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By means of the stereographic reconstruction technique, the distribution and arrangement of blood vessels in the lymphatic nodules, especially in the secondary nodules, of human and several species of experimental mammary animals were studied. As a result, it was shown that although the development of blood vessels in the secondary nodules varied with the degrees of maturation of the nodules and with the species of animals, the vascular distribution and arrangement of the lymphatic nodules were fundamentally identical among these subjects. The arterial system of the lymphatic nodules was divided into two groups; the secondary nodule arterioles and the mantle zone arterioles. Electron microscopically, the secondary nodule arterioles revealed the ultrastructure of meta-arterioles or precapillary arterioles. For the examination of the filtrating capacity of arterioles, various perfusion experiments were carried out by intra-arterial injection using various kinds of fluids. Transudation was scarcely demonstrated in the secondary nodule arterioles, and it was also noted that the capillaries and postcapillary venules developing fairly well in the mantle zone and its vicinity played an important role in plasma tansudation in lymph nodes.  相似文献   

人胚胎睾丸生殖细胞发育的组织学和超微结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用光镜与电镜技术,对15例7至28周人胚胎睾丸生殖细胞的发育进行了研究。结果:(1)据时间,位置及形态结构特点,将生殖细胞的发育过程初步分为三个阶段,即原始生殖细胞阶段,生殖母细胞阶段和前的细胞阶段。其中前精原细胞阶段又经历了早,中,晚三上时期各期出现的时间有交错。(2)14周是胚胎生殖细胞发育的一个重要时期。  相似文献   

本文用PAP免疫组织比学法和间接免疫荧光组织化学法,对60例8~38周胎儿胃肠粘膜中胃泌素细胞(G细胞)和生长抑素细胞(D细胞)的发生进行了研究。这两种细胞最早出现于8~9周胎儿十二指肠上皮中,但在固有膜及肌层未观察到。12周后,D细胞出现在胎儿胃肠全长粘膜,G细胞则只见于胃窦及小肠粘膜。本文还对各时期胎儿胃肠粘膜中D细胞和G细胞的分布、数量,以及二者比例变化等进行了观察。胃窦中G细胞与D细胞一样,基底部伸出突起,可能具有旁分泌功能。除胃底腺外,其余部位的D细胞和G细胞多为开放型细胞。本文对这两种细胞在胎儿胃肠发育中的可能功能进行了讨论,并与成人胃窦和十二指肠上部粘膜中G、D细胞的比例进行了对比观察。  相似文献   

人胚胎干细胞原代克隆生长及其传代的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 评价人胚胎干细胞建系与囊胚质量、原代克隆生长的关系。方法 D3废弃胚胎成组共培养获得不同质量的囊胚,免疫刀去除囊胚滋养外胚层细胞后,将内细胞团(ICM)接种到饲养细胞层上生长、传代。结果 从质量好的囊胚得到的人胚胎干细胞传代的代数更多;原代克隆生长快的人胚胎干细胞传代效率更高。结论 人胚胎干细胞建系与囊胚质量、原代克隆生长情况密切相关。  相似文献   

用透射电镜对11例10-37周胎儿壶腹嵴暗细胞进行观察。发现:(1)10周胎儿的暗细胞已具有吸收功能的特征;14周的胎儿暗细胞出现了发达的胞浆突起,此时暗细胞已具有水和离子运细胞的特征。17周时暗细胞的细胞器更加丰富,胞浆突起更加发达,以后阶段暗细胞的形态基本与17周时相似。(2)11周的胎儿暗细胞就已参与耳石的代谢。  相似文献   

人胃粘膜肥大细胞的分布与超微结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王彤  景雅 《解剖学杂志》1998,21(6):538-541
光镜观察了25例人胃底部组织甲苯胺蓝染色切片的粘膜肥大细胞的分布。电镜观察了5例人胃底活检材料内粘膜肥大细胞的超微结构。  相似文献   

Localization of IgG, IgA and IgM in human palatine tonsils, especially in germinal centers, was studied with the electron microscopical enzyme-labeled antibody method. The large germinal center cells differentiate into two kinds of cells within the germinal center; one was the medium-sized germinal center cells not engaging in intracytoplasmic production of immunoglobulins and another was the immature cells producing at least one of the three classes of immunoglobulins, especially IgM. The latter continued to maturate and developed into the intermediate-matured cells and probably into the plasmocytes. The three classes of immunoglobulins were also deposited in the form of admixtures in the intercellular spaces among the constituent cells of the germinal centers, mainly attaching on the cell membrane of desmo-dendric cells. In addition, some of the deposits were found freely in the intercellular spaces. Some demureness between the immunoglobulin-containing cells outside and within the germinal centers were pointed out.  相似文献   

人胎蓝斑神经元免疫组织化学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨人蓝斑神经元的胚胎发育特征 ,为蓝斑 -脊髓移植选择适宜胎龄提供形态学根据 ,本研究用免疫组织化学技术系统地观察了人胎蓝斑酪氨酸羟化酶样免疫反应阳性神经元的发育。结果证明 :( 1)蓝斑酪氨酸羟化酶样神经元在胎龄 4个月时已经出现在蓝斑的腹侧部 ;( 2 )蓝斑酪氨酸羟化酶样神经元随胎龄增长逐渐增多 ,以 5个月时增加显著 ;( 3)酪氨酸羟化酶样神经元的密度在胚胎早期升高 ,晚期呈下降趋势 ;( 4)酪氨酸羟化酶样神经元主要分布在蓝斑的背侧部 ,少量散在于腹侧部 ;( 5)酪氨酸羟化酶样神经元开始出现时呈圆形或卵圆形 ,5~ 6个月时呈锥形和梭形 ,7~ 8个月时则以梭形、多角形为主。其胞体逐渐增大 ,胞浆逐渐增多 ,核浆之比由大变小 ,胞突从粗短变为细长平滑。本研究结果提示 ,人胎蓝斑移植以 4个月胎龄者作移植供体较为适宜  相似文献   

氟氢松醋酸酯对人体皮片郎格罕氏细胞的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
已证明郎格罕氏细胞(LC)在皮肤移植排斥反应中起重要作用,若能在皮片移植前选择性减少LC,就可延长皮片存活期。本文选免疫抑制剂氟氢松醋酸醇(FA)体外处理人体皮片,用酶组化,免疫组化及电镜观察FA对皮片中LC的影响。结果显示,经FA处理后的皮片中LC密度减小,细胞形态发生退行变化。我们推论,用FA体外处理皮片,有可能成为临床同种异体植皮中延长皮片存活期的有效方法之一  相似文献   

已经证明骨髓中的单核一巨噬细胞和T淋巴细胞在体外能调节巨核细胞的生成。本文报告的是外周血单核细胞和T淋巴细胞在体外培养中能影响巨核细胞的集落形成单位(CFU-M)。使用血浆凝块培养技术,抗血小板糖蛋白抗血清作为探针的间接免疫荧光方法以及共培养研究证实粘附单核细胞与自身缺失粘附单核细胞的靶细胞共培养时能抑制CFU-M。与靶细胞单独培养时所形成的CFU-M相比较,其抑制率从26%~46%。而加入T淋巴细胞后,在同样的效靶比例时,对CFU-M没有明显的影响。集落大小检查表明了在外周血中所形成的集落体积大于在骨髓中所形成的集落。  相似文献   

对不同胎龄胎脾抗癌效应细胞及相关细胞因子的胚胎发育动力学进行了系统观测。结果显示:20周龄前基本无NK活性和M杀伤功能,但可随胎龄增长而逐渐加强,至出生前后已接近成人水平,LAK活性在16周龄即与成人基本相同。IL-2,rFN-α和IL-6能分别促进NK和LAK活性。胎脾M20周龄即合成高水平IL-6,出生前已显著高于成人,32周龄时分泌IL-1的能力达成人水平,TNF活性达高峰。FSMC合成IL-2的能力在36周龄才达成人水平,合成的IL-6至出生前仍低于成人。FSMC的HLA-DR抗原表达显著低于成人。因此以胎脾细胞作为抗癌效应细胞来源是安全、有效、可行的。  相似文献   

丽斑麻蜥消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
李淑兰  高欣  王淼  赵文阁  陈辉 《解剖学报》2008,39(5):751-755
目的 研究丽斑麻蜥(Eremias argus)消化道内5.羟色胺(5-HT)、生长抑素(SS)、胃泌素(Gas)、胰高血糖素(Gh)、胰多肽(PP)和P物质(SP)6种内分泌细胞的形态结构和分布规律. 方法采用免疫组织化学ABC法. 结果 5 -HT细胞较其他5种内分泌细胞的分布更为广泛,整个消化道中(即从食管到直肠)都有分布,在空肠的分布密度最高.SS细胞在食管和直肠未检测到,胃体部分布密度最高.Gas细胞和PP细胞仅分布于胃幽门和小肠,其分布密度高峰均在十二指肠.Gln细胞分布于幽门、十二指肠和空肠,并且幽门处的分布密度明显高于其他两个部位.在整个消化道中未检测到SP细胞. 结论 5种可检测到的内分泌细胞以圆形和锥体形为主,分布于消化道黏膜上皮细胞之间、腺泡上皮细胞之间及上皮细胞基部,其分布型的特点可能与动物的食性及生活环境有关.  相似文献   

银盾革蜱神经分泌细胞的超微结构和分泌活性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用透射电镜观察了银盾革蜱(Dermacentorniveus)雌虫神经分泌细胞的超微结构。神经分泌细胞位于合神经节中,具有较小的核/质比。其细胞质中含有的高尔基体、粗糙内质网以及分泌颗粒是分泌活性的标志。正常雌虫饱食后2d达到分泌活性的最高峰,随后即下降,到产卵时达到最低水平。滞育雌虫饱食后亦达到分泌的高峰,并可持续至少85d,此时细胞质中出现大量的平滑内质网。  相似文献   

The earliest morphological evidence of altered growth potential of pancreatic acinar cells of the rats treated with carcinogen, such as azaserine, is the development of nodules of atypical acinar cells, some of which are considered to appear, eventually, as acinar cell carcinomas. On the other hand, there exist nodular lesions in the human pancreas, which are similar to atypical acinar cell nodules of the rats, in the sense of nodularity, multiplicity, size, and cytological features, such as pale cytoplasm. To clarify the plausibility of the human nodular lesions as a precursor of acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas, light and electron microscopical studies were performed, using pancreases of 115 semi-consecutive series of autopsy cases and 20 surgical cases. Multiple nodular lesions were found in 3 autopsy cases and one surgical cases. Ultrastructurally, markedly dilated cysterna of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and intracisternal granules were the most prominent characteristics of the atypical cells of the nodules. These features are neither reported in chemically induced atypical acinar cell nodules and carcinomas nor in human acinar cell carcinomas. The human lesions were considered to be of degenerative nature rather than neoplastic.  相似文献   

人窦房结中突触素增龄性变化的定量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨正常人窦房结中突触素增龄性变化的规律 ,用免疫组织化学方法显示窦房结中的突触素 ,并用计算机图像分析技术测量突触素的免疫阳性物面积。结果显示 :窦房结中的突触素阳性物在 1岁以前较少 ,1岁以后显著增多 ,并在 1~ 2 0岁年龄组达到最多 ,其后随年龄增长而减少 ,70岁以后降到最低。提示窦房结中的神经组织在生理状态下存在着增龄性变化  相似文献   

Cell proliferation kinetics of human gastric mucosa was studied on the 56 cases of various diseases using supravital method of 3H-TdR autoradiography. Normal-appearing portions and adjacent area to the lesion were subjected to calculation of labeling and mitotic indices and to analysis of proliferating patterns of the mucosa l epithelium.
The average indices, both labeling and mitotic, were generally higher in the antrum than in others. Higher incorporation of 3H-† was observed in the mucosa adjacent to the ulcer than that of the cancer, in agreement with increased mitotic activity. Lower uptake in the cancer group might be caused by either prolongation or deterioration of DNA synthesis.
Proliferation compartment was sometimes displaced from the usual site of glandular neck, depending on the process of the disease. The upward type, labeling of surface epithelium, which was frequently found in ulcer cases indicated active regenerating processes. The downward type in which incorporation was scattered in the deeper glandular tubule was seen in a few cancer patients, and this pattern might represent an early sign to neoplastic development. High labeling of goblet cells in intestinalization suggested a particular cytodifferention of those structures. ACTA PATH. JAP. 18: 307–318, 1968.  相似文献   

目的 探讨8-Br-CAMP对人视网膜母细胞瘤之HXO-Rb44细胞抑癌基因表达的 效庆及其对细胞生长的影响。方法 应用原位杂交、RNA斑点印迹检测P16^INK4mRNA、p21^WAF1mRNA、wp53mRNA、mp53mRNA和RbmRNA,应用免疫组织和化学和蛋白质斑点印迹技术检测PCNA-IR、p21^WAF1-IR、 p16-IR、pRb-IR、cdk2、IR和cdk4-IR。结果 在人HXO-R  相似文献   

卵巢组织发生中间质细胞的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用光镜和电镜技术观察了12-38周38例胎儿卵巢组织发生中间质细胞的组织化学和超微结构的变化。第12周胎儿卵巢髓质已出现少量散在的间质细胞,第15-16周其向皮质内侧份的生卵索周围延伸,数量增多;19-30周数量减少,仅存在于皮质外侧份;第36周后少见。间质细胞同毛细血管具有密切关系,并具有分泌类固醇激素细胞的超微结构和组织化学特征,它们可能在胚胎时期已具有分泌功能,本文对间质细胞的来源及功能进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

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