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肝包虫囊肿的CT诊断 总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13
目的:分析了肝包虫的CT表现,讨论了CT对肝包虫的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析35例经手术病理证实的肝包虫囊肿患者的CT表现。结果:35例肝包虫共41个包虫囊肿。单房性包虫囊肿28个,其中无钙化的16个,有钙化的6个,囊肿合并内在性破裂6个;多房性包虫囊肿13个,其中无并发症的6例,有并发症的7例;有并发症的多房性包虫囊肿中交通性破裂4个,直接破裂3个,其中5个合并细菌感染,35例患者CT术前正确诊断率为97.1%,结论:CT对各型肝包虫均有较高的诊断价值,有选择地行CT检查能为肝包虫的治疗提供更好的影像依据。 相似文献
肝包虫破入胆道的超声诊断分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
孙秀芳 《中国临床医学影像杂志》2000,11(5):354-354
包虫病是一种寄生虫病 ,在我国新疆、甘肃、内蒙古、青海、宁夏、西藏等地区的发病率相当高 ,是牧区的一种常见病。肝包虫破入胆道造成梗阻性黄疸时有发生 ,患者临床症状严重 ,可产生强烈的过敏反应 ,部分病人出现过敏性休克 ,病死率极高。应用超声及时正确地做出诊断 ,为临床医生提供可靠的手术依据是非常重要的。1资料和方法本组43例 ,男31例 ,女12例 ,平均年龄为46 5岁。其中既往诊断肝包虫者31例 ,以右上腹痛、黄疸、发热等症状行超声检查者7例 ,以上腹部包块伴疼痛就诊者4例 ,所用仪器为ALOKA -630型 ,SONO… 相似文献
病例女,5岁,因上腹痛1年余,加重伴呼吸困难20天入院。查体:体重14kg,右上腹部膨隆,压痛明显,发育不良,营养差,精神可。血常规:Hb134g?L,WBC10.8×109?L。X线检查:双肺野未见实质性病灶,右膈肌抬高,心影受压左移。心电图:窦性心律,肢导联低电压。肝功能:TBIL107.53umol?L,DBI 相似文献
目的探讨女性盆腔包虫病的超声表现及其分型。方法回顾性分析40例经超声诊断及手术病理证实的盆腔包虫病患者的影像学资料,分析超声表现及各型特征。结果40例中6例单发型包虫囊肿声像图表现为盆腔圆形或类圆形囊肿,伴增厚的囊壁回声;11例多发型包虫囊肿,在盆腔内有2个以上包虫囊肿,呈“囊连囊”征象;15例子囊型包虫囊肿,在母囊无回声区内见多个大小不等环形中强回声,形成“囊中囊”征象;5例感染型包虫囊肿表现囊内絮状不均的回声;3例破裂型包虫囊肿显示内囊塌陷,囊内显示条状回声。结论超声检查能显示女性盆腔包虫病部位和形态,为手术治疗提供可靠的影像学依据。 相似文献
肝包虫囊肿的介入治疗 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
包虫病是畜牧地区发病率较高的人畜共患的寄生虫病,在我国西北地区更为常见,地处我区邻省的新疆、青海、内蒙以及本区农、牧县区发病率甚高。肝包虫囊肿又属包虫病的最常见类型,随着病情的发展往往迅速增长,甚至破裂造成胸、腹腔广泛种植和(或)占据全肝,出现血管及胆道系统压迫,造成严重的并发症而致患者死亡,故临床正确分型及早期积极治疗尤为重要。由于外科手术创伤大,复发率较高,故寻求一种创伤小,简便易行的治疗方法成为包虫病治疗的一项重要课题。本文就我院开展研究的98例各型肝包虫囊肿经严格筛选,对其中30例囊性包… 相似文献
肝棘球蚴病的超声诊断价值及临床意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨肝棘球蚴病的超声声像图特征及其诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析经手术或血清学检查证实的55例肝棘球蚴病患者的声像图特征,并进行分型。结果:囊型34例(61.8%),其中单发囊肿型7例(12.7%),多发囊肿型2例(3.6%),子囊孙囊型3例(5.5%),内囊分离型6例(10.9%),囊壁钙化型5例(9.1%),囊肿实变型3例(5.5%),囊肿合并感染8例(14.5%);泡型20例(36.4%),其中浸润型10例(18.2%),钙化型4例(7.3%),液化空洞型6例(10.9%);单发囊肿型合并浸润型1例(1.8%)。超声正确诊断48例,准确率87.3%。结论:各型肝棘球蚴病的声像图有一定的特征性,超声检查对判断病灶类型、大小、数量、部位及有无合并症等有很高的准确性,是首选的影像学检查方法。 相似文献
肝包虫的B超诊断及分型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本院自1984年到1992年共经手术治疗肝包虫病822例,术前均经B超检查。囊型包虫病(棘球蚴)804例,包虫居肝右叶660例(82.1%),左叶80例(9.95%),两叶64例(8%)。单发575例(71.5%),肝内多发163例(20.3%),肝与其它脏器多发660例(82.0%)。泡型包虫病(泡球蚴)18例,右叶16例,两叶2例。采用仪器为ADR 4000型.SSD 3030型,HP 1000型及EUB 305型等。 相似文献
1 病例资料 男,61岁.因间断性右上腹胀痛20余天入院.查体:脉搏72/min,血压118/72 mmHg.心肺未见异常.腹部平坦、未见胃肠型及蠕动波,肝脾肋下未触及,全腹无压痛及反跳痛,墨菲征阴性,移动性浊音阴性,双肾区无叩痛,肠鸣音正常. 相似文献
实时超声造影诊断肝泡状棘球蚴病 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
目的 评价实时CEUS诊断肝泡状棘球蚴病(HAE)的价值。方法 38例疑似HAE患者(共55个病灶)接受二维超声和CEUS检查,分析其强化形态、强化模式,并与病理结果对照。结果 经手术病理证实,HAE者32例,共45个病灶,CEUS符合率为96.42%(53/55)。二维超声表现为\"脑回征\"或\"熔岩洞样\"改变、\"岛屿状\"改变、不规则肿块;CEUS三期均未见强化,呈\"黑洞征\"。结论 相对于二维超声,CEUS可准确反映HAE病灶内部组织成分,对HAE诊断与鉴别诊断有重要价值。 相似文献
Rupture of a hydatid cyst into the biliary tract, also known as cystobiliary communication, is the most common complication
of hepatic hydatid cyst. This may lead to obstructive jaundice, pancreatitis, cholangitis, and sepsis with high mortality.
Imaging plays an important role in the preoperative diagnosis of this condition which facilitates its management. We studied
six patients with rupture of hepatic hydatid cyst into a large bile duct in whom multidetector-row CT (MDCT) suggested the
diagnosis. The imaging findings included a single hepatic cyst less than 10 cm in diameter in all the cases; interruption
of the cyst wall adjacent to a bile duct signifying cyst-bile duct communication was seen in five patients. The common bile
duct was dilated in all the patients, with linear membranes in four and diffuse irregular high dense intrabiliary material
observed within the common bile duct in two of them. Intrahepatic ducts were dilated in all the six cases and two patients
showed linear dense contents within distended gallbladder. Subcapsular and intrathoracic rupture was associated in one patient
each. MDCT demonstration of hydatid cyst in the liver together with a dilated common bile duct and distended gallbladder containing
high density hydatid material suggest rupture of the cyst into biliary tree. MDCT enhances demonstration of the dilated common
bile duct with hydatid material inside. The diagnosis is reinforced by the demonstration of the cystobiliary communication
itself. 相似文献
Surgical treatment of hepatic hydatid cyst 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mcfall B Yousaf M Calvert H Diamond T Epanomeritakis M 《International journal of clinical practice》2004,58(5):479-482
Hydatid disease of the liver is caused by the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus, and the highest incidence of human infestation occurs in sheep and cattle-raising areas. Although, still an uncommon occurrence, it is being seen with increasing frequency; hence, it is important that surgeons make themselves aware of the pathology and treatment of the disease. The liver is most commonly involved, although many other organs, including lungs and brain may also be affected. An echinococcal cyst of the liver was reported in a patient who is a resident in Northern Ireland but had originally lived and worked in mainland Britain. Details of the lifecycle, pathology, diagnostic techniques and surgical management of hydatid cysts are reviewed. 相似文献
《Computerized radiology》1987,11(4):193-197
The CT values of 15 cases of orbital hydatid cyst operated upon by the author were reviewed. It was found that hydatid cyst of the orbit has high CT value, contrary to the low CT value of nonorbital hydatid. This discrepancy was confirmed by an experiment using human skull and two balls simulating hydatid cyst. One ball was put in the orbit and the other in the cranial cavity. When the skull was CT scanned it was found that the orbital ball CT value was about five times higher than the cranial ball, in spite of the fact that both balls had the same content. It was concluded that the orbital bony pyramid is the cause of this high CT value in orbital hydatid. Hence it is recommended that an orbital lesion with a high CT value can be a hydatid cyst. 相似文献
目的探讨超声引导下经皮肝穿抽液加聚桂醇硬化治疗肝包虫囊肿的应用价值。方法超声引导下对21例肝包虫囊肿患者行经皮肝包虫囊肿穿刺抽吸囊液,抽尽后向囊内注入声诺维对比剂(2∶20 ml生理盐水)确定包虫囊肿与胆管不相通,后注入聚桂醇注射液或聚桂醇泡沫硬化剂,注入量约为囊液体积的1/5~1/2,反复冲洗15 min后全部抽出,术前术后结合每日口服抗包虫药阿苯达唑(30~50 mg/kg)。术后1、3、6、12个月随访囊肿体积大小及疗效。结果治疗中1次穿刺成功率100%,治疗后1、3、6、12个月囊肿平均体积大小分别为(148.5±38.6)、(113.1±30.3)、(36.7±24.4)、(30.2±18.4)mm~3,均小于治疗前的(168.6±50.2)mm~3(P0.05),总有效率达95.2%。结论超声引导下经皮肝穿抽液加聚桂醇硬化治疗肝包虫囊肿疗效显著,患者耐受性好,不良反应少,是一种安全、有效、可靠的方法。 相似文献
目的:探讨肝脏顿挫伤CT诊断标准及CT分级的临床应用价值。资料与方法:回顾性分析1997~2004年在我院CT诊断为肝脏顿挫伤的病例147例,外科手术证实58例。结果:肝脏被膜下血肿95例,肝脏实质挫伤68例,肝脏撕裂伤23例,腹血16例,死亡8例。结论:CT是诊断肝脏顿挫伤的首选检查方法,具有方便、快速、准确和可重复的优点。依据CT表现结合临床作出的分级标准对临床治疗具有重要的指导意义。 相似文献
Eighty-five cases of hepatic hydatid cysts were examined by ultrasonography. On the basis of sonographic patterns (as well as clinical symptomatology and surgical, bacteriologic, and pathologic findings), four groups of cysts were identified: uninfected, organizing, suppurative, and degenerated. A specific sign is defined to differentiate hydatid cysts from cystic lesions of other types. Organizing cysts are defined and ways to differentiate them from infected cysts sonographically are discussed. An analysis was made of the echographically detected material between the daughter cysts previously referred to as "matrix." Clues are given to differentiate infected cysts from liver abscesses. A classification correlating the pathology with the life cycle of the parasite in the human body is proposed. 相似文献
Spontaneous duodenal fistula due to hepatic hydatid cyst 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Manel Noguera Agusti Alvarez-Castells Eva Castella Lluisa Gifre Jordi Andreu Sergi Quiroga 《Abdominal imaging》1993,18(3):234-236
Connunication of a hepatic hydatid cyst to the duodenum appears to be extremely rare. This is the first case described in the imaging literature of hepatic echinococcosis fistulized to the duodenum studied by computed tomography. 相似文献
B超对肝包虫诊断价值的评价 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
目的:为了评估B超对肝包虫的诊断效能,为临床诊断结果的分析提供供参考依据,以规范的临床流行病学诊断试验方法,评价B超对肝包虫的诊断价值。方法:对149例可颖肝包虫的B超诊断结果与术后病理检查结果进行的对比;计算各项诊断效能评价指标,并进行盲法观察,计算重复性指标。结果:B超对肝包虫诊断的敏感度、特异度、准确度、阳性预造值、阴性预告值和约登九分别为97.7%、90.5%、96.6%、98.4%、86 相似文献