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Objective: To assess whether adolescents with a history of sexual abuse were more likely than those with no such history to engage in sexual risk behaviors. Methods: Data for this study were obtained through the 1997 Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a self-report questionnaire administered to a representative sample of 9th through 12th graders (N = 4014) to assess a variety of adolescent risk behaviors. Only sexually experienced adolescents (n = 1610; female = 779, male = 831) were included in the present study. Logistic regression models were constructed to examine the relationship of sexual abuse history to sexual risk behaviors. Adolescents were considered as having a history of sexual abuse if they reported ever having had sexual contact against their will. Results: Almost one- third of sexually experienced adolescent girls (30.2%) and one-tenth (9.3%) of adolescent boys reported a history of sexual abuse. After controlling for related demographics and risk behaviors, sexually abused female students were significantly more likely than those without such a history to have had earlier first coitus (OR = 2.2, 95%CI = 1.46–3.47), to have had three or more sex partners ever (OR = 2.5, 95%CI = 1.71–3.68), and to have been pregnant (OR = 1.9, 95%CI = 1.21–2.92). Sexually abused male students were significantly more likely than those without such a history to have ever had multiple partners (OR = 3.2, 95%CI = 1.56–6.57), to have had multiple sex partners in the past 3 months (OR = 2.9, 95%CI = 1.71–3.68), and to have engaged in sex resulting in pregnancy (OR = 3.4,95%CI = 1.53–7.34). Conclusion: Both adolescent girls and boys with a history of sexual abuse report greater sexual risk-taking than those without such a history. However, although sexual abuse is more prevalent among girls than boys, the impact of sexual abuse on sexual risk appears to be even greater for boys. Programs addressing both sexual abuse and sexual risk must be made available to all adolescents.  相似文献   

目的调查浙江省某市大学女生性行为发生学校阶段与有关危险性行为和性生殖健康问题关联情况。方法采用统一的调查问卷,对浙江省某市两所大学所有学生进行自答式问卷调查。在963名已经发生性行为的女生中,670名回答了她们所有有关性行为的问题而被纳入了分析。结果较在大学期间发生性行为的女生,在大学前发生性关系的女生,首次性行为更可能不使用安全套,性伴更可能是非固定性的,更可能有怀孕或者流产的经历,过去和过去一年更可能有两个及以上性伴侣,过去一年更可能发生性行为。结论首次性行为发生学校阶段与性病/艾滋病关联危险行为有关联。针对青年人的性病/艾滋病预防策略应包括推迟性行为的发生和在较早的时间进行性安全教育。  相似文献   

大学生性病艾滋病关联性行为研究   总被引:42,自引:6,他引:42  
目的了解大学生的性行为状况,为学校和有关部门制订性教育、性病艾滋病健康教育和行为干预措施提供参考依据。方法选择浙江省2所综合性大学在校全日制1~4年级学生参加自答式问卷调查。结果2所大学学生有78.0%参加本调查,13.1%的大学生有过性行为,发生性行为的平均年龄19.51岁;首次性行为使用安全套占29.2%;发生性行为的地点主要为旅馆饭店,其次为家里;平均性伴侣1.54个,10.4%学生自己或者性伴侣有过流产的经历;有一定比例的学生分别有买卖性关系,同性或双性性行为;1.4%曾被诊断患过性病,曾经使用过安全套学生回答使用的主要原因是防止怀孕,最后一次性行为有47.8%使用安全套。68.6%~71.1%有性行为的学生认为自己或性伴侣怀孕、自己通过性行为感染性病艾滋病“不可能、可能性非常低或可能性较低”。结论大学生预防性传播感染和HIV/AIDS意识低下,自我保护意识差,安全套使用率低,使用安全套主要是为了防止怀孕而不是预防疾病;多性伴现象严重。同性性行为和卖淫嫖娼客观存在,大学生存在流产、性传播疾病和HIV感染的危险性.针对大学生进行性病艾滋病健康教育和行为干预迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Research on young people’s sexual relationships often overlooks subjective experiences and enjoyment. Perceived quality of sexual relationships may be related to gender, background characteristics, circumstances of first intercourse and subsequent sexual history. METHODS: Longitudinal data from 13–16‐year‐olds who participated in randomized trials of school sex education in either Scotland (N=5,356) or England (N=6,269) were used to examine young people’s subjective experiences of heterosexual relationships. Logistic regression models tested for associations between selected variables and pressure and regret at first intercourse, pressure and enjoyment at most recent intercourse, and three measures of relationship quality. RESULTS: Of the 42% of youth who reported having had sex by follow‐up, most assessed their first and most recent sexual relationships positively. Greater proportions of females than of males felt pressure at first sexual intercourse (19% vs. 10%), regretted their first time (38% vs. 20%) and did not enjoy their most recent sex (12% vs. 5%). Younger age at first sex was an important correlate of partner pressure and regret at first intercourse (odds ratios, 2.0 each, for those 13 or younger vs. 15–16‐year‐olds). Negative experiences were associated with less control (e.g., feeling pressure, being drunk or stoned, and not planning sex) and with less intimacy (e.g., sex with a casual partner and less frequent sex). Background social characteristics had limited influence compared with circumstances of first intercourse and subsequent sexual history. CONCLUSION: Most young people evaluated their early sexual experiences positively. The quality of relationships was enhanced by better communication and greater physical intimacy. For a vulnerable minority, however, early sexual experiences were negative. They could be protected by delaying first intercourse, restricting sexual activity to established relationships and learning skills to improve control in sexual encounters.  相似文献   

Self-esteem, motivation for sexual health, and sexual risk behaviors as indicated by condom use and number of sex partners was explored in a sample of 140 Hispanic women of childbearing age (18–44 years). The researchers used Cox's Interaction Model of Client Health Behavior (IMCHB) as the conceptual framework for the study. They found that 70% (n = 79) of single women reported condom use with their most recent sexual partner, and 49% (n = 55) of single women reported more than one sexual partner in the last 12 months. Self-esteem and motivation for sexual health were significantly associated (r =. 42, p =.001), although only the latter was related to condom use among single women (r =. 29, p =. 01). Women who reported higher self-esteem were less likely to worry about acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Despite public information about STDs, including HIV/AIDS, a proportion of these women and their partners are vulnerable to these diseases. Health promotion implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective : To describe trends in self‐reported sexual and reproductive health behaviours among New Zealand secondary school students. Methods : Nationally representative health and wellbeing surveys conducted in 2001 (n=9,699), 2007 (n=9,107) and 2012 (n=8,500) were analysed. Logistic regressions were used to explore variations in sexual health outcomes between 2001 and 2012. Results : ‘Ever had sex’ (?6.9%, p<0.001); ‘currently sexually active’ (? 2.3%, p<0.001); ‘always use condoms’ (?3.3%, p=0.006); ‘condoms at last sex’ (?7.0, p=0.002); ‘contraception at last sex’ (?5.8%, p<0.001) and sexually transmitted infections (?0.3%, p=0.001) have reduced over time. ‘Always use contraception’ did not change significantly (?1.4%, p=0.514) over time. Māori (OR 0.7), Pacific (OR 0.5) and socioeconomically deprived students (OR 0.7) less frequently used condoms. Māori (OR 0.6), Pacific (OR 0.4), Asian (OR 0.5), younger (OR 0.6), and socioeconomically deprived (OR 0.6) students less frequently used contraception. Conclusions : Students in 2012 were more likely to delay sexual activity, but were less likely to use condoms and contraception consistently, compared to students in 2001. Declining contraceptive use over an 11‐year period suggests that current strategies are inadequate, particularly for Māori, Pacific and socioeconomically deprived students. Appropriate and accessible sexual and reproductive health services are urgently required.  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have measured sexual functioning in women using a large, diverse, community-based sample with measures that allow for direct comparisons with previous findings. In this article, we: (1) describe prevalence of sexual activity in women by key sociodemographic characteristics, including age, race/ethnicity, marital status, and socioeconomic status; and (2) estimate the influence of key correlates on sexual problems. Data were analyzed from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey, a 2002–2005 community-based epidemiologic study of urologic and gynecologic symptoms, sociodemographics, health status, and psychosocial characteristics in a diverse sample of Boston area residents (N = 3,205 women aged 30–79 years). Analyses of sexual activity prevalence and reasons for inactivity were conducted on the full sample, while analyses of sexual problems and their correlates were conducted for the subset of women who engaged in sexual activity with a partner in the previous 4 weeks. A total of 49% of participants were not sexually active, citing lack of interest (51.5%) and lack of a partner (60.8%) as the most common reasons. Data pertaining to five dimensions of sexual functioning were gathered through a self-administered questionnaire adapted from the Female Sexual Function Index, measuring desire among all women and arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and pain among those who were sexually active. Among the sexually active, we obtained a 38.4% prevalence rate of sexual problems and 34.9% of those participants reported that they were also dissatisfied with their sex lives. Therefore, only 13.7% of the sexually active sample exhibited both sexual problems and dissatisfaction with their overall sex lives. Age was strongly and positively associated with sexual problems. In terms of psychosocial factors, depression, sexual and physical abuse in adulthood, global mental health functioning, and alcohol were associated with sexual problems, with variation across racial/ethnic groups.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to inform the development of a questionnaire to assess a woman's tendency to respond with sexual excitation/inhibition in different situations. Nine focus groups, involving 80 women (M age = 34.3 years; range, 18-84), were conducted. Women described a wide range of physical (genital and nongenital), cognitive/emotional, and behavioral cues to arousal. The relationship between sexual interest (desire) and sexual arousal was complex; sexual interest was reported as sometimes preceding arousal, but at other times following it. Many women did not clearly differentiate between arousal and interest. Qualitative data on the factors that women perceived as "enhancers" and "inhibitors" of sexual arousal are presented, with a focus on the following themes: feelings about one's body; concern about reputation; unwanted pregnancy/contraception; feeling desired versus feeling used by a partner; feeling accepted by a partner; style of approach/initiation; and negative mood. The findings can help inform conceptualizations of sexual arousal in women.  相似文献   

PurposeNorth American research finds increased sexual risk-taking among teenagers with same-sex partners, but understanding of underlying processes is limited. The research carried out in the United Kingdom compares teenagers' early sexual experiences according to same- or opposite-sex partner, focusing on unwanted sex in addition to risk-taking, and exploring underlying psychosocial differences.MethodsMultivariate analyses combined self-reported data from two randomized control trials of school sex education programs (N = 10,250). Outcomes from sexually experienced teenagers (N = 3,766) were partner pressure to have first sex and subsequent regret, and sexual risk measures including pregnancy. Covariates included self-esteem, future expectations, substance use, and communication with mother.ResultsBy the time of follow-up (mean age, 16), same-sex genital contact (touching or oral or anal) was reported by 2.3% of teenagers, with the majority also reporting heterosexual intercourse. A total of 39% reported heterosexual intercourse and no same-sex genital contact. Boys were more likely to report partner pressure (Odds ratio [OR] = 2.56, 95% confidence intervals [CI] = 1.29–5.08) and regret (OR = 2.32; 95% CI = 1.39–3.86) in relation to first same-sex genital contact than first heterosexual intercourse, but girls showed no differences according to partner type. Teenagers with bisexual behavior reported greater pregnancy or partner pregnancy risk than teenagers with exclusively opposite-sex partners (girls, OR = 4.51, 95% CI = 2.35–8.64; boys, OR = 4.43, 95% CI = 2.41–8.14), partially reduced by attitudinal and behavioral differences.ConclusionsThis UK study confirms greater reporting of sexual risk-taking among teenagers with same-sex partners, and suggests that boys in this group are vulnerable to unwanted sex. It suggests limitations to the interpretation of differences, in terms of psychosocial risk factors common to all adolescents.  相似文献   

PURPOSESexual activity is an important component of quality of life for women across their lifespan. Prior studies show a decline in sexual activity with age, but these studies often fail to consider the role of sexual satisfaction. The aim of this study is to give updated prevalence estimates of sexual activity among women and to elucidate factors associated with sexual activity and sexual satisfaction.METHODSWe report a cross-sectional analysis of the second wave of a nationally representative sample of US adults aged 28 to 84 years, the Survey of Midlife Development in the United States. The survey used self-administered questionnaires to assess demographic data, self-rated physical and mental health, medical problems and medication use, relationship factors, and sexual activity and satisfaction.RESULTSOf 2,116 women who answered the questions regarding sexuality, 1,345 (61.8%) women were sexually active in the previous 6 months. The proportion of women who were sexually active decreased with advancing age. Women who were married or cohabitating had approximately 8 times higher odds of being sexually active (odds ratio = 7.91, 95% CI, 4.16–15.04; P <.001). Among women aged 60 years and older who were married or cohabitating, most (59.0%) were sexually active. Among women who were sexually active, higher relationship satisfaction (P <.001), better communication (P = .011), and higher importance of sex P = .040) were related to higher sexual satisfaction, but age was not (P = .79).CONCLUSIONSA considerable proportion of midlife and older women remain sexually active if they have a partner available. Psychosocial factors (relationship satisfaction, communication with romantic partner, and importance of sex) matter more to sexual satisfaction than aging among midlife and older women.  相似文献   

Researchers conducted a survey of 199 students enrolled 2 public high schools in Alberta in Canada to learn of their knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and knowledge, attitude, and behaviors about condoms and their use. 41% were sexually active. 41% of these students did not or rarely used condoms. 44% had =or+ 3 partners. 61% of those with =or+ 3 partners used condoms and 56% with 1 partner used them. Knowledge of STDs and condom use stood high regardless of sex or sexual activity. 93% of the boys, 80% of the girls, 88% of sexually active and 87% of nonsexually active students stated it was their responsibility to carry condoms if they are sexually active. Moreover 96% of the boys, 78% of the girls, 81% of sexually active and 91% of nonsexually active students said they would use a condom during sexual intercourse. Nevertheless males and sexually active students did express some negative attitudes towards condoms, such as reduce sensation and interference with sexual spontaneity. Nonsexually active students tended to view condom use as a negative stigma (p.05). Most students claimed to be more likely to buy condoms from condom vending machines in the rest rooms than from stores (p.05). Sexual partners had the largest influence on students, especially sexually active students, to have or not have sexual intercourse followed by concerns about STDs, friends, and family. Further, the large majority of all students, especially females and sexually active students, said they would choose their sexual partner carefully because of the concern for AIDS and other STDs. They also tended to be monogamous and avoided high risk groups. In conclusion, no reliable differences occurred between attitudes towards condoms and use or nonuse of condoms to explain behavior. Future studies should be designed to center on factors that influence sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Heterosexual men and women with several partners are at risk of acquiring and transmitting sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. Risk depends on parameters such as the sexual practices themselves which may vary according to the type of partner (regular vs. casual). It is therefore important to describe the sexual practices and identify the correlations between the type of partner and these practices among heterosexuals with multiple partners. A subsample of all subjects having had at least two sexual partners during the previous year (n=1644) was obtained from the ACSF survey (n=20,055), the French national telephone survey on sexual behavior conducted between September 1991 and February 1992. Questions concerned in particular sexual practices of the last encounter as well as type of partner. Petting and vaginal penetration were almost systematic, mutual manual stimulation and orogenital sex were common, while self-masturbation and anal sex were infrequent. On average, a condom was seldom used. However, it was used more often when the partner was occasional. Nonpenetrative and oral practices were also more frequent with occasional partners. Women tended to report lower frequencies of practices and of condom use than men. A subset of heterosexuals with multiple partners engaged in safe sex. Practices tend to be partner-specific, with safer sex practices more likely to occur with occasional partners, although the magnitude of the difference is moderate.  相似文献   

Sexual coercion may affect the sexual experiences of sexual minority women differently. Women (n = 445) aged 18 to 71 years (Mean = 30.38) answered an online survey on sexual orientation, lifetime coercion, and sexual history. Sexual minority women (45.8%, n = 204) were more likely to report having been coerced into unwanted sexual behavior (56.5%) than heterosexual women (44.8 %; p = 0.010). Coerced sexual minority women reported earlier ages of initiation into performing oral sex (p = 0.016), penile-vaginal (p = 0.024), and penile-anal (p = 0.027) intercourse. In multiple logistic regression models, currently being in a partnered relationship was the sole factor related to lifetime engagement in penile-vaginal intercourse and receiving oral sex from partners. Having at least a graduate degree was the only characteristic related to engagement in lifetime penile-anal intercourse. Sexual coercion was not related to any lifetime sexual behavior outcomes. The nature of sexual initiation and coercion should be explored further among sexual minority women, with the goal of incorporating their experiences into prevention and treatment initiatives.  相似文献   

Objective : Estimate the prevalence of sexual behaviour and alcohol use and examine the association between excessive alcohol use and risky sexual behaviour in late secondary students in Victoria, Australia. Method: The sample of Year 11 students from government and independent schools participating in the 2008 International Youth Development Study (n=450) was representative of the Victorian school population. Logistic regression analyses examined the associations between sexual behaviour, binge and compulsive drinking, adjusting for socio‐demographic, school and family factors. Results: Under half (44%) the students had experienced sex in the past year, half (50%) had engaged in binge drinking in the past two weeks and 26% reported compulsive drinking in the past year. Of those who reported sex in the past year (n=197), 34% had sex without a condom at the last sexual encounter and 28% later regretted sex due to alcohol. The likelihood of experiencing sex was increased by binge (OR=2.44, 95%CI 1.44–4.12) and compulsive drinking (OR=2.15, 95%CI 1.29–3.60). For those sexually active, binge drinking increased the risk of having three or more sexual partners (OR=3.37, 95%CI 1.11–10.26) and compulsive drinking increased the likelihood of regretted sex due to alcohol (OR=4.43, 95%CI 2.10–9.31). Excessive drinking was not associated with condom non‐use. Conclusion and implications: Risky sex – multiple sexual partners and regretted sex due to alcohol – and excessive drinking are highly prevalent and co‐associated among Victorian late secondary students.  相似文献   

Access to education has been shown to strongly influence adolescent health across the world, and strong relationships with teachers has been found to lead to better academic and psychosocial outcomes for students. In many low-income countries where adolescents have less access to education and are more likely to experience poor health outcomes, risky sexual behaviors can exacerbate these challenges by increasing the risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. This study sought to examine risky behaviors, such as substance use and risky sexual practices, of in-school youth in Liberia, a country in West Africa. Nine focus groups were conducted with public school students in Monrovia, Liberia in April 2012 using a semi-structured guide. The sessions took place in three public schools with n = 72 participants aged 12–20 years old. Following thematic content analysis, a pattern emerged of transactional sex between female students and male teachers, which often led to contrived and coercive relationships for the students. Conversely, participants reported that educators were not disciplined for having sex with students. Interventions to reduce the prevalence of transactional sex within the academic environment would likely protect the well being of school-going youth, particularly female youth, and support students’ academic pursuits in Liberia.  相似文献   

An investigation into the prevalence and characteristics of child sexual abuse in the Northern Province (South Africa) was conducted. A total of 414 secondary school students in standard 9 and 10 in three representative secondary schools completed a retrospective self-rating questionnaire in a classroom setting. The questionnaire asked about childhood sexual abuse and the victim-perpetrator relationship. Results shows an overall (N = 414) child sexual abuse prevalence rate of 54.2%, 60% for males (N = 193), 53.2% for females (N = 216). Among them, 86.7% were kissed sexually, 60.9% were touched sexually, 28.9% were victims of oral/anal/vaginal intercourse. "Friend" was the highest indicated perpetrator in all patterns of sexual abuse. Many victims (86.7%) perceived themselves as not sexually abused as a child, and many (50.2%) rated their childhood as "very happy." A call is made for more research, publicity, and campaigns in the area of child sexual abuse in the Province.  相似文献   

目的 了解农民工与艾滋病相关性行为情况及其影响因素.方法 采用随机整群抽样方法,选取陕西省蓝田县3个乡6个村的820名具有外出打工史的农民为对象,通过问卷对其性行为现状进行调查.结果 农民工有婚前性行为者占36.3%,有婚外性行为者占11.7%,有≥2个性伙伴者占17.2%;初次性行为年龄女性早于男性,小年龄组早于大年龄组,轻体力劳动者早于劳动强度大者(P <0.001);性别(OR =0.36)、婚姻状况(OR =3.35)、打工地点(OR=1.93)、初次性行为年龄(OR =0.79)、每次外出打工时间(OR=1.02)因素影响多性伴人数;多性伴者在初次和既往性行为中安全套使用率高于单性伴者(P<0.05).结论 农民工高危性行为的发生与性别、婚姻状态、打工类型、打工地点及每次外出打工时间有关.  相似文献   

PurposeAdolescents who engage in sex can be affected by a range of negative physical and psychological consequences. We intend to analyze the reasons behind first sex, regret, and the association between reasons and regret.MethodsA questionnaire was implemented to 8,495 high schools students aged 14–18 years residing in the Philippines, El Salvador, and Peru. Sexually active participants responded whether several circumstances were reasons involved in their first sexual relationship. They also responded whether they regretted having already had sexual relationships.ResultsMore than one-third of respondents reported at least one external pressure leading to first sex, and about one-half reported at least one reason implying getting carried away by sexual arousal.More females affirmed they regret having already had sex. Logistic regression shows that reasons for first sex associated with regret were partner insistence, “uncontrolled situations,” and seeing sexual images. These reasons were associated with regret even when love was also reported as related to first sex.ConclusionsAdolescent sexual experience is often motivated by pressure (such as external pressure [because most friends already had sex or because of partner insistence]) and circumstances (such as getting carried away by sexual arousal [through an “uncontrolled situation” or viewing sexual images]) that lower the control over their decisions concerning sex, rather than by mature decisions, and this may result in later regret. Adolescents should be helped by parents, educators, and policy makers to be aware of these characteristics of sexual behavior of adolescents and empowered to make assertive and informed decisions concerning their sexuality.  相似文献   

Theories of human sexuality have proposed that two factors reduce the double standard of sexuality and lead to a convergence of male and female sexual behavior: the degree of social benefits and amount of power women have in basic societal institutions and the extent to which a society accepts permissive sexual norms. As these factors increase, the strength of the double standard will decrease and the convergence between male and female behaviors will increase. Compared to the United States, Sweden has instituted more policies to promote gender equality and has been thought to accept more permissive premarital sexual attitudes. The focus of the research reported here is to examine country and gender differences in sexual attitudes and sexual behavior for a sample of university students in the United States (N = 407) and Sweden (N = 570). Results indicate that Swedish students endorsed more similar sexual standards for women and men and reported more accepting attitudes than did American students. For sexual behavior, American men reported the most sexual experience, Swedish men the least, with the women of both countries generally in the middle category. Notwithstanding this more permissive behavior on the part of American men, gender convergence with respect to sexual behavior is stronger in Sweden on several of the dimensions examined: age of first engaging in partner-related sexual activities for those who were sexually experienced, relationship with first partner, number of partners both in the last year and in their lifetime, and affective reactions to first coitus. Gender convergence, however, is weaker in Sweden than in the United States with respect to the incidence and frequency of various sexual activities and the degree of satisfaction with current sex life. Findings are discussed with respect to the questions they raise about the current theories that framed this research and the differential amount of sex education provided in the two countries.The research reported here was supported in part with a grant from the Foundation for the Scientific Study of Sexuality.  相似文献   

了解四川省不同特征大学新生对性知识的关注情况,为高校开展规范性教育提供参考.方法 2018年9月采用立意抽样选取四川省13所高校,再随机抽取班级共2 532名入学新生进行调查,分析不同特征学生对不同性知识关注度的差异.结果 不同特征新生关注较多的性知识为伴侣沟通(39.25% ~ 55.10%)、性病艾滋病(37.78% ~44.85%)、性别平等(33.33%~43.34%).Logistic回归分析显示,男生更关注伴侣沟通(0R=0.77,95%CI=0.65~0.91)、自慰(OR=0.36,95%CI=0.27~0.47)、性少数群体(OR=0.61,95%CI=0.41~0.90),女生更关注性别平等(OR=1.31,95%CI=1.10~1.57)、性骚扰与暴力(OR=1.65,95%CI=1.37~1.98);农村学生更关注伴侣沟通(OR=0.79,95% CI=0.65 ~0.94),城镇学生更关注自慰(OR=1.50,95%CI=1.08~2.08)、性骚扰与性暴力(OR=1.30,95%CI-1.07~1.58);有性行为经历的学生比无性经历的学生更关注避孕与意外怀孕(0R=0.53,95%CI=0.39~0.72);性少数学生比异性恋学生更关注性少数群体(0R=3.50,95%CI=2.30~5.33).结论 不同特征学生对不同性知识的关注度有所不同,并且与需求有关.建议学校开设全面性教育课程,根据不同特征学生的需求,性教育知识内容可有所侧重,开展全面而有针对性的性教育.  相似文献   

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