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This study investigated the clinical course and outcome of 72 patients diagnosed as suffering from schizoaffective psychosis according to ICD-9 criteria who also satisfied RDC criteria for schizoaffective disorder. The results show a clear relationship between patients' overall functioning and premorbid personality: a better premorbid social adjustment indicates a better current state. Those who met DSM-III criteria for schizophrenic or schizophreniform disorder had an earlier age of onset and a higher frequency of relapse, followed by schizoaffective and affective patients. Patients who presented interepisodic psychotic symptoms differed from those who did not in that they showed more recurrences, an earlier age of onset and a premorbid personality with poorer social adjustment. The age of onset of the disease was significantly earlier in patients who had hyperthymic episodes. Schizoaffective disorders therefore are a heterogeneous group as regards premorbid personality, DSM-III diagnosis, and the presence or absence of interepisodic psychotic symptoms and hyperthymic episodes.  相似文献   

This study investigated the clinical course and outcome of 72 patients, diagnosed as suffering from schizoaffective psychosis (according to ICD-9 criteria) who also satisfied Research Diagnostic Criteria for schizoaffective disorder. The current overall functioning of these patients was related to the number and frequency of episodes, regardless of the duration of the illness: the lesser the number or frequency of relapses, the better the overall functioning. In addition, there were no statistically significant differences in psychosocial impairment between bipolar and unipolar schizoaffective disorder.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to investigate differences between acute and transient psychotic disorders (ATPD; F23 of ICD-10) and bipolar schizoaffective disorders (BSAD). In a controlled prospective and longitudinal study, we compared all inpatients with ATPD treated at Halle university hospital during a 5-year period with matched controls with BSAD. Sociobiographical data were collected using a semi-structured interview. Follow-up investigations were performed at a mean of 2.2-3.3 years after the index episode or 8.2-16.1 years after the first episode by means of standardized instruments. ATPD differs significantly from BSAD on various relevant levels, such as gender (more female), age at onset (older), development of the full symptomatology (more rapid), duration of the symptomatology (shorter), acuteness of onset (more acute), preceding stressful life-events (more frequent) and long-term prognosis (better). It is concluded that ATPD and BSAD are different nosological entities.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe three cases of diagnostic shift from bipolar I disorder (BD) to schizoaffective disorder (SAD).

Methods: BD patients were clinically assessed and followed up in a mood disorder program. A questionnaire was applied to assess clinical and socio-demographic characteristics, and a Structured Clinical Interview (SCID-I) was conducted.

Results: We identified three patients with diagnosis conversion to SAD from 2005 to 2016. The mean time between BD diagnosis and the diagnostic shift to SAD was 9 years.

Conclusions: Psychotic symptoms may become persistent, chronic and unrelated to the presence of mood episodes many years after the beginning of BD. Psychiatrists should be aware of this and reassess the diagnosis during the longitudinal course of BD, especially in those patients who present psychotic symptoms  相似文献   

A study sample of 51 patients with acute and transient psychotic disorder (ATPD) (ICD-10) is presented. The findings suggest that, in hospital settings, ATPD is a non-frequent condition with onset in early adult life and most often associated with female sex, good premorbid social functioning and no or minor/moderate psychosocial stressors. The DSM-IV criteria distribute the patients into three diagnostic categories: schizophreniform disorder (41%), brief psychotic disorder (33%) and psychotic disorder not otherwise classified (25%). A high prevalence (63%) of personality disorders (PD) is revealed after recovery from the psychotic episode. The ATPD is not related to any specific PD, and in a substantial minority (37%) of cases no PD is found. The unspecified category is by far the most frequent PD in patients with ATPD. The sample will be followed up and reassessed.  相似文献   

The course and outcome of cycloid psychotic disorder was explored by means of a prospective three-year follow-up of a sample of patients fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for the disorder provided by Perris & Brockington, compared to patients with a diagnosis of affective or schizoaffective disorder. The most striking difference between cycloids and affectives was the lack of manic episodes during the follow-up period in the former group. Moreover, the mean age at onset was lower in cycloids. No difference between these patient groups was observed with regard to outcome. Compared to schizoaffectives, cycloids showed several differences in the clinical picture during the index episode, and their symptomatological pattern was more consistent from one episode to another during the follow-up. Moreover, the outcome of cycloids was significantly more favourable than that of schizodepres-sives.  相似文献   

Outcome in schizophrenia is multidimensional and, thus, consists of clinical,humanitarian, rehabilitative and cost domains. Accordingly, recovery is conceptualized as the ability to function in the community, socially and vocationally, as well as being relatively free of disease–related psychopathology. The present cross–sectional study examined the relationship of premorbid functioning, psychopathology, insight, attitudes toward medication and side–effects, as well as sociodemographic factors with treatment outcomes in terms of quality of life (QOL) and psychosocial functioning among 60 regular attendees of a specialized schizophrenia outpatient clinic. Both insight into the illness as well as attitudes toward treatment indicated satisfactory compliance. Premorbid school and social functioning were positively correlated with actual employment status, and premorbid social functioning was further positively correlated with QOL and global functioning. Attitudes toward treatment were positively associated with global QOL, and with the patients' living situation. Both positive and negative symptoms as well as asthenia were negatively associated with QOL, while cognitive symptoms negatively influenced occupational functioning. Older patients lived independently and/or in a partnership more often, but had a lesser likelihood of competitive employment. Our observations suggest that subjective and functional outcomes in highly compliant patients are mainly predicted by psychopathological symptoms and unchangeable sociodemographic variables.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of lithium prophylaxis has been tested in a group of patients fulfilling the relatively broad ICD-9 definition of schizophrenic psychosis, schizoaffective type, and in each of the subgroups resulting from the application to the same patients of four different sets of diagnostic criteria for schizoaffective or cycloid psychoses. Moreover, a comparison has been made, within the whole patient population, between responders and non-responders to treatment, with respect to some clinical and biological variables. The mean number of morbid episodes and the mean total morbidity have been found significantly reduced during the treatment period, as compared with a control period of the same length, in the whole patient population as well as in subjects meeting RDC and Kendell's criteria for schizoaffective disorder (with special regard to schizomanics) and Perris's criteria for cycloid psychoses. No significant difference between the two periods has been observed in patients diagnosed as schizoaffectives according to Welner et al. Clinical/historical variables (with special regard to those concerning the course of the illness and the family history of major psychoses) have been found the most reliable predictors of response, whereas biological variables did not discriminate between responders and nonresponders to prophylaxis.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have shown altered brain dynamic functional connectivity (DFC) in mental disorders. Here, we aim to explore DFC across a spectrum of symptomatically‐related disorders including bipolar disorder with psychosis (BPP), schizoaffective disorder (SAD), and schizophrenia (SZ). We introduce a group information guided independent component analysis procedure to estimate both group‐level and subject‐specific connectivity states from DFC. Using resting‐state fMRI data of 238 healthy controls (HCs), 140 BPP, 132 SAD, and 113 SZ patients, we identified measures differentiating groups from the whole‐brain DFC and traditional static functional connectivity (SFC), separately. Results show that DFC provided more informative measures than SFC. Diagnosis‐related connectivity states were evident using DFC analysis. For the dominant state consistent across groups, we found 22 instances of hypoconnectivity (with decreasing trends from HC to BPP to SAD to SZ) mainly involving post‐central, frontal, and cerebellar cortices as well as 34 examples of hyperconnectivity (with increasing trends HC through SZ) primarily involving thalamus and temporal cortices. Hypoconnectivities/hyperconnectivities also showed negative/positive correlations, respectively, with clinical symptom scores. Specifically, hypoconnectivities linking postcentral and frontal gyri were significantly negatively correlated with the PANSS positive/negative scores. For frontal connectivities, BPP resembled HC while SAD and SZ were more similar. Three connectivities involving the left cerebellar crus differentiated SZ from other groups and one connection linking frontal and fusiform cortices showed a SAD‐unique change. In summary, our method is promising for assessing DFC and may yield imaging biomarkers for quantifying the dimension of psychosis. Hum Brain Mapp 38:2683–2708, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Objectives  The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate similarities and differences between bipolar I patients with and without mood-incongruent symptoms (MIS) over a long period of time, independently of longitudinal syndromatic constellations. Methods  The Halle bipolarity longitudinal study (HABILOS) prospectively investigates 182 patients meeting the DSM-IV criteria for bipolar I disorders over a long period of time (x; = 16.84 years). One thousand five hundred thirty-nine (1,539) episodes have been evaluated with standardized instruments. Patients and episodes were divided into two groups (with and without MIS) and were compared on various levels. Results  It was found: (1) The majority of the episodes of bipolar I patients during long-term course did not have MIS, but the majority of patients did. (2) Bipolar I patients with MIS differ from patients without MIS in the following features: (a) Bipolar I patients with MIS are more frequently males. (b) Bipolar I patients with MIS need treatment at a significantly younger age than those without MIS. (c) First manifestation of bipolar I disorder with MIS after the age of 50 is extremely seldom. (d) Bipolar I patients with MIS more frequently have relatives with schizophrenia. (e) Bipolar I patients with MIS more frequently become disabled and retire at a significantly younger age than patients without MIS and (f) Significantly fewer patients with MIS than those without MIS live in a stable partnership. Conclusions  It can be concluded that bipolar I disorders with MIS are more severe disorders than bipolar I disorders without MIS. This finding in combination with the above results, however, can give rise to the conclusion that bipolar I disorders with MIS are the epiphenomenon of the overlap, possibly genetic, of a “schizophrenic spectrum” and a “bipolar spectrum” and their antagonistic influence creating a “schizo-affective” area between them as a kind of psychotic continuum between prototypes. Supported by grants of the DFG German Research Association MA 915/11-1.  相似文献   

Diagnostic, demographic, and outcome profiles were compared between psychiatric inpatients and former inpatients who ultimately committed suicide and those who did not. Results showed that the suicide group contained a greater preponderance of males and patients suffering from schizoaffective disorder or unipolar depression, and comparatively fewer patients with borderline personality disorder. The suicide group also had histories or symptoms indicative of affective difficulties, and premorbidly had achieved a higher IQ and higher levels of socioeconomic functioning. They also demonstrated higher levels of psychopathology on admission and their post-hospitalization courses were characterized by lower levels of functioning. The risk of suicide thus appeared to be correlated to illness virulence and to the magnitude of the loss of healthy functioning.  相似文献   

Objective:  Published studies suggest associations between circadian gene polymorphisms and bipolar I disorder (BPI), as well as schizoaffective disorder (SZA) and schizophrenia (SZ). The results are plausible, based on prior studies of circadian abnormalities. As replications have not been attempted uniformly, we evaluated representative, common polymorphisms in all three disorders.
Methods:  We assayed 276 publicly available 'tag' single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 21 circadian genes among 523 patients with BPI, 527 patients with SZ/SZA, and 477 screened adult controls. Detected associations were evaluated in relation to two published genome-wide association studies (GWAS).
Results:  Using gene-based tests, suggestive associations were noted between EGR3 and BPI (p = 0.017), and between NPAS2 and SZ/SZA (p = 0.034). Three SNPs were associated with both sets of disorders ( NPAS2 : rs13025524 and rs11123857; RORB: rs10491929; p < 0.05). None of the associations remained significant following corrections for multiple comparisons. Approximately 15% of the analyzed SNPs overlapped with an independent study that conducted GWAS for BPI; suggestive overlap between the GWAS analyses and ours was noted at ARNTL .
Conclusions:  Several suggestive, novel associations were detected with circadian genes and BPI and SZ/SZA, but the present analyses do not support associations with common polymorphisms that confer risk with odds ratios greater than 1.5. Additional analyses using adequately powered samples are warranted to further evaluate these results.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elderly patients are often an underserved population in terms of optimizing treatment outcomes. Long-acting risperidone, the first long-acting injectable atypical antipsychotic, can improve outcomes through continuous medication delivery. OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of long-acting injectable risperidone in elderly patients with psychotic disorders. METHODS: This is a subanalysis of 57 patients aged > or =65 years enrolled in an open-label study of long-acting risperidone that included 725 symptomatically stable patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Patients were assigned to receive 25, 50, or 75 mg of long-acting risperidone every 2 weeks for up to 50 weeks. RESULTS: Fifty-seven elderly patients (mean +/- SE age, 70.9 +/- 0.7 years) were enrolled. Mean Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) total scores improved significantly throughout the study and at endpoint (p < 0.001). The PANSS factor scores (positive symptoms, negative symptoms, disorganized thoughts, uncontrolled hostility/excitement, and anxiety/depression) also significantly improved (p < 0.01). Clinical improvement (> or =20% reduction in PANSS total scores) was achieved by 49% of these stable patients, and 55% improved on the Clinical Global Impressions scale. Severity of movement disorders (Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale scores) was reduced significantly. Adverse events reported in >10% of patients were insomnia (14%), constipation (12%), and bronchitis (12%). CONCLUSIONS: Long-acting risperidone was associated with significant symptom improvements in stable elderly patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Treatment was well tolerated.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify factors associated with substance misuse in first-episode patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. METHOD: Twenty-seven patients with a past or current history of substance misuse were compared with 91 patients with no history of misuse on demographic and psychopathological measures before being treated for their first episode of psychosis, and on cognitive measures after 6 months of treatment. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences between groups for sex, schizophrenia subtype, marital status, education, family history of schizophrenia, course of illness, age of onset, baseline symptoms, time to treatment response, medication side effects, attention span, memory and executive functioning. However, dual diagnosis patients were found to have a higher parental social class, better premorbid cognitive functioning, higher IQ and better language skills. CONCLUSION: First-episode patients with a history of substance misuse have higher intellectual functioning, which may be associated with higher premorbid socioeconomic status and cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

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