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在新形势下,医院的党建工作如何增强针对性和实效性,更好地发挥党组织的政治核心作用和党员的先锋模范作用,构建和谐医院,促进卫生事业健康发展,增强党组织凝聚力,就是要建立并严格执行党建工作责任制,突出工作重点,狠抓医院党的基本建设,构建和谐团队,为医院的稳定发展保驾护航,才能在构建和谐医院中发挥作用.  相似文献   

从传统媒体到新媒体,公立医院党建工作需要转化思路,开拓创新,要不断融入新媒体思维,运用新媒体建设“智慧党建”,探索全方位、多角度,打造“互联网 +”时代党建新模式,充分发掘新媒体的优势和特点,使之成为宣传党的思想理论新平台。作者以南京市第一医院为例,分析了当前新媒体在医院党建工作的应用情况,探索运用新媒体创新党建工作的措施和方法,提出医院党建的建议设想,促进党建工作取得更好的成效。  相似文献   

安徽省血吸虫病防治研究所始终坚持围绕业务抓党建,抓好党建促工作,使党建工作和业务工作两促进、两提高,有效地推进了单位党建工作和各项工作的全面发展。  相似文献   

党建品牌创建作为加强和改进基层党建工作的有力抓手,正在越来越多地植入党建工作。该文以如东县疾控中心“健康卫士”党员先锋队党建品牌的创建为例,阐述了党建品牌创建的积极意义,并借鉴产品品牌创建的方法和理念,对基层党建品牌的建设进行了探索和思考。  相似文献   

目的:探讨通过党建引领作用,加强党对公立医院的全方位领导。方法:基于系统论视角,从思想建设、组织建设、政治建设、纪律建设、作风建设五个方面对公立医院党建工作进行研究。结果:公立医院党建工作存在整体性不强,难以协调党建工作的内部结构;关联性不足,忽视党建工作与其他工作的联系;动态性不够,党建工作缺乏创新力。结论:系统论视角下公立医院党建工作的优化路径:以整体性为核心,充分协调党建工作内部的各项建设;以关联性为支撑,促进党建与相关工作的融合;以动态性为源泉,增强党建工作的凝聚力和创新力。  相似文献   

在国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划期间,天津市作为现代化工业体系建设和产业结构调整的“先驱”,是实现京津冀协同发展,实现区域经济协调发展,构建强大国内市场的“桥头堡”,国有企业在天津这片热土大有可为,也应大有作为。新时期下,探索企业党建工作发展新策略,顺应国有企业改革发展的进程,一方面要重点将企业党建工作列入区域发展考核指标,通过党建工作的纽带与区域企业建立更稳固的联系,建立区域化党建业务的深度融合,搭建“大党委”管理下的全方位的为企业发展提供资源和服务的平台。另一方面,企业党建工作关系到企业健康可持续发展,在新时期企业改革进程中实现高质量的发展,需要国有企业党委探索将党建工作与业务工作共同评价,将党建工作成效纳入企业绩效评估体系,探索可持续、起实效的党建工作评估机制,强化责任落实和监督,为企业发展提供坚实基础和保障。  相似文献   

目的:对住培党建工作中的难点问题和工作实践进行分析和总结,并提出下一步的工作思路。方法:分析住培党建工作中的难点问题并有针对性地加以解决,总结医院在优化党员管理模式、创新党性教育形式、丰富党员组织活动、宣传先进典型事迹方面的举措。结果:医院在住培党建工作中做了一些尝试,下一步将在发挥住培导师作用、重视轮转科室考核、加强委培党员管理方面作进一步探索。结论:住培党建工作是全面推进住培工作的重要组成部分,要提高认识,创新思路,将培训管理与党建工作有机结合,不断探索更为有效的工作方法。  相似文献   

苏坚 《中国保健》2009,(20):832-833
北海市人民医院党委充分认识到党建带团建工作的重要性,把团建纳入到党建的整体规划,本文介绍我院党委在党建带团建工作的做法和成功经验。  相似文献   

县级医院病理科基本建设探讨张玉坤近年来,我市的县级医院基本建设有了较快的发展,但由于种种原因,病理科的基本建设一直处于较低的水平:房屋面积狭小,取材室、组织制片室、诊断室、资料室、标本陈列室不分,工作环境差;设备简陋陈旧,性能差,设备完好率仅为60%...  相似文献   

阐述了南京医科大学第一附属医院内科系统党总支在院党委领导下,积极探索、锐意改革创新、调整功能定位、主动从以党建为主的工作模式,向党建引领、党政协同的工作模式转变,在疫情防控、学科建设、文化建设等方面采取的措施和发挥的作用,以期为公立医院基层党组织转变工作模式、推进党建与业务深度融合提供借鉴。  相似文献   

程玉坤  伍肇文 《现代医院》2010,10(4):141-143
目的阐述医院的整体迁建建设项目的形成特点及档案管理难点。方法通过对既往基建档案管理存在的问题的分析,从四方面探讨如何有效做好医院的整体迁建中基建档案管理。结果基建档案管理的规范化、标准化、科学化有助于提高基建档案的使用率。结论做好基建档案管理对医院的整体迁建项目档案的完整性、准确性和对竣工工程的顺利验收以及对医院今后的安全使用、生产维护等方面发挥作用。  相似文献   

The Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) has proposed incorporating hospital capital payments into the Medicare prospective payment system. HCFA's proposal includes an adjustment to capital payments for geographic differences in capital costs, derived from the prospective payment system area hospital wage index. Alternatively, the geographic adjustment could be based on an area construction cost index. Geographic construction cost indexes calculated from the cost per square foot of finished structures or from construction labor and materials input prices are evaluated in this article.  相似文献   

近些年来,医院基建工程项目呈雨后春笋般兴起,但基建档案的管理堪忧,一些基建项目档案收集内容不全,书写材料不规范,竣工移交不及时等等,较普遍地存在着基建档案管理欠规范现象。医院基建工程项目多半是具有复杂功能的综合楼,档案材料的完整、规范与否,关系到日后大楼能否正常运转,能否使基本建设项目真正发挥保障人民健康的功能。因此,分析基建档案管理不规范的原因并提出相应的对策是医院管理者义不容辞的责任,该文试就此方面内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates health capital policy in two regionally structured delivery systems, those of Sweden and Denmark. After a short overview of each nation's health care system, the paper examines the decision-making process for capital equipment and major capital construction in each country. By comparing aspects of system design and subsequent policy outcome, the paper highlights the degree to which capital policy can vary within an apparently similar regionalized framework.  相似文献   

Capital access     
To maintain their viability, hospitals are being compelled to invest in big capital projects such as information technology and renovation and construction. This gatefold examines the trends in credit and capital, and how they affect hospitals' access to money.  相似文献   

A decided advantage of investor-owned companies is their ability to preserve, accumulate and attract capital. This has become increasingly important as the capital requirements of hospitals for new construction, renovation or advances of technology have grown in the past decade.  相似文献   

新《医院财务制度》规定:"医院应控制工程成本,做好工程概、预算管理,工程完工后,尽快办理工程结算、竣工财务决算,提供基本建设收入支出表。"结合同济医院基本建设财务管理实践,探讨了内部控制、概预算管理、成本核算、工程结算、财务决算和预算绩效评价。  相似文献   

【摘要】随着各种竞争的日益激烈,不同层次的矛盾和内心冲突逐渐加强,这不仅影响人们的心理健康、生活质量,同时也影响和谐社会的构建。因此,提升员工的心理资本成为当前的重要课题之一。本文以精神卫生专科医院的医务人员为研究对象,通过心理资本量表调查各类人员心理资本现状,查找问题,分析原因,并提出对策,供精神卫生领域参考实施。  相似文献   

K Lumsdon  E W Knowles  S Latimer 《Hospitals》1992,66(4):42-3, 45-9, 51
While construction budgets appear to be tighter in the wake of Medicare's fold-in of inpatient capital payment, hospitals are going ahead with ambitious plans for expansion and renovation. But construction planning is increasingly becoming more interwined with overall strategic planning.  相似文献   

Prior evaluations of certificate of need (CON) have concluded that such regulation did little to reduce the level of hospital capital investment. These studies, however, failed to examine the underlying patterns of hospital investment behavior onto which CON was imposed and further neglected to determine the lag period that separates the introduction of regulation and the appearance of outcomes actually attributable to the presence of CON. This article addresses these two issues by using rate-setting data to examine the details of hospital capital investment across the whole voluntary hospital industry in one state--Massachusetts--both before and after the introduction of certificate of need. Massachusetts voluntary hospitals were found to devote most of their capital expenditures to the construction of major new inpatient facilities built in cycles of 14 years average duration throughout the post-World War II period. The date of completion of such a facility proved to be the major determinant of a hospital's capital expenditure pattern over time, and hospitals of similar teaching status and geographic location showed considerable synchrony in the construction of such facilities. At least in Massachusetts, the introduction of certificate-of-need regulation coincided with but was not responsible for the conclusion of a major construction peak among nonteaching hospitals and the beginning of such a peak among teaching hospitals, greatly complicating the evaluation of actual CON effects. Further, capital expenditures actually approved by CON did not appear until the third year of program operation, and even five years post-CON, the majority of hospital capital expenditures reflected projects approved in the first year of regulation, a period during which the program had neither the expert staff nor extensive review capacity that characterized CON function in later years. These findings hold implications for the evaluation of CON effectiveness and, indeed, for the future existence of certificate of need.  相似文献   

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