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根据中国国家统计局[1]数据显示,截至 2018 年年底,我国 65 岁及以上老年人口为 1.67 亿,占总人口的 11.9%,到 2050 年该比例将达到 28%,成为世界上老年人口最多的国家[2].然而我国老年相关人才的人力资源匮乏且综合素质和专业素养有待提升[1,3].Kogan[4]将对老年人态度界定为个人对老...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inter-professional collaboration between physicians and nurses, within and between cultures, can help contain cost and insure better patient outcomes. Attitude toward such collaboration is a function of the roles prescribed in the culture that guide professional behavior. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the study was to test three research hypotheses concerning attitudes toward physician-nurse collaboration across genders, disciplines, and cultures. METHOD: The Jefferson Scale of Attitudes Toward Physician-Nurse Collaboration was administered to 639 physicians and nurses in the United States (n = 267) and Mexico (n = 372). Attitude scores were compared by gender (men, women), discipline (physicians, nurses), and culture (United States, Mexico) by using a three-way factorial analysis of variance design. RESULTS: Findings confirmed the first research hypothesis by demonstrating that both physicians and nurses in the United States would express more positive attitudes toward physician-nurse collaboration than their counterparts in Mexico. The second research hypothesis, positing that nurses as compared to physicians in both countries would express more positive attitudes toward physician-nurse collaboration, was also supported. The third research hypothesis that female physicians would express more positive attitudes toward physician-nurse collaboration than their male counterparts was not confirmed. CONCLUSIONS: Collaborative education for medical and nursing students, particularly in cultures with a hierarchical model of inter-professional relationship, is needed to promote positive attitudes toward complementary roles of physicians and nurses. Faculty preparation for collaboration is necessary in such cultures before implementing collaborative education.  相似文献   

Chong AM  Fok SY 《Death Studies》2005,29(1):29-54
This article reports the findings of a cross-sectional study that compared the attitudes of 618 respondents of a general household survey and a random sample of 1,197 physicians toward different types of euthanasia in Hong Kong. The general public was found to agree with active euthanasia and non-voluntary euthanasia and was neutral about passive euthanasia. On the other hand, physicians agreed with passive euthanasia, were neutral about non-voluntary euthanasia, and disagreed with active euthanasia. Factors affecting the respondents' attitudes were also explored. The article ends with policy and research implications of the findings.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study described here was to examine the attitudes of nursing students toward people with disabilities 1 year after the students had participated in an educational program on caring for such people. The program provided (a) information about this care, (b) simulated experiences related to different aspects of care, and (c) contact with disabled people as well as with rehabilitation health professionals. The study also examined how students' attitudes were influenced by the students' age, the number of years they had spent in the nursing program, their degree of experience in caring for people with disabilities, and their amount of personal interaction with disabled people. The Attitudes Towards Disabled Persons (ATDP) scale was administered to 67 nursing students before they completed the workshop. The participants were tested again 1 year later, thereby providing a matched group for examining attitude changes over time. The participants' attitudes were significantly more positive at the follow-up. At the 1-year follow-up, the ATDP scores of the intervention group were also compared with those of a second group of nursing students (n = 170) who had not participated in the educational program. The findings suggested that completion of the educational program was an important influence on students' development of positive attitudes toward people with disabilities.  相似文献   

The attitudes people in any given culture regarding death and suicidal behavior may be viewed as a reflection of that culture's values toward life. This article reviews the literature in the area of societal attitudes toward suicidal behavior. Attitudes include not only how society feels about those who kill themselves but the family members who are left behind as well. Although surveys have shown that many Americans see suicidal people as psychologically disturbed, some groups argue that suicide can be seen as a rational behavior. The idea is postulated that the answer to whether suicide is a rational or irrational act may not be as simple as yes or no.  相似文献   

The Jefferson Scale of Attitudes toward Physician-Nurse Collaboration (JSAPNC) was administered to 333 undergraduate nursing students. The underlying factors, item-total score correlations and reliability of the JSAPNC were examined. A significant correlation was observed between scores of the JSAPNC and the Jefferson Scale of Empathy (r = 0.38). It was hypothesized that: (1) Women would score higher than men on the JSAPNC, (2) Scores on the JSAPNC would increase as students progress in their nursing education, (3) Scores on the JSAPNC would be higher for students with work experiences in health care, and (4) Scores on the JSAPNC would be higher for those with a higher level of education prior to nursing school. Hypotheses 1, 3 and 4 were confirmed at a conventional statistical level of significance (p < 0.05), and hypothesis 2 was confirmed at a marginal significance level (p = 0.06). No significant differences were observed on scores of the JSAPNC among undergraduate nursing students grouped by ethnic minority, specialty plan, academic major prior to nursing school, or marital status. Implications for future studies in nursing education are discussed.  相似文献   

To assess the attitudes of nurses toward computerization, Stronge and Brodt's questionnaire, Assessment of Nurses' Attitudes Toward Computerization was used to survey head nurses, staff registered nurses, and licensed practical nurses in a 500-bed hospital. Nurses' attitudes were generally favorable toward computers and there were no significant differences in attitudes by nurses' job title, level of education, age, or years of nursing experience. Previous experience with computers was the only variable significantly related to total mean score with those nurses who had previously used computers having significantly (p less than 0.001) more favorable attitudes toward computers than those who reported no previous computer use. A factor analysis was obtained; five factors emerged. Although the factors are similar to the categories identified by Stronge and Brodt, results of the factor analysis suggest response bias.  相似文献   

Although measuring outcomes is essential to ensuring palliative care effectiveness, there is an absence of properly validated measures in many countries. We undertook a cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Palliative Outcome Scale (POS) into a Spanish (Argentina) language and cultural context. The methodology used a sequence of phases: 1) verification of conceptual equivalence (literature review, professional interviews, and patient focus groups); 2) multiple translations; 3) committee review; and 4) field testing. Psychometric analysis entailed evaluation of quantitative content validity, construct validity, staff and patients' ratings comparison, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and responsiveness to change. Conceptual equivalence was achieved. Multiple changes were introduced after the translations and field testing in 65 patients and 20 professionals. Content validity was high for all but one item. Construct validity against a validated quality-of-life measure (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life C-30) was confirmed (rho=0.74, P<0.0005). There was acceptable agreement between staff and patients (Cohen's weighted kappa >0.3) for 5/10, 8/10, and 6/9 items at each of three time-point evaluations and good correlation for all but one item (Spearman coefficient >0.7). Internal consistency was acceptable (Cronbach's alpha=0.68-0.69 and 0.66-0.73) for patient and staff ratings, respectively, and test-retest reliability showed very high agreement for every item (>0.80). The Argentine POS showed adequate responsiveness to change, although significant difference was reached for only 3 out of 10 items for patients and staff, respectively. Completion of the POS did not take more than 12 and 6 minutes for patients and staff, respectively. This study indicates that the Argentine POS is a valid and reliable measure of palliative care outcomes with advanced cancer patients.  相似文献   

A cross-cultural study was conducted on the attitudes of superintendents of institutions regarding deinstitutionalization in the United States and in Israel. The attitudes of 29 superintendents from Israel were compared with the attitudes of 181 American superintendents. The most general finding was that in spite of important legislative and demographic differences, in both countries the attitudes were neither highly in favor nor strongly against deinstitutionalization. Most respondents in both countries believed that the parents of the mentally retarded do not generally support deinstitutionalization.  相似文献   

Technological advances have lengthened our years and, often, the dying process as well. While studies have been conducted of physicians and dying patients concerning their views on assisted suicide, no prior studies have examined the attitudes of hospice volunteers. This survey of 277 hospice volunteers found that overall their attitudes were more supportive of assisted suicide than that of a convenience sample of the public. Thirty-seven percent of the volunteers endorsed the view that there are situations when assisting death may be morally acceptable; 4% had been asked to provide assistance to help a patient end his or her life.  相似文献   

The literature devoted to the topics of death and care of the dying is expanding rapidly. As nurses are inevitably involved in terminal illness, death and grief, their attitudes toward death and factors which affect these attitudes, are worthy of study. This report describes the results of a continuing two-year survey of one class of students in a baccalaureate nursing program. A questionnaire was used at the beginning and end of one academic year. Data were obtained regarding background experiences with death, involvement in the care of dying patients, and common ideas, concerns and feelings about death. Data from the second testing also included perceived changes in "positive" and "negative" attitudes toward death, and the relative effect on attitudes of various factors during the year. Suggestions are offered for curriculum development and research in the challenging area of death education in nursing.  相似文献   

The attitudes and reactions of rehabilitation nurses and nursing students toward patients with disabilities are important to the patients' adjustment and care over time. The purpose of this research study was to examine the effect of prior work experience and clinical experience in a rehabilitation setting on students' attitudes toward the disabled. The study involved the administration of Yuker, Block, and Young's (1966) Attitudes Toward Disabled Persons Scale (ATDP). Nursing students (N = 225) appropriately completed the ATDP before and I month after attending an educational workshop on care of people with disabilities. Prior work experience with such people was found to have a significant impact on student attitudes. Subjects with prior work experience in a rehabilitation setting had significantly higher scores on the ATDP, indicating more positive attitudes toward people with disabilities, than did subjects without this experience. Students who had clinical experience in a rehabilitation setting had higher scores on the ATDP than students without it, but the difference was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

The attitudes of nurses towards families determine the care process. With this study, we aimed to obtain an instrument that would allow us to learn about this variable. Hence, our purpose was to perform the cross-cultural adaptation and evaluate the psychometric features of the Portuguese version of the instrument Families' Importance in Nursing Care - Nurses Attitudes (FINC-NA), which aims to evaluate the attitudes of nurses towards the importance of involving the patient's family in the nursing care. The method recommended by the literature was followed. The sample consisted of 136 nurses working in primary health care. The results obtained in the reliability tests showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha=0.87). The psychometric study permits us to state that the Portuguese version of the FINC-NA, which in Portuguese is referred to as A importancia das famílias nos cuidados de enfermagem - atitudes dos enfermeiros (IFCE-AE), is a reliable and valid tool.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the attitudes of health care professionals and their students towards people in Hong Kong with disabilities. The attitudes of four groups of professionals and students (physiotherapists, occupational therapists, social workers and nurses) were assessed using the well-documented Attitude Toward Disabled Persons scale through the methodology of mailed questionnaires. Comparisons were made among different groups of students and professionals in order to gain insight into factors affecting their behavior. In this study, 511 students and 489 professionals were selected randomly. The results indicated that the overall mean Attitude Toward Disabled Persons scale score of the respondents was comparatively lower than that of their counterparts in foreign countries. The professionals had a significantly higher attitudinal score than the students. Among the four disciplines, nurses held the least favorable attitudes towards people with disabilities. In addition, their attitudes were less positive than those of the student nurses. On the other hand, the social work students had less favorable attitudes than the professional social workers, as well as other types of health care students. The analysis of the data also revealed that the mean Attitude Toward Disabled Persons scale scores for both the occupational therapists and occupational therapy students were above the overall average. Unlike the physiotherapists, the mean Attitude Toward Disabled Persons scale score of the physiotherapy students was below the overall average. In addition, age, year of study, educational level, knowledge and contact with people with disabilities were significant factors in the attitudes held by the students and professional respondents. The quality of the contact was found to be a dominant factor in affecting the scores on attitude. Thus, recommendations were made to modify the current training curriculum and enhance the quality of services to develop more favorable attitudes towards people with disabilities.  相似文献   

Calls to expand inclusive education for students with severe disabilities are pervasive throughout recent policy and research initiatives. The perspectives of peers without disabilities on such inclusion are an important vantage point to understand, particularly at the high school level. In this pilot study, we examined the attitudes of 44 high school peers who were enrolled in general education classes with students with severe disabilities. Overall, these peers reported fairly high levels of exposure and contact with students with severe disabilities. Moreover, they largely endorsed positive attitudes towards adolescents with severe disabilities and inclusion. However, significant gender differences were found, with females demonstrating more positive attitudes than males. We discuss implications for research and practice focused on enhancing positive attitudes toward and relationships among students with and without severe disabilities at the high school level.  相似文献   

Considering the importance of assessing nurses' helping relationship skills, it was necessary to use reliable and context-adapted instruments. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Helping Relationship Skills Inventory (Inventário de Competências Relacionais de Ajuda, ICRA), by conducting reliability and validity studies to increase the level of confidence or accuracy of the data obtained using this instrument. This quantitative study was conducted on a sample of 690 nurses who worked in six hospitals and eight health centres in Portugal. The results indicate a multidimensional structure of helping relationship skills, divided into four different dimensions (generic, empathetic, communication and contact skills) with a positive correlation between them. Cronbach's alpha for each dimension was higher than .79, showing a good internal consistency of the items within each factor.  相似文献   

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