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例1男,30天,因不规则发热伴腹胀25天入院。系第1胎,足月顺产,出生时无窒息。生后第5天开始发热伴腹部胀气。呈不规则热型,最高达40℃、无寒战及抽搐。体检:体温38.6℃、心率134次/分,呼吸38次/分。精神差,贫血貌、消瘦。前囟1.5×1.5cm,平软,脑膜刺激征阴性。心肺听诊无异常。腹部膨隆,肝右肋下3cm,质中,光滑。脾左肋下3.5cm,质中、边缘纯。实验室检查:血常规:白细胞18.3×109/L,W-LCRO.293,W-SCR0.707,Hb56g/L,入院诊断:肺炎、败血症,感染性重度贫血。给予抗感染治疗。入院第二天追问病史,其母妊娠7个月时,患儿父母均患“疟疾”,送检…  相似文献   

患儿,男,6 d,因血尿、少尿、浮肿1 d入院.患儿系第1胎,孕39周顺产,出生时无窒息抢救史,出生体重2.9 kg.患儿生后吃奶欠佳,精神反应欠佳.入院前一天突发血尿、少尿及下肢浮肿,血尿为鲜红色,伴气促,少吃,少动,以"血尿待查、新生儿肺炎"收住院.入院查体:T 36.5℃,P148次/min,R 56次/min,体重3.1 kg.面色差,反应差,口唇发绀,呼吸促56次/min,规则,无三凹征.颜面皮肤见少许散在瘀点,全身皮肤弹性差、干燥,腹部及四肢皮肤有较多皲裂、脱屑,皮肤轻度黄染.前囟平坦,2.5 cm×2.5 cm,双肺呼吸音粗糙,未闻及干湿啰音,心音有力,律齐,无杂音.腹膨隆,可见腹壁静脉,肝右肋下1.5 cm,脾未及,肠鸣音正常,双下肢膝关节以下浮肿,神经系统未见异常.父母否认传染病史及遗传病史.  相似文献   

婴儿产单核细胞李斯特菌脑膜炎2例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
病例1:患儿男,3个月24 d,因发热、呕吐4 d入院。发热(38~39.4℃),伴嗜睡、非喷射性呕吐、精神食欲差,有右侧上下肢强直阵挛为主的频繁惊厥发作。患儿系第1胎第1产,足月顺产出生。既往无特殊疾病史,母乳喂养,病前3 d其母有进食冰箱内存放的生黄瓜史。入院体查:体温36.8℃,呼吸42次/分,心率125次/分,体重5.5 kg,营养发育尚可,前囟2 cm×2 cm,饱满,张力高,颈阻阴性,病理征阴性,四肢肌力及肌张力正常。入院血常规:WBC 34.16×109/L,N0.84,L 0.16,CRP 36 mg/L。入院考虑为"化脓性  相似文献   

患儿 ,男 ,5d,以皮肤黄染 4d入院。第 1胎 ,足月剖宫产 ,出生时无窒息。出生 2d皮肤出现黄染 ,进行性加重。母孕期无感染等病史。查体 :体温 37℃ ,脉搏 138次 /min ,呼吸4 0次 /min ,体质量 3.35kg。全身皮肤黏膜明显黄染。前囟 1.5cm× 1.5cm ,平软 ,心肺正常 ,肝肋下 2 .0cm  相似文献   

患儿,男,2岁。因腹胀、纳差、面黄18个月入院。体检:T38℃。消瘦,面黄,唇色苍白,皮肤可见出血点。前囟1.5cm×1.5cm,眉、眼距增宽,眼睑浮肿。心音低,心尖部闻及收缩期杂音Ⅲ级。肺无殊,腹膨隆,脐疝,肝右肋下5cm,脾下界抵盆腔,C线过中线9cm,肝脾均有叩痛。反  相似文献   

新生儿暴发性流行性脑脊髓膜炎一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患儿男,18天,因"皮肤黄染半个月,伴发热、反应差3h"入院。系第1胎足月顺产。查体:T39.2℃,P170次/min,R60次/min,体重3470g,反应稍差,全身皮肤黄染,无皮疹,前囟1.5cm×1.5cm,平软,双眼有脓性分泌物,双侧瞳孔等大正圆,  相似文献   

患儿,男,38 d,因鼻塞、口吐白沫5 d入院.体检:体温37.2 ℃,呼吸38次/min,心率110次/min,体重6 kg,发育营养好;前囟1.5 cm×1.5 cm,平软;唇周微绀,无鼻扌扇及三凹征;咽轻度充血;双肺呼吸音粗,闻及中细湿罗音及少许痰鸣音;心律齐,心音有力,心前区闻及Ⅱ~Ⅲ/6级收缩期杂音,吹风样;腹平软,肝肋下1.5 cm,剑下1.5 cm,质软、缘锐,脾未扪及.  相似文献   

患儿男,因生后呼吸困难2 h由外院转入.患儿系第2胎第1产,胎龄37周,因母发热39.2℃,血白细胞11×109/L,保胎治疗无效,约12 h后自然娩出.羊水Ⅲ°,未行羊水培养.Apgar评分:1分钟7分(皮肤、呼吸、肌张力各扣1分),5分钟8分(皮肤、肌张力各扣1分).患儿呼吸困难,口周青紫,为进一步治疗转入NICU.入院查体:体重2 650 g,头围34 cm,心率150次/min,呼吸60次/min.足月儿貌,反应差,时有呻吟,全身散在针尖大小红色充血皮疹.前囟张力不高1.5 cm×1.5 cm.颈无抵抗.  相似文献   

1一般资料 患儿,男,57d,皮肤巩膜黄染1个月余入院。1个月前发现患儿皮肤及巩膜黄染,黄染渐加重,尿色变深,无白陶土样大便,无发热、咳嗽、抽搐,无呕吐、腹胀、腹泻等,生产史及家族史无特殊。查体:体温37℃,一般情况差,全身皮肤重度黄染,无出血点及瘀斑。前囟平坦,张力不高,巩膜重度黄染,心肺检查无异常。腹稍膨隆,无压痛,肝于右肋缘下5cm下可触及,脾未触及:  相似文献   

患儿,女,6个月。因双眼凝视、颈后仰半天入院。入院前腹泻四天,每日4~5次,黄绿稀便,不发烧。家长给服乳酶生、痢特灵。痢特灵每次100mg,3次/日,首次服两片,至来院时共服12片。服药第二天患儿反复咀嚼,后精神差,烦躁不安,双眼呆滞,至入院时上述症状加重,颈后仰,不哭不笑,呼之不应。查体。体温36.5℃,脉搏120次/分,神萎,反应差。前囟1.5cm×1.5cm,平坦,双眼凝视,颈软,四肢肌张力低下,腱反射未引出。辅助检查:Hb107g/L,WBC:12×10~9/L,N29%,L71%。诊断痢特灵中毒。入院后静点能量  相似文献   


The development of adolescent health and medicine as a medical discipline lags behind in Europe compared with other regions of the world. This study aims to evaluate the structure and content of adolescent medicine and health training curricula for medical students, paediatricians, and other primary care physicians in the European region. A questionnaire survey was sent by e-mail to experts in the field from 36 European countries, addressing the content of adolescent health issues. Data was obtained from all 36 countries. At the undergraduate level, seven countries reported some mandatory stand-alone teaching (sessions dealing specifically with adolescents), while seven countries reported optional stand-alone teaching. In only 7 out of 36 countries were issues critical to adolescents covered as stand-alone sessions. At the postgraduate level, 15 countries delivered stand-alone mandatory training sessions to primary, secondary, or tertiary care paediatricians, covering most of the five critical areas listed in the questionnaire. In another 13 countries, such sessions were not mandatory and were inexistent in eight of them. The coverage among school physicians was similar but was much lower among general practitioners.

Conclusion: Paediatric associations and academic institutions should advocate for a better coverage of adolescent health and medicine in the training curricula of health care providers.

What is known:

In most European countries, adolescent medicine is still poorly represented as a discipline.

Experts have recently published recommendations regarding what form the structure and content of a training curriculum in this field should take.

What is new:

This paper gives information on the extent and content of training in adolescent medicine and health as currently offered within under- and postgraduate European training curricula, in terms of stand-alone mandatory (versus optional) sessions.

In many European countries, both medical students and residents are poorly exposed to the basic knowledge and skills pertaining to adolescent health care.


Objective—To describe the long term effectiveness of a community based program targeting prevention of burns in young children.


Setting—The Norwegian city of Harstad (main intervention), six surrounding municipalities (intervention diffusion), and Trondheim (reference).

Participants—Children under age 5 years in the three study populations.

Methods—Outpatient and inpatient hospital data were coded according to the Nordic system, and collected as part of a national injury surveillance system. Burn data collection started in May 1985. The first 19.5 months of the study provided baseline data, while the last 10 years involved community based intervention, using a mix of passive and active interventions.

Results—The mean burn injury rate decreased by 51.5% after the implementation of the intervention in Harstad (p<0.05) and by 40.1% in the six municipalities (not significant). Rates in the reference city, Trondheim, increased 18.1% (not significant). In Harstad and the six surrounding municipalities there was a considerable reduction in hospital admissions, operations, and bed days. Interventions with passive strategies were more effective, stove and tap water burns being eliminated in the last four years, while active strategies were less effective.

Conclusions—A program targeting burns in children can be effective and sustainable. Local injury data provided the stimulus for community action.



In recent years, there has been a movement toward more judicious use of computed tomography (CT) imaging in an attempt to limit exposure of pediatric patients to ionizing radiation. The Image Gently Alliance and like-minded movements began advocating for safe and high-quality pediatric imaging worldwide in the late 2000s.


In the context of these efforts, we evaluate CT utilization rates in the pediatric emergency department at a major academic medical center.

Materials and methods

We tracked utilization in several categories of CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonography (US) between July 2008 and June 2017 and compared them with utilization rates from 2000 to 2006.


A total of 4,955 pediatric patients underwent a total of 5,973 CT scans, 2,775 US studies and 293 MRI scans while in the pediatric emergency department during the 2008–2017 study period. We observed decreases in CT scans across all categories, ranging from a 19% decrease in abdominal CT to a 66% decrease in chest CT. Relatively greater decreases in CT scans were observed in patients younger than 3 years of age as compared to older children and adolescents. Abdominal and pelvic US increased. Brain MRI also increased over the final two years of the study.


CT utilization decreased throughout the 2008–2017 study period.


Renesme  Laurent  Allen  A.  Audeoud  F.  Bouvard  C.  Brandicourt  A.  Casper  C.  Cayemaex  L.  Denoual  H.  Duboz  M. A.  Evrard  A.  Fichtner  C.  Fischer-Fumeaux  C. J.  Girard  L.  Gonnaud  F.  Haumont  D.  Hüppi  P.  Knezovic  N.  Laprugne-Garcia  E.  Legouais  S.  Mons  F.  Pelofy  V.  Picaud  J. C.  Pierrat  V.  Pladys  P.  Reynaud  A.  Souet  G.  Thiriez  G.  Tourneux  P.  Touzet  M.  Truffert  P.  Zaoui  C.  Zana-Taieb  E.  Zores  C.  Sizun  J.  Kuhn  P. 《European journal of pediatrics》2019,178(10):1545-1558

We sought to establish guidelines for hygiene care in newborns based on a systematic review of the literature and grading of evidence using the Groupe de Réflexion et d’Evaluation de l’Environement des Nouveau-nés (GREEN) methodology. We examined 45 articles and 4 reports from safety agencies. These studies recommend a tub bath (rather than a sponge bath) for full-term infants and a swaddle bath for preterm newborns. They also recommend against daily cleansing of preterm infants. The literature emphasized that hygiene care must consider the clinical state of the newborn, including the level of awareness and behavioral responses. Hospitalized newborns treated with topical agents may also experience high exposure to potentially harmful excipients of interest. Caregivers should therefore be aware of the excipients present in the different products they use. In high-resource countries, the available data do not support the use of protective topical agents for preterm infants.

Conclusions: We recommend individualization of hygiene care for newborns. There is increasing concern regarding the safety of excipients in topical agents that are used in neonatology. A multidisciplinary approach should be used to identify an approach that requires lower levels of excipients and alternative excipients.

What is known:

Hygiene care is one of the most basic and widespread types of care received by healthy and sick newborns worldwide.

• There is no current guideline on hygiene for preterm or hospitalized term newborn.

What is new:

The French Group of Reflection and Evaluation of the environment of Newborns (GREEN) provided here guidelines based on the current body of evidence.

• Caregivers should be aware of the many issues related to hygiene care of newborns including newborns’ behavioral responses to hygiene care, exposition to excipients of interest, and the potential risk of protective topical agents in a preterm infant. provided here guidelines based on the current body of evidence.

• Caregivers should be aware of the many issues related to hygiene care of newborns including newborns’ possible behavioral responses to hygiene care, exposition to excipients of interest and the potential risk of protective topical agents in a preterm infant.



The prevalence of allergic diseases in children is markedly increasing to epidemic proportions. The aim of this study is to describe the presence and examine associated parental and child characteristics of allergic sensitization and physician-diagnosed allergy in Dutch children at age 10 years. This study among 5471 children was performed in a population-based prospective cohort from fetal life onwards. Allergic sensitization was measured by skin prick tests. Physician-diagnosed allergy and parental and child characteristics were collected by questionnaires. In children aged 10 years, inhalant and food allergic sensitization was present in 32.2% and 7.1%, and physician-diagnosed inhalant and food allergy in 12.4% and 2.3%. Maternal and paternal history of allergy, eczema or asthma was associated with increased risks of physician-diagnosed inhalant allergy (aOR (95% CI) 1.44 (1.23–1.70) and 1.59 (1.30–1.94), respectively), but not with food allergy. Asthma and eczema ever at age 10 years were associated with increased risks of physician-diagnosed inhalant allergy (4.60 (3.55–5.96) and 2.42 (1.94–3.03), respectively). Eczema ever at age 10 years was associated with an increased risk of physician-diagnosed food allergy (5.78, 3.04–9.52), with the highest risk of cashew (7.36, 3.20–16.94) and peanut (5.58, 3.08–10.10) food allergy.

Conclusions: We found strong effects of parental history of allergy, eczema or asthma on the presence of physician-diagnosed inhalant allergy in children at age 10 years. Eczema ever at age 10 years was a strong risk factor for the development of physician-diagnosed inhalant and food allergy.

What is Known:

• The prevalence of allergic diseases in children has markedly increased.

• Early-life influences are critically important in the development of allergic diseases.

What is New:

• Maternal and paternal history of allergy, eczema or asthma is associated with increased risks of physician-diagnosed inhalant allergy but not with food allergy.

• Eczema ever at age 10 years is associated with an increased risk of physician-diagnosed food allergy, with the highest risk for cashew and peanut food allergy.



No normal measurements or specific size criteria have been described for cervical lymph nodes in children.


To determine the normal measurements of cervical lymph nodes in children on CT.

Materials and methods

We included 142 children (ages 1–17 years) who underwent cervical CT examination after high-energy trauma. We evaluated axial and coronal 2-mm reconstructions for lymph nodes at six cervical levels. For the largest lymph node at each level, we measured diameters in both the long and short axial axes and the long coronal axis.


A total of 733 lymph nodes were measured in 142 children (62% boys, 38% girls). The greatest measured diameters were 14 mm for the short axis in the axial plane, 24 mm for the long axis in the axial plane and 28 mm for the long axis in the coronal plane. The Pearson correlation coefficient for age and lymph node size at Levels IV–VI was in the range of 0.19–0.47.


Lymph nodes with an axial short-axis diameter exceeding 15 mm for Level II and 10 mm for all other cervical levels are uncommon in otherwise healthy children.



Inherited antithrombin (AT) deficiency is a rare autosomal dominant disorder, caused by mutations in the AT gene (SERPINC1). Considering that the genotype phenotype relationship in AT deficiency patients remains unclear, especially in pediatric patients, the aim of our study was to evaluate genotype phenotype correlation in a Serbian pediatric population. A retrospective cohort study included 19 children younger than 18 years, from 15 Serbian families, with newly diagnosed AT deficiency. In 21% of the recruited families, mutations affecting exon 4, 5, and 6 of the SERPINC1 gene that causes type I AT deficiency were detected. In the remaining families, the mutation in exon 2 causing type II HBS (AT Budapest 3) was found. Thrombosis events were observed in 1 (33%) of those with type I, 11 (85%) of those with AT Budapest 3 in the homozygous respectively, and 1(33%) in the heterozygous form. Recurrent thrombosis was observed only in AT Budapest 3 in the homozygous form, in 27% during initial treatment of the first thrombotic event. Abdominal venous thrombosis and arterial ischemic stroke, observed in almost half of the children from the group with AT Budapest 3 in the homozygous form, were unprovoked in all cases.

Conclusion: Type II HBS (AT Budapest 3) in the homozygous form is a strong risk factor for arterial and venous thrombosis in pediatric patients.

What is Known:

Inherited AT deficiency is a rare autosomal dominant disorder, caused by mutations in the SERPINC1gene.

The genotype phenotype correlation in AT deficiency patients remains unclear, especially in pediatric patients.

What is New:

The genetic results for our paediatric population predominantly showed the presence of a single specific mutation in exon 2, that causes type II HBS deficiency (AT Budapest 3).

In this group thrombosis mostly occurred as unprovoked, in almost half of them as abdominal thrombosis or stroke with high incidence of recurrent thrombosis, in 27% during initial treatment.



Early recognition of critically ill patients is of paramount importance to reduce pediatric mortality and morbidity. We created a risk stratification system combining vital parameters and predefined risk factors aimed at reducing the risk of unrecognized clinical deterioration compared with conventional Pediatric Early Warning Systems (PEWS). This single-center retrospective case cohort study included infants (gestational age ≥ 37 weeks) to adolescents (aged <18 years) with unplanned pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission between April 01, 2014, and February 28, 2018. The sensitivity in the 24 h prior to endpoint of the Pediatric Risk Evaluation and Stratification System (PRESS) was compared with that of the conventional PEWS and calculated as the proportion of study patients who received a high-risk score. Seventy-four PICU admissions were included. PRESS and PEWS sensitivities at 2 h prior to endpoint were 0.70 (95%CI 0.59 to 0.80) and 0.30 (95%CI 0.20 to 0.42) respectively (p < 0.001). Excluding patients with seizures, PRESS sensitivity increased to 0.75 (95%CI 0.64 to 0.85). Forty-nine patients (66%) scored positive on at least one high-risk factor, and “worried sign” was scored in 31 patients (42%).

Conclusion: Risk stratification seems advantageous for a faster detection of clinical deterioration, providing opportunity for earlier intervention.

What is Known:

• Prompt detection of clinical deterioration is of essential importance to reduce morbidity and mortality.

• Conventional Pediatric Early Warning Systems (PEWS) have limited sensitivity and a short window of detection of 1 to 2 h.

What is New:

• Risk stratification based on context factors allows earlier identification of patients at risk, well before deviation of vital signs.

• Risk stratification combined with continuous monitoring of deteriorating trends in vital signs could lead to the development of next-generation warning systems achieving true patient safety.


Wang  Qi  Luo  Mengqi  Xie  Xiaolong  Wu  Yang  Xiang  Bo 《European journal of pediatrics》2019,178(10):1537-1544

We performed a prospective study to explore a diagnosis and treatment protocol of transient intussusception in children (TIC). Totally, 143 children with intussusception who met the inclusion criteria were firstly divided into intussusception involving only the small bowel and intussusception involving the colon group. And in each group, they were further divided into short-segment (≤ 3.0 cm) and long-segment (> 3.0 cm) groups according to the length of intussusception. After a period of conservative treatment, the incidence of TIC, the incidence of surgery, and recurrence were collected and analyzed. Finally, we found that the incidence of TIC in the short-segment group of small bowel intussusception (96.29%) was significantly higher than that in other groups (P ≤ 0.001). Besides, the incidence of surgery and recurrence in this group was relatively low too. Therefore, we summarized the inclusion criteria and treatments to the short-segment group of small bowel intussusception as the suggested protocol to TIC.

Conclusion: For cases of small bowel intussusception with no identified pathologic lead point, a short duration of symptoms, a length of ≤ 3.0 cm, a relatively abundant vascular flow signal, and a stable general condition, the spontaneous reduction could be expected and a period of conservative treatment with careful monitoring is recommended.

What is Known:

• The phenomenon of spontaneous reduction in intussusception (transient intussusception) among pediatric patients has been widely reported.

• To distinguish the transient intussusception from the other types is important for the transient ones only need conservative treatment rather than enema reduction or surgery.

What is New:

• This is the first prospective study to explore a diagnosis and treatment protocol of transient intussusception in children.

• Short-segment small bowel intussusceptions have a higher rate (96.29%) to get spontaneous reduction than the other types of intussusception.


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