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Increased neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) after brain insults such as excitotoxic lesions, seizures, or stroke is a well known phenomenon in the young hippocampus. This plasticity reflects an innate compensatory response of neural stem cells (NSCs) in the young hippocampus to preserve function or minimize damage after injury. However, injuries to the middle‐aged and aged hippocampi elicit either no or dampened neurogenesis response, which could be due to an altered plasticity of NSCs and/or the hippocampus with age. We examined whether the plasticity of NSCs to increase neurogenesis in response to a milder injury such as partial deafferentation is preserved during aging. We quantified DG neurogenesis in the hippocampus of young, middle‐aged, and aged F344 rats after partial deafferentation. A partial deafferentation of the left hippocampus without any apparent cell loss was induced via administration of Kainic acid (0.5 μg in 1.0 μl) into the right lateral ventricle of the brain. In this model, degeneration of CA3 pyramidal neurons and dentate hilar neurons in the right hippocampus results in loss of commissural axons which leads to partial deafferentation of the dendrites of dentate granule cells and CA1‐CA3 pyramidal neurons in the left hippocampus. Quantification of newly born cells that are added to the dentate granule cell layer at postdeafferentation days 4–15 using 5′‐bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) labeling revealed greatly increased addition of newly born cells (~three fold increase) in the deafferented young and middle‐aged hippocampi but not in the deafferented aged hippocampus. Measurement of newly born neurons using doublecortin (DCX) immunostaining also revealed similar findings. Analyses using BrdU‐DCX dual immunofluorescence demonstrated no changes in neuronal fate‐choice decision of newly born cells after deafferentation, in comparison to the age‐matched naive hippocampus in all age groups. Thus, the plasticity of hippocampal NSCs to increase DG neurogenesis in response to a milder injury such as partial hippocampal deafferentation is preserved until middle age but lost at old age. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Yang F  Wang JC  Han JL  Zhao G  Jiang W 《Hippocampus》2008,18(5):460-468
Recent evidence shows that functional neurogenesis exists in the adult hippocampus and that epileptic seizures can increase neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG). However, it is unknown whether different seizure severity has different effects on neurogenesis in the DG of adult rats. In this study, we examined hippocampal neurogenesis in the rat mild and severe seizure preparations characterized with frequent wet dog shakes and severe status epilepticus, respectively. Both mild and severe seizures promoted the mitotic activity in the DG, but severe seizures caused a stronger cell proliferative response than mild seizures. Less than 20% of newborn cells in the DG differentiated into neurons in rats suffering severe seizures, whereas more than 60% of newborn dentate cells differentiated into neurons in control and mild seizure groups. Most newborn neurons migrated into the granular cell layer in control and mild seizure groups, but severe seizures were associated with an aberrant migration of newborn neurons into the dentate hilus. Severe seizures induced astrocyte activation and the expression of nestin and the migration directional molecules netrin 1 and Sema-3A in the hilus, which were not present in the hilus of control and mild seizure-attacked rats, suggesting that these molecules are involved in the aberrant migration of newborn neurons.  相似文献   

Hippocampal neurogenesis declines substantially in chronic temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). However, it is unclear whether this decline is linked to altered production of new cells and/or diminished survival and neuronal fate‐choice decision of newly born cells. We quantified different components of hippocampal neurogenesis in rats exhibiting chronic TLE. Through intraperitoneal administration of 5′‐bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) for 12 days, we measured numbers of newly born cells in the subgranular zone‐granule cell layer (SGZ‐GCL) at 24 h and 2.5 months post‐BrdU administration. Furthermore, the differentiation of newly added cells into neurons and glia was quantified via dual immunofluorescence for BrdU and various markers of neurons and glia. Addition of new cells to the SGZ‐GCL over 12 days was comparable between the chronically epileptic hippocampus and the age‐matched intact hippocampus. Furthermore, comparison of BrdU+ cells measured at 24 h and 2.5 months post‐BrdU administration revealed similar survival of newly born cells between the two groups. However, only 4–5% of newly born cells (i.e., BrdU+ cells) differentiated into neurons in the chronically epileptic hippocampus, in comparison to 73–80% of such cells exhibiting neuronal differentiation in the intact hippocampus. Moreover, differentiation of newly born cells into S‐100β+ astrocytes or NG2+ oligodendrocyte progenitors increased to ∼79% in the chronically epileptic hippocampus from ∼25% observed in the intact hippocampus. Interestingly, the extent of proliferation of astrocytes and microglia (identified through Ki‐67 and S‐100β and Ki‐67 and OX‐42 dual immunofluorescence) in the SGZ‐GCL was similar between the chronically epileptic hippocampus and the age‐matched intact hippocampus, implying that the proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells in the SGZ‐GCL of the chronically epileptic hippocampus was not obscured by an increased division of glia. Thus, severely diminished DG neurogenesis in chronic TLE is not associated with either decreased production of new cells or reduced survival of newly born cells in the SGZ‐GCL. Rather, it is linked to a dramatic decline in the neuronal fate‐choice decision of newly generated cells. Overall, the differentiation of newly born cells turns mainly into glia with chronic TLE from predominantly neuronal differentiation seen in control conditions. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Environmental exposures during early life, but not during adolescence or adulthood, lead to persistent reductions in neurogenesis in the adult hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG). The mechanisms by which early life exposures lead to long‐term deficits in neurogenesis remain unclear. Here, we investigated whether targeted ablation of dividing neural stem cells during early life is sufficient to produce long‐term decreases in DG neurogenesis. Having previously found that the stem cell lineage is resistant to long‐term effects of transient ablation of dividing stem cells during adolescence or adulthood (Kirshenbaum, Lieberman, Briner, Leonardo, & Dranovsky, 2014 ), we used a similar pharmacogenetic approach to target dividing neural stem cells for elimination during early life periods sensitive to environmental insults. We then assessed the Nestin stem cell lineage in adulthood. We found that the adult neural stem cell reservoir was depleted following ablation during the first postnatal week, when stem cells were highly proliferative, but not during the third postnatal week, when stem cells were more quiescent. Remarkably, ablating proliferating stem cells during either the first or third postnatal week led to reduced adult neurogenesis out of proportion to the changes in the stem cell pool, indicating a disruption of the stem cell function or niche following stem cell ablation in early life. These results highlight the first three postnatal weeks as a series of sensitive periods during which elimination of dividing stem cells leads to lasting alterations in adult DG neurogenesis and stem cell function. These findings contribute to our understanding of the relationship between DG development and adult neurogenesis, as well as suggest a possible mechanism by which early life experiences may lead to lasting deficits in adult hippocampal neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) generate new neurons throughout life in the mammalian hippocampus. The distinct developmental steps in the course of adult neurogenesis, including NSC activation, expansion, and neuronal integration, are increasingly well characterized down to the molecular level. However, substantial gaps remain in our knowledge about regulators and mechanisms involved in this biological process. This review highlights three long-standing unknowns. First, we discuss potency and identity of NSCs and the quest for a unifying model of short- and long-term self-renewal dynamics. Next, we examine cell death, specifically focusing on the early demise of newborn cells. Then, we outline the current knowledge on cell integration dynamics, discussing which (if any) neurons are replaced by newly added neurons in the hippocampal circuits. For each of these unknowns, we summarize the trajectory of studies leading to the current state of knowledge. Finally, we offer suggestions on how to fill the remaining gaps by taking advantage of novel technology to reveal currently hidden secrets in the course of adult hippocampal neurogenesis.  相似文献   

New neurons are continuously added throughout life to the dentate gyrus of the mammalian hippocampus. During embryonic and early postnatal development, the dentate gyrus is formed in an outside-in layering pattern that may extend through adulthood. In this work, we sought to quantify systematically the relative position of dentate granule cells generated at different ages. We used 5'-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) and retroviral methodologies to birth date cells born in the embryonic, early postnatal, and adult hippocampus and assessed their final position in the adult mouse granule cell layer. We also quantified both developmental and adult-born cohorts of neural progenitor cells that contribute to the pool of adult progenitor cells. Our data confirm that the outside-in layering of the dentate gyrus continues through adulthood and that early-born cells constitute most of the adult dentate gyrus. We also found that substantial numbers of the dividing cells in the adult dentate gyrus were derived from early-dividing cells and retained BrdU, suggesting that a subpopulation of hippocampal progenitors divides infrequently from early development onward.  相似文献   

Multipotent neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs) from the embryonic hippocampus are potentially useful as donor cells to repopulate the degenerated regions of the aged hippocampus after stroke, epilepsy, or Alzheimer's disease. However, the efficacy of the NSC grafting strategy for repairing the injured aged hippocampus is unknown. To address this issue, we expanded FGF-2-responsive NSCs from the hippocampus of embryonic day 14 green fluorescent protein-expressing transgenic mice as neurospheres in vitro and grafted them into the hippocampus of 24-month-old F344 rats 4 days after CA3 region injury. Engraftment, migration, and neuronal/glial differentiation of cells derived from NSCs were analyzed 1 month after grafting. Differentiation of neurospheres in culture dishes or after placement on organotypic hippocampal slice cultures demonstrated that these cells had the ability to generate considerable numbers of neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Following grafting into the injured aged hippocampus, cells derived from neurospheres survived and dispersed, but exhibited no directed migration into degenerated or intact hippocampal cell layers. Phenotypic analyses of graft-derived cells revealed neuronal differentiation in 3%-5% of cells, astrocytic differentiation in 28% of cells, and oligodendrocytic differentiation in 6%-10% cells. The results demonstrate for the first time that NSCs derived from the fetal hippocampus survive and give rise to all three CNS phenotypes following transplantation into the injured aged hippocampus. However, grafted NSCs do not exhibit directed migration into lesioned areas or widespread neuronal differentiation, suggesting that direct grafting of primitive NSCs is not adequate for repair of the injured aged brain without priming the microenvironment.  相似文献   

Zaman V  Shetty AK 《Hippocampus》2003,13(5):618-632
Aging impairs the conduciveness of the lesioned hippocampus for robust survival of neurons derived from homotopic fetal cell grafts (Zaman and Shetty, Neuroscience 109:537-553, 2002), suggesting a need for graft augmentation in fetal graft-mediated therapeutic strategies for the lesioned aging hippocampus. We hypothesize that pretreatment and grafting of donor hippocampal CA3 cells with fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) considerably enhances graft neuronal integration into the lesioned CA3 region of the aging hippocampus. We employed the optical fractionator cell counting method and quantified the number of surviving cells and neurons derived from 5'-bromodoxyuridine-labeled embryonic day 19 CA3 cell grafts pre-treated and transplanted with FGF-2 into the lesioned CA3 region of the middle-aged and aged rat hippocampus at 4 days post-lesion. In both middle-aged and aged hippocampus, pre-treatment and transplantation of CA3 cell grafts with FGF-2 resulted in a robust yield of surviving cells (72-80% of injected cells) and neurons (62-69% of injected cells) from grafts. The overall yield was dramatically greater than the yield observed earlier from standard (untreated) fetal CA3 cell grafts into the lesioned aging hippocampus but was highly comparable to that observed for standard fetal CA3 cell grafts into the lesioned young hippocampus (Zaman and Shetty, Neuroscience 109:537-553, 2002). Thus, a robust neuronal integration from fetal CA3 cell grafts can be achieved into the lesioned CA3 region of the aging hippocampus with a simple pre-treatment and grafting of donor fetal CA3 cells with FGF-2. These results have implications toward the development of suitable cell grafting strategies for repair of the lesioned aging hippocampus in neurodegenerative diseases, particularly the temporal lobe epilepsy, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Addition of new granule cells to the dentate gyrus (DG) from stem or progenitor cells declines considerably during ageing. However, potential age-related alterations in migration, enduring survival and neuronal fate choice of newly born cells, and rate of maturation and dendritic growth of newly differentiated neurons are mostly unknown. We addressed these issues by analysing cells that are positive for 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), doublecortin (DCX), BrdU and DCX, and BrdU and neuron-specific nuclear antigen (NeuN) in the DG of young adult, middle-aged and aged F344 rats treated with daily injections of BrdU for 12 consecutive days. Analyses performed at 24 h, 10 days and 5 months after BrdU injections reveal that the extent of new cell production decreases dramatically by middle age but exhibits no change thereafter. Interestingly, fractions of newly formed cells that exhibit appropriate migration and prolonged survival, and fractions of newly born cells that differentiate into neurons, remain stable during ageing. However, in newly formed neurons of the middle-aged and aged DG, the expression of mature neuronal marker NeuN is delayed and early dendritic growth is retarded. Thus, the presence of far fewer new granule cells in the aged DG is not due to alterations in the long term survival and phenotypic differentiation of newly generated cells but solely owing to diminished production of new cells. The results also underscore that the capability of the DG milieu to support neuronal fate choice, migration and enduring survival of newly born cells remains stable even during senescence but its ability to promote rapid neuronal maturation and dendritic growth is diminished as early as middle age.  相似文献   

Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), characterized by spontaneous recurrent motor seizures (SRMS), learning and memory impairments, and depression, is associated with neurodegeneration, abnormal reorganization of the circuitry, and loss of functional inhibition in the hippocampal and extrahippocampal regions. Over the last decade, abnormal neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) has emerged as another hallmark of TLE. Increased DG neurogenesis and recruitment of newly born neurons into the epileptogenic hippocampal circuitry is a characteristic phenomenon occurring during the early phase after the initial precipitating injury such as status epilepticus. However, the chronic phase of the disease displays substantially declined DG neurogenesis, which is associated with SRMS, learning and memory impairments, and depression. This review focuses on DG neurogenesis in the chronic phase of TLE and first confers the extent and mechanisms of declined DG neurogenesis in chronic TLE. The available data on production, survival and neuronal fate choice decision of newly born cells, stability of hippocampal stem cell numbers, and changes in the hippocampal microenvironment in chronic TLE are considered. The next section discusses the possible contribution of declined DG neurogenesis to the pathophysiology of chronic TLE, which includes its potential effects on spontaneous recurrent seizures, cognitive dysfunction, and depression. The subsequent section considers strategies that may be useful for augmenting DG neurogenesis in chronic TLE, which encompass stem cell grafting, administration of distinct neurotrophic factors, physical exercise, exposure to enriched environment, and antidepressant therapy. The final section suggests possible ramifications of increasing the DG neurogenesis in chronic epilepsy.  相似文献   

The generation of new neurons from neural stem cells (NSCs) throughout adult life in the mammalian brain is a biological process that fascinates scientists for its uniqueness and restorative potential. In the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus NSCs are able to self-renew and generate new granule cells and astrocytes through a complex and plastic mechanism that can be regulated by endogenous and exogenous cues at different levels. Unexpected recent findings suggest that the population of NSCs is heterogeneous in morphology and behavior. We herein explore the hypothesis that NSC heterogeneity and the neurogenic potential of the DG depends on their developmental origin. We provide an up-to-date picture of the process of neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus with an especial focus on NSCs and outline key unsolved aspects. Further, we discuss the origin of NSCs in the adult DG from a developmental perspective and explore the possibility of NSC heterogeneity being determined from early postnatal periods and being responsible for the neurogenic output of the DG in the long term.  相似文献   

Teleost fishes retain populations of adult stem/progenitor cells within multiple primary sensory processing structures of the mature brain. Though it has commonly been thought that their ability to give rise to adult‐born neurons is mainly associated with continuous growth throughout life, whether a relationship exists between the processing function of these structures and the addition of new neurons remains unexplored. We investigated the ultrastructural organisation and modality‐specific neurogenic plasticity of niches located in chemosensory (olfactory bulb, vagal lobe) and visual processing (periventricular grey zone, torus longitudinalis) structures of the adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) brain. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the cytoarchitecture of sensory niches includes many of the same cellular morphologies described in forebrain niches. We demonstrate that cells with a radial‐glial phenotype are present in chemosensory niches, while the niche of the caudal tectum contains putative neuroepithelial‐like cells instead. This was supported by immunohistochemical evidence showing an absence of glial markers, including glial fibrillary acidic protein, glutamine synthetase, and S100β in the tectum. By exposing animals to sensory assays we further illustrate that stem/progenitor cells and their neuronal progeny within sensory structures respond to modality‐specific stimulation at distinct stages in the process of adult neurogenesis – chemosensory niches at the level of neuronal survival and visual niches in the size of the stem/progenitor population. Our data suggest that the adult brain has the capacity for sensory‐specific modulation of adult neurogenesis and that this property may be associated with the type of stem cell present in the niche.  相似文献   

Development is a dynamic process that includes an intricate balance between an increase in cell mass and an elimination of excess or defective cells. Although caspases have been intimately linked to apoptotic events, there are a few reports suggesting that these cysteine proteases can influence the differentiation and proliferation of cells. Specifically, the active form of caspase-3, which has been classified as an executor of apoptosis, recently has been implicated in a nonapoptotic role in the regulation of the cell cycle, cell proliferation, and cell differentiation. This study investigated the nonapoptotic function and phenotypic expression of active caspase-3-positive cells in the external granule cell layer (EGL) of the postnatal rat cerebellum by using biochemical and immunohistochemical analyses, respectively. Evidence that negates an apoptotic function for the caspase-3-positive EGL cells includes a failure to exhibit chromatin condensation (assessed with TOPRO), phosphatidyl serine externalization (Annexin V labeling), or DNA fragmentation (TUNEL labeling). Proliferative (Ki67-positive) and differentiated (TUJ1-positive) cells within the EGL exhibited a cytosolic expression of caspase-3, whereas terminally differentiated granule cells (NeuN-positive) in the internal granular layer and the migrating granule cells did not express active caspase-3. Thus, this study supports a nonapoptotic role for active caspase-3 in cells residing in the EGL and suggests a possible involvement in EGL proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the leading cause of death and disability of persons under 45 years old in the United States, affecting over 1.5 million individtials each year. It had been th ought that recovery from such injuries is severely limited due to the inability of the adult bra in to replace damaged neurons. However, recent studies indicate that the mature mammalian central nervous system (CNS) has the potential to replenish damaged neurons by proliferation and neuronal differentiation of adult neural stem/progenitor cells residing in the neurogenic regions in the brain. Furthermore, increasing evidence indicates that these endogenous stem/ progenitor cells may play regenerative and reparative roles in response to CNS injuries or diseases. In support of this notion, heightened levels of cell proliferation and neurogenesis have been ob- served in response to brain trauma or insults suggesting that the brain has the inherent potential to restore populations of damaged or destroyed neurons. This review will discuss the potential functions of adult neurogenesis and recent development of strategies aiming at harnessing this neurogenic capacity in order to repopulate and repair the injured brain.  相似文献   

While neural stem/progenitor cells (NSCs) in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus have been extensively characterized, the behavior of NSCs in the CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus is mostly unclear. Therefore, we compared the in vitro behavior of NSCs expanded from the micro-dissected CA1 and CA3 subfields of postnatal day (PND) 4 and 12 Fischer 344 rats. A small fraction (∼1%) of dissociated cells from CA1 and CA3 subfields of both PND 4 and 12 hippocampi formed neurospheres in the presence of EGF and FGF-2. A vast majority of neurosphere cells expressed NSC markers such as nestin, Sox-2 and Musashi-1. Differentiation assays revealed the ability of these NSCs to give rise to neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Interestingly, the overall neuronal differentiation of NSCs from both subfields decreased with age (23–28% at PND4 to 5–10% at PND12) but the extent of oligodendrocyte differentiation from NSCs increased with age (24–32% at PND 4 to 45–55% at PND 12). Differentiation of NSCs into astrocytes was however unchanged (40–48%). Furthermore, NSCs from both subfields gave rise to GABA-ergic neurons including subclasses expressing markers such as calbindin, calretinin, neuropeptide Y and parvalbumin. However, the fraction of neurons that expressed GABA decreased between PND4 (59–67%) and PND 12 (25–38%). Additional analyses revealed the presence of proliferating NSC-like cells (i.e. cells expressing Ki-67 and Sox-2) in different strata of hippocampal CA1 and CA3 subfields of both PND4 and PND 12 animals. Thus, multipotent NSCs persist in both CA1 and CA3 subfields of the hippocampus in the postnatal period. Such NSCs also retain their ability to give rise to both GABA-ergic and non-GABA-ergic neurons. However, their overall neurogenic potential declines considerably in the early postnatal period.  相似文献   

Long-term administration of scopolamine, a muscarinic receptor antagonist, can inhibit the survival of newly generated cells, but its effect on the proliferation, differentiation and migration of nerve cells in the adult mouse hippocampal dentate gyrus remain poorly understood. In this study, we used immunohistochemistry and western blot methods to weekly detect the biological behaviors of nerve cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult mice that received intraperitoneal administration of scopolamine for 4 weeks. Expression of neuronal nuclear antigen(Neu N; a neuronal marker) and Fluoro-Jade B(a marker for the localization of neuronal degeneration) was also detected. After scopolamine treatment, mouse hippocampal neurons did not die, and Ki-67(a marker for proliferating cells)-immunoreactive cells were reduced in number and reac hed the lowest level at 4 weeks. Doublecortin(DCX; a marker for newly generated neurons)-immunoreactive cells were gradually shortened in length and reduced in number with time. After scopolamine treatment for 4 weeks, nearly all of the 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine(Brd U)-labeled newly generated cells were located in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus, but they did not migrate into the granule cell layer. Few mature Brd U/Neu N double-labeled cells were seen in the subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus. These findings suggest that long-term administration of scopolamine interferes with the proliferation, differentiation and migration of nerve cells in the adult mouse hippocampal dentate gyrus, but it does not induce cell death.  相似文献   

While it is clear that acute hippocampal injury or status epilepticus increases the production of new neurons in the adult dentate gyrus (DG), the effects of chronic epilepsy on dentate neurogenesis are unknown. We hypothesize that epileptogenic changes and spontaneous recurrent motor seizures (SRMS) that ensue after hippocampal injury or status epilepticus considerably decrease dentate neurogenesis. We addressed this issue by quantifying the number of cells that are positive for doublecortin (DCX, a marker of new neurons) in the DG of adult F344 rats at 16 days and 5 months after an intracerebroventricular kainic acid (ICV KA) administration or after graded intraperitoneal KA (IP KA) injections, models of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). At early post-KA administration, the injured hippocampus exhibited increased dentate neurogenesis in both models. Conversely, at 5 months post-KA administration, the chronically epileptic hippocampus demonstrated severely declined neurogenesis, which was associated with considerable SRMS in both KA models. Additionally, stem/progenitor cell proliferation factors, FGF-2 and IGF-1, were decreased in the chronically epileptic hippocampus. Interestingly, the overall decrease in neurogenesis and the extent of SRMS were greater in rats receiving IP KA than rats receiving ICV KA, suggesting that the extent of neurogenesis during chronic TLE exhibits an inverse relationship with SRMS. These results provide novel evidence that chronic TLE is associated with extremely declined dentate neurogenesis. As fraction of newly born neurons become GABA-ergic interneurons, declined neurogenesis may contribute to the increased seizure-susceptibility of the DG in chronic TLE. Likewise, the hippocampal-dependent learning and memory deficits observed in chronic TLE could be linked at least partially to the declined neurogenesis.  相似文献   

BRCA-1 is a tumor suppressor gene that plays a role in DNA repair and cellular growth control. Here we show that BRCA-1 mRNA is expressed by embryonic rat brain and is localized to the neuroepithelium containing neuronal precursor cells. The expression of BRCA-1 decreases during rat brain development, but BRCA-1 is expressed postnatally by proliferating neuronal precursor cells in the developing cerebellum. Neural stem cells (NSC) prepared from embryonic rat brain and cultured in the presence of epidermal growth factor were positive for BRCA-1. Induction of NSC differentiation resulted in down-regulation of BRCA-1 expression as shown by RNA and protein analyses. In addition to embryonic cells, BRCA-1 is also present in NSC prepared from adult rat brain. In adult rats, BRCA1 was expressed by cells in the walls of brain ventricles and in choroid plexus. The results show that BRCA-1 is present in embryonic and adult rat NSC and that the expression is linked to NSC proliferation.  相似文献   

Ampakines are chemical compounds known to modulate the properties of ionotropic α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA)-subtype glutamate receptors. The functional effects attributed to ampakines involve plasticity and the increase in synaptic efficiency of neuronal circuits, a process that may be intimately associated with differentiation of newborn neurons. The subventricular zone (SVZ) is the main neurogenic niche of the brain, containing neural stem cells with brain repair potential. Accordingly, the identification of new pharmaceutical compounds with neurogenesis-enhancing properties is important as a tool to promote neuronal replacement based on the use of SVZ cells. The purpose of the present paper is to examine the possible proneurogenic effects of ampakine CX546 in cell cultures derived from the SVZ of early postnatal mice. We observed that CX546 (50 μm) treatment triggered an increase in proliferation, evaluated by BrdU incorporation assay, in the neuroblast lineage. Moreover, by using a cell viability assay (TUNEL) we found that, in contrast to AMPA, CX546 did not cause cell death. Also, both AMPA and CX546 stimulated neuronal differentiation as evaluated morphologically through neuronal nuclear protein (NeuN) immunocytochemistry and functionally by single-cell calcium imaging. Accordingly, short exposure to CX546 increased axonogenesis, as determined by the number and length of tau-positive axons co-labelled for the phosphorylated form of SAPK/JNK (P-JNK), and dendritogenesis (MAP2-positive neurites). Altogether, this study shows that ampakine CX546 promotes neurogenesis in SVZ cell cultures and thereby may have potential for future stem cell-based therapies.  相似文献   

Serotonin is suggested to regulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and previous studies with serotonin depletion reported either a decrease or no change in adult hippocampal progenitor proliferation. We have addressed the effects of serotonin depletion on distinct aspects of adult hippocampal neurogenesis, namely the proliferation, survival and terminal differentiation of hippocampal progenitors. We used the serotonin synthesis inhibitor p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA) or the serotonergic neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) to deplete serotonin levels. 5,7-DHT selectively decreased hippocampal serotonin levels, while PCPA resulted in a significant decline in both serotonin and norepinephrine levels. We observed a robust decline in the proliferation and survival of adult hippocampal progenitors following PCPA treatment. This was supported by a decrease in the number of doublecortin-positive cells in the neurogenic niche in the hippocampus. In striking contrast, 5,7-DHT did not alter the proliferation or survival of adult hippocampal progenitors and did not alter the number of doublecortin-positive cells. The terminal differentiation of adult hippocampal progenitors was not altered by either PCPA or 5,7-DHT treatment. An acute increase in serotonin levels also did not influence adult hippocampal progenitor proliferation. These results suggest that selective serotonin depletion or an acute induction in serotonin levels does not regulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis, whereas treatment with PCPA that induces a decline in both serotonin and norepinephrine levels results in a significant decrease in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Our results highlight the need for future studies to examine the role of other monoamines in both the effects of stress and antidepressants on adult hippocampal neurogenesis.  相似文献   

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