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Photodynamic treatment of oral lesions.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Photodynamic treatment (PDT) was first started in the oral cavity in the mid 1980s. Hematoporphyrins were rapidly replaced by Photofrin and meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (mTHPC) as photosensitisers of choice, and over the years these two have been approved by several health authorities for PDT. 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and some dyes (e.g., toluidine and methyene blue) have also been tested. Several different nonthermal lasers have been used and lately light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have been tried. Most of the clinical treatments have been carried out on oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSSC), either primary or metastatic lesions, with good results. The treatment leaves little scarring and can be used before, in conjunction with, and adjunctive to other treatment modalities. The greatest disadvantage is that the patients are photosensitive for several weeks following systemic administration of the photosensitiser. PDT is now an accepted palliative treatment. Systemic administration of ALA has been more successful than local application in the treatment of precancerous lesions such as oral leukoplakia. PDT following topical application of photosensitiser (metylene blue and methyl-ALA) has shown improvement in cutaneous diseases of the oral mucous membrane such as oral lichen planus. The bactericidal effect of PDT has also been tested on oral plaque, but little clinical work has been performed so far. Instead of mechanical cleaning or antibiotic therapy, PDT may also play a role in dental diseases.  相似文献   

The authors studied the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with Photosence, a Russian photosensitizer, in treatment of chorioid neovascularization (CNV) in cases of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) and pathological myopia (PM). The subjects were 73 patients with CNV suffering from ARMD and PM. The efficiency of PDT and complex conservative therapy was compared using vision acuity measurement, retinal morphometry, and fluorescent eye ground angiography (FEGA), performed before treatment, immediately after treatment, and 1, 3, 6, and 12 months later. The study showed that PDT in patients with CNV, ARMD and PM was more efficient than pharmacotherapy. Vision acuity improved or stabilized, and the parameters of retinal morphometry and FEGA improved as well. The results of the study evidence high efficiency of PDT with Photosence in treatment of CNV with ARMD and PM.  相似文献   

目的 探索5-氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法(5-aminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy,ALA-PDT)治疗中重度痤疮的安全性及不同浓度疗效比较.方法 将160例中重度痤疮患者随机分成4组,其中1组不敷药(0%)直接红光照射,另3组分别予以5%、10%、20% ALA外敷3h后红光照射,每周1次,共4次.在第2周、第4周、第6周时分别进行疗效及不良反应的比较.结果 治疗结束后第6周各组(0%、5%、10%、20%)有效率分别为35.0%、67.5%、77.5%、92.5%,给予不同浓度ALA组疗效优于直接光照组(P<0.05),各浓度组间随浓度增加,有效率增加(P<0.05),不良反应的发生率亦越高.结论 ALA-PDT治疗中重度痤疮疗效优于单用红光治疗,ALA浓度越高,PDT治疗疗效越好,但不良反应发生率越高.  相似文献   

Li Q  Liu Y  Li W  Feng S 《Medical hypotheses》2011,77(1):58-59
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a major cause of disability and largely affects the quality of life. Injured axons cannot regenerate past the lesion due to the formation of glial scar which has become an important target for regeneration research in SCI. Although significant efforts have been invested in inhibition the glial scar to promote the recovery of SCI patients, no satisfying method has been found. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an effective way to inhibit the growth of the target cells and tissue based on photosensitizer and light that are combined to induce cellular and tissue damages in an oxygen-dependent manner. We reasonably hypothesize that PDT might be a novel treatment for SCI.  相似文献   

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is currently used as a minimally invasive therapeutic modality for cancer. Whereas antitumor treatment regimens require lethal doses of photosensitizer and light, sublethal doses may have immunomodulatory effects, antibacterial action and/or regenerative properties. A growing body of evidence now indicates that non-lethal PDT doses can alleviate inflammation or treat established soft-tissue infections in various murine models of arthritis, experimental encephalomyelitis, inflammatory bowel disease and chronic skin ulcers. Furthermore, PDT is already used in clinical application and clinical trial for the treatment of psoriasis, chronic wounds and periodontitis in humans. Sublethal PDT should be regarded as a new viable option for the treatment of inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

自1984年4月至1992年8月用血卟啉衍生物-激光光动力学疗法治疗各皮肤癌56例,其中CR51例,PR4例,NR1例,总有效率98.25%,存活五年以上者50例,占89.29%,本疗法简便,损伤小,病人痛苦小,无严重并发症,可提高病人的生存质量,是皮肤癌较理想的治疗方法。  相似文献   

Bilateral ibotenic acid injections aimed at the entorhinal cortex (EC) lesioned the EC and subiculum in 30% of animals (group EC/S) and caused additional hippocampal damage in 50% (group RH). Both lesions increased acetylcholinesterase (AChE) staining in the intermediate molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. EC/S lesions increased diurnal deep sleep and the incidence of spindles but decreased REM sleep. RH lesions increased nocturnal deep sleep and decreased nocturnal quiet sleep. Both lesions reduced power over the theta frequency range from 6-10 Hz for epochs of REM sleep and quiet waking but not deep sleep. Peak frequency was unaffected. The RH group and a subset of the EC/S group were nocturnally, but not diurnally, hyperactive. Six weeks after the lesion there was no evidence for hyperactivity in a novel open field. The EC/S lesion impaired exploration as indicated by reduced motility and rearing in an open field and by the failure of EC/S-lesioned rats to increase contact time in response to a novel olfactory cue. Place navigation learning in a Morris maze was not affected by EC/S or RH lesions. However, when the spatial location of the hidden platform was shifted EC/S-lesioned rats were impaired. The sprouting response, reduced theta power and exploration deficits resemble those reported following electrolytic lesions, but the lack of effect on place navigation learning contrasts with reports of impaired spatial learning following electrolytic lesions. The data prompt a reexamination of the role which the EC projection to the hippocampus plays in spatial learning.  相似文献   

Deficits in forepaw adjusting steps in rats have been proposed as a non-drug-induced model of the akinesia associated with Parkinson's disease. The present study examined the relationship between contralateral forepaw adjusting steps and dopamine depletion after medial forebrain bundle lesions with 6-hydroxydopamine. Depletion of striatal dopamine by >80% resulted in dramatic reductions in the ability of rats to make adjusting steps, but rats with < 80% dopamine depletion had no detectable deficit. The deficit in forepaw adjusting steps was evident by three days after lesions and did not recover for up to 13 weeks. Compared to apomorphine-induced rotation, the deficit in adjusting steps was evident at milder dopamine depletion. Discrete striatal lesions were also utilized to localize the striatal subregions that mediate forepaw adjusting steps. Forepaw adjusting steps were reduced after lesions of dorsolateral, ventrolateral or ventrocentral striatum, but not after lesions of dorsomedial, dorsocentral or ventromedial striatum. The reductions in adjusting steps after the discrete striatal lesions were not as severe as after medial forebrain bundle lesions. Furthermore, none of the discrete striatal lesions resulted in rotation after apomorphine administration, although a few resulted in increase in amphetamine-induced rotation. Administration of L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine partially reversed the reductions of forepaw adjusting steps in both sets of lesion experiments. Together, these results suggest that forepaw adjusting step deficits in the rat provide a good model for the akinesia of Parkinson's disease both in medial forebrain bundle and striatal lesions, and would be a useful tool for investigating the efficacy of various therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

A water soluble extract of rat bone marrow was compared with similar extracts of several other organs of the reticuloendothelial system by simple electrophoresis in agar gel and by immunoelectrophoretic analysis followed by selective staining of chemical and enzymatically active constituents. Antiserum prepared against the soluble bone marrow extract showed extensive cross-reactions with extracts of the other organs used in the study; the extracts possessing the most antigenic constituents in common with marrow were those of spleen and peritoneal exudate cells. Immunoelectrophoretic analysis of the marrow extract, combined with absorption of the anti-marrow serum with extracts of the other organs, permitted the identification of the antigens common to marrow, spleen, peritoneal exudate cells, lymph node, thymus, liver and heart. Every antigen detected in bone marrow was found in at least one other organ extract and several of these antigens were found to possess enzymatic activities. Transferrin was the only serum protein identifiable in large amount in extracts of well washed bone marrow cells.  相似文献   

Radiation therapy continues to play an important role in the management of cancer. In this review, we discuss the use of radiation therapy to target and control micrometastatic disease (adjuvant use of radiation), or using stereotactic radiation therapy to address small volumes of gross disease, such as oligometastases, and finally the use of radiation therapy in the era of immunotherapy. Radiation therapy is commonly used to treat nodal basins suspected of harboring microscopic disease. More recently, computer and technical innovations have allowed radiation oncologists to treat small volumes of gross disease within the brain and also in the body with great success, adding to the cancer armamentarium. This modality of cancer treatment that began shortly after the discovery of X-rays by William Roentgen continues to evolve and finds new clinical applications which minimize toxicity while increasing effectiveness. The newly discovered interactions of high dose/fraction radiation (stereotactic radiosurgery) with immune check point inhibitors in melanoma is the latest example of how synergism can be achieved between two different modalities thus increasing the therapeutic ratio to control metastatic cancer.  相似文献   

背景:糖尿病牙周炎大鼠与单纯慢性牙周炎大鼠以及正常对照组大鼠在不同时间段内体质量、血糖、牙周组织的变化对牙槽骨丧失程度的影响不同。 目的:建立糖尿病牙周炎模型大鼠和慢性牙周炎模型大鼠,观察糖尿病加重牙周炎大鼠槽骨吸收的破坏程度。 方法:选用8周龄SPF级雄性SD大鼠52只,随机分为糖尿病牙周炎组、慢性牙周炎组以及正常对照组。糖尿病牙周炎组大鼠按采用注射链脲佐菌素+牙周结扎的方法建立糖尿病牙周炎模型大鼠。慢性牙周炎组大鼠采用牙周结扎并不断加压的方法建立慢性牙周炎大鼠模型;正常对照组大鼠正常喂养。各组大鼠分别于结扎后1,2,3,4周,观察各组大鼠牙周组织变化,取上颌骨牙槽骨标本,在体视显微镜下观察各组大鼠牙槽骨丧失值程度。 结果与结论:钢丝结扎后1,2,3,4周大鼠牙槽骨丧失程度:糖尿病牙周炎组>慢性牙周炎组>正常对照组(P < 0.05)。结果证实,实验成功建立糖尿病牙周炎和慢性牙周炎动物模型,糖尿病可加重牙周炎牙周组织破坏,牙槽骨丧失增加。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:肾移植;肝移植;移植;心脏移植;组织移植;皮肤移植;皮瓣移植;血管移植;器官移植;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

背景:同种异体骨是临床常用的骨移植材料,但缺乏诱导成骨能力是最大的问题。 目的:评价良性骨肿瘤及瘤样病变刮除或切除后应用同种异体骨复合自体骨髓干细胞修复骨缺损的效果。 方法:65例良性骨肿瘤(包括瘤样病变)患者,根据植骨情况分为2组。复合骨髓干细胞植骨组35例患者根据预计植骨量从每位患者两侧的髂前上棘或髂后上棘抽取红骨髓20-40 mL,经体外分离、纯化、培养扩增骨髓基质干细胞备用,在植骨前将同种异体骨颗粒与骨髓基质干细胞充分混匀。肿瘤刮除或切除后,将混匀的骨髓基质干细胞与同种异体骨颗粒,植入骨缺损区内。单纯植骨组将用生理盐水浸泡半小时的同种异体骨植入骨缺损区内。分别于治疗后1,3,6,12个月进行植骨区X射线检查,比较两组病例同种异体骨颗粒界限模糊、消失的时间,同时观察术后并发症发生情况。 结果与结论:62例患者均获得12个月以上随访。复合骨髓干细胞植骨组移植骨界限模糊时间和消失时间均短于单纯植骨组(P < 0.05)。复合骨髓干细胞植骨组1例出现排异反应,使用免疫抑制剂治疗2周后痊愈,两组病例均未出现感染。结果表明同种异体骨复合自体骨髓干细胞植骨能明显促进骨融合和骨缺损的愈合。  相似文献   

In this randomized clinical trial, the clinical and mycological efficacy of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) was compared with that of topical antifungal therapy for the treatment of denture stomatitis (DS) and the prevalence of Candida species was identified. Patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups (n = 20 each); in the nystatin (NYT) group patients received topical treatment with nystatin (100 000 IU) four times daily for 15 days and in the PDT group the denture and palate of patients were sprayed with 500 mg/L of Photogem®, and after 30 min of incubation, were illuminated by light emitting-diode light at 455 nm (37.5 and 122 J/cm2, respectively) three times a week for 15 days. Mycological cultures taken from dentures and palates and standard photographs of the palates were taken at baseline (day 0), at the end of the treatment (day 15) and at the follow-up time intervals (days 30, 60 and 90). Colonies were quantified (CFU/mL) and identified by biochemical tests. Data were analysed by Fisher's exact test, analysis of variance and Tukey tests and κ test (α = 0.05). Both treatments significantly reduced the CFU/mL at the end of the treatments and on day 30 of the follow-up period (p <0.05). The NYT and PDT groups showed clinical success rates of 53% and 45%, respectively. Candida albicans was the most prevalent species identified. PDT was as effective as topical nystatin in the treatment of DS.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of three-dimensional (3D) printed models for open wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) in porcine bone.


Computed tomography (CT) images were obtained from 10 porcine knees and 3D imaging was planned using the 3D-Slicer program. The osteotomy line was drawn from the three centimeters below the medial tibial plateau to the proximal end of the fibular head. Then the osteotomy gap was opened until the mechanical axis line was 62.5% from the medial border along the width of the tibial plateau, maintaining the posterior tibial slope angle. The wedge-shaped 3D-printed model was designed with the measured angle and osteotomy section and was produced by the 3D printer. The open wedge HTO surgery was reproduced in porcine bone using the 3D-printed model and the osteotomy site was fixed with a plate. Accuracy of osteotomy and posterior tibial slope was evaluated after the osteotomy.


The mean mechanical axis line on the tibial plateau was 61.8 ± 1.5% from the medial tibia. There was no statistically significant difference (P = 0.160). The planned and post-osteotomy correction wedge angles were 11.5 ± 3.2° and 11.4 ± 3.3°, and the posterior tibial slope angle was 11.2 ± 2.2° pre-osteotomy and 11.4 ± 2.5° post-osteotomy. There were no significant differences (P = 0.854 and P = 0.429, respectively).


This study showed that good results could be obtained in high tibial osteotomy by using 3D printed models of porcine legs.  相似文献   

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