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As part of an experimental study of the ventral striatum, the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method was used to examine the afferent and efferent neuronal connections of the nucleus accumbens. Following iontophoretic applications or hydraulic injections of HRP in nucleus accumbens, cells labeled by retrograde transport of HRP were observed in the ipsilateral telencephalon in the posterior agranular insular, perirhinal, entorhinal, and primary olfactory cortices, in the subiculum and hippocampal field CA1, and in the anterior and posterior divisions of the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus. In the diencephalon, labeled neurons were present ipsilaterally in the central medial, paracentral and parafascicular intralaminar nuclei, and in the midline nuclei parataenialis, paraventricularis, and reuniens. Retrograde labeling was observed in the ipsilateral brainstem in cells of the ventral tegmental area and dorsal raphe. Many of these projections to nucleus accumbens were found to be topographically organized. Anterograde transport of HRP from nucleus accumbens demonstrated ipsilateral terminal fields in the ventral pallidum and substantia nigra, pars reticulata. The afferent projections to nucleus accumbens from the posterior insular and perirhinal neocortices, intralaminar thalamus, and the dopamine-containing ventral tegmental area are analogous to the connections of the caudatoputamen, as are the efferents from nucleus accumbens to the substantia nigra and ventral globus pallidus. These connections substantiate the classification of nucleus accumbens as a striatal structure and provide support for the recently proposed concept of the ventral striatum. Furthermore, the demonstration that a number of limbic system structures, including the amygdala, hippocampal formation, entorhinal cortex, and olfactory cortex are important sources of afferents to the nucleus accumbens, suggests that the ventral striatum may serve to integrate limbic information into the striatal system.  相似文献   

Previous histological and histochemical studies have provided evidence that the globus pallidus (external pallidal segment) as conventionally delineated in the rat extends ventrally and rostrally beneath the transverse limb of the anterior commissure, invading the olfactory tubercle with its most ventral ramifications. This infracommissural subdivision of the globus pallidus or ventral pallidum (VP) is most selectively identified by being pervaded by a dense plexus of substance-P-positive striatofugal fibers; the extent of this plexus indicates that the VP behind the anterior commissure continues dorsally over some distance into the anteroventromedial part of the generally recognized (supracommissural) globus pallidus; the adjoining anterodorsolateral pallidal region, here named dorsal pallidum (DP), receives only few substance-P-positive fibers, but contains a dense plexus of enkephalin-positive striatal afferents that also pervades VP. Available autoradiographic data indicate that VP and DP receive their striatal innervation from two different subdivisions of the striatum: whereas VP is innervated by a large, anteroventromedial striatal region receiving substantial inputs from a variety of limbic and limbic-system-associated structures (and therefore called "limbic striatum"), DP receives its striatal input from an anterodorsolateral striatal sector receiving only sparse limbic afferents ("nonlimbic" striatum) but instead heavily innervated by the sensorimotor cortex. The present autoradiographic study has produced evidence that this dichotomy in the striatopallidal projection is to a large extent continued beyond the globus pallidus: whereas the efferents of DP were traced to the subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra, those of VP were found to involve not only the subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra but also the frontocingulate (and adjoining medial sensorimotor) cortex, the amygdala, lateral habenular and mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, hypothalamus, ventral tegmental area, and tegmental regions farther caudal and dorsal in the midbrain. These findings indicate that the ventral pallidum can convey striatopallidal outflow of limbic antecedents not only into extrapyramidal circuits but also back into the circuitry of the limbic system.  相似文献   

As part of an experimental study of the ventral striatum, the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) method was used to examine the afferent and efferent neuronal connections of the olfactory tubercle. Following iontophoretic applications or hydraulic injections of HRP in the tubercle, neurons labeled by retrograde transport of HRP were observed ipsilaterally in the telencephalon in the main olfactory bulb, the medial, lateral, ventral, and posterior divisions of the anterior olfactory nucleus, and in the orbital, ventral, and posterior agranular insular, primary olfactory, perirhinal, and entorhinal cortices. Labeled cells were also present in the basolateral, basomedial, anterior cortical, and posterolateral cortical amygdaloid nuclei, and bilaterally in the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract. In the diencephalon, ipsilateral HRP-containing neurons were observed in the midline nuclei paraventricularis, parataenialis, and reuniens, and in the parafascicular intralaminar nucleus. Retrograde labeling was present in the ipsilateral brainstem in cells of the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, and dorsal raphe. Many of the above projections to the tubercle were found to be topographically organized. Anterograde axonal transport of HRP from the olfactory tubercle labeled terminal fields ipsilaterally in all parts of the anterior olfactory nucleus, in the ventral pallidum, and in the substantia nigra, pars reticulata. Contralaterally, terminal fields were present in the dorsal and lateral divisions of the anterior olfactory nucleus. The projections to the tubercle from the orbital, ventral, and posterior agranular insular, and perirhinal neocortices, intralaminar thalamus, and dopamine-containing areas of the ventral mesencephalon are analogous to the connections of the caudatoputamen, as are the efferents from the tubercle to the ventral globus pallidus and substantia nigra. These connections substantiate the recent suggestion that the olfactory tubercle is a striatal structure, and provide support for the ventral striatal concept. In the present study of the olfactory tubercle, and in the first study in this series on the nucleus accumbens, the ventral striatum was found to receive projections from a number of limbic system structures, including the main olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nucleus, amygdala, hippocampus, and subiculum, and the entorhinal and primary olfactory cortices. These findings suggest that the ventral striatum is concerned with integrating limbic information into the striatal system.  相似文献   

Efferent connections of the habenular nuclei in the rat.   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The efferent connections of the medial (MHb) and lateral (LHb) habenular nuclei in the rat were demonstrated autoradiographically following small injections of tritiated amino acids localized within various parts of the habenular complex. Comparison of individual cases led to the following conclusions. MHb efferents form the core portion of the fasciculus retroflexus and pass to the interpeduncular nucleus (IP) in which they terminate in a topographic pattern that refects 90 degrees rotations such that dorsal MHb projects to lateral IP, medial MHb to ventral, and lateral MHb to dorsal IP. Most MHb fibers cross in the interpeduncular necleus in the "figure 8" pattern described by Cajal, and terminate throughout the width of IP with only moderate preference for the ipsilateral side. However, the most dorsal part of MHb projects almost exclusively to the most lateral IP zone in a cluster pattern that is particularly dense on the ipsilateral side. The MHb appears to have no other significant projections, but very sparse MHb fibers may pass to the supracommissural septum and to the median raphe nucleus. Except for some fibers passing ventrally into the mediodorsal nucleus, all of the LHb efferents enter the fasciculus retroflexus and compose the mantle portion of the bundle. No LHb projections follow the stria medullaris. In the ventral tegmental area LHb efferents become organized into groups that disperse in several directions: (a) Rostrally directed fibers follow the medial forebrain bundle to the lateral, posterior and dorsomedial hypothalamic nuclei, ventromedial thalamic nucleus, lateral preoptic area, substantia innominata and ventrolateral septum. (b) Fibers turning laterally distribute to the substantia nigra, pars compacta (SNC); a small number continue through SNC to adjacent tegmentum. (c) The largest contingent of LHb efferents passes dorsocaudally into paramedian midbrain regions including median and dorsal raphe nuclei, and to adjacent tegmental reticular formation. Sparse addition LHb projections pass to the pretectal area, superior colliculus, nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis, parabrachial nuclei and locus coeruleus. No LHb projections appear to involve the interpeduncular nucleus. All of these connections are in varying degree bilateral, with decussations in the supramammillary region, ventral tegmental area and median raphe nucleus. On the basis of differential afferent and efferent connections, the LHb can be divided into a medial (M-LHb) and a lateral (L-LHb) portion. The M-LHb, receiving most of its afferents from limbic regions and only few from globus pallidus, projects mainly to the raphe nuclei, while L-LHb, afferented mainly by globus pallidus and in lesser degree by the limbic forebrain, projects predominantly to a large region of reticular formation alongside the median raphe nucleus. Both M-LHb and L-LHb, however, project to SNC. The reported data are discussed in correlation with recent histochemical findings.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to establish the precise anatomical relationship of the subthalamic nucleus (STh) with limbic lobe-afferented parts of the basal ganglia in the rat. The anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L), injected in the STh, the globus pallidus, the ventral pallidum, the ventral striatum, and the parafascicular thalamic nucleus, and the retrograde tracers Fluoro-Gold (FG) and cholera toxin B (CTb), injected in the globus pallidus, the ventral pallidum, the ventral striatum, and the ventral mesencephalon, were used for this purpose. The results of these tracing experiments confirm the general notion of reciprocal connections between the STh and pallidal areas. Thus the dorsomedial part of the STh is connected with the subcommisural ventral pallidum, whereas a more ventral and lateral part of the medial STh is related to the medial globus pallidus. The lateral hypothalamic area, directly adjacent to the STh, containing neurons with a morphology quite similar to those in the STh, projects to parts of the ventral pallidum related to the olfactory tubercle. The reciprocal projection from this pallidal area to subthalamic regions appears to be very sparse. The medial STh sends strong projections to the medial part of the entopeduncular nucleus and the adjacent lateral hypothalamic area. Sparser projections from the medial STh reach the rostral and medial part of the caudate-putamen and the nucleus accumbens. The nucleus accumbens sends a very sparse projection back to the medial STh. The projections of the medial STh to the ventral mesencephalon appear also to be topographically organized. The lateral hypothalamus and a few cells in the most medial part of the STh project to the ventral tegmental area, whereas progressively more lateral parts of the ventral mesencephalon, in particular the substantia nigra, receive input from successively more lateral and caudal parts of the STh. In addition, a number of STh fibers reach the midbrain extrapyramidal area. The lateral part of the parafascicular thalamic nucleus projects to the lateral part of the STh, whereas parafascicular neurons medial to the fasciculus retroflexus project to the dorsomedial portion of the STh. The medial part of the STh and the adjacent lateral hypothalamus are intimately connected with limbic parts of the basal ganglia in a way similar and parallel to the connections of the lateral STh with motor-related parts of the basal ganglia. These findings suggest a role for the STh in nonmotor functions of the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters contained in the efferents of the striatum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transmitters contained in the efferent projections of the striatum were studied by producing two types of lesions: coronal hemitransections just anterior to the globus pallidus, and semi-circular knife cuts that isolated a considerable portion of the globus pallidus from the striatum to produce 'GP islands'. The levels of substance P and Met-enkephalin in the globus pallidus, entopeduncular nucleus and substantia nigra were measured after these lesions. For comparison, the effect of these lesions on glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and choline acetyltransferase (CAT) in some of these projection areas of the striatum was assessed. Both lesions caused similar reductions in substance P levels in each of the three striatal projection areas. In contrast, hemitransections reduced Met-enkephalin levels only in the globus pallidus. Both lesions reduced pallidal and entopeduncular GAD activity while nigral GAD activity was reduced only by the hemitransections. CAT activity was reduced in the globus pallidus by both lesions but was unaltered in the entopeduncular nucleus. However, additional experiments ruled out the existence of a striato-pallidal cholinergic projection. GAD activity and Met-enkephalin levels were significantly increased in the striatum anterior to the lesions. In contrast, CAT activity and substance P levels did not change in this region. The results support and broaden emerging view of the organization of the neurons containing the various transmitter candidates of the efferent projections of the striatum.  相似文献   

The efferent connections of the striatum and the nucleus accumbens of the lizard Gekko gecko were studied with the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). These structures were found to have segregated output systems. The striatum shows a major projection to the globus pallidus. Striatal fibers which are more caudally directed run through the lateral forebrain bundle and can be traced as far caudally as the pars reticularis of the substantia nigra where they exhibit many varicosities. Along its course, the lateral forebrain bundle issues fibers with varicosities to the anterior and posterior entopeduncular nuclei. The major recipient structure of the nucleus accumbens is the ventral pallidum. The nucleus accumbens, in addition, projects to the portion of the lateral hypothalamus in the path of the medial forebrain bundle and to the ventral tegmental area, which is its most caudal target. Subsequently, the same technique was used in an attempt to study the efferents of the globus pallidus and the ventral pallidum, the major recipient structures of the striatum and the nucleus accumbens. The globus pallidus was found to project to the rostral part of the suprapeduncular nucleus in the ventral thalamus and, in addition, may distribute fibers to the same structures as does the striatum. The ventral pallidum distributes fibers to the ventromedial thalamic nucleus. It probably also projects diffusely to the hypothalamus, the habenula, and the mesencephalic tegmentum.  相似文献   

The striatum receives topographic cortical inputs with the limbic lobe terminating in the ventral striatum and sensorimotor cortical regions terminating in the dorsolateral striatum. The organization of striatonigral projections originating from these different striatal territories was examined in primate by using several anterograde tracers. The ventral striatum innervates a large area of the substantia nigra, including the medial pars reticulata and much of the pars compacta. Moreover, projections from separate areas of the ventral striatum overlap considerably in the substantia nigra. No mediolateral or rostrocaudal topographic order is apparent, and the area of the substantia nigra associated with the ventral striatum is extensive. In contrast, the sensorimotor-related striatum innervates a limited region of the ventrolateral substantia nigra. Similar to ventral striatonigral projections, projections originating from different areas of the sensorimotor-related striatum send converging inputs to the substantia nigra. Sensorimotor-related striatonigral projections avoid the region of the dopaminergic neurons in the dorsal pars compacta. Striatonigral projections from the sensorimotor-related and ventral striatum do not overlap in the substantia nigra. Examination of the outputs of discrete striatal loci indicates that the organization of striatonigral projections is more related to corticostriatal inputs than to a simple rostrocaudal, dorsoventral, or mediolateral tpography of the striatum. Striatal projections that originate from different striatal territories are distinct and nonoverlapping, thus supporting the concept of segregated striatonigral circuits. However, areas of the striatum that receive common cortical inputs send converging inputs to the substantia nigra. This suggests that the substantia nigra is also an important link for integrating information between functionally related (sub)circuits. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuronal localization of cannabinoid receptors in the basal ganglia of the rat   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Cannabinoid receptors have recently been characterized and localized using a high-affinity radiolabeled cannabinoid analog in section binding assays. In rat brain, the highest receptor densities are in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra pars reticulata. Receptors are also dense in the caudate-putamen. In order to determine the neuronal localization of these receptors, selective lesions of key striatal afferent and efferent systems were made. Striatal neurons and efferent projections were selectively destroyed by unilateral infusion of ibotenic acid into the caudate-putamen. The nigrostriatal pathway was selectively destroyed in another set of animals by infusion of 6-hydroxydopamine into the medial forebrain bundle. After 2- or 4-week survivals, slide-mounted brain sections were incubated with ligands selective for cannabinoid ([3H]CP 55,940), dopamine D1 3H]SCH-23390) and D2 ([3H]raclopride) receptors, and dopamine uptake sites ([3H]GBR-12935). Slides were exposed to 3H-sensitive film. The resulting autoradiography showed ibotenate-induced losses of cannabinoid, D1 and D2 receptors in the caudate-putamen and topographic losses of cannabinoid and D1 receptors in the globus pallidus, entopeduncular nucleus, and substantia nigra pars reticulata at both survivals. Four weeks after medial forebrain bundle lesions (which resulted in amphetamine-induced rotations), there was loss of dopamine uptake sites in the striatum and substantia nigra pars compacta but no change in cannabinoid receptor binding. The data show that cannabinoid receptors in the basal ganglia are neuronally located on striatal projection neurons, including their axons and terminals. Cannabinoid receptors may be co-localized with D1 receptors on striatonigral neurons. Cannabinoid receptors are not localized on dopaminergic nigrostriatal cell bodies or terminals.  相似文献   

The present study describes the thalamic innervation coming from the rat parafascicular nucleus (PF) onto striatal and subthalamic efferent neurons projecting either to the globus pallidus (GP) or to the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) by using a protocol for multiple neuroanatomical tracing. Both striatofugal neurons targeting the ipsilateral SNr (direct pathway) as well as striatal efferent neurons projecting to the ipsilateral GP (indirect pathway) were located within the terminal fields of the thalamostriatal afferents. In the subthalamic nucleus (STN), both neurons projecting to ipsilateral GP as well as neurons projecting to ipsilateral SNr also appear to receive thalamic afferents. Although the projections linking the caudal intralaminar nuclei with the ipsilateral striatum and STN are far more prominent, we also noticed that thalamic axons could gain access to the contralateral STN. Furthermore, a small number of STN neurons were seen to project to both the contralateral GP and PF nuclei. These ipsi- and contralateral projections enable the caudal intralaminar nuclei to modulate the activity of both the direct and the indirect pathway.  相似文献   

The afferent connections of the striatum and the nucleus accumbens of the lizard Gekko gecko were studied with retrograde tracing by means of horseradish peroxidase and Fluoro-Gold and with anterograde tracing by means of Phaseolus vulgaris leukoagglutinin. The striatum receives projections from the cortex, the dorsal ventricular ridge, the lateral amygdaloid nucleus, the globus pallidus, the anterior peduncular nucleus, the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra, the area ventral to the substantia nigra, and the dorsal thalamus. The nucleus accumbens is projected upon by the cortex, the diagonal band, the ventral pallidum, the lateral preoptic area, the ventral tegmental area, and the dorsal thalamus. The source of the cortical projection to the striatum and the nucleus accumbens is a longitudinal zone in the dorsal cortex that, rostrally in the hemisphere, is located medially and, more caudally, in its middle one third. The medial and rostrolateral areas of the dorsal ventricular ridge each project to the striatum in a vertical zone. The fibers from the caudolateral area of the ridge end in two oblique bands located parallel to the border between the dorsal ventricular ridge and the striatum. The pathways from the mesencephalic tegmentum to the striatum and the nucleus accumbens show a medial to lateral topography. This is similar to the situation in birds, but contrary to that in mammals in which these pathways are extensively interconnected. The specific sensory nuclei of the dorsal thalamus were found to project not only to the dorsal ventricular ridge, but also, and in a topographical fashion, to the striatum. The dorsomedial thalamic nucleus, which innervates the dorsal ventricular ridge, has additional projections to the striatum and the nucleus accumbens. This projection pattern is similar to that of the intralaminar thalamic nuclei of birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The efferent projections of the medial geniculate nucleus (MG) and its adjacent nuclei to the basal ganglia were studied in the rat by the antero- and retrograde tracing methods. Injections of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase into the caudal parts of the striatum and globus pallidus produced retrograde neuronal labeling in the medial division of the MG (MGm) and its adjacent structures including the suprageniculate, posterior intralaminar and peripeduncular nuclei, and substantia nigra pars lateralis. Injections of [3H]leucine into the MG and its surroundings resulted in anterograde labeling not only in the striatum but also in the globus pallidus. The resulting labeling was distributed exclusively in the caudal parts of these two nuclei. The electron microscopic autoradiography showed preferential radiolabeling of terminals and myelinated axons in both the globus pallidus and striatum. Labeled terminals in the pallidum mostly made symmetrical synapses on somata and major dendrites, while labeled terminals in the striatum established asymmetrical synapses on dendritic spines. These morphological differences in the synapses of the efferent systems originating from the MGm and its surrounding region suggest functional/chemical differentiations at their target sites in the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase was injected in various parts of the caudate nucleus and the putamen of monkeys to ascertain the relative locations of striatal projecting cells in the mesencephalon. The nigrostriatal component, as expected, is the greatest but numerous cells of the mesencephalic raphe system also project to the striatum. The projections from the pars compacta are organized in a topographical manner in all principal planes. The rostral two thirds of the substantia nigra are related to the head of the caudate nucleus. Nigral neurons projecting to the putamen are more posteriorly located and display an anteroposterior topography. The medial two thirds of the pars compacta send efferents to the head of the caudate nucleus from ventromedial to laterodorsal regions, reflecting a mediolateral topographical relationship. An inverse relationship exists dorsoventrally between nigra and caudate so that ventral compacta cells project to dorsal caudate and the dorsally situated neurons project to ventral-ventro-medial caudate regions. The dorsal and lateral parts of the putamen are more intimately related to the lateral and posterior nigra; by contrast, the ventral and ventromedial putamen receives more afferents from medial and central regions of the substantia nigra. A large group of cells in the tegmentum dorsal and medial to the medial lemniscus shows continuity with the pars compacta, and has similar connections with the striatum. This cell group should be included with the pars compacta. Significant overlap exists between the projection fields in all planes, making the nigrostriatal topographical organization seem less than precise. This apparent lack of point-to-point reciprocity may be due to the considerable size difference between the striatum and the substantia nigra. The raphe nuclei project to the greater part of the striatum but more significantly to its ventral and medial regions. The paranigral cell group sends its efferents mainly to the ventral striatum.  相似文献   

With the anterograde tracers Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) and biotinylated dextranamine (BD), direct spinal connections from the upper cervical spinal cord (UC; C1 and C2) and the cervical enlargement (CE; C5-T1) were demonstrated in various striatal and limbic nuclei in both squirrel monkey and rat. Within each species and from each spinal level, the total number of terminals seen in the limbic and striatal areas was approximately 50–80% of the number seen within the thalamus. Labeled terminal structures were seen in the hypothalamic nuclei, ventral striatum, globus pallidus, amygdala, preoptic area, and septal nuclei. In both species, the number of labeled terminals in limbic and striatal regions was larger from UC than from CE, although the distributions to each nucleus varied with the specific lamina injected. In both species and from both UC and CE, approximately one-half of the projections to striatal and limbic areas terminated in the hypothalamus. The only region that demonstrated a topographical organization was the globus pallidus, where terminals from the CE were located dorsomedially to those from the UC. In the rat, UC and CE injections into the lateral dorsal horn and pericentral laminae resulted in the largest number of limbic and striatal terminations. The proportion of ipsilateral terminations was greatest when the medial laminae in the UC or the lateral dorsal horn in the CE received injections. Analysis of the morphology of these spinohypothalamic and spinotelencephalic terminals showed that, in the squirrel monkey, terminals from CE injections were larger than terminals from UC injections; no such size difference was evident in the rat. However, limbic and striatal terminals in the rat were generally larger than those in the squirrel monkey following injections into the UC or CE. The exact function of these direct spinal projections to various striatal and limbic areas in primates and in rodents remains to be determined. These findings, however, support recent imaging studies that suggest that the limbic system plays an important role in the mediation of chronic pain, perhaps directly through these spinolimbic and spinostriatal pathways. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Projections of thalamic and cortical gustatory areas in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The method of Nauta was used to stain axons which degenerated after lesions of the thalamic projection nucleus and cortical zone subserving gustation in the rat. Lesions of the medial subnucleus of the thalamic ventral nuclear complex resulted principally in degeneration which passed rostrolaterally through the thalamus, internal capsule, globus pallidus, and striatum to terminate in insular and inferior parietal cortex around the region of the middle cerebral artery. Lesions of this cortical projection zone resulted in degeneration which passed caudomedially through the same striatal and pallidal areas traversed by the thalamocortical fibers. One component of these fibers continued into the thalamus to terminate just dorsal to the medial subnucleus. A second component turned caudally into the cerebral peduncle to terminate in the substantia nigra. There was evidence of terminal degeneration in the striatum but not in the pallidum after both thalamic and cortical lesions. There was no evidence of degeneration in any structures primarily associated with olfactory or alimentary functions.  相似文献   

The topographic organization of neostriatal connections was investigated by axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase, tritiated amino acids, or mixtures of both injected into the neostriatum of macaque monkeys. Striatal projections to pallidum and substantia nigra and the origin of projections to striatum from cerebral cortex and substantia nigra were examined. All striatal injections gave rise to projections to external and internal pallidum and to substantia nigra. Injections in caudate nucleus and in putamen both gave rise to substantial projections to pallidum and to substantia nigra, and the ratio of pallidal and nigral projections was generally similar. The striatopallidal projection showed prominent arborizations at right angles to the striatofugal pathway traversing the pallidum, forming in this manner terminal fields consisting of multiple bands or discs within a broad segment of the pallidum. Thus separate but neighboring regions of striatum appeared to have overlapping pallidal projection territories. In broad terms, rostral striatum projects to rostral pallidum, caudal striatum to caudal pallidum, and dorsal and ventral striatum, respectively, to dorsal and ventral pallidum. Inner (medial) and outer (lateral) putamen showed only subtle differences in pallidal projection patterns. The striatonigral projection from each injected area of striatum formed a longitudinal band extending over the entire length of the substantia nigra, with scattered, dense terminal fields occupying portions of pars compacta as well as pars reticularis. Rostral striatum projected to medial nigra and caudal striatum to lateral nigra. Terminal fields from ventral striatum were located somewhat more dorsally in the substantia nigra than those from dorsal striatum. Neighboring but separate regions of striatum appeared to have overlapping nigral projection territories, especially in caudal nigra. The nigrostriatal neurons projecting to an injected area of striatum generally were located in the same longitudinal band of the substantia nigra as the corresponding striatonigral projection. Labeled pars compacta neurons were often surrounded by a dense, labeled striatonigral terminal field, suggesting the existence of a striato-nigrostriatal loop. The rostromedial pars compacta contained labeled neuronal cell bodies in most cases, suggesting a widely divergent projection to striatum from this cell group. A slight tendency for preferential cell labeling rostrally in nigra with rostral striatal injection and caudally in nigra with caudal injections was noted. The preferred relationship of lateral nigra with caudal striatum and medial nigra with rostral striatum has implications for clinical expression of Parkinson's disease, which may vary with differential involvement of different nigral cell groups along the medial to lateral axis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The projections of the pedunulopontine tegmental nucleus (PPT) were studied in the rat using anterograde and retrograde transport methods. Ascending fibers to the substantia nigra, the subthalamic nucleus, the globus pallidus, the entopeduncular nucleus, the neostriatum, the ventral thalamus, and the medial and sulcal frontal cortical areas were identified. PPT has been reported to receive afferents from the substantia nigra, the subthalamic nucleus, the entopeduncular nucleus and the neostriatum. The connections of PPT provide an additional limb to extrapyramidal circuitry.  相似文献   

The organization of the dopaminergic mesostriatal fibers and their patterns of innervation of the basal ganglia in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) were studied immunohistochemically with an antiserum raised against tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Numerous fibers arose from midbrain TH-positive cell bodies of the substantia nigra pars compacta (group A9), the retrorubral area (group A8), and the lateral portion of the ventral tegmental area (group A10). These fibers accumulated dorsomedially to the rostral pole of the substantia nigra where they formed a massive bundle that coursed through the prerubral field and ascended along the laterodorsal aspect of the medial fore-brain bundle in the lateral hypothalamus. Some ventrally located fibers ran throughout the rostrocaudal extent of the lateral preopticohypothalamic area and could be followed up to the olfactory tubercle, whereas other fibers turned laterodorsally to invade the head of the caudate nucleus. At more dorsal levels in the lateral hypothalamus, many fiber fascicles detached themselves from the main bundle and swept laterally to reach the globus pallidus, the putamen, and the amygdala. Several TH-positive fibers coursed along the dorsal surface of the subthalamic nucleus, and some invaded the dorsomedial third of this structure. The remaining portion of the subthalamic nucleus contained relatively few TH-positive elements. In contrast, the globus pallidus received a dense dopaminergic innervation deriving mostly from two fascicles that coursed backward along the two major output pathways of the pallidum: the lenticular fasciculus caudodorsally and the ansa lenticularis rostroventrally. At the pallidal level, the labeled fibres merged within the medullary laminae and arborized profusely in the internal pallidal segment and less abundantly in the external pallidal segment. However, the caudoventral portion of the external pallidum displayed a dense field of TH-positive axonal varicosities. Other fibers ran through the dorsal two-thirds of the external pallidum en route to the putamen. The striatum contained a multitude of thin axonal varicosities among which a few long and varicosed fibers were scattered. These immunoreactive neuronal profiles were rather uniformly distributed along the rostrocaudal extent of the striatum but appeared slightly more numerous in the ventral striatum than in the dorsal striatum. The pattern of distribution of the TH-positive axonal varicosities in the dorsal striatum was markedly heterogeneous: it consisted of typical zones of poor TH immunoreactivity lying within a matrix of dense terminal labeling.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

ARPP-21, a cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, has been studied by immunocytochemistry to determine its cellular and regional distribution in rat brain. This study demonstrates that ARPP-21 immunoreactivity is present throughout the cytoplasm of immunoreactive neurons and that most of the immunoreactivity is associated with the basal ganglia. Within the caudatoputamen (CP), nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and portions of the amygdaloid complex, ARPP-21 is present in neuronal somata and dendrites. In brain regions known to receive projections from these nuclei, immunoreactivity is present in puncta (presumed axons and axon terminals). These regions include the globus pallidus, ventral pallidum, entopeduncular nucleus, lateral preoptic area, and substantia nigra. Within the basal ganglia, ARPP-21 immunoreactivity is most intense in the olfactory tubercle, nucleus accumbens, medial portion of the CP, and the ventral retrochiasmatic pocket of the CP. These same areas comprise the limbic striatum, and ARPP-21 is the first substance found to be specifically enriched therein. The possibility is discussed that ARPP-21 mediates effects of multiple first messengers, including dopamine and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, that act through cAMP.  相似文献   

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