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女性生殖道肿瘤的组织学分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性生殖道肿瘤的组织学分类阴道1上皮性肿瘤及相关病变1.1鳞状上皮病变1.1.1鳞状上皮乳头状瘤1.1.2尖锐湿疣1.1.3移行上皮化生1.1.4鳞状上皮轻度非典型性1.1.5鳞状上皮内肿瘤(典型的非典型增生-原位癌;阴道上皮内肿瘤,VaginalI...  相似文献   

肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤─附6例临床病理分析庞有成(北京丰台铁路中心医院病理科100071)原发肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤比较少见。我院自1970年以来共收治6例,均经病理检查证实,现报道如下。1临床资料1.1性别与年龄男4例,女2例。发病年龄最小39岁,长者...  相似文献   

肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤10例临床病理学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤(AMM)的临床病理特征和鉴别诊断。方法收集10例肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤,观察其临床病理特点,进行免疫组化染色。结果10例平均56.5岁,以“痔疮出血”就诊7例、体检发现2例、无意中发现1例。镜检示肿瘤结构复杂,细胞形态多样,瘤细胞类型可分为大透明细胞、小透明细胞、大上皮(样)细胞、小上皮(样)细胞、瘤巨细胞和梭形细胞6种。免疫组化示HMB45、S-100和Vim(+)。结论AMM恶性程度高,预后差,应及早发现,并治疗。HMB45和S-100是恶性黑色素瘤较为敏感的标记物,与Vim及CK联合应用对恶黑的诊断具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤的临床表现、病理特征及免疫组化的特点。方法:回顾分析1980~2000年本院收治的8例肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤的临床和病理资料。结果:本组男5例,女3例,男女之比为1.6:1;平均年龄58.8岁。最主要的临床症状是便血,肛门肿物,2例发生于肛管部,4例发生于齿状线,2例发生于直肠下端,肉眼呈结节状、息肉状或溃疡型,镜下形态多样,主要为上皮细胞型、梭型细胞型,7例见黑色素颗粒。结论:肛管直肠恶性黑色瘤是一种少见,恶性度极高的恶性肿瘤。S-100,HMB-45免疫组织化学染色均有助于诊断,特别是对于无色素型,且特异性高。  相似文献   

肛管直肠位于消化道末端 ,周围间隙多 ,肛管直肠内细菌含量高 ,损伤后 ,创口污染重 ,易发生感染 ,且常伴括约肌及多脏器损伤 ,若处理不当 ,可导致严重后果。本院1992年2月~2000年5月共收治肛管直肠损伤17例。现报告如下。临床资料1、一般资料本组17例中男11例 ,女6例。年龄15~68岁。致伤原因 :车祸伤6例 ,钢杆、尖刀等金属利器损伤4例 ,牛角刺伤1例 ,竹片、木桩损伤2例 ,坠落伤3例 ,医源性损伤 (刮宫术 )1例。损伤部位 :直肠下端、肛管损伤10例 ,腹膜返折线以上直肠损伤4例 ,腹膜返折线以下直肠中段损伤3…  相似文献   

目的探讨乳腺原发性黏液性囊腺癌(MCA)的临床病理特征、免疫组化及鉴别诊断。方法对1例乳腺原发性MCA进行病理形态学及免疫组化分析,并复习相关文献。结果乳腺原发性MCA肉眼观肿块与周围组织分界较清,切面囊实性,囊内为黏液样物质。镜下可见大小不等的囊腔,囊壁内衬柱状上皮,细胞质内富含黏液,细胞核位于基底部。部分囊壁肿瘤细胞形成细胞簇或有纤维血管轴心的乳头状结构。部分肿瘤细胞质内黏液减少,出现不同程度的异型性,向鳞状上皮分化。免疫组化:肿瘤细胞E-cadherin和CK7(+),PR和c-erb B-2(2+),Ki-67阳性指数为55%、CK20、ER和GATA3(-)。结论乳腺原发性MCA是一种罕见肿瘤,需要与来自卵巢、胰腺或肠道的转移性肿瘤、乳腺柱状细胞黏液癌、乳腺黏液囊肿样病变等鉴别。确诊需结合组织学形态、免疫组化及临床病理资料综合分析。  相似文献   

成骨性黑色素瘤[英]/WavidRl…//AmJSurgPathol.-1993,17(4).-400~409报告4例恶性黑色素瘤的少见类型。平均年龄56岁(47~78岁)。男2,女2。所有肿瘤均来自肢瑞雀斑性黑色素瘤,3例为甲下病变,1例为足底病变...  相似文献   

25例肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤临床病理分析中国医科大学病理解剖学教研室(110001)张弘,宋继谒,康琳恶性黑色素瘤不常见,却是一种恶性程度较高的黑色素细胞肿瘤,多发生于皮肤,其它部位少见,高发年龄40~69岁。肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤较罕见,国内外文献报告...  相似文献   

肛管恶性黑色素瘤一例报告解放军长沙工程兵学院医院成顺成原发性肛管黑色素瘤较少见,我院遇1例,曾在多家医院误诊为痔。经我院手术切除,病理检查确诊。男性,67岁。肛门肿物2年,并大便带血4个月入院。体查:慢性病容,贫血貌,体温36.2℃,呼吸20次,脉搏...  相似文献   

目的探讨原发性肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤(ARMM)的临床病理特点、诊断与鉴别诊断及预后。方法回顾性分析5例ARMM的临床及病理资料,对其形态学、免疫组化、相关治疗及预后进行观察并结合文献进行讨论。结果 5例ARMM中,男女之比为3∶2,中位年龄68岁。临床主要表现为肛门赘生物及进行性排便困难伴出血。镜下肠黏膜下见肿瘤呈多形性片状,大部分由类圆形细胞构成,核异型,可见核分裂,其中2例见黑色素沉着。免疫组化示瘤细胞HMB45、S-100、vimentin和melan A均(+),4例Ki-67灶状(+),CK和EMA各2例(+)。结论肛管直肠恶性黑色素瘤属于较为少见的高度恶性肿瘤,且临床表现无特征性,病理形态较为复杂,易误诊且预后较差。诊断需根据形态学及免疫组化综合判断,手术和化疗联合可提高生存率。  相似文献   

Anal melanoma: an aggressive malignancy masquerading as hemorrhoids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Anal melanoma is a devastating malignancy easily confused with benign hemorrhoids. Physician unfamiliarity with this bleeding rectal lesion can lead to delays in diagnosis and therapy. Four cases of anal melanoma, all initially mistaken for hemorrhoids, have been documented in the past 4 years at our institution. Despite surgical intervention and chemoimmunotherapy, each patient succumbed to widely metastatic disease. Average survival was 15.2 months. The clinical, pathologic, surgical, and oncologic features of anal melanoma are reviewed to enhance physician recognition of this unusual anorectal disorder.  相似文献   

原发性椎管内畸胎瘤6例临床病理分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨原发性椎管内畸胎瘤的临床病理特点。方法收集手术切除的原发性椎管内畸胎瘤6例,复习其临床资料,光下观察组织形态,并结合文献讨论。结果 6例患者男女各3例,年龄24~47岁,平均年龄31岁;肿瘤部位腰段4例,颈段1例,骶尾部1例,均位于髓外硬脊膜下。5例囊性成熟性畸胎瘤,镜下可见成熟的鳞状上皮、消化道及呼吸道柱状上皮、纤维平滑肌组织、脂肪组织等;1例囊性畸胎瘤,局部癌变为腺癌,镜下除可见成熟囊性畸胎瘤成分外,局灶柱状上皮细胞有癌变,癌细胞明显异型性,呈腺样或实性条索状排列,侵犯囊壁。结论原发性椎管内畸胎瘤少见,主要发生于中青年,多位于胸、腰段椎管髓外硬膜下;病理类型多为囊性成熟性畸胎瘤,极少数可以癌变。  相似文献   

肠易激综合征患者直肠感觉功能和肛肠动力学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨肠易激综合征(IBS)患者直肠的感觉功能和直肠肛门括约肌的动力学特征。方法 将34例IBS患者随机分为两组:腹泻组和便秘组各17例,采用PC Polygmf HR高分辨多道胃肠功能测定仪测定34例IBS患者和12例健康对照的肛门直肠压力、直肠容量感知、疼痛阈值、耐受阈值等指标。结果 腹泻组和便秘组IBS患者的直肠静息压、肛管括约肌静息压、最大缩窄压及肛管长度与健康对照组无显著性差异,初始感觉阉值、疼痛阈值、排便阈值,IBS腹泻组均低于正常对照组,而IBS便秘组均高于正常对照组。排便时IBS便秘组患者的肛管松弛压高于正常对照组。结论 IBS患者排便功能和直肠感觉功能存在异常。  相似文献   

W Meyer  F Vollmar  W B?r 《Endoscopy》1979,11(2):121-126
We have undertaken esophagoscopy 1/2 to 17 1/2 years after surgery in 20 patients with a total gastrectomy and an esophago-jejunal anastomosis. In 5 cases we found a complete columnar lining of the distal esophagus (Barrett-esophagus). 2 other cases showed a multilocular columnar epithelium. One case with a Barrett-esophagus had endoscopy before surgery, and it could be proved that the columnar lining developed after surgery. We suspect that it was the same in the remaining cases. All examined patients, except one, showed an erosive esophagitis of varying severity. These observations support the current view that the columnar lined esophagus is usually an acquired one. The pathogenesis is not completely clear, but reflux of digestive juices destroying the squamous epithelium and impairing healing is the condition for columnar lining. The observations on patients with total gastrectomy prove that it must not necessarily be gastric juice. The very urgent question of the origin of columnar lining cannot be answered at present.  相似文献   

目的:研究直肠肛管的轴位CT测量方法。材料与方法:84例标记肛门的盆腔增强CT检查,其中15例同时行结肠气钡双对比检查。测量并计算直肠壶腹距肛门的实际长度与其层面距离的比值,同时在CT及气钡双对比造影图像上测量肛门距坐骨结节下缘平面的垂直距离、肛管长度及肛直角。用SPSS 11.5软件对数据进行统计分析。结果:在横轴位CT图像上,肛管由环行变为开口向后的U形时,即为肛门所在位置。CT与钡灌肠两种方法测量肛门距坐骨结节下缘平面距离、肛管长度及肛直角,差异无统计学意义。通过CT测量的直肠壶腹距肛门的实际长度与相应层面距离的比值均值为1.3。结论:CT图像可以清楚显示肛门及肛管,下段直肠距肛门的CT层面距离与实际长度间存在差异,通过本研究提出的比值法可以较准确的在轴位CT上测量下段直肠距肛门长度。  相似文献   

Because anorectal melanoma, a rare cancer with a poor outcome, does not respond well to local radiation therapy or systemic chemotherapy, surgery is the primary treatment. Herein, we present a case of anorectal melanoma with lateral and inguinal lymph node metastases. A 61‐year‐old woman presented with rectal bleeding. Colonoscopy revealed a black tumor with ulceration in the anorectum. A CT scan revealed an anorectal tumor with left lateral lymph node swelling and right inguinal lymph node swelling. We performed a laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection with lateral lymph node dissection and right inguinal lymph node dissection. One year after the initial operation, pulmonary metastases were observed, and pulmonary resection was performed. After the pulmonary resection, brain metastases developed, and surgical resection was performed. Despite the recurrence of disease, the patient has survived for 52 months since the initial surgery and continues to receive systemic chemotherapy.  相似文献   

目的探讨经括约肌间瘘管结扎术治疗肛瘘的效果及对肛肠动力学指标的影响。方法选取2017年1月至2018年10月于我院行手术治疗的105例肛瘘患者作为研究对象,根据随机数字表法将其分为对照组(52例)与研究组(53例)。对照组给予肛瘘切除术治疗,研究组给予经括约肌间瘘管结扎术治疗。比较两组治疗后的临床症状情况,治疗前、后的肛门功能、肛肠动力学指标,治疗效果及随访结束后的复发情况。结果治疗后,研究组的疼痛、水肿和创面渗出评分均明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后,两组的Wexner评分明显低于治疗前,且研究组低于对照组(P<0.05)。治疗后,两组的肛管最大收缩压明显高于治疗前,肛管最长收缩时间明显长于治疗前,直肠静息压和肛管静息压均明显低于治疗前(P<0.05);治疗后,研究组的直肠静息压和肛管静息压均明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。研究组的治疗总有效率明显高于对照组,随访结束后的复发率明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论经括约肌间瘘管结扎术治疗肛瘘的效果显著,且对患者肛肠动力学的影响小,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDAnorectal melanoma is a tumour that is difficult to identify due to its rarity and variability of presentation. Insufficient data published in the literature do not allow for diagnostic and treatment guidelines to be established. Anorectal melanoma has the worst prognosis among mucosal melanomas and is frequently misdiagnosed by standard identification methods.CASE SUMMARYA 66-year-old woman presented with intermittent anal bleeding, pain, and tenesmus in the past month, with no associated weight loss. Colonoscopy revealed a cauliflower-like tumour with a diameter of 1.5 cm, with exulcerated areas and an adherent clot but without obstruction. Biopsy results identified an inflammatory rectal polyp with nonspecific chronic rectitis. Tumour markers CA 19-9 and CEA were within the normal range. After 6 mo, due to the persistence of symptoms, a pelvic magnetic resonance imaging scan was performed. A lesion measuring 2.8 cm × 2.7 cm × 2.1 cm was identified at the anorectal junction, along with two adjacent lymphadenopathies. No distant metastases were detected. Immunohistochemistry was performed on the second set of biopsies, and a diagnosis of anorectal melanoma was established. Surgical treatment by abdominoperineal resection was performed. Evolution was marked by the appearance of lung metastases at 1 mo postoperatively, detected on a positron emission tomography-computer tomography scan, and perineal recurrence after 5 mo. After molecular testing, the patient was included in an immunotherapy trial.CONCLUSIONThis case highlights the difficulty of establishing a definitive early diagnosis of anorectal melanoma, the importance of performing histological analysis on a well-represented biopsy specimen, and the poor prognosis, even with radical surgery.  相似文献   

Background: To evaluate the feasibility of a high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique in detailed imaging of the anal sphincter and lower pelvic region without the use of an endoluminal coil. Methods: MRIs with an external phased array coil (T1- and T2-weighted turbo spin echo) were performed in 22 volunteers and 12 patients with an anal fistula, an anal sphincter defect, or a rectal tumor. The normal scans were evaluated by three independent observers. The scans of the patients were compared with surgical and/or histologic findings. Results: The anal sphincter was visualized with detail. In the anal canal, hemorrhoidal tissue and the submucosae ani muscle could be seen. The MRI technique also allowed detailed imaging of anatomical structures above the pelvic floor. The MR findings in the 12 patients showed exact correlation with surgery and/or histology. Conclusions: High-resolution MRI of the anorectal region without an endoluminal coil is feasible. The MR technique with an external phased array coil allows detailed imaging of the anal sphincter at rest, the rectum, and the surrounding pelvic structures with one single investigation. The results are promising and suggest useful applications in the management of anorectal diseases.  相似文献   

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