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Avian pneumovirus (AVP) isolates F83, CC220 and 1260 from Great Britain and 1556, 657/4, 2119 and 872/S from France, Hungary, Italy and Spain, respectively, were compared in ELISA and virus neutralization (VN) tests for reactions with chicken polyclonal sera against each of the viruses and monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against two British isolates. ELISA test results using the polyclonal antisera indicated that all seven viruses were antigenically related, but some variation between strains could be detected, especially when antigens were prepared from infected cells using Nonidet P40 (NP40) rather than freezing and thawing. In VN tests results also showed that all viruses tested were related but there was evidence that the three British isolates showed closer relationships with each other than with the viruses from Italy, Hungary and Spain. In ELJSA tests, isolates F83 and 1556 bound all 11 MAbs and 1260 reacted with 10/11 MAbs. Isolate CC220 showed reaction with all the MAbs but for 8/11 MAbs the optical density differences were low. Isolates 2119 and 872/S both reacted only with MAb 4 and none of the MAbs reacted with 657/4.  相似文献   

Summary Seventeen monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were prepared against the flavivirus West Nile strain H442. While the majority of these were specific for the major envelope protein, MAbs directed against the NS1 and ns4a nonstructural proteins were also identified. The MAbs were tested by indirect immunofluorescence against 16 southern African West Nile (WN) isolates, representative strains from the two main WN antigenic groups and several viruses from other flavivirus complexes. The MAb reactivities ranged from WN strain-specific to broadly flavivirus-group reactive. Comparison of the local isolates revealed the presence of several different strains, all of which were antigenically distinct from the representative strains of the two WN antigenic groups.  相似文献   

Hybridoma cells were produced by fusing P3X63Ag8.653 mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus, Nakayama-RFVL strain. The resulting 26 clones produced hemagglutination inhibition antibodies against the homologous strain. The hemagglutination inhibition reactivity of each clone was tested against six flaviviruses: JE, Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE), Egypt 101 strain of West Nile (WN), St. Louis encephalitis (SLE), Russian spring summer encephalitis, and dengue type 1. The 26 monoclonal antibodies fell into four groups: 14 JE species-specific antibodies, 6 antibodies reactive to JE and MVE viruses, 3 antibodies to three or four viruses in the JE-MVE-WN-SLE subgroup, and 3 antibodies to all six flaviviruses. Furthermore, antigenic comparison of 27 strains of JE virus was carried out by using five JE species-specific monoclonal antibodies. Of these, 24 strains were isolated in various parts of Japan, and 3 strains came from Southeast Asia. In reactivity, the 27 strains were classified into at least four antigenic groups. The results showed that the Nakayama-Yakken strain is a mutant strain which lacks the Nakayama strain-specific antigen and that the recently isolated strains are immunologically different from Nakayama and JaGAr 01 strains. One clone (NARMA 13) produced a JE species-specific antibody which showed almost the same titer against 26 JE virus strains, whereas one clone (NARMA 5) produced a Nakayama strain-specific antibody which reacted only to the Nakayama-RFVL and Nakayama-Yoken strains.  相似文献   

The study included 18 monoclonal antibodies (MAb) to E- or NS1-antigens tested by immunofluorescence with tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) complex viruses. MAb were induced to 3 strains of TBE virus: the pathogenic 4072 strain isolated from a patient; the Skalica strain of low pathogenicity; and the Neidorf strain isolated from ticks. According to their reactivity to complex viruses, MAb comprised 3 groups: monospecific for TBE virus (T6, T15) which detected tick-borne encephalitis virus alone; widely cross-reactive with 4-6 viruses of the complex (NEK, KEN, T7, T9); and partially complex-reactive (T11, T12, T13, T33/3) and bound to 2-3 viruses of the complex. T13 and T33/3 MAb reacted with the Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus to the same degree or stronger than with TBE virus. The cross-reactivity was more marked in anti-E-than in anti-NS1 MAb. The similarity of the Langat viruses and the Skalica strain was confirmed. Using anti-NS1 MAb in tests with non-fixed cells, the release of NS1-antigen was found to begin at hour 18 (time of observation). The results of the study may be useful for improvement of laboratory diagnosis of TBE and evaluation of the capacity of a vaccine to induce cross immunity to viruses of the TBE complex.  相似文献   

Two distinct subtypes of human rotavirus serotype 4 were identified by using neutralizing monoclonal antibodies directed to the major outer capsid glycoprotein, VP7, of strains ST3 (subtype 4A) and VA70 (subtype 4B). Specimens containing serotype 4 rotavirus, obtained from different countries, were examined for subtyping by using solid-phase immune electron microscopy, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and, for cell culture-adapted strains, neutralization assay. All 59 human rotavirus strains identified as serotype 4 by using animal antisera were classified into either subtype by monoclonal antibodies. This suggests that the antigenic difference between the two subtypes is a consequence of critical variations within the immunodominant serotype 4-specific neutralization site of rotavirus VP7. Subtype 4A (ST3-like) strains were predominant and were detected in stools from patients with gastroenteritis, as well as from healthy infants and young children.  相似文献   

Three sets of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) used to type the outer capsid protein VP7 of four group A rotavirus serotypes (1 through 4) were compared in competition immunoassays. Reciprocal competition was observed for each of the VP7 type 2-, 3-, and 4-specific MAbs. The VP7 type 1 MAbs exhibited variable competition patterns with other VP7 type 1 MAbs. MAb RV4:3, which has been used to recognize antigenic variants within VP7 type 1 strains, showed reciprocal competition with the four VP7 type 3 MAbs (RV3:1, YO-1E2, 4F8, and 159) using a VP7 type 3 virus (SA11) as antigen. MAb 2C9, also prepared against VP7 type 1, reacted with VP7 type 3 strains and competed with a VP7 type 3 MAb, 159, using RRV as antigen. Use of the different sets of VP7 type-specific MAbs in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay permitted the recognition of six antigenic variants within VP7 types 1, 2, and 3 among specimens whose VP7 type could not be determined previously with only one set of typing MAbs. These results demonstrate differences of typing ability among these VP7-specific MAbs and emphasize the need to improve the sensitivity of typing systems by incorporating panels of MAbs reacting with several neutralizing epitopes.  相似文献   

Ten monoclones directed to the 42,000-dalton inner structural protein of rotavirus were analyzed. Eight monoclones reacted broadly with antigenic domains common to virtually all mammalian rotaviruses. Two monoclones had specificities similar or identical to previously characterized subgroup specificities. These subgroup monoclones were more efficient in detecting subgroup antigen than either hyperimmune or postinfection antisera. Using the subgroup monoclones, we determined that some animal as well as human rotavirus strains carry subgroup 2 specificity and that epizootic diarrhea of infant mice virus and turkey rotavirus are antigenically distinct from other mammalian rotavirus strains.  相似文献   

Six mouse monoclonal antibodies raised against PMV-3/turkey/England/ MPH/81 were used to assess relationships between PMV-3 viruses isolated from exotic birds and from domestic turkeys. Twelve PMV-3 isolates from birds held in quarantine in Great Britain and nine isolates from exotic birds in Netherlands, USA, Belgium, France and F.R. Germany were inhibited by only one monoclonal antibody, 50/1412, in haemagglutination inhibition tests. In contrast PMV-3 isolates from turkeys in England and France were inhibited to high titres by all six monoclonal antibodies. Two isolates from North American turkeys and one from a turkey poult in the Federal Republic of Germany were inhibited only by monoclonal antibody 50/1412 and, to low titres, by one other monoclonal antibody. Monoclonal antibody, 50/1412, showed no inhibition of 12 varied PMV-1 strains or representatives of other avian paramyxovirus sero-types and may be useful in the differential diagnosis of PMV-3 viruses.  相似文献   

用我国分离的一株C A24 V制备的单克隆抗体,对10株C A24病毒作了抗原分析。8个荧光阳性的单抗对所试验的9株C A24 V均呈现明显荧光反应,其中4个对C A24原型株荧光试验也阳性,另4个则为阴性。5个具有中和作用的单抗均不中和C A 24原型株,其中一个单抗对新加坡E H24/70株有低滴度中和,3个单抗中和日本分离的二株病毒及我国1986年福建分离的一株病毒。而所有这5个单抗均中和我国1986年从河南、上海分离的二株病毒及1988年从北京、辽宁和福建分离的三株病毒。  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) were raised against the purified fimbriae of Serratia marcescens US46, a strain expressing three morphologically distinct fimbriae. The widths of these fimbriae were 7, 4.5, and 3 nm, respectively. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified fimbriae showed three bands with molecular weights of 21,000, 20,000, and 19,000, respectively. This strain had mannose-resistant (MR) hemagglutinating activity and was agglutinated by yeast cells. Therefore, strain US46 appeared to have both MR and mannose-sensitive fimbriae. In the immunoblot analysis, all MAbs reacted with the 20,000-molecular-weight subunit when given a choice of three differently sized subunits. Immunoelectron microscopy showed these MAbs attached to the MR fimbriae with the largest width (7 nm). The antigenic cross-reactivity of fimbriae was examined by an MAb-mediated agglutination test. All MR strains of S. marcescens and some mannose-sensitive strains were agglutinated by the MAbs. The serological homogeneity of MR fimbriae was confirmed by a spot test, using the crude purified fimbriae from several MR strains of S. marcescens. In other gram-negative rods, clinical isolates of Klebsiella spp. with hemagglutinating activity were agglutinated, but clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Enterobacter spp. were not.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were prepared against one UK isolate of turkey rhinotracheitis virus (TRTV). Those which were virus-neutralizing were selected and used, together with polyclonal antisera raised to each isolate in turkeys, in cross-neutralization tests against TRTV strains isolated in the UK and elsewhere. Whilst the polyclonal antisera showed that there was some diversity between them, all strains examined belonged to one serotype. The TRTV strains isolated in the UK could clearly be differentiated from those isolated elsewhere by some of the mAbs. Isolates of TRTV made in South Africa in 1978 and UK in 1985 were more closely related than were isolates made in UK and France within a few months. TRTV strains isolated from turkeys and chickens could not be differentiated. Some mAbs were found to be group-specific in that they neutralized all TRTV strains examined. All mAbs were of either the IgGl or IgG2a isotype and recognized the surface G glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Rickettsia felis is a flea-transmitted rickettsia. There is a discrepancy between its reported phylogenic and phenotypic identifications. Following the first report of R. felis, it was considered by tests with serologic reagents to be closely related to another recognized flea-transmitted rickettia, R. typhi. Subsequently, it appeared to be more closely related to spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae by genetic analysis. In the present work, R. felis was studied by microimmunofluorescence (MIF) serologic typing and with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Mouse polyclonal antisera to R. felis cross-reacted only with SFG rickettsiae. A neighbor-joining analysis based on MIF indicated that R. felis is actually related to SFG rickettsiae antigenically, clustering with R. australis, R. akari, and R. montanensis. A panel of 21 MAbs was raised against a 120-kDa protein antigen or a 17-kDa polypeptide of R. felis. They cross-reacted with most members of the SFG rickettsiae but not with R. prowazekii, R. typhi, or R. canadensis of the typhus group (TG) rickettsiae. Sixty-four MAbs previously generated to seven other ricketttsial species were tested with R. felis. Three MAbs reacted with the 120-kDa antigen and were generated by R. africae, R. conorii, and R. akari, respectively. They exhibited cross-reactivities with R. felis. All our data show that R. felis harbors the antigenic profile of an SFG rickettsia.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve monoclonal antibodies to the F protein of a velogenic strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) were established. Each of these antibodies inhibited virus-induced plaque formation in BHK-21 cells. Seven antibodies neutralized viral infectivity in eggs; thus, antigenic variants could be selected with these antibodies and used for antigenic mapping. Based on the reactivity of the antigenic variants with the antibodies used in selection, 4 distinct antigenic sites (I–IV) were defined on the F protein molecule. In competitive binding assay, sites II and III were found to be spatially close to each other. Each antibody to sites I, II and III inhibited both virus-induced hemolysis of chicken erythrocytes and syncytium formation of BHK-21 cells. On the other hand, some of the antibodies to site IV selectively inhibited either hemolysis or cell fusion. This finding may indicate that the fusion of the viral envelope with erythrocytes and host cell membrane is modulated through different ways. Comparative analysis of different NDV strains using monoclonal antibodies to each of the different antigenic sites showed that the antigenicity of the F protein is highly conserved.With 1 Figure  相似文献   

Newcastle disease (ND) virus (APMV-1) isolates submitted to the International Reference Laboratory for ND were characterised antigenically by their ability to cause binding of mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to cell cultures infected with the isolate. Since the availability of the mAbs 1526 viruses have been examined using a panel of nine mAbs and 818 with an extended panel of 26 mAbs. Using the nine mAb panel a total of 14 different patterns was seen and viruses grouped by the same pattern showed relationships with each other which were either biological, temporal or geographical or more than one of these. There was a marked tendency of viruses placed in the same group to show similar virulence for chickens. Extension of the panel to 26 mAbs produced 39 distinct patterns, although some of these were seen with only a single virus. Again, viruses inducing similar binding patterns shared similar properties and some binding patterns were specific for viruses causing discrete epizootics. Cluster analysis of the mAb binding patterns did not produce concise, discrete groupings, but did emphasise some relationships between virus properties and antigenicity. Examples of the usefulness of this approach were the ability to link two important outbreaks to the contamination of stored food by infected feral pigeons, and the demonstration of two separate viruses responsible for outbreaks in countries of the European Union during 1991 to 1994 thus preventing erroneous epizootiological tracing.  相似文献   

A member of the family of coronaviruses has previously been identified as the cause of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). In this study, several monoclonal antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein have been generated to examine distribution of the nucleocapsid in virus-infected cells and to study antigenic regions of the protein. Confocal microscopic analysis identified nucleocapsids packaged in vesicles in the perinuclear area indicating viral synthesis at the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. The monoclonal antibodies bound to the central and carboxyterminal half of the nucleocapsid protein indicating prominent exposure and immunogenicity of this part of the protein. Antibodies recognised both linear and conformational epitopes. Predictions of antigenicity using mathematical modelling based on hydrophobicity analysis of SARS nucleoprotein could not be confirmed fully. Antibody binding to discontinuous peptides provides evidence that amino acids 274-283 and 373-382 assemble to a structural unit particularly rich in basic amino acids. In addition, amino acids 286-295, 316-325 and 361-367 that represent the epitope recognised by monoclonal antibody 6D11C1 converge indicating a well-structured C-terminal region of the SARS virus nucleocapsid protein and functional relationship of the peptide regions involved. Alternatively, dimerisation of the nucleocapsid protein may result in juxtaposition of the amino acid sequences 316-325 and 361-367 on one nucleoprotein molecule to amino acid 286-295 on the second peptide. The monoclonal antibodies will be available to assess antigenicity and immunological variabilities between different SARS CoV strains.  相似文献   

The H6 subtype of avian influenza virus (AIV) infection occurs frequently in wild and domestic birds. AIV antigen detection is preferred for controlling AIV as birds are infected before they produce antibodies. The purpose of this study was to develop an early diagnostic method for AIV detection. Six monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) developed from a field H6N1 AIV strain were tested for their ability to bind to viruses. The two that showed the greatest binding ability to AIVs were used for antigen detection. An antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect H6 AIVs was developed using these mAbs. One mAb was coated onto an ELISA plate as the capture antibody. The other mAb was used as the detector antibody after labeling with horseradish peroxidase. The antigen-capture ELISA detected H6N1 AIVs but not H5 AIVs, human H1N1, H3N2 influenza or other viruses. This antigen-capture ELISA could be used to specifically detect H6N1 AIV.  相似文献   

Three human rotavirus (HRV) VP4 serotypes and one subtype have been described on the basis of a fourfold or an eightfold-or-greater difference in neutralization titer when tested with hyperimmune antisera to recombinant VP4 or VP8* (serotypes P1A, P1B, P2, and P3). To start to analyze the antigenic basis underlying serotype specificity, we produced a library of 13 VP4-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (NMAbs) to two HRVs, the serotype P1A strain Wa and the serotype P2 strain ST3, and characterized the reactivity of these NMAbs with a panel of serotypically diverse HRV strains by neutralization assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We characterized the serotypic specificity of the NMAbs by using a fourfold or an eightfold-or-greater difference in titer against the homologous (i.e., immunogen) and heterologous strains as a criterion for serotype. Some ST3-derived NMAbs reacted specifically with serotype P2 HRVs by ELISA and/or neutralization assay, while some Wa-derived NMAbs reacted specifically by ELISA and/or neutralization assay with some or all serotype P1A HRVs. Other Wa- and ST3-derived NMAbs reacted with some or all serotype P1A and P2 HRV strains by neutralization assay and ELISA. Most NMAbs did not react with serotype P1B or P3 strains. In previous studies, three distinct operationally defined epitopes have been identified on VP4 by examining the reactivity patterns of selected antigenic variants of HRV strain KU. At least one of the NMAbs described here recognizes an epitope unrelated to these previously identified epitopes, since it neutralized both KU and its variants.  相似文献   

By utilizing a strain of cultivable simian rotavirus (SA-11) as an immunizing antigen, we prepared 4 clones of mouse-mouse hybridoma, namely C127, C139, C172, and C214 which secreted monoclonal antibodies against the immunogen itself, SA-11 and also against other group A strains such as Wa and S2. Western blot analyses revealed that all of these antibodies are directed against VP6, a 42 kDa major inner capsid protein of group A rotavirus. Competitive experiments suggested that C127, C172 and C214 recognized three distinct epitopes on VP6, while C139 appeared to react with an epitope at or near the same epitope recognized by C172. We developed a two-step ELISA with excellent sensitivity and specificity for rotavirus detection by utilizing C127 and/or C214 as a capture antibody and rabbit anti-rotavirus conjugated with horseradish peroxidase as a probe. Also, when both monoclonal C127 capture antibody and polyclonal rabbit anti-rotavirus-HRP were incubated with rotavirus simultaneously in a one-step assay, equivalent sensitivity and specificity were observed. The data show that these generated anti-rotavirus antibodies can be utilized effectively as reagents for the detection of human rotaviruses in stool specimens.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies capable of specifically inhibiting hemagglutination of human rotavirus were produced. Their hemagglutination inhibition (HI) activity was specific to the homologous strain (KUN) used for immunization. The monoclonal antibodies with HI activity were highly effective in neutralizing the infectivity of the KUN strain. These antibodies reacted with Vp80, and 80,000 molecular weight (MW) protein present in the viral outer shell. It was confirmed by immunoblotting assay with the monoclonal antibodies that the antigenic site of human rotavirus hemagglutinin (HA) resides on Vp80 and on its smaller trypsin cleavage products Vp30 (MW 30,000) and Vp24 (MW 24,000). Immunofluorescence studies using the antibodies revealed that the HA antigen of the KUN strain developed at the final stage of virus maturation.  相似文献   

Summary cDNA corresponding to the genomic segment 6 of avian rotavirus strain PO-13, which has group A common and subgroup I antigens, but does not hybridize in Northern blots with RNA probes from group A mammalian rotaviruses, was cloned and sequenced. When the deduced amino acid sequence was compared between strain PO-13 and eight group A mammalian rotaviruses, the extent of homology ranged from 73–75%. An alignment of the amino acid sequences allowed us to identify three amino acids (Positions 120, 317 and 350) that may contribute to determining the subgroup epitopes. A phylogenetic tree constructed on the basis of nucleotide substitutions in the VP6 gene of nine rotaviruses strongly suggests that the avian rotavirus is an ancestral prototype of mammalian rotaviruses.  相似文献   

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