less dependence on NGF for survival. These older neurons did not die until 24 and 48 h, respectively, following NGF withdrawal. Neurons grown in culture for 20 days did not show any morphologic changes by phase microscopy up to 4 days after NGF deprivation. Protein incorporation progressively decreased between 12 and 48 h after NGF withdrawal in E-15 neurons grown in culture for 5, 8, or 11 days.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

J Alcayaga  C Eyzaguirre 《Brain research》1990,534(1-2):324-328
The electrophysiological characteristics of nodose ganglion sensory neurons, cultured alone or co-cultured with carotid body tissue, were compared. Some properties of the neurons and their response to acid (a carotid body 'natural' stimulus) changed in the presence of this tissue. (a) The evoked action potential after-hyperpolarization was smaller and longer whereas spike amplitude and duration, and the passive membrane properties remained unaltered. (b) Spontaneously occurring action potentials happened more frequently (16% vs 3%). (c) Acid solutions induced appreciable depolarization, an increased discharge, or both, only in a population of co-cultured neurons. These changes probably arose because of synaptic and/or trophic interactions between neurons and glomus cells.  相似文献   

Blockade of axonal transport or transection of the rat sciatic nerve results in transganglionic degenerative atrophy (TDA) of nerve terminals containing fluoride-resistant acid phosphatase (FRAP) in the Rolando substance of the spinal cord. Application of vinblastine (9 micrograms) in a cuff around the sciatic nerve of adult rats blocked the retrograde transport of [125I]NGF in sensory fibers; this amount of vinblastine is identical to the threshold amount that induces TDA. Conversely, application of NGF to the proximal stump of the transected sciatic nerve prevented or delayed the occurrence of TDA as reflected by the maintenance of FRAP in the upper dorsal horn, that otherwise would inevitably disappear following the peripheral nerve lesion. These results suggest that endogenous NGF transported retrogradely in peripheral sensory fibers of the adult rat under normal conditions may be responsible for the regulation of the structural and functional integrity of the central terminals of these FRAP-containing primary sensory neurons and that TDA may be the consequence of the failure of NGF to reach the perikarya of these neurons.  相似文献   

Afferent fibers mediating pain from myocardial ischemia classically are believed to travel in sympathetic nerves to enter the thoracic spinal cord. After sympathectomies, angina pectoris still may radiate to the neck and inferior jaw. Sensory fibers from those regions are thought to enter the central nervous system through upper spinal cord segments. We postulated that axons from nodose ganglion cells might project to cervical cord segments. The purpose of this study was to determine the density and pathway of vagal afferent innervation to the upper cervical spinal cord. Following an injection of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) into the upper cervical spinal cord, approximately 5.8% of cells in the nodose ganglion contained reaction product. Cervical vagotomy did not diminish the density of WGA-HRP labeled cells in the nodose ganglion. However, a spinal cord hemisection cranial to the injection site eliminated labeling of nodose cells. These data indicate that a portion of vagal afferent neurons project from the nodose ganglion to the upper cervical spinal cord. In addition, vagal afferent fibers reach the spinal cord via a central route rather than through dorsal root ganglia.  相似文献   

In the early stages of brain development, cells within the ependymal lining of the neural tube are thought to secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the so-called neural tube fluid (NTF), whereas before fusion of the neural folds, the neuroepithelium that lines the inside of the neural tube is in contact with amniotic fluid. As the neural tube closes, a membrane formed from these cells invaginates to form the specialized choroid plexus. The choroid plexus is a highly vascularized epithelial cell structure that secretes proteins, including growth factors, into the CSF. Embryonic CSF (e-CSF) contains high concentrations of proteins compared to adult CSF. CSF has been reported to contain nerve growth factor (NGF) and other neurotrophic factors. In this study, total protein concentration and NGF level in e-CSF samples from chick embryos were measured using a dye-based protein assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot. The total protein concentration and NGF levels in the CSF decreased from days E10 to E16. There was a rapid increase in total protein content on days E17 and E18, and thereafter the levels decreased from day E19 to day E21. Days E17 and E18 coincide with the onset of neuron migration, proliferation and organization of the cytoarchitecture of the developing cerebral cortex. After that time the total protein concentration and NGF levels decrease until hatching. Since CSF is in contact with the cerebral cortical germinal epithelium, changes in the protein concentration in the CSF could affect neuroepithelial cell proliferation, survival and migration. It is concluded that NGF is not only a constant component of CSF during chick embryogenesis but it might also be involved in cerebral cortical development.  相似文献   

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