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德军空中 海上医疗后送装备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德军从20世纪70年代中期开始发展制式空中、海上医疗后送装备,目前已形成救护直升机、卫生飞机、舰载医疗模块3个系列,并在不断改进完善。救护直升机有轻、中、重多种型号,卫生飞机可执行短中远程空运医疗后送任务,舰载医疗模块组成海上方舱式外科医院。  相似文献   

回顾了世界范围内空运医疗后送的发展历程,通过查阅中、英文权威数据库文献,介绍了国际范围内空运医疗后送模拟训练研究的现状,并从模拟训练的内容、工具及环境设计3个方面进行了深入分析。总结了目前国内空运医疗后送模拟训练存在的问题,提出了有针对性的改进意见。指出了对空运医疗后送模拟训练进行持续不断的深入研究和实践将对战争或非战争环境下的空运医疗后送能力的提升具有重大的意义。  相似文献   

介绍了国外空运医疗后送新型冠状病毒感染者的概况,包括转运方法、前期准备、后送过程中的个人防护措施和隔离装备、转运后飞机的净化消毒方法等,分析了国内空运医疗后送新型冠状病毒感染者的概况及存在的问题,并提出了相应的建议,为我国传染病患者的空运医疗后送提供了参考。  相似文献   

玉树地震伤病员空运后送的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析玉树地震伤病员后送工作,为完善灾害救援的医疗后送提供科学依据.方法通过对玉树地震医疗后送的系统调研和相关资料的分析,总结分析玉树抗震救灾空运医疗后送流程、分级救治情况及空运后送组织情况.结果玉树地震空运医疗后送总体分三个层次进行,缺乏专用卫生运力,检伤分类策略及分级救治原则不尽完善.结论应建立健全特大地震空运医...  相似文献   

回顾了美军空运医疗后送体系的历史和发展过程,介绍了美军空运医疗后送的流程和特点,并与我军空运医疗后送发展现状进行比较,阐明了美军美军的相关经验对我军的启示,为我军空运医疗后送能力的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

目的总结国际准和空运医疗后送任务的实施和相关注意事项。方法结合国际维和任务区热带沙漠气候和空运医疗后送任务的特点,归纳总结执行任务需携带的自我维持物品、药品设备,队员的自我保护以及护送伤病员的安全保障措施。结果在维和任务期内,空运医疗前接、后送伤病员总计29批次,共救治伤病员77名,无伤病员死亡病例,无延误诊断、救治及处置不当加重病情的病例。结论总结的做法是顺利完成空运医疗后送任务的保障,是空运医疗后送系统必要的完善和补充,可为我军卫勤保障能力的发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

空运医疗后送体系建设是我军履行新使命、推进现代卫勤建设中迫切需要解决的一项重大难题。本文从空运医疗后送体系建设的总体目标、主要组成、主要任务三个方面,提出我军空运医疗后送体系建设的构想,旨在促进我军空运医疗后送工作发挥最大效能,实现我军医疗保障效率和质量的整体跃升。  相似文献   

2009年卫勤演习空运后送护理及其装备的实践探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了在卫勤演习中空运伤员登机前的医学护理装备、空运后送机上护理及其卫生装备,对空运医疗队防护、消毒和无菌技术提出了要求。通过对国外空运后送装备的分析,指出了国内空运后送装备存在的问题,以期为提高国内空运后送装备提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文介绍我军空中医院及伤病员后送飞机的主要战术技术要求;配套卫生装备主要技术性能;平战时期的地位、作用和未来发展趋势及我院空运医疗队的现状。  相似文献   

目前,国外空运伤病员多数还是把通用型运输机、直升机进行改装,作为航空医疗后送飞机使用。不少类型的运输、直升机在设计制造时已经考虑到满足多方面的需要和广泛的用途,只要在机上安装担架支撑杆并配上医疗器材,就可以后送伤病员,既经济,又简便。  相似文献   

During the latter half of 1990 the Royal Air Force established a medical evacuation chain in support of the British First Armoured Division during Operation Granby (known as Operation Desert Storm in the USA). Medical contingency plans, formulated prior to embarkation from the UK, foresaw the need for five aeromedical staging facilities sub-deployed throughout the east of the Arabian Peninsula. The early days of the deployment found personnel busy with the construction of tented and hardened facilities and with the establishment of local operating procedures. Many problems were initially encountered, especially with supply, communications and in co-ordinating with collaborating coalition and host nation units. Nevertheless, progress was rapid and non-combatant operations were started within days of arrival. As the ground offensive became more imminent, training took on a sense of urgency. Advanced first aid techniques were taught to all non-medical staff, whereas doctors, nurses and paramedical personnel were taught ACLS and ATLS skills. All studied field hygiene, the hazards of nuclear, chemical and biological warfare, casualty handling, battle psychology and the intricacies of loading and unloading various types of aircraft. By the start of the ground phase of the war the British evacuation chain was fully operational and capable of treating and transferring hundreds of casualties per day. In the event, only about 850 patients were transported down the evacuation chain during the conflict, and less than 10% of these were battle casualties. This paper presents an overview of the British aeromedical evacuation system and discusses, in more detail, the establishment and operation of the busiest aeromedical staging facility at Al Jubail in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

区域性空中医疗救护体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨构建区域性空中医疗救护体系的必要性、可行性和体系构建后的运行。方法综合分析外军及联合国维和部队空中救护体系,参考我国灾害救援中的有关经验。结果指挥系统、区域性医疗救援中心、运输工具、空中医疗救援队及现场分类救援力量是该体系构建的重点。结论区域性空中医疗救护体系是未来的一个重点方向。  相似文献   

The National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) is a partnership of private and public sectors to provide care to the victims of great disasters. The system is being developed as a voluntary cooperative effort of four major Federal agencies, State and local governments, and the American professional and hospital communities. A medical response component will include 150 disaster medical assistance units capable of clearing or staging operations in a disaster. Each unit will comprise three 29-person teams containing physicians, nurses, medical technicians, and support personnel and will include a 16-person unit command and support element. An evacuation component will be founded on the military aeromedical evacuation system, augmented by civilian aircraft and other transportation resources. A hospital component will enroll 100,000 pre-committed beds in hospitals throughout the nation. The system is designed to care for up to 100,000 casualties arising from a massive peacetime disaster or an overseas conventional military conflict. The National Disaster Medical System will be implemented over a period of 3 to 5 years. The authors recommend that all parts of the American health care community join in support of the system.  相似文献   

In Smolenskaya guberniya of the early XXth century, the main issues of therapeutic care provision were medical personnel deficiency, beds shortage and lower conditions of single core hospital. The First World War and aftermath of the Revolution events only deteriorated the situation since the hospital therapeutic care to population factually missed. In 1920, this condition became a determinative factor to organize medical faculty of State University in Smolensk. The functioning of faculty permitted not only to set going the graduation of medical professionals so needed in gubernia, but to provide sufficient proportion of medical care in clinics of its therapeutic chairs.  相似文献   

空运后送在卫勤保障中的地位和作用日益突出,海军陆战队是国家执行重大军事任务时的重要力量,作者分析了美军海军陆战队伤员空运后送的现状、存在的问题及要求,并就其空运后送卫勤保障中常用药品、护理设备及医疗人员的配置情况做了总结,明确了提高空运医疗后送能力对于保证海军陆战队战斗力的重要作用。  相似文献   

火灾是航母最大的安全隐患之一。本文分析美国二战期间19艘和二战后42艘航母火灾情况,分析造成火灾的原因及伤亡情况,得出减少火灾事故的发生和火灾发生后伤员及时有效救治的启示。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Veterans of the first Gulf War have higher rates of medical and psychiatric symptoms than nondeployed military personnel. METHODS: To assess the prevalence of and risk factors for current anxiety disorders in Gulf War veterans, we administered a structured telephone interview to a population-based sample of 4886 military personnel from Iowa at enlistment. Participants were randomly drawn from Gulf War regular military, Gulf War National Guard/ Reserve, non-Gulf War regular military, and non-Gulf War National Guard/Reserve. Medical and psychiatric conditions were assessed through standardized interviews and questionnaires in 3695 subjects (76% participation). Risk factors were assessed using multivariate logistic regression models. RESULTS: Veterans of the first Gulf War reported a markedly higher prevalence of current anxiety disorders than nondeployed military personnel (5.9% vs. 2.8%; odds ratio = 2.1; 95% confidence interval = 1.3-3.1), and their anxiety disorders are associated with co-occurring psychiatric disorders. Posttraumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder were each present at rates nearly twice expected. In our multivariate model, predeployment psychiatric treatment and predeployment diagnoses (posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, or anxiety) were independently associated with current anxiety disorder. Participation in Gulf War combat was independently associated with current posttraumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. CONCLUSIONS: Current anxiety disorders are relatively frequent in a military population and are more common among Gulf War veterans than nondeployed military personnel. Predeployment psychiatric difficulties are robustly associated with the development of anxiety. Healthcare providers and policymakers need to consider panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder, in addition to posttraumatic stress disorder, to ensure their proper assessment, treatment, and prevention in veteran populations.  相似文献   

In part one (ZfG 1/95) of this essay psychiatric-epidemiological studies before and after World War II, dealing with senile psychoses in the elderly were discussed. A small number of studies before World War II found far lower rates for senile psychoses than the studies after World War II. Also the prevalence rates for all mental disorders in the whole population were much higher in studies since 1945, compared with those before World War II. One reason for this is, that more and more psychic or mental disorders were categorized as psychiatric diagnoses in modern psychiatry. Also the methodological change in psychiatric epidemiology from case finding studies (via medical, psychiatric and/or administrative institutions) to population surveys (sample or total) resulted in higher prevalence rates. Because of these methodological different approaches it cannot be said, that the true prevalence of mental disorders is higher in the studied populations after World War II. For organic psychosis in the elderly a rise of true prevalence is possible because of the rising proportion of the very old (the group with highest risk for senile psychoses) in the elderly. In this part two a quantitative analysis of prevalence rates for dementia (this term is being used more and more for senile psychoses) of all relevant studies after 1945 follows. It reveals a strong positive relationship between prevalence rates for dementia and average age of study populations. The relationship between rates and time is-if there is any-only secondary. The analysis of the few longitudinal studies of prevalence and incidence of dementia also shows no rise, but a decline of the individual risk to develop a dementia.  相似文献   

The “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and the “Geneva Declaration” by the World Medical Association, both in 1948, were preceded by the foundation of the United Nations in New York (1945), the World Medical Association in London (1946) and the World Health Organization in Geneva (1948). After the end of World War II the community of nations strove to achieve and sustain their primary goals of peace and security, as well as their basic premise, namely the health of human beings. All these associations were well aware of the crimes by medicine, in particular by the accused Nazi physicians at the Nuremberg Doctors Trial (1946/47, sentence: August 1947). During the first conference of the World Medical Association (September 1947) issues of medical ethics played a major role: and a new document was drafted concerning the values of the medical profession. After the catastrophe of the War and the criminal activities of scientists, the late 1940s saw increased scrutiny paid to fundamental questions of human rights and medical ethics, which are still highly relevant for today’s medicine and morality. The article focuses on the development of medical ethics and human rights reflected in the statement of important persons, codes and institutions in the field.  相似文献   

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