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药品实行集中招标采购已势在必行。各地目前试行的采购方式大体为三种:第一是医院独立招标采购,第二是委托采购,第三是联合招标采购。对于县乡级中、小型医院来说,笔者认为“联合招标采购”不失为一种有益模式。联合招标采购通常是在一定地域范围内联合几家规模相当的医疗单位,组成一个采购小组,并由采购小组作为一个整体去进行药品招标采购。采购小组的人员可由各医院主管院长、药房主任及采购员组成。在招标采购前,各兄弟单位应先提供各自所需要的药品品种、数量和产地资料,交给联合招标采购小组进行审核,经小组评标、议标后形成…  相似文献   

药品采购工作的好坏关系到是否能满足人们防病的需要 ,甚至关系到危重病人的生命抢救。因此 ,做好药品采购工作意义重大 ,而加强自身的业务和道德修养、提高采药素质是做好药品采购工作的关键。1 “救死扶伤 ,实行人道主义”是药品采购员必须具备的职业道德药品采购供应的目的是为了满足人们防病治病的需要。药品采购员的职业道德集中表现在 :确保药品的质量 ,这是采购工作的核心。采购员要认识到假药、劣药的危害性 ,工作中要有高度的责任感和一丝不苟的精神。药品采购要及时准确 ,尤其是抢救药品和急需药品的采购更要抢时间、争速度。在…  相似文献   

药品采购工作的好坏关系到是否能满足人们防病的需要,甚至关系到危重病人的生命抢救.因此,做好药品采购工作意义重大,而加强自身的业务和道德修养、提高采药素质是做好药品采购工作的关键. 1 "救死扶伤,实行人道主义"是药品采购员必须具备的职业道德 药品采购供应的目的是为了满足人们防病治病的需要.药品采购员的职业道德集中表现在:确保药品的质量,这是采购工作的核心.采购员要认识到假药、劣药的危害性,工作中要有高度的责任感和一丝不苟的精神.药品采购要及时准确,尤其是抢救药品和急需药品的采购更要抢时间、争速度.在市场经济条件下,采购人员要有更高的职业道德修养,要有克己奉公、尽职尽责的精神,不能利用药品采购权谋取私利,吃喝玩乐,甚至偷窃药品、行贿受贿、走私等.  相似文献   

近年来我们在结合对医药市场销售体制改革,提高认识的同时,深入地学习《药品管理法》,围绕药品采购管理。工作实践不断健全和完善规章制度和行之有效的管理办法,现简要介绍如下。1.健全药品采购计划管理的规范化:药品的计划采购是医院药库管理工作的核心,采购计划准确是保证临床用药和减少库存的关键,我们在药品采购工作中,严格制订采购计划.根据现有库存和上月各品种用量制订出每月1次的采购计划,并经药剂科主任,院药事委员会主任审核批准后文采购员实施采购。凡基本目录未载的品种或临床要求增加品讨(包括新特药)需由使用医…  相似文献   

徐爱宁 《中国药事》1999,13(5):320-321
随着社会主义市场经济的逐步建立,药品流通领域发生了深刻的变化,过去那种封闭式的经营方式已被开放型的医药市场所替代。在当前的形势下,如何完善医院药品采购管理机制,建立起行之有效的药品采购方式,已是药剂工作者所面临的重要课题。为此,我们做了一些探索和尝试。1 药品采购管理机制———一二三四制“一二三四制”就是一人采购、二道审批、三级决策、四方监督的药品采购管理约束机制。1-1 一人采购 在医院药剂科设置一名专职药品采购员,专门负责全院中、西、成药的采购工作,他具有受法人代表委托,在有关规则约束下行使…  相似文献   

医院药剂科实行药品库零库存管理,具体做法是药库保管员根据各药房每周两次的用药申请,制定全院药品采购计划。采购员负责向医药公司采购。药品录入电脑后,按照各药房申请品种数量,直接出库到药房。药品库除个别抢救药品(品种根据医院突发事件药事应急预案确定)有少量库存  相似文献   

我从事药库保管工作近十年,对药库的管理积累了一些经验,简介如下。1.特点:药库管理工作必须以全院用药范围出发,重点保证全院医疗药品及原料药品迅速地、准确地供应,同时又必须重视一些特殊性质药品的安全保管和整个药库的安全。要求保管人员对药品的出入库帐目要清楚,手续要严格,实际消耗量和库存量要清楚,补充、采购计划要周密,做到既满足临床用药的需要,又尽量减少积压。2.采购:药库的采购业务,必须根据医院的业务情况,有计划地进行采购,采购员必须按照仓管员所申请的数量购人,以免造成积压。另外,对新药药效评价、药…  相似文献   

搞好医院药品采购工作的探讨于健(山东省日照市东港区人民医院276800)药品是在流通领域中作为商品销售的,是事关人民生命和健康的特殊商品,医院药品采购工作的好坏,直接影响到医院医疗质量和病人安危,为此,搞好医院药品采购工作是促进医院提高社会效益和经济...  相似文献   

谈谈医院药品采购工作杨玉福(安徽省铜陵有色金属公司职工总医院244000)药品采购工作是医院药剂工作的一个重要方面,也是医院药事管理工作的一项重要内容。医疗单位的药品质量如何,在一定程度上取决于药品采购工作这个第一道关口。近年来,由于多方面原因,致使...  相似文献   

药品集中招标采购工作的实践与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我院药品集中招标采购从2000年四月份开始试行。通过集中招标的实际操作,我们摸索了以下几点经验:  (一)认真做好药品招标前的准备工作  1.我们首先建立了集中招标采购领导小组(由院长、业务院长、纪委书记、监察科长组成)和招标采购办公室(由药剂科主任、采购小组成员组成)及评标组(由药师、主管药师或相应的专业人员及占总数三分之一的行管人员组成),从组织中、职能上加以明确和制约。  2.以严格的招标采购程序、明确的工作职责建立审批程序和违规的处罚办法,分别制定了十六条处罚细则,以保证招标采购工作的顺利实施。  …  相似文献   

A method by which a pharmacy department improved its purchasing and inventory control system is described. System changes to the computerized inventory control system included implementation of a formulary, affiliation with a group purchasing association, and transfer of specified purchasing and inventory control functions to the technical staff of the purchasing department. Pharmacy maintained the decision-making authority over all vendors and dosage forms of drug products. Optimal results were achieved when the purchasing department's pharmacy buyer position was staffed with an employee who had previous experience as a clerical worker in the pharmacy. The authors state that this system has proved to be an effective, cost efficient method of purchasing and inventory control of pharmaceuticals in their hospital.  相似文献   

The manner in which pharmaceutical services in a 719-bed teaching institution were restructured to reduce expenses without eliminating services is described. Before the department was restructured, the labor-intensive nature of the drug distribution system and high personnel costs hindered the introduction of upgraded services. Drugs were dispensed from a central pharmacy and 14 pharmacy satellites located throughout the hospital campus. A traditional floor stock system was used in the critical-care units, the operating suites, and the pediatric facility; i.v. admixture services were provided to only two patient-care units. Under a three-year strategic plan, the organizational structure of the department was changed to regroup existing functions and to give more autonomy to the managers. The 12 small pharmacy satellites in the main hospital building were replaced by two larger and more efficiently designed satellites. An automated medication order entry system with bar-code-reading capabilities was installed; automation was also used to increase the efficiency of the nutritional support and oncology services and to create an online file of all statistical, fiscal, and purchasing records. Fax machines that were installed on five critical-care units and the oncology unit decreased turnaround time for new medication orders. These changes enabled the department to eliminate 17 positions while adding 5 clinical pharmacist specialist positions and 6 technician group leader positions. By integrating automation technology with controlled downsizing and restructuring of drug distribution services, the department was able to reduce expenses while improving existing pharmaceutical services.  相似文献   

The economic feasibility of implementing a prime vendor purchasing system for pharmaceuticals was evaluated in a midwestern university hospital. Inventory costs, personnel costs, and check processing costs under the current purchasing system were compared with costs estimated for a proposed prime vendor purchasing system. For each step in the purchasing process that would be changed under the proposed system, work measurement techniques were used to determine personnel costs. The total savings from reductions in inventory holding costs, personnel costs, and check processing costs under the proposed prime vendor system was +98,396.37, or 2.4% of the value of pharmaceuticals purchased. Since the pharmacy department could not negotiate a contract in which the prime vendor's service fee was 2.4% or less, implementing a prime vendor purchasing system would not have been cost effective. Therefore, the hospital retained its existing purchasing system. Through detailed analysis of the major costs involved in pharmaceutical purchasing, the hospital was able to determine that it was not cost effective for it to use prime vendor purchasing.  相似文献   

Factors involved in computerizing the purchasing and inventory control functions in hospital pharmacies are described. When initiating an automated purchasing and inventory control system, a feasibility study should first be conducted to determine the extent of automation needed to develop a cost-effective system. The design of the system will depend on the extent to which the department of materials management is involved with other hospital departments. The advantages and disadvantages of decentralized versus centralized systems are discussed, and criteria for selecting hardware and software vendors are presented. A return-on-investment analysis should be performed to validate the benefits or savings expected from implementing the new automated system. Factors to consider during implementation of the new system and future developments affecting purchasing and inventory control systems, such as bar coding, are discussed. With the current concern about rapidly rising health-care costs and the need to enhance productivity, the development and implementation of automated purchasing and inventory control systems are important strategies for institutions to pursue now.  相似文献   

The planning and coordination of the pharmaceutical purchasing process are discussed. Planning for pharmaceutical purchasing should begin with decisions regarding why a purchasing policy is needed, what the institution's purchasing policy will be, and what departments will be involved in purchasing. General goals of purchasing and procedures for revising purchasing functions are presented, and the role of the pharmacy department, materials management, and other hospital departments in purchasing is discussed. Coordinating input on purchasing decisions from medical staff, administration, and clinical and technical pharmacy personnel to achieve purchasing goals and objectives is discussed. A well-designed pharmaceutical purchasing system provides for planned and scheduled purchases, competitive bidding, product standardization, group purchasing, information sharing, internal accountability, and quality assurance.  相似文献   

孔祥金  李贞玉  孔宇 《中国药房》2011,(12):1069-1071
目的:为解决我国药价虚高问题提供依据。方法:以"芦笋片事件"和"恩丹西酮事件"为引例,分析药品流通过程利益链上的各主体——药品制造商、各级代理/经商、医院、医师行为以及政府价格管理部门、药品集中招标采购机构行为对药品价格的影响及相互关系,探索药价虚高的形成基础和本质。结果与结论:切断药品流通过程中不合理利益链条,是解决药价虚高问题的关键,而不合理利益链条形成的基础,正是现行的"以药养医"体制。因此,应从"以药养医"体制开始改革,彻底解决药价虚高问题。  相似文献   

This article introduces a 13-part series of articles on managing the purchasing and inventory control systems for the hospital pharmacy department. The series will focus on the various components of the purchasing and inventory control process. Though the purchasing and inventory control functions are substantially interrelated, each will be presented separately. Most installments will present examples of applications in a wide variety of institutional settings. Topics to be discussed include historical perspectives, assessment of vendors and product selection, bid solicitation and contract negotiation, evaluation of drug procurement alternatives, development of a purchasing system, coordinating the purchasing process, objectives of inventory control, quantitative measurement of inventory control, methods of inventory control, management of the system, automated information systems, and quality assurance.  相似文献   

目的:为指导基本药物临床合理使用,提高医院基本药物管理水平提供参考。方法:调取广东省医药采购平台上我院2010-2012年的基本药物采购数据,筛选出中成药部分,对其品种、类别、金额等进行统计分析;同时,随机抽取2010-2012年我院门诊药品处方1 500张(每年500张),统计中成药类基本药物的使用数量、比例和处方平均金额等情况。结果:2010-2012年,我院中成药类基本药物品种数和采购金额呈逐年增长趋势。采购金额按剂型分类以中药注射剂所占比例最大,类别以祛瘀剂所占比例最大,单品种以注射用血栓通的采购金额最大;抽查的门诊处方中,中成药类基本药物平均使用金额比例接近10%,其中内科使用频率最高。结论:我院中成药类基本药物的使用量偏低,尚未达到国家和广东省的要求,临床合理用药方面有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

A process is described for quality assurance in pharmaceutical purchasing and inventory control. A quality assurance program should ensure that quality drugs are purchased at the lowest price, drug products are available when needed, the system is managed efficiently, internal controls are provided, drug products are stored under appropriate conditions, and laws, regulations, accreditation standards, and procedures are followed. To meet these objectives, product quality, vendor performance, the department's system of internal controls, purchasing data, and storage conditions should be monitored. A checklist for evaluating purchasing and inventory practices and a sample audit form listing quality assurance criteria, standards, procedures, and recommended actions are provided. A quality assurance program for pharmaceutical purchasing and inventory control should define institution-specific criteria and standards and use these standards for continual evaluation of all aspects of the purchasing and inventory control system. Documentation of quality assurance activities should be provided for use by the purchasing department, hospital administration, and regulatory bodies.  相似文献   

目的:建立药剂科部门组长绩效考核体系,强化组长的自我管理和团队管理能力。方法:通过考核标准的制订、组长绩效考核的构建等建立了详细的药剂科部门组长绩效考核体系,并评价该体系实施2年的效果。结果与结论:考核体系包括部门组长的周工作报告、月度工作报告,科室内部质量管理小组对部门组长季度绩效考评,科室主任对组长绩效考评结果的季度辅导,部门组长年终述职及年终360度评估。各组长明确了工作要求,并对照绩效目标完成了本组工作,2年来部门组长在各方面的评分都有提高(增长率达1.15%3.93%)。表明建立的部门组长绩效考核体系对发掘组长的潜力、使药剂科朝更高的绩效目标迈进起到了较好的作用。  相似文献   

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