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货柜车司机艾滋病相关知识、态度及行为调查 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
目的了解货柜车司机艾滋病知识水平,探索有效的干预模式。方法采用整群抽样方法,对深圳市货柜车司机257人进行调查。结果货柜车司机对艾滋病基本知识缺乏了解,只有65.19%的司机知道艾滋病的3种传播途径,有97.28%的司机希望了解更多的AIDS相关知识。货柜车司机性伴关系较复杂,但其中只有61.44%司机与暗娼发生性行为时坚持使用安全套。虽未检出人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染者,但乙肝病毒和梅毒螺旋体感染检出率分别为13.62%和0.78%,提示货柜车司机普遍存在高危行为。结论货柜车司机高危行为普遍,是感染HIV的高危人群,应采取有针对性的综合干预措施,使其改变高危行为或采取安全性行为,控制艾滋病由高危人群向一般人群传播。 相似文献
作者从大量的研究文献中,选出22篇关于公共汽车司机疾病危险度的研究材料进行了回顾和评价.这些研究主要对公共汽车司机中心血管病、胃肠道病和肌肉骨骼系统疾病进行了研究,结果一致表明,公共汽车司机中,上述三类疾病的发病率和死亡率均较其他职业的职员要高.作者还从选择、混杂和对照因素等多方面对这些研究的设计和结果的可靠性进行了评价. 相似文献
目的了解杭州市出租车司机健康状况。方法分析2014年5—6月参加健康体检公益活动的出租车司机体检数据,对体检结果进行顺位排序及年龄分层统计。结果在出租车司机185人次中,体检异常前五位依次是慢性咽炎(57.30%)、慢性结膜炎(31.89%)、高尿酸血症(31.35%)、脂肪肝(30.27%)和外痔(24.86%),且这5种疾病在30岁~组、40岁~组的检出率均高于20岁~组和50~59岁组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论出租车司机健康状况不容乐观,应根据司机不同年龄段的健康状况开展针对性的健康教育。 相似文献
克拉玛依市长卡司机艾滋病健康教育干预效果研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 探讨长卡司机较为接受的健康教育干预手段。方法 采取看录像、发放知识手册、宣传单、举办讲座及讨论等方法进行健康干预。结果 长卡司机对我国的艾滋病流行状况缺乏认识,对艾滋病感染者是否有症状、有无疫苗可以预防及艾滋病病毒的抵抗力、艾滋病是否可通过蚊虫叮咬、分泌物及衣物传播等问题认识较缺乏,部分调查对象对艾滋病感染者存在相当大的恐惧心理,害怕与艾滋病感染者相处,并不愿到艾滋病感染者看过病的医院去就诊,经健康教育干预后,有较产程度的改善。结论 提示我们应注意对艾滋病知识全面、系统的教育。长卡司机最愿意接受健康知识的途径依次是:讲座、专家咨询、自己看书及电话咨询。 相似文献
职业和产生下背痛(LBP)危险之间的关系还不十分清楚,尽管人们已知道几种危险因素。有这样的证据,重手工作业的工人比轻手工作业的工人有较高的LBP流行。已经证明,举重物,频繁的弯腰,固定的工作姿势和全身振动是LBP发生的重要因素。因为LBP病因的多因素性质,所以,个体危险因素的重要性仍然不清楚。 相似文献
某医学院学生危害健康行为描述性研究 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10
目的 了解医学生危害健康行为的流行病学特征。方法 在某医学院中以无记名方式对1009名一-四年级学生进行最近1年内危害健康行为的问卷调查。结果 危害健康行为在医学生中普遍存在,吸烟率为26.26%,饮酒率为73.34%,7.14%的学生考虑过自杀,5.85%的学生有过性行为,3.77%的学生使用过违禁药品,43.31%的学生缺少体育锻炼,63.63%的学生有过通宵达旦的娱乐行为,16.35%的学生参与赌博。多种行为报告率男生高于女生,并有随年级而升高的趋势。结论 应加强健康教育,降低医学生危害健康行为的发生。 相似文献
某城区出租车司机性行为、求医行为调查分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了解出租车司机性行为和求医行为特征 ,为今后对该类人群干预提供依据 ,2 0 0 2年 4月对某城区 1 2 3名出租车司机按照SASH项目E阶段男性高危人群问卷内容开展调查。现将调查结果与分析报告如下。1 调查方法1 1 获得对方知情同意的前提下进行。1 2 采用调查员与被调查者一对一的方式问卷调查。2 结果2 1 一般情况2 1 1 年龄 2 0~ 30岁 35人占 2 8 45 %、 31~ 40岁 65人 ,占 52 84%、 41~ 45岁 1 2人占 7 6 %、 46岁以上 1 1人占8 94%。2 1 2 文化程度 小学 9人、初中 69人、高中及中专 39人、大专 4人、文盲 2… 相似文献
行为流行病学与不健康行为 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
罗学圃 《预防医学情报杂志》1995,11(4):253-255
行为流行病学与不健康行为罗学圃在第14届世界健康教育大会上专家们指出;心脑血管病和癌症等慢性病的发病率在全世界所有国家都不断上升,在死因顺位上,这些疾病在许多国家排在前一、二位。从许多疾病的病因分析中看到,60%左右疾病发生的主要原因是不健康的行为和... 相似文献
Lippman SA Pulerwitz J Chinaglia M Hubbard A Reingold A Díaz J 《Social science & medicine (1982)》2007,65(12):2464-2473
Mobile populations, including truck drivers, are at elevated risk of acquiring HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI). However, measures of mobility have been poorly operationalized and little research exists exploring the psychosocial context of mobility and sexual risk taking. A systematic sample of 1775 male truck drivers underwent interview at two customs stations on the Southern Brazilian international border in 2003. The psychosocial effect of being mobile was assessed by clustering truckers based on perceptions of the liminal environment, or being outside of one's normal social environment. The relationship between physical mobility (nights spent at home) and liminal cluster with sexual partnerships was assessed. The clustering procedure yielded three dispositions towards the liminal environment. Compared to truckers in the baseline cluster, those who perceive the environment as (1) very, or (2) moderately permissive had increased odds of reporting a commercial sex partner in the past six months and reported increased numbers of commercial partners. For each week slept at home, the odds of reporting a commercial partner decreased by a factor of 0.73 and the average number of commercial partners decreased by a rate of 0.76. Physical and psychosocial measures of mobility were associated independently with increased partnering on the road. Additional exploration of how the liminal environment shapes mobile populations' sexual decision making and vulnerability to STI is warranted. 相似文献
Sheila Araujo Teles Marcos André de Matos Karlla Antonieta Amorim Caetano Ludmila Araujo Costa Divania Dias da Silva Fran?a Grécia Carolina Pessoni Sandra Maria Brunini Regina Maria Bringel Martins 《Pan American journal of public health》2008,24(1):25-30
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and associated risk factors based on self-reporting by long-haul truck drivers in Brazil. METHOD: From October 2005-October 2006, 641 long-haul truck drivers that travel federal highway BR-153, traversing the country from south to north, were interviewed. A structured interview was used to collect sociodemographic data. The truck drivers also completed a self-administered questionnaire on risk behaviors and STD history. The data were adjusted and analyzed using logistic regression. RESULTS: Of 641 drivers interviewed, 620 (96.7%) provided answers on STD history. Of these, 35.6% (95% confidence interval (CI) = 31.9-39.6) reported past or current STD. Being 30 years of age or older was statistically associated with having a history of STD. In addition, truck drivers who reported using amphetamines (odds ratio (OR) = 1.7; 95%CI = 1.1-2.6), having been incarcerated (OR = 2.2; 95%CI = 1.2-4.2), and sexual relations with sex professionals (OR = 1.9; 95%CI = 1.3-2.8) had increased odds for having a history of STD. CONCLUSION: These results confirm that Brazilian truck drivers are highly vulnerable to STD and show the importance of prevention programs targeting this specific group, one that is constantly on the move and may efficiently disseminate STD. 相似文献
Peter Orris David E. Hartman Pamela Strauss Robert J. Anderson Janet Collins Cindee Knopp Yanchun Xu James Melius 《American journal of industrial medicine》1997,31(2):202-210
In 1992, a cross-sectional questionnaire study of package truck drivers in one company was conducted at four widely scattered sites throughout the US; 317 drivers participated, representing 82% of those eligible. The package truck drivers scored significantly above the US working population comparison norm on all summary and individual scales derived from the SCL 90-R, indicating a substantial increase in psychologic distress for this group. The Global Severity Index, the best single summary measure of psychological distress in the SCL 90-R, revealed a mean T score for the drivers of 64.20, 91st percentile of the normative population. The group perceived significantly more daily stressful events than the average working adult, and their sensitivity to these events was also increased. Role overload, a component of the Occupational Stress Inventory, was the most consistent factor associated with symptoms of psychological distress on multiple regression analysis. This study suggests that job stress is a psychological health hazard for these drivers. Am. J. Ind. Med. 31:202–210, 1997. © Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Jensen A Kaerlev L Tüchsen F Hannerz H Dahl S Nielsen PS Olsen J 《International archives of occupational and environmental health》2008,81(7):821-827
Objective High risks for locomotor diseases have been reported for bus and truck drivers in general; however, little is known about
the specific risks of long-haul truck drivers.
Methods Standardised hospitalisation ratios (SHR) for different locomotor diseases of bus drivers, long-haul truck drivers and other
truck drivers were compared with each other and with the general Danish working population.
Results Intervertebral disc disorders were more common among professional drivers (SHR: 119, 95% CI: 114–125) and of similar magnitude
for cervical and non-cervical disorders. Both long-haul truck drivers and bus drivers had higher SHR for intervertebral disc
disorders (SHR: 133, 95% CI: 114–155/SHR: 141, 95% CI: 129–154, respectively) than other truck drivers (SHR: 109, 95% CI:
102–116). The SHR for carpal tunnel syndrome was high among long-haul drivers (SHR: 163, 95% CI: 101–249) and for other truck
drivers (SHR: 130, 95% CI: 108–156) compared to bus drivers (SHR: 110, 95% CI: 79–149). All drivers had high SHR for lesions
of the ulnar nerve (SHR: 159, 95% CI: 119–207), especially bus drivers (SHR: 197, 95% CI: 116–311). Long-haul truck drivers
had high SHRs for synovitis and bursitis (SHR: 150, 95% CI: 105–207), in contrast to other truck drivers and bus drivers (SHR:
103, 95% CI: 89–120/SHR: 87, 95% CI: 66–112, respectively).
Conclusion All groups of professional drivers experience high risk of various disorders of the locomotor system but type of vehicle and
specific working conditions are associated with different health effects on the locomotor system. 相似文献
Cornman DH Schmiege SJ Bryan A Benziger TJ Fisher JD 《Social science & medicine (1982)》2007,64(8):1572-1584
The incidence of HIV/AIDS in India is increasing drastically, and truck drivers are seen as critical sources of HIV transmission due to their high rates of unprotected sex with multiple partners. An intervention based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral Skills (IMB) model was compared to an information-only control condition in a randomized trial. IMB constructs were assessed among 250 male truck drivers immediately prior to and following implementation of the intervention, and sexual and condom use behaviors were assessed approximately 10 months later. The intervention consisted of a single-session group workshop with 5 interactive activities designed to address HIV prevention-related IMB constructs and to motivate condom use. Findings showed mixed support for the effectiveness of the intervention. There was an effect of the IMB intervention on attitudes, norms, behavioral skills, and intentions specific to condom use with marital partners, but no effects on constructs related to non-marital partners. There was some evidence of greater condom use with marital and non-marital partners at behavioral follow-up for participants in the IMB condition, and effects on condom use with marital partners were mediated by changes in IMB constructs. These findings provide initial evidence for the effectiveness of theoretically-based approaches to HIV prevention in India. 相似文献
目的了解出租车司机饮食行为和膳食结构的特点,为相关部门制定健康教育策略提供依据。方法以随机拦截的方法,对上海虹桥机场蓄车池中的1018名出租车司机进行问卷调查。结果出租车司机每日在外就餐以及1日3餐均在外就餐的比例分别为98.4%和44.6%;吃早餐的司机中96.6%的司机的早餐营养不充足,仅0.9%的司机早餐营养充足;司机中不吃早餐、午餐和晚餐的比例分别为3.0%、2.0%和2.4%;司机工作在外时,午餐和晚餐主要是"主食+荤菜+素菜"的膳食构成模式,较少选择水果;司机选择午餐和晚餐的就餐环境,干净卫生和能吃饱是主要考虑的因素,仅4%左右的司机会考虑营养的因素,其中市区司机选择午餐和晚餐时考虑营养的比例高于郊区司机。结论出租车司机存在饮食不规律,1日3餐分配和膳食结构不合理的现象,应加强出租车司机的营养知识宣传教育,降低超重和肥胖,预防高血压等慢性病的发生。 相似文献
为了解胜利油田采油工人甲、乙型肝炎病毒 (HAV、HBV)与肾综合征出血热病毒 (HFRSV)的感染状况 ,对 917名职工进行了调查 ,现分析报告如下。1.对象与方法 :调查对象为胜利油田采油工人 ,随机抽取 917人 ,统一填写调查表并采静脉血 5ml,分离血清 ,冻存集中试验。用固相放射免疫法 (SPRIA )测定HAV IgG、HAV IgM、HBsAg、抗 HBc、抗 HBs ,试剂均由山东 3V公司提供 ,批号 2 0 0 10 92 5。用ELISA法测定HFRSV IgG、HFRSV IgM ,试剂由卫生部兰州生物制品研究所提供 ,批号2 0 0 1… 相似文献
This study demonstrates that Bolivian long distance truck drivers are a high risk population of HIV infection and transmission, supporting other global studies involving truck drivers and their high risk. The aims of this investigation were to estimate the prevalence of high risk behaviors and to identify predictors of condom use in this population. Analysis was completed on survey results from 246 male truckers (aged 18-67). About one in three of the truck drivers (30%) reported having had a sexually transmitted infection sometime in their past. More than half (56%) reported having sex with casual partners. Other risks involved unprotected anal sex. Age and two social cognitive constructs (outcome expectations and perceived social norms) predicted condom use from logistic regression analysis. The authors discuss the need for expanded HIV/sexually transmitted infection prevention programs that incorporate social cognitions. 相似文献