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空调系统在维持室内温度、湿度以及清洁度的同时,极有可能在收集室内空气时将房间内的病原污染物迅速地扩散到其他房间,从而成为传播、扩散污染物的媒介.空调通风系统粉螨污染所造成的人体健康危害主要有传染性疾病、过敏症.为了解目前空调粉螨污染情况,从而提高人们的生活环境质量.2004年7-8月笔者调查了淮南市空调隔尘网表面积尘中粉螨污染情况.  相似文献   

[目的]了解空调隔尘网病原生物污染状况.[方法]对360份采自学校、饭店、娱乐场所、医院病房空调隔尘网表面的积尘样本,用直接镜检法分离、鉴定粉螨,并用普通营养琼脂培养,乳酸酚棉蓝染色法鉴定菌种.[结果]360份积尘样本中,粉螨孳生率为72.78%(262/360),孳生密度为(7.68±3.44)只/g;学校、饭店、娱乐场所、医院病房空调隔尘网表面粉螨的孳生率分别为44.57%(41/92)、78.57%(88/112)、88.57%(62/70)和82.56%(71/86),差异有统计学意义(X2=279.71,P<0.001);粉螨孳生密度分别为(2.59±0.64)、(7.59±1.76)、(10.22±3.37)、(8.52±2.91)只/g,差异有统计学意义(F=82.94,P<0.001);360份积尘样本直接镜检获螨2012只,隶属3科9属12种,其中麦食螨科占65.90%(1326/2012);食甜螨科占12.82(258/2012);粉螨科占21.27%(428/2012).另外,共采集1800份标本,真菌阳生率53.61%(965/1800),学校、饭店、娱乐场所、医院病房分别为36.09%、73.93%、77.14%和26.74%(X2=352.49,P<0.001),共检出真菌22种;细菌阳性率35.67%(642/1800),学校、饭店、娱乐场所、医院病房分别为29.35%、45.36%、48.00%、19.77%(X2=101.50,P<0.001),共检出细菌13种.[结论]空调隔尘网表面病原生物污染严重,空调使用者应重视对空调器的清洁与净化,防止或减少粉螨的孳生及微生物的污染.  相似文献   

空调机内环境适宜微生物的繁殖 ,有报道从空调系统的冷却水中分离到引起急性肺炎的细菌及其他病原体。我们采集空调隔尘网样本进行细菌分离、培养和鉴定 ,现报告如下。一、材料与方法1 标本 :浸以无菌生理盐水的棉拭子涂抹空调隔尘网表面后置无菌试管 ,每部空调采样 5份。共采集 36 0部空调180 0份标本 ,包括 18所学校 92部空调、14家饭店 112部空调、2 2个娱乐场所 (包括宾馆、茶楼、歌舞厅和电影院、剧场 )70部空调、12家医院病房 86部空调。2 细菌培养与鉴定 :标本接种于普通营养琼脂 ,置 2 5℃温箱内培养 4 8h ,有菌落生长者判为阳性标…  相似文献   

中医认为,春季是风邪最盛的季节,“贼风邪气”多,很容易因风邪外感,引起皮肤疾病。如果一个人体质好,或者是非过敏体质,那么即使接触再多的风邪,也不一定致病,但如果是过敏体质,则很容易“中枪”。  相似文献   

尘螨是主要的过敏原之一, 广泛分布于全球各地, 尤其是在家庭环境中, 屋尘螨、粉尘螨和热带无爪螨是最常见的种类。已知的尘螨致敏组分超过35种, 其中Der p 1、Der p 2和Der p 23是主要组分。目前, 临床主要采用粗提物进行皮肤点刺试验和血清特异性免疫球蛋白E(specific immunoglobulin E, sIgE)检测进行尘螨过敏的初步诊断, 不能精确识别具体的致敏组分。考虑到不同地区和人群对尘螨的致敏蛋白存在显著差异, 尘螨过敏原组分诊断在精确确定致敏组分方面显得尤为重要。这不仅对于过敏原的回避有指导意义, 也对确定尘螨免疫治疗方案至关重要。为加强对尘螨分子诊断的认识并促进我国变态反应学科与国际接轨, 本文对近期欧洲过敏与临床免疫学会发布的《过敏原组分诊断指导建议2.0》进行内容解读与阐释。  相似文献   

目的比较显微镜检方法和化学快检方法检测相同尘样标本的结果,建立优选的快速检测环境尘螨过敏原方法。方法选择寄宿制学校的60间宿舍,采集宿舍内寝具的尘样,分别用体式显微镜检方法、化学快检ACAREX方法、化学快检HH方法检测相同样本的尘螨过敏原水平。结果检测相同的尘样,显微镜检与化学快检方法呈现明显的相关性,相关系数为0.952;两种化学快检方法亦呈现明显的相关性,相关系数为0.962。结论显微镜检方法与化学快检方法均可用于环境尘螨浓度的检测,但化学快检方法因其操作的便利性,更适合尘螨过敏原在日常监测中的应用。  相似文献   

目的 了解芜湖地区居室内空调粉螨的污染情况.方法 于2012年6-10月采集芜湖市居民家用柜式空调和壁挂式空调隔尘网的灰尘,对孳生的螨类进行分类鉴定,并按种统计个体数.率的比较采用x2检验.结果 共收集202份空调隔尘网积尘样本,检出螨类3265只,其中粉螨2796只,隶属6科14属18种;平均孳生密度为10.39只/g,孳生率为70.79%;柜式空调隔尘网积尘中螨类孳生率为58.73%,壁挂式空调螨类孳生率为76.26%,二者差异有统计学意义(x2=6.442,P<0.05).麦食螨科、粉螨科和食甜螨科构成比较高,分别为53.47%、20.96%和18.13%.结论 芜湖地区柜式空调和壁挂式空调隔尘网粉螨孳生情况严重,物种多样性丰富.  相似文献   



Two simple, commercially available and semiquantitative dust mite allergen tests, namely, the Acarex test® and Mitey Checker®, were compared using 2 and 10 μg of Der 1 allergen per gram of dust, as evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), to clarify which method is better suited for practical use.


Mite allergen exposure levels of 106 floor, bed and sofa surfaces were evaluated by the Acarex test®, Mitey Checker®, and ELISA. A template of 100 cm×100cm was placed on the same surfaces to identify the examined areas. A dust collection filter was attached to a vacuum cleaner, and the area in the template (1 m2) was vacuumed. Then, to evaluate the other two tests, samples from the two other areas in the template (1 m2) that neighbored each other and did not overlap were vacuumed.


To predict Der 1 levels of 2 μg/g dust or higher, the sensitivity and specificity of the Acarex test® were 100% and 13.3%, and those, of Mitey Checker® were 91.8% and 71.1%, respectively. To predict Der 1 levels of 10 μg/g dust or higher, the sensitivity and specificity of the Acarex test® were 50.0% and 96.2%, and those of Mitey Checker® were 85.7% and 79.5%, respectively. Compared with Der 1<2.0, 2.0–9.9.≥10.0 (μg/g dust), the percent agreement and kappa of the Acarex test® were 47.2% and 0.234, and those of Mitey Checker® were 70.0% and 0.505, respectively.


To evaluate mite allergen exposure level for practical use in Japanese living environments, Mitey Checker® is better than the Acarex test® because of its higher sensitivity and specificity.

Quantification of house dust mite allergens in ambient air   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The house dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Dermatophagoides farinae are important sources of indoor allergens. In sensitized patients, house dust mites induce and exacerbate diseases like asthma bronchiale, rhinitis, and conjunctivitis. The most significant exposure of persons occurs overnight in bed and to a lesser extent, during the daytime while performing activities like vacuum cleaning or bed making. In general, house dust mite antigens are quantified in samples of reservoir dust of carpets or beds. Yet, assessing allergens in ambient air would better represent human exposures because inhalation is the main route of uptake, and a close correlation between levels of floor and air antigens has not yet been proved. Unfortunately, because of extremely low airborne particle concentrations, analyses are difficult to perform and depend on sophisticated sampling strategies, as well as on sensitive immunometric detection assays. Using monoclonal immunoassays, house dust mite antigens, quantified in undisturbed conditions in ambient air, are found at pg/m3 levels. The disturbance of reservoir dust by vacuum cleaning or bed making increases the airborne allergen levels up to ng/m3 concentrations. In this review, we discuss the current knowledge regarding the analysis of airborne house dust mites in both undisturbed and disturbed ambient air. The advantages and disadvantages of different sampling strategies are outlined.  相似文献   

目的建立粉尘螨变应原第1组分全长基因原核表达质粒pColdTFDer f 1。方法以质粒pET-28a(+)Der f 1为模板扩增目的基因Der f 1,克隆至pColdTF DNA载体,转化大肠埃希菌BL21,IPTG诱导表达并用SDSPAGE(十二烷基磺酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳)和蛋白印迹法(Western blotting,WB)验证产物。结果 PCR扩增获得Der f 1编码全长基因,成功构建表达质粒pColdTFDer f 1,SDSPAGE和WB验证表明该质粒在大肠埃希菌中正常表达,且基本为可溶性表达。结论成功建立尘螨变应原原核表达质粒pColdTFDer f 1,并成功实现其原核表达,为进一步生产基因工程变应原提供基础依据。  相似文献   

公共场所集中空调通风系统污染状况调查与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的调查评价公共场所集中空调通风系统污染状况,为卫生管理提供依据。方法采集集中空调通风系统送风管或送风口的积尘样品称重,并检测其细菌总数和真菌总数,依照《公共场所集中通风系统卫生规范》进行评价。结果40%的集中空调通风系统为中度污染,60%为重度污染,通风管道没有预留维修人口,通风管道内部从未清洗消毒。结论公共场所集中空调通风系统应加强卫生管理。  相似文献   



Reducing exposure to household dust inhalant allergens has been proposed as one strategy to reduce asthma.


To examine the dose-response relationships and health impact of five common household dust allergens on disease severity, quantified using both symptom frequency and medication use, in atopic and non-atopic asthmatic children.


Asthmatic children (N=300) aged 4-12 years were followed for 1 year. Household dust samples from two indoor locations were analyzed for allergens including dust mite (Der p 1, Der f 1), cat (Fel d 1), dog (Can f 1), cockroach (Bla g 1). Daily symptoms and medication use were collected in monthly telephone interviews. Annual disease severity was examined in models including allergens, specific IgE sensitivity and adjusted for age, gender, atopy, ethnicity, and mother's education.


Der p 1 house dust mite allergen concentration of 2.0 μg/g or more from the main room and the child's bed was related to increased asthma severity independent of allergic status (respectively, OR 2.93, 95% CI 1.37, 6.30 for 2.0-10.0 μg/g and OR 2.55 95% CI 1.13, 5.73 for ?10.0 μg/g). Higher pet allergen levels were associated with greater asthma severity, but only for those sensitized (cat OR 2.41 95% CI 1.19, 4.89; dog OR 2.06 95% CI 1.01, 4.22).


Higher levels of Der p 1 and pet allergens were associated with asthma severity, but Der p 1 remained an independent risk factor after accounting for pet allergens and regardless of Der p 1 specific IgE status.  相似文献   

目的了解家用空调的微生物污染状况并观察使用空调消毒剂进行消毒后的效果。方法依据《公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生规范》(2006年)对家用空调的微生物污染情况及消毒效果进行观察实验。结果深圳地区细菌及真菌总数的平均值分别为891.96,799.86cfu/cm2。家用空调经过消毒后细菌总数及真菌总数杀灭率平均值分别为97.78%,98.69%;北京地区细菌及真菌总数的平均值分别为3866.48,127.83cfu/cm2。家用空调经过消毒后细菌总数及真菌总数杀灭率平均值分别为96.30%,95.33%。家用空调内均未检出军团菌及β-溶血性链球菌。结论本调查显示家用空调散热片的污染情况相当严重,在使用家安空调消毒剂后杀灭率均大于90%,达到消毒效果。  相似文献   

本文对医院中央空调系统如何“节能”问题进行了论述。分析了合理的设计参数和空调设备的选用是直接影响中央空调系统能耗的重要因素,介绍了中央空调系统实现节能的几个有效措施。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市海淀区酒店集中空调通风系统送风微生物污染状况。方法于2007年4月~10月监测了海淀区14家酒店的集中空调通风系统,分别对空调送风中空气细菌总数,真菌总数和β-溶血性链球菌、冷却水中嗜肺军团菌、风管内表面细菌总数和真菌总数进行检测。结果送风中空气细菌总数、真菌总数、β-溶血性链球菌合格率分别为60.0%、92.0%、100%;风管内表面细菌总数、真菌总数合格率分别为97.4%、90.9%;冷却水中嗜肺军团菌合格率为41.6%。结论海淀区部分酒店集中空调通风系统送风中空气细菌总数合格率较低,冷却水中嗜肺军团菌污染情况较为严重,应加强集中空调系统的清洗消毒和卫生监督管理。  相似文献   

The capability of air filters (filterclass: F6, F7) to retain airborne outdoor microorganisms was examined in field experiments in two heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. At the beginning of the 15-month investigation period, the first filter stages of both HVAC systems were equipped with new unused air filters. The number of airborne bacteria and molds before and behind the filters were determined simultaneously in 14 days-intervals using 6-stage Andersen cascade impactors.

Under relatively dry (< 80 % R. H.) and warm (> 12 °C) outdoor air conditions air filters led to a marked reduction of airborne microorganism concentrations (bacteria by approximately 70 % and molds by > 80 %). However, during long periods of high relative humidity (> 80 % R. H.) a proliferation of bacteria on air filters with subsequent release into the filtered air occured. These microorganisms were mainly smaller than 1.1 μm therefore being part of the respirable fraction.

The results showed furthermore that one possibility to avoid microbial proliferation is to limit the relative humidity in the area of the air filters to 80 % R. H. (mean of 3 days), e. g. by using preheaters in front of air filters in HVAC-systems.  相似文献   

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