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Sequence variation in the gag p6 region in subtype B HIV-1 has been associated with changes in viral replication capacity and antiretroviral drug susceptibility. We examined sequence variation in the HIV-1 gag p6 region using plasma samples from 22 individuals with non-subtype B HIV-1 infection [subtypes A, C, D, F, and G, and circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) CRF01-AE and CRF02_AG]. An additional 105 gag sequences from the Los Alamos National Laboratory database were also analyzed. Extensive length variation was observed in the p6 gag region. Specific patterns of insertions and deletions were observed in different subtypes and CRFs, and no two subtypes or CRFs had the same general pattern. PTAP duplications were more common in subtype C than other strains (3 of 14 in subtype C vs. 2 of 113 in other strains, p = 0.004), and KQE duplications were seen only in subtype B. Further studies are needed to determine whether such genotypic differences influence viral replication capacity, antiretroviral drug susceptibility, or other phenotypic properties of these strains.  相似文献   

Several HIV-1 subtype C-specific gag- and/or nef-based vaccines are currently intended for clinical trial in southern Africa. Here we provide sequences of 64 gag and 45 nef genes sampled in Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa and assess the degree of southern African HIV-1 diversity that will confront these vaccines. Whereas reasonable phylogenetic evidence exists for geographical clustering of subtype C gag and nef sequences from various other parts of the world, there is little evidence of similar population founder effects in the southern African epidemic. The entire breadth of subtype C diversity is represented in the southern African genes suggesting there may be no advantage in producing region- or country-specific subtype C vaccines. We do not, however, find much evidence of intersubtype recombination in the Southern African genes, implying that the likelihood of vaccine failure due to the emergence of intersubtype recombinants is probably low.  相似文献   

Although HIV-1 subtype C is the most prevalent subtype worldwide, data on subtype C viruses are rather limited. Very little information is available on the complete HIV-1 subtype C gag sequences from India. We report full-length gag (p55) sequences from six Indian early seroconverters. The samples were collected within few weeks of seroconversion and may represent immunologically naive viruses. The comparison of p55 sequences with other Indian and non-Indian subtype C sequences as well as with nonsubtype C sequences obtained from the Los Alamos database revealed gag as a well-conserved region of the HIV genome (range: 84-95%). The phylogenetic tree indicated that the sequences compared here cluster together within clade C. Two epitopes in the p24 region of the gag gene were subtype C specific while many epitopes in the same region were also present in other clades. The data on HIV-1 subtype C full-length gag sequences would be useful in the design and evaluation of effective subtype C-based HIV vaccines.  相似文献   

Twenty-four HIV-1 gag genes from patients in India were sequenced and analyzed. All measured 1476-1491 nucleotides with an average of 1483 nucleotides in length. Phylogenetic analysis revealed a homogeneous epidemic of HIV-1 subtype C. Intragenotypic divergence of up to 6.6% was present. Fourteen novel conserved signature pattern residues were delineated for HIV-1 subtype C strains. Each of the 15 nucleocapsid (NC) basic residues was highly conserved p6 gag LXSLFG and PT/SAPP motifs were highly conserved except for PTVPT in three and PTAPT in two strains. Zinc finger motifs were conserved in all. Documented HIV-1 subtype C gag immunodominant CTL epitopes were conserved. The evolving predominance and the change in nature of the epidemic from Thai B to that of subtype C in the Northeastern regions of India were observed. Tracking the evolution of the Indian epidemic has implications for developing a vaccine.  相似文献   

In a population-based study in northern Malawi we investigated HIV-1 subtype C gag and env gene sequences associated with long-term survival. DNA samples were available from 31 individuals surviving between population surveys carried out in the 1980s and 1990s. Most survivors with paired sequences dating from the 1980s and the 1990s had a three codon deletion in the gag p17 region of the sequence retrieved from the sample collected in the 1990s that was not present in the sequence from the same individual dating from the 1980s. This deletion was also not present in any other 1980s sequences from Malawi, but was common in samples collected in Malawi in the 1990s. The deletion is equivalent to the loss of three amino acids in the D helix region of the gag protein, and may be associated with longer survival and onward transmission.  相似文献   

South Africa has one of the fastest growing HIV-1 epidemics, with an estimated 4.7 million people infected. To better understand the genetic diversity of this epidemic and its potential impact on vaccine development, we have cloned and sequenced the complete gag and env genes of 13 primary virus isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of our sequences and 69 complete env genes from the Los Alamos and GenBank databases revealed multiple subclusters within subtype C. The V3 loop region was relatively conserved in all our strains when compared with other subtypes, but the region immediately downstream was highly variable. No intersubtype recombinant forms were observed when comparing the gag and env sequences. Characterization of the complete gag and env genes enabled us to select specific strains for further vaccine development.  相似文献   

Among the 10 subtypes of the M group of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, subtype C is the most prevalent in India and may dominate worldwide in the near future; however, there has been no report on the infectious DNA clone of this subtype. We have isolated an infectious DNA clone of the 93IN101 strain of HIV-1 subtype C, which was isolated in India in 1993. MAGIC5 cells, which are derived from HeLa-CD4-LTR-beta-gal (MAGI) cells and express CCR5, were inoculated with the 93IN101 strain of HIV-1 subtype C. The genomic DNA of the infected cells was used as a template for amplification of the HIV-1 genome. The genome DNA obtained was subcloned into pBR322, and the resulting plasmid was designated as pIndie-C1. The insert of pIndie-C1 was 9680 bp in length and had an intact genomic organization with open reading frames of all structural, regulatory, and accessory proteins. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the nucleotide sequence of pIndie-C1 is closely related to those of HIV-1 subtype C isolated in India. Transfection of pIndie-C1 into 293T cells yielded as much virus as did pNL432, one of the most widely used HIV DNA clones. The recovered Indie-C1 virus infected MAGIC5 but not the parent MAGI cells, indicating that Indie-C1 is CCR5 tropic. Expressed Env protein was reacted efficiently with the sera of HIV-1-infected patients of India, but not of Japan. Expression of Nef and Vpr was also confirmed by immunoblotting.  相似文献   

Amino acid substitutions at HIV-1 Gag p7/p1 and p1/p6 cleavage sites may be selected under antiretroviral pressure or represent natural polymorphisms. Whether changes are associated with specific protease (PR) mutation patterns and different clinical evolution has not been investigated. p7/p1 and p1/p6 cleavage site sequences from sera from 110 patients infected with HIV-1 were compared by regression analysis, using clinical, laboratory, and sequence variables, and the evolution of CD4(+) cell counts and viral load over time. Sixteen of 35 (46%) individuals naive to PR inhibitors (PIs), and 49 of 75 (65%) receiving PI-containing regimens had a p7/p1 and/or p1/p6 cleavage site polymorphism (p = 0.06). A431V and/or L449F were present exclusively among individuals failing PI treatment (17 of 75 [23%] and 3 of 75 [3%], respectively). There was a significant association between A431V and PR M46I,L (OR 13.7; 95% CI 4.2-44.3) and V82A,F,T (OR 8.8; 95% CI 2.7-27.8). Natural polymorphism P453L was strongly associated with the selection of PR I84V (OR 49.5; 95% CI 12-212) and selected against V82 mutation (OR 0.15; 95% CI 0.02-1. 2). After a median followup of 15 months, no polymorphism was associated with parameters of disease progression among individuals failing treatment. Only a limited set of amino acid substitutions can be tolerated at p7/p1 and p1/p6 cleavage sites. A431V is selected in association with specific PR inhibitor mutations. Natural polymorphism P453L might direct the PR resistance pathway through I84V instead of V82 mutation. No short-term clinical impact of cleavage site substitutions was documented.  相似文献   

HIV-1 envelope sequence patterns have implications for virus cell tropism and for the development of an effective vaccine. To identify the sequence characteristics of recently transmitted HIV-1 isolates in southern Africa, we sequenced the V3-V5 envelope regions of 24 male seroconverters in Harare, Zimbabwe. Each of the sequences clustered with previously reported subtype C isolates and there was a mean 17% intersequence pairwise genetic distance between the Zimbabwean isolates. Three isolates were syncytium inducing (SI). One of the SI isolates had an unusual GIGK crown and a deletion at codon 23; one had the codon 23 deletion alone; and one had a high net positive charge in the V3 loop. The extensive genetic diversity within the envelope of subtype C HIV-1 isolates must be considered in vaccine development. Further analysis of subtype C SI isolates and site-directed mutagenesis experiments are required to determine the molecular basis of SI activity in global HIV-1 isolates.  相似文献   

The gag p17 matrix sequences of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) from seven infected mother-infant pairs were analyzed after perinatal transmission. The p17 matrix open reading frame was maintained in 143 of the 166 clones analyzed (86.2% frequency of intact p17 open reading frames). The functional domains essential for p17 matrix function in HIV-1 replication, including targeting of Gag to the plasma membrane, virus assembly and release, envelope glycoprotein incorporation into virus particle, virus entry, and localization of the virus preintegration complex to the nucleus of nondividing cells, were highly conserved in most of the sequences. In addition, examination of the three-dimensional structure of the p17 matrix protein in mother-infant isolates showed a high degree of conservation of amino acids required for correct folding and biological activity. Several amino acid motifs common to most of the mother-infant pairs sequences, including pair-specific signature sequences, were observed. There was a low degree of heterogeneity of gag p17 sequences within mothers, within infants, and between mother-infant pairs, but the distances were greater between epidemiologically unlinked individuals. Phylogenetic analyses of 166 mother-infant pairs and 181 other p17 sequences available from HIV-1 databases revealed distinct clusters for each mother-infant pair and for other p17 sequences. In conclusion, these findings indicate that an intact and functional gag p17 matrix is maintained during maternal-fetal transmission and that several motifs in p17 may be associated with perinatal transmission.  相似文献   

A limited number of full-length gp120 sequences are currently available for subtype C HIV-1 from India. Sequence data from HIV-1 subtype C in early seroconverter stage virus are also very limited. With the objective of identifying the sequence variation in early seroconverters, we compared Indian subtype C gp120 sequences obtained from six early seroconverters presented in this study with non-Indian subtype C sequences from other parts of the world obtained from the Los Alamos database and subtype C potential vaccine candidate sequences. All these samples were collected within a few weeks of seroconversion and hence they represent gp120 sequences of currently circulating viral strains in India. The phylogenetic tree indicated that the Indian sequences compared here clustered together within the C clade. The seroconverter sequences presented in the study would surely help in identifying the immunogenic epitopes and could be utilized further for developing effective prophylactic strategies against HIV-1 subtype C for India.  相似文献   

T-20 is the first in a new class of antiretroviral drugs targeting the entry stage of the virus life cycle. It is a 36 amino acid peptide that binds to the HR1 region of gp41 preventing gp41-mediated fusion with the host cell membrane. T-20 was designed based on the HR2 sequence of HIV-1 subtype B gp41, a region that shows significant genetic variation with HIV-1 subtype C sequences. In order to assess the efficacy of T-20 to inhibit subtype C isolates, a total of 23 isolates were tested for their ability to replicate in the presence of T-20. This included 15 isolates that used CCR5, five that used both CCR5 and CXCR4, and three that used CXCR4. Five of these were from patients failing other antiretroviral therapies. Sequence analysis of the HR2 region indicated that there were 10-16 amino acid changes in the region corresponding to T-20. However, all isolates were effectively inhibited by T-20 at 1 microg/ml. There were no significant differences between viruses that used CCR5 or CXCR4 to enter cells. All isolates, except one, had GIV at positions 36-38 in the HR1 region. One isolate had a GVV motif but this did not affect its sensitivity to T-20. Therefore, T-20 inhibited subtype C viruses despite significant genetic differences in the HR2 region and there was no evidence for baseline resistance to T-20. These data suggest that T-20 would be highly effective in patients with HIV-1 subtype C infection, including those failing existing antiretroviral drug regimens.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) infection is characterized by genetic diversity such that specific viral subtypes are predominant in specific geographic areas. To determine circulating subtypes of HIV-1 in different parts of central Kenya, a cross-sectional study was carried out on HIV-1-positive blood samples collected from consenting individuals in eight hospitals of Kenya's central province. Proviral DNA was extracted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing using primers generated from a highly conserved region of HIV-1 env gp41 were carried out. Ninety-six samples were successfully amplified and sequenced. Analysis of the sequences showed that a majority of them belonged to subtype A1 (67/96, 69.8%), followed by subtypes D (18, 18.7%) and C (11/96, 11.5%). Consistent with findings in other parts of Kenya, HIV-1 subtype A1 was the most dominant virus in circulation. Continued surveillance of circulating subtypes of HIV-1 in Kenya is important in determining the evolution of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Kenya.  相似文献   

Four full-length genome subtype C sequences from South Africa, three of which are being used for vaccine development, were characterized. Three isolates were obtained from recently infected individuals in KwaZulu/Natal: Du151, Du422, and Du179. A fourth isolate, CTSc2, was obtained from an individual residing in Cape Town. All four strains used the CCR5 coreceptor, although Du179 also used CXCR4. The four isolates clustered within subtype C, but the three Du isolates formed a subcluster with a bootstrap value of 100%, with CTSc2 outside the subcluster. None of the strains showed evidence of intersubtype recombination, as expected from the predominance of subtype C in South Africa. All 4 isolates had a 16-amino acid truncation on the 3' end of the Rev protein, identified in other subtype C isolates. Like many other subtype C strains, Du151, Du422, and Du179 had three NF-kappa B-binding sites in the LTR; however, CTSc2 had only two.  相似文献   

The envelope genes of 23 subtype C viral isolates from five individuals with early HIV-1 infection, followed for 2-4 years, were sequenced, analyzed, and correlated to coreceptor usage. Isolates from three participants used the CCR5 coreceptor at all time points, with no significant adaptations in the variable loop lengths, predicted N-linked glycosylation sites, or predicted change in sensitivity to monoclonal antibodies with disease progression. However, two individuals, Du151 and Du179, who had previously been shown to be dually infected with two phylogenetically distinct subtype C strains, were able to use CXCR4 with disease progression. The intraperson genetic diversity was 9% for Du151 and 3% for Du179 compared to <2% for participants who did not undergo a coreceptor switch. In both cases this coreceptor switch was associated with specific amino acid changes in the crown, an increased net amino acid charge in the V3 loop, and an increase in the length of the V1 region.  相似文献   

Enfuvirtide (ENF) is the first in a new class of antiretroviral agents targeting the fusion process of the viral life cycle. ENF is a synthetic 36-amino acid peptide that binds to the HR-1 region of gp41 preventing fusion of viral and cellular membranes. With the introduction of ENF there are now four classes of antiretrovirals each with distinct and different resistance pathways. Resistance to ENF among subtype B HIV-1 isolates is associated with amino acid changes mainly in the HR-1 region, although other regions of envelope have also been implicated. To determine whether subtype C viruses developed resistance mutations similar to subtype B viruses, 11 subtype C and 4 subtype B viruses were passaged in the presence of increasing concentrations of ENF. The subtype C isolates showed varying levels of replication at 1 microg/ml ENF by day 18, but by day 29 all replicated efficiently at 10 microg/ml ENF. All subtype C isolates showed evidence of genotypic changes in gp41 HR-1 following exposure to ENF that included G36S/E/D, I37T, V38M/A/L/E, N/S42D, N43K, L45R/M, and A50T/V. Three subtype C viruses had compensatory changes in the HR-2 region, which corresponds to the ENF sequence, and two isolates had changes in the V3 region. Mutational patterns among the four subtype B viruses were similar to those for subtype C and those previously published in the literature. These data indicate that in vitro resistance to ENF develops rapidly among HIV-1 subtype C isolates. In general, mutational patterns for subtype C were similar to those described for subtype B, suggesting that the mechanism of action for ENF is similar for HIV-1 subtype B and C isolates.  相似文献   

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