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目的 分析儿童眼部肿瘤的构成、分布情况及发病特点.方法 对病理科2000年至2010年10年间收集的410例儿童眼部肿瘤的发病年龄、发病部位和病理类型进行回顾性分析.结果 全部肿瘤的平均发病年龄为(7.08±2.6)岁,眼内肿瘤发病的年龄年龄最小,只有(2.44±1.5)岁,与其他部位肿瘤相比差异有统计学意义(F =15.658,P=0.001).从发病部位来看眼结膜肿物最多152例(37.1%),其次为眼眶肿物84例(20.5%).良性肿瘤362例(88.3%),恶性肿瘤48例(11.7%).其中良性肿瘤中以皮样囊肿最多见72例(19.9%),其次为皮样瘤63例(17.4%)、皮样脂肪瘤57例(15.7%)、乳头瘤33例(9.1%)等多见.恶性肿瘤中以视网膜母细胞瘤最多见43例(89.6%)其次为横纹肌肉瘤2例(4.2%).结论 儿童眼部肿瘤大多与先天和胚胎异常有关,其中结膜肿瘤最多见.良性肿瘤中皮样囊肿最多见,其次为乳头状瘤、炎性增生和各种上皮性囊肿.恶性肿瘤中视网膜母细胞瘤发病率最高,而且恶性肿瘤的发病年龄早于良性肿瘤.  相似文献   

574例儿童眼部肿瘤的临床统计与分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 了解儿童眼部肿瘤的常见种类,临床与病理特点以及最新的研究动态.方法 对我院1995年至2004年10年间574例儿童眼部肿瘤的发生部位,临床特点及病理分型进行回顾性分析.结果 574例儿童眼部肿瘤中,男性316例,女性258例,发病年龄从56天至14周岁,在2~3岁和10~11岁时呈两个高峰,平均发病年龄5.63岁,其中良性肿瘤347例(60.5%),恶性肿瘤227例(39.5%).眼睑和眼表肿瘤225例(39.2%)中,良性肿瘤占98.7%,主要为上皮来源良性肿瘤,而罕见的一例鳞癌见于着色性干皮病患儿;眼眶肿瘤136例(23.7%),良性肿瘤(87.5%)中最常见的是皮样囊肿,血管源性和神经源性良性肿瘤,恶性肿瘤(12.5%)以横纹肌肉瘤和神经母细胞瘤多见;而眼内肿瘤213例(37.1%)中恶性者占97.2%,视网膜母细胞瘤205例,脉络膜淋巴瘤和睫状体恶性肿瘤各1例.结论 儿童眼部肿瘤与成人眼部肿瘤不同,以先天性和胚胎性肿瘤为主,其中恶性肿瘤主要为原发性肉瘤和胚胎性肿瘤,有时与良性肿瘤和炎症鉴别诊断困难.  相似文献   

目的分析65岁及以上老年人眼部肿瘤的临床病理诊断构成情况。设计回顾性病例系列。研究对象2002年1月至2015年12月天津市眼科医院存档并经手术治疗后病理检查确诊的65岁及以上老年人眼部肿瘤患者784例(795眼)的临床资料。方法回顾分析肿瘤的发生部位、病理诊断及构成情况。主要指标病理诊断及构成比。结果784例眼部肿瘤中,男性375例(47.8%)381眼(47.9%)。眼睑肿瘤564例(71.9%),其中良性肿瘤407例(72.2%),恶性肿瘤152例(27.0%)。泪囊区肿瘤9例(1.2%)。眼表肿瘤117例(14.92%),其中良性肿瘤94例(80.3%),恶性肿瘤13例(11.1%)。泪腺肿瘤18例(2.3%)。眼眶肿瘤66例(8.4%),其中良性肿瘤34例(51.5%),恶性肿瘤30例(45.5%)。眼内肿瘤10例(1.3%)。结论2002-2015年天津市眼科医院65岁及以上老年人眼部肿瘤以眼睑和眼表肿瘤多见。眼部恶性肿瘤发生部位以眼睑和眼眶多见。恶性肿瘤病理类型主要为基底细胞癌、皮脂腺癌和淋巴瘤等。  相似文献   

目的 分析《五大洲癌症发病》(Cancer Incidence in Five Continents,CI5)数据库北京市户籍居民原发性眼部恶性肿瘤的发病特征。设计 横断面研究。研究对象 世界卫生组织CI5数据库公布的2003年1月1日至2012年12月31日北京市户籍人口的眼部恶性肿瘤登记数据。方法 从CI5数据库中提取北京市户籍居民原发性眼部恶性肿瘤(ICD10: C69、C41.0、C49.0、C43.1、C44.1和C72.3)个案信息,结合北京市公安局人口处公布的2003-2012年10年间的人口数据,计算北京市户籍居民原发性眼部肿瘤发病率及世界标准人口构成标化发病率,对不同亚部位的眼部恶性肿瘤的构成特征和病理类型进行分析描述。主要指标 发病率及世界标准人口构成标化发病率。结果 10年间北京市户籍居民中共确诊原发性眼部恶性肿瘤患者740例,平均发病年龄为56.5±17.6岁(6个月~96岁),人群发病率为6.11/百万,男女性发病例数之比为1.2﹕1。原发性眼部肿瘤病理类型以基底细胞癌为主(27.3%),其次是腺癌、肉瘤、视网膜母细胞瘤和恶性黑色素瘤,分别占13.2%、11.8%、10.9%和8.8%。眼睑为眼部肿瘤的最好发部位(68.3%),其次是眼球(18.3%)和眼眶(4.8%)。10年间,无论是男性女性,不同年龄组眼部恶性肿瘤发病构成均无统计学意义(P均>0.05)。结论 CI5数据库公布的北京市户籍居民原发性眼部恶性肿瘤人群发病率6.11/百万,平均发病年龄(56.5±17.6)岁,最主要的病理类型为基底细胞癌,其次为腺癌、肉瘤、视网膜母细胞瘤和恶性黑色素瘤,眼睑为首位受累部位。  相似文献   

儿童眼部肿瘤临床病理分析234例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析儿童眼部肿瘤的发病特点.方法 对我院眼科1998年1月至2008年5月收治并经病理学证实的234例儿童眼部肿瘤患者的肿瘤发生部位及病理类型进行回顾性分析.结果 按肿瘤的发病部位分为:眼睑肿瘤79例(33.8%),结膜肿瘤44例(18.8%),眼球内肿瘤44例(18.8%),眼眶肿瘤40例(17.1%),角膜肿瘤21例(9.0%),视神经肿瘤6例(2.6%);按肿瘤的性质及病理类型分:良性187例(79.9%),恶性47例(20.1%).良性肿瘤中常见的有色素痣瘤42例(22.4%),炎性增生瘤32例(17.1%),皮样囊肿25例(13.4%),皮样瘤20例(10.7%),血管瘤17例(9.1%),乳头状瘤8例(4.3%),迷芽瘤7例(3.7%),视神经胶质瘤6例(3.2%);恶性肿瘤常见的有视网膜母细胞瘤37例(78.7%),胚胎型横纹肌肉瘤7例(14.9%).结论 儿童眼部肿瘤的特点和成人明显不同,大多数为先天性和胚胎性;其中眼睑肿瘤发生率最高,眼眶肿瘤的病理类型最多达16种;良性肿瘤中色素痣的发病率最高,其次为炎性增生、皮样囊肿和皮样瘤;恶性肿瘤中视网膜母细胞瘤发病率最高,其次为横纹肌肉瘤.  相似文献   

426例眼部肿瘤病理分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:对426例眼部肿瘤进行病理分析。方法:复习我院病理科1982~1997年间所检查的457例眼科病理资料,对其中的426例眼部肿瘤进行分析。结果:良性肿瘤290例(68.1%),恶性肿瘤136例(31.9%)。按发病解剖学部位分类:眼睑肿瘤272例(63.8%),角结膜肿瘤44例(10.3%),视网膜肿瘤34例(8%),眼眶肿瘤76例(17.8%)。按组织学分类,眼睑良性肿瘤前5位为色素痣83例,各种囊肿39例,基底细胞乳头状瘤34例,鳞状上皮乳头状瘤17例,脉管瘤14例。眼睑恶性肿瘤为:基底细胞癌33例,鳞状细胞癌16例,睑板腺癌10例,恶性黑色素瘤7例。角结膜肿瘤较少。视网膜肿瘤34例,全部为视网膜母细胞瘤。眼眶良性肿瘤前5位为:各种上皮性囊肿17例,神经纤维瘤10例,泪腺混合瘤10例,炎性假瘤9例,血管瘤5例。眼眶恶性肿瘤以鳞状细胞癌10例占首位,其余依次为泪腺混合瘤恶变4例、基底细胞癌2例,间叶组织来源的血管肉瘤、平滑肌肉瘤、横纹肌肉瘤各1例。  相似文献   

目的 探讨眼睑肿物的组织病理类型及其变化.方法 为回顾性系列病例研究.收集复旦大学附属眼耳鼻喉科医院眼科病理室从1993年1月至2005年12月间存档的眼睑肿物临床组织病理学资料进行分析.结果 眼睑病变的临床表现多样,病理类型繁多.在2734例眼睑肿物中,炎性病变1462例,占53.47%;肿瘤性病变1248例,占45.65%.眼睑肿瘤中,良性肿瘤875例,占71.11%;恶性肿瘤373例,占29.89%.恶性肿瘤前3位分别是基底细胞癌、皮脂腺癌(包括睑板腺癌和蔡氏腺癌)、鳞状细胞癌.平均发病年龄分别为64.16、63.30、60.38岁.基底细胞癌以60~70 岁年龄组为多.睑板腺癌在40岁以上各年龄组发病率均较高.结论 对眼睑肿物的病理分类和分型,有助于眼睑肿物的病理诊断,为疾病诊治提供了参考依据.  相似文献   

儿童眼部肿瘤特点(附119例临床分析)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 分析儿童眼部肿瘤的发病特点。方法 对 1 1 9例儿童眼部肿瘤患者的年龄、性别、发病年龄、眼别、肿瘤发生部位及病理分型进行回顾性分析。结果 患儿平均发病年龄为 3 5岁。1 1 9例儿童眼部肿瘤中 ,良性肿瘤 1 3种 53例 ( 44 5% ) ,恶性肿瘤 3种 66例 ( 55 5% )。结论 视网膜母细胞瘤 63例 ( 52 9% ) ,在恶性肿瘤中发病率最高。从发现症状到住院治疗间隔时间 ,视网膜母细胞瘤眼内期为 2 7月 ,青光眼期 5 3月 ,眼外期 1 3 7月 ,视网膜母细胞瘤不同时期的平均发生时间有显著性差异 (P <0 0 5)。嗅神经母细胞瘤的发病率在恶性肿瘤中居第二位。嗅神经母细胞瘤对放疗敏感 ,但易复发  相似文献   

目的总结近十年来川东北地区眼肿瘤的临床病理特点,为临床诊断和治疗提供依据。方法对2005年1月至2014年12月在川北医学院附属医院眼科住院治疗的649例眼部肿瘤患者病历资料进行回顾性统计分析。结果十年问眼肿瘤病例数总体上逐年增多,总计649例,其中良性496例(76.43%),恶性153例(23.57%),男女患者比例约1:1(325:324)。按肿瘤解剖部位分为眼睑肿瘤352例(54.24%),眼表肿瘤116例(17.87%),眼球内肿瘤39例(6.01%),眼眶肿瘤142例(21.88%)。眼睑、眼表、眼眶肿瘤均以良性多见,球内肿瘤以恶性为主;眼表、球内肿瘤以0-20岁组患者为主,眼睑、眼眶肿瘤各组患者无明显年龄差异。结论川东北地区眼肿瘤呈逐年增多趋势,其发病率、年龄、性别、病理类别具有特征性,有利于眼部肿瘤的临床诊断和治疗方案的设计。  相似文献   

目的:探讨与鼻窦肿瘤相关的眼部症状的临床特点和发生机制。方法:回顾性分析103例鼻窦肿瘤患者的临床资料和相关眼部症状的情况。结果:103例鼻窦源性肿瘤患者出现相关眼部症状者56例,占54.4%。其中23例良性肿瘤患者中有8例出现相关眼部症状,占34.8%;80例恶性肿瘤患者中有48例出现相关眼部症状,占60.0%。鼻窦恶性肿瘤出现眼部症状的比例高于鼻窦良性肿瘤(P=0.0324)。不同发病部位与不同病理分型的鼻窦肿瘤发生眼部症状的比例无显著性差异。结论:鼻窦源性肿瘤特别是恶性肿瘤容易引起眼部症状,甚至可以以眼部表现作为首发症状,应引起眼科医生的重视。  相似文献   

Ji Jin  Lei Chen  Gao-Qin Liu  Pei-Rong Lu 《国际眼科》2020,13(12):1844-1853
AIM: To analyze the retinal proteomes with and without conbercept treatments in mice with oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) and identify proteins involved in the molecular mechanisms mediated by conbercept. METHODS: OIR was induced in fifty-six C57BL/6J mouse pups and randomly divided into four groups. Group 1: Normal17 (n=7), mice without OIR and treated with normal air. Group 2: OIR12/EXP1 (n=14), mice received 75% oxygen from postnatal day (P) 7 to 12. Group 3: OIR17/Control (n=14), mice received 75% oxygen from P7 to P12 and then normal air to P17. Group 4: Lang17/EXP2 (n=21), mice received 75% oxygen from P7 to P12 with intravitreal injection of 1 μL conbercept at the concentration of 10 mg/mL at P12, and then normal air from P12 to P17. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)/MS data were reviewed to find proteins that were up-regulated after the conbercept treatment. Gene ontology (GO) analysis was performed of conbercept-mediated changes in proteins involved in single-organism processes, biological regulation, cellular processes, immune responses, metabolic processes, locomotion and multiple-organism processes. RESULTS: Conbercept induced a reversal of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 signaling pathway as revealed by the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) analysis and also induced down-regulation of proteins involved in blood coagulation and fibrin clot formation as demonstrated by the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) and the stimulation of interferon genes studies. These appear to be risk factors of retinal fibrosis. Additional conbercept-specific fibrosis risk factors were also identified and may serve as therapeutic targets for fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Our studies reveal that many novel proteins are differentially regulated by conbercept. The new insights may warrant a valuable resource for conbercept treatment.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the histopathologic and clinical features of eyelid tumor cases from Tianjin Eye Hospital during 2002 to 2015. METHODS: In this retrospective study, a total of 2228 cases of eyelid tumors with pathologic diagnoses were enrolled. The eyelid tumors were classified into three groups according to tumor origin: epidermal, adnexal and miscellaneous, including melanocytic, neural and vascular lesions. Inflammatory tumor-like lesions were excluded. The clinical characteristics of the eyelid tumors were analyzed, including age, gender and lesion location. RESULTS: Most eyelid tumors were epidermal in origin (1080, 48.5%), followed by miscellaneous (885, 39.7%) and adnexal tumors (263, 11.8%). Among all the tumors, 292 (13.1%) were malignant lesions, 1910 (85.7%) benign and 26 (1.1%) premalignant lesions. Most malignant tumors originated from epidermal cells (60.0%), followed by adnexal cells (34.6%). The most common malignant tumors were basal cell carcinomas (56.5%) followed by sebaceous carcinoma (34.6%), squamous cell carcinomas (3.8%) and lymphoma/plasmocytoma (1.7%). The benign and premalignant eyelid lesions mostly originated from epidermal cells (46.4%) followed by miscellaneous cell sources (45.2%), including melanocytic nevus (33.8%), seborrheic keratosis (13.7%), squamous cell papilloma (13.0%) and epidermal cysts (11.5%). CONCLUSION: Eyelid tumors are mostly epithelial in origin. Benign tumors are significantly more common than malignant tumors with an obvious female predominance, and the most frequent malignant tumor are basal cell carcinoma, sebaceous carcinoma and squamous cell carcinomas. The tumor clinical features varied among the different subtypes.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the demographic features, location, and histopathologic results in primary eyelid tumors. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the records of patients with primary eyelid tumor diagnosed and treated between November 1997 and 2016 on our service. Results: Nine hundred and eleven lesions from 874 patients were included in this study. Four hundred and forty-six (51.0%) of the patients were females and 428 (49.0%) were males. The mean age was 51.0y (range: 3mo-94y). The lesions were located in the upper eyelid (418 cases, 45.9%), lower eyelid (378 cases, 41.5%), medial canthus (89 cases, 9.8%), and lateral canthus (26 cases, 2.9%). Four hundred and seventy (51.6%) lesions were located on the right side and 441 (48.4%) on the left. Of the eyelid lesions, 666 (73.1%) were benign, 230 (25.2%) malignant, and 15 (1.6%) premalignant. When the eyelid tumors were classified according to their tissue or cell of origin, 527 (57.8%) of the lesions were found to be epidermal, 171 (18.8%) adnexal, 131 (14.4%) inflammatory and infectious, and 65 (7.1%) stromal. The most common benign lesions were squamous cell papilloma (139 lesions, 15.2%), intradermal nevus (97 lesions, 10.6%), epidermoid inclusion cysts (78 lesions, 8.6%), seborrheic keratosis (60 lesions, 6.6%), and inflammatory masses (59 lesions, 6.5%). Basal cell carcinoma was the most common malignant tumor (191 lesions, 21.0%) followed by squamous cell carcinoma (16 lesions, 1.8%), sebaceous carcinoma (14 lesions, 1.5%), and malignant melanoma (5 lesions, 0.5%). CONCLUSION: In this study, 73.1% of eyelid lesions were benign and the remaining 26.9% were premalignant and malignant. Basal cell carcinoma was the most common tumor among all histopathological diagnosis followed by squamous papilloma.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine the incidence of benign and malignant eyelid lesions and conjunctival tumors. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: One-hundred-and twenty-eight cases (131 eyes) which were treated during the period from January 1990 to February 2004 were histopathologically diagnosed for eyelid or conjunctival tumors (87 cases of eyelid tumors and 41 cases of conjunctival tumors) in retrospective evaluations. The incidence of benign or malignant lesions, the pathological classification, age, sex, and clinical diagnostic accuracy were all investigated. RESULTS: Sixty-four (73%) of the tumors were found to be benign eyelid tumors. The common benign eyelid tumors were 14 nevocellular nevi, 9 seborrheic keratosis, 7 epidermoid cysts, and 6 papillomas. Twenty-four (27%) eyelid tumors were malignant. These included 9 basal cell carcinomas, 9 sebaceous gland carcinomas, 4 malignant lymphomas, and 2 metastatic tumors. Thirty-four (79%) conjunctival tumors were benign, and the common benign conjunctival tumors were 9 nevocellular nevi and 7 papillomas. Nine (21%) conjunctival tumors were malignant, comprising 7 malignant lymphomas and 2 squamous cell carcinomas. The mean ages of malignant eyelid and conjunctival tumor patients were significantly older than those of benign tumor patients. Clinical accuracy in predicting basal cell carcinoma and sebaceous gland carcinoma was 11.1% and 44.4%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : Approximately 70 approximately 80% of all eyelid and conjunctival tumors are benign. Clinicians should suspect that the lesions are malignant when seeing elderly patients with eyelid or conjunctival tumors. Excised eyelid lesions should be submitted for histopathologic confirmation because there are some cases where clinical diagnosis does not match pathological diagnosis.  相似文献   

目的:回顾1997/2007伊朗亚兹德地区的200例眼及附属器肿瘤的流行病学特征,确定肿瘤的人群分布及肿瘤位置。方法:回顾观察性病例报道。我们回顾1997/2007医院组织病理学确诊为眼眶肿瘤的病例,分析200例连续病例的年龄分布、病理学、肿瘤来源及肿瘤位置。结果:患者200例(男111例,女89例),其中110例(55.0%)为良性肿瘤,86例(43.0%)为恶性,4例(2.0%)为转移性肿瘤。119例(59.5%)为眼睑肿瘤,21例(10.5%)为眼眶,60例(30.0%)位于眼球。最常见的恶性肿瘤是基底细胞癌(BCC)(25.5%)、鳞状细胞癌(SCC)(6.0%)及黑素瘤(5.5%)。各种类型的痣(15.0%)、皮样囊肿(5.5%)、血管瘤(5.0%)是最常见的良性肿瘤。200例患者按年龄分为两组,18岁以上及18岁以下。18岁以下患者中,最常见的是良性肿瘤(90.1%),恶性肿瘤及转移性肿瘤分别占8.4%和1.5%。然而,18岁以上患者,常见的是恶性肿瘤(51.1%),良性肿瘤占47.1%,转移性肿瘤占1.8%。结论:眼眶肿瘤的病理学特征与患者的年龄及肿瘤在眼及附属器的位置有关。在进行活检及肿瘤切除术之前,患者的发病年龄和肿瘤位置可成为我们制定治疗方案的前提,也是预后评估的重要信息。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the histopathological, epidemiological and clinical characteristics of benign, malignant and tumor-like lesions of the eyelid collected in Department of Pathological Anatomy, Wroc?aw Medical University. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Department of Pathological Anatomy, Wroc?aw Medical University, has been collecting data of all tumors and tumor-like lesions of the eye and ocular adnexa diagnosed at the department during the 54-year interval from 1946 through 1999. Retrospective analysis of all eyelid biopsy specimens submitted to the department between January 1, 1946, and December 31, 1999 were performed. RESULTS: There were 4818 cases of the eye and ocular adnexa lesions diagnosed at the department since 1946 and 1999, what made up 0.262% of all diagnosed cases. Of 4818 total number of cases there were 2416 women and 2392 men. In 10 cases sex was unknown. The eyelids were the most common localization of malignant tumors (39.9% cases of all eye regions). The incidence cohort of all eyelid lesions included 2031 cases what made up 42.15% of all diagnosed lesions within the eye and it's adnexa. Benign tumors were the most common lesions (n=1262; 62.2%). Among all them papillomas were the most commonly found (n=659; 52.3%). Malignant tumors constituted 21,3% (n=433). Of the 433 malignancies, 314 were basal cell carcinomas (72.5%). Malignant tumors developed most commonly on the lower eyelid (n=303; 70%) but involved the right and left sides with equal frequency. Almost 2/3 of all tumor-like lesions in both genders were cysts including atheromas. CONCLUSIONS: Benign eyelid tumors compose the majority of all eyelid lesions. The eyelids are the most common localization of malignant tumors within the eye and it's adnexa. Basal cell carcinoma is the most common malignant eyelid tumor. The lower eyelid is the most frequent site of origin in cases of malignant tumors. Men and women are equally affected.  相似文献   

眼睑肿物105例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨眼睑肿物的临床、病理学分类,为眼睑肿物的诊断和治疗提供依据。 方法:回顾性分析本院眼科近2a来收治的105例105眼眼睑肿物患者的病理学资料,对眼睑肿物的病理分类进行回顾性分析。 结果:眼睑肿物105例105眼中良性肿瘤共101例101眼,恶性肿瘤4例 4眼。良性肿瘤中占前5位的是炎性肉芽组织22例 22 眼,脂溢性角化病16例16眼,鳞状细胞乳头状瘤13例13眼,皮内痣12例12眼,表皮样囊肿12例 12 眼。恶性肿瘤中基底细胞癌2例 2眼,睑板腺癌和恶性黑色素瘤各1例1眼。 结论:明确的临床病理分型诊断有助于眼睑肿物的手术治疗及预后。  相似文献   

眼睑肿块病理学分析477例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的分析眼睑肿块临床和病理学特点。方法回顾性分析我院自1996年至2005年收检的477例眼睑肿块标本,所有标本均经HE染色及部分进行免疫组织化学检查。所有标本都经过病理科医师明确诊断。结果良性病变307例,包括:痣69例,乳头状瘤64例,各种囊肿57例,血管瘤23例,脂性肉芽肿23例,钙化上皮瘤19例,脂溢性角化15例,其他37例;恶性肿瘤170例,包括:基底细胞癌75例,皮脂腺癌56例,鳞状细胞癌20例,恶性淋巴瘤12例,恶性黑色素瘤5例,其他2例。较罕见病变有:囊样腺性癌、乳头状瘤恶变、汗腺腺瘤、汗腺纤维瘤及神经痣各1例,眼睑结核及神经纤维瘤各2例,畸胎瘤3例。结论眼睑肿块以良性病变多见,占64.36%;眼睑恶性肿瘤占35.64%,以基底细胞癌、皮脂腺癌和鳞状细胞癌多见。  相似文献   

眼眶神经鞘瘤30例分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的总结分析1985~1994年在我院经病理证实的孤立性眼眶神经鞘瘤。方法回顾性研究30例孤立性眼眶神经鞘瘤的临床特点、诊断要点及治疗方法。对不同手术方法的术后并发症及术后复发情况进行了对比。结果孤立性眼眶神经鞘瘤多见于20~40岁青壮年,男女患病率差异无显著性。多表现为眼球突出,可伴有视力下降、眼部疼痛、眼球活动受限等。均行手术摘除肿瘤。术后视力下降8例(26.7%),不变13例(43.3%),提高9例(30.0%);早期上睑下垂8例(26.7%),眼球活动受限11例(36.7%)。术后随访1.5~10.0年,5例复发,其中1例为低度恶性,4例为良性。大部分上睑下垂及眼球运动受限者,术后3~6个月恢复正常。结论应根据肿瘤的发生部位,选择最佳手术进路。  相似文献   

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