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北京市45岁及以上居民营养补充剂使用的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨北京市45岁及以上居民营养补充剂使用的影响因素,为确定相关营养教育的目标人群提供依据.方法 利用"2006年北京市居民营养补充剂使用现况调查"中45岁及以上对象的数据,通过多因素logistic回归分析探讨其营养补充剂使用的影响因素.结果共获得有效样本2487份,性别、年龄、人均月收入水平、营养素缺乏病患病情况、对营养知识的态度、对营养补充剂需求的态度及居住地区对是否使用营养补充剂有影响.北京市45岁及以上居民中,营养补充剂的使用率,女性较男性高,分别为19.3%和11.8%;随年龄组升高,使用率升高;随人均月收入水平的升高,使用率同样呈递增趋势;不同文化水平间未见趋势性变化.城区使用率较农村高,分别为16.9%和14.6%.营养素缺乏病和慢性疾病(高血压、高血脂、糖尿病)中,均为"曾患、现患或自觉现患"组使用率较"无或不知道"组使用率高.结论女性、年长、经济条件较好、有营养素缺乏病病史、对营养知识感兴趣、对营养补充剂需求态度积极、居住在农村的居民使用营养补充剂的可能性较大,应将其作为教育的重点人群.  相似文献   

成都市婴幼儿营养补充剂应用及影响因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解成都市婴幼儿营养补充剂使用现状及影响因素。方法随机选取成都市两个社区257名0~3岁婴幼儿及其家长作为研究对象,通过问卷调查收集婴幼儿营养补充剂使用相关信息和家庭基本情况,分析影响营养补充剂使用的相关因素。结果婴幼儿营养补充剂总使用率为87.5%,各类营养补充剂使用率依次为维生素D 76.3%、维生素A 75.5%、钙33.5%、锌16.3%、铁3.9%;除铁制剂外,不同月龄组间婴幼儿营养补充剂使用率差异有显著性(P<0.05),随月龄增加钙、锌使用率呈上升趋势,维生素D和维生素A在6~11月龄段使用率最高;营养补充剂使用分别与家长对婴幼儿期营养重视程度(OR=0.186,P<0.05)和婴幼儿生长发育状况(OR=2.317,P<0.05)有关。结论成都市婴幼儿营养补充剂使用已较普遍,需加强专业指导以保证营养补充剂的合理应用。  相似文献   

中国成年居民营养补充剂的消费现状   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的:分析我国成年居民使用营养补充剂的现状,为有针对性地制定干预策略和相关政策提供基础资料。方法:使用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查数据,对53159名18岁及以上居民的营养补充剂使用率及其中钙制品、铁剂、维生素和其他保健食品的使用率进行分析。结果:我国18岁及以上居民营养补充剂的使用率为5.1%,其中钙制品、铁剂、维生素和其他保健食品的使用率分别为3.4%、1.3%、2.4%和2.2%。营养补充剂的使用率表现为城市高于农村,女性高于男性,60岁及以上年龄组、45-59岁年龄组、18-44岁年龄组使用率依次降低。结论:我国成年居民中使用营养补充剂尚不普遍。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市居民营养补充剂的使用情况.方法 采用多阶段整群抽样方法,对北京市6区县居民各种营养补充剂使用情况进行问卷调查,分析539名营养补充剂使用者的人口学特征及各类补充剂的使用情况.结果 北京市营养补充剂使用人群中,45岁及以上者占72.9%,受教育程度在初中及以下者占63.7%,经医生推荐者仅占20.5%.所使用的营养补充剂中含矿物质成分的占47.6%,含脂溶性维生素占42.3%.使用营养补充剂持续时间达6~11个月和1年及以上者分别占13.9%和44.2%.每人营养补充剂的月消费总额中位数为28元.结论 营养补充剂使用者在选择和使用营养补充剂时缺乏专业指导,使用的合理性及健康效应值得关注.  相似文献   

目的了解并分析中国部分城市妇女在孕期和哺乳期营养补充剂的使用情况及其影响因素。方法 2015年4月-2016年12月在南京、成都、齐齐哈尔、郑州市妇幼保健院随机纳入405名哺乳期妇女为研究对象,其婴幼儿月龄为1~24月。通过问卷调查收集哺乳期妇女相关信息,提取其孕期和哺乳期营养补充剂使用的数据资料,对其使用情况进行描述性分析,运用Logistic回归分析相关影响因素。结果妇女孕期营养补充剂总使用率为81. 7%,主要服用的营养补充剂依次为叶酸(60. 5%)、钙(49. 4%)、复合营养素补充剂(27. 4%)、DHA (18. 0%)和铁(16. 3%);不同孕前体质量、家庭月收入组间孕期营养补充剂使用率比较,差异有统计学意义(P0. 05)。哺乳期营养补充剂总使用率为18. 0%,除钙使用率达到13. 8%外,其余均低于5. 0%。Logistic回归分析显示,孕期使用营养补充剂的积极因素为家庭月收入在2 000~4 999元间(OR=5. 572,95%CI:1. 547~20. 066),消极因素为孕前肥胖(OR=0. 223,95%CI:0. 058~0. 849)。结论妇女孕期补充剂使用具有一定普遍性,但补充种类与膳食缺乏情况存在差距;哺乳期补充剂使用率低,除钙剂外均未引起充分重视。低收入和肥胖人群是今后妇女孕期和哺乳期营养宣教的重点人群。  相似文献   

目的了解并分析中国3个城市乳母孕期及产后6月营养素补充剂的使用情况并探究其影响因素。方法在2017年12月—2018年12月间,于北京市、许昌市、苏州市妇幼保健院/社区卫生服务中心纳入产后1~5 d乳母256人,至产后6个月有207人参加了产后随访,对其孕期及产后6个月的营养素补充剂使用情况进行描述性分析,运用logistic回归分析相关影响因素。结果妇女孕期营养补充剂总使用率为82.03%,主要服用的营养补充剂依次为钙(61.33%)、叶酸(59.38%)、维生素(46.48%)、铁(20.31%)和锌(8.20%);不同地区妇女孕期营养补充剂使用率比较,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。哺乳期(产后6个月时)的营养补充剂总使用率为47.83%,其中钙使用率达43.00%,其余均10.0%。不同年龄段、地区及教育程度的妇女孕期营养补充剂使用率比较,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05)。结论妇女孕期钙类补充剂及叶酸补充率较高;哺乳期铁、锌补充率低。营养素补充剂的使用应结合妇女的所在地区、孕前体质指数(BMI)、教育背景、月收入、职业等因素,对不同人群进行有重点的营养宣教。  相似文献   

目的了解医务人员营养素补充剂使用现状,为营养素补充剂暴露量评估和开展健康教育提供数据支持。方法采用随机抽样方法,选取北京市通州区公立医院的医务人员。于2017-09/11通过问卷调查营养素补充剂使用产品、种类和频率。结果医务人员营养素补充剂使用率为37.4%。其中男性为27.6%,女性为41.1%,差异有统计学意义(P0.001);20~29岁、30~39岁、40~49岁、50岁及以上年龄组人群使用率分别为39.3%、42.4%、28.9%和23.0%,不同年龄组之间使用率差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。大学及以上文化程度人群使用率高于高中及以下人群,差异有统计学意义(P=0.013)。不同年人均收入之间使用率在34.6%~39.6%之间,差异无统计学意义(P=0.107)。综合医院医务人员营养素补充剂使用率为43.1%,高于基层社区医院(34.8%)(P0.01)。调查人员营养素补充剂产品使用率较高的为维生素C(12.3%)、钙(10.9%)、复合维生素(10.3%)。营养素补充剂服用频率以每天或每周服用为主。结论通州区医务人员营养素补充剂使用率低于全国居民水平,加强医务人员在科学指导居民和重点人群规范使用营养素补充剂中的专家作用。  相似文献   

目的研究膳食营养补充剂对北京市居民维生素和矿物质摄入水平及营养素摄入的影响。方法采用多阶段整群抽样法,抽取北京市6区县1440户家庭,调查18岁及以上成年人3992人。结果男性由膳食提供的维生素和矿物质的平均摄入量均高于女性,但是女性烟酸、维生素C的总摄入量高于男性。使用者的维生素和矿物质的摄入量均高于非使用者,在使用者中,补充剂中硫胺素的贡献率男性为60%,女性为70%,核黄素的贡献率为男性47%,女性45%,钙的贡献率为男性42%,女性为45%。使用者中维生素和矿物质达到或超过参考值的比例明显高于非使用者,特别是维生素C和钙,高出20~30个百分点。结论使用营养补充剂提高了维生素和矿物质的摄入水平,使人群达到参考摄入量的比例增加。今后营养调查中应增加营养补充剂调查,以提高营养素评价的准确度。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市海淀区居民慢性非传染性疾病(以下简称慢性病)相关危险因素的现状及主要发生发展趋势。方法采用等比例多阶段整群随机抽样、集中调查和入户调查相结合的方法,调查海淀区18岁以上常住居民的慢性病患病情况及危险因素。结果本次调查共回收有效问卷2 698份,高血压患病率为34.5%(标化率为28.4%),血脂异常患病率为56.4%(标化率为47.7%),糖尿病患病率为9.7%(标化率为7.6%),男、女性各慢性病患病率差异均有统计学意义(均P(0.01),各年龄组患病率差异均有统计学意义(均P(0.01),随年龄组的升高患病率增高。慢性病危险因素水平:肥胖率为17.4%,吸烟率为22.6%,饮酒率为27.3%,缺乏锻炼率为28.4%。结论北京市海淀区居民慢性病患病率较高。应开展全人群的慢性病综合防治和健康教育,在全面监测的基础上进行慢性病规范化管理,使海淀区慢性病患病率及危险因素水平得到有效控制。  相似文献   

目的 调查北京市昌平区居民对预包装食品营养标签的知晓率,探寻有效的宣传方式,促进营养标签的推广和使用。方法 运用PPS方法抽取昌平区18~79岁常住居民,通过自填式问卷进行调查,调查问卷审核后录入数据库,采用SPSS 18.0统计软件对数据进行统计分析。结果 昌平区18~79岁居民食品营养标签知晓率为59.49%,75.76%的居民在购买食品时会查看营养标签,95.38%的居民会根据营养标签选择食品,86.35%的居民认为食品营养标签对选择食品有或很有作用;餐饮工作人员知晓率79.62%、查看率89.23%,χ2值分别为146.58、42.32,P<0.05、女性(知晓率61.73%、查看率78.34%,χ2值分别为18.22、20.25,P<0.05)、低年龄段(知晓率63.51%、查看率76.79%,χ2值分别为179.44、23.75,P<0.05)、高收入水平(知晓率69.47%,χ2值为256.99,P<0.05)、高学历水平(知晓率68.22%、查看率83.53%,χ2值分别为384.53、73.30,P<0.05)的居民对营养标签的知晓、查看率高于其他人群,差异有统计学意义;不同年龄居民查看营养标签内容差异有统计学意义(χ2值分别为83.20、74.80、29.94、12.66,P<0.05)。结论 昌平区居民预包装营养标签使用率高于知晓率,构建完整的科普宣传体系,结合不同影响因素进行针对性宣传教育,可提高居民营养标签正确使用率。  相似文献   

There has been little data on the prevalence of supplement use and the characteristics of the dietary supplement users in the Republic of Korea. This study presents the prevalence and the details of any dietary supplement use and the characteristics of the adults who use dietary supplements in the Republic of Korea. Between May 18 and June 16, 2006, nationwide and population-weighted personal interviews with 6,201 adult aged from 30 to 69 years were conducted and the final sample consisted of 3,000 people with a 49.8% response rate. We examined the prevalence and details of the use of dietary supplements and the characteristics of those who use the dietary supplement among adults. About sixty two percent of adults had taken any dietary supplement during the previous 12-month period in 2006. The most commonly reported dietary supplement was ginseng, followed by multivitamins, glucosamine, probiotics, and vitamin C. Female (versus male), an older age group, a higher family income, those living in metropolitan cities, those with marital experience, those with a higher level of education, and those having medical problems had a greater likelihood of reporting the use of any dietary supplements. The particular relationships differed depending on the type of supplement. The most Korean adults took one more dietary supplement and the dietary supplement users had different demographic and health characteristics compared to those of the nonusers. Research on diet supplements by the medical community is needed in the future.  相似文献   

The use of dietary supplements is prevalent among many groups worldwide. However, few studies have examined their use among government employees. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the association among sociodemographic characteristics, body weight status, and energy intake with dietary supplement use among government employees in Putrajaya, Malaysia. Simple random sampling was used to select a sample of 460 government employees from six ministries in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The data used in this study were collected through anthropometric measurements (height, weight, % body fat, waist and hip circumferences), a self-administered questionnaire (sociodemographic characteristics and dietary supplements use), and an interviewer-administered questionnaire (24-hour dietary recall; fruit and vegetable intake). The results indicated that the prevalence of dietary supplement use was 55.4%, with vitamin C (38.4%) being the most popular type of dietary supplement. Health issues (80.8%) were the most common reason for usage, internet (59.2%) was the main source of information, and pharmacies (71.8%) were the most indicated places to purchase dietary supplements. A multivariate analysis showed that participants who were female, married, had better monthly income, lived within a smaller household size, had a normal body mass index, classified as having unhealthily high body fat percentage, did not skip breakfast, and consumed at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day were significantly more likely to use dietary supplements. In conclusion, health-conscious groups were more prone to consume dietary supplements, and due to the high prevalence of dietary supplement use, dissemination of accurate scientific information regarding dietary supplements is highly recommended among government employees.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine prevalence of dietary supplement use in New Zealand and to describe types of supplements used. Design: Secondary data analysis of two cross‐sectional national surveys. Subjects: In total, 3275 children aged 5–14 years, 4636 adults aged 15+ years. Setting: Homes throughout New Zealand. Main outcome measures: Prevalence data over 24 hours (children and adults) and over previous year (adults only), type of supplements consumed, pattern of dietary supplement use. Results: Adults (24.2%) were more likely than children (5.4%) to consume any dietary supplement in the previous 24 hours. Over the previous year 59% of adults had consumed at least one supplement. Adult females were more frequent consumers than males both in the previous year (67.6%, 50.4%) and in the previous 24 hours (30.5%, 17.8%). Multivitamins and minerals were the type most frequently consumed by adults (19.8%) and children (2.1%). Older adults, compared with younger adults, are more likely to consume supplements daily and less likely to consume an individual supplement for a limited time. Conclusions: The prevalence of use of dietary supplements of a population differs markedly depending on the duration of the period over which use of a supplement is recalled. In New Zealand adults, prevalence of use was 2.4 times higher recalling some use over the previous year, than when recalling use in the previous 24 hours. Use varied by age for adults and by ethnicity among adults and children.  相似文献   

There is a growing use of dietary supplements in many countries including China. This study aimed to document the prevalence of dietary supplements use and characteristics of Chinese pre-school children using dietary supplements in Australia and China. A survey was carried out in Perth, Western Australia of 237 mothers with children under five years old and 2079 in Chengdu and Wuhan, China. A total of 22.6% and 32.4% of the Chinese children were taking dietary supplements in Australia and China, respectively. In China, the most commonly used dietary supplements were calcium (58.5%) and zinc (40.4%), while in Australia, the most frequently used types were multi-vitamins/minerals (46.2%) and fish oil (42.3%). In Australia, “not working”, “never breastfeed”, “higher education level of the mother” and “older age of the child” were associated with dietary supplement use in children. In China, being unwell and “having higher household income” were significantly related to dietary supplement usage. Because of the unknown effects of many supplements on growth and development and the potential for adverse drug interactions, parents should exercise caution when giving their infants or young children dietary supplements. Wherever possible it is preferable to achieve nutrient intakes from a varied diet rather than from supplements.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe prevalence of dietary supplement intake among preadolescent endurance runners is currently unknown.ObjectiveOur aim was to describe use of dietary supplements, higher-risk supplements, and sport foods among preadolescent endurance athletes and identify associated characteristics of dietary supplement users in this population.DesignThis was a retrospective, cross-sectional study.Participants/settingParticipants were 2,113 preadolescent endurance runners (male: n = 1,255, female: n = 858; mean age ± standard deviation = 13.2 ± 0.9 years).Main outcome measuresUse of dietary supplements, higher-risk dietary supplements, and sport foods on 2 or more days per week during the past year.Statistical analyses performedMann-Whitney U tests, χ2 tests, univariate and multivariate analyses.ResultsTwenty-six percent (n = 551) of preadolescent runners used dietary supplements on 2 or more days per week during the past year; 1.3% (n = 27) reported taking higher-risk supplements. Compared with male runners, female runners reported higher use of 1 or more supplements (32.5% vs 21.7%; P < .001) and 4 or more supplements (4.0% vs 1.9%; P = 0.005), multivitamin/minerals (24.2% vs 14.4%; P < .001), vitamin D (12.4% vs 5.6%; P < .001), calcium (8.9% vs 4.8%; P < .001), iron (3.1 vs 1.1%; P < .001), probiotic supplements (8.2% vs 1.3%; P < .001), and diet pills (0.5% vs 0.0%; P = .02). Male runners reported higher use of creatine (1.3% vs 0.0%; P < .001) and sport foods, including protein bars and drinks (19.5% vs 8.4%; P < .001), energy bars (23.5% vs 9.7%; P < .001), and carbohydrate-electrolyte drinks (27.9% vs 13.3%; P < .001) than female runners. Factors independently associated with a higher likelihood for dietary supplement use included weight loss in the past year, female (vs male) gender, following a vegetarian diet, skipping meals, attempting to gain weight, and history of a running-related bone stress injury.ConclusionsMore than one-quarter of preadolescent runners regularly consumed dietary supplements. Behaviors consistent with dietary restriction and history of bone stress injury were associated with higher likelihood for supplement use. Further work to understand supplement use patterns and potential value for nutrition education is advised to optimize health of preadolescent runners.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are few studies about dietary supplement use and nutrient intake from these products in Japan. The purpose of this study was to clarify (1) the prevalence of dietary supplement use, (2) the characteristics of dietary supplement users, (3) nutrient intake from dietary supplements, and (4) the existence of dietary supplement users who took excessive nutrients from these products. METHODS: To collect the information on dietary supplement use in the previous year and nutrient intake from these products, we conducted a self-administered dietary supplement frequency questionnaire. The subjects were 2,259 people aged 40-82 years. Dietary supplements were grouped into 8 major categories. A dietary supplement database was developed to estimate nutrient intake from these products. Excess users were defined as people who consumed more nutrient than the tolerable upper intake level of the Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese. RESULTS: In the previous year, 55 % of males and 61 % of females consumed dietary supplements. Dietary supplement use was especially prevalent in females, subjects who felt unhealthy, and subjects who were more careful of maintaining an appropriate weight, though the association was affected by the frequency of dietary supplement use. The most common dietary supplements were drink type in males and vitamins in females. Some nutrient values obtained from dietary supplements were higher than those from food. Excess users were found for intake of vitamin A, B(6), K, niacin, iron, and magnesium. CONCLUSIONS: It is important to clarify dietary supplement use and to estimate nutrient intake from these products.  相似文献   

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