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The dispersal of the tule mosquito, Culex erythrothorax, was studied in the proximity of Lake Tynan in the city of Watsonville, CA. From July 18 to 20, 2000, approximately 43,000 female Cx. erythrothorax were marked with luminous powder and released, using a distinct color each day. Recaptures were sampled by using 21 carbon dioxide-baited traps ranging in distance from zero to 2.8 km from the release site. During the 5 days of postrelease sampling, 319 marked mosquitoes were recaptured. The percentage of the marked mosquitoes that were recaptured was 0.46, 0.50, and 0.55% based on the 3 releases, respectively. Overall, the mosquitoes dispersed 0.57 km/day; the mean distance traveled increased during the 5-day sampling period from 0.42 km/day to 0.89 km/day from day 1 to day 5, respectively. Based on the Lincoln index, the estimated total population size for Cx. erythrothorax in the study area ranged from 3.8 to 94 million mosquitoes. This species was found to constitute a nuisance to local residents because of the abundance of this species and its capability to disperse into proximal communities.  相似文献   

Widespread deaths of American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos)were associated with the 1999 outbreak of West Nile (WN) virus in the New York City region. We compared six organs from 20 crow carcasses as targets for WN virus detection. Half the carcasses had at least one positive test result for WN virus infection. The brain was the most sensitive test organ; it was the only positive organ for three of the positive crows. The sensitivity of crow organs as targets for WN virus detection makes crow death useful for WN virus surveillance.  相似文献   

Temporal changes in the abundance Culex restuans and Culex pipiens were monitored in east-central Illinois for over a decade using infusion-baited oviposition traps. The 2 species typically exhibited a seasonal shift in relative abundance with a mean crossover date (when the proportion of egg rafts from both species is equal) of August 10 or 11, depending on leap year, with a 95% confidence interval of +/- 10.7 days. The date of crossover was linearly related to the date of last spring frost and occurred on average about 123 days after the last spring frost. Despite the predictability of crossover, the weekly pattern in the proportion of Cx. pipiens before and after crossover varied considerably, even between years with similar crossover dates. After West Nile virus became established in our area, we found that transmission based on Culex from gravid traps did not increase until Cx. pipiens abundance increased in oviposition traps. Infection rates peaked within the half-month period after crossover. The peak in Cx. pipiens abundance in oviposition traps during this 3-year period was between the 2nd half of August and the end of September. A higher magnitude of transmission in 2002 coincided with warmer temperatures during July and August and an extended period in which the 2 Culex species were in relatively equal abundance.  相似文献   

To determine whether West Nile virus (WNV) had reached the archipelago of Guadeloupe, a serologic study in horses and birds was conducted in 2002. Immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgM, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and seroneutralization tests identified WNV infection in horses and chickens. Six months later, a high rate of seroconversion was observed in horses.  相似文献   

The vector competence of Culiseta incidens (Thomson) and Culex thriambus Dyar for West Nile virus (WNV) were compared to Cx. quinquefasciatus Say or Cx. tarsalis Coquillett and Cx. stigmatasoma Dyar collected concurrently in California. Culiseta incidens were less susceptible to oral infection than Cx. quinquefasciatus, but transmitted virus at a significantly higher rate, thereby yielding comparable population transmission rates. Culex thriambus was equally susceptible to oral infection and transmitted virus at rates comparable to Cx. tarsalis or Cx. stigmatosoma. A mammalian host selection pattern most likely precluded detection of natural infection in Cs. incidens, a fairly abundant peridomestic species. In contrast, an avian host selection pattern and efficient vector competence resulted in repeated detection of WNV in Cx. thriambus; however, limited abundance and restrictive riparian larval habitat requirements would seem to limit the involvement of Cx. thriambus in WNV epidemiology.  相似文献   

During the past 10 years, West Nile virus (WNV) has been responsible for large and severe human outbreaks and horse epizootics through the Old and the New World. Since WNV was first isolated from field-collected mosquitoes of Culex modestus in 1964 in France, this species, which aggressively feeds on birds and mammals, is considered a putative WNV vector in Europe. We report on the first evidence on the laboratory vector competence of Cx. modestus for WNV. To assess this trait, F3 and F4 females from southern France were fed through a membrane with a strain of WNV isolated from a horse in the Camargue (Rh?ne River delta) in 2000. On day 14 after virus ingestion, 90% of mosquitoes displayed a disseminated infection. WNV was detected in the saliva from 2 of 5 infected mosquitoes selected for testing. These preliminary results demonstrate that Cx. modestus is capable of experimentally transmitting WNV.  相似文献   

To evaluate the role of Culex mosquitoes as enzootic and epidemic vectors for WNV, we identified the source of vertebrate blood by polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequencing portions of the cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial DNA. All Cx. restuans and 93% of Cx. pipiens acquired blood from avian hosts; Cx. salinarius fed frequently on both mammals (53%) and birds (36%). Mixed-blood meals were detected in 11% and 4% of Cx. salinarius and Cx. pipiens, respectively. American robin was the most common source of vertebrate blood for Cx. pipiens (38%) and Cx. restuans (37%). American crow represented <1% of the blood meals in Cx. pipiens and none in Cx. restuans. Human-derived blood meals were identified from 2 Cx. salinarius and 1 Cx. pipiens. Results suggest that Cx. salinarius is an important bridge vector to humans, while Cx. pipiens and Cx. restuans are more efficient enzootic vectors in the northeastern United States.  相似文献   

West Nile virus (WNV) reemerged in Morocco in September 2003, causing an equine outbreak. A WNV strain isolated from a brain biopsy was completely sequenced. On the basis of phylogenetic analyses, Moroccan WNV strains isolated during the 1996 and 2003 outbreaks were closely related to other strains responsible for equine outbreaks in the western Mediterranean basin.  相似文献   

In this study, West Nile virus (WNV) envelope (rE) protein and its domain III (rDIII) were efficiently expressed in a cost-effective system based on insect larvae as non-fermentative living biofactories. Mice immunized with the partially purified rE or rDIII elicited high antibodies titers that neutralized viral infectivity in cell culture and in suckling mice. All vaccinated animals were fully protected when challenged with neurovirulent WNV NY99. Passive transfer of protective antibodies from immunized mothers to their offspring occurred both by transplacental and lactation routes. These results indicate that the insect-derived antigens tested may constitute potential vaccine candidates to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

In 2010, lineage 1 West Nile virus was detected in South Africa in the brain of a pregnant mare that succumbed to neurologic disease and in her aborted fetus, suggesting an association with abortion in horses. All West Nile virus strains previously detected in horses and humans in South Africa were lineage 2.  相似文献   

Difficulties in correctly differentiating Culex restuans mosquitoes from Culex pipiens have left the spatiotemporal mechanisms underlying the epidemiology of West Nile virus (WNV) in the northeastern United States largely unresolved. We performed weekly surveys across a natural to urban gradient of sites in central New Jersey (USA) and used a rapid and cheap DNA extraction and a species-specific PCR assay to create single species pools for WNV testing. To assess seasonal trends we combined these results with WNV surveillance records generated from grouped Cx. restuans/Cx. pipiens pools tested in 2011–2012. Cx. restuans was found to be highly abundant within all sites and reached especially high abundance in urban wetland habitats greatly disturbed by human action. In contrast, the seasonal presence of Cx. pipiens was greatest in residential and urban habitats and its presence in natural areas was minimal throughout the season. WNV infection rates in both species were similar but Cx. restuans was consistently found infected first and more frequently, even as early as May, whereas WNV was first detected in Cx. pipiens in late July. WNV activity peaked during the month of August when WNV was commonly isolated from both species. The peak in WNV activity in August observed for both species was consistent with data from 2011 to 2012 when Cx. restuans and Cx. pipiens were grouped, although analyzing single species pools increased overall predicted infection levels. Our results support the preeminence of Cx. restuans as an enzootic vector of WNV and strongly suggest this species has become a “native invasive” exploiting human modified habitats and reaching very high abundance there. Importantly, high infection rates in disturbed wetland sites with high populations of Cx. restuans suggest this species may enable the introduction of WNV to urbanized environments where both Culex contribute to transmission potentiating disease risk.  相似文献   

West Nile virus in California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
West Nile virus (WNV) was first isolated in California during July 2003 from a pool of Culex tarsalis collected near El Centro, Imperial County. WNV transmission then increased and spread in Imperial and Coachella Valleys, where it was tracked by isolation from pools of Cx. tarsalis, seroconversions in sentinel chickens, and seroprevalence in free-ranging birds. WNV then dispersed to the city of Riverside, Riverside County, and to the Whittier Dam area of Los Angeles County, where it was detected in dead birds and pools of Cx. pipiens quinquefasciatus. By October, WNV was detected in dead birds collected from riparian corridors in Los Angeles, west to Long Beach, and through inland valleys south from Riverside to San Diego County. WNV was reported concurrently from Arizona in mid-August and from Baja, Mexico, in mid-November. Possible mechanisms for virus introduction, amplification, and dispersal are discussed.  相似文献   

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