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In the salamander Plethodon jordani, the morphology and axonal projections of thalamic (TH) neurons and their responses to electrical optic nerve stimulation were determined by intracellular recording and biocytin labeling under in vitro, whole-brain conditions. Based on their axonal projections, labeled neurons (n = 76) were divided into the following groups: TH1 neurons, with mostly ipsilateral projections to the striatum; TH2 neurons, with ipsilateral or bilateral projections to the medial amygdala and nucleus accumbens; TH3 neurons, with bilateral projections to the medial and dorsal pallium; TH4 neurons, with mostly ipsilateral projections to the striatum and ipsilateral projections to the tectum opticum, tegmentum, and rostral medulla oblongata; and TH5 neurons, with ipsilateral projections to the tegmentum, medulla oblongata, and rostral spinal cord without (TH5.1) or with (TH5.2) additional projections to the optic tectum. TH1-TH4 neurons are found in the dorsal thalamus and around the sulcus medialis, and TH5 neurons are found in the ventral thalamus. Labeled neurons with ascending projections, i.e., the more dorsally situated TH1-TH4 neurons, are mostly inhibited by electrical stimulation of the optic nerve and have significantly longer latencies (mean +/- S.D., 42.1 +/- 11.6 msec) than neurons with exclusively descending projections, i.e., the ventrally located TH5 neurons (8.5 +/- 6.1 msec), which receive the bulk of retinal afferents and show excitation at electrical optic nerve stimulation. Neurons recorded without labeling in the dorsal thalamus likewise exhibit mostly inhibition and have significantly longer latencies (35.7 +/- 18.9 msec) than those recorded in the ventral thalamus (10.9 +/- 7.7 msec), which mostly show excitation. None of the neurons recorded in the dorsal thalamus followed repetitive stimulation of the optic nerve. Thus, neurons situated in the dorsal thalamus and projecting to pallial or subpallial telencephalic targets are unlikely to receive monosynaptic or oligosynaptic, excitatory retinal input. Accordingly, no retino-thalamo-telencephalic pathway homologous to that found in amniotes appears to exist in salamanders.  相似文献   

In the plethodontid salamanders Plethodon jordani and P. glutinosus, the morphology and axonal projections of 140 tectal neurons and their responses to electrical optic nerve stimulation were determined by intracellular recording and biocytin labeling. Six types of neurons are distinguished morphologically. TO1 neurons have wide dendritic trees that arborize mainly in tectal layers 1 and 3; they project bilaterally to the tegmentum and contralaterally to the medulla oblongata. TO2 neurons have very wide dendritic trees that arborize mainly in layers 2 and 3; axons project bilaterally or unilaterally to the pretectum and thalamus and ipsilaterally to the medulla oblongata. TO3 neurons have very wide and flat dendritic trees confined to layers 3–5; some have the same axonal projection as TO2 neurons, whereas others have descending axons that reach only the level of the cerebellum. TO4 neurons have narrower dendritic trees that arborize in layers 2 and 3; they project to the ipsilateral pretectum, thalamus, and medulla oblongata. TO5 neurons have dendritic trees that arborize in layers 1 and 2 or 1–3 and project bilaterally or unilaterally to the pretectum and thalamus. TO-IN are interneurons, with a number of subtypes with respect to variations in dendritic arborization pattern. TO1–TO5 neurons generally have short latencies of 2–16 ms (average = 8.4 ms) at electrical optic nerve stimulation; first responses are always excitatory, often followed by inhibition. They are likely to be mono- or oligosynaptically driven by retinal afferents. TO-IN interneurons have long latencies of 20–80 ms (average = 38.6 ms) and appear to receive no direct retinal input. With their specific dendritic arborization, consequent dominant retinal input, specific axonal projections, the different types of tectal projection neurons constitute separate ascending and descending visual pathways. Hypotheses are presented regarding the nature of the information processed by these pathways. J. Comp. Neurol. 404:489–504, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Retinal projections in the australian lungfish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Autoradiographic analysis of the primary retinofugal projections in the Australian lungfish reveals contralateral retinal projections to a ventral portion of the periventricular preoptic nucleus, throughout its rostrocaudal extent, and to 4 distinct terminal fields in the thalamus. Only one of these thalamic fields (t4) likely receives dendrites soley from dorsal thalamic neurons. Thalamic terminal field 1 probably receives dendrites from both dorsal and ventral thalamic neurons, and fields 2 and 3 from only ventral thalamic neurons. Contralateral retinofugal fibers terminate in the pretectum and in the superficial and central tectal zones. The central tectal terminal field is restricted to the medial one-third of the tectum. At pretectal levels a contralateral basal optic tract arises from the marginal optic tract and terminates along the lateral edge of the tegmentum, as a series of glomerular puffs, and in the rostral pole of a superficial isthmal nucleus. The Australian lungfish, unlike the African and South American lungfish, possesses ipsilateral retinal projections to all of the nuclei that receive contralateral retinal input.  相似文献   

The pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali of Rana pipiens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pretectal nucleus lentiformis mesencephali (nLM) of Rana pipiens was investigated with autoradiographic, horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and Golgi techniques. Retinal afferents to nLM originate primarily from the central retina. The primary projection is contralateral with a small ipsilateral component. Following optic nerve transection and HRP impregnation, contralateral retinal afferents show a restricted, dense core of HRP label in the superficial portion of the nucleus with sparser HRP label in the surround. Ipsilateral retinal afferents arborize throughout nLM, except in the dense-core region. Additional afferents to nLM originate from the ipsilateral tectum, the nucleus rotundus, the mesencephalic pretectal gray, the contralateral nLM, and the nucleus of the basal optic root. Afferents from the accessory optic system arborize only in the dense-core region, following HRP injections into the nucleus of the basal optic root, while afferents from the mesencephalic pretectal gray arborize in all parts of nLM except the dense core. Afferents from the tectum and anterior thalamus appear to arborize throughout the nucleus without discernible pattern. The lamination of afferent terminals in nLM was correlated with Nissl-stained cytoarchitectural material in which the majority of large neurons cluster around the dense core of nLM. Three types of neurons occur in nLM: large neurons (25-micron dia.), fusiform neurons (12.5-micron dia.), and stellate neurons (10-micron dia.). Additionally, two cell groups outside nLM which send dendrites into the nucleus were observed: cells of the posterior lateral nucleus and cells of the posterior thalamic pretectal gray. Both large and fusiform neurons project to the deep layers of the optic tectum as well as to the ventral rhombencephalon superficial to the abducens nucleus. While a small number of fusiform neurons project to the nucleus of the basal optic root, the stellate neurons appear to be intrinsic to nLM. The anuran nLM strongly resembles the nucleus of the optic tract in mammals in terms of the site of origin of its retinal afferents, lamination of afferent terminations, its central connections, and its demonstrated involvement in horizontal optokinetic nystagmus.  相似文献   

Tectal fiber connections were studied in members of an early branch of the actinopterygian lineage, the sturgeons Acipenser transmontanus and A. schrenkii, by means of biocytin, HRP, biotinylated dextran amine, and DiI tract tracing methods. The aim of this study is to elucidate the visual pathway via the optic tectum to the thalamus as a part of a series of studies on the visual pathways in sturgeons. After biocytin or biotinylated dextran amine injections to the optic tectum terminals are found bilaterally in the medial and lateral portions of both the dorsal thalamus and ventral thalamus. Ipsilateral projections are much more abundant. Tectal recipient areas in the thalamus overlap in part with the retinal recipient areas. After HRP or DiI injections to the dorsal or ventral thalamus, tectal neurons projecting to the thalamus were labeled in the ipsilateral or bilateral stratum periventriculare. Dendritic morphology of tectothalamic neurons suggests that they receive direct retinal input. These results suggest that visual information passes through the tectum to the thalamic areas which also receive direct retinal projections. In this regard, the visual system of Acipenser resembles that of chondrichthyans (sharks). Other fiber connections of the tectum are also described, which have not previously been studied by tracer methods in a sturgeon.  相似文献   

The retinofugal and retinopetal connections in the green sunfish were studied by autoradiographic and horseradish peroxidase methods. All retinofugal fibers decussate in the optic chiasm. Some fibers project to contralateral preoptic and hypothalamic nuclei while others recross to project to the comparable ipsilateral nuclei. Contralaterally, the medial optic tract projects to the periventricular thalamic and pretectal nuclei and, sparsely, to the rostral optic tectum. The dorsal optic tract projects to the parvocellular portion of the superficial pretectal nucleus, the central pretectal nucleus, nucleus corticalis, and the rostral portion of the optic tectum. The ventral optic tract primarily projects to the caudal portion of the optic tectum, giving off fibers in route to innervate various nuclei, including the parvocellular superficial pretectal nucleus and the dorsal and ventral accessory optic nuclei. The axial optic tract projects to the dorsal accessory optic nucleus, the central pretectal nucleus, and the caudal optic tectum. Retinal fibers reach the ipsilateral thalamus, pretectum and other sites via a redecussation through the posterior commissure. From outgroup analysis it is concluded that such redecussating fibers are an independently derived character within actinopterygians and are homoplasous to nondecussating ipsilateral retinal projections in other vertebrates. Neurons retrogradely labeled with horseradish peroxidase were found to form a rostrocaudal column from the olfactory bulb and nerve through the ventral telencephalon to caudal diencephalic levels along the medial aspect of the optic tract. It is possible that all these neurons consist of one population of migrated ganglion cells of the nervus terminalis.  相似文献   

Brainstem neurons that project to the optic tectum of the eastern garter snake were identified by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. The distribution and morphology of tectal afferent axons from the thalamus, pretectum, nucleus isthmi, and midbrain reticular formation were then studied by anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase. Diencephalic projections to the tectum arise from the ventral lateral geniculate complex ipsilaterally and the ventrolateral nucleus, suprapeduncular nucleus, and nucleus of the ventral supraoptic decussation bilaterally. Three pretectal groups (the lentiform thalamic nucleus, the lentiform mesencephalic-pretectal complex and the geniculate pretectal nucleus) give rise to heavy, bilateral tectal projections. Small neurons in nucleus isthmi and large reticular neurons in nucleus lateralis profundus mesencephali also give rise to bilateral projections. Caudal to the tectum, projections arise bilaterally from the pontine and medullary tegmentum, nuclei of the lateral lemniscus, the posterior colliculus, and the sensory trigeminal nucleus. A small contralateral projection arises from the medial vestibular complex. Tectal afferents from the thalamus, pretectum, nucleus isthmi, and midbrain reticular formation had characteristic morphologies and laminar distributions within the tectum. However, these afferents fall into two groups based on their spatial organization. Afferents from the thalamus and nucleus isthmi arise from small neurons with spatially restricted, highly branched dendritic trees. Their axons terminate in single, highly branched and bouton-rich arbors about 100 micron in diameter. By contrast, afferents from the midbrain reticular formation and the pretectum arise from large neurons with long, radiate, and sparsely branched dendritic trees. Their axons course parallel to the tectal surface and emit numerous collateral branches that are distributed widely through the mediolateral and rostrocaudal extent of either the central or superficial gray layers. Each collateral bears several small, spatially disjunct clusters of boutons.  相似文献   

Tectal connections were studied in two urodele species following horseradish peroxidase injections into the tectum opticum. In both species retrogradely labelled cells were observed: ipsilaterally in the corpus striatum, lateral amygdala, ventral and dorsal thalamus and nucleus of DARKSCHEWITSCH--bilaterally in the pretectal nucleus, dorsal tegmentum and nucleus reticularis medius--contralaterally in the tectum opticum and area octavo lateralis. Besides these nuclei the nucleus isthmi was bilaterally labelled. Rostral efferent projections of the tectum opticum terminated in the ipsilateral pretectal area and the ipsilateral dorsal and ventral thalamus ipsilaterally coursing to the contralateral tectum via the commissura postoptica. Caudal efferents formed the bilaterally organized tecto-bulbar tracts innervating the rhombencephalon. Comparison of the results of a series of tectal horseradish peroxidase injections differing in depth, tangential extension and location, indicated that tectal afferents from the telencephalon, the contralateral tectum opticum and the medulla were sparse and widely branching. Projections of the telencephalon and all diencephalic nuclei terminated deep in the rostral tectum opticum. Projections of the medulla terminated preferentially deep in the caudal tectum opticum. The tecto-isthmic projection was highly topographic forming a layered terminal field lateral to the nucleus isthmi. The isthmo-tectal projection innervated the whole tectum opticum on the ipsilateral side and was highly topographic. On the contralateral side the caudal part of the tectum opticum was not innervated. The isthmo-tectal fibers terminated superficially in the tectum opticum on both sides of the brain. The nucleus isthmi identified here is proposed to be homologe to that of other vertebrates.  相似文献   

The pattern of retinofugal projections to nuclei in the diencephalon and to the optic tectum was analyzed with horseradish peroxidase and autoradiographic methods in Clupea harengus, a clupeomorph teleost, for comparison with osteoglossomorph, elopomorph, and euteleost teleosts and with non-teleost actinopterygians. Most retinal fibers decussate in the optic chiasm and project to nuclei in the preoptic area, ventral and dorsal thalamus, posterior tuberculum, synencephalon, and pretectum, as well as to the accessory optic nuclei and optic tectum. Some ipsilateral projections do not decussate in the optic chiasm, while others decussate and recross via the supraoptic (minor) and posterior commissures. The pattern of projections is similar to that seen in other actinopterygian fishes with several exceptions. The terminal field usually present lateral to nucleus anterior in the dorsal thalamus is extremely reduced despite the relatively large size of the nucleus. A dense terminal field lies within the cell plate of nucleus corticalis in the pretectum rather than dorsal to it. The tectal hemisphere is composed of two distinct lobules, and the dorsal optic tract projects to the more rostromedial lobule while the ventral optic tract projects to the more caudolateral lobule. The lack of a significant projection to nucleus anterior and the lobular morphology of the optic tectum appear to be apomorphic for Clupea. Other features of the pattern of retinal projections are also analyzed in actinopterygian fishes including Clupea, and several hypotheses are advanced as to which traits are plesiomorphic for actinopterygians and/or for teleosts. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present work is an analysis of the afferent projections to the thalamic nucleus rotundus in a lizard, both at the light- and electron-microscopic level, using biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) as a neuroanatomical tracer. This study has confirmed previously reported afferent projections to nucleus rotundus in reptiles and has also identified a number of new cellular aggregates projecting to this dorsal thalamic nucleus. After BDA injections into nucleus rotundus, retrogradely labelled neurons were observed consistently within the following neuronal groups in the midbrain and the diencephalon: (i) the stratum griseum centrale of the optic tectum; (ii) the nucleus subpretectalis in the pretectum; (iii) the nucleus ansa lenticularis posterior, the posterior nucleus of the ventral supraoptic commissure, and the posteroventral nucleus, in the dorsal thalamus and (iv) the lateral suprachiasmatic nucleus and part of the reticular complex in the ventral thalamus. Tectal axons entering nucleus rotundus were fine and varicose and formed exclusively asymmetric synaptic contacts, mainly on small dendritic profiles. Rotundal neurons had symmetric synapses made by large boutons probably of nontectal origin. After comparing our results with those in other reptiles, birds and mammals, we propose that the sauropsidian nucleus rotundus forms part of a visual tectofugal pathway that conveys mesencephalic visual information to the striatum and dorsal ventricular ridge, and is similar to the mammalian colliculo-posterior/intralaminar-striatoamygdaloid pathway, the function of which may be to participate in visually guided behaviour.  相似文献   

The central projections of the retina in the nurse shark were studied by anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase and tritiated proline. With regard to efferent retinal fibres, both techniques gave completely identical results. Projections were found to pretectal area, dorsal thalamus, basal optic nucleus, and optic tectum, all at the contralateral side. The retinal target cells in the dorsal thalamus are restricted to the ventrolateral optic nucleus and the posterior optic nucleus. No evidence was found for an earlier-reported projection to the lateral geniculate nucleus. The present findings show that the ventrolateral optic nucleus exhibits homological features of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in other vertebrate groups, whereas the lateral geniculate nucleus of the nurse shark is much more comparable to the nucleus rotundus of teleosts and birds and would be more appropriately so named. The application of the HRP technique also allowed us to study afferents to the retina by retrograde transport of tracer. Retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the contralateral optic tectum and are apparently similar to those reported for teleosts and birds.  相似文献   

The optic tectum in the lamprey midbrain, homologue of the superior colliculus in mammals, is important for eye movement control and orienting responses. There is, however, only limited information regarding the afferent input to the optic tectum except for that from the eyes. The objective of this study was to define specifically the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-ergic projections to the optic tectum in the river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) and also to describe the tectal afferent input in general. The origin of afferents to the optic tectum was studied by using the neuronal tracer neurobiotin. Injection of neurobiotin into the optic tectum resulted in retrograde labelling of cell groups in all major subdivisions of the brain. The main areas shown to project to the optic tectum were the following: the caudoventral part of the medial pallium, the area of the ventral thalamus and dorsal thalamus, the nucleus of the posterior commissure, the torus semicircularis, the mesencephalic M5 nucleus of Schober, the mesencephalic reticular area, the ishtmic area, and the octavolateral nuclei. GABAergic projections to the optic tectum were identified by combining neurobiotin tracing and GABA immunohistochemistry. On the basis of these double-labelling experiments, it was shown that the optic tectum receives a GABAergic input from the caudoventral part of the medial pallium, the dorsal and ventral thalamus, the nucleus of M5, and the torus semicircularis. The afferent input to the optic tectum in the lamprey brain is similar to that described for other vertebrate species, which is of particular interest considering its position in phylogeny.  相似文献   

Pantodon buchholzi, the freshwater butterfly fish, is a member of the Osteoglossomorpha, the most primitive of the four major teleost radiations. The projections of fibers originating in the dorsal and ventral hemiretinas in Pantodon, as determined with autoradiography, are reported here. Fibers originating in the ventral hemiretina reach their targets through the axial, medial and dorsal optic tracts. Fibers that originate in the dorsal hemiretina reach their points of termination by way of the axial, medial and ventral optic tracts. Projections of the various tracts to preoptic, thalamic, tubercular, pretectal and tectal regions, as described in the previous study of total retinal projections, were verified. The retinal projections to the preoptic, thalamic and tubercular nuclei do not map topographically. Ventral hemiretinal fibers are mapped, however, onto the dorsal part of the nucleus pretectalis superficialis pars parvocellularis, the rostral part of the dorsal accessory optic nucleus, the entire nucleus pretectalis periventricularis pars ventralis and the dorsomedial portion of the optic tectum. Ventral hemiretinal fibers also supply most if not all the retinal innervation to the central pretectal nucleus. In contrast, dorsal hemiretinal fibers are mapped onto the ventral part of nucleus pretectalis superficialis pars parvocellularis, the entire dorsal accessory optic nucleus and the ventrolateral portion of the optic tectum. The dorsal and ventral hemiretinal projections to the tectum about at a cytoarchitectonically recognizable point, indicating that no discontinuity is present in the retinal connectivity with the tectum. The pars parvocellularis of nucleus pretectalis superficialis is a simple, unfolded, and nonlaminar structure in Pantodon. This structure contrasts markedly with the more complex, folded structure of the nucleus in the majority of other examined teleosts. The orientation of the projections from the dorsal and ventral hemiretinas onto this nucleus in Pantodon is congruent with that seen in other fishes only after a schematic unfolding of the nucleus in these fishes.  相似文献   

Retinofugal pathways in fetal and adult spiny dogfish were determined by intraocular injection of [3H]proline for autoradiography. Distribution and termination of the primary retinal efferents were identical in pups and adults. The retinal fibers decussate completely, except for a sparse ipsilateral projection to the caudal preoptic area. The decussating optic fibers terminate ventrally in the preoptic area and in two rostral thalamic areas, a lateral neuropil area of the dorsal thalamus and more ventrally in the lateral half of the ventral thalamus. At this same rostral thalamic level, a second optic pathway, the medial optic tract, splits from the lateral marginal optic tract and courses dorsomedially to terminate in the rostral tectum and the central and periventricular pretectal nuclei. The marginal optic tract continues caudally to terminate in a superficial pretectal nucleus and also innervates the superficial zone of the optic tectum. A basal optic tract arises from the ventral edge of the marginal optic tract and courses medially into the central pretectal nucleus, as well as continuing more caudally to terminate in a dorsal neuropil adjacent to nucleus interstitialis and in a more ventrally and medially located basal optic nucleus.Comparison of the retinofugal projections of Squalus with those of other sharks reveals two grades of neural organization with respect to primary vusula projections. Squalomorph sharks possess a rostral dorsal thalamic nucleus whose visual input is primarily, if not solely, axodendritic, and an optic tectum in which the majority of the cell bodies are located deep to the visual terminal zone. In contrast, galeomorph sharks are characterized by an enlarged and migrated rostrodorsal thalamic visual nucleus, and an optic tectum in which the majority of the cell bodies are located within the visual terminal zone. These data suggest that evolution of primary visual pathways in sharks occurs by migration and an increase in neuronal number, rather than by the occurence of new visual pathways.  相似文献   

Brainstem afferents to the magnocellular basal forebrain were studied by using tract tracing, immunohistochemistry and extracellular recordings in the rat. WGA-HRP injections into the horizontal limb of the diagonal band (HDB) and the magnocellular preoptic area (MgPA) retrogradely labelled many neurons in the pedunculopontine and laterodorsal tegmental nuclei, dorsal raphe nucleus, and ventral tegmental area. Areas with moderate numbers of retrogradely labelled neurons included the median raphe nucleus, and area lateral to the medial longitudinal fasciculus in the pons, the locus ceruleus, and the medial parabrachial nucleus. A few labelled neurons were seen in the substantia nigra pars compacta, mesencephalic and pontine reticular formation, a midline area in the pontine central gray, lateral parabrachial nucleus, raphe magnus, prepositus hypoglossal nucleus, nucleus of the solitary tract, and ventrolateral medulla. A similar but not identical distribution of labelled neurons was seen following WGA-HRP injections into the nucleus basalis magnocellularis. The possible neurotransmitter content of some of these afferents to the HDB/MgPA was examined by combining retrograde Fluoro-Gold labelling and immunofluorescence. In the mesopontine tegmentum, many retrogradely labelled neurons were immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase. In the dorsal raphe nucleus, some retrogradely labelled neurons were positive for serotonin and some for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH); however, the majority of retrogradely labelled neurons in this region were not immunoreactive for either marker. The ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra pars compacta, and locus ceruleus contained retrogradely labelled neurons which were also immunoreactive for TH. Of the retrogradely labelled neurons occasionally observed in the nucleus of the solitary tract, prepositus hypoglossal nucleus, and ventrolateral medulla, some were immunoreactive for either TH or phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase. To characterize functionally some of these brainstem afferents, extracellular recordings were made from antidromically identified cortically projecting neurons, mostly located in the HDB and MgPA. In agreement with most previous studies, about half (48%) of these neurons were spontaneously active. Electrical stimulation in the vicinity of the pedunculopontine tegmental and dorsal raphe nuclei elicited either excitatory or inhibitory responses in 21% (13/62) of the cortically projecting neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Tectal afferents were studied in adult lampreys of three species (Ichthyomyzon unicuspis, Lampetra fluviatilis, and Petromyzon marinus) following unilateral BDA injections into the optic tectum (OT). In the secondary prosencephalon, neurons projecting to the OT were observed in the pallium, the subhipoccampal lobe, the striatum, the preoptic area and the hypothalamus. Following tectal injections, backfilled diencephalic cells were found bilaterally in: prethalamic eminence, ventral geniculate nucleus, periventricular prethalamic nucleus, periventricular pretectal nucleus, precommissural nucleus, magnocellular and parvocellular nuclei of the posterior commissure and pretectal nucleus; and ipsilaterally in: nucleus of Bellonci, periventricular thalamic nucleus, nucleus of the tuberculum posterior, and the subpretectal tegmentum, as well as in the pineal organ. At midbrain levels, retrogradely labeled cells were seen in the ipsilateral torus semicircularis, the contralateral OT, and bilaterally in the mesencephalic reticular formation and inside the limits of the retinopetal nuclei. In the hindbrain, tectal projecting cells were also bilaterally labeled in the dorsal and lateral isthmic nuclei, the octavolateral area, the sensory nucleus of the descending trigeminal tract, the dorsal column nucleus and the reticular formation. The rostral spinal cord also exhibited a few labeled cells. These results demonstrate a complex pattern of connections in the lamprey OT, most of which have been reported in other vertebrates. Hence, the lamprey OT receives a large number of nonvisual afferents from all major brain areas, and so is involved in information processing from different somatic sensory modalities.  相似文献   

The afferent connection of the tectum mesencephali were studied in the spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula and the thornback ray Raja clavata by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique. Following unilateral injections in the tectum, labeled neurons could be identified in all main divisions of the brain and in the cervical spinal cord. Telencephalic neurons which project to the tectum mesencephali were observed in the caudal part of the pallium. Diencephalic projections to the tectum originate from the thalamus dorsalis pars medialis, the thalamus ventralis pars lateralis, the nucleus medius infundibuli, and the pretectal area. In Scyliorhinus labeled neurons could also be found in the corpus geniculatum laterale. Mesencephalic cells of origin of tectal afferent pathways were identified in the stratum cellulare externum of the contralateral tectum, in the nucleus tegmentalis lateralis, in the ventrolateral tegmentum, and in the nucleus ruber. Rhombencephalic cells projecting to the tectum could be identified in the nucleus cerebelli (only in Scyliorhinus), the nucleus vestibularis superior, the reticular formation, the nucleus funiculi lateralis, the nucleus tractus descendens nervi trigemini, and the nucleus dorsalis and intermedius areae octavolateralis. In addition a number of small-and medium-sized cells of the reticular formation were found labeled. Diffusely scattered labeled cells could be observed in the dorsal part of the cervical spinal cord. It is concluded that the tectal afferent connections in the chondrichthyans studied in general resemble those of other vertebrates, but that some striking differences exist. In particular, tectal afferents originating from the nucleus medius infundibuli, the nucleus cerebelli, and the nucleus dorsalis and intermedius areae octavolateralis have not been reported in other vertebrates.  相似文献   

Retinal projections in a sturgeon were studied by injecting biocytin or HRP into the optic nerve. The target areas are the preoptic area, thalamus, area pretectalis, nucleus of posterior commissure, optic tectum, and nuclei of the accessory optic tract. Furthermore, a few labeled fibers and terminals were found in a ventrolateral area of the caudal telencephalon. All retinal projections are bilateral, although contralateral projections were more heavily labeled. Retrogradely labeled neurons were found in the ventral thalamus bilaterally. Retinal projections in sturgeons are similar to those of other non-teleost actinopterygians and chondrichthyans (sharks), in terms of the targets and extent of bilateral projections. Distribution patterns of ganglion cells in the retina were examined in Nissl-stained retinal whole mount preparations. The highest density areas were found in the temporal and nasal retinas, and a dense band of ganglion cells was observed along the horizontal axis between the nasal and temporal areas of highest density. The density of ganglion cells in the dorsal retina is the lowest. The total number of ganglion cells was estimated to be about 5 x 10(4) in a retina. The existence of a low density area in the dorsal retina suggests reduced visual acuity in the ventral visual field.  相似文献   

Retinofugal pathways in the painted turtle were examined with autoradiographic and HRP methods. The majority of the retinal fibers decussate at the optic chiasm and course caudally to terminate in 12 regions of the diencephalon and mesencephalon. The pars dorsalis of the lateral geniculate nucleus is the densest target in the thalamus. Two nuclei dorsal to pars dorsalis—the dorsal optic and dorsal central nuclei—receive optic input. Three nuclei ventral to pars dorsalis are retinal targets—the ventral geniculate nucleus, nucleus ventrolateralis pars dorsalis, and nucleus ventrolateralis pars ventralis. Contralateral fibers course through the pretectum where they terminate in nucleus geniculatis pretectalis, nucleus lentiformis mesencephali, nucleus posterodorsalis, and the external pretectal nucleus. Retinal fibers also terminate within the superficial zone of the optic tectum. HRP material demonstrates three optic fiber layers—laminae 9, 12, and 14. Optic fibers leave the main optic tract as a distinct accessory tegmental optic pathway and terminate in the basal optic nucleus. Ipsilateral retinal terminals occur in a pars dorsalis and a pars ventralis of the lateral geniculate nucleus, the dorsal optic nucleus, nucleus posterodorsalis, the basal optic nucleus, and in laminae 9 and 12 of the optic tectum. Rostrally, the ipsilateral tectal fibers occupy two zones along the medial and lateral tectal roof; these zones converge caudally and are continuous along the caudal wall of the tectum.  相似文献   

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