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The causative agent of plague, Yersinia pestis, is regarded as being noninvasive for epithelial cells and lacks the major adhesins and invasins of its enteropathogenic relatives Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. However, there are studies indicating that Y. pestis invades and causes systemic infection from ingestive and aerogenic routes of infection. Accordingly, we developed a gentamicin protection assay and reexamined invasiveness of Y. pestis for HeLa cells. By optimizing this assay, we discovered that Y. pestis is highly invasive. Several factors, including the presence of fetal bovine serum, the configuration of the tissue culture plate, the temperature at which the bacteria are grown, and the presence of the plasminogen activator protease Pla-encoding plasmid pPCP1, were found to influence invasiveness strongly. Suboptimal combinations of these factors may have contributed to negative findings by previous studies attempting to demonstrate invasion by Y. pestis. Invasion of HeLa cells was strongly inhibited by cytochalasin D and modestly inhibited by colchicine, indicating strong and modest respective requirements for microfilaments and microtubules. We found no significant effect of the iron status of yersiniae or of the pigmentation locus on invasion and likewise no significant effect of the Yops regulon. However, an unidentified thermally induced property (possibly the Y. pestis-specific capsular protein Caf1) did inhibit invasiveness significantly, and the plasmid pPCP1, unique to Y. pestis, was essential for highly efficient invasion. pPCP1 encodes an invasion-promoting factor and not just an adhesin, because Y. pestis lacking this plasmid still adhered to HeLa cells. These studies have enlarged our picture of Y. pestis biology and revealed the importance of properties that are unique to Y. pestis.  相似文献   

The Accuprobe Streptococcus pneumoniae Culture Identification Test (Gen-Probe, Inc.) was evaluated with 172 isolates of S. pneumoniae and 204 nonpneumococcal isolates. The sensitivity and specificity of the Accuprobe test were 100%. Optimum results were obtained when four or more discrete colonies were selected for testing. The Accuprobe test was determined to be an accurate and rapid method for identification of S. pneumoniae.  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis, the plague bacillus, infects a variety of mammals throughout the world and is transmitted by fleas. We developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test using primers designed from the Y. pestis plasminogen activator gene to directly detect plague-infected fleas. As few as 10 Y. pestis cells were detected, even in the presence of flea tissue, by PCR and then agarose gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. The feasibility of the assay was demonstrated by using naturally infected Xenopsylla cheopis fleas. The detection of Y. pestis in fleas by PCR provides a rapid and sensitive way to monitor plaque in wild animal populations, allowing public health officials to better assess the potential risk of transmission to humans.  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis--etiologic agent of plague.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
Plague is a widespread zoonotic disease that is caused by Yersinia pestis and has had devastating effects on the human population throughout history. Disappearance of the disease is unlikely due to the wide range of mammalian hosts and their attendant fleas. The flea/rodent life cycle of Y. pestis, a gram-negative obligate pathogen, exposes it to very different environmental conditions and has resulted in some novel traits facilitating transmission and infection. Studies characterizing virulence determinants of Y. pestis have identified novel mechanisms for overcoming host defenses. Regulatory systems controlling the expression of some of these virulence factors have proven quite complex. These areas of research have provide new insights into the host-parasite relationship. This review will update our present understanding of the history, etiology, epidemiology, clinical aspects, and public health issues of plague.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to design a PCR-generated DNA probe and determine the specificity of the probe for the identification of clinical isolates of Streptococcus sanguinis. To do this, we examined over 200 arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR) amplicon patterns obtained with DNA from clinical isolates of S. sanguinis. A 1.6-kb DNA amplicon that was common to all AP-PCR profiles was extracted from agarose gels and then cloned and sequenced. A search for a similar sequence in the GenBank database with the BLASTN program revealed that the 1.6-kb DNA fragment comprised an intergenic region between two housekeeping genes, uncC (proton-translocating ATPase) and murA (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine enolpyruvyl transferase). Three digoxigenin-labeled DNA probes were synthesized on the basis of the sequence of the 1.6-kb fragment: the sequence of probe SSA-1 contained the proton-translocating ATPase (uncC) and the entire intergenic region, the sequence of probe SSA-2 contained only the intergenic region, and the sequence of probe SSA-3 contained an internal region of the murA gene. Dot blot hybridization showed that the three probes displayed signals for hybridization to both S. sanguinis strain ATCC 10556 and the S. sanguinis clinical isolates. Probe SSA-1, however, hybridized to DNA from S. oralis and S. mitis. Probe SSA-3 hybridized to DNA from S. gordonii, S. mitis, S. oralis, S. parasanguinis, and S. vestibularis. The probe SSA-2-specific intergenic region appeared to be specific for S. sanguinis. The results from this study suggest that probe SSA-2 may serve as a species-specific DNA probe for the identification of clinical isolates of S. sanguinis.  相似文献   

Effect of Yersinia pestis YopM on experimental plague.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
YopM of Yersinia pestis has previously been shown to be necessary for full virulence in mice and to be able to bind human alpha-thrombin. This activity prompted the hypothesis that YopM, functioning extracellularly during plague, might be accessible to neutralization by antibody and hence might be a protective antigen. This study tested this hypothesis and found that YopM was not protective, either by passive or active immunization, in inbred or outbred mice. These findings showed that either YopM-specific antibody does not have access to YopM during experimental plague or the function of extracellular YopM is not neutralizable by antibody. Exogenously supplied YopM partially restored virulence to a YopM- strain of Y. pestis while having no effect on lethality of Listeria monocytogenes. These findings indicate that YopM does not significantly alter host defenses important for resistance against heterologous infection (Listeria monocytogenes) but raise the possibility that YopM has a minor extracellular function specific to homologous infection (Y. pestis).  相似文献   

In November 2002, a couple from New Mexico traveled to New York where both had fever and unilateral inguinal adenopathy. The husband was in septic shock when he sought medical care and was admitted to an intensive care unit, where he developed ischemic necrosis of his feet which later required bilateral amputation. Yersinia pestis was grown from his blood. Immunohistochemical assays using anti-Y pestis antibodies demonstrated multiple bacteria and granular antigens in and around vessels of the ischemic amputation tissues obtained 20 days after initiation of antibiotics; however, no evidence of Y pestis was present in viable tissues. Immunohistochemical evidence of Y pestis inside vessels of gangrenous feet in this patient underscores the importance of adequate excision of necrotic or partially necrotic tissues because antibiotics cannot be effectively delivered to necrotic and poorly perfused tissues.  相似文献   

In all Yersinia pestis strains examined, the adhesin/invasin yadA gene is a pseudogene, yet Y. pestis is invasive for epithelial cells. To identify potential surface proteins that are structurally and functionally similar to YadA, we searched the Y. pestis genome for open reading frames with homology to yadA and found three: the bicistronic operon yadBC (YPO1387 and YPO1388 of Y. pestis CO92; y2786 and y2785 of Y. pestis KIM5), which encodes two putative surface proteins, and YPO0902, which lacks a signal sequence and likely is nonfunctional. In this study we characterized yadBC regulation and tested the importance of this operon for Y. pestis adherence, invasion, and virulence. We found that loss of yadBC caused a modest loss of invasiveness for epithelioid cells and a large decrease in virulence for bubonic plague but not for pneumonic plague in mice.  相似文献   

The gene encoding V antigen from Yersinia pestis was cloned into the plasmid expression vector pGEX-5X-2. When electroporated into Escherichia coli JM109, the recombinant expressed V antigen as a stable fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase. The glutathione S-transferase-V fusion protein was isolated from recombinant E. coli and cleaved with factor Xa to yield purified V antigen as a stable product. Recombinant V antigen was inoculated intraperitoneally into mice and shown to induce a protective immune response against a subcutaneous challenge with 3.74 x 10(6) CFU of virulent Y. pestis. Protection correlated with the induction of a high titer of serum antibodies and a T-cell response specific for recombinant V antigen. These results indicate that V antigen should be a major component of an improved vaccine for plague.  相似文献   

A specific DNA probe containing a 0.65 Kb fragment coding for the amino-terminal region of the major pneumococcal autolysin (amidase) was constructed, deleting the region involved in the specific recognition of cell wall choline residues. The high specificity of this probe was demonstrated in tests withStreptococcus pneumoniae related species includingStreptococcus oralis, which contains choline in its cell wall. The probe was used to characterize pneumococcal isolates showing atypical responses in conventional identification tests. The hybridization obtained with 27 atypical pneumococci and 11 of 17 isolates presumptively identified as viridans streptococci confirmed that the probe is suitable for diagnostic use.  相似文献   

A cloned repetitive DNA sequence (rep20) was evaluated as a diagnostic probe specific for Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites using experimentally infected mosquitoes squashed directly on nylon filters. Head/thorax portions of mosquitoes, killed 14-16 days after ingesting P. falciparum-infected blood, gave positive signals when examined for the presence of P. falciparum sporozoite DNA by hybridisation. This correlated with the number of oocysts found in a sample of the same batch of mosquitoes examined by dissection. No positive signals were obtained with 50 Plasmodium berghei-infected mosquitoes probed with the rep20 sequence. The results indicate that a probe containing rep20 may be useful in the rapid and specific incrimination of vectors carrying P. falciparum sporozoites. The value of repetitive DNA in the diagnosis of malaria is discussed.  相似文献   

A rapid dot blot hybridization assay for the detection of B19 parvovirus DNA in human sera was developed. Small portions of four serum samples were mixed, filtered onto a nylon membrane, and hybridized with a digoxigenin-labeled DNA probe; for each membrane, 380 serum samples could be tested. When a dot was positive by the hybridization assay, the four serum samples dotted together were separately tested to identify the sample positive for B19 DNA. A total of 10,150 serum samples submitted for viral serological and laboratory investigation with no specific requests for B19 testing were analyzed. Nine serum samples were positive for B19 DNA by dot blot hybridization assay, and the results were confirmed by electron microscopy. This method has proven to be reliable, economical in terms of time and costs, and useful for large-scale screening of clinical specimens, both for diagnostic work and for a source of antigen.  相似文献   

A 24-base oligonucleotide probe specific for a region of the Yersinia enterocolitica virulence plasmid (pYV) associated with HEp-2 cell cytotoxicity and the Sereny reaction was constructed by using sequences flanking critical TnphoA insertions in a subcloned fragment of pYV. This probe, highly specific and sensitive for virulent yersiniae, detected pathogenic Y. enterocolitica isolates in artificially inoculated foods.  相似文献   

DNA probe specific for Legionella pneumophila.   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A procedure for preparing a DNA probe to be used in the specific detection of Legionella pneumophila by dot or colony hybridization has been devised. When total DNA from L. pneumophila was used as a radioactive probe, cross-hybridization occurred with DNA from many other species belonging to various families (including Legionellaceae, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonadaceae, and Vibrionaceae). Cross-hybridizing restriction fragments in L. pneumophila ATCC 33152 DNA were identified on Southern blots. When unlabeled DNA from strain ATCC 33152 was cleaved by endonuclease BamHI, the DNA fragments cross-hybridizing with the labeled DNA from all of the other species and genera tested (or with Escherichia coli 16 + 23 S RNA) had a size of 21.4 and 16.2 kilobase pairs (major bands) and 28.0, 12.8, and 10.1 kilobase pairs (minor bands). BamHI restriction fragments of L. pneumophila DNA deprived of the cross-hybridizing fragments were pooled and used as a probe for the detection of L. pneumophila. This probe proved to be specific for L. pneumophila in colony and dot hybridization. It can potentially be used for the detection of L. pneumophila in clinical and water samples. The procedure described can be readily applied to the preparation of probes specific for phylogenetically isolated bacterial species other than L. pneumophila.  相似文献   

A technique to identify Wuchereria bancrofti larvae in mosquito vectors with an enzyme-labeled DNA probe is described. To overcome the low sensitivity of nonradioactive detection methods, analyte DNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Oligonucleotide primers were used to amplify W. bancrofti-specific DNA fragments of 380 and 650 bp, respectively. Parasite DNA in mosquito extracts was isolated free of inhibitors of the PCR by hybridization to a biotinylated DNA fragment (IWb 67), which hybridizes to DNA from most filarial species, followed by absorption of the resulting DNA hybrids onto avidin-coated acrylic beads. PCR-amplified DNA was detected with a biotin-labeled W. bancrofti-specific repeat DNA (IWb 35) coupled to avidin-alkaline phosphatase and the chemiluminescent substrate, AMPPD. The DNA equivalent of less than one larva can be detected by this method in mosquito extracts. The sensitivity of detection was comparable to that of radioactive probes and the assay is suitable for field application in endemic countries.  相似文献   

Identification of Yersinia spp. with the API 20E system.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The ability of the API 20E system to identify 105 clinical isolates of Yersinia spp. was compared with those of conventional biochemical tests at 28 and 37 degrees C. Elimination of the Voges-Proskauer test (recorded as a negative result) increased the percentage of correct identifications for Yersinia spp. from 66 to 93% when the API 20E strips were incubated at 28 degrees C.  相似文献   

Between 11 November 1986 and 28 February 1987, legionellosis was diagnosed in 23 patients at one hospital with a recently marketed Legionella-specific DNA probe for respiratory secretions. Only 10 of the 23 probe-positive patients showed findings typical of Legionella pneumonia, including a temperature of greater than or equal to 100.5 degrees F (approximately 38.1 degrees C) and radiographic evidence of pneumonia. No differences were found in the results of laboratory studies, demographic features, or underlying risk factors for these 10 probe-positive patients when compared with the 13 probe-positive patients with nonpneumonic illnesses. A case-control study comparing probe-positive and -negative patients failed to identify any different features of disease or epidemiologic characteristics. Probes of repeat specimens of sputum were still positive 2 to 13 weeks after the initial test in 5 (50%) of the 10 probe-positive patients. The clinical features in most patients were atypical for legionellosis, and the diagnosis could not be confirmed by traditional laboratory tests performed on duplicate specimens processed at the Centers for Disease Control. This report emphasizes the need for clinical microbiology laboratories to confirm test results from new procedures by accepted diagnostic methods.  相似文献   

The successful isolation of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis from the stool of an asymptomatic family member of a patient with yersinia septicemia is presented. Cold enrichment permitted the isolation after 4 weeks of refrigerator incubatio,.  相似文献   

The Lactobacillus genus has been shown to be associated with the dental carious process, but little is known about the species related to the decay, although Lactobacillus rhamnosus is suspected to be the most implicated species. Conventional identification methods based on biochemical criteria lead to ambiguous results, since the Lactobacillus species found in saliva are phenotypically close. To clarify the role of this genus in the evolution of carious disease, this work aimed to find a rapid and reliable method for identifying the L. rhamnosus species. Methods based on hybridization with DNA probes and DNA amplification by PCR were used. The dominant salivary Lactobacillus species (reference strains from the ATCC) were selected for this purpose as well as some wild strains isolated from children's saliva. DNA profiling using semirandom polymorphic DNA amplification (semi-RAPD) generated specific patterns for L. rhamnosus ATCC 7469. The profiles of all L. rhamnosus strains tested were similar and could be grouped; these strains shared four common fragments. Wild strains first identified with classic methods shared common patterns with the L. rhamnosus species and could be reclassified. One fragment of the profile was purified, cloned, used as a probe and found to be specific to the L. rhamnosus species. These results may help to localize this species within its ecological niche and to elucidate the progression of the carious process.  相似文献   

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