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Root canal anatomy of maxillary first and second permanent molars   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
AIM: The aim of this investigation was to study the root canal anatomy of maxillary first and second molar teeth from an Irish population sample using a clearing technique. METHODOLOGY: Eighty-three extracted permanent maxillary right first molars and 40 permanent right maxillary second molars were included in this investigation. The specimens were demineralized and then cleared using methyl salicylate. The following observations were made: number of roots, prevalence of fusion, types of root canals using Vertucci's classification, presence and position of lateral canals, presence and position of transverse anastomoses, number and position of apical foramina and the frequency of occurrence of apical deltas. RESULTS: Eleven per cent of maxillary first molars and 43% of maxillary second molars had fused roots. A total of 78% of mesiobuccal roots in maxillary first and 58% in maxillary second molars had two canals. Sixty-two per cent of maxillary first and 50% of maxillary second molars had two apical foramina. There was a significant inverse relationship between age and the occurrence of two canals and between age and the occurrence of transverse anastomoses in both tooth morphotypes (P < or = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that a significant proportion of the first and second molar specimens studied had two canals in the mesiobuccal root (78% and 58%, respectively) and that the occurrence of two canals and transverse anastomoses decreased significantly with increasing age.  相似文献   

目的:观察髓室底的解剖形态和根管口的数目和位置,探寻近颊根第二根管(MB2)根管口的定位规律.方法:选择 (7|7)离体牙220 颗,利用耳鼻喉科内窥镜系统对髓室底进行观察,测量髓室底根管口之间的位置关系,统计MB2出现率,探寻MB2根管口定位规律. 结果:髓室底观察发现,MB2基本上发生在MB-P连线的近中舌侧,MB2的发生率为38.2%. MB2-MB的距离为(1.56±0.65) mm.MB-DB的距离为(2.34±0.78) mm, MB-P的距离为(5.05±1.26) mm.∠MB2-MB-P的角度为(22.21±10.35)°. 结论:MB2根管口多位于MB-P连线的近中舌侧,且在以MB为中心, MB-P为一边,向近中做角度为(22.21±10.35)°的扇形范围内基本上能找到MB2.  相似文献   

离体上颌磨牙近中颊根第二根管出现率的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的运用透明标本观察法、螺旋CT薄层扫描技术和牙根硬组织切片观察法研究中国人离体上颌第一、二磨牙近中颊根第二根管(MB2)的出现率。方法分别收集离体上颌第一磨牙216例、第二磨牙334例,均随机分为两组:A组制成透明标本;B组标本经螺旋CT扫描后,自根尖开始每隔1mm横切牙根。所有离体牙标本均在牙科手术显微镜下观察并记录近中颊根的根管数目。结果透明标本观察法所得的上颌第一、第二磨牙MB2出现率分别为81.48%和49.70%;螺旋CT扫描技术所得的结果分别为77.78%和47.31%;牙根硬组织切片法所得的结果分别为88.89%和53.89%。上颌第一磨牙MB2出现率高于第二磨牙,其差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。同一牙位不同实验方法间的结果差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论上颌第一、二磨牙MB2出现率高,提示临床医师应努力探查该根管,以提高上颌磨牙根管治疗的成功率。  相似文献   

上颌第二磨牙近中颊根MB2根管的临床研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的研究上颌第二磨牙近中颊根第二根管的临床发现率。方法采用改良髓腔入口和探查近中颊根根管口与腭根根管口之间发育沟或暗线的方法研究上颌第二磨牙近中颊根第二根管的肉眼发现率。结果60例患者的64颗上颌第二磨牙中有19颗存在近中颊根第二根管,发现率为29.7%。结论改良髓腔入口和探查近中颊根根管口与腭根根管口之间发育沟或暗线的方法,有利于发现和治疗上颌第二磨牙近中颊根第二根管。  相似文献   

The anatomy of the mesiobuccal (MB) root of 51 maxillary first and 32 maxillary second molars was studied. Initially, an attempt was made to locate all canals using a standard access and hand instruments. A bur was next used carefully to locate any additional second mesiobuccal (mesiolingual (ML)) canals. Finally, after crown removal, the teeth were reduced horizontally in 1-mm increments and examined by microscope. A second ML canal was located in the coronal half of 95.2% of the roots: by hand instruments in 54.2%; bur in 31.3%; and microscope in 9.6%. There were no root perforations when the bur was used as described. The ML canal orifice averaged 1.82 mm lingual to the MB canal orifice. The difference in incidence of ML canals between the first and second molars was not statistically significant. The canal systems were type 1, 4.8%; type 2, 49.4%, and type 3, 45.8%.  相似文献   

C-shaped root canal configuration in maxillary first molars   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
AIM: This clinical report presents the endodontic treatment of two maxillary first molars and the anatomical study of two additional maxillary first molars with a C-shaped distally located root canal system. This configuration is not a common finding. SUMMARY: According to the endodontic literature, the C-shaped root canal is most frequently seen in the mandibular second molar. The occurrence of C-shapes in maxillary first molars, however, has only been described in a limited number of case reports. We observed this configuration in two out of 2175 root-filled maxillary first molars treated at the Department of Endodontology, Ghent University Hospital, during the last 10 years. In order to study and visualize this particular aberration, cross-sections in two additional two-rooted maxillary first molars were made. From these cross sections it can be concluded that the C-shaped canal configuration is the result of a fusion of the distobuccal and the palatal roots.  相似文献   

选择临床209例上颌第一磨牙,采用改良髓腔入路探查并治疗近中颊根第二根管(MB2),研究其临床发现率和影响因素。结果显示209例上颌第一磨牙MB2临床肉眼发现率为45.9%,年龄及再治疗对其发现率有显著影响。MB2在上颌第一磨牙中具有较高发生率,年轻患者及未经治疗病例在临床肉眼操作下更易发现MB2根管口。  相似文献   

A clinical radiographic study of endodontically treated maxillary first and second molars was conducted. The study revealed that modifying the access preparation resulted in a definite increase in the number of mesiolingual canals located and obturated.  相似文献   

探讨上颌第二乳磨牙近颊第二根管(MB2)的特征及临床治疗方法。选取患牙髓炎或根尖周炎的上颌第二乳磨牙95颗,拍摄术前及根充后 X 线片,采用耳鼻喉内窥镜观察测量髓室底各根管口位置关系;术中采用10号锉结合17%EDTA 凝胶探查根管,手动器械进行根管预备,螺旋输送器导入 Vitapex 糊剂充填根管。在95颗上颌第二乳磨牙中,有14颗存在 MB2,发现率为14.7%,MB2位于 MB-P 根管口之间假想连线的近中。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide further information on the morphology of the root canals and pulp chambers of 100 maxillary first and 100 maxillary second molars, with particular reference to the anatomical relationship of the root canal patterns and the distance between mesiobuccal (MB) and mesiolingual (ML) orifices. Each transverse section was digitally imaged to measure the interorificial distance using a stereomicroscope. The angles of primary curvatures were determined in both buccolingual (clinic view, CV) and mesiodistal (proximal view, PV) directions and the canal configuration of the MB root was classified according to the Weine classification. The rhomboidal pulp chamber floor morphology predominated in each tooth type. The mean interorificial distance in both maxillary first and second molars was significantly shorter in type II compared with type III (P < 0.05). The interorificial distance was correlated with the primary curvature of MB canal in PV in maxillary first molars (P < 0.05), whereas the primary curvature of ML canal in CV was correlated with the primary curvature of ML canal in PV in maxillary second molars (P < 0.01). The evaluation of interorificial distance in both types of maxillary molars and the curvature of ML canal in CV in maxillary second molar can give valuable information to the clinician.  相似文献   

目的 观察上颌第一磨牙的根管系统。方法 制备50个上颌第一磨牙透明牙标本,显露根管系统的空间构型,在体视显微镜下观察并记录根管系统的形态,结合应用加以统计。结果 ①上颌第一磨牙近中颊根单根管率为66%,其中Ⅰ型占38%,双根管率为34%,远中颊根Ⅰ型占74%,腭根Ⅰ型占94%。②根管侧支、根尖分歧、根尖分叉多见于近颊根,在近颊根的发生率为40%, 远颊根的发生率为24%,腭根的发生率为6%,发生部位多见于根尖1/3。结论 上颌第一磨牙近颊根的根管系统最为复杂,根管变异较远颊根多,腭根变异最少。  相似文献   

上颌第一磨牙根管弯曲度的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析上颌第一磨牙根管弯曲位置、方向及弯曲度。方法:收集80个上颌第一磨牙,在根管中分别插入15#-20#扩大针,拍摄近远中向和颊舌向X线片,用Photoshop6.0软件测量根管弯曲位置、方向和弯曲度。结果:上颌第一磨牙腭侧根管通畅、较直。远中颊侧根管80%在近远中方向、45%在颊舌方向有>5°的明显弯曲,弯曲位置多位于根中1/3,且近远中向弯曲度明显大于颊舌向(P<0.05)。近中颊根颊侧根管在近远中方向、颊舌方向分别有82.5%、77.5%出现>5°的明显弯曲。两个方向上的弯曲度无明显差异(P>0.05)。35%的标本探通了近颊根舌侧根管,其在近远中向、颊舌向出现明显弯曲的比例达91%和83%。结论:上颌第一磨牙四个根管在近远中向、颊舌方向均有不同程度的弯曲,其第二弯曲出现的情况也各不相同。  相似文献   

目的: 利用透明牙技术和锥形束CT(cone-beam computed tomography, CBCT)体层扫描技术对上颌第二磨牙根管解剖形态进行研究, 比较CBCT对根管形态的识别与透明牙有无一致性。方法: 对50颗离体牙进行CBCT扫描, 数据导入用计算机软件, 根据Vertucci根管分型, 记录每颗离体牙每个牙根的根管分型。用改良根管染色技术对离体牙进行透明牙制作, 根据Vertucci分类, 将离体牙按每个牙根进行根管类型统计。采用SPSS17.0软件包对所得数据进行统计学处理。结果: 经过对透明牙的观察, 上颌第二磨牙远中颊根和腭根根管形态以Ⅰ型(1-1)为主, 发现新的根管分型(3-2-2)。近颊根的变异比较复杂, 主要以Ⅰ型居多(54.4%), Ⅱ型(2-1)、Ⅳ型(2-2)、Ⅴ型(1-2)和Ⅵ型(2-1-2)均有发生。近颊第二根管发生率为41.3%;经一致性检验, CBCT与透明牙在根管分型上具有一致性(P<0.001)。结论: 上颌第二磨牙根管解剖形态复杂, 尤其近颊根根管类型多变。CBCT与透明牙对根管的识别具有一致性, 其提供的三维影像技术对临床工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

目的 观察临床治疗中上颌第二乳磨牙根管数目.方法 选取需行上颌第二乳磨牙根管治疗的3~8岁患儿204例,共216颗患牙.常规方法开髓、制备开髓洞型,使髓室底完全暴露,用小号锉结合17%乙二胺四乙酸(ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid,EDTA)溶液探查各根管口的位置,确定并记录根管数目,根管预备完成后采用碘仿氧化锌糊剂进行根管充填.结果 216颗上颌第二乳磨牙中,122颗为3根管(占56.5%);94颗为4根管(占43.5%),根管数目变异以近中颊根第二根管(second mesiobuccal canal,MB2)出现频率较高,占比41.2%.上颌第二乳磨牙MB2的发现率在性别(X2=1.004,P=0.316)及牙位方面的差异(X2=0.072,P=0.788)没有统计学意义.结论 上颌第二乳磨牙根管数目存在较多变异,MB2发现率较高.  相似文献   

A sample of 308 extracted human permanent maxillary first molars from an Indonesian population was randomly selected. A rhomboid access cavity was made in all teeth in anticipation of identifying a second mesiobuccal canal (MB2). Ultrasonic tips were used to open the subpulpal groove to locate the second canal in the mesiobuccal root. Dentin was carefully removed from the trifurcation area at the expense of the mesial wall. If a second canal was located, a 0.8 C+ file was inserted into it until the file reached the apex. The prevalence of a second canal in the mesiobuccal root of the permanent maxillary first molar was 68.5% (95% CI: 63.1%-73.4%) in this population. Sections of the mesial root showed that the MB2 was a separate canal in 52.6% of the sample and a joined canal in 47.4%. The mean (SD) distance between MB1 and MB2 was 1.55 (0.66) mm. The data obtained from this study provide theoretical and experimental evidence to aid in the clinical management of the MB2 canal and may increase the success rate for root canal treatment of the maxillary first molar.  相似文献   

One hundred extracted maxillary first molars from a South East Asian population were sectioned at a level below the roof of the pulp chamber. The detection of the minor mesiobuccal canal was determined on the pulpal floor using a size 08 file. When the canal was not detected by this technique, its presence or absence was then determined by sectioning the mesiobuccal root transversely, and the position of the extra canal was explored from the cut end. It was found that by modifying the outline of the access cavity, and by widening and deepening the groove running palatally from the major mesiobuccal canal up to a depth of 0.5 mm and a distance of 2.0 mm, the visibility of the extra mesiobuccal canal orifice was greatly improved. This study showed that more than 50% of maxillary first molars had a minor mesiobuccal canal, and 19% of these canals could not be detected clinically.  相似文献   

目的:运用透明牙技术研究上颌第二磨牙近颊根根管形态。方法:收集离体上颌第二磨牙70颗,先去除牙髓,根管内注入印度墨水,经10%硝酸脱钙,酒精梯度脱水,于99%水杨酸甲酯中透明,在放大镜下观察根管形态,按Vertucci标准对根管分类。结果:70颗上颌第二磨牙中67颗为三根牙,占95.71%。67颗三根牙的腭根和远颊根均为单根管,近颊根单根管率为55.22%。70颗上颌第二磨牙中,近颊第二根管(MB2)的发生率为42.86%,其根管类型以Ⅱ型(2-1)和Ⅳ型(2-2)为主。结论:上颌第二磨牙近颊根根管形态复杂,对其解剖形态熟练掌握,能够提高该牙根管治疗的成功率。  相似文献   

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