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We studied the relationships between blood pressure, anthropometric characteristics and blood lipids in 72 low altitude (LA) Uighurs (600m), 91 LA-Kirghizs (900 m), 117 medium altitude (MA) Kazakhs (2100m) and 94 high altitude (HA) Kirghizs (3200 m). All subjects were male and had a similar age (p = ns, ANOVA; range for all 374 subjects: 18-66 yr). Body weight (Wt), body mass index (BMI) and the sum of four skinfolds (4SF) were significantly lower in HA-Kirghizs than the remaining groups (p < 0:0005, p < 0:0005 and p < 0:05 respectively, ANOVA). However, no difference was found in body fat distribution as detected by waist: hip circumference (WHR) and triceps : subscapular skinfold ratios (TSR; p = ns, ANOVA). Stage 1 hypertension was detected in 18% of LA-Uighurs, 2% of LA-Kirghizs, 4% of MA-Kazakhs and 1% of HA-Kirghizs; stage 2 hypertension was detected in 2% of LA-Uighurs and none of the remaining groups; no subject had stage 3 hypertension (The Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure 1997). Blood cholesterol (CH) and triglycerides (TG) did not differ between groups (p = ns, ANOVA). The relationships between systolic (SBP) or diastolic (DBP) blood pressure and age, Wt, BMI, 4SF, WHR, TSR, CH and TG were independent from altitude (p = ns, ANCOVA). In the pooled sample (n = 374), age explained 1 and 3% of SBP (p < 0:05) and DBP (p < 0:005) variance respectively, Wt was the best predictor of SBP and DBP explaining 11 and 10% of their variance respectively (p < 0:0001) and CH explained 5% of DBP variance (p < 0:0001). In conclusion, hypertension is more frequent in LA- than MA- and HA-subjects from Central Asia. However, anthropometric characteristics and blood lipids do similarly contribute to explain blood pressure in these subjects.

An Bewohnern des Tieflandes (LA), mittlerer Hohen (MA) und an Hochlandbevolkerungen (HA) wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Blutdruck, anthropometrischen Charakteristika und Blutlipiden untersucht. Im einzelnen handelt es sich bei den untersuchten Bevolkerungen um 72 LA-Uiguren (600m), 91 LA-Kirgis (900 m), 117 MA-Kasaks (2100 m) und 94 HA-Kirgis (3200 m). Es handelt sich ausschliesslich um mannliche Probanden ahnlichen Alters (p = ns, ANOVA; Variationsbreite fur alle 374 Probanden: 18-66 Jahre). Das Korpergewicht (Wt), der Body Mass Index (BMI) und die Summe von vier Hautfaltendicken (4SF) war bei den HA-Kirgis signifikant niedriger als in den ubrigen Gruppen (p < 0:0005; p < 0:0005 bzw. p < 0:05, ANOVA). In der Verteilung des Korperfetts, die uber das Verhaltnis von Taillen- zu Huftumfang (WHR) sowie das Verhaltnis von Trizeps-Hautfaltendicke zur Dicke der subskapularen Hautfalte (TSR; p = ns, ANOVA) erfasst wurde, liessen sich jedoch keine Unterschiede beobachten. Ein Bluthochdruck im Stadium 1 liess sich bei 18% der LA-Uiguren, 2% der LA.Kirgis 4% der MA-Kasaks und 1% der HA-Kirgis beobachten; ein Bluthochdruck des Stadiums 2 wurde lediglich bei 2% der LA-Uiguren beobachtet, wahrend er in den ubrigen Bevolkerungen nicht vorkam; ein Bluthochdruck des Stadiums 3 wurde in keiner Bevolkerung beobachtet (The Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of Hypertension 1997). In den Blutkonzentrationen von Cholesterin (CH) und Triglyzeriden (TG) wurden keine Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen beobachtet (p = ns, ANOVA). Der Zusammenhang zwischen dem systolischen (SBP) bzw. dem diastolischen Blutdruck (DBP) und dem Alter, Wt, BMI, 4SF, WHR, TSR, CH und TG war von der Hohenlage des Wohnortes unabhangig (p = ns; ANCOVA). In der gepoolten Stichprobe (n = 374), erklarte das Alter 1 bzw. 3% der Varianz des SBP (p < 0:05) bzw. des DBP (p < 0:005). Das Gewicht erwies sich als bester Pradiktor des SBP und DBP, es erklarte 11 bzw. 10% der Varianz (p < 0:0001). CH erklarte 5% der Varianz des DBP (p < 0:0001). Zusammenfassend lasst sich festhalten, dass Bluthochdruck in Zentralasien bei LA-Bevolkerungen haufiger vorkommt als in MA- und HA-Bevolkerungen. Anthropometrische Charakteristika und Blutfette tragen jedoch in ahnlicher Weise zur Erklarung des Blutdruckes bei allen Probanden bei.

On a etudie les associations entre la pression arterielle, les caracteristiques anthropometriques et les lipides sanguins chez 72 Ouigour d'altitude basse (AB) (600 m), 91 AB-Khirghiz (900 m), 117 Kazakhs d'altitude moyenne (AM) (2100m) et 94 Kirghiz d'altitude haute (AH) (3200 m). Tous les sujets etaient des hommes adultes de moyenne d'age similaire (p = ns, ANOVA; etendue de variation pour l'ensemble des 374 sujets: 18-66 ans). Le poids corporel (Pds), l'indice de masse corporelle (IMC) et la somme des quatre plis cutanes (S4PC) etaient significativement plus bas chez les AH-Kirghiz que dans les autres groupes (respectivement p < 0:0005, p < 0:0005 et p < 0:05 ANOVA). Cependant, on n'a pas trouve de difference dans la distribution de la graisse corporelle telle que determinee par les rapports des circonferences taille/hanches (RTH) et par le rapport des plis cutanes triceps/sous-scapulaire (RTS; p = ns, ANOVA). L'hypertension de niveau 1 est presente chez 18% des AB-Ouigour, 2% des AB-Kirghiz, 4% des AMKazakh et 1% des AH-Kirghiz. Le niveau 2 d'hypertension a ete detecte chez 2% des AB-Ouigour seulement. Aucun des sujets n'avait atteint le niveau 3 d'hypertension (Comite de Prevention, Detection, Evaluation et Traitement de la Haute Pression Arterielle, 1997). Le cholesterol sanguin (CS) et les triglycerides (TG) ne differaient pas entre groupes (p = ns, ANOVA). Les associations entre pressions arterielle systolique (PAS), diastolique (PAD) et l'age, le Pds, l'IMC, la S4PC, le RTH, le RTS, le CS et les TG sont independantes de l'altitude (p = ns, ANCOVA). L'age expliquait respectivement 1 et 3% des variances de la PAS (p < 0:05) et de la PSD (p < 0:005), le Pds etant le meilleur predicteur de la PAS et de la PAD, expliquant respectivement 11% et 10% de leur variance (p, < 0:0001), le CS expliquant 5% de la variance en PAD (p < 0:0001). En conclusion, l'hypertension est plus frequente chez les sujets d'AB- que d'AM- et d'AH- en Asie Centrale. Les caracteristiques anthropometriques et les lipides sanguins contribuent demaniere semblable a expliquer la pression arterielle chez les sujets examines.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the possible relationships between adiponectin and leptin with blood lipids (CHOL, HDL‐C, LDL‐C, and TG) in physically active postmenopausal women. One hundred and thirty‐four physically active practicing gymnastics (2–3 times per week) women between the ages of 51 to 85 years participated in this cross‐sectional study. Body height, body mass, waist‐to‐hip circumference ratio (WHR), and BMI were used as anthropometrical parameters. Body composition parameters (fat%, fat mass, fat free mass) were measured by DXA. The fasting adiponectin, leptin, CHOL, HDL‐C, LDL‐C, and TG were measured. From the anthropometrical and body composition parameters, only WHR correlated significantly with adiponectin (r = ?0.306). In addition, adiponectin correlated with TG (r = ?0.277) and leptin (r = ?0.381). Leptin was positively related to body mass (r = 0.261), and BMI (r = 0.274) from anthropometrical parameters and body fat% (r = 0.288) and fat mass (r = 0.298) from body composition variables. No relationships emerged between leptin and blood lipids. We found that there are some significant relationships between adiponectin, leptin and anthropometrical and body composition parameters in physically active postmenopausal females. From blood lipids, only TG correlated significantly with adiponectin. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 22:609–612, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:探讨内源性哇巴因(EO)在“一肾一夹(1k1c)”高血压模型血压升高中的作用及其分泌特点。方法:采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)测定“1k1c”高血压大鼠血清及多种组织内EO含量的改变,并对体内EO含量与大鼠血压进行相关性分析。结果:“1k1c”高血压鼠血清及心脏、肾脏、肾上腺、垂体及下丘脑内EO含量均高于正常大鼠;尤以肾上腺及下丘脑内EO含量最高;其中血清、肾脏及下丘脑内EO含量与大鼠血压呈显著正相关。结论:EO含量增加可能在“1k1c”模型高血压的发生机制中发挥着较为重要的作用;肾上腺可能是EO的来源之一。  相似文献   

《Annals of human biology》2013,40(5):430-437

Background: Earlier menarche has been related to shorter height and greater obesity-related anthropometric dimensions and blood pressure in women. Boys and girls with earlier maternal menarcheal age (MMA) have shown greater height and body mass index (BMI) in childhood.

Aim: To analyse associations of menarcheal age with their own and their children’s anthropometric dimensions and blood pressure.

Subjects and methods: The sample consisted of 493 women and their children (aged 2–19 years) from Greater Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain). For both generations there is information on 19 anthropometric dimensions, blood pressure and socio-demographic characteristics. Linear regressions adjusted for different covariates were used to analyse the associations.

Results: Menarcheal age in women showed the greatest positive associations with iliospinal height and ectomorphy and negative associations with BMI, sum of six skin-folds, endomorphy and mesomorphy. Boys with earlier MMA had greater body heights and breadths, particularly iliospinal height and biacromial breadth (0.10?z-score/year; p?<?0.05). In girls, earlier MMA predicted greater sitting height, biepicondylar humerus breadth, weight and sum of four circumferences (0.07–0.09?z-score/year; p?<?0.05). However, there was some evidence that MMA was positively associated with body heights, ectomorphy and blood pressure in girls aged ≥12.

Conclusion: Children with earlier MMA tend to have greater anthropometric dimensions. Adolescent growth spurt might affect these relationships, at least in girls.  相似文献   

Using plain hand radiographs, the age dependence of various bone‐aging traits (bone mineral density [BMD], cortical index [CI], osteoarthritis [OA], and osseographic [OSS] scores) was evaluated to test whether the correlation among these traits is an individual‐ or population‐based phenomenon. In addition, the effect of anthropometric features on variation of bone‐aging traits was estimated. The study included 1,295 individuals from Chuvasha, Russia, 18 to 89 years. BMD was measured from the compact compartment of the middle and distal phalanges of both 3rd fingers. The CI of the II–IV metacarpal bones and II–IV proximal phalanges was obtained. The development of OA was based on the standard Kellgren and Lawrence grading scheme for 28 hand joints. OSS score, a surrogate measure that takes into account different kinds of bone changes, was also obtained for each individual. Body weight and height, eight skinfold thicknesses on the trunk and extremities, and breadths of the long bones were measured. Sex‐based univariate analyses and multivariate statistical analysis showed the following: 1) Age dependence was defined more strongly in “OA‐linked” compared to “osteoporosis (OP)‐linked” traits; 2) While “OP‐linked” bone‐aging traits correlated with age differently between sexes, “OA‐linked” traits did not; 3) The strong interrelationship between OA‐linked and OP‐linked traits in both sexes became very weak and statistically insignificant (P > 0.10) after adjustment for age. Thus, OA and OP conditions in the same individual develop independently and probably reflect different underlying physiological mechanisms. 4) Anthropometric characteristics were significantly correlated with bone‐aging traits, but correlations were low (r < 0.20). Thus, the contribution of anthropometric characteristics to the rate and pattern of bone aging of the hand was to relatively small. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 14:380–390, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Growing research has demonstrated a link between spiritual well-being and better health; however, little is known about possible physiological mechanisms. In a sample of highly religious healthy male and female adults (n = 100) ages 19–59 (m = 28.28) we examined the influence of spiritual well-being, as measured by the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being (FACIT-Sp-Ex), on physiological risk factors for heart disease. Specifically we examined 24-h ambulatory blood pressure (BP), inflammation (hs-C-reactive protein), fasting glucose, and blood lipids. Regression analyses reveal that higher levels of spiritual-wellness (total FACIT-Sp-Ex score) was significantly related to lower systolic ambulatory BP (β = −.345; P < .001), diastolic ambulatory BP (β = −.24; P = .02), hs-C-reactive protein (β = −.23; P = .04), fasting glucose (β = −.28; P = .006), and marginally lower triglycerides (β = −.21; P = .09) and VLDL (β = −.21; P = .10) controlling for age, gender, and church attendance. Results remained generally consistent across the Meaning, Peace, Faith and Additional Spiritual Concerns subscales of the FACIT-Sp-Ex. Spiritual well-being may be cardio protective.  相似文献   

During International Biological Programme studies in Papua New Guinea, on Karkar Island and at Lufa in the Eastern Highlands, information on anthropometric, biochemical and genetic characteristics was collected from the same individuals. Use has been made of this special situation to investigate whether any associations exist between genetic markers and anthropometric and biochemical variation. Those found, and which satisfy criteria established to help in distinguishing real from chance associations, include: P with haemoglobin concentration and serum albumin and cholesterol levels; acid phosphatase with serum albumin level and haemoglobin concentration; anhaptoglobinaemia and serum globulin level; haemoglobin J-Tongariki with serum phosphorus level. The associations are discussed in terms of their arising from the direct result of environmental factors modifying gene expression, chance concordance of environmental and genetic variation, or pleiotropy.  相似文献   

Blood lipids, lipoproteins, and blood pressure (BP) were examined in 74 black and 93 white male NCAA Division I-A collegiate football athletes. Subjects were involved in resistance training and anaerobic running and all ate at the same training table. All measurements were done in the morning following a 12 hour fast. No significant differences were found in mean systolic (128 mm Hg) or diastolic (77 mm Hg) BPs. Blacks and whites were similar in age, height, weight, V?O2max estimated from a 12 minute run test, total serum cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). However, the black athletes had significantly (P < 0.01) lower serum triglycerides, total cholesterol to HDL-C ratio, and higher high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) compared to whites. In a subgroup of 34 subjects, there were no differences in dietary fat, carbohydrate, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, calcium, or fiber intake. These data suggest a race-related difference in some blood lipids-lipoproteins without a concomitant difference in BP within a group of young adult male athletes.  相似文献   

Objectives: Several studies have shown that causes of adult hypertension arise in childhood, and obesity may be a potential cause or at least a mitigating factor in this development. Body mass index is a well studied obesity metric, yet other potential adiposity measures such as percent body fat and waist circumference have been somewhat less considered. The purpose of this study is to determine associations between these alternative serial childhood adiposity measures and adulthood blood pressure. Methods: Measurements from participants in the Fels Longitudinal Study were used to summarize childhood adiposity, represented by childhood measurements of percent body fat and height‐adjusted waist circumference. These subjects also provided systolic and diastolic blood pressure as adults. Childhood adiposity levels were categorized as high or low as compared to the respective upper quartile, and associations with adult blood pressure were measured using Poisson regression to estimate the number of expected occurrences of elevated adiposity during childhood. Adult lifestyle covariates and adiposity were accounted for using multiple linear regression. Results: Summary indices of the childhood adiposity measures were significantly associated with both adult blood pressure metrics in men and women, though some of these associations were altered or reduced in the presence of adult lifestyle characteristics and adult adiposity measures. Conclusions: Childhood measures of percent body fat and height‐adjusted waist circumference have an effect on adult blood pressure, though the effect can be mitigated by adult lifestyles. Am. J. Hum. Biol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Inter-individual correlations between androgen hormone levels and anthropometric features were computed using data from a sample of 110 healthy young men. Radioimmunoassays were used to determine the total testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in the serum and the free testosterone in the saliva. The 58 body measures encompassed the head, trunk and extremities in terms of their length, breadth and circumference. In addition, skin-fold thicknesses were also measured. This set of features was also subjected to factor analysis; the correlations of the resulting individual factor scores with the body measurements were also determined. The total testosterone and dihydrotestosterone were found to have a number of significant correlations with the various body measures and factors, while the free testosterone did not yield any significant findings. These correlations indicate in particular that there is a relation between the serum androgens and leptomorphism (especially negative correlations to indicators of the fat development), whereas a connection between the serum androgens and masculinity is only hinted at.  相似文献   

This study aimed at replicating and extending previous results on the association between baroreceptor reflex sensitivity (BRS) and cognitive performance. Thirty men and 31 women performed an arithmetic task. After adjusting for numerical aptitude and effort, no predictors of performance were found in men. In women, the relationships between BRS and parameters related to correct responses were modulated by blood pressure (BP). BRS was inversely associated with these parameters for participants with BP>1 SD above the mean, whereas the associations were positive in participants with BP<1 SD below the mean. Also for women, BRS was positively associated with number of errors during the task. These results suggest that the relation between BRS and performance varies as a function of the type of cognitive processes assessed and that the central nervous system effects of the baroreceptors on cognitive functioning are modulated by gender and BP.  相似文献   

To determine whether impaired arginine vasopressin (AVP) release occurs when DOCA-NaCl hypertension is prevented following chemical sympathectomy with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), male Sprague-Dawley rats treated with intraventricular injections of 6-OHDA (250 micrograms X 2) or Merlis solution received deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) implants (100 mg/kg) and drank 0.5% saline. Systolic blood pressure in the 6-OHDA-treated DOCA/NaCl group (139 +/- 4 mmHg) was lower (P less than 0.001) than in the Merlis-DOCA/NaCl group (183 +/- 7 mmHg). 6-OHDA treatment produced widespread catecholamine depletion throughout the central nervous system, including the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, the cells of which are known to produce AVP, but hypothalamic, pituitary, and plasma AVP levels were similar in both experimental groups, the latter values averaging 1.5-2 times those of controls. Both groups of rats suppressed AVP secretion appropriately when water loaded. Such suppression, however, had no effect on blood pressure in the hypertensive animals and, furthermore, administration of the AVP antagonist d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP produced small decrements in mean blood pressure of both groups that were not significantly different from responses seen in control normotensive rats. These data demonstrate that 6-OHDA does not prevent DOCA-NaCl hypertension by decreasing AVP levels and suggest that AVP is not necessary for the maintenance of hypertension in this model.  相似文献   

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