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患者 ,女 ,32岁 ,因左趾内侧疼痛 8年 ,加重伴趾肿胀 1个月入院。入院前曾行血尿酸、抗O、RF未见异常 ,ESR 2 8mm/L。入院查体 :疼痛性跛行 ,左趾跖趾关节周围红肿 ,有压痛 ,第一跖趾关节活动度检查 :跖屈与背伸均为 30°。X线示左趾第一跖趾关节跖内侧可见多数散在的、大小相仿的高密度钙化影 (图 1)。入院诊断 :左趾跖趾关节滑膜性骨软骨瘤病。完善术前各项准备后 ,于 2 0 0 1年 7月 2 4日在连续硬膜外麻醉下行左趾跖趾关节滑膜性骨软骨瘤切除术。术中 (图 2、图 3)见跖趾关节内滑膜变性 ,关节内侧及跖侧有沙砾状软组织肿… 相似文献
患者,女,32岁,因左(足 母)趾内侧疼痛8年,加重伴(足 母)趾肿胀1个月入院。入院前曾行血尿酸、抗O、RF未见异常,ESR28mm/L。入院查体:疼痛性跛行,左(足 母)趾跖趾关节周围红肿,有压痛,第一跖趾关节活动度检查:跖屈与背伸均为30°。X线示左(足 母)趾第一跖趾关节跖内侧可见多数散在的、大小相仿的高密度钙化影(图1)。入院诊断:左(足 母)趾跖趾关节滑膜性骨软骨瘤病。完善术前各项准备后,于2001年7月24日在连续硬膜外麻醉下行左(足 母)趾跖趾关节滑膜性骨软骨瘤切除术。 相似文献
滑膜性骨软骨瘤病 (synovialosteo chondromatosis)是一种少见的关节瘤样病变。近 5年来我们收治了 3例滑膜性骨软骨瘤病 ,其中 2例患者行手术治疗 ,术后均经病理证实 ,效果良好。1 病例资料例 1,女 ,5 6岁。因右膝关节疼痛、时有关节交锁 3年、疼痛加重半月余入院。无外伤史。体检 :右膝关节稍肿胀 ,以髌上囊明显 ,活动膝关节时有弹响及异物感 ,伴有疼痛。X线片示 :膝关节关节囊内有多个密度增高影 ,内有游离骨化点 ,大小不等。见图 1A。在硬膜外麻醉下行右膝关节游离体及大部分滑膜切除术 ,取出 0 3~ 2 … 相似文献
患者女性,20岁,始于3年前右足第2趾触及有一硬结,逐渐缓慢突出皮肤,局部略疼痛不适,近3个月症状加重,伴右足第2趾背伸活动受限.无明确受伤病史. 相似文献
胸锁关节滑膜性骨软骨瘤病一例报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
胸锁关节滑膜性骨软骨瘤病一例报告李继良方志伟马忠泰滑膜性骨软骨瘤病(synovialchondromatosis)是一种少见病。至今国内文献报告约80例,发病年龄14~76岁,男女比例2:1,发生部位以膝关节为最多,依次为肘、髋、踝、肩和掌指等关节,... 相似文献
关节滑膜软骨瘤病32例报告 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
目的:探讨关节滑膜软骨瘤病的临床、X线和病理特点及其诊断治疗的方法。方法:对32例关节滑膜软骨瘤病患者的临床、X线和病理表现进行综合分析研究。找出其表现特点、诊断及治疗方法。结果:滑膜软骨瘤病临床表现特点为间歇性关节疼痛、活动时弹响摩擦感或交锁。X线片可见关节腔内单个或多个大小相仿圆形或椭圆形致密肿物影。病理表现为滑膜充血、增生并化生成多个直径3—5mm圆形或椭圆形的透明软骨小体,晚期小体堆砌成软骨结节。本组病人通过分析其临床、X线和病理表现确诊。经手术切除病变滑膜摘除游离体方法治疗后随访1.5—8年,治愈28例。好转4例。结论:临床、X线和病理表现三结合才能确诊本病,手术切除病变滑膜加摘除游离体治疗本病效果好。 相似文献
患者,女,58岁.因右髋部疼痛、活动受限3年入院.追问病史,患者否认有髋部外伤史,10年前感觉右髋部不适,但不影响日常活动,无其他不良嗜好.曾到本省及外省多家医院就诊做过MRI、CT等检查,诊断为滑膜炎.查体:一般情况好,体态稍胖,右下肢轻度跛行.右髋关节前方饱满,轻度压痛,皮温不高,髋关节活动受限明显:前屈70°,内旋0°,外旋20°. 相似文献
G von Salis-Soglio W Thomas 《Archives of orthopaedic and traumatic surgery. Archiv für orthop?dische und Unfall-Chirurgie》1979,95(1-2):7-12
Since 1975 the usual treatment of hallux valgus and hallux rigidus at the Medical High School, Lübeck, has been arthrodesis of the metatarophalangeal joint of the great toe. We report 48 operations performed between 1975 and 1977 on 35 patients with a follow-up of 3-32 months. The operative technique, using the "dynamic compression plate" is described in detail. The patient's assessment and the clinical and radiological situations were recorded. There were only three poor results. Thus, arthrodesis of the metatarsophalangeal joint is considered to be a reliable therapeutic method in hallux valgus, with minimal post-operative complications. It compares well with other operations, including Keller's arthroplasty. 相似文献
Summary Since 1975 the usual treatment of hallux valgus and hallux rigidus at the Medical High School, Lübeck, has been arthrodesis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the great toe. We report 48 operations performed between 1975 and 1977 on 35 patients with a follow-up of 3–32 months.The operative technique, using the dynamic compression plate is described in detail. The patient's assessment and the clinical and radiological situations were recorded. There were only three poor results.Thus, arthrodesis of the metatarsophalangeal joint is considered to be a reliable therapeutic method in hallux valgus, with minimal post-operative complications. It compares well with other operations, including Keller's arthroplasty.
Zusammenfassung Seit 1975 ist in der Medizinischen Hochschule Lübeck die Großzehengrundgelenks-arthrodese bei der Behandlung des Hallux valgus und rigidus die Methode der Wahl. Dieser Bericht stützt sich auf einen Rückblick über 48 in den Jahren 1975–1977 durchgeführte Operationen, dabei wurden 35 Patienten in einem Zeitraum zwischen 3 and 32 Monaten postoperativ nachuntersucht.Die Operationstechnik — unter Verwendung der selbstspannenden Kleinfragmentplatte — wird im einzelnen geschildert.Die Beurteilung durch die Patienten sowie die klinische und röntgenologische Untersuchung zeigten in den allermeisten Fällen überaus erfreuliche Resultate, wohingegen lediglich 3 Patienten mit dem Operationsergebnis unzufrieden waren.Die Großzehengrundgelenksarthrodese bei Hallux valgus und rigidus ist nach Ansicht der Autoren eine operationstechnisch zuverlässige Methode mit unkomplizierter Nachbehandlung, die — gerade im Vergleich mit anderen Operationsverfahren, besonders der Keller-Brandes-Operation — ein günstiges und vor allem endgültiges Ergebnis bringt.相似文献
Pulavarti RS McVie JL Tulloch CJ 《Foot & ankle international / American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society [and] Swiss Foot and Ankle Society》2005,26(12):1033-1037
BACKGROUND: With improvements in biomaterials and design, implant arthroplasty is becoming a useful option for treatment of disorders of the hallux. METHODS: Forty-eight patients (53 implants) who had Bio-Action great toe implants (Osteomed, Addison, TX) for symptomatic advanced degenerative changes in the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint have been followed prospectively since August of 1998. We reviewed the functional results of 32 patients (36 implants) at a minimum followup of 36 (range 36 to 69, mean 47) months. The scoring system designed by Kitaoka etal. was used to assess the functional results. Patient satisfaction, length of hospital stay, time to return to routine activities, footwear problems, radiographic appearances, and complications also were studied. RESULTS: With the numbers available, there was significant improvement in the range of motion achieved and hallux MTP scale after the operation. There was a positive correlation (r = 0.87) between patient satisfaction and the hallux MTP scale. However, there was no correlation between patient age and patient satisfaction or hallux MTP scale. Seventy-seven percent of patients considered the result of the operation to be good or excellent. CONCLUSION: Overall, the 5-year functional results of this total joint system appeared to be satisfactory. 相似文献
IntroductionAlthough the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint is frequently injured, Complete dislocation of the first MTP joint represents a relatively rare traumatic injury.Presentation of caseA 46-year-old gentleman presented with a traumatic first MTP joint dislocation resulting from an automobile accident. Due to coronavirus outbreak in the hospital at that time, patient was referred to another hospital. Six months later, reduction was achieved surgically and fixation of the MTP with K-wires was done.DiscussionOnly few case reports have described the injury, and the ideal treatment along with the long-term result of the injury has yet to be further studied because reports are rare in this regard.ConclusionFunctional range of motion may result even after 6 months of delayed treatment with ORIF and osteopenia may result. 相似文献