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OBJECTIVES: To estimate the suppressive effect of partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) on transitory diarrhea induced by ingestion of a sufficient amount of maltitol or lactitol in female subjects. DESIGN: The first, the minimal dose level of maltitol and lactitol that would induce transitory diarrhea was estimated separately for each subject. Individual subject was administered a dose that increased by 5 g stepwise from 10 to 45 g until diarrhea was experienced. Thereafter, the suppressive effect on diarrhea was observed after each subject ingested a mixture of 5 g of PHGG and the minimal dose level of maltitol or lactitol. SETTING: Laboratory of Public Health Nutrition, Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, Siebold University of Nagasaki. SUBJECTS: Thirty-four normal female subjects (21.3+/-0.9 years; 49.5+/-5.3 kg). MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENT: Incidence of diarrhea caused by the ingestion of maltitol or lactitol and the ratio of suppression achieved by adding PHGG for diarrhea. RESULTS: The ingestion of amounts up to 45 g of maltitol, diarrhea caused in 29 of 34 subjects (85.3%), whereas the ingestion of lactitol caused diarrhea in 100%. The diarrhea owing to maltitol was improved in 10 of 28 subjects by the addition of 5 g of PHGG to minimal dose-induced diarrhea, and that owing to lactitol was in seven of 19 subjects. Adding 10 g of PHGG strongly suppressed the diarrhea caused by maltitol, and the cumulative ratio was 82.1% (23/28). CONCLUSION: The transitory diarrhea caused by the ingestion of maltitol or lactitol was clearly suppressed by the addition of PHGG. These results strongly suggest that diarrhea caused by the ingestion of a sufficient amount of non-digestible sugar substitute can be suppressed by the addition of dietary fiber.  相似文献   

This study aims to estimate the tolerable lactose intake which can be utilized in the digestion by lactase and in the fermentation by intestinal microbes in Japanese female adults. The first, the maximum permissive dosage of lactose not to induce transitory diarrhea was estimated based on the oral ingestion of lactose at several dose levels in all the subjects, and compared with that of lactitol which is not hydrolyzed by digestive enzymes. A second lactose tolerance test involving 10 g and 30 g of lactose was carried out in 10 subjects showing resistance to diarrhea, and serum glucose and insulin levels and the amount of hydrogen excreted in the breath were measured for comparison with those of glucose and lactitol. Subjects were 43 Japanese female adults (average: age 20.5+/-2.1 y, weight 51.3+/-5.1 kg) who had not been diagnosed as having either hypolactasia or being lactose intolerant. Serum glucose and insulin levels were scarcely elevated following the ingestion of both 10 g and 30 g of lactose, while the amount of hydrogen excreted in the breath was greatly increased following the ingestion of 30 g of lactose, but these levels were less following the ingestion of 10 g of lactose. In contrast, the ingestion of 15 g of glucose significantly increased blood glucose and insulin levels, while no hydrogen was detected in the breath. The maximum permissive dosage of lactose not to induce transitory diarrhea was 0.72 g/kg of body weight and that of lactitol was 0.36 g/kg of body weight in Japanese adults. The digestive capacity of lactase is less than 10 g of lactose by single ingestion, while intestinal microflora are able to ferment approximately 20-30 g of lactose. In addition, the ingestion of more than 10 g of lactose might be contributed as prebiotics.  相似文献   

  目的  了解大学生约会暴力现状,探讨自我控制水平、对约会暴力的态度与施暴行为的关系。  方法  于2018年3 — 6月,采取整群抽样方法选取4所大学2 264名学生作为调查对象,采用约会暴力问卷、自我控制简明版量表、约会暴力态度问卷进行调查。  结果  2 264名调查对象中,施暴经历阳性报告率为68.77 %,其中男生为62.88 %,女生为73.68 %,差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 5.87,P = 0.018);三、四年级总体报告率高于一、二年级(χ2 = 16.21,P = 0.035)。其中,70.26 %的大学生对对方实施过 ≥ 3次的暴力行为。施暴类型中,精神暴力报告率最高,为78.68 %,其次为躯体暴力报告率(57.88 %)及性暴力报告率(9.57 %)。其中,女生实施精神暴力的行为明显高于男生(χ2 = 16.492,P = 0.016),而在性胁迫方面,男生施暴行为显著高于女生(χ2 = 11.02,P = 0.000)。施暴行为发生的常见原因为出现分歧双方沟通不良时(65.06 %),缺乏自尊和尊重他人、言行举止不当(57.29 %),不守时、不守信(52.41 %)。相对于无施暴行为者,施暴经历阳性组的自我控制得分明显偏低(t = 2.89,P = 0.016),约会暴力态度问卷得分较高,差异有统计学意义(t = 6.85,P = 0.000)。  结论  大学生约会暴力行为发生率较高,低自我控制能力、对约会暴力的接受度与施暴行为密切相关。  相似文献   

In this exploratory study we have examined determinants of unhealthyeating behaviours in a sample of 500 middle aged adults froma city community in Scotland. Effects of sociodemographic characteristicsand behavioural factors on the number of unhealthy eating habitswere estimated. Findings from regression analyses show strongeffects of male gender, lower occupational status, and smokingstatus on poor eating habits. A significant interaction effectbetween gender and alcohol consumption indicates a considerablegender difference in links between nutrition and drinking habits.The present findings indicate the complicated nature of determinantsof unhealthy eating behaviours and call for more complex methodsin studying patterns of eating behaviour.  相似文献   

Compared to males, females oxidize proportionately more fat and less carbohydrate during endurance exercise performed in the fasted state. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that there may also be gender differences in exogenous carbohydrate (CHOexo) oxidation during exercise. Healthy, young males (n = 7) and females (n = 7) each completed 2 exercise trials (90 min cycle ergometry at 60% VO2peak), 1 week apart. Females were eumenorrheic and were tested in the midfollicular phase of their menstrual cycle. Subjects drank intermittently either 8% CHOexo (1 g glucose x kg x h(-1)) enriched with U-13C glucose or an artificially sweetened placebo during the trial. Whole-body substrate oxidation was determined from RER, urinary urea excretion, and the ratio of 13C:12C in expired gas during the final 60 min of exercise. During the placebo trial, fat oxidation was higher in females then in males (0.42 +/- 0.07 vs 0.32 +/- 0.09 g.min(-1).kg LBM(-1) x 10(2)) at 30 min of exercise (p < .05). When averaged over the final 60 min of exercise, the relative proportions of fat, total carbohydrate, and protein were all similar between groups. During CHOexo ingestion, both the ratio of 13C:12C in expired gas (p < .05) and the proportion of energy derived from CHOexo relative to LBM (p < .05) were higher in females compared to males at 75- and 90-min exercise. When averaged over the final 60 min of exercise, the percentage of CHOexo to the total energy contribution tended to be higher in females (14.3 +/- 1.2%) than in males (11.2 +/- 1.2%; p = .05). Compared to males, females may oxidize a greater relative proportion of CHOexo during endurance exercise which, in turn, may spare more endogenous fuel. Based on these observations, ingested carbohydrate may be a particularly beneficial source of fuel during endurance exercise for females.  相似文献   

We have performed an exploratory study of eating disorders among female adolescents (N = 38) and young adult (N = 38) students living in Paris, France. A high percentage of the subjects in the adolescent (68.4%) and young adult (50%) groups displayed one or more atypical eating behaviors with grazing being prominent (60.5% and 42.1%, respectively) in both groups. Bulimia nervosa (DSM-III-R) was found only in the older group (3/38 vs. 0/38). Binge eating was significantly more frequent among the older subjects (12/38 vs. 1/38). Nicotine dependence and daily grazing with a history of grazing during childhood were reported in all subjects with bulimia nervosa (DSM-III-R). These data, while requiring replication in larger samples, indicate that atypical eating behaviors are common in the populations sampled. Furthermore, daily grazing (especially with a history of grazing during childhood) and nicotine dependence may be strongly associated with the development of bulimia nervosa. © 1994 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract Patients allergic to garlic often present dermatitis, rhinitis, asthma, and urticaria after ingestion of garlic, contact with garlic, or exposure to garlic dust. Garlic-related anaphylaxis is rare, and the impact of heating on garlic allergens is not very clear. We report a case of anaphylaxis induced by ingestion of raw rather than cooked garlic with manifestations different from previous reports, and we hypothesized that heating could reduce the allergenicity of garlic. Serum total immunoglobulin E (IgE) and specific IgE were tested using the Phadia CAP System FEIA (Phadia, Uppsala, Sweden). Protein extracts from raw and cooked garlic were analyzed by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blot. Serum-specific IgE for garlic was 8.16?kUA/L. IgE banding proteins could only be detected in raw garlic extract, because allergens in garlic were mostly degraded into small fragments after heating, as shown in SDS-PAGE profile. In conclusion, raw garlic could induce life-threatening anaphylaxis. However, most of its allergens are heat labile, and patients allergic to garlic might tolerate the cooked one well.  相似文献   

孔媛媛  张杰 《中国公共卫生》2011,27(9):1102-1104
目的比较农村青年男女自杀死亡者的自杀行为特征,为制订自杀预防和干预策略提供科学依据。方法采用心理解剖研究方法,对辽宁、山东、湖南3省16个县/市通过序贯抽样方法抽取的392例15~34岁农村自杀死亡者的784名信息人进行面访调查。结果自杀高峰期男性为4月30日-7月16日,女性为6月21日-9月21日;自杀时点男性集中于11:21-15:49,女性集中于11:03-13:56;选择在家中和家外自杀的男性分别占64.5%和35.0%,女性分别占72.5%和25.3%,不同性别自杀死亡者选择的自杀地点不同(χ2=3.91,P<0.05);男性的自杀方式主要为服农药(66.8%)、自溢(11.7%)和溺水(5.1%),女性主要为服农药(65.7%)、服其他毒药(10.7%)和自溢(9.0%),不同性别自杀死亡者选择的自杀方式不同(χ2=7.27,P<0.01);男性和女性自杀死亡者自杀意图客观环境量表得分分别为(8.40±3.33)和(8.13±3.23)分,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同性别自杀死亡者自杀意图客观环境比较,自杀行为准备差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.54,P<0.05),隔离性、可干预性、防范性、寻求帮助、后事安排、行动前提到自杀企图和写遗言、遗书或有关日记差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论农村青年男女自杀死亡者的自杀时间、自杀地点、自杀方式等自杀行为特征不同。  相似文献   

The ovaries of Kun-Ming strain mice (3 weeks) were irradiated with different doses of 12C6+ ion in the Bragg peak or the plateau region. At 10th day after irradiation, ovarian and uterine weights were measured; normal and atretic (identified with the oocyte to be degenerating or absent) primordial, primary and preantral follicles were identified in the largest cross-section of each ovary. Percentage (%) of normal follicles of each developmental stage of oogenesis was calculated. The data showed that compared to controls, there was a dose-related decrease in percentage of normal follicles in each developmental stage. And the weights of ovary and uterus were also reduced with doses of irradiation. Moreover, these effects were much more significant in the Bragg peak region and the region close to the Bragg peak than in the beam's entrance (the plateau region). Radiosensitivity varied in different follicle maturation stages. Primordial follicles, which are thought to be extremely sensitive to ionizing irradiation, were reduced by 86.6%, while primary and preantral follicles reduced only by 72.5% and 61.8% respectively, by exposure with 6 Gy of 12C6+ ion in the Bragg peak region and the region close to the Bragg peak. The data suggested that due to their optimal depth-dose distribution in the Bragg peak region, heavy ions are ones of the best particles for radiotherapy of tumors located next of vital organs or/and surrounded by normal tissues, especially radiosensitive tissues such as gonads.  相似文献   

Workups by male and female physicians in response to five common complaints in a sample of 200 men and women-100 married couples-revealed no significant differences in the extent and content. This study contrasts with observations made in a previous study of male physicians who were found to perform more extensive workups for men than for women. The present study differs from the previous one in several respects, however: (1) the physicians are significantly younger, (2) the patients are significantly older, (3) the physicians practice in a prepaid health maintenance organization as opposed to a fee-for-service group, and (4) the practice consists of men and women partners. If the first and last factors are the most important in accounting for the present observations, it is possible that whatever sexist behavior exists will decline with the infusion of young physicians-both men and women-into the evolving medical practice setting.  相似文献   

The authors report on a case of lethal lactate acidosis during acute metformine and barbiturate poisoning. The study of energetic substrates and glucoregulation hormones demonstrated a blockade of hepatic gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

乙烯利是植物生长激素催熟类农药,目前广泛应用于农业生产。本文报道1例因口服大量乙烯利致多器官功能不全而死亡的病例,并对乙烯利中毒救治中的注意事项进行了分析。  相似文献   

Laboratory taste-test studies have shown that social modeling effects on food intake are powerful. The aim of the present study was to examine the degree to which people model food intake in a more naturalistic eating setting. After completing a cover task, female participants (N=102) spent a 15-min break with a female confederate who ate a large amount or a small amount of M&Ms or no M&Ms at all. Further, the confederate had a slim or (subtly manipulated) normal-weight appearance. Females who were exposed to a confederate who ate much consumed more than those who were confronted with a confederate who ate only a little or nothing at all. Although the manipulation of the confederate's appearance had no significant main effect on the amount of food that participants consumed, a significant interaction effect was found, such that the modeling effect of eating was present only in the normal-weight appearance condition. Our findings suggest that normal-weight young women are more inclined to imitate the food intake of a female confederate if they are more similar to the confederate.  相似文献   

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