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This is a relatively small, plastic covered book which looksfor all the world like the younger sibling of The Oxford Handbookof Anaesthesia. But then both books do share authors and publisher.Whilst one should not judge a book by its cover, those who markettextbooks appear  相似文献   

Overall, this book gives a highly informative view of criticalcare practice, both clinically and managerially, while commentingon the evaluation of care provided  相似文献   

The first edition of this book was published in 1999, and inthe last 4–5 years it has become a recognized standardtextbook of critical care medicine in India. The second edition,I am certain, will continue to be the invaluable source of updatedtext for practicing doctors and trainees in the field of criticalcare medicine. Also, the timing of publication of this editioncould not have been more appropriate because of recent rapidgrowth of critical care  相似文献   

This book aims to provide an introduction to the field of painmedicine. The layout is clear, with many short chapters coveringa wide range of topics. The book is divided into six sections,some of which are further subdivided. The first section provides a very readable and concise overviewof the basic science of pain mechanisms,  相似文献   

This a re-titled revision of Dr Dolenska's book, AnaestheticData Interpretation. It is aimed both at trainees sitting thePrimary FRCA, and their trainers. The book consists of 135 figureswith accompanying expanded legends, and covers the breadth ofthe basic sciences viva voce examination. Dr Dolenska makesno pretence that this is  相似文献   

Throughout most medical careers the practical aspects of dealingwith tracheostomies are an ignored but simultaneously fearedaspect of patient care. They are generally regarded as someoneelse's business, right up to the point when a disaster occurs.Even when the patient is breathless and needing help many healthpractitioners of all types fear to step in and execute  相似文献   

This book, with the self-explanatory title ‘Core Topicsin Cardiac Anaesthesia’ has no fewer than sixty-two authorscovering sixty-six topic-specific chapters and a comprehensiveindex and abbreviary. Any of the sixty-two contributors readingthis can breathe very much more easily from here on, as thisis a very good book indeed, with few criticisms to make or pointsto take  相似文献   

I have struggled with the notion that anaesthetists are perioperativephysicians mostly because I was unclear about what perioperativemedicine is. I hoped that after reading this book I would beable to join the new wave of anaesthetists  相似文献   

Anaesthetists looking for a textbook on regional anaesthesia,or those considering updating their library, are currently spoiltfor choice. With the recent proliferation of texts, it mustbe increasingly difficult for editors to find titles to differentiatethem. In addition, textbooks in this essentially practical field,are having to compete with other media such as internet websites and CD-ROMs, which can illustrate techniques with theaid of video clips. With this thought in mind, I examined whatis a beautifully presented textbook, to see how  相似文献   

‘When considering any intervention, team members mustdo this from a position of knowledge rather than prejudice.’This is a quote from p. 4 of this little book, and it raisesthe point that some medical and nursing professionals workingin palliative care might not be aware of  相似文献   

This excellently written and illustrated text will serve equallywell as a practical ‘how-to-do-it’ manual, an examinationguide, or reference source. Prof. Crozier has produced a wideranging and up to date review of a rapidly expanding field.  相似文献   

This book is written by an interventional radiologist. His prefacestates that interventional radiology is under considerable pressureas cardiology and vascular surgery appropriate existing vascularinterventions, and interventional radiologists need to be lookingconstantly for new procedures to replace this loss. This bookhas therefore been written about spine intervention proceduresthat are possible rather than necessary  相似文献   

This pocket-sized handbook of paediatric intensive care coversmuch of the fundamental knowledge required by those who workwith critically ill children. It is aimed at nurses and doctorswho work for a short time in paediatric intensive care units(PICU), or those involved in the resuscitation and stabilization  相似文献   

This book represents a welcome addition to the currently availabletexts on regional anaesthesia. As the title suggests, this isnot meant to be a comprehensive textbook of regional anaesthesiabut one that focuses on peripheral blocks of the upper and lowerlimb. It does not cover blocks of the  相似文献   

Bedside ultrasound with ‘point of care machines’is now a reality for any critical care department. Often thesemachines are primarily used by visiting radiologists to preventwear and tear on less portable equipment. However, there ispotential benefit to be gained by the critical care physicians  相似文献   

This new textbook offers a major contribution towards our understandingof the action and rationale for those drugs that anaesthetistsuse on a day-to-day basis. Unlike many of its predecessors,this attempts very successfully to integrate pharmacologicalbasic science, clinical therapeutics and, where appropriate,the scientific basis of the pathophysiology of disease statesall in one chapter. Why do we need a book like this? In his  相似文献   

This is an excellent text covering current basic pharmacologyfor anaesthetists that will be welcomed by those studying forthe primary FRCA and by those teaching them. It is a concisebook with 21  相似文献   

This is the second edition of this book and, as the title suggests,it is about evidence-based medicine (EBM) in anaesthesia andanalgesia. The focus is mainly on the latter, and it concentrateson how to deal with postoperative pain. The book  相似文献   

Having read the introduction, I had high hopes for this secondedition of the Anaesthetic Aide Memoire. Not too weighty andof a size that would fit into the pocket of a white coat (ormore appropriately theatre blues). In their introduction, theauthors set out their stall by saying it is a compilation oflists and diagrams to be used as a ready reference for bothsenior trainees and consultants. They see it as a useful aidto teaching and  相似文献   

‘If all else fails, and you're absolutely stuck—readthe instructions’. Only by reading the foreword of thisgreat work did I comprehend what this book is about. The forewordfrom Alan Van Poznak (including Severinghaus's review of Nunn'sseminal work on respiratory physiology) captures what this bookis all about. Penning a review  相似文献   

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